
As CNN Hits 30, Network Struggles to Find Primetime Success

Jun 1, 2010  •  Post A Comment

CNN will turn 30 on Tuesday, but it’s not likely to be a happy birthday, writes Matea Gold in the Los Angeles Times

As the cable-news network adheres to its nonpartisan stance, it’s found itself on the losing side in a ratings race with the more opinionated primetime shows on Fox News and MSNBC.

And now with Campbell Brown leaving the network, the third host since 2002 in the 8 p.m. slot, it may be weeks or months before CNN has a show ready to replace Brown’s program.

While former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who left office after being snared in a prostitution scandal, has been talked about as a possible replacement, many news veterans at CNN view the prospect "dimly."


  1. No duh. Most American have conservative values and the leading champion of liberalism can’t find an audience. Go figure.

  2. “Most American have conservative values”
    Who’s ass did you pull that nugget out of?
    When questions are asked in such a way as to get to the substance of an issue or policy, (not the lies, distortions, and scare tactics practiced by today’s GOP,) poll after poll show Americans are progressive at heart and support progressive policies like Medicare and social security. Please go back to watching FAUX News where you can say anything and your audience believes to be factual!

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