
The Dilemma Media Companies Face With a ‘South Park’-Muhammad Type Controversy; Also, ‘South Park’ Creators Respond to Comedy Central Editing of Show

Apr 23, 2010  •  Post A Comment

Comedy Central’s response to the "South Park"-Mohammad controversy creates both dangerous precedents and free-speech issues, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times.

According to the article, "UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh said that although he sympathizes with the predicament faced by Comedy Central, the network has potentially empowered other extremists by how it has chosen to handle the situation. ‘The consequence of this position is that the thugs win and people have more incentive to be thugs,’ said Volokh, who teaches free speech and religious freedom law. ‘There are lots of people out there who would very much like to get certain kind of material removed, whether religious or political. The more they see others winning, the more they will be likely to do the same. Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated.’ "

The article also noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it’s aware of the matter, although declined comment.

Also Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of "South Park," said in a statement that Comedy Central bleeped out Kyle’s "customary final speech" which "didn’t mention Muhammad at all," the New York Times reports.

"In fact, Kyle’s customary final speech was about intimidation and fear," Stone and Parker wrote.

 As previously reported, Comedy Central edited the episode after Stone and Parker received a threat from a radical Muslim Website that they, too, could end up like Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker who was murdered for making a critical film about Islamic society.

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