
Bravo Finds ‘Real Housewives’ in Atlanta

Jun 26, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Bravo will expand its “Real Housewives” franchise with “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” A 30-minute preview special will air July 30 at midnight ET/PT.
The seven-episode series will follow five women from Atlanta’s social elite circle, including an NBA wife and an NFL wife, as they balance careers, social calendars and home lives in the city.
“Bravo’s ‘Real Housewives’ franchise has resonated with our viewers across the country and we think they will be equally fascinated by the lavish lifestyles and personalities of these Atlanta wives. They let us peek inside their exclusive, affluent community and see how they live their often dramatic lives and manage families and careers. There is truly never a dull day for them,” Frances Berwick, executive vice president and general manager for Bravo, said in a statement.
The “Real Housewives of Atlanta” are DeShawn Snow, a mother to three boys and wife to the captain of the Cleveland Cavaliers; Kim Zolciak, a single mother of two and aspiring country singer; Lisa Wu Hartwell, wife to NFL player Ed Hartwell and multi-business owner; NeNe Leakes, an outspoken social butterfly and mother of two boys; and Sheree Whitfield, a single mother hoping to open her own clothing line.
Bravo is also developing “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.”



  2. We were burned to the ground in the Civil War… driven into the ground by the Olympics… and now we have to deal with this? Atlanta deserves better.

  3. Ahhhhh shut up clint real housewives is a great show!

  4. I thought HouseWIVES were married women who didn’t WORK???

  5. Tasha,
    that’s what I thought a housewife was also and I will still watch just to be nosey!

  6. Yes, this is “REAL Housewives of Atlanta” not “REAL Single Mothers of Atlanta”. come on guys…give me a break!!! Couldn’t the producers find more Housewives!!!!

  7. Shut up and watch the show…..

  8. I agree with Jessica. If you can remember that not all the housewives were married in Cali or NY, so why are you tripping about the definition? If you watch the shows you would know that. Save the space and turn off the television if you don’t like it.

  9. I have lived in Atlanta my whole life and am appalled by the women that were chosen for this show. Anyone who is familiar with Atlanta knows that you cant be called a true Atlantan without actually living inside the Perimeter. These women don’t even live within 20 minutes of Atlanta. The women also do not portray a good picture of the prestigious women that do live in Atlanta. I can think of many others that would be a better fit for this show. The choices that were made are embarrassing to me and my friends and family who actually reside in Atlanta.

  10. Has anyone ever heard of diversity???? This show portrays Atlanta to be a predominantly black community, which it is not!!!! I think it is ridiculous that Bravo is airing a show that is unrealistic and offensive to the true Atlanta community.

  11. These ladies could have not said it better..
    Melissa: I have lived in Atlanta my whole life and am appalled by the women that were chosen for this show. Anyone who is familiar with Atlanta knows that you cant be called a true Atlantan without actually living inside the Perimeter. These women don’t even live within 20 minutes of Atlanta. The women also do not portray a good picture of the prestigious women that do live in Atlanta. I can think of many others that would be a better fit for this show. The choices that were made are embarrassing to me and my friends and family who actually reside in Atlanta.
    Posted by Melissa | July 26, 2008 8:34 AM
    Nicole: Has anyone ever heard of diversity???? This show portrays Atlanta to be a predominantly black community, which it is not!!!! I think it is ridiculous that Bravo is airing a show that is unrealistic and offensive to the true Atlanta community.
    Posted by Nicole | July 26

  12. When has a single mom ever been defined as a housewife? That is so senseless!

  13. Nicole, so what that Atlanta is portrayed as predominantly black city.
    Are you saying that it is offensive because of that? Here’s the race card. You’re racist! You speak of diversity and there was not one black person on either of the previous housewives. The women who you, Catherine and Melissa thought should have made the show were too stuck up and boring as hell. This is diversity. So, shut up and watch the damn show!

  14. I’m looking forward to the show and telling all my co-workers to watch it. I’m like Bob and Jesica just watch the show or turn your channel. I know there are black housewives that live in Orange County and in NYC-we didn’t see any!! Why can’t the sisters make some money and give us a peek in their lives. I’m all for it!! You go GLAM SISTERS!!

  15. yep I pretty much agree with everyone I think the single women are boring but as long ad they have a ton of money I dont mind watching. I’m from Cali and if I think anyone brings shame to their state its the orange county girls. I think that there not the best women to represent the uppercrust of California. But thats just what I think, its still a great show!

  16. Catherine, Melissa and Nicole (and others like us) thank you. On diversity…Really, that wasn’t the “best” representattion of diversity. There are millions of people in “Metro Atlanta”, surely there were some more palatable yet equally entertaining personalities. More simply put, a better representation of African American women. Frankie, thank you, I will leave you with your peeps and watch something else. Better yet, I’ll do what I should have been doing and read a book.

  17. This looks like another “Flavor of Love.” They could not be more low-class and shallow. That preview was enough. Yeccch!

  18. Good representation does not necessarily make good TV.. some of these ladies look girls who started out at the bottom and clawed their way to the top… you can take the girl out of the streets/trailer but you can’t take the streets/trailer out of the girl.. I thought it was funny that Kim and NeNe are the friends… they seem like the 2 who were the least cultured and business savy. It’ll be trashy TV at it’s best.. just like the others..

  19. I watched about half of the show early this morning during insomnia attack. It should be call the “Real gold diggers of Atlanta”. The single hoochie with two daughters that lives off of Big Papa? What a lovely example of motherhood she is. And whatever NeNe’s husband sees in her is beyond me. Sheree’s ticket to ride comes in the form of a celebrity divorce. She prides herself in being a successful woman. I am so sure that her prospective husbands are going to think twice about making her an even greater success in life. DeShawn has lost herself in that big old mansion and the wait staff. Pretty soon even her parents won’t know who she is.
    I’ll watch the show when I can. I watched a few of the Orange County episodes. I am just dumbfounded at the lack of self-respect that people have for themselves.

  20. I watched it and found it interesting. I especially had to watch when I realized that I know one of the husbands. I actually feel sorry for him. (smile) But, to each his own, only what you do for CChrist will last!

  21. I watched it and I was appalled at the show and the representation of Atlanta women. Ive been in metro Atlanta my entire life. Kim is a gold digger, plain and simple. It made me SICK watching her write that $68,000 check for her Escalade. I’m willing to bet that her “Big Papa” is a married man and she’s his kept woman. Pretty pathetic and I feel sorry for her daughters. Nene is just a spaz and it is quite obvious, she is married FOR the money. Sheree is just an arrogant woman and she has money BECAUSE of a celebrity divorce. Kim is awesome! I think she is down to earth and she really has a zest for life and she deserves everything she has. Deshawn..Well, I will have to watch more on her but I think that her house and her “staff” is just ridiculous and I feel she needs to stop complaining about being a single mom during BB season when obviously, the “nanny and governess” are the moms whenever they are around. Its a crap show but Ill watch it just so my opinons can be more vaidated.
    My sister is law is a perfect woman for this show. My brother is an executive chef at one of Atlanta’s 5 star restaurants and while they have money, she works part time AND raises their 4 children under the age of 5. THAT is a REAL housewife of Atlanta!

  22. I’ve watch all the “Housewife”episodes. I enjoy watching them. Everyone knows that most of shows are scripted and that there has to be some drama in which to keep people interested in watching. That’s what i think. They sound very mercenary. Because people with money and class don’t brag about what they have, and they certainly don’t flaunt it. They are loud and obnoxious. But we can’t stop watching it. It’s fun to watch….

  23. i don’t know what to think just yet. i missed the first seven minutes so i missed the introduction of the first housewife (or first two.) i’m going to watch it just because i watched oc & ny but i would have liked to see them do something more than shop, the shopping takes me back to the oc housewives where all they do is spend. if you think about ny was more about the social circles then spending money in every episode. never the less, i hope it portrays positive images because from the previews it looks like it’s going to be a lot of messy drama.

  24. Sheree Whitfield hosted a party at the Fay Gold Gallery on April 20, 2008. “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” filmed the event & there was other media coverage. Ms. Whitfield enlisted the services of Ardoin Enterprises to replace the event planner she fired on air. Ardoin Enterprises was notified in less than 12 hours to provide desserts & decoration for the dessert table & ice sculpture table. Ms. Whitfield was billed the following day for the bakery bill of $346.61 & an additional discounted charge of $50 for services rendered. Ms. Whitfield wrote a check for $386 which bounced and after repeated attempts to collect the debt has not paid to date (7/31/08). She has been notified via telephone & email & has been presented with various methods of payment including credit card but has failed to make good on her obligation. She is on the verge of being sued in small claims court for the debt owed.

  25. I was offended, too, when Sheree mentioned that HER apparent affluence came at the expense of her divorce from (former?) football player Bob Whitfield.
    I never heard of Mr. Whitfield, and wonder if anyone can provide any background on his career, how long it lasted, and how he could have afforded to make Sheree so wealthy (I’m sure that she ‘earned’ her Community Property!)
    Sheree’s marital/divorce comments should be made to be required-instruction, to all professional rookie athletes!

  26. OK, I just found
    I was, previously, mis-spelling his name, and had come-up with nothing.
    15 seasons in the NFL, after being a first round (8th overall) draft choice in 1992.
    Retired after 2007 season.
    Dunno about children/child-support, but it must burn his butt to have to watch his Ex spend his hard-earned money.

  27. Sorry to keep ranting on Sheree (I’ve been happily maried for 32 years, so it’s not personal)but I also recall her saying (this is what torqued my nuts)that she wanted to “maintain her lifestyle” after her divorce, as if that were an entitlement, that she had somehow earned, instead of having-married-into!
    Ok, I feel better, now, and will shut-up, and keep on watching that train-wreck of a show, and just be glad that I don’t actually KNOW any people, like those portrayed on that show.

  28. This show is no different from the OC and NY shows so I don’t see why people are having a problem with it. Because they are showing women of color????
    It’s a tv show, it’s meant to be entertaining. Of course there could be a better representation of women on this show, as well as the previous shows, but that probably wouldn’t bring in the same ratings.

  29. I truly hate this show. I have watched it will try to watch it a couple more times, just to give it a fair chance. I don’t care how much money these women have, they are still classless. I am embarassed by the show. Some of the women look and act like real Hoochie mommas. This isn’t something that I would want to perpetuate for my people. There are too many intelligent women in Atlanta for this to happen.They could have chosen better. I would love to see them do something constructive. I know there were no black women on Orange County or New Yourk, but I would rather do without than have my people portrayed this way. This is not better than nothing. This is a giant step back. Who ever chose these women and approved the episodes, should be ashamed.

  30. I Live in the ATL (The Cascades)
    I love the show, I am surprised ath the response here. The Women on the OC work my last nerve.
    And are bad mother that allow the children to run wild, while getting there Botox and Weaves.

  31. I actually was awake to see the ‘meet the wives’ episode when it, first aired.
    I first of all, thought the OC wives were awful, they did however, provide entertainment. I don’t know if anyone from ‘old’ money would expose themselves to nationwide TV. I think that is why Bravo makes the choices they do. I do feel, these women have many reason’s for doing a show like this, 1. the money, I heard the OC girls make $100 K per season and 2. the exposure to their current business’, Vicky’s insurance company’s business went through the roof, Lauri and Lorilee started a jewerly company and their peices are selling faster than they can make them.
    I have not been to Atlanta in years but I can tell you, don’t worry about the rest of the country judging all Atlanta women to be similiar to these women, we don’t. One thing missing, is the much talked about ‘southern charm’. I have met a few women that have relocated to So. California from the south and they are the most gracious women I have ever met in my entire life. Going to a dinner party to their home, you are made to feel so comfortable and at home, the women on this show have no southern charm.
    Don’t worry ladies, we know this is TV.
    About Kim, the woman with ‘big Poppa’ paying her bills….here is my spin on this. He is either married, afiliated with the mob, drug dealer, or maybe there is a federal warrant out for him. Something is not right there, but the standards she is setting for her daughters, will take years of therapy to undo.
    I do like the Housewives franchise and will continue to watch, but I know that women from the south are not accurately being portrayed here, nor were they from So. California or NYC. It is just the portrayal of 5 women, not the masses in general.
    Eve, Malibu, CA

  32. I agree with Southern Mrs! I personally like the show! First of all, Have seen the previous housewife shows? Bravo picked those women for a certain reason. Then 2nd Atlanta is
    * Black (61.4%)
    * White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
    * Hispanic (4.5%)
    * Other race (2.0%)
    * Two or more races (1.2%)
    * Asian Indian (0.6%)
    * American Indian (0.5%).
    So the next time you say the Atlanta is not predominately Black think again!

  33. The Real Housewives of Atlanta is I think over kill…from the two other previous shows…did Bravo TV feel they needed to show affluent African Americans to make it an even playing field since the other 2 shows focused on Caucasian women? But what ever the reason I think I’ll sit this one out and tune into other shows. This is overkill if you ask me.

  34. Saw the preview – loved it. I have watched all of them and this one in Atlanta seems the most interesting so far.
    I love they are showing that ALL people can have money and lots of it, not just white people.
    I am white….my husband is hispanic and while we live in an expensive part of Austin he’s sometimes mistaken for the lawn service people, but he’s got a good sense of humor and it doesn’t bother him.
    Only thing I wish is that some of these people profiled (from all of the housewives shows) had more GRACE and not so snotty to others.
    I guess they don’t show those that are only housewives with major servents, nanny’s etc….because well, they sort of lead BORING lives, if you have someone that does everything for you, you can only shop so much…I guess that is where the term Idle Rich comes from.
    But I am excited to watch the season, should be VERY interesting!

  35. Atlanta’s real housewives…I hardly think so.
    Please stop the madness…and NeNe (ShaNeNe)– OMG, how/where was she found and HOW is she friends with any…well
    after stumbling across in late nite over the weekend…that 1 chick is a mistress right? He’s also a “brotha”, right?…Big Daddy? Only one of them was ok, but she is a workaholic.
    I need to work on my “reality” dreams, TV has become reality HELL! Q: Why are we watching people live, instead of “living”?! I don’t blame real actors for being upset/pissed! What a mess! Good-Night-Gracie! (…had to have been there)

  36. Pohleeeeeese, for those above who mentioned “diversity” – did you make that comment regarding the O.C. housewives and the NYC housewives, there was not a black woman in site, but I enjoyed both show. **”BRAVO”** to you Bravo network for all the women you’ve selected for the Atlanta show. It, like the previous shows, will be great viewing. The preview show for Atlanta was really good and my girlfriends and I (black and white) have all said that we cannot wait for upcoming episodes. LOVE IT – LOVE IT – LOVE IT

  37. congrats, Paper

  38. It’s really not that serious…you people who are tying your panties all in a knot over the cast members, need lives. Here’s the newsflash, they’re probably making even more money just doing the show. So, how about you find a way to build your own wealth, and stop worrying about who’s appropriate and who’s not.

  39. Can anyone tell me the date this will show

  40. If this show was predominately WHITE, there would not be an issue. For all of you on here who did not view all of the other seasons of this show, you haven’t seen anything trashy yet. Give the sistahs a chance. No one is perfect. The other housewives from previous seasons (and not all of them were married) were a HOT MESS so don’t hate. Watch the previous seasons first before making judgment.
    And who cares whether or not they are from Atlanta or suburbia? Sure, it probably would have made more sense for them to pick women in Buckhead or even the Cascade area, but who cares? It is called entertainment.

  41. I just want to point out that although there are undoubtedly better educated and more interesting women of substance to be found in Atlanta, how many of these women are willing to turn their lives upside down to be on a TV show? I am sure that they are very busy creating the life they dreamed of and making the world a better place and they most likely don’t have time to allow a camera crew and all of the associated intrusions that being on a show like this involves.
    Bravo sends out a casting call and selects the women from the responses. Bravo is looking for an interesting show that we’ll talk about the next day around the coffee machine, not an actual representation of the cream of the crop that Atlanta has to offer. So, we end up with a smattering of smuttiness and a bunch that can banter all in the name of being “Real” in Atlanta and we watch and the advertisers continue to buy commercial time thereby making money for Bravo. Voila!
    I live in Orange County and have actually seen one of the HW in person. (several times on the night before Easter, we were both scouting goodies for Easter baskets). I can assure you that although some women in the OC do have the lives depicted, that show was not an accurate representation of how most of us live, how we work and how we raise our children. But, it made for a really different show that got good ratings.
    Anyhow, I’m looking forward to this show, if only I knew when it was coming on. I’ve been teased by the preview, but does anyone know the actual start date?


  43. The fact remains that this show is talked about negatively because these are black women doing good and a lot of whites don’t like to see blacks doing good. Atlanta has more blacks successful than any other city that I am aware of. The other Housewives had single parents, divorce, party girls, loud mouth spoiled kids etc. Not many people made a big fuss… You know why because it was what America sees normal, White rich women… It is sad people are so closed minded and they know it. The same white people smile in your face but, on blogs are the same racist people as your slave owning fore fathers.

  44. I agree with Danny. The same in politics, some people are going repulican because Obama is black- It time for a change and it will change–Racist!! Like it or not.

  45. Ok I can’t wait finally blacks that have something to flunt and we are shooting them down .
    I love Orange County and I know I will enjoy Atlanta’s for sure I can’t wait.

  46. I’m white, and these women are absoulutely no worse than the OC wives — at least THEIR children are well-behaved, act appropriately, and are respectful. The Cali brigrade were awful parents, imho, and their kids ran wild and were so messed up! And talk about MATERIALISTIC …. puh-leeze … The OC women were an absolute nightmare!

  47. Oh hush up people is just entertainment… sit back enjoy the show! Ya don’t like switch to another station.

  48. There are a few people commenting on there not being enough diversity on this season. Why weren’t there any complaints about the diversity issue on the other seasons. There are plenty of people of color in the OC and especially NY. Can successful people of color get a little attention ever. It’s okay for when its negative attention though. Right?
    Switching shows really quick. Shear genius…uhh woman of color have hair too!!

  49. Okay, Okay people…i dunno what all the ranting and raving is all about! First off, I want to answer the question as too when the show will air…It will be Tuesday’s at 9pm and to touch some of the other subjects on this show…Some of you are right, they could have found better african american women to represent Atlanta (in a whole)….but tell us how interesting would that be huh!!!! And yes Kim (the one that is so-called dating and waiting for her BIG POPPA to marry her)…well he isnt, he is going to keep giving her hush money until he pisses her off and then you will hear so gracefully about him and all that he does on the internet, so sit tight and be patient! Ne-Ne…OMG she is so hood and I truly have a feeling that she will be the drama queen in this season’s episode and you can tell when a person has never had anything and she got that ole man just spending up all his hard earned money! Sheree…well I think she is BI (if you know what I mean) because during her pole dancing show, she enjoyed the dancers more than she enjoyed her friends and the alcohol…they stood back and was like “OMG that girl can work that pole, I didnt know she could get down like that”! I BET THEY DIDNT EITHER ITS PROBABLY MORE THEY DIDNT KNOW ABOUT OLE REE-REE! LOL! On to Kim…she is cool, she has just lost herself in which I think they all have just about…honestly i can say at least they showed the Orange County and New York wives giving to charitable events of some sort…I hope they show more of things like this with Atlanta housewives rather than them blowing their money on TRUE RELIGION JEANS, PRADA, GUCCI AND CHANEL AND DIAMONDS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR HOUSE OR MINES FOR THAT MATTER! And to touch bases on the other girl that is a workaholic…im proud that she is at least WORKING, AND TRYING AND NOT LIVING OFF OF A DIVORCE SETTLEMENT OR SOMETHING! I think this show will be good and it will kinda open your eyes to different people ways of thinking and maintaining their household. I do want to add before i disappear that I do appreciate their well behaved kids, because the Orange County and New York kids were horrible…they all needed therapy, taking flights to other countries in their parents private jets to get a 20 thousand or better weight loss and skin treatment! Here in Atlanta I know people that do colonics for $75.00 so they could have saved to keep putting their children threw (what they called private school)! LOL JUST GIVE THESE LADIES A CHANCE IM FROM ATLANTA SO ITS REALLY INTERESTING TO ME BECAUSE LIKE ONE PERSON SAID ON THIS BLOG, THEY ARE GETTING PAID TO AIR THEIR DAILY LIVES AND THANKS TO US VIEWERS WE ARE PAYING FOR IT!

    DeShawn Snow — wife of Cleveland Cavaliers professional NBA basketball player Eric Snow
    Kim Zolciak
    Lisa Wu Hartwell — wife of NFL professional football player Edgerton Hartwell
    NeNe Leakes — Founder of The twisted Hearts Foundation, which addresses domestic violence against women.
    Sheree Whitfield — Ex-wife of NFL professional football player Bob Whitfield

  51. I agree with Frankie, I know there are black housewives that live in Orange County and in NYC-we didn’t see any on those shows, so wasnt the race card played then too!! FYI.. the single one was married which made her a housewife, however now she is getting the divorce shouldnt be a reason for her not to be on the show, why can’t the sistahs of ATL or the surrounding area make some money and have a show like the Orange county and New York women? Thats what’s wrong with us a race of people now, we dont want to applaude or support our fellow women/men when we see them doing better than what we are doing, get over it, I’ve seen the previews of the show and I cant wait to watch the show.

  52. First of all THANK YOU ive watched both previous seasons and im pretty sure,no im certain that there is african american upper crust in both locations and we didnt even see any on the street.Now you are complaining because this show is mostly BLACK IN ATLANTA!!!!! Surprise some of the wealthiest Adr Americans reside there,why should whites be the only depicted on the series,when we are viewers too.Two seasons were dedicated to anglo elite now its the sisters turn!!!! YEAH im glad to finally see you shouldnt be offended or embarrassed if you are an atlanta native these r your people too,get over it already its 2008!

  53. This has to be the WORST show in the world. Do these people even have a clue? NeNe get outta dodge. Bring back the ladies from NY!

  54. I love the show..it’s very diverse and you don’t have to sit home to be a house wife. You should want to get out and be productive with your life..who wants to sit home, shop and do nothing after a while that gets board. It’s good to venture out and do your own thing..but whatever works!

  55. You know these ghetto woman are NO representation of the middle class or the really wealthy people in Atlanta. They make Atlanta look bad and they are a disgrace and a huge embarassment!!

  56. The show was cool for tv. It’s no different than the other housewife shows, outside of the fact that the women are women of color. However, I’m still bothered by the fact that when people have an enormous amount of wealth, they spend money carelessly, as I see on the housewives. Eric Snow’s wife is a joke. At the rate she spends his money, he’d better play another 13 years in the NBA. The other women all seem to be over the top when it comes to spending as well. The only houswife that seems to have it together is the one that’s married to the football player. Hopefully in upcoming episodes, we’ll see more of a complete side of these women that will show them doing more meaningful things, like spending quality time raising their children, helping others in need, and doing positive things in their perspective communities, other than hosting parties and trying to outdress one another.

  57. This show is like a train wreck. It is impossible to take your eyes of these idiots. It is amazing to see how much they waste to entertain their hairdressers and his friends. The real money in Atlanta, New York or Orange County would never allow or seek such publicity.
    I think City of Atlanta is predominately black but the stats for the Metro Area are much different. Where these folks are living looks more like Duluth than Atlanta. Anyway, it is all just entertainment.

  58. I think the idea of showing the housewives of Atlanta is too much for some people to take because they are not caucasian(except the one) and have money. This is no different then the housewives of orange county and new york, use your remote and switch stations instead of getting your blood pressure up.

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  61. I can’t believe I am posting here. I am a black man that has gotten into these shows since it started. I live in Atlanta Cascade area. This show is funny to me. Are there more regal women sure there are. I like what I see I personally don’t want to see a fake show of people so educated and well todo they can’t let there hair down. I love a black women that can turn it on and off. The getto side I mean. White people of America you are seeing people in there homes that in a business setting you would not see that side I am sure. Black people shop. That I’d not a false look. Brovo is keeping it real and that is fine. The woman’s name is Ne Ne. Let her live up to it. We still have the Cosby’s folks. Also there are other families on this shoe I really admire. The lady that just had the baby owns like two businesses. She is fine to by the way. Her and her husband are great. Love that couple. Some women are just like these women all aren’t there is the disclamer let’s enjoy.

  62. What the heck is NeNe’s claim to fame? I mean, what makes her an athority on what’s the finer things in life is, and can someone please tell her to get ride of that horrible honey blonde hair! It’s very unflattering. Other than that I love the show. It’s very intertaining. Everyone needs a good laugh. Why not at their expense?!!!!!!!!!!

  63. This is a sad commentary to entertainment. It is too bad that this group of women have so little confidence or concern for the world outside their own tired egos. And yet we wonder why minority women are stereotyped. The money spent to produce this show might be better spent exposing these “ladies” to higher education.

  64. this show is disgusting, the women all look like gorillas with lipstick and big purses. every retailer in atlanta sees “SUCKER” written across dey ashey foreheads…

  65. ughhhhhhh you guys find ANYTHING to pick at! ugh so annoying to watch the ignorant comments go ON AND ONNNNN same sh*t diff toilet!!! blah blah why only one white persoN blah blah they ghetto blah blah they dont live IN atlanta blah blah they not married blah blah they have jobs?!?
    i agree with this comment: Leigh: Nicole, so what that Atlanta is portrayed as predominantly black city.
    Are you saying that it is offensive because of that? Here’s the race card. You’re racist! You speak of diversity and there was not one black person on either of the previous housewives. The women who you, Catherine and Melissa thought should have made the show were too stuck up and boring as hell. This is diversity. So, shut up and watch the damn show!

  66. I hope these are actors with scripts; not real people living in Atlanta!!!! Diversity is important, but if you want Black people portrayed on T.V. shouldn’t it be more positive? We have enough buffoons(Flavor of Love)gangsters, pimps, hos, etc. All these “countrified” women are an embarassment!!! No diversity would be better than having these women represent Black Housewives anywhere.
    NeNe needs to get a different colored weave and put on a BRA!!!!

  67. I have never seen a group of stupid women like this. They give all of us a bad name just by their gender!! The “single” blonde bimbo that says she is 29??? And, she thinks she can sing?? Give me a break!! I thought she was at least 45. Who lives their life like this? These women are spoiled, abusive of others and living beyond their means. WOW, women have gone back in history at least 50 years. I know that every last one of them will fall flat on their butts with nothing just becuase of those inflated egoes they carry around daily. What a group of jerks you have exploted. Do any of them have a clue of how studit they appear???

  68. Stop hating people if these women want to shop and spend their money how they want it’s their business.It dosent matter if they got their money form a ball player, real estate mogul,or a sugar daddy I’m pretty sure they deserve it, these beautiful ladies put in enough time and energy into their relationship that they should have nothing but the best.

  69. I love the show. Yes, there could have probably been a better selection of ‘housewives’ but this is who they are presenting. Bravo is laughing all the way to the bank!
    Sadly, many of you have a problem because these women are not caucasian. I would love to see Bravo do a Real Housewives of Houston…bring in the Latina’s, Asians, the Cowboys and the African Americans. The true test is finding a circle of friends diverse enough to meet the requirements.


  71. How about real house wives of scientist/professors
    of whom I am one.

  72. Normally, I like to sit back and read all the comments on a board like this and laugh at all the ignorance. However, after reading today, I felt the need to address all the drivel that’s been posted. I am an African-American woman who has lived in NY, and in ATL also. I also watched the previous seasons of “Housewives”, and to sit here and read some of these comments has me falling out of my chair with laughter! Some of you are real jerks! First of all, the previous seasons did not have ANY black women in their casts. Please believe that there are plenty of affluent black women in NY! Where was the anger when the cast was all white? Hypocrites! Secondly, you guys are talking about the fact that Kim & Sheree don’t have husbands. New flash fools…I don’t recall that Jo was married to Slade! Housewife? I think not. All Jo did was go to parties and get drunk all the time! (and wound up with a show looking for a man w/SLADE!!!) In NY I believe it was Bethany who was single as well. Did she not break it off with her fiance? And what about the COUGAR? How soon we forget. As for the subject of shopping! Come on! That’s what women do. SHOP! I am in no way, shape or form rich. Despite that, I get my shop on consistently! Why hate on those that can do it on a grander scale? I will not even discuss the children. Minors should not be degraded, but I will state that I saw a few despicable tantrums and I do believe a stint in jail for one child. I will agree with the comment that Kim is most likely dating a black man, and it is possible that he’s married. I will definitely co-sign with whoever said that NeNe’s hair is jacked. I want to just snatch that racoon off her head and toss it in a dumpster. I love wearing fake hair because of the ability to change styles frequently, but I would never be caught with such a contraption on my dome piece! In closing, call a spade a spade. This show is no different than the other 2, just the fact that the cast is now black. And if you don’t like it, change the station. With satellite tv & cable, there are plenty of other viewing options!

  73. I must agree with NY to ATL. How soon we do forget. Let’s start with HW of OC. You have outrageous, loud, out of control, trailer trash (if she was african american would be considered ghetto)Kim who supports her out of work husband. Jeana who was miserable with her husband not to mention rude and had rude and unruly kids. Laurie who was unmarried, originally with a dope user, slept with Jo’s ex Slade and had a son in juvenile detention and rude older daughter. When she did meet and marry a ‘rich’ guy, she did not reside in Orange County. Jo who was young, wanted to be spoiled and living with a man much older because of the lifestyle he was providing. I believe that is called a gold digger. The Couger who mistakenly thought she looked as young as the much younger men she was chasing. Wrong, she looked like what she was, their mother’s age. She also had the audacity to think that one would marry her.
    None of these women were known to be involved in charitable activities. They definitely did not have foundations that they either supported, created or ran.
    At least two of the HW of ATL created and run charitable organizations (DeShawn and NeNe). I would call that giving back. Who cares if it is funded by their husband’s money. It is still giving back. So if they also spend their husband’s money on luxurious items for themselves, which as their wives they are definitely entitled to, so what. How is this a problem. The third wife is involved in a partnership with her husband and has created yet another business in which she designs and sales jewelry.
    The other two are not even housewives. But according to the previous two versions in Orange County and New York, they do not need to be. I guess they just need to be acquainted with housewives.
    Of course we will criticize. But, let’s give credit where credit is due. In all of their grandeur, at least the actual wives of ATL are also being productive and/or giving back in some way.

  74. Thank you so much reality in CA for addressing the charitable deeds of the Housewives of ATL! I got a little tired of typing, so I’m glad you took the time out to address the fact that this season’s women give time & money to those less fortunate!

  75. I enjoy watching real Atlanta housewives.
    I really think that what Deshawn, NeNe, Lisa, Kim, and Sheree are doing is GREAT. Deshawn I really like the idea that u r helping Teenage girls w/ their self-esteem,I to work w/ teenage girls and boys in Middle school. Keep up the good work all of u

  76. i dont miss an episode ((sick of the constant repleat shows,tho))i know they tryin to get they thing right now,,,and props 2u..calm it down jest a bit and stop flaggin pricetags,,
    and sweety, can i say,? whats up with the blond(very attractive woman).the deshovled wig,,,aint yer color.
    good luck i guess,,

  77. Please kind people who write such harsh words, it is just TV. Could five women with diverse interests and backgrounds [and yes I did write diverse]really represent an entire city state? I challenge anyone to have their day to day lives filmed and then invite friends and family over to view it. What do you want to bet you bore the tears out of everyone. Hey I have an idea, ….. is anyone interested in a TV show about internet bloggers who post comments on websites about TV shows? Didn’t think so 😉 I will keep watching RHOA they crack me up.

  78. blah blah these ladies are just hot messes.I don’t see how Sheree think she high class when she haven’t work for anything,buy laid on her back. In then I see why Kim and Sheree became friend bc they are both gold digger and why do Sheree children look like that if she is so high class she need to fix her kids up. In Deshawn look and is a real mess she need to come down to the real world,bc these women are not teaching their childern anyyhing. The only one who is trying to instill some vaule into her child is NeNe bc she is making sure he go yo College to get an education,not lay on your back for money, Lisa and NeNe is the only women I like bc they are real not fake!!!

  79. i love the show!! yes i think nene is a back stabber. she smile with kim talking about i love kim and she talk about her, and shree. i dont get it, she say that she for real and she is fake as it come. nene should get a live.lisa is cool she doing her thing. and loving it deshawn i felt sorry for her, and the foundation she was asking for to much money, the guess that was there just wanted to go out and eat and drink and go home talk about how bad the foundation came out she try,

  80. I love this show. I liked OC housewives too. It’s easy watching someone else blow $.It’s their $. So what. It seems to have gotten a lot of attention. I wish there were more episodes. I think the ladies are hilarious and honest about themselves.We are honest about ourselves. What is wrong with watching someone else being honest? Forget the race card. I don’t think it has anything to do with race. I think people are just envious of these ladies. You go girls!! I want to see more of them! Yeah!!!!

  81. I totally agree with Sidwell, whoever are posting negative comments about the atlanta housewives are just jealous because they can’t go out and spend large amounts of money and enjoy life to the fullest!!!! Lol,lol,lol

  82. What a nightmare.
    Why on earth would these women want to air their lives on TV?
    Get a clue.

  83. Can these woman, who claim and try to present themselves as women of class and stature, learn the English language?
    It’s Ask.. not AXE…
    There are too many references to post.. OMG
    A lesson to anyone posing: Learn English

  84. Big Poppa, is a professional wrestler by the name of Big Pappa Bump, of some something like that. He has been seen with Kim all over town.

  85. Okay, saw the latest episode. I am done with both Kim and Sheree (never really liked her anyway). Kim who was suppose to be NeNe’s best friend, obviously is not. NeNe was at least being honest with her about her singing. Kim knows that she can not sing. She is hoping that Big Poppa will pay her way to a record deal. It does not look like it. At any rate, I don’t think NeNe just started acting the way she acts. She is very straight forward. Personally, I would not want my ‘friend’ to pump my head with false support. When Kim gets to the real world, she will definitely know the truth. Kinda the way that Dallas broke it to her. She is such an air head.
    Lisa is two faced and an instigator, otherwise she would not have told Sheree what transpired in the Limo. She is the kind of person who likes to keep negative things going and then want to come in and ‘resolve’ the situation because she is a ‘positive person’ who loves everyone. Please.
    If that were the case, again she would not have told Sheree, who she knows does not like NeNe, what took place during a ‘married couples’ evening. Not to mention the fact that she was laughing also.
    Sheree is an envious person who is grasping at straws. She is desperate and trying to remain in the lifestyle of NeNe, DeShawn and Lisa. We saw her true colors when she was upset with the seamstress. Such language and behavior from the queen of class. Where was the distinction between her and NeNe? She was cursing and let all of that so call good grammar, poise and class go.
    NeNe and DeShawn need to listen to their supportive and loving husbands. Stop trying to include these negative women in their everyday lives and continue to give back, so that they will continue to be blessed.
    Just my take.

  86. Lisa i dont think it was a wise choice to tell Sheree about nene song in the car because it only made you look like the snitch and also i think Nene is a beautiful person who only say whats on her mind and you ladies should be very appreciative of that

  87. On one of the last shows it has Kim and Sheree in Kims white sports car leaving a store and they have a drink in their hand, and Kim is drinking an driving? I like DeShawn and Lisa, but I really do not think they portray the real southern belles, Kim has NO class ! I think NeNe is just a fun loving wife and mom who really loves her kids and husband. Sheree is so sold on herself that she thinks she is so ahead of everyone else you would never be able to be in her class of people I think she is a B****, I like the others ones. The show just passes time, so far they have not made much money for their charities, they spend it but can not make it, that is sad.

  88. I am not from Atlanta and I am not sure what the ppl are like there. However, I am frequent watcher of the HW of ATL (via DVR) and when you have worked 12 hours a day between 2 jobs and come home to tend to the family it will surely give you a good laugh.
    Of course each and every comment on this page is merely an opinion and I don’t think mine will make or break the show. I mean we are all boosting the ratings by just watching otherwise we wouldn’t have our comments. Here is my take on all of the cast members.
    NENE-After watching the last show it clearly defines why she is the type of person that she is. She is outspoken and a little obnoxious but according to her being in an abusive relationship I am sure there were times that she wanted to speak and couldn’t out of fear of what may happen to her and her son. So at that point you tend not to hold things in. On the flip side she has 2 kids and a husband that loves her and would love to see her happy at any degree even if. Now, I do admit that she is not the most classy when it comes to her choice of hair styles and hair colors but she is trying to make things better in her life with her foundation.
    LISA- Married to an NFL player and has ways of making her own money and not just living off of her husband. Her realty company where she is a broker, her jewelry line and not to mention she has a baby line as well. So she is all about the money. I didn’t agree with her telling Sheree about the song that NENE was singing especially knowing how she feels about her. Sheree wanting to be the center of attention will do anything for that. However, I don’t really think that she meant for it to be drawn out the way that it was.
    DESHAWN- She has a few things going for herself. I just wish she would open her mouth up when she talks and not hold her teeth together.
    SHEREE- Well lets see, where I begin. I think to start she is as fake and phony. Anytime you can gas a person up with lies just to make yourself look good says that something is wrong with you. She wants to be the “IT” but she lacks a few things when it comes to that like her own money. If you are suppose to be developing a clothing line then to throw a party to showoff your work and not have nothing to show when all these people come, what do you possible think that are saying about you? Get it together Sheree.
    KIM- OMG…………………………If big poppa has sooooooooooooo much money and loves to see her happy why won’t he tell her that hair/wig isn’t working? Oops, he doesn’t spend much time with her just his money. Never mind. If she is what an Atlanta housewife is may I never become one of them in that state? All she does is drink, smoke and attempt to live out a dream that will not be fulfilled as becoming a singer. I mean give me a break. When Dallas played back the track of her singing even she frowned at it. I thing “Big Poppa” is a rich black man with a family and a wife and a couple of other women. Because if you are well known you are just that and not just a voice behind a cell phone. It was stated in one of the shows that he was a multi-million dollar man in the music industry. Wonder how that will turn it out?
    Oh well… I will look for more comments as the show continues to air. It gives you something to talk about.


  90. i dont live in Atlanta, Ga. I live in Columbus, Ga. which is an hour away and i think that could have gotten a better group of women. As far as the the raciest thing. They dont have black women on the other housewives show and probaly never will. Im surprise that they did this one with black women. You see how short the season was compared to the other housewives shows. But back to the point…… They are not repping ATL in the right way.

  91. There are alot of things that I agree with in these comments such as: half of them are single mothers etc, but I do not agree with the fact that the show doesnt show diversity. Atlanta isknown for being the mecca for African Americans and their success, is it that heart breaking for you guys to see black families who are rich and succussful no matter how they got the money and success. As someone alreday mentioned the Orange county and NY shows showed no representation of other races and cultures and no one has anything to say about that show. We wouldnt watch or talk about the show if it wasnt full of drama but relax black people exist outside of poverty.


  93. I watched this show in amazement. How important these ladies think they are in society. I mean give me a break. Lisa appears to be the only one with some kind of common sense. NeNe is just too funny and straight up I like her! And her male friend who she goes for pedicures with he could have been a ATL HW!! LOL He had more class than Sheree had in one toe. However, Sheree is the biggest fool that has ever been on TV. Who the hell does she think fell for her line of bull with her size 10 feet. She looks like a man! OMG Kim there are no words to describe how horrified she will be when she watches this show in reruns. She singled-handly put women back a decade. I am not sure but prostitute comes to mind!! Deshawn keep on working for chartiy and stay away from these women!!!!!!!!!!

  94. I watched this show and feel that the racial comments came from the show. Kim’s exact words I don’t want to go to Deshawns party and see Nene and eat chicken…and this is a friend?? Sheree you need to look in the mirror honey you are not a fashion icon for Atlanta. You are not an A-list celebrity. Janet Jackson, Jermaine Dupree, Dallas Austin,Keshia Cole, Tyler Perry…shall I go on. NOONE ever heard of you or anything you have ever done. You are an envious and shallow woman who is jealous of Nene. You were smart enough to marry an NFL star and lock in the income with 2 kids. Lisa you wanted everyone to stay together but you started the chaos. Deshawn you really are a cool person. Nene you are a strong woman who is turning some negative experiences into positive ones.

  95. Has anyone paid attention regarding that “Kim” was also on The Housewives of Orange County? Her name on that show was Laura. If you haven’t checked it out, check it out and let me know if you think she is the same person and how she got from California to Georgia? On Housewives of Orange County, she was married to “George” for 9 months. Now she is dating “Big Pappa” whoever that is. Just curious.

  96. Iam an avid house wife viewer and have enjoyed all seasons up untill now.
    Nene is a Ghetto,Fake Ass,copy cat wanna be just like her chunky friend Deshawn (who can’t speak correctly either) Shit talker.
    Notice how she didn’t say anything to Kim (to her face) about how she felt she couldn’t sing?
    Instead she ran around town telling everyone else.
    Sence Nene claims to have so much money she need’s to go get a boob job or wear better clothes that don’t show them nasty saggy bags on her chest.
    Why couldn’t she have been a better friend to Kim?
    Because she is no kind of friend, , she is a frienamy, with friende like her who need’s enemies?
    The only reason she is where she is now is because she opened her legs to the right man , , , and funny how after the paternity results now Curtis doesn’t even wanna talk to her , , it probably was a HUGE relief to him when he found out he’s not the daddy.
    Deshawn is just anoying , I can’t stand how she can’t pronounce the words her lil brain trys to use, ,she needed go to a speach class before the taping.
    Shree is a piece of work. Although I do like her , , she also is only where she is because of a man she opened her legs to , , poor Bob (the ex).
    Kim , , , kim,kim,kim , , the poor thing.
    We all know by now she can’t\couldn’t sing , , but it is her dream she is trying to make a reality, just be supportive, she need’s it.
    Lisa, the peacemaker?
    Yea right , , if it hadn’t been for her mouth too , , , there wouldn’t have been a fude, , , or maby there would have been, , , but about something else.
    I bet all the husbands are just laughing while watching the show with thier Mistresse’s.
    If this is how Atlanta people are , , I will definately make sure never to go there.

  97. Oh and to Sherry, Kim is not on the OC show.
    They are 2 different people.
    The one on the OC is Laurie , , she found a rich man and married him, so she’s set.

  98. There is no pride bestowed upon the black community with ghetto fabulous, loud and proud, can’t do 4th grade math NeNe. Reportedly, a retired stripper who married for money is still trashy. She falls into the category of an “unbeweaveable”. Having a best friend, an honorary 6th housewife, to help bash the other women & support distasteful, loud NeNe, means nothing.
    DeShawn is too busy being “Switzerland”. She wants to be preferred by all in the group. The sad thing is she is no one’s true friend. She laughs when drunkard, loud NeNe is stabbing Kim in the back and in all other situations. She has a hard time with the honorary 6th housewife as it is against her Christian values.
    Kim did not possess the societal skills and status to thrive in Connecticut. Therefore, she rationalizes, “I’m a black woman in a white woman’s body!” The partner in crime she chose was the loudest, most uncouth, dumb but street wise NeNe. Kim is young, dumb. She apparently does not understand that she has no friend in any of the other women.
    Sheree worships Sheree. She can not altruistically love, give of herself. Her marriage was simply a cash transaction. Kim doesn’t have a brain in her head. What she’ll suffer from Sheree will be much worse than NeNe. She is smarter, cunning, a stealth shark in comparison to NeNe.
    Lisa seems not as simple as DeShawn (Ms. Switzerland), not as street/ghetto as NeNe, not as viciously evil as Sheree can be and doesn’t use sugar daddies to acquire the things she wants. During the Reunion she showed her true colors. Lisa was threatened with Kim’s falsehood in regards to the length/mass of hair she donned as hers. Apparently, it is her identity to be the woman (in particular, black woman) with copious flowing locks that are real. How dare Kim! Her physical characteristics (Chinese father, black mother) give her a sense of superiority amongst other females.She is not secure. She needs to devour her husband, make him her wristwatch. She needs to be a head above all the others.

  99. To Victoria, you are correcting people’s bad language arts skills and you can not spell your damn self. Check your spellings following mistakes Feud not Fude, their not thier, since not sence and your grammar is off the chain. You need a little help yourself.

  100. Kim & Nene writing a book about abuse? Oh please they were the two that threatened physically abuse on the last show!! Do you people not see the irony? They should be ashamed.

  101. Lisa and nene are the ones writing the book.

  102. I love all these shows but Atlanta is my fav ! i cant wait to see the new season !
    they should come to Texas ! that would be different !!

  103. I cannot believe that I am actually taking the time to post a comment on this ridiculous show, I blame in on my fever.
    I was sick over the weekend and found myself watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Orange County and New York. At first I thought it was a semi-scripted soap opera/reality show. When I realized that these shows were truly reality, I was saddened.
    I could not imagine being as dysfuntional as they are, with the illusion that they have class becasue they are well-off. It is like watching high schoolers with a credit card. The language and behavior is completely unacceptable for a woman with class, and to have that aired on national media is horrifying to me.
    I hope that other women out there, young and old do not think that these women are somebody to aspire to be. Self respect, self esteem, taste and class, cannot be purchased with any amount of money, it comes from within.
    Unfortunately after watching all three locations/versions of these shows, I have concerns for all of the families involved. I am sure though that there are enough reasonable viewers to make the distinction between what is seen on TV and what a real life “should” be like.
    All of these women are very poor representaives of the rest of the female population, regardless of what their financial or social status may be.

  104. I love that Atlanta Housewives. This is the best reality show on TV. The women are living the life they want to not asking anyone for anything. You have the lush, entreprenuers, celebrity status, etc. Keep on Doing What You Do! You girls are living the life that I want to have.
    NeeNee you are the best! You are what make the show. DeShawn has the most sweetest personality and is real. The others, are backstabbers. Lisa tries to portray that she the peacemaker when all honesty she is conniving, and manipulative. Kim told her right about herself. She do not even know how to dress. All of them can use some dress makeovers from NeeNee. The other woman, Sharee who is divorced from that unattractive football player need to do her daughter’s hair, fix her teeth, and get her son a hair cut. She’s so busy taking care of herself that she is neglecting her children. She does nothing fun or interacting with her children. How does she expect to get a 7 figure settlement, when he no longers plays ball. But I must say, I love the show and enjoy all of you. Keep it coming. I have some business ideas that I would like to share with all of you. If you like to discuss it please hit me up on my email.
    Ta Ta until next time.

  105. All you haters out there don’t hate, but appreciate. There is nothing to be ashamed of as a Black Woman to see these women on T.V. they are entertaining as well, educating. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when you get a TV show like this then you’ll stop hating.

  106. your show funny and full of drama

  107. I think that Ne Ne is so down to earth and she’s my favorite out of all the ladies! I can’t wait to see the new shows!!!!!!!!!

  108. Are the only men the ladies associate with &/or do business with gay? If they did networking with real men,they wouldn’t have so much drama…

  109. Ilove this show,NE-NE is awsome.

  110. Ilove this show,NE-NE is awsome.

  111. I think that NeNe is two faced & keeps up to much shit on the show.She called Kandi ghetto.She is the most ghetto person on the show & the loudest.


  113. I agree with u on that statement it’s to much she say she say. If they would say it to the other’s faces and not behind there back then i would kinda understand them a little. But when you think like a child of course u will act like one.Just sad that women act like this…

  114. nee nee dont believe any thing sherea has to say i think she is a lie and believe half of what u hear an none of what she says

  115. lisa i love u for keepng it real dont let nobody still your joy babygirl !!

  116. These are some tacky heffas. If all you can do to entertain is pick on Kim they need some real housewives–married women with lives centered around more than just picking on one poor white woman. If Bravo is paying them–why couldnt any of them pay their own house notes? Why has three of them been evicted. That is just plain trifling.

  117. I think the Atlanta housewives is stupid there lives is not real not sure what it is . they are back stabing and so fake and Lisa makes me sick I do not waste my time watching it any more.

  118. I think the Atlanta housewives is stupid there lives is not real not sure what it is . they are back stabing and so fake and Lisa makes me sick I do not waste my time watching it any more.

  119. All of the ladys are great, and they play the roles well . I enjoy the show and each one of them have their owm way of expressing them self, so i respect all of them .
    Hats of to all


  121. who thinks nene is a size 8? no way

  122. why want your start the real house wife of jacksonville,fl. i really think it is a money maker

  123. Has anyone ever seen “Desperate Housewives” the women on that show, from which all the “Housewife Reality Shows” were derived, were not all married. Also, please take note, the show is not the debutauntes of Atlanta, or the social register, but “The Real Housewives”, so, for face value, I love the show, I think NeNe is great, and take the show for what it is.

  124. the ladys are not real ga peaches and they need to look up the real meaning of being a house wife .it not what they doing they are giving us a bad name i am upset that they are called atl house w. low class bitter selfish and self centered want to be ladys that thet what they are. we knew that they are unhappy unhappy and they are just looking for fan . thay are acting like school kids with all of the fighting between each other i hope our little girs are not watching i hope this is just for fun and not foe real if so it giving mothers a bad name in the south we are ladys not bitter loud vain and with out direction mothers we love our husband take our children to school and cook bf and dinner daily and still look good as mom not fools on tv get a real life and grow up .

  125. the ladys are not real ga peaches and they need to look up the real meaning of being a house wife .they are giving us a bad name i am upset that they are called atl. house w. they arelow class bitter and selfish and self centered and vain we all can see that they are unhappy as moms. thay are acting like school kids with all of the fighting between one another.i hope this is just for fun and not for real if so it giving mothers a bad name. in the south we are ladys not bitter and vain and with out any real direction.real wives house are mothers we love their husbands we take care of our children we take them to school and cook bf and dinner daily and still look good as mom not fools on tv get a real life and grow up .

  126. the ladys are not real ga peaches and they need to look up the real meaning of being a house wife .they are giving us a bad name i am upset that they are called atl. house w. they arelow class bitter and selfish and self centered and vain we all can see that they are unhappy as moms. thay are acting like school kids with all of the fighting between one another.i hope this is just for fun and not for real if so it giving mothers a bad name. in the south we are ladys not bitter and vain and with out any real direction.real wives house are mothers we love their husbands we take care of our children we take them to school and cook bf and dinner daily and still look good as mom not fools on tv get a real life and grow up .

  127. Ifeel so sorry for kandi my daughter went though the same thing last year and she prayed to the lord and ask him for his help kandi lean on the lord that is where you will get your help put him first in your life and everything will work out and im praying for you and his kids and his family I was thirtysix when my dad die and i still cant understand it just be there for his kids because yi they will not understand whats going on all the love you have for AJ give it to his kids and you still have apart of him in his kids Im praying for you Kandi and just trust in the lord and he will work it out everything happen for a reason we dont know why but the lord know you are my girl on the show and i just love you and Im praying for you

  128. Ifeel so sorry for kandi my daughter went though the same thing last year and she prayed to the lord and ask him for his help kandi lean on the lord that is where you will get your help put him first in your life and everything will work out and im praying for you and his kids and his family I was thirtysix when my dad die and i still cant understand it just be there for his kids because yi they will not understand whats going on all the love you have for AJ give it to his kids and you still have apart of him in his kids Im praying for you Kandi and just trust in the lord and he will work it out everything happen for a reason we dont know why but the lord know you are my girl on the show and i just love you and Im praying for you

  129. i love the show wish i could meet u all in person u girls are great

  130. I love the show. And I love their fashion style on the show

  131. the housewives of atlanta are not really
    setting good examples to the world. kim, especially, she is a home wrecker,
    a kept woman, who is teaching her daughters to adultery. she must remember what goes around come back around , not to her but to her daughters when they grow up.

  132. i like the show but if you ask me nene is to mess and talk to much and have to much say so about people. some need to put her in her place or knock her in her place . she look like a man that is why gays like her she is one of them.

  133. i like the show but if you ask me nene is to mess and talk to much and have to much say so about people. some need to put her in her place or knock her in her place . she look like a man that is why gays like her she is one of them.

  134. I think its horrible that NeNe would boast about being an advocate for women surviving from domestic violence, then turn around and physically assault Kim. I think you have continually displayed a malicious, vindictive, aggressive spirit, and attitute to anyone you cannot controll. GET HELP PLEASE!!!! You obviously have taken on the abuse you claimed to have suffered at the hands of another. Wow isn’t interesting how you attack women, seldom men. Kind of what the abuser tells the abused, “You made me do it.”

  135. I think its horrible that NeNe would boast about being an advocate for women surviving from domestic violence, then turn around and physically assault Kim. I think you have continually displayed a malicious, vindictive, aggressive spirit, and attitute to anyone you cannot controll. GET HELP PLEASE!!!! You obviously have taken on the abuse you claimed to have suffered at the hands of another. Wow isn’t interesting how you attack women, seldom men. Kind of what the abuser tells the abused, “You made me do it.”

  136. When Sheree’s gay hairdresser was at her house and said -start the mother…….music i laughed till i cried.She is suppose to be all about class and dignatey ,then on all the previews this is on omg they beebed it out but when he said that and she started doing her model walk it was so funny.nene is a back stabber, needs false teeth on the bottom. Kims a hoe, dresses horrible.lisa is the worst actor there is .I love Kandi- She by Sheree was great(lose the assories)-I love this show p.s. does Big papa have a brother?

  137. Sheree, saying people or intermitated by her success. what success,she riding on exhusband coat tail.

  138. Sheree, saying people or intermitated by her success. what success,she riding on exhusband coat tail.

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  140. I cant stand BIG MOUTH NENE they do need to get rid of her I think shes nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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  142. These women do not even beign to refect the social elite of Atlanta. They all followed a check to Atlanta. There are alot more positve roll models our young women can mimick.
    Save the monies on this trash and donate it to one of Atlanta’s Black Colleges

  143. I would like to see pictures of DeShawn house lisa and her had the best homes and fit the show the most.

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  152. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

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  155. Don’t you want star news? Despise it? Can you take long lunches from employment when you know where the newer issue of People hits the newstands? I waiting to fully grasp the number of men and women actually find high profile gossip entertaining, and also just how many absolutely find the passion from it plain stupid.

  156. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

  157. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  158. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  159. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.

  160. hi,
    what is your opinion for Wayne Rooney
    Will he really leave Old Trafford?
    because there is now speculation that the 24 year-old could be on the move. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he did move on after all that’s gone on. However it would need to be abroad if he was to avoid the British media.

  161. hi,
    what is your opinion for Wayne Rooney
    Will he really leave Old Trafford?
    because there is now speculation that the 24 year-old could be on the move. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he did move on after all that’s gone on. However it would need to be abroad if he was to avoid the British media.

  162. I mean, I could see all this fuss over the guy if he’d led Jersey to the Finals

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  164. You are such an amazing writer. Wishing you a strength and peace that surpasses all understanding as you continue to walk the high road … you are amazing, and I honor you for being YOU! You represent grace and dignity … with a smile that melts anyone blessed to be on the receiving end of it. God Bless you Always, Carrie!!!!

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  168. frist off all i must say kandi u rock an for nene i love u girl u the best of them all u make me watch the show nene.an i got to say this kim i think ur stuck up bitch

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  199. Thank you for those stats! That fool would probably say Washington D.C. isn’t predominently Black either. If she didn’t know before you posted these statistics, I’m sure she learned who runs the city of Atlanta after the recent mayoral race, lol!

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  278. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.

  279. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

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