
Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Writes Blog Saying Fox Broadcasting (not Fox News) Should Hire Jay Leno on Feb. 7, 2014, the Day After Leno’s Last Show on NBC

Aug 12, 2013  •  Post A Comment

"FOX BROADCAST (not Fox News Channel) should hire Jay Leno on February 7, 2014 (of course no one is asking me …)," blogs Greta Van Susteren of Fox News.

Van Susteren wrote the blog today, Aug. 12, 2013, on her Fox News website, GretaWire.

Her blog says, "I just read that Jay Leno’s last night on ‘The Tonight Show’ is February 6, 2014. I have not followed the story about Leno and NBC very closely but I decided to dig a bit deeper when I saw the February 6th date."

She adds, "And guess what? Leno is winning his timeslot…..so…in NBC’s ‘great wisdom’ they are upsetting the apple cart and forcing him to go. They have a known winner and are ‘rolling the dice.’ If I were a shareholder, I would wonder about that one."

She then urges Fox Broadcasting to hire Leno.

A Huffington Post piece about Van Susteren’s Leno blog notes that it , "[E]choed the sentiment of at least one other Leno supporter at Fox. In March, Steve Pruett, the head of Fox’s affiliate board, expressed interest in developing a late night show hosted by Leno. The network told the New York Post, however, that it “has no plans for a late-night show — at this time.”


  1. Since News Corp has split into two separate companies, wouldn’t Fox News and Fox Broadcasting come under the new 21st Century Fox and the Post still be owned by News Corp?

  2. Hi Myke. You’re right. So we took out the reference. Thanks.

    Chuck Ross

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