
Why It May Be Difficult to Get to Parity in the Salaries of Men and Women Performers

Jan 18, 2018  •  Post A Comment

It may not be that easy for actresses in Hollywood to be paid as much money as their male counterparts, reports Lacy Rose in a piece for The Hollywood Reporter.

That’s the conclusion reached by Rose “after talking to a half-dozen dealmakers surveyed on the subject.”

Rose writes: “‘If all things are equal, there should be parity, but when are all things ever equal?’ says one prominent attorney, before echoing several others in arguing that trying to regulate equal pay in a creative industry where roles are rarely identical and talent has an intangible value is, at best, unrealistic and, at worst, impossible.”

The piece adds: “All say that dealmaking is, at its core, about simple economics, with greed trumping all. ‘In the trenches,’ adds another representative, ‘the buyer is just trying to pay as little as possible and, as a representative, I’m trying to get [my client] paid as much as possible.’ Which is not to suggest that women or people of color are on equal footing. To the contrary, Hollywood pacts are determined by a combination of leverage and precedent in a system where industrywide assumptions have long benefited white men. Among those assumptions: that only male action stars can open a movie abroad, and that women are willing to see ‘male’ movies with men but men are less likely to see ‘female’ movies with women.”

To read more details, please click here to read Rose’s entire article.

One Comment

  1. Mark Wahlberg is one of the biggest stars in the world, hence, 1.5 million. To be quite Frank I didn’t know who the actress was. Now you tell me who’s supposed to get the most money, did they go to that movie to see Wahlberg, or they see her? What a bunch of HS!

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