
Real Estate in the Corner of the TV Screen Is Becoming a Hot Advertising Property

Oct 31, 2011  •  Post A Comment

"Bugs," those network logos that reside at the bottom of your TV screen, are becoming fertile ground for advertisers, reports Brian Steinberg in Advertising Age.

Both The CW and Fox have sold the real estate around bugs to advertisers. The CW allowed Microsoft to physically take over its TV logo, telling viewers that The CW programs were something to "Bing About," for instance, the story notes.

Resistance to traditional commercials is fueling the trend, Steinberg writes. "Rising interest in the smallest corners of TV-screen real estate suggests advertisers believe viewers are growing even more resistant to their normal commercials," he notes.

Such screen incursions may be fine with tech-savvy viewers, who are "more accustomed to seeing multiple on-screen elements on digital tablets, smartphones and computer screens, and may be more tolerant of such intrusions on TV," the piece reports.


  1. I always wondered what those ad graphics that cover the lower quadrant of my tv screen momentarily are called. I think “bugs” is very appropriate. They bug the hell out of me. I won’t buy anything that advertises that way; it’s just like Netflix’s pop-up windows. How can an advertiser expect to get business by ticking off his prospects?

  2. I absolutely despise TV bugs. They are a distracting irritation to my enjoyment of every show I watch. The only alternative to dealing with them is to simply not watch TV.
    And I just might start doing that.

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