
The Founding of ‘Kid Nation’

Jul 15, 2007  •  Post A Comment

CBS encamped 40 kids in an abandoned New Mexico ghost town for more than a month. The kids performed on camera for more than 14 hours at a stretch, seven days a week, making their own meals.
They were filming during the school year, yet no studio teachers were present. They were working on a major television production, yet no parents were on the set.
The show is CBS’ upcoming reality series “Kid Nation.” When rivals first got wind of the concept, they declared the production an impossible endeavor: From a legal, labor, public relations and logistical standpoint, this show should never have worked.
Yet CBS, long considered the most conservative of the broadcast networks, quietly and without mishap shot the first season of “Nation” before the media had even a whiff of what’s become one of the most talked-about series of the fall—and seemingly stayed within the lines of applicable labor laws in the process.
How’d they do it? By literally declaring the production a “summer camp” instead of a place of employment; by taking advantage of a loophole in New Mexico labor rules two months before the state legislature tightened the law, and using a ghost town that wasn’t exactly a ghost town.
Emmy-winning “Extreme Make­over: Home Edition” executive producer Tom Forman was bored with the existing crop of reality shows when he had the inspiration for “Kid Nation.” Every new series seemed to fit firmly into worn-out templates.
There was nothing that felt like that first season of “Survivor,” a head-turning social experiment that changed the rules governing television entertainment.
Moreover, with the viewership of reality veterans “Survivor” and “The Amazing Race” dropping each season, the network that housed Mr. Forman’s production deal, CBS, needed a buzz-worthy new title to complement its more risqué fall dramas.
Networks had produced reality shows with kids before (Disney Channel had a show called “Bug Juice” set at a summer camp that’s not entirely dissimilar to “Nation”). But Mr. Forman and CBS reality head Ghen Maynard wanted to go further than any production had previously attempted in terms of isolating children from adults and the outside world.
“It’s hard to find good adult reality characters. They all know what they’re supposed to do,” said Mr. Forman, giving an interview on “Nation” for the first time since CBS’ May upfront presentation to advertisers. “You need participants who didn’t grow up on this stuff.”
The network immediately recognized the appeal—and difficulty—of the show. There were a million “what if?” disaster scenarios, such as a child getting injured on the set.
In a television genre known for breakneck turnaround times, “Kid Nation” spent six months in development at CBS as lawyers, labor and production experts vetted the plan.
One key point: Finding the right location. According to the CBS preview, “Nation” charges 40 kids with “fixing their forefathers’ mistakes” by rebuilding the “completely dead … former mining town” of Bonanza City, New Mexico, into a functioning community.
“Nation” shot at the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch, a privately owned town setting that has been featured in films such as “Silverado” and “All the Pretty Horses.” The ranch was built on the ruins of Bonanza City by various production companies. Although a few original structures remain, the bulk of the town was constructed during the past few decades.
Using a set built for filming not only made it easier for the “Nation” crew, but also was a safer environment for the kids (who ranged from 8 to 15 years old).
But even more important was the state housing the town.
New Mexico has long been considered to have some of the most lenient labor rules governing kids on entertainment productions. Two years ago, TNT ran afoul of Native American groups after extras claimed adults and kids were overworked and mistreated on “Into the West.”
On July 1, New Mexico passed legislation closing a federal loophole that had exempted television and theatrical productions from child labor law restrictions.
“We didn’t have anything in our statutes that said they can’t work a child 10 hours a day, so we had hoped that [productions] would operate in the best interests and do what’s best for the children,” said Tiffany Starr-Salcido, who specializes in child workplace rights at the New Mexico Department of Labor.
Today New Mexico (like California, New York and most states) has strict limits on the number of hours children can work on a production (18 hours during a school week, and no shooting after 7 p.m.). Many popular filmmaking states also require the presence of studio teachers and a parent or guardian, as well as regular meals.
The New Mexico labor law changes weren’t prompted by “Nation,” but they likely will prevent a second season from shooting there.
On “Nation,” kids were on camera from dawn till dusk, and then some.
“We would wake up the kids at 7 a.m. and were shooting them until sometimes midnight,” said a member of the production crew.
Kids were on the show for seven days a week, for up to 40 days, and were responsible for cooking their own meals. Though there were no teachers or parents (aside from a few at the start of the shoot), an array of physicians and an emergency medical technician were available at all times.
In addition to shooting in a state that didn’t govern child labor on TV shows, the producers legally characterized the show in a unique way to avoid complaints that kids were overworked.
“We were essentially running a summer camp,” Mr. Forman said. “They’re participants in a reality show. They’re not ‘working.’ They’re living and we’re taping what’s going on. That’s the basis behind every [legal] document for the show.”
Unlike summer camp, however, these kids were paid a $5,000 stipend for completing the production, along with lucrative “gold star” awards won during the shoot.
The summer-camp argument is similar to contract logic on some reality shows shot in a documentary style. There have been lawsuits by reality show participants that hinged on whether they were “employees” or not.
The biggest difference with “Nation” is that such long-form and immersive reality show productions usually cast adults.
As for the number of hours on the set, Mr. Forman said the kids decided their own curfew.
“We were basically camp counselors that followed the kids instead of led,” Mr. Forman said. “We were the safety net if things had ever really got out of hand.”
Sources agreed that, aside from a minor cooking burn, things never did get out of hand, and that no kids were harmed in the making of the show. In fact, crew members took pains to emphasize that they, and the kids, had an uncommonly positive experience on the set.
“The kids loved it,” one crew member said. “Some have been depressed returning to normal life.”
As for Mr. Forman, he and CBS are confident “Nation” will attract audiences, and sources said production is already scouting for a second-season cast.
“I expected a lot of off-camera hand-holding, but they just didn’t need it,” Mr. Forman said. “The kids were better human beings than you’ve ever seen on television. And when they decide to be mean to each other, they’re horrible. You’re seeing kids at their absolute best and worst.”
UPDATE 3: ‘CBS addresses ‘Kid Nation’
UPDATE 2: ‘CBS addresses ‘Kid Nation’
UPDATE: CBS addresses ‘Kid Nation’
Read James Hibberd’s ongoing TV industry news and ratings coverage in his new blog Rated.


  1. CBS a long considered conservative network, are you joking? Are any of the major three networks considered conservative? Mr. Hibberd, these so called “reality shows” have warped your perspective on what constitutes conservative programming.

  2. Won’t the kids simply rescind their contracts? How could a judge possibly affirm the contracts?

  3. CBS conservative ???????? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING.

  4. CBS conservative ???????? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING.

  5. Where were the PARENTS? Every last one of them should be investigated by their hometown authorities for CHILD ENDANGERMENT for going along with this!
    This is the rankest form of EXPLOITATION, and all child welfare groups and parent organizations in the country should mount a MASSIVE boycott of all sponsors of this sick program. Shame on CBS (but they have none) and on the producers (they have even less) for this abuse. Why not just go all the way and start a new show called “Salt Mines” and put the little tykes to work in a hole in the ground?

  6. Send Katie Couric there…

  7. It definitely doesn’t sound like a “summer camp” like the maker said but what’s the real damage done here?? Sounds like they went about doing their show as responsible as they could and the kids probably learned more out on their own than sitting in a classroom. Just my two cents

  8. Frank and George —
    You misunderstand the author.
    Read it again: he doesn’t mean “conservative” politically; he means “conservative” as in “unwilling to take risks.”

  9. This is wrong on so many levels that my brain is spinning. Wrong all the way from who thought of it to who will watch it. Of course, I’m sure ‘someone’ will be watching. People lead such pathetic lives that they leap to view someone that just ‘may’ be more pathetic than themselves. Not to mention the parents. It’s not hard to imagine finding parents that would part with their kids for two months straight. Like I said…pathetic.

  10. kids are smarter than adults anyway. maybe they should be given a chance to govern. they couldnt be any worse than anyone currently in charge.

  11. CBS… Conservative?
    Dan Rather? Mapes? Tex Air National Guard memos?
    Fake but accurate?
    See? BS?
    Ha ha!
    Hah hah hah!
    Bwah – Hahhahahahahahahahah!
    [wiping away tear] hoo, that’s a good one.
    Shah — and I heard Pravda and Izvestia were Conservative too.

  12. If the kids didn’t want to be there, they wouldn’t have been there. You can’t get kids to do a darn thing they don’t want to do.
    CBS doesn’t have an army of lawyers for nothing. I’m sure some poor first year associate went over every ream of paper making sure the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed.
    Boycotts work really well. We’ve seen how well it worked with the racially split teams on Survivor.

  13. CBS dumps kids into a ghost town …
    I always thought that was how Madrid, New Mexico got restarted. Hopefully, CBS will take the kids out of Bonanza City before things get out of hand, and we have another Madrid.

  14. Honestly, kids are stronger than we give them credit for. This is just the thing they WANT!!! Anyone who says otherwise is part of the new-order PC movement that says all aspects of our lives should be governed and persecuted at every minute step. Get over it, people! These kids are NOW depressed to be back to your “protective” reality!! They’re depressed because they now have to return to live in the increasingly oppressed U.S.A.!! This country becomes more oppressed every day!!!! It’s embarrassing!!! It’ll be interesting to watch children outsmart adults, for once!

  15. Brad,
    Are you serious? Your mind is so warped by the media, it’s not even funny. You are a fair weathered, front running, band wagon, liberal.
    Your going to agree with whatever the media tells you. If they started telling you Bush was doing a great job, you’d change your tune in a heartbeat! 8 to 15 yr old kids outsmarting adults? Please Brad, give me a break. 40 days is drop in the bucket compared to what most people have been through. How many would last after a long period of time….SAY 6 MONTHS? You kook! This is just another show, smarter than a 5th grader, trying to make you feel stupid. Reading comments like yours solidifies everything we believe as Americans. Go watch CNN or MSNBC and plagerize you poser!

  16. INCREDULOUS! How can a major TV station even work up the nerve to imagine a TV show like this, let alone the gall to set it in production. I find this show to be offensive in it’s very nature!

  17. Sounds like a lot of whining about what might happen. Kids might just need to learn the lessons these did in NATION. Might just have kids that can think and act for themselves and that make good decisions. There are sure a lot of them making questionable decisions – even with parents that do the thinking for them or those who would never let their chilldren be in any sort of “dangerous” situation. Seens to me, when I was a kid we did a lot of dangerous things and lived – in fact flurished.

  18. When I first saw the ad for this show I was appalled and shocked that parents would allow their children to participate.
    For one thing what parent in their right mind would hand over their child to strangers for 40 DAYS!
    “The kids loved it,” one crew member said. “Some have been depressed returning to normal life.”
    And when they decide to be mean to each other, they’re horrible. You’re seeing kids at their absolute best and worst.”
    No kids were harmed my foot. And what about the fallout once the show airs; good or bad!
    These kids were on set for 24 hours a day for 40 days. That 19 cents an hour.
    Kids do NOT know what’s best for them. That’s why adults are SUPPOSE to look out for them and why we have child labor laws.
    Grissom: I’m getting the impression you don’t have kids. They wouldn’t be there if they didn’t want to be there??? Adults get themselves into situations they don’t know how to get out of all the time. How is a kid suppose to find a way out when all these adults (including their parents) think this is a good idea. Did ya ever hear of peer pressure?
    I agree with Victory, they all should be investigated.
    Did I mention I’m APPALLED!

  19. I’ll bet these kids had a BLAST!!! They got an invaluable education on Economics, Politics, Food Service, and Service to OTHERS. They learned myriad lessons of life, too, many of which won’t present themselves for years to come.
    As far as CBS being conservative. I am Conservative, yet I understand the knee-jerk replies. I agree that CBS is conservative in the risks they take, NOT their politics.
    Leave these kids alone…

  20. I can not believe that the parents of these children let this happened. I have an 8 year old daughter and I would never let her do something like this. The hours these kids were worked, the dangers they went through, and missing school. This was all for what $5000 each and a bit of fame? What a joke. It is not worth the school they missed and the chance that they could get hurt bad. What were the parents thinking? The children that were in Harry Potter were treated a lot better. They could only work a few hours a day and had school too.
    CBS should be banned for pulling this stunt. The reality shows have gone too far. It is one thing to do one on adults surviving but with children…. What were these people thinking. I bet that if any of them had children that they would not put them in this show. The people that made this show should be put in their place and see how long they can take it.

  21. I think this is terrible. If we as a society start letting our children run around trying to take care of themselves, then what sort of futre does that leave for them?
    We need to make sure to keep the children safe from the evils out there. If we don’t tell them the things to fear and watch out for, they’re bound to get hurt. It makes me cringe to think about all the negative and harmful stuff that makes its way to the tv that my kids see every day. Now I got to to explain to them how these kids are able to live like that, with no grown up in charge to tell them what to do and how to be? Thanks a lot CBS.

  22. That’s just it. The kids aren’t going to be left alone. The taping of the show may well have been fun for them. It’ll be the weekly poking and prodding by critical adult fans this fall that won’t be so fun.

  23. So, child labor is back at long last! Yup, definitely sounds like a “compassionate conservative” wet dream to me.
    No longer do we need to go to China to have our consumer goods produced by children paid mere pennies per hour. Now we can bring those jobs back to America where they belong.
    Happy Days Are Here Again!

  24. This is child abuse and exploitation of minors.

  25. Oh quit fretting and wringing your hands, you ninnies. Your outrage is silly. This is a dream come true for every kid involved… what is wrong with letting a very few lucky children have an experience that is both totally unique and cool, while also being essentially very well supervised and under constant surveillance and with the very best medical attention ready at a moment’s notice – you can’t honestly think CBS was going to put kids in genuine jeopardy, did you? Get over yourselves and your righteous indignation. You’re just jealous you never got to do anything half as cool when you were young. And yes, I am a father, and yes, I’d let my boy go on a show like this. In a heartbeat. Man, how have we got so sissified?

  26. I agree that this is “child abuse and exploitation of minors.”
    Like others here, I ask, where were the parents of these children? It appears they accepted $5,000. for the use of their children and some time off from being parents — which only affirms that this was child abuse and the exploitation of minors (by all involved, CBS, “physicians” in attendance at CBS’ expense I’m sure [meaning, they were employed to certainly look out for CBS under guise of looking out for the children, or at least it’s suggested it was so] and of course by the parents of these children).
    CBS obviously used New Mexico because of the loophole cited in this article, which also suggests they made conscious attempt to exploit (aware that what they were doing was forbidden elsewhere).
    And, of course children do NOT “know what’s good for them,” if they did, there would be no stories such as this, nor no other exploitation of children, most of it far worse than here.
    In fact, the human brain is not yet mature until the early twenties — continuing to develope until then. Children need the guidance and protection of adults and there is certainly abundance information available by now to explain why.
    CBS sounds no different here than any manufacturer of child exploitation materials. As in, they’re equally disgusting as the rest who exploit children “for entertainment” purposes.

  27. Next step is to really push the envelope and put kids in the ultimate fighting championship.

  28. I would have done anything as a kid to have been on a show like this. It’s nowhere near child abuse, and using that term here cheapens its true meaning. As well, you’re crazy if you think these kinds were honestly left alone to fend for themselves

  29. This show looks great and these kids were in no danger. They got a tax free stipend, they aren’t acting, and they are learning to deal with life. I wish Paris Hilton would have been on this show as a kid. The one thing besides the church that has been marred in this country is the scouts. This show is both educational to these kids and teaches them important values.

  30. These 40 kids are going to wind up being the 40 owners of CBS. Good for them. If CBS is smart, they’ll each get a few million dollars a pop.

  31. Stranded kids? Sort of want to see the show now

  32. So…..
    The kids got 5 grand for 24/40….being filmed in a fake ghost town? And how much money is CBS going to earn from this little exercise in parental stupidity?
    Who is looking after the rights of the kids?

  33. I think the biggest insult is the fact the author of the article calls CBS conservative.I do not think the people at CBS would appreciate tht,and quite frankly as a evil conservative myself i dont appreciate being associated with them either..

  34. I think this show sounds great, one of the few (and i mean few) reality shows that sounds worth while.
    Work my ass… I’m sorry but when I was a kid I mowed lawns, washed cars, and vacuumed apartments for cash. not to mention i kept up with my chores and sometimes cooked. And I wasn’t even a farm boy, many of my friends were, and they would work 16 hours a day during harvest, driving combines and such for their parents for cash, all under the table and well before they where 16. And they nor I complained, but wanted the chance. Too many kids these days have it too easy, loafing around their suburban homes playing video games 10 hours a day and complaining if they have to make their bed, God forbid! Kids don’t hardly know the value of a dollar these days. And if you think this is some old timer writing about how it use to be in the good ol’ days, think again, I’m only 25 years old.
    Heck, when I was a kid, I would have loved to of had this opportunity. How many times did you wish you could have been the adult when you were a kid? Or are you too old to remember that far back? How many of you wish that you didn’t have to listen to your parents at some point? Be in charge of making the rules, finding out was responsibility is really like. This would have been a heck of an experience… good or bad, either way a heck of an experience.
    The only thing I have against it is they only paid $5,000 per kid… How much money will they make off of this show? on the other hand, $5,000 for a little over a months worth of ‘work,’ not bad for a nine year old. I wasn’t making that kind of money until I was 17.

  35. So kids being left alone with no parents … being forced to grow up in stressful situations before there time … sounds like CBS took a page off of Michael Jackson’s ranch.

  36. I bet the ratings will be low. Anyone remember Brat Camp? It was on ABC for one season. Boring…

  37. CBS conservative? Not any more than the Pope being Jewish. But more to the point, any network who spins their intent to “run a camp” when in fact they are filming a show is pathetic, and should pay the price with poor ratings.
    Oh wait a minute, they have Katie Couric… never mind.

  38. Hahaha, CBS isn’t conservative, its NEOCON and it supports the empire while it has been destroying our Constitutional republic. It has covered up lies, lied on programing that was suppose to be news, and hid facts that the American people needed to know but didn’t because of CBS and as a result there are 4,000 dead American boys and girls and hundred of thousands of Iraqi civilians.
    Please, don’t insult us conservatives by lumping this piece of corporate garbage with us. ABC, Disney and CBS are the worst offenders next to CNN for propoganda and disinformation. We all see it now. I haven’t watched either of those networks for anything since 9-11 and their pathetic coverage and replays of the actual events of that day. You literally have to go to the net to see replays of what happened on 9-11 because we never saw them on CBS, NBC or CNN.
    I will never trust them again or ever use the products that are advertised on their stations. I have managed to boycott them for a long time, since their news dept gave up being this nations 4th column.
    I had no idea I was missing such patheticly sick and stupid programming. Aaah, for the good ole days of real meaty programming that stimulated instead of anesthetized the public.

  39. lol at CBS being conservative. I don’t think there has been an episode of 60 min that I did not hear how evil some conservative political philosophy or conservative person was.
    Next youre going to tell me that Survivor (thoughts of nakedness and Richard tucking his thingy between his legs) and Big Brother, etc… are conservative?
    Katie Couric a conservative? Dan Rather a conservative? Interesting philosophy.
    Fidel Castro is a conservative too right?

  40. Jolly good. I have always been amazed at how resilient and independent children can be if their parents would only let them. Learning to be independent is a big part of growing up, after all. Maybe if parents see this show they will stop trying to protect their children from everything… then who knows, maybe the next generation wont consist 25 year old children that haven’t moved out of their parents house yet.
    endangerment? please. your hysterical tone makes me wonder if your parents didn’t cripple you the same way you are surely crippling your children.

  41. Another despicable example of Hollywood wackos trying to indoctrinate children viewers into watching their stupid reality shows.

  42. There’s no way I would let my child do this. Miss school, live among only other children for a month and not have me there? No way. I have a 7 and 11 year old, and would miss thenm TERRIBLY. Children need their families’ guidance and to be let out of that for a month to work and be filmed with no authority figure? My children mean to much to me to farm them out for $5,000.

  43. John (Posted by John | July 15, 2007 10:43 PM ), yes folks know that CBS is conservative in “not taking risks”, but following the postings by everyone, can’t you see that people hate CBS (and therwfore do noit watch their shows NOTR wtach their sponsers ads)?
    So CBS may not be “conservative” after all in not taking risks, I think it is a BIG risk to year-after-year aleinate a large section of the population (poltical conservatives) by hiring and leading extreme left wing liberal views.
    Of course you will probably just dismiss me (and all the others who commented) as a right wing exteremist, missing our point entirely. But then again, liberals really do not want anyone else that does not share their own views to have equal (or any) rights, especially the right to comment (free spoeech and all).

  44. The prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are treated better then what these kids had to go thru! I thought we had child labor laws!

  45. Where’s Geraldo when ya need him?

  46. For the last time, conservative not meaning politically… man, there’s more than one definition to word. And that’s not even the point of the article.
    Tom, how do you know how the kids were treated, comparing it to Guantanamo Bay is ridiculous. these kids weren’t detained for life. And just cooking your own food isn’t that tough… try it sometime.
    I would have loved to have done this as a kid. And for all of you who think this is some major crime… you’re all a bunch of overprotective parents, and I’m glad I did have you as parents. I hate to see what your kids turn out to be. Either relying on you for every decision they make when they are 30 years old (which you would probably like, right?), or the complete opposite which would be to rebel and move as far away from home as possible and call you once a month.

  47. I think by calling CBS conservative they are talking about economics and risk taking not politics. The big three CBS, ABC, and NBC are traditionally risk averse.
    It’s too early in the AM for me to get into their political stances (I hate getting mad early in the day).

  48. Its a shame more people don’t convince their kids to get out and do some form of work, yard work for example in which most of you overweight and lazy people are hiring illegal immigrants to do then complaining about that. Try getting your fat kids outside and off the pc/console/text crazed binge they are on now. Who knows, they might learn some values and lose some weight. Some of you see to want your kids to grow up to soft, pudgy lumps of dough that can’t think for themselves. There are a lot of lessons in life that cannot be taught in a classroom or in some of the examples posted above, apparently the parents are incapable of teaching and now they are pissy. Talk about going off what the media has to say, all you have to go off of is one article and already you are jumping up and down claiming its an outrage and CBS should be shot. LMAO Hard Work is the devil, work as little as possible, seems to work for some of you lardasses.

  49. The question should be, how much of the $5000 will the kids actually see ? Stupid parents have probably already decided which big screen tv to purchase with the money !

  50. Brett – I think as a teenager, I agree with you. As an 8 year old I would not. In my state, you would be neglectful if you left your child under 12 alone for even a minute. Though I don’t agree with the rule, 8 year olds still need a responsible person around. I queston including children so young. It would take a special 15 year old to “parent” an 8 yr old for 40 days & nights while fulfilling their adult roles in the town. I think its an interesting concept, and am anxious to see it.
    It would be hard to be on your own like that & return home to live under mom & dad’s rules. Do you remember Homestead? A pioneer family experiment run very similarly on public tv? I seem to recall that the people in that were also shocked (depressed?) to return to reality. I think that reaction is normal.

  51. why are people so hysterical over this? what is the big deal, anyway? i think we have evolved into a nation of fat sissies….kids can’t play in the woods, bike long distances, have a break from the ever-present parental eye, parental cell phone….sure let”s keep them in the house in front of the computer for hours a day, let their bodies evolve into flacid mush…i’m sure what they see on the internet/tv is more damaging than the 40 days at the ranch, outdoors, working chores, assuming responsabilities, having an ADVENTURE. those that are complaining sound like such sissies! yuck! no wonder some of these kids are depressed coming back to their “safe” “vacant” lives.

  52. why are people so hysterical over this? what is the big deal, anyway? i think we have evolved into a nation of fat sissies….kids can’t play in the woods, bike long distances, have a break from the ever-present parental eye, parental cell phone….sure let”s keep them in the house in front of the computer for hours a day, let their bodies evolve into flacid mush…i’m sure what they see on the internet/tv is more damaging than the 40 days at the ranch, outdoors, working chores, assuming responsabilities, having an ADVENTURE. those that are complaining sound like such sissies! yuck! no wonder some of these kids are depressed coming back to their “safe” “vacant” lives.

  53. Earnest, are you out there somewhere? Come rescue this network!

  54. Hey Cranky Media Guy: Actually the Chinese have labour laws that no one under 16 years of age can work in a factory and the laws are strictly enforcced both by the government as the inspectors can demand your papers at any time and offending plants can be fined, jailed, or executed depending upon the severity. Also independent firms audit the factories from Wal-Mart, Target, Marks & Spencer, and Disney to make sure all codes of conduct and no child labour are at the plants.
    Looks like CBS is way behing the Chinese on this issue.
    BTW: I remember working paper routes, telemarketing for newspapers, & mowing lawns/shoveling snow/walking dogs all under the age of 16 and no harm came to me. So child labour is not the issue, it’s the removal of parental supervision that is a bit disturbing.

  55. Tsk tsk CBS, and that $5000 bucks is a downright shame!! Im surprised you didnt charge them for the privilege.
    Greedy people…
    Im sure the kids had a wonderful time but that doesnt excuse the network for taking complete advantage…..
    I am so ashamed and embarrassed for these lowlife people who run the TV industry…

  56. I find it amazing that this feedback shows the state of education (or lack thereof) of some people in this country.
    “Conservative” (and “liberal” for that matter) happens to have more than one meaning.
    Maybe the Drudge Report readers, redirected from that blog to this one, need to look at their dictionaries more often.

  57. This is a really poorly written article that needs some major editing. The writer seems to have thrown together a bunch of random quotes. And to call CBS “conservative” is a bit of a joke. He probably means that it takes a more conservative approach to prime time entertainment programming, but that is why this whole thing needs a good editor and needs to be rewritten.
    It also needs some objective research–it sounds more like a CBS press release than a well-researched report where New Mexico officials and US government officials explain how this producer got away with this. And to not have parents there for 40 days–the writer should simply ask these parents, “What were you thinking?”
    Instead of praising the sneaky ways of CBS, the journalist would dig deep and uncover the lows the network went to in order to circumvent laws and produce a show that ethically abuses kids.

  58. You know when I think television has hit rock bottom (springer, maury, fear factor, big brother), some net exec always finds a way to dig deeper. Years ago, when I saw the movie ‘Network”(and later, “Running Man”), I thought they were preposterous. I thought no network would do such things. I was wrong. They have and will. There are loads of hell-bound cretins sitting in network offices. Oh, there are also loads of cast-members’ parents who deserve to be bitch-slapped for saying yes to this moronic idea!

  59. I agree with others here that “work” for older children isn’t a problem but THIS situation WAS a problem.
    I had jobs from about the age of twelve, thirteen on…the usual jobs like babysitting and eventually at about sixteen, helping my friend’s farmer father in the summertime (fulltime) with canning their crops (but I worked seven hours a day, reported the income, got a lunch break, was supervised, went home every evening and returned to work in the morning, driven to and fro by an adult if not a parent).
    The SITUATION here is very poor, what CBS arranged and how it was arranged. It does call to mind the childrens’ parents abilities because I know no one who would let any child of theirs go through this experience. If a “camp,” then they weren’t there to “work” and should not have “earned” this pitiful exploitive wage. Whoever the parents involved are are as creepy in my view as CBS is both non-conservative but liberal, and deplorably lacking in ethics.

  60. It is apparent that most of the commenter’s here have no clue of what it takes to film something like this. The kids were out numbered 3 to 1 by film crew, directors, safety, riggers and so forth. They were never alone or out of sight of an adult. This show is nothing more than 40 kids in a rustic and dusty park. It is about as real as a Harry Potter movie.

  61. CBS (AND the childrens’ parents) also LIED to the children, misled them with a “wink/wink” method that set a very, very terrible example for the children involved: “it’s a camp but you’ll earn money and be expected to work dawn to midnight…”
    This whole situation wasn’t about children working within their means AS children in some part-time jobs to make extra money and earn experience, it was about business exploiting children for entertainment. I think what CBS has done is truly despicable here.

  62. Television is dead. People are on their computers.

  63. Y’all get over it. Good, bad or indifferent, these kids learned something…the money may have, ok, probably was enticing in the beginning, but in the end, they learned something. They learned something about themselves, about the other 39 kids they were with, they learned their personal weaknesses and their personal strengths. That experience in itself will probably make or break them for the rest of their lives. And THAT is a good thing in this day and age.
    I say, “Good for them.”
    Wish this had been around when I was “young(er)” and when my son was that age.
    I know it would have made quite a difference in both our lives…..

  64. I saw some statistics in USA Today a couple of weeks ago that shocked me.
    Only 53% of of teens pay for “at least some” of the gasoline for “their” cars.
    Only 41% pay for fines (tickets, parking or driving).
    Only 29% pay for vehicle damage.
    Only 27% pay for maintainence.
    Only 20% pay for insurance.
    I repeat, “at least some” of these expenses.
    As I read the posts on this article, it is painfully obvious that parents as a whole do not give a rip about their kids and their growing up to be responsible adults. All todays parents seem to care about is if little Johnny of Susie is comfortable and happy. If they have X-boxes, TV’s in their rooms, their own cell phone, designer clothes, if they get “enough” sleep, if they “interact” enough with other kids, that they “play” every organized sport known to man, the list goes on and on.
    We have created a generation of spoiled brats that have no concept of personal responsiblity. A generation that thinks the world is owed to them on a silver platter. A generation that doesn’t have a clue on how to survive in this world.
    This stems back to lazy parents who can’t say no and who refuse to make their kids carry their own weight.
    I had not heard of this new show until I read this article. But it sounds to me as if it is a good thing and maybe something that a whole generation of kids would benefit from participating in.

  65. There is no such thing as “reality” television; it is all staged. This is the early promotion for another “reality” show and people are already starting to bite. The parents of these kids knew where they were because they were part of the hiring of these little actors. The $5K, etc., is all part of the false “reality>”

  66. As this article mentions there were medical staff available, producers, camera men, and how many other acting as a safety net? Anyone who thinks that these kids were ALONE is uninformed.
    What if you remove kids from their parents, video games, tv, comforts and normal lives for 40 days and they learn something about themselves. They learn that they are strong enough to get through tough times. They learn that not everyone shares the same beliefs that they do. They learn to appreciate what they have.
    I think it’s an interesting show that will change those kids (for the better)

  67. Sounds like the original Star Trek episode Miri in which the children were in charge. Except of course here CBS juiced these kids like oranges to squeeze a Bonanza profit.

  68. I agree that these kids were given the opportunity of a lifetime, were well-supervised, and enjoyed every minute of it. I would let my daughter do this in a second, despite the fact that I would miss her. Why should “missing” your kid factor into the decision anyway? That’s just being selfish. I do think these kids (and their families) should have gotten paid more, though, given the likely profitability of the show.

  69. As a child my parents would have been thrilled to get rid of me for one month knowing I would make $5K for my future. That is more than I make right now at 41. I could pay off my car, knock down my house payment and even have some left over to pay my TAXES. I had a paper route at age 10. I then started my own lawn care business at age 11 …. working with power equiptment etc … Too many kids have no clue what real work is and I hope at least a few of those in the show carry on to accomplish something in their life. As for me, I will not watch it as I rarely watch TV anyway. I have other things to do…..

  70. As a child my parents would have been thrilled to get rid of me for one month knowing I would make $5K for my future. That is more than I make right now at 41. I could pay off my car, knock down my house payment and even have some left over to pay my TAXES. I had a paper route at age 10. I then started my own lawn care business at age 11 …. working with power equiptment etc … Too many kids have no clue what real work is and I hope at least a few of those in the show carry on to accomplish something in their life. As for me, I will not watch it as I rarely watch TV anyway. I have other things to do…..

  71. They gave this show to “Jericho’s” time slot?!?!?

  72. What a great experience for these kids!
    No one hurt, no harm, no foul.
    These kids will benifit from this the rest of their lives.
    CBS did it for the money!
    CBS is as conservative as Lenin or Stalin!

  73. Replying to John (posted July 15, 2007 at 10:43):
    No, John, apparently YOU misunderstand the author.
    I read the same article and didn’t come away with “conservative” CBS = not taking risks. Sorry. CBS is not politically conservative, and neither is ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC.
    And please explain to us why the usual liberal pipsqueak whiners continue to complain that the major news networks favor “conservatives”?

  74. This sounds awsome! ill be watching

  75. To all you overprotective parents:
    First of all, this isn’t your child out there. So don’t have a heart attack. Your Susie or Billy is safely in your home watching TV and playing video games, getting fat, and not interacting with people outside of your bubble.
    Secondly, if you prefer the life where the government tells you everything your child can and can’t do, because you’re too lazy. Get the hell out of my country and move to a socialist country of your choice.
    I’m sure the parents of these children knew what they were doing, and don’t see anything wrong with having their kids partake in this experience. One 40 day stint in their life isn’t going to kill them.
    For all of you that still think this is a big issue, think if the thousand of children this age and younger in Northern Uganda who have to walk miles every night from their homes in the country side to sleep in common rooms with no beds, packed so tightly that sometimes they are sleeping across one another just so they can safely survive the night under armed supervision so that the Lord’s Resistance Army doesn’t forcibly ‘recruit’ them to be one of their soldiers and forced to kill.
    If this is news to you, check out http://www.invisiblechildren.com
    Let the parents do the parenting. That’s all I have to say.

  76. What a bunch of maroons, conservative has more than one meaning. Talk about looking for an argument.

  77. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post all the details of this story. I find it an interesting case study in how challenging it can be to be “free” in the U.S. today.

  78. Couldn’t have been that much fun if only one kid got hurt. Throw in a broken bone or two and it would have been heaven.
    “I wanna play cricket on the green
    Ride my bike across the street
    Cut myself and see my blood
    I wanna come home all covered in mud.”
    Pete Townshend/The Who

  79. It’s a shame that an article like this insights a political debate. It is obvious that the word conservative has to do with television programming and not some ridiculous political statement like a lot of your are deciding to run with. This article is FAR FROM a political piece yet people decide to voice their views from either side like people really care to listen. This article is about a television show that I think it pretty interesting. Adults were there, they just didn’t intervene. Read the entire article and you see that they would have stepped in if things got out of hand, but they didn’t. So they weren’t there all by themselves. Stop with the political commentary though on an article that has nothing to do with politics.

  80. Many of the comments to this article paint a very sad picture in my book in regards to knee jerk reactions, forming strong opinions with limited information, etc. Comments like “the parents should be immediately investigated for child neglect”, “CBS should be banned and/or sued”, Adults that participated should immediately be arrested”. You people don’t know anything about this “show” besides the limited information in this article. We don’t know if this is going to be “Lord of the Flies 2: Assault on New Mexico”, or “Suzie and Billy’s First Kiss at Camp Ghostie” sponsored by Nickelodeon. But, extreme opinions will be formed with little to no “real” information and dished out to others as “fact”. How about you all freak out when you actually see something to freak out about, hmmm?

  81. “kids are smarter than adults, anyway” yea, i bet they wrote a better constitution, built better freeways and high rise buildings and figured out a better system of allocating goods and resources….

  82. The kids are still under adult supervision. It’s a law. It is nice to see kids getting of their asses for once. All you limp wristed liberals need to calm down. Go to a pro abortion rally and calm down a little.

  83. Do you think one of the top brass at CBS picked up their old highschool copy of “Lord of the Flies” and thought, “hmmm, I could make a show out of this!”

  84. You guys crack me up who get all riled about CBS being called conservative. CBS news is liberal their programming is more conservative in content compared to the other networks. Fox ownership is conservative but I don’t think they had conservatives in mind when “Temptation Island” was on tv.

  85. I’ve worked that film location. It has no infrastructure – just empty wooden buildings sans heat, A/C, running water, etc.
    Better to have done this in an old school.
    The kids? …no big deal. Kids in New Mexico can legally carry guns. Grow up America.

  86. Man! I am never on the other side of a rant like this but today is different. I have 3 boys 19-13-11 and a infant daughter. I think this would be an increadable experience for the 13 and 11yr olds. I am quite sure the kids are extremely well supervised by camera and that security is always close by. We as Americans have become soft in all areas. I think this would show the children a small taste of what they can be if they work hard. The “real world” education the children recieved is better than anything in any text book can teach. Let the children grow a little. This to me has nothing to do with fame or money just letting young people see all they can be.

  87. TIME FOR A 3RD PARTY, I think this show is not only great, but really makes a point. Yes, what if the kids really do have to defend themselves. Why do I say this, because with what happening in this country they may have to defend themselves because the parents may not be around thanks to capital hill. This country is a socialist country. While we become a nation of mommy government the other countries the other countries are laughing.

  88. Dear crazy wingnuts from Drudge Report.
    What do Liberals have to do with anything? This story is about a T.V. show. Duh!

  89. RE VOTE LIBERTARIAN yall get together and change the drug stance and I am in.

  90. Well, here we go, now we’re taking children and turning them into adults….I know one thing for sure..History has taught us that a nation that fails to take care of its children is doomed to fail as a nation….Today, I am sorry to say I live in a country that has so little respect for its children (and elderly), and I fear its to late to turn it around…..

  91. Everybody needs to chill out. No kids got hurt in 40 days. Do any of you remember a summer vacation when you were a kid when you didn’t get hurt? And if you did get hurt were you not right back outside the next day climbing on the same rocks and falling off the same bike? We’re turning this country into a pile of fat video gaming puds. I went to a summer camp when I was a kid and begged my parents not to send me back because it was totally lame!! Arts and crafts made out of macaroni pictures will do nothing but turn your kid into a little dork. If I was handed this chance when I was a kid I would’ve killed for it. Actual adventure! Big deal. Teach your kids to solve their own problems and possibly figure things out on their own. Most kids these days cant even make a grilled cheese sandwich by themselves. Heaven forbid some 10 year old would play outside for a month instead of going on myspace or playing X-box all summer. Besides, you think CBS would actually take a chance in hurting a kid?? They’d be raked over the coals, I’m sure the camera crews were all adults, not to mention the excellent medical attention that I’m sure was available at all times. Chill out, take your kids training wheels off and let them skin their knees.

  92. I find it interesting how so many are willing to call it child abuse without ever seeing the show.
    I also love how everyone is jumping all over the writer for saying that CBS was conservative. He clearly was talking about programming decisions.

  93. To think that “Jericho” had been cancelled
    to make room for a show like this…. sheesh!

  94. CBS—–you are extremely irrelevant!

  95. Wel in this day andtime it doesnt surprise me…after all…..our families have to have 2 or 3 jobs and both parents workin to make ends meet…and teh children are taking care of themselves…..it is happenin in real life why not on a show?…..whats teh big deal……..looka round……all my children are grown and gone…..and my oldest had to hire a nanny to take care of my grand kids due to her and her partner…having to work 2 jobs just to pay rent..and utilities…….come on you all……its the damn day and age of growing up at 10……..nothing we can do about it….costs of living is so damn high now adays…….step back and look at teh world…quit dreaming

  96. “Conservative” does not mean right-wing political! If you know anything about CBS, the writer clearly meant creatively. And yes between Fox NBC and ABC CBS is the “most conservative” by their own admission of them by almost any standard!

  97. Leave it to CBS to make a show about this! All they needed to do, to make a reality show, about how kids manage without the parental role in their lives, was venture into a ghetto, in any major city. Heck, kids are left home alone all the time! Why just a couple of months ago, five children were left home alone, while mommy deaerst and her friend, went out drinking! Those five children died in a horrid house fire….
    Come on CBS, how about a reality show that shows some “reality” for a change.

  98. I couldn’t have said this better:
    “Oh quit fretting and wringing your hands, you ninnies. Your outrage is silly. This is a dream come true for every kid involved… what is wrong with letting a very few lucky children have an experience that is both totally unique and cool, while also being essentially very well supervised and under constant surveillance and with the very best medical attention ready at a moment’s notice – you can’t honestly think CBS was going to put kids in genuine jeopardy, did you? Get over yourselves and your righteous indignation. You’re just jealous you never got to do anything half as cool when you were young. And yes, I am a father, and yes, I’d let my boy go on a show like this. In a heartbeat. Man, how have we got so sissified?”
    Kids in this country have become largely a generation of BRATS because that is what is expected of them. Children need to learn responsibility, and how to accomplish things on their own. How is this so radically different from intensive sports camps (that kids love) or some of the amazing summer camps that do more than just have kids roast marshmallows around fires? (The kind with canoeing, and survival education, and rock climbing, and you get the idea). Or even boot camp programs for troubled youth? Now one is throwing their arms up in the air about those. I would have signed up for this in a SECOND when I was a kid. All I wanted was an opportunity to do something real, and have responsibility.
    I think this is great, and I would let my kids do it as long as they were doing it for the right reason (to learn, not for the compensation).

  99. CBS conservative?????
    “fixing their forefathers mistakes”
    This will be an obvious attempt to push socialist agendas with the theme that from the mouths of babes, we see that we should abolish private property, ban all weapons, have government controlled health care, ban the gasoline engine to save the planet, blaw, blaw, blaw. Wait and see, that’s what this show will end up being.

  100. This is a great article. I have been wondering about how this show was made with all those kids since I saw the preview. The writer did a balanced look at how the show was made, IMO, and I am definitely going to watch it.

  101. Who really cares? If the show’s a hit, OK. If not, so what.

    Click on the “CBS” tab, then click “Kid Nation”

  103. I am appalled that CBS would go out and kidnap these children and dump them out in the desert with no supervision or concern for their wellfare! What? Thousands of kids volunteered, there was a medical staff on hand, nobody was hurt and the kids enjoyed it? Well we can’t have this kind of self-reliance going on in this country they should have had at least two government workers per child on site to help them, plus daily therapy sessions with a professional to handle the stress

  104. Who really cares?
    If it’s a hit, OK.
    If not, so what?

  105. Shawn, Chill. Why is everyone trying to turn this into some socialist agenda. CHILL OUT!! Nobody mentioned anything about healthcare and private property. Its a show about a bunch of kid running around cooking for themselves and arguing amongst each other. Everybody is so afraid of socialism, and they try to find it everywhere, lookout it will get you! Its a freakin tv show, and micheal moore isnt even in it

  106. “These kids were on set for 24 hours a day for 40 days. That 19 cents an hour.”
    Colleen you may need to go back to school with some of these kids and brush up on your math skills.
    40days * 24 hours *19 cents = $182.40

  107. I agree with Ted. I’m all for protecting children but there is a point at which we protect them from even growing up. Risks are part of our life experiences. Any kid who has climbed up a tree will remember how they felt knowing that one false step and they might plummet to their death. Should we outlaw tree climbing by kids under 18? How about just outlawing tree climbing all together? Bike riding too. That is inherently risking as well. Skateboarding? Hey and there is a lot of food that is bad too. Federal government please step in and make our children’s lives 100% safe. You ‘protectionists’ are going to raise generations of adults without real understanding of responsibility and risk. Now what *they* do will really be dangerous as adults.

  108. I’m sure many of you are coming here from the drudgereport. I’m as conservative as a young man such as myself can be, and I cannot wait to watch this reality show. I absolutely hate reality shows, but this is surely one I will likely watch. Looks very interesting and I love Lord of the Flies. Just because it is a social experiment doesn’t mean it’s socialist, I think many are going way too far in criticism.
    And, you and I both know that doctors, observers, and such were always around during the filming. Just like Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel. We all know there is a cameraman and observers, a doctor, as well as close radio communication to call in any assistance from the outside world. The same went on here.
    Chill out, I personally can’t wait to watch it. It may actually keep my interest.

  109. 16 hours a day. The day may be longer in the real world at home.
    Oh, I am talking about the 1940s, 50s, 60s.
    I remember Boy Scout camping. We set the menus, did the shopping, carried the food and our tents, pots, clothes, sleeping rolls and more into the woods. We cooked, cleaned, played. Usually with two adult leaders who were there for guidance. No physicians, just a first aid kit. If you had a scrape or cut, you, you learned how to care for it. Then there was time for hiking, wood carving, knot tying and anything else we could think of.
    I bet these kids had a roaring ball!
    No wonder they are depressed after returning home.

  110. What a great idea! Who are you people screaming “exploitation”! — exploiting whom?
    I bet the kids loved it… I know my grandson would have asked to stay on forever… a kid run ghost town?
    When I read the above comments, It is no WONDER we have a dictatorship in this country… everybody needs a nanny and a nanny state!

  111. why is everyone bashing parents for letting their kids go to a summer camp?! did ya’ll never go to a camp with out your parents? there were medical teams and other safety precautions that are generally not a part of some summer camps i’ve been to. people get so worked up over things that are not a big deal. let it go. i know when i was younger, i thought it’d be awesome to do something like this. and why be upset with a tv station trying to make another dollar? it’s what makes this country run. if you don’t like it don’t watch it, and they won’t make another one. simple as that. a free market goes a long way, so quit your complaining and move on!

  112. How do you spell exploitation? Was that correct.
    Wonderful, the kids loved it. They would love being locked in a Hershey Bar factury also. Something very fishy here, inclduing the parents not being there?????

  113. How do you spell exploitation? Was that correct.
    Wonderful, the kids loved it. They would love being locked in a Hershey Bar factury also. Something very fishy here, inclduing the parents not being there?????

  114. CBS considered conservative? By who? Osama Bin Laden? Dennis Kucinich???????? CBS of the faked Bush National Guard records? This is conservative? Har de Har Har! CBS is liberal. What a joke. First Air America steals from a children’s charity, now CBS exploits children to make a buck. Disgusting! For the “children,” huh? If CBS were conservative, they would have something liberals lack–MORALS. Conservatives have MORALS. That abstract concept that liberals laugh at and poke fun. Liberals can laugh at conservatives all they like, but conservatives don’t exploit children like this. But what do you expect from the side of the political spectrum that thinks it’s okay to kill children ala abortion. Disgusting!

  115. Children learning to do for themselves is a good thing. CBS wanting to make money is their mission. I’m hope that every child acquired something positive from this experience that will help them through life. Now if CBS insisted that these children do work for 14 hours a day I think that would be a crime. But if they just followed these children around with cameras, I don’t see how that should be classified as child abuse. Surely CBS compensated these children for their time. If it’s okay to encourage children to work in humanitarian projects to aid humanity, shouldn’t it be okay for children to learn a little about building a community, even if a greedy corporation provided the means to do so? Now I have to say that I haven’t seen this program yet and neither have you. My opinion may change drastically, after seeing the show I may have the same perspective as the naysayer and I reserve the right to do so. But come on guys the concept is great!

  116. I can’t believe I’m reading this junk.

  117. Having watched the promo for this, I am quite interested in seeing how helpless our children have become. I suspect once they realize that it was really up to them to make it work, that most of them stepped up and found a strength they didnt know they posessed. The teaching of kids to fear failure only keep them from attaining success.

  118. For one, I’m hope that some people who are commenting aren’t reflective of the intelligence of most people who visit this site regularly. I just have few points that are more directed at some of the posts and not so much the article.
    1) The word “conservative” IS NOT ALWAYS REFLECTIVE OF POLITICAL IDEOLOGY! Is anyone else reading these comments getting a headache and shaking their head at the knee-jerk reactions? My goodness. Read the context in which is was written. If I said Leslie Moonves was happy and gay, would you think I meant he was homosexual?
    2) Are any of the people who are standing on their imaginary chairs and screaming “Where are the parents” actually parents themselves? And as for the wholly ridiculous comparisons to this being a working environment (or Gitmo), please stop embarrassing yourselves! You weren’t there, you have no idea what the conditions were, and just because you type 24/7 doesn’t mean that kids were literally working non-stop for 40 days! Are you critical of parents who send their kids to real summer camps for a month at a time? Or how about parents who send their kids to families who live/work on farms for the summer? Are they being exploited also?
    3) Stop trying to predict the futures of these kids and how they’ll be social misfits after the program airs. Kids are tough, they bounce back faster than adults and can handle more than we give them credit for. Why hasn’t anyone commented on if this could possibly be a valuable learning experience for the kids? And why is it OK for us to be entertained by adults going through physical and mental duress on Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother, etc but letting kids rule themselves is atrocious?
    This is all going to be moot anyway. I, like a previous poster, remember Brat Camp on ABC and how it struggled in the ratings. Granted, that was in the droll days of summer programming, so this might do a bit better.

  119. If “ifs and buts” were beer and nuts, then we’d have a party!

  120. When they say conservative i dont think they mean conservative politically, but rather that they are more conservative in their choice of programming. Meaning they dont have too many rediculous reality shows like “Man vs. Beast” or “Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader” for example.

  121. I can’t wait to watch this with my 12y/o son. As a parent I would have had trouble letting my son partake but I am sure parents were kept informed of what was going on with there children. We don’t have all the specifics of what the conditions CBS and the parents agreed to in order to allow the children to participate.

  122. When they say conservative i dont think they mean conservative politically, but rather that they are more conservative in their choice of programming. Meaning they dont have too many rediculous reality shows like “Man vs. Beast” or “Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader” for example.

  123. When they say conservative i dont think they mean conservative politically, but rather that they are more conservative in their choice of programming. Meaning they dont have too many rediculous reality shows like “Man vs. Beast” or “Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader” for example.

  124. To Martin! Why do all the whacko right wingers have to put a negative political spin on everything. Intelligently never. Always insulting and derogatory. I guess it must be genetic or possibly a chromosomal imbalance

  125. As a parent of a 12 year old that auditioned for this program, let me assure you the documents parents signed prior to the interview were extensive. Every “what if” was clearly spelled out by their lawyers. However, when asked about “school tutors,” that information was not provided to parents at the initial stage of auditioning. Each aspect of whereabouts, schooling, potential contact with your child over the 7 weeks of filming was kept quite confidential, assuming until your child advanced to a final audition round when they must have shared with parents. “Entrepreneurial” kids were targeted and parents were told kids were going to make decisions on how a town should be run, including rebuilding and reviving, town governance, creating businesses, etc. There was also no information provided on winnings up front. I am anxious to watch an episode to see what my child would have experienced in his time away – my assumption is it could have been a great learning and growing experience, building self esteem, independence, learning to work on a team, getting along with a diverse group of individuals and more! Sometimes life experiences can provide much more for a kid than sitting in a classroom.

  126. As a parent of a 12 year old that auditioned for this program, let me assure you the documents parents signed prior to the interview were extensive. Every “what if” was clearly spelled out by their lawyers. However, when asked about “school tutors,” that information was not provided to parents at the initial stage of auditioning. Each aspect of whereabouts, schooling, potential contact with your child over the 7 weeks of filming was kept quite confidential, assuming until your child advanced to a final audition round when they must have shared with parents. “Entrepreneurial” kids were targeted and parents were told kids were going to make decisions on how a town should be run, including rebuilding and reviving, town governance, creating businesses, etc. There was also no information provided on winnings up front. I am anxious to watch an episode to see what my child would have experienced in his time away – my assumption is it could have been a great learning and growing experience, building self esteem, independence, learning to work on a team, getting along with a diverse group of individuals and more! Sometimes life experiences can provide much more for a kid than sitting in a classroom.

  127. I find it highly amusing that so many political conservatives thought the author was calling CBS a politically conservative enterprise. Most words have multiple meanings. Conservatives seem to only be aware of one meaning for each word.
    By the way, I’m a liberal who supports the war in Iraq.
    I think God should just resign his position, since there are so many humans who think judging everything is their life’s mission.
    I think all those who have a problem with CBS’ television show are sticks in the mud.

  128. This to JD: Did the looney bin let you out early for your morning romp? Conservatives MORALISTIC !!!!! What are you smoking? Ann Coulter? Yep real moralistic. Michael Savage, of ” you should die of aids ” fame. Moralistic???? So what other plans do they have for you today in La La Land?

  129. Whatever way you paint this pig, it looks like child endangerment and abuse to me. Everyone involved, including the parents ought to be charged with this. If is child endangerment pure and simple. Kids don’t make their own rules, adults do. That’s what we do! By the time my kids were 17 and 18, my kids were given lots of freedom but there were still house rules. This makes me ill. I work with abused foster kids right now.

  130. I remember going to scout camp as a kid. It wasn’t much different that this. We cooked our own food, chopped our own wood, made our own shelter. Yes there were adults present, but at many of the campouts, the camp earned points toward an award based on the how much the kids did compared to the adults. I had one leader who would point out to the judges that he just sat in his chair and watched while we took care of everything.

  131. It’s George Bush’s Fault! He hates Black Peo…He Hates Kids!

  132. “We need to make sure to keep the children safe from the evils out there.”
    We as a country have done a TERRIBLE job with that already. While you have been so focused on nonsense issues like the merits of this show, YOU have let your government sell your children’s future.
    The “evil” is present, but it isn’t what you are told it is.
    “If we don’t tell them the things to fear and watch out for, they’re bound to get hurt.”
    All fear does is you back! Fear is a prision!
    Educate your children but also let them learn fromt their own mistakes.
    DO NOT instill FEAR into them! No human on earth should be afraid!

  133. Barbara, barbara, barbara (shaking head)
    My wife has worked in the human services field for 15 years and this show is definately not child endangerment…..
    Take this short test –
    Did they have adequate shelter? Yes
    Did they have adequate food? Yes, not tasting the best since they cooked it but yes.
    Did they have adequate medical treatment? Yes
    Did they sustain physical abuse? No
    Sexual abuse? No
    Was there adult supervision present? Yes
    So please inform me what makes this endangerment in your eyes?????
    True endangerment should be a concern to every parent and more should be done to stop it. But this show? Definately not.

  134. They mean conservative in their programing. Meaning they dont like to take a lot of risks. I dont think they ment it to be a political comment.

  135. Dear All:
    I have found these comments more exciting and energizing than the 45 RSS news feeds I read earlier this morning! You all are great!!

  136. Just the fact that a line like “Yet CBS, long considered the most conservative of the broadcast networks.” is so rabidly taken out of context and produces such paranoid bickering between you people PROVES that those in power (liberal or conservative) have done their job by BRAINWASHING you into believing there is a difference.
    While you “sides” argue over who is more moral and better for the country, they are BOTH charging at, slowly stealing your liberty & money!
    As a former “right-winger”, I have seen the sad reality of it all. Enlightened! Government is forced control; no matter WHO sit on the throne.
    Stop looking in ONE directions for the apocalypse, and turn around a few times. 360 degrees of terror.

  137. Sounds like a cheap gimmick. Very lame.

  138. What kind of a parent hands over their 8 yr old to a production company for over a month???
    What kind of production company twists the truth to their convenience and calls work a “summer camp” to exploit children for MONEY???
    This type of “reality” show is for bottom feeders. I hope it tanks!

  139. If such a summer camp were available to me when I was a kid, I would have signed up in a heartbeat. $5000 would have been nice too. This is not exploitation at all.

  140. i love how every time something like this, idiots start screaming about the welfare of the kids and exploitation.
    do you have any idea what is going on during the filming?
    either way i cant stand how people in this country like to spout off about things they know NOTHING about.
    self centered idiots.

  141. The Conservative meaning:
    Yet CBS, long considered the most conservative of the broadcast networks, quietly and without mishap shot—
    Commas before and after make the statement only pseudo political. Based on public awareness of the word. I personally would define it as political.
    It does not meet ethical standards. Paying parents… Does make it coercion.
    I do concur the kids will learn about work in a way that albeit is wrong but will put a spine into their future.
    I will not watch. Considering the ages and voyeurism. They are not of age to make these decisions that ‘may’ adversely affect their lives.

  142. Kids are stronger then you think and I think this is a great idea–self reliance is a great life skill- just ask any Liberal who can not function for 2 sec if the GOV is not paying for it. If the show interests you – watch it if not turn the channel. But stop all this bellyaching–These kids had parental approval to do this.

  143. I guess a lot of you forgot the feauture film, Twilight Zone? The movie where two kids were killed on set when an explosive hit the helicopter, and the helicopter blade decapited the 2 underage kids along with the actor Vic Morrow. Oh, by the way, they were on the set illegally, because the state of CA does have labor laws to protect children from greedy adults. However, the production company convinced the parents to let their 2 kids shoot a night scene, (it is a violation of the child labor laws for children to work after 7pm and to work w/ explosives and dangerous special effects.) with Vic Morrow, because it would be fun…CA labor laws are made to protect children from greedy adults. Kids think anything different is fun for a few minutes, that is why the kids were crying on the show, (Kid Nation), and asking to go home… Oh yeah, the kids don’t get kicked out of the fake town, they beg to go home, that’s how they leave the show.
    So I guess the chld whose home life is worse than the show’s fake facade, will win. Watch the show.

  144. Thanks guys. Most of you are making me laugh.
    nothing better to do than scream about misuse of the term conservative and hypothetical endangerment of children?
    must be nice.
    me? im going back to work.
    thanks for the laughs

  145. Bravo to CBS! Most laws are put into place as the result of a relatively small number of obvious problems or abuses. Child labor laws are the same. They are arbitrary and are not truly reflective of the current generation. I would bet any amount of money that these children thrived on the level of responsibility they had. Unfortunately our society looks at children and thinks they should have no responsibility and “let kids be kids”. This definitely is a contributing factor in our nation’s decline as a world leader. Kids are young adults and would like to be treated as such. I had my first job when I was 8 as an assistant janitor, by 10 I had a paper route for a major newspaper, by 11 I was working as a busboy in a local restaurant and I never stopped working. It was the best education I ever recieved. I bet these kids will be having the time of their life and if their parents don’t get all “Hollywood” on them after they return home, these kids will be great contributors to society.

  146. Chris,
    Where in the article does it say the PARENTS got the $5000? Sounds like you are assuming the parents took the money from their kids and spent it on themselves. Don’t watch, with publicity like this your lack of viewership will not be missed.

  147. come on people, do not confuse the use of conservative here with the political term.
    CBS is not known for taking big chances with tv shows.

  148. Wow! There sure are a lot of negative comments in here.
    So, 40 highly-monitored kids making a go of it on thier own is abusive? Man. No wonder we have a nation of underachievers. No one lets kids DO anything anymore.
    Those kids were probably safer there than they’d have been at an L.A. Catholic Church. ($600 million in sex abuse settlements!)
    There’s only been one time since I’ve owned my home that a neighborhood kid even solicited yardwork. 5 little boys showed up with one rake between em and asked if I wanted the leaves raked. They wanted money to go rollerskating.
    I was so impressed with thier attitude that I bought em 4 more rakes and 200 lawn bags so they could continue elsewhere after they got done with my yard.
    Know what? I am willing to wager they’ll be back this fall.
    I am also willing to wager that the kids in this camp/production learned more there in 40 days than a lot of folks here have learned in a lifetime.

  149. You guys are all upset because it takes away your power, influence and control as adults. So what? What harm has come? Those kids must have had a blast & there were a staff of physicians and adults there THE WHOLE TIME. Ask a kid if they don’t know what’s good for them – they know that a fire is hot & will burn them, they know if they eat too many sweets they will get a tummy ache. Are you saying that kids are stupid? They are still on the human continuum, still have the genetic make up that tries to avert pain & wants to make them survive. It kills you because, yes, your kids could indeed live without you.

  150. Yep, bringing back child labor – the number two conservative wet dream (after fascism, of course).
    People love to flog the Dan Rather story but CBS unfailingly parrots conservative talking points at every opportunity, especially Couric.
    Todays “conservatives” of course, won’t even admit that Fox News is a propaganda channel, so why would they admit that CBS bows and scrapes to them?
    Again Child Labor=Conservative Paradise. End of story.

  151. Heck with the kids take all the candidates for ’08 & get their shiny little as*&@ to that ghost town, show us who wins after the election, NO PRESS RELATIONS or Makeup people TRUE grit TV

  152. This is rather humorous; It sounds that this show isn’t anymore than a month a Scout camp.
    Camp is where children learn self confidence and how to overcome physical, emotional social situations, politicol, work, and governance challenges. Scouts run their own show, parents stay far in the background.
    THIS results in youth who have self confidence(read self esteem) in knowing individually and collectively that nearly anything can be accomplshed if one sets his mind to that end. I’ve never watched a reality show, to date. I may watch this one. The majority of those children are probably far better for the experience and the tales they will tell their own children will be priceless. A tip of the hat to the parents involved for knowing the benefits of such an experience.

  153. No… What I am saying is, pay them union scale, or whatever for making CBS a lot of money. Reality tv or what ever you want to call it, is a show where the producers, the crew and the medical personnell on set were making money according to their job description. Those kids were in fact actors… Pay them accordingly. $5000 for working 24/7 does not add up… you do the math. Or, what salary woudl you ask for if you had to work 24/7?

  154. CBS is by no means a CONSERVATIVE station – LOL – that negated the entire article right there, but I do look forward to watching this show because it’ll just be kids being kids not trying to fit into a specific stereotype as people often do on these reality shows that aren’t so “real” these days.

  155. This is a new low…perhaps the good that still beats in the heart of America will find itself and end this sick downward cycle before we become a rock bottom nation of twisted voyeurs.
    It is time for “reality TV” to die. It has been abusive since inception…Now, using children in it’s sick abuse has shown it for what it is and what we don’t want to be.
    I for one will boycott CBS until this show is taken off thier active project list.

  156. The daughter of my close friend was an original screener and production assistant on “Kid Nation.” I was privy to many of the ups and downs of what the crew and kids experienced. It is more likly that the crew was “damaged” by all the hard work and logistics of the production. The PA’s pulled double and triple duty getting the show done and making sure the kid’s were monitored 24/7.
    The parents and kids should be congratulated for being part of what will prove to be a landmark show.
    Maybe it will teach a few of the spoiled generation of kids just how good they have it and how bad things could be.
    Those kids were lucky to be chosen and will be all the better for the experience. And $5000 is more than most kids will ever see at one time in their lives.
    Grow up the rest of you.

  157. Lisa Lee,
    The fact is “Reality TV” does not work that way
    and it is a known fact to anyone who applies to any of these shows. No one is paid by the “24 hour” scale. Plus I don’t think anyone on these shows are part of the Actor’s Guild, so the union “laws” don’t apply nor should they.

  158. But they didn’t work 24/7. They only shot 14 hrs a day.

  159. Can’t wait to see it! Maybe they turn cannibal or something fun like that.

  160. Toby,
    I think Lisa is refering to the fact that they were in the town setting for 24/7. They couldn’t go back to regular life after the 14 hours. They still had to take care of themselves the whole time they were participating.

  161. Man, the people posting here.
    For the love of god, go pick up a DICTIONARY and educate yourselves.

  162. How do I sign my kids up for season 2? They’d love this!!!

  163. who cares. these are little american spoiled rotten little brats. why are you even writing about his . and yeah cbs, nbc, abc. all very un conservative maggot stations . liberal scum media. get real ok. conservative. yeah right. who cares come on pal. write about iraq, or the english terriorist groups who continue to destroy the peace in northern ireland, the protestant paramiltary groups. and when is anyone going to write about the englist holacaust done onto the irish people between 1845-1849??????????????? write about something real. your on drudge, god this is such nonsense. please, lets get with it.

    Wait! wasn’t this story about a TV show on CBS????

  165. I have been involved with Boy Scouts for the past 15+ years and learning to live without adult interference is one of the things we teach. They learn from making mistakes and then correcting them. In the Boy Scouts, the boys elect their own leaders and natural leadership is developed. Being allowed to “camp out” without adults, all food and resources provided plus getting paid for it, would be “heaven” for the Boy Scouts that I have known. I will look forward to seeing the show to see if the “children” are allowed to develop their leadership skills and live in a setting where they are not “given everything”, but have to work for it and learn that they are not the center of attention at all times.

  166. CBS: #1 in the masturbating pedophile demographic!
    Great job!

  167. I am actually a parent of one of the children involved in this show. Believe me there were plenty of adults surrounding these kids if they were in any sort of danger. Forty kids participated and I’m certain if you spoke with each child individually they would tell you they had the time of their life. Most of them were not in any hurry to return home.
    Wait until the show airs before you sit in judement.

  168. I think “Survivor” will be off the air long before
    “Amazing Race” gets the boot. When reality TV shows started getting Emmy awards nearly 4 yrs. ago, “Amazing Race” won the first year, the second year, and last year. (“Survivor,” “Big Brother,” and “Flavor of Love with Flavor Flav” can’t make that claim, right?)

  169. This is great! I can’t wait to watch this.

  170. Wow Kevin,
    Feel better now? What’s wrong with talking about something different than war, terrorism etc., for a little while?….Lighten up Frances.

  171. “Forty kids participated and I’m certain if you spoke with each child individually they would tell you they had the time of their life. Most of them were not in any hurry to return home.”
    Unfortunately, it does not follow from this that letting young kids run around unparented for 40 days is a good idea. Kids need structure and order, and they need adults imposing it on them, even if that’s less fun than a freewheeling time of their lives.
    Shutting kids away in a luxury hotel eating icecream and playing video games would probably be the time of their lives, too. That doesn’t make it advisable.
    “Wait until the show airs before you sit in judement.”
    Unnecessary. A bad idea is a bad idea. Children don’t need to be reality TV stars; they need to be children.

  172. Nice postage.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  173. I bet this show will be ten times better than any of the other reality crap out there. Maybe people can actually learn something about themselves in this one. Everyone can relate to being a kid and the troubles they had. As for the parents I think it’s great they let their kids participate in such a neat project.

  174. Sounds like CBS covered their bases with keeping the kids safe. They were probably safer on the set than in many public schools around the country. Those calling this an outrage are those that pamper their little darlings so much that they barely know how to wipe themselves.
    These kids probably learned more from this experience than a year in school. I have never followed any of the reality TV shows but I will definitely be watching this one. Bravo.

  175. 172 posts when I read this. CBS doesn’t care if you like it or not, they just want to get you talking….and watching! I think they will get their money out of it. And, think back to when you were a kid….you can tell everyone at school about it, you learned a lot and had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Good for them. I really don’t see the harm.

  176. I wonder if the liberals will use this stunt to push the abortion agenda. Claim that by the behavior and actions of these kids, that it is obvious they do not need parental consent for an abortion.

  177. Hey Victory, it’s a good thing that DUMBF$$KS like you didn’t found this country. Nanny AZZHoles like you make me want to PUKE!!!

  178. All of you people that are appalled are the ones they expect to have watching the show….its called shock. the more they shock people with what is on TV the more people will watch.

  179. This is why the United States will get attacked again because of all the liberal programing. All you liberals screaming about your rights. You don’t deserve rights you earn them.
    This is a Christian Nation like it or not. I am glad FEME build the internment camps. I hope they fill them with all you traitors.
    You can all whine and starve in there…and watch your “Kid Nation” on tv.
    God Bless George Bush.

  180. you overprotective wimps are the reason America is turning into a police state, let the state control all movements…this country would have never been born with you people here

  181. My suggestion would for no one else to comment on what brad said.. he is just seeking attention and trying to stir people up. Don’t give him the satisfaction.. this is not a political article.

  182. Kensington, have you actually listened to yourself? “Unfortunately, it does not follow from this that letting young kids run around un-parented for 40 days is a good idea. Kids need structure and order, and they need adults imposing it on them, even if that’s less fun than a freewheeling time of their lives.” and then you come right back behind yourself and state:” A bad idea is a bad idea. Children don’t need to be reality TV stars; they need to be children. How do kids get to be kids when structure and order is forced on them? Exactly how does that happen? Geez you hypocrite.
    Did you even read the comment from “kid nation Mom” Her child LOVED it. Ask them what they learned; ask them how many of the other 40 kids became life-long friends that they will keep up with. You obviously have never been to a “summer camp” or if so, it had to be one of those ultra conservative types that are doing nothing but giving mothers and father a vacation from having to try to be “good” parents.
    Want to know what a great childhood experience is? Ask any of the nations thousands of “Eagle Scouts”. Ask an “Explorer Scout” about some of the most memorable and educational times in their lives…be ready to sit and listen for a while. Each of them could probably write a book for you.
    These kids learned lessons about life that none of their other friends or classmates have. They now know what the definitions of words like responsibility, teamwork, cooperation, and dependability. Kudos to the designers and creators of this show. Kudos to the parents of these kids for having the courage to let go a bit and let thier child grow and expand into something totaly new. Might I suggest a follow up on these kids in 10 years and show where they are now as opposed to their current peers? I’d be interested in seeing the amount of difference in these kids and the others who have not had this type of experience.

  183. I agree with Brad. Kill them all. Let God sort them out.

  184. That guy Brad scares the heck out of me. I wonder if he would allow kids to be sent to his internment camps?
    …or would they have to fend for themselves?

  185. Prov 23:14: “Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.”
    These kids don’t need their own nation what they need is a good crack on the ass.
    Child Protective Services needs to remove these children from their home and place them in a good Christian home.
    These parents need to be in prison for life. I seriously hope people will not stand for this.

  186. Mr. Bailey, I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “hypocrisy.” It is not hypocritical to believe that kids need structure and order and also that kids need to be kids, not reality TV stars. Those are not incompatible. There is no hypocrisy there.
    When I say that kids need to be kids, I mean that they don’t need to be isolated from parental authority and videotaped 24/7 for 40 days for the purposes of a reality TV show, allowed to indulge in whatever their childish impulses concoct. Kids don’t know what’s best for them.
    As for the number of “life long friends they will keep up with,” aside from the irrelevance of that with regard to the question of whether Kid Nation is good for kids, isn’t it a little premature to crow about life long friendships? It just happened. Shouldn’t we wait until a little more of, well, LIFE, has actually happened?
    As for scouts, I have two words for you: Scout Masters.

  187. Quincy. Brad only scares you because you are a limp wristed ninny. Who cares where the liberal children go when mommy and daddy get sent away. Maybe you libs should stop your whining then. When we get attacked again we will no choice but to put people like you away so our families can be safe.

  188. Paula is right on! “I think we have evolved into a nation of fat sissies” I love it. And let’s not forget the Paris Hilton wannabes.
    I think these kids can be a wonderful example to their peers. And the kids who made the cut to be included must be pretty exceptionally mature kids who won’t go into shell shock because nobody is there to pet them. In these times of politcally correct decrees that discourage competition because losing will make kids feel bad about themselves … In my book, these kids are all winners and it’s absolutely refreshing to look forward to this production. They will achieve more self esteem than any mamsy-pamsy politically correct rules can give them. These kids will be leaders among their peers and it’s wonderful that they are bored with ‘real’ life back home.

  189. I won’t stand for this!!! I will not stand for this at all!!! If enough of us call CBS will pull the show. Here is their number!!
    (212) 975-4321 (CBS Main Number)
    I want a list of where these kids are from to call CPS!!!
    These parents need to have these poor children removed from them.

  190. I think the over all concept is great. But agree this is a little harsher “Summer Camp” than should be.
    Of the kids that show good leadership, and innovation at an age before they know what that is.
    I’ll bet you will see business leaders around the world closely watching this. Offering the kids schalarships, and a high ranking position in their company when they are old enough.
    What better job interview could their be?
    My guess, some of these kids are going to be extremely succesful in life as an adult because of the opportunity they are given to prove themselves.
    I just wish I had that opportunity.
    I’d like to see more shows like this in which test childrens ability. Then let the business leaders fight over them. Just not so many hours, and the such.

  191. That was a great post PAUL. You summed up most of my thoughts on this. Most parents today are lazy and fail miserably at taking responsiblity for their creations. Passing off responsibilities to daycares, schools, churches, and coaches is NOT parenting.
    Why is the American labor force shrinking? Laziness is the answer. You only have yourself to blame when your son\daughter can’t find a job after you’ve spent a fortune on college only to realize that what companies want are trade skill labor and your child doesn’t know the difference between a mitre box and wrench………BUT Pablo does and he just got hired for $6\hr under the table because nobody else was available and willing to work.

  192. I wonder why all these good christians are so judgemental. I thought that as a good christian you were not supposed to judge others. These Strict christians are the ones that give all the others a bad name. As for Mr Bush… maybe we would not have the chance of getting attacked again if he would of sent all his troops to where the real terrorist was hiding.. instead of sending them to some country that “may” have weapons of mass destruction.. have we done anything about all these other countries that have weapons of mass destruction?
    So why invade Iraq then? I think really its one person posting all the christian babble on here under different names.

  193. These kids were very smart, the stars of their generation. They freely practiced their religions, held organized services and shared their customs and beliefs. The experience taught them self reliance and independence, the greatest gifts a parent can give to a child today.

  194. I didn’t know fema had camps I guess they do…what the hell is going on??
    If that link doesn’t work I posted in the URL part of my post as well.

  195. A dictator cannot rule without the consent of the dictated. See the Declaration of Independence. Seems to me that if this nation is oppressed and ruled by the elite, then most of the responders to this article are willing accomplisses. Just as long as they didn’t have to man or be the target of the firing squads.

  196. “Lord of the Flies — The Series”
    I give this one about 3 weeks before it is yanked.
    Also it will be intersting to see the ratings. This is the same time slot that “Jericho” was in, and CBS cut it even tho Jericho has solid second place numbers.
    I was glad to see Jericho brought back from cancellation, but I am not so happy to see child exploitation such as this.

  197. Kensington, again you still have not read the post by the mother of the child who was there. There were adults there to watch.

    It’s also been stated that the adults were there to intervene if things got out of control. The fact that things stayed in control only proves that these kids did find it in themselves to evaluate and make “smart” decisions.
    Go ahead and pamper your child by making all the decisions in life for them. Go ahead and take all the avenues of developing self respect and confidence from them. We’ll read about your child in the news when they snap and create another “Columbine HS” scene.

  198. Hey, I think this is possibly a way to solve some of the immigration problem. Let the kids, work in the Vegetable Fields, Let them clean houses, (at least theirs), Mow lawns,etc. give them a decent wage. Restrict TV and Computers to 1 hour each day. I beleive you will end up with kids, more interesting, more alert and ready to tackle the world. I detassled corn at 10 years old was paid $1 per hour. Thought I was rich, I have held some type of job since I was six years, old. I hope my grandsons are allowed to do this type of thing. Great Experience. Retired Excutive VP of Large Commercial Bank, Currently own my own Realty Company. So it seems I wasn’t hurt by this exploitation (LOL).

  199. Hey, I think this is possibly a way to solve some of the immigration problem. Let the kids, work in the Vegetable Fields, Let them clean houses, (at least theirs), Mow lawns,etc. give them a decent wage. Restrict TV and Computers to 1 hour each day. I beleive you will end up with kids, more interesting, more alert and ready to tackle the world. I detassled corn at 10 years old was paid $1 per hour. Thought I was rich, I have held some type of job since I was six years, old. I hope my grandsons are allowed to do this type of thing. Great Experience. Retired Excutive VP of Large Commercial Bank, Currently own my own Realty Company. So it seems I wasn’t hurt by this exploitation (LOL).

  200. For the record, I’m not in favor of any reality shows! I have a hard time watching people embarrass themselves.
    But, I enjoyed the films “Roller Ball” and “The Running Man” because, among other things, they predicted the future as I see it coming.
    The world is going to hell in a hand basket! I only hope I slows down so that I can live my life out in ‘relative’ peace.

  201. Hey, I think this is possibly a way to solve some of the immigration problem. Let the kids, work in the Vegetable Fields, Let them clean houses, (at least theirs), Mow lawns,etc. give them a decent wage. Restrict TV and Computers to 1 hour each day. I beleive you will end up with kids, more interesting, more alert and ready to tackle the world. I detassled corn at 10 years old was paid $1 per hour. Thought I was rich, I have held some type of job since I was six years, old. I hope my grandsons are allowed to do this type of thing. Great Experience. Retired Excutive VP of Large Commercial Bank, Currently own my own Realty Company. So it seems I wasn’t hurt by this exploitation (LOL).

  202. For the record, I’m not in favor of any reality shows! I have a hard time watching people embarrass themselves.
    But, I enjoyed the films “Roller Ball” and “The Running Man” because, among other things, they predicted the future as I see it coming.
    The world is going to hell in a hand basket! I only hope I slows down so that I can live my life out in ‘relative’ peace.

  203. Sing it Mr. Bailey… tell him how it is!

  204. For the record, I’m not in favor of any reality shows! I have a hard time watching people embarrass themselves.
    But, I enjoyed the films “Roller Ball” and “The Running Man” because, among other things, they predicted the future as I see it coming.
    The world is going to hell in a hand basket! I only hope I slows down so that I can live my life out in ‘relative’ peace.

  205. @CopperPenny:
    Sending the kids to a Ghetto would be Dangerous. All they have to worry about in an abandoned town is snakes, lizards, scorpions, spiders, deteriorated buildings. Sure, all that is available in the Ghetto, along with p0lice battles, misbehaving older folks, hazardous materials (ammo, chemicals, drugs), serious criminals, and lots of lowlife scumbags who make the ghetto what it is. At least the Ghost town is comparatively clean.

  206. Bailey, of course there were adults present, adults on hand in case of medical emergencies or whatnot. Aside from that, the adults on hand were not there to participate, involve themselves or provide parental or adult guidance. That’s the whole point of the program, and it’s a bad idea.
    The fact that you need to keep resorting to extremes and ridiculous straw men in your responses (I can’t really call them counter arguments) attests to their fundamental weakness. Nowhere have I advocated “making all the decisions in life for [children]” or “[taking] all the avenues of developing self respect and confidence from them.”
    What I am saying, one more time, is that kids needs adults on hand and involved in their lives, not just filming them dispassionately or waiting in the wings in case one of them falls off a roof. Kids need more structure and guidance than that, and stripping it away is a bad idea, not mitigated in the slightest by their enthusiasm for it.

  207. Those of you who are freaking out over this need to lighten up. I would have loved this when I was a kid. It sounds like a really interesting show.

  208. Bailey, of course there were adults present, adults on hand in case of medical emergencies or whatnot. Aside from that, the adults on hand were not there to participate, involve themselves or provide parental or adult guidance. That’s the whole point of the program, and it’s a bad idea.
    The fact that you need to keep resorting to extremes and ridiculous straw men in your responses (I can’t really call them counter arguments) attests to their fundamental weakness. Nowhere have I advocated “making all the decisions in life for [children]” or “[taking] all the avenues of developing self respect and confidence from them.”
    What I am saying, one more time, is that kids needs adults on hand and involved in their lives, not just filming them dispassionately or waiting in the wings in case one of them falls off a roof. Kids need more structure and guidance than that, and stripping it away is a bad idea, not mitigated in the slightest by their enthusiasm for it.

  209. Please accept my appologies for the multiple posts, I was waiting for some confirmation that it had been accepted, and thought I was giving up when nothing happened.
    P.S. Thank God for the second ammendment!

  210. If you think conservative and CBS are related and “KID NATION” is a reality show…. Just Imagine!

  211. God will destroy us if we allow all these things to keep going on.
    This is what happens when a country casts God out.
    CBS is now catering to pedophiles!!!!!!
    “Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead with the edge of the sword and; also the women and little ones…. every male and every woman that has lain with a male you shall utterly destroy.” (Judges 21:10-12)

  212. Cool! Lord of the Flies: the TV show!

  213. Coming This Spring On FOX: Sink or Swim – watch as we throw 6 month old babies into a lap pool with no handles. Followed by an all new Curse Out where 5 year old foul mouths are sent into retirement living centers to throw down on the seniors. And on Thursday nights, Bum or Bust – we take random 3rd grade students to the inner city to battle with homeless folks over trash can leavin’s. Win and they’re in for a night on the street.
    We all have ideas. Some just need to stay inside our head.

  214. Cool! Lord of the Flies: the TV show!

  215. Cool! Lord of the Flies: the TV show!

  216. The parents that handed their kids over to a production company are the same as the terrorists only they are hurting our country by helping destroy the minds of our children.
    This is why we need those FEMA camps as the other person put it so we can be safe. There is only so much longer we can allow this to continue!
    I just hope the government takes action before it’s too late.
    CBS should be ashamed.

  217. OMG is eveybody who posted these comments above the age of thirty and have no kids. You have no clue as to how these kids felt before, during, or after their experience, except for what you here off the internet. Everybody shut the Fup and realize nobody got hurt mentally,physically, or any other noun ending in -ly because if their was a problem it would be on the 600 news for at least 5 waistful minutes of lies and corrupted jounrnalism. My guess is since i am above these kids ages slightly, but way below the intelligence level of a thirty year old leftist is that these kids had a blast while being followed around 24/7 by filmcrews. So sit back relax and improve the ratings of CBS, you MF’s.

  218. Those of you saying “Oh, the kids had a ball!” or “Oh, the kids learned a lot” just plain don’t get it, and probably…hopefully…don’t have kids.
    Turning kids loose to make their own rules (which is what they CLAIM they did on this show, but c’mon gang–the very fact that they were ON TV the whole time skews any original or non-ulterior thinking on their part as it would with adults on any reality show and DOES) is NOT educating and NOT anything other than using them as lab rats.
    Kids are by DEFINITION immature and not experienced in social, political, or practical realities of life. The fact that some alleged adults here are equally inept enough to think otherwise is only an indication of that fact. You don’t teach kids anything by just saying “Have fun!” and standing back to voyeuristically watch them. And they’re not magically more pure or noble or enlightened just because they’re kids.
    I respect kids enormously–enough to know that they are NOT grownups and NOT mature and NOT worthy of being “trusted” to make these kinds of decisions for themselves…because of the JEOPARDY to themselves of letting them do it. That’s not PCness or controlling or anything other than understanding the role of PARENTS. Those of you who don’t, or whose b.s. political theorizing is only about excusing your lack of willingness to be responsible obviously missed out on this understanding somehow, eithet from your own parents or from not being parents yourselves.
    Kids need and DESERVE the guidance of adults. Thats’ how THEY grow up SAFE and RESPONSIBLE. The adults responsible for THIS child-abusive crime of a TV show should be sanctioned, and all the legal loopholes in the world don’t excuse THEIR irresponsible behavior.

  219. Ah, yes Richard – God will destroy us. Please go back to the 2nd century. Thanks.
    CBS clealry has thought this through and possibly produced a unique piece of filmwork. I look forward to seeing how this plays once it airs. Will we finally face our own created childhood (existing only since the end of WWII)? I think this is a fascinating piece of social experimentation.
    PS – And I still support GWB.

  220. any time a group of kids can be assembled and filmed 24 hours a day for 40 days without major incident, especially when they cook their own meals, it’s character forming.

    It’s a pity the ‘concerned’ who think this was so awful can’t be required to spend 24 hours a day for 40 days in a ghost town working with each other and cooking their own meals…

    My two cents anyhow…

  221. It’s not the television network CBS that is doing this, it’s a covert outfit called Cheney’s Buildup Service (CBS). These kids have been taken to the desert to train them to be a surge force for Iraq in 10 years or so. Bush lied, kids in the desert died. Watch out for Vicky (if that’s your real name, Hillary) though; she wants to wack them all.

  222. Child Actors? Mismanged money? Low or no adult supervision?
    These kids are the future version of Bonaduce, Macaulay Culkin, Mary-Kate Olsen, Dana Plato, Todd Bridges, or Anissa Jones the pigtailed cutie in the 1960’s sitcom “Family Affair” who, at 18, died of a drug overdose.
    $5,000.00 each kid? How much is rehab, a psychiatriast, or a funeral?

  223. You people that think this is a good idea are the same people who are against camera’s being put up to keep us safe. Ohhhhh nooo they are going to put a microchip in us.
    Good I hope they do. I want a microchip if it will keep me safe. The only people who don’t want it have something to hide.
    I hope when that time comes you all get put in jail if you won’t take the chip.
    If you don’t like the USA leave!!!!

  224. You people are absolutely ridiculous. If the kid doesnt cut it, problem solved. The only problem is the gene pool they came from is still around and can generate a backup.

  225. WOW someone was definatley shadowed her whole life and you know what most parents are just as bad if not as worse as kids. at least you can tell kids to stop or they’ll be gettin something they wont wish for (ie a spanking another politically malfunctioned issue). I fee really sorry for kids who are secluded in a neighborhood or even in their room growing fat off video games and MCD’s. THe fact is these will sooner or later break out froma shell hopefully and see the wotld is tough and their is a way to solve the problems without gangs shootings or psychotic parents. DOnt get me wrong i love my parents but there were some things i just had to do on my own. Children are our future but the gov is doing the shittiest job ever, i agree

  226. A question for all of you who say you are “sure” that the kids were “well supervised”……WHY????
    WHY are you so sure when the company went OUT of its way to AVOID the laws passed to protect children in every other state in the land? WHY are you so certain when more effort was spent on legal than on anything else?
    And by the way, if you think a film crew is the equivalent of even camp counsellors, let alone parents or teachers or medical/psychological professionals of any kind, then I invite you to come here to “Hollywood” where I work every day and see if you like the drugs, the indiscriminate sex, the alcoholism, the DUI’s, and the rest of the lifestyle that personifies this industry, alas. There are good people within it, but I suggest to you that those involved in a series whose main concerns were “How can we avoid the laws that are supposed to protect kids from irresponsible and exploitative adults?” is NOT the place to find them in great abundance.
    So why are you all so all-fired certain this was such a wonderful place to send YOUR kids?

  227. Welcome to the Land Of Enchantment, home of Pres. hopeful Bill Richardson. Only in our state can we work kids like they do in third world countries. Of course we tightened up the loophole AFTER the production and all the checks were signed and deposited. We hang our heads in shame, you should see what it takes to get tough with predators and drunks. Just this weekend some perv was walking around at an Amusement park in Albuq with a camera in his shoe stalking girls as young as 8! After he was tackled by a dad and bystanders the police confiscated his recording devices and let him go! The poor little girl was completely freaked out. NM ranks near the bottom of everything in this state, but trust Gov Bill Richardson to make the whole country better if he is elected Pres or a V.P. running mate. Look what he’s done for NM! I don’t think we will be watching Kid Nation and the explotation of children for the all mighty dollar. Opps, I forgot, “summer camp” paid $5,000! This ought to be an emmy winner for Exec. Prod. Forman. What’s he going to do now when he gets bored?

  228. I don’t think our gov. should allow this to air.

  229. I don’t think our government should allow you to post, Christina.

  230. Oh, the horror.
    Children, learning self responsibility? Learning to cook? Maybe they might even learn to do laundry before college?
    Yes, parents and society are supposed to protect kids, but we can’t teach them everything. By doing everything for them, we handicap their independence.
    Sounds to me like they had EMS teams to take care of any physical problems and there were obviously adults nearby to intervene if necessary. Maybe if more ADULTS would learn some self-responsibilty they wouldnt have thousands of dollars in debt, or be hundreds of pounds overweight.

  231. “So why are you all so all-fired certain this was such a wonderful place to send YOUR kids?”
    Why do you assume it wasn’t?

  232. Hey VICTORY SHut up and eat a galon of triplefudge icecreamwhile watching the VIEW with ROsie so you can leave all the smart people to wonder how they can make this a better coutry. ANd to any other sexist Bitche i hope your kids hate you for the rest of their lives and you die a lonely G-MA which is invetable. HHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH
    I LOVE Freedom of Speech. you keep it real USA

  233. Y’know, the funniest excuse for this exploitation I’ve read in these comments is the idea that “Hey, the kids LOVED it!” or “Hey, this was probably the best time these kids ever had!” or “Hey, I’d have LOVED this as a kid!”
    Y’know what? Kids LOVE eating 43 gallons of ice cream, too….but it makes them sick. Kids LOVE staying out all night with their friends…but it puts them in danger. Kids LOVE skipping school, telling grownups to go screw themselves, and, if you gave them the choice and the cash, they’d LOVE to spend the rest of their lives at Walt Disney World, too.
    Who CARES how much they “loved” it? That is utterly irrelevant to the ABUSIVE nature of the PRODUCERS behavior regarding these kids AND their parents.
    As for the $5k and who gets it, a bit of history may be instructive for those of you unaware of the movie industry’s backstory. LONG ago, a very famous child actor in the silent era made big bucks (for the period) but his PARENTS spent them all and he was left destitute as a young adult. Because of that, laws were passed that forced all payments to minors for motion picture work into trust funds that parents couldn’t loot. Its not about union rules, it’s the LAW and applies to all, whether in the union or not. AND it is a GOOD example of WHY laws are passed to protect children from the behavior of adults in control of them….laws that, in EVERY OTHER STATE but New Mexico, so the article says, THIS show would have been in VIOLATION of.
    Do you all think those 49 other states (and NM now, it seems) and all their legislators and governors who wrote, passed, and signed such laws are being “overprotective” and should just let the kids “have a ball”???

  234. I hope when these kids go back to school their peers beat the crap out of them…maybe they will think twice before they think about going on tv again. All those kids are products of liberals and deserve the beat down that is coming to them.

  235. Parents today spoil kids too much. This show should be a wake up call to the parents of the kids who are fat and lazy from eating too much McDonalds and playing X-Box all day. Stop creating little spoiled monsters and teach kids the meaning of hard work so they can appreciate things more. I’m sure this will showcase kids like that and make exaples of them.

  236. every one of you people that have gotten upset and think this show is a bad idea needs to spend 24 to 36 months working on a farm.
    hard honest work from sun up to sun down never hurt anyone.
    it’s nothing that hasn’t been going on as long as humans farmed the land.
    it’s only you sheltered city dwelling pussies that have issues with it.
    but that’s OK; go pick up your welfare cheque so you can pay the lawyer you hired to sue because the coffee was hot.
    remember the whole world is responsible for everything bad that happens to you and your entitled to a free ride on everyone else’s expense.
    just think,
    these words came from a Canadian!

  237. Maybe if it was labeled a documentary instead of reality TV it would be less of a lightning rod for controversy. It has some interesting potential; however, I’m cautious because reality TV has a tendency to unnecessarily trivialize things and manufacture drama. I’ll reserve my opinion until after I learn more and actually watch a few episodes.
    Maybe its because I am a product of a youth tall ship / sail training program which I entered as an adolescent at the age of 13 and left as a mature young adult at 17, but I’m not at all upset by having children participate in Kid Nation. Regarding work, sailing on a tall ship required long hours and hard work and it remains to this day one of the most powerful and empowering experiences of my life. These kids were in a controlled environment which was probably safer than the one which many returned to after filming was over. Certainly it was safer than that which the vast majority of America’s youth live in today.
    It’s dangerous to underestimate what kids are capable of accomplishing and even more dangerous to overprotect them from unique and valuable experiences that will benefit them for a lifetime.

  238. Victory,
    How do you know they weren’t well supervised? We have heard from parents who’s children were involved with this show and none has said the show was mayhem. On the other hand we have not heard from anyone to support your view have we?

  239. LOL!
    I have an idea for the sequel, seeing they won’t be able to shoot it in NM.
    Take 100 kids out on a cruise ship to international waters, cripple the engines, navigation, and communications, remove the ship crew, then tell the kids they have to figure out how to fix the boat or get rescued

  240. These kids parents should be fighting the war in Iraq and not making a quick buck off their children.
    If they cared anything about our country they would be helping the war and standing behind Bush.
    I hope they bring back the draft so their children can learn respect.

  241. Melissa,
    Are you active military? If not, why? Support your beloved President, join up today!!

  242. All children should be forced to work what makes them so special. This country was built on hard work. All you whiney liberals ruined this country.

  243. Melissa- the only people dumber than Bush are the people who stand behind him… Lets get a good Republican in office.

  244. WOW MELISSA how long did it take you to come up with that comment. Get off this site since you apparently didnt read any of the other comments you hick. I am going to be here all day getting rid of you crazy fascist one lunatic at a a Time. :_)

  245. Lori,
    1. We have NO way of knowing if the person here who CLAIMS to be a parent of one of the kids actually is one. That’s life on the internet.
    2. The issue is not whether or not anyone died or was hurt–the issue is whether skirting the laws of 49 states to take kids off without any parental supervision to a movie set in the middle of nowhere for many weeks in order to sell exploitational video of their activities after paying them a pittance purely to satisfy the voyeuristic desires of a passing parade of freak-show viewers and THEN trying to justify it as some sort of noble social experiment or “landmark” program is a GOOD thing. If you think it is a good thing, your values just plain don’t meet up with mine. But I suggest to you that those laws the show went out of its way to avoid were put there for GOOD reason, or if you don’t think so, lobby your state representatives to revoke those laws in your own state….but don’t complain when your own kids or those of your neighbors are similarly taken advantage of.
    3. In the absence of any actual and unbiased/empirical evidence, you have to go to the track record of the participants and to the facts that ARE known. KNOWING that this show went OUT OF ITS WAY to AVOID laws SPECIFICALLY designed to protect kids tells ME a lot about the attitude of the producers. The fact that nobody was seriously hurt physically doesn’t mean the risk wasn’t there and wasn’t immoral if not criminal, and the fact that some internet-spoofable “parent” claims there was no harm to the kids emotionally or otherwise is hardly a guarantee I’d go to the bank with.
    DO I KNOW that kids were harmed? No. Do I KNOW that the people who devised and controlled this show KNEW there were laws to limit what they were doing in order to PROTECT kids from harm and TRIED VERY HARD to avoid those laws? I sure do–they admit it. Couple that with the VERY low amount the kids/families were paid (even the lowest scale for actors in Hollywood is MUCH higher than this amount) and you have exploitation and abuse. You wouldn’t let grownups in ‘sweatshop” conditions be overworked, underpaid, and cut off from their families…why do you think that’s so wonderful for CHILDREN?

  246. The most interesting thing from my side of the world and reality TV is, firstly how much you America’s can find fault with just about everything and everyone, find some way to sue and make money for some of the dumbest stuff ever,we have radio stations that play stories from America, title of these stories…..Only in America…..and they take the mickey out of you everytime.
    For a nation that is soooo blessed to have what you have achieved as a nation, and to produce such mindless television shows.
    Reminds me of the days of Romans, the leaders could do anything in their day,Nero sat as Rome burned and the people didn’t really care as long as they could sit in the arenas, the cry of the day…….Feed us and entertain us.
    America….. are we there yet??

  247. Melissa is right we have to win the war on terrorism so we can be safe. People who don’t stand behind the president want us to lose the war. Then our children will not be safe.
    “Kid Nation” is just left wing propaganda.

  248. Steve,
    I’d be all for that if one could be found. Heck I’m having a hard time finding a “good” Democrat at this point. Good luck in finding a “good” Republican, that’s even a smaller pool.

  249. This is a sick idea which could only come to fruition in the sick world we live in.Sometimes I’m embarrassed to be a human being.

  250. Well now that we have shot down mellissa lets get rid of VICTORY since her hot street smartness picked up in hoolleywood has made her so intelligent that smurfs could not even attack her

  251. I was just saying that we need to support our troops, thats all.
    My husband left me and my son is in prison for a crime he did not commit.
    I should have had another abortion.

  252. Good grief.
    I hope that some (most) of the comments are simply from trolls trying to stir the pudding.
    I grew up on a farm.
    Child labor laws pfft!
    I swear, it seemed I shoveled sh$t from sunup to sundown sometimes.
    Guess what?
    Now that I am a part of the normal rat race in a high tech job I gotta admit something.
    I’d give my left nut to be back on that farm.
    (esp now that corn prices are up because we want to use it for ethanol)

  253. Aww c’mon now, Kiwi. You claiming your TV down there has NO silly shows on it? Nothing trivial? Nothing downright dumb?
    Here’s the fact: If I turn my TV on right now, I can watch one of over TWO HUNDRED channels of programming of all kinds, and about 80% of it is produced in the USA or by American companies. So just consider the odds? SOME of it has to be crap, doesn’t it? The fact that YOUR media can make money selling a “Wait til you hear about the LATEST sillyness from the USA!” show or story is only the RECYCLING of crap! And you’re proud to not only (a) be an equally eager audience in wanting to WATCH the crap, even if only to laugh at it and (b) to be silly enough to feel SUPERIOR because you can’t come up with your OWN original crap worthy of showing on US tv as a vice/versa situation?
    You live in a wonderful country with lovely scenery and nice people, Kiwi. That’s why AMERICAN millions get spent to make movies about Hobbits there. Relax, and get over your inferiority complex, willya? Crap is crap, regardless of its nation of origin. And sometimes it is funny…and sometimes it is just plain CRAP, like this show clearly is.

  254. So you think you can save your son and husband by sending more troops- MELISSA. I do suport the troops bu to a point

  255. Is this show any surprise with all the homosexuals in hollywood?

    All in favor of ignoring Victory Say AYE

  257. Somehow YOU can’t seem to “ignore” me, can you, baajo?
    By the way….I have no idea what a “baajo” is….but I DO know a “boy” when I see one.
    You sure you aren’t one of the kids from this show?

  258. Tracy go pack to chasing your 5 yr old around the house and watching little mermaid or disney channel since your mind is most definately already worped

  259. Baajo boy do you want us to win the war yes or no?
    Personally I think that we should remove our troops and just nuke the whole place.
    Those people are like cockroaches and do not deserve to live.
    I hope when we get attacked again they arrest all the people like you as traitors.

  260. Couldn’t CBS come up with the dough to at least pay these kids Actor’s union scale? Considering the ratings romp it will probably be for the Network and the fact at least one of the kids will probably need a shrink from the experience, that’s the least the CBS pinheads can do.

  261. Ah Yes Victory, life on the “inernets”. I have no reason to doubt these posts but I do doubt how the writer of this article portrays CBS and how they “purposely” skirted laws. More opinion than fact. Bottom line, no harm no fowl. No proof that parents pocketed the money, quite a few kids received scholarships and apparently 40 kids got a great life lesson. I will pass judgement on this show after watching it with my 12y/o, I’m sure his opinion will be worth more than any adults.

  262. This entire country has gone nuts. Liberal, Conservative, I hate to tell you all but for 90% of the people life happens in the middle.
    Have any of you seen the show or the work the kids did? NO! As quoted earlier they ended up making $.19 an hour over the whole experience. I am willing to bet a fare share of that “filming time” was spent lounging. Pay me $.19 and hour to enjoy myself. I did it for free before. If it was spent cooking, good for them. Maybe they can come home after school and make something instead of dialing for a pizza delivery of running to McD’s. I would also be willing to bet these kids came away with a great sense of accomplishment and skills they didn’t have before hand. Kids need more than structure and direction. They need learning and character building experiences.
    I spend a lot of time in schools and for all you parents that think your direction and guidance builds a great child think again. I have seen very few children as of late that are these prodigies that parents make them out to be. Most of them are little sh#ts once their parents walk away. Children today have no respect for adults and fear just about nothing. The bleeding hearts have taken all discipline and consequences out of raising a child. Most of the children that are respectful walk around like little drones of their parents without an original thought or desire in their heads. Point being a few tough weeks and self reliance is not going to scar these children. They are far meaner to each other than most people realize. It’s called growing up. What we need is to bring back the ruler, paddle, and dunce cap. I had it, my parents had it, and even my grand parents had it. Not one of us has fired a shot in a school or bell tower and for that matter I have personally never been in a fight. And for you “Christians”, I grew up in a parochial school and cracked at the hands of the Habit.
    Now for all you that are about to chastise me, is the studio going to exploit this. YES! Will they make money? YES! Will the editing be done in a way that will probably reflect negatively on some of these kids? Don’t doubt it! But this is a test of that upbringing some of you are clamoring about. If the child was raised well with morals, dignity, and a good work ethic there should be nothing to worry about should there.
    But let’s be real. This is the reality of this world we live in. Everyone is not nice, everyone is not looking out for your kid, everyone is looking for their piece of the pie, and we “Religious moral adults” don’t have confession because we’re perfect.
    Also I can’t help but to laugh every time I hear things like you can’t cheer for you kids at baseball and soccer because it makes the other kids feel bad, or you can’t play tag because there is a victim mentality to the person that is “it”. Get over yourselves. This is why the rest of the world is passing us by. We spend too much time celebrating mediocrity and good feelings. Do you realize that in “Boot Camp” the trainees can’t even be cussed at any more? They get “Time out cards”. I like the idea that the people whom are defending this country can take being cussed at. Makes me feel a little bit better that they won’t start crying for mommy when the bullets start to fly. No disrespect to our Troops. You are doing a service that not many could, would, or choose to do. You have a solemn pride that only you and your brotherhood truly understand or appreciate.
    You need failure to truly appreciate success. Do you think the boss is going to say good try when your child grows up and doesn’t get that report in on time? DON”T THINK SO.
    I do not do not remember how the exact phrase went, but “If you spend your life trying to avoid all the bad stuff, your life will pass you right by.”
    Now I went off on a rant!!!!!!!!

  263. This show proves america has gone right down the drain like canada did.
    I hope all you socialists are happy now.

  264. I totally agree with nuking since sending more and more troops is not helping so is their any way to get a bill going? AW finally victory you show your greedy little face. THe name is only an alias but at least mine is true since the only thing your ever going to get is a punch to the face frim my left fist. Why dont you drive in your away in your beemer to go find some sex, drugs, or other evil rampid stuf since your a know it all living it up in Phoneywood

  265. Jeff an economy that is more stable with a currency that is stronger than ours doesnt sound like it is going down the drain

  266. One of the boys was 15 years old and there were 8 year old girls running around..how is that safe!!!

  267. Lori,
    Interesting that you find no reason to be even slightly skeptical of postings here but are willing to be utterly skeptical of the facts presented in the story that INSPIRED those postings. By the way, tell your kid the word is “foul” not “fowl” unless you’re talking about harm to chickens.
    Meanwhile, let’s consider the alternative just for the heck of it, shall we? What would we EXPECT a parent of one of these kids to post here, seeing people questioning their judgement as a parent and their willingness to sell their kids for $5k and 15 minutes of fame? Naturally they’d say “it was all wonderful” and try to justify the decision being criticized. I hardly expect them to say “You’re right–I’m a lousy Mom and I harmed my kids,” do you?
    Frankly, I still doubt the reality of the identity, just as I am certain that some of the rather outrageously sloganeering posts here claiming to be from the ‘right’ or ‘left’ are actually made by those on the OPPOSITE side of those political spectra in order to provoke responses.
    But meanwhile, you have managed to avoid the issue of the various child protection laws and whether you would endorse removing them from the books. Would you? If not, then you must believe there ARE indeed risks in doing so. If you can allow for the possibility that there are adults who’d exploit the labors of kids, why are you so willing to give this show a free pass?

  268. Oh, Beth IT JUST IS!
    Don’t be a fuddy duddy! There were doctors in hand to treat any STDs!

  269. Bajo Boy the dollar is falling its at all time low (in some areas) what planet do you live on?

  270. What are you trying to say BETH that the 15 yrold Bot was a Pedophile, because girls can be to or have you not watched Opra you onesided Hypocrite

  271. What are you trying to say BETH that the 15 yrold Bot was a Pedophile, because girls can be to or have you not watched Opra you onesided Hypocrite

  272. Hasn’t anyone seen this episode from the Jamie Kennedy experiment? This was actually a spoof bringing in unsuspecting parents to review a pilot survivor series starring children – the promo tape showed the children evolving into Lord of the Flies type characters. Then, he tried to get parents to sign their kids up for the show – all as part of a joke! One father got up and left – he was so horrified. One mother stated, “I’m in,” and Jamie Kennedy was so surprised with the answer that it threw him. Anyway, the point was that the concept was so “beyond anyone’s comprehension” that no one was supposed to want to include their kids. Now, CBS has totally ripped off this awful idea and is actually producing it…..disgusting, and shame on those parents. Isn’t there a 2008 presidential hopeful coming from this state? With child labor laws like these???

  273. Peter, I know, i was describing the state of Canada who has a better economy thn ours. We are already in the shit hole thanks to the Euro and pound. We just keep giving away free aid, but enough of that lets get back to the these sweet children who are being underminded by leftist

  274. He Baajo Boy..Where did you come up with that name? If you spent more time in school you really would have a much more level headed approach to examining life. Pull you rhead out of the pot smoke and understand that explotation of children is wrong. Obviously you rparents allowed you to be exploited. I imagine your next door neighbor probably assualted you when you were a you boy. Maybe that’s who gave you the name Baajo Boy. Let bash conservatives everyone else is doing it! Get real my friend, ignore the media and think for yourself.

  275. LOL KENSINGTON you make sure those worrieds mothers babies stay well protected at micheal jacksons manor of Mischief

  276. See Victory, the thing is, I was not on the set, you were not on the set. And since “drudge” didn’t print any article about kids being hurt/killed/sexually assaulted etc., while making a reality TV show, I would have to say that what ever issue you have is all in your head, sorry. I don’t see how this one show is going to affect child labor laws. You are correct though in saying we do see this situation differently.

  277. Very intelligent Alias name IS ( NOOT0 but you try learning a second and third alternate language. I misspelled it on purpose just to see if anyone would catch on. Now lets go bashsome COnservative but i am almost to bored to cont. i have been on for over an hour so i will stay a little longer

  278. Thankk you LORI for knocking some sense into this sychopath.
    I forget which channel on tv MAYBE kiD PLANET

  279. Oh what fun we are having, quite sporting isn’t it. I truly love giving those old conservatives a shot in rump. Makes me just squeal.. They have values and I can’t stand values.. nothing is my fault it is someone elses, so I can do whatever I like and not feel any guilt or remorse. If everything is acceptable nothing is wrong. Let children continue to be abused and molested. How many of those “lucky” children were abused by crew…ever think of that? Was a molester one of the crew, they might have had ample opportunity, just pay them off with a few bucks. They’ll keep there mouths shut.. Nothings wrong, it isn’t illegal here… I live in New Mexico and see the abuses the state has suffered under our glorious Governor. Let make him president, then he can be a national thug. Wake up Baajo Boy, the world is a pretty nasty place becasue of guiltess people like you. You and your type ARE the evil in the world today.. Not a religous judgement, a realistic one. ciao baby.. I have better things to do with My time than chat with the likes of you.

  280. Oh what fun we are having, quite sporting isn’t it. I truly love giving those old conservatives a shot in rump. Makes me just squeal.. They have values and I can’t stand values.. nothing is my fault it is someone elses, so I can do whatever I like and not feel any guilt or remorse. If everything is acceptable nothing is wrong. Let children continue to be abused and molested. How many of those “lucky” children were abused by crew…ever think of that? Was a molester one of the crew, they might have had ample opportunity, just pay them off with a few bucks. They’ll keep there mouths shut.. Nothings wrong, it isn’t illegal here… I live in New Mexico and see the abuses the state has suffered under our glorious Governor. Let make him president, then he can be a national thug. Wake up Baajo Boy, the world is a pretty nasty place becasue of guiltess people like you. You and your type ARE the evil in the world today.. Not a religous judgement, a realistic one. ciao baby.. I have better things to do with My time than chat with the likes of you.

  281. Oh what fun we are having, quite sporting isn’t it. I truly love giving those old conservatives a shot in rump. Makes me just squeal.. They have values and I can’t stand values.. nothing is my fault it is someone elses, so I can do whatever I like and not feel any guilt or remorse. If everything is acceptable nothing is wrong. Let children continue to be abused and molested. How many of those “lucky” children were abused by crew…ever think of that? Was a molester one of the crew, they might have had ample opportunity, just pay them off with a few bucks. They’ll keep there mouths shut.. Nothings wrong, it isn’t illegal here… I live in New Mexico and see the abuses the state has suffered under our glorious Governor. Let make him president, then he can be a national thug. Wake up Baajo Boy, the world is a pretty nasty place becasue of guiltess people like you. You and your type ARE the evil in the world today.. Not a religous judgement, a realistic one. ciao baby.. I have better things to do with My time than chat with the likes of you.

  282. They got paid $125 a day. That’s more than I get paid a day.

  283. OK I see no one else wants to play so i am no computer geek and will not try to find where everybody else is talking if it is true since their has been no response in 5 min. I will tell who i am just for kicks and giggles i am an 18 yr college student whos view has been poorly nourished thanks to the media and this chat room so i will leave and not make any more mothers cry over trying to share their opinion.
    Its been fun and VICTORY we hve to meet some tme and get some crack. stay cool and have a meaningful life

  284. What cracks me up is the people that are taking Melissa’s bait and getting all fired up. She/he is just trolling on through.

  285. Most responders are sheep.

  286. Most responders are sheep.

  287. Most responders are sheep.

  288. Speaking of intelligence: CBS got around child labor laws by listing this as a kids camp, knowing full well that isn’t the case. This is a reality show. Are the kids being paid according to child labor laws or being exploited so CBS can make a buck? Intelligence? How about talking about how “soft” our kids and how it’s good for kids to work, without examining that CBS avoided the law to make this show. Conservative isn’t always political spectrum? LOL

  289. Does this remind anyone of Lord of the Flies?
    I find these comments more entertaining than a reality show. You all should hear yourselves!

  290. Does this remind anyone of Lord of the Flies?
    I find these comments more entertaining than a reality show. You all should hear yourselves!

  291. Victory,
    Yes they show your mindless produced Reality shows here too, doesn’t change the fact that it still is mindless, non-educational, teaches nothing but shows how self-centred,over inflated ego tripping ,loud mouthed most people that go on those shows.
    Many films now days are been made here,Bad Boys 3 is confirmed for shooting here soon, recent Newspaper story shared why…….America has become so wrapped up in all the stuff above, laws,laws,laws,laws,can’t do this, can’t do that, that is safe,thats not safe,we have to be paid this much,no you can’t pay us that…….Roll on down to NZ ,we will take the film productions money.While you guys continue to produce 90% of the worlds lawyer to fight over dumb mindless things about each other and pour money into Iraq, shame you will never win that one.

  292. Of course, if the cameras weren’t there it’d be Lord of the Flies all over again…

  293. If you “outraged” folks were to have any sense, you would be more concerned about your wonderful kids fighting the next war in Iran. How sad!

  294. Since it’s clear from the comments that there are several people from CBS here defending the show…
    Are the kids members of AFTRA? If not, why not? Is CBS out to bust the union, by using non-union members on camera, for pay?
    Most of the reality series get around the union by making it a game show/contest, like Survivor. There are winners and losers, you may or may not get anything. In this case, everyone on camera got a salary, it was just a LOT less than union scale.

  295. “Of course, if the cameras weren’t there it’d be Lord of the Flies all over again…”
    The Lord of the Flies kids had the time of their lives! They learned self-reliance and how to cook! It was just like the scouts!

  296. Ok so here is my take.
    The ‘GOOD’
    The kids had a blast, missed some school which teaches them to be mindless, numbed, robotic, followers instead of leaders… and taught them self-reliance instead. Not a bad deal.
    The ‘BAD’
    There was abuse if even the show admits that when they were mean they were “horrible”. I hate to think how horrible the kids could be left unchecked. How many kids went home with their self-esteem destroyed by the acts of others? When this happens in our schools they have the comfort of their parents when they come home and assurances that they are going to whine to the school authorities until the offender is taken off the bus or removed from the class. Where was the protection for these kids? This part was just plain scary!

  297. I now understand perfectly what’s wrong with middle-class suburban kids these days. It’s their tediously whiny paranoid parents. I’m not even entirely sure which of the shrill reactionary comments I’ve read are real, and which are intended as facetious. It’s comical to see people’s incredulity even at CBS thinking up such a concept, and partially explains why the more recent groups of college freshmen that I’ve taught have been increasingly unimaginative, irresponsible, and clueless about what used to be considered basic life skills.

  298. The “Kid Nation” reference evokes a smiley dress looker-upper who went to “Boys Nation”. See BS is not conservative…See BS loved phony Dan Rather papers against Bush. Hardly even punished Rather for his deceit and “Walk on the Wild” side.
    Good thing no scorpeons or snakes at the “camp”.

  299. dear god just don’t watch it

  300. The only thing that bothered me about this was that the youngest was 8. I think the age cut off should have been 12.

  301. The “Kid Nation” reference evokes a smiley dress looker-upper who went to “Boys Nation”. See BS is not conservative…See BS loved phony Dan Rather papers against Bush. Hardly even punished Rather for his deceit and “Walk on the Wild” side.
    Good thing no scorpeons or snakes at the “camp”.

  302. Next thing ya’ know they’re sending the fat kid with glasses to his death by hitting him over the head with a big rock Lord of the Flies styl-E!!
    If it isn’t enough to have American adults clamoring like idiots towards false stardom, to be on a show where they run around and fight like a bunch of morons…now we’re going to have the kids growing up this way….
    There’s enough of this type of garbage on television already.
    We don’t need to corrupt our country’s future adults any further!

  303. The fat kid outcast is stoned to death in one of the November sweeps episode. It teaches the other kids a valuable lesson in physics and sociology.

  304. I am mostly concerned with the “children smarter than adults” theme. This is a dangerous lesson to teach kids and its purpose is to indoctrinate them to believe all the snake oil scam liberals can think up. It erodes the family unit regarding parental authority. The concept that a bunch of unsupervised kids will “fix all the mistakes their forefathers made” in order to “save the town” is offensive and counterproductive to a responsible and legitimate society. This is a show designed by America haters.
    If our forefathers messed everything up so badly, why do people from all over the world want to live here and be free?

  305. I was wondering when any of those kids who have emotional issues might sue?? Say when they turn 18? I wonder if CBS thought of that one…”I was emotionally destroyed on nationwide TV. To CBS all I was was a rating. I need therapy for the next 20 years!! CBS why won’t you help me!! Maybe I should call 60 minutes and share my plight!!…” How bout that one for a reality show? Brian

  306. I was wondering when any of those kids who have emotional issues might sue?? Say when they turn 18? I wonder if CBS thought of that one…”I was emotionally destroyed on nationwide TV. To CBS all I was was a rating. I need therapy for the next 20 years!! CBS why won’t you help me!! Maybe I should call 60 minutes and share my plight!!…” How bout that one for a reality show? Brian

  307. That person “Victory” is one sick person. Had I been a kid, I would have given anything to participate on show like Kid Nation. People like Victory have made childhood a dreary bore, and it sounds like CBS fashioned it into something new again. I read little entertainment news, Mr. Hibbard, but this was primo stuff. Thanks!
    Joe Shea
    The American Reporter

  308. Sounds like “Lord of the Fly 2007”???

  309. Sounds like “Lord of the Fly 2007”???

  310. The best summers I can remember were when my parents shipped me off to summer camp for eight weeks. I learned a lot about dealing with other campers, learned about responsiblity and had to do things I never had to do at home (make my own bed, clean up my room, etc.) I also learned what team spirit was about and realized what a protective, sheltered life I led compared to some of the other campers I met during those summer vacations. My parents never went hiking and on overnight campouts where we cooked our own food.
    Did anyone ever get hurt at summer camp? I’m sure. Kids are kids. But your kids can scrape their knees or catch minor bruises at home too. It’s not the end of the world.
    Whether this is good TV or not is besides the point. The kids probably loved the experience and would have done it for free. I can’t imagine any parents forcing their kids to be involved with the lure of $5,000 at the end of the 40 days.
    These kids weren’t kidnapped and dragged off to some foreign country. I’m sure this will be an experience they will cherish for life and one they will talk about to their school friends in the fall and to their own kids when they’re old enough to raise their own families.

  311. The many of these comments are insane. These children loved to get away from mindless indoctrination and the doctors were standing by. These adults are so afraid of independent free thinking individuals which 250 years ago made this country great. You stupid adults go suck up to the super bowl and American idol you brain dead sheeple. You stupid adults, we are in these problems today because you religiously follow your brainwashing news media.

  312. I sincerely hope that the helpless little overprotected children of the neurotic posters on here will at least grow up to be more literate than their parents.

  313. Sheeple like Stephen Forbush actually would want to watch this mindless garbage.

  314. It amazes me the amount of helicopter parents on here. The kids had fun, just because you wouldn’t let your kid do it doesn’t mean every parent is just like you, nor should anyone be just like you. Kids need to expierience life and things, they don’t need to be sheltered all their life. Good for them, I bet they had a blast! I would have loved to do something like this when I was a kid.

  315. Can the kids have sex with each other? I hope someone brought some condoms.

  316. Sounds cool, and the network did it in a smart way. I don’t really classify playing in a ghost town away from your parents for over a month “work”. Labor laws were created to prevent kids from mining coal, not making $5,000 to play town and hook up behind cacti.

  317. Sounds cool, and the network did it in a smart way. I don’t really classify playing in a ghost town away from your parents for over a month “work”. Child labor laws were created to prevent kids from mining coal, not making $5,000 to play town and hook up behind cacti.

  318. In the end I always get the last laugh.

  319. The many of these comments are insane. These children loved to get away from mindless indoctrination and the doctors were standing by. These adults are so afraid of independent free thinking individuals which 250 years ago made this country great.

  320. They’re not your kids and they were under supervision….get over it people. This is America, people have the right to make their own decisions. The parents approved this, the kids wanted to do it, and do you think a company like CBS would take a chance of having a kid hurt?
    Stop your complaining about what other people do with their lives. They made the choice. If you don’t like don’t watch the show or watch CBS….but I bet you will watch it!

  321. Sounds like the Imus Ranch.

  322. I cannot believe what I am reading. For all of you people who are screaming child abuse and exploitation, how about posting here with an informed opinion AFTER you have ACTUALLY WATCHED THE SHOW.
    You haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it. You are basing all these accusations on some articles you have read. I understand how people can be concerned or worried about the concept, but until you actually see the execution, you should wait to pronounce judgment or level serious accusations.
    As for the “protect them at all costs” crowd, give it up. Coddling your kids is putting them at a disadvantage; sheltering your kids from the unpleasantness of the real world leaves them unprepared to deal with it when they are finally faced with it alone.
    I worked as a child outside of school. All the stupid menial underpaid jobs. I was given a degree of freedom from constant oversight; given responsibility to take care of myself. My parents loved me but they did not coddle me.
    Did I make mistakes? Yes. Did I dabble in things that I shouldn’t have? Of course. Am I a better person for it? Definitely.
    I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

  323. All of you parents out there screaming, oh my gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The inhumanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Does anyone here know what the show is about? Those parent’s saying I would NEVER (I can just hearing their self-righteous clambering now) If you wouldn’t allow your kid to go to a camp where the manager of the camp would be required to pay in the multi-millions for any harm that would come to the head of your precious little bubble children.
    Chill out, and let’s some kids have some freaking fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now, that’s not to say this show isn’t going to suck……

  324. It been said that Michael Jackson has for months been pleading for a part in this project.

  325. CBS conservative? Oh Please.

  326. CBS conservative? Oh Please.

  327. This latest in the reality shows that have entered the life of Americans reminds me of “Lord of the Flies,” a thought-provoking novel authored by William Golding in 1954. Children who make a striking transition from civilized to barbaric is the premise of that book and it is required reading in most of our high schools. Is this what the producers are after? Don’t get me wrong, the fictional book is excellent, but the reality of it happening during prime time TV is hard to digest!

  328. This latest in the reality shows that have entered the life of Americans reminds me of “Lord of the Flies,” a thought-provoking novel authored by William Golding in 1954. Children who make a striking transition from civilized to barbaric is the premise of that book and it is required reading in most of our high schools. Is this what the producers are after? Don’t get me wrong, the fictional book is excellent, but the reality of it happening during prime time TV is hard to digest!

  329. This show is going to be AWESOME! Where was this show when I was a kid? The best we had to hope for was Double Dare.
    Come on, readers -this isn’t a violation of child exploitation laws, abuse, scandal, blah blah blah. It’s kids, who are clearly going to to show whether or not they can cooperate and function if left to their own devices. I’ll bet they have a great time doing it, too!
    What’s really scary are all these parents who are worried that the kids will miss their mommies and daddies and blankies and the comforts of home. Well, now these kids don’t have mommy and daddy to wipe their bottoms and pour their cereal.
    Kids are a lot tougher than they get credit for, and a lot tougher than they have the opportunity to be. It wasn’t that long ago that kids mowed lawns for quarters, had paper routes (leaving them exposed and alone on the open road…on BIKES!) and could bake cakes from scratch. It wasn’t even that much further back than that that the older kids, at 15, were getting married.. and don’t tell me that they aren’t breeding kids of their own today. Today’s kids have to worry about being obese from their sedentary and plushy lifestyles, at home, under the watchful eye of supervising adults… and I’m sorry, where’s the abuse?
    40 days with no parents? On an old TV set? And the chance to make their own rules? That’s heaven!
    PS: CBS is NOT POLITICALLY CONSERVATIVE, smarties! Wise up, none of the Drive-by media are in our camp.

  330. Hey Victory you SHITHEAD…you really are a jealous executive from ABC right??? You stupid COMMIE FUCK!

  331. I had thought this show was going to be about small goats. What a disappointment!

  332. $5000/(24*40) = $5.2/hour (and that includes sleep)
    I wish I made that kind of money when I was a kid.
    No one ever mentioned the age of the kids in the
    show… I doubt we are talking first graders here.
    People who complain about kids being away from their
    parents for 40 day. If I recall, I loved the
    summers I got to spend at summer camp away from
    parents for 2 months…
    Anyway, reality tv is worthless…

  333. Clearly, he meant “conservative” in terms of TV entertainment programming, which CBS most certainly is, NOT politics!
    All they show are cop shows and dumb sitcoms!
    The story is about a TV program!

  334. Sheesh, The conservatives here probably think Iranians are liberals.

  335. F.Y.I., I am one of the parents whose child interviewed for the show. He interviewed in Indianapolis. He was getting ready to go out to L.A. for the last interview. However, he had OHIO testing during the taping of the show. I chose for him not to go any further in the process at that time due to the State’s testing!(I think he would have learned more on the show than he did sitting in that stupid classroom taking some stupid test) I am NOT a bad mother. I thought the show was a wonderful idea and I just don’t know why everyone has their panties in a wrinkle about this. It’s really none of your business! Child abuse? I hardly think so! I think it’s more abusive to have your titty in your kids mouth. Come on, cut the cord. Let your kids learn who they are! Let your kids be who they want to be. After all, it’s their life and their dream, not yours! My son was thrilled just to have a chance at this! I hope they call back again next season. We’ll jump on it again! No, not for the fame or money but for the oppourtunity of a lifetime. We had no idea how much if any money would be made. Like I said, he would have done this for the experience, not for the fame or money!

  336. Get a grip folks. That sounds like a blast!
    Well, it’s time for Nanny to put me to bed.

  337. Give me a break people, How much time do children really spend at home with their parents anyway? When I was growing up, during the summertime I left the house early in the morning and did not come home until after dinner. My parents trusted me to make the right decisions, sure, I screwed up sometimes but, I usally learned a lesson from it.
    As far as labor laws the kids dont even know they are working. they are just out doing their own stuff. I’m sure the 15 yr olds would try to act like adults and try to keep some sort of order. I agree this will be a great learning experiance for both children and adults.


  339. My kids were auditioned over the phone and filled out a 25-page questionnaire for this show. Although I’ll never watch it, it sounded like the kids would have a blast, regardless of how they had to work. This would’ve been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity had they made it. C’mon, kids have it too easy these days. Lighten up. It’s just TV.

  340. You people seem surprised at hollywood. Welcome to the real (showbiz) world. As for the people on here upset at the kids that were on the show remember two things –
    1. I’m pretty sure the kids on the show weren’t scouring the classifieds to find work. I mean come on- an 8 year old, or 15 for that matter, looking for a job on a tv show? Not going to happen. How many of these kids were talked into the show by their parents?
    2. For all you safety freaks out there there was a crew standing by watching what was going on, and supervising the kids, 24/7. Kinda just like the rest of the crappy reality shows you people love. Really, do you think they would let someone get seriously hurt, or die, on Survivor? Of course not.
    I think people have to start to remember the old saying “Don’t believe everything you see on TV”. Seems like too many people have forgotten what TV is really all about – advertising.

  341. what is summer camp did any of you go away for 4 weeks to a camp i do not know if my parents did not have the money or it was not available but i never went to summer camp as a parent now i would have a hard time letting my child go to a camp for that long no matter who was in charge i trust my children and thier judgement i think i have raised them well but in this day and age you have to be on alert for your family anyone who let thier child go on this without being there is an idiot or does not care for thier childs well being if you want to teach your kid something turn off the t.v. go camping with them and you will both learn something

  342. Sounds like a real life “Lord of the Flies” to me. Congrats to CBS for coming up with yet another social experiment and also for finding retarded parents. The latter isn’t too hard to find though.

  343. You know who is in the minority for this discussion? I’ll tell you- kids.
    Sure, in the end, these kids were exploited for entertainment, but for the kids could it have been a good experience. You talk about how poor the kids are that they have to work and where are the child labor laws? Well, folks, maybe this attitude is what has brought our society to where it is. Would rather leave the kids sitting in front of the TV watching some show on their couch for the rest of their lives? That’s certainly what it sounds like.
    The kids had to work some. Woohoo. Maybe it finally taught them something. Maybe they finally felt a sense of accomplishment. Maybe they learned an important life lesson. Many people will say that I have wishful thinking- do I? You build parameters around what we should and shouldn’t know, how we should act, and our very personalities.
    I can say as a sixteen year old that I’m sick and tired of it. If you try to push us into some lazy, irresponsible stereotype, go right ahead.
    But remember that some of humanity’s greatest revelations have come when people have pushed the norm. These kids have been removed from everything they know; they have pushed the norm. Isn’t it possible for them to take something positive away?
    Optimism, like those kids probably had, is the best way to go.

  344. As anyone who has adopted children can tell you, there are serious psychological ramifications to isolating children from adults for a large period of time, often resulting in difficulty attaching to parents. Also, it’s obvious that kids would greatly enjoy a redaction of the rights of their parents, even for just a short time. Does this make it beneficial? What this really amounts to is a really high intensity parenting boot camp for those kids over 13 in the town. These “noble” children would have recreated “Lord of the Flies” if not for the “parental” actions taken by the older teens, old enough themselves to be parents in reality. And if not for the parenting they had previously received from THEIR parents, the older kids couldn’t have managed all those little ones.

  345. It’s pathetic when people start attacking one another’s character- regardless of their actions.
    But never forget that people are people- even if they live in a far away nation. When we forget that, we’ll be back where we were even 50 years ago.
    Don’t like your political bigotry get in the way of treating others with respect.

  346. C Moore,
    I don’t mean in any way to insult you. It’s GREAT that you are so willing to take children into your home.
    But it’s 40 days. There are summer camps that run that long. There might be some initial homesickness, but besides that I can not see any long-term ramifications b/c the separation is not long term!

  347. If any of you are complaining about child labor laws take a look at the things you own which are made by children in foreign countries.

  348. I think this is an interesting concept, it will show the American audience that today’s youth is more capable of handling themselves, than many adults give them credit for. As for the child labor issue, they weren’t forced to work, they did what they had to do to take care of themselves. It’s just the same as them cooking a meal or snack at home, and taking out the garbage, and even cleaning their rooms.

  349. Kiwi,
    The MAIN reason, other than scenery, for shooting down there by Hollywood is ONE thing and ONE thing only: SUBSIDIES and TAX CREDITS that your govt. gives to subsidize the employment of your folks. You can’t compete on a level playing field. Period.
    Secondly, if the shows are so all-fired awful, why do the “enlighened” programmers down there SHOW them? I mean, why aren’t they producing something more meaningful, inspired, and brilliant for themselves? Hmmmm?
    Really, this silly pissing match about cultures is irrelevant to the point. IF laws are bad or superfluous, they should be changed. But to circumvent them instead because you know they ARE valid but don’t want to pay the expense or inconvenience of compliance is dishonest in the most basic and elemental way. That’s what the producers of this show did. To admire them for it because some kids had a little vacation from reality (and were paid what amount in the real world of TV production to slave wages) is nonsense.

  350. I am a little scared for all you Americans who read the word “conservative” and come up with a political definition. Egads.
    Perhaps Michael Moore’s next film should be to take a shot at the American education system. It is obviously broken.
    CBS is, very much, the most conservative of the Big Networks; shockingly even more so than Disney-owned ABC.
    Fox is far and away the most liberal; again, not politically speaking, in case you were confused.
    As for this programme, I would suggest that we all just wait and see how it is presented and how the kids who participated represent themselves. This could be a wonderful show and a wonderful experience for all involved.

  351. I’ll be watching the show and I agree with Sarah. Also kinda funny how the same grungy Kurt Cobain worshiping, Nirvana and Pearl Jam listening Gen X’ers whined and complained when they were teens about being stereotyped. Yet they are doing the same thing now….
    No worries though most of these self-righteous Gen X’ers and dinosaurs will either be long gone or retired when the youth of today start taking over.

  352. Wow, this is just pathetic….How many people on here truly can’t understand what they’re reading. Americans have the terms conservative and liberal so deeply embedded in their political minds, that they can’t even fathom a different meaning to the term.
    This is Child Abuse? Are you kidding me? Calling something like this child abuse is what’s wrong with America today. These kids probably learned more from this experence then they have out of years of US public education system. You want to talk about child abuse? How about making the kids go to Church and fog up their minds with religious bullsh** which at it’s every core preaches discrimination based on sex, and beliefs. We’re building a nation of sissy morons… Just Sad.

  353. Wow! I really don’t know where to start. True, you don’t know if I’m really a parent of a kid from the show, but then I really don’t know if any of you are who or what you portray. That said, watch the show people. Judge AFTER you’ve seen at least one episode. Then if you think it’s trash and don’t want to watch it, don’t.
    My child (a mature 10/11 year old) participated in the show by her choice. My spouse and I thought long and hard (and asked tons of questions) before agreeing to allow her to parcipate. We did (and still) have some disagreement about some of the decisions of the producers…couldn’t they have had tutors? shouldn’t they have increased the stipend considering how much money the show is likely to make? did it have to film during the school year? etc….BUT, at the end of the day, our child had a great experience.
    We’re your fairly “normal” (whatever that is) middle class family. We are blessed with two healthy and well adjusted children who have extended families who love them, parents who spend time with them, go to a decent public school, aren’t too spoiled (no tvs or computers in their bedrooms), do well in school, participate in limited activities (not too overscheduled). We’re not perfect, but we have a pretty good life and we’re happy.
    Each step of the way, we challenged our daughter about participating in the show. When we learned that she would be gone for 40 days/40 night, learned of the hard living conditions (outhouses), etc., we asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?” We talked about it as a family a lot. We decided to let her do it, not because it was a tv show, but because of the experience that she would be getting.
    Those of you advocating that the parents of the kids on this show should be investigated by child services really should be more concerned with the children living in your own communities who are verbally, physically, and/or sexually abused every day. Call child services on the family down the block who swear at their kids and call them horrible names; or call for the kid at your local school who has mysterious bruises all the time. I think there might have been a few parents who did this for some sort of their own “glory” but most of the parents that I’ve met love their kids and allowed their kids to do it because the child wanted to and the parents believed it would be a good experience.
    Did you know that each group of kids had a “camp counselor” person (female adults for the girls, male adults for the boys)? And an overall “head counselor”? (Gee, sounds a bit like summer camp, huh?) And a pychologist, pediatrician, emergency medical staff? And very tight security on set? When the Virginia Tech tragedy happened, my daughter was at Kid Nation and there was probably no where in the world where she could have been safer.
    But let me tell you about our child’s experience in her words. The best things about it: “I met people from all over the country. I learned to take care of myself and proved to myself that I could do something like this. Kids can make decisions by themselves and make a difference in the world.” The worst: “All the work we had to do. Actually all the behind the scenes things.” (I think she means the boring, repetitive production things they had to do.)
    When we visited the set to pick her up, there were tears of joy to see each other again. When I saw how they lived, how far they had to haul water, etc., I asked her if she would do it again and without hesitating, she said she would. And she hasn’t wavered from that. As nice as it is to sleep in her nice and comfortable bed, she had a great experience. Was she homesick? Yes. Was she miserable? No. Did she learn more than she would have in the 22 days she missed school (spring break and weekends were part of the 40 days)? I believe so, but time will tell. I can tell you that her academic preparation didn’t suffer; she still made the honor roll. And she appreciates her life at home and the experience she had in Bonanza City.
    So, before you judge, think. Before you condemn, open your mind. Before you dismiss, watch. Dialogue is good; opinions, disagreeing, debating – all good. Judging, ranting, swearing in blogs – small-minded and not the kind of people I want my kid around. But then I let my kid go off into the wilderness for 40 days so to some of you who are close-minded, I’m sure my judgement is already suspect.

  354. Good for the kids. Good for CBS. They did their homework. They played fair. So, why are you upset at this? CBS thought of something and they did it. They had a creative idea and they went for it.
    Makes me think of the last time I had a creative idea and went for it. I was fortunate enough to attend a summer camp (sans cameras) where I learned how to work. Grateful for it every day.
    Guess what parents, your children are looking at you and watching what you do and listening to what you say. If you are creative and open with others, your kids will watch you and do the same. If you are hostile, angry and looking for what’s wrong, your kids will do the same. Put your kids in a creative environment and watch what can happen. Show anger and that’s what your child will have.
    I’ll watch a couple of episodes and if I like it, I’ll keep watching. If not, on to the next show. Time will tell if it worked.
    Edward R. Murrow said it best, “This instrument can teach it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it is merely wires and lights in a box.”

  355. Victory,
    There have been many movies made here, seen you are in the “know”, you could probably list 10 easily, there maybe many reasons why they make them here, some you suggest and others as well.
    Our enlightened programmers?? they just fill the space on the tube,pour the mindless programs into our homes,they have attempted to make all kinds of more mindless T.V,it,s like a diet of food,we can either simply eat for the sake of it or eat good food that will nourish us,you get out what you put in !
    But let me ask this question,do you think that in the last 20yrs with all the films,T.V,games and music that America freely pedels off around the world has had NO affect on relationships,marriages,parenting,schooling,
    murders,crime, rapes, on and on and on.
    Excuse me, but have you not(these mediums)sown and sown and sown all in the name of money for themselves,and to the public… just feed me and entertain me!! and you wonder why your country is so screwed up.
    You may choose to disagree, fact remains you have sown your seeds,your society is producing what you have sown,your seeds have been scattered around the world,what will you reap??
    I have been to America twice, yes i would love to live there,i have many american friends,and yes i love the films coming to support our economy, but still reality t.v as we would say its…..”budget”…..meaning very CHEAP.
    One last thing, i remember reading about a city in either Canada or Alaska that had to t.v in it because of the mountain range, in the 80,s? they got it, at the end of the first year crime had soared,marriages broke and the list went on,oh i forgot what they needed was some reality programs, that would have helped make it all better. Bring back PARIS!

  356. Wow…I can’t believe the comments I’m seeing about this program. All these people that are all worked up about this need to just change the channel. There were certainly enough adult there to supervise this experiment and make sure that if things go seriously wrong they’d be able to step in and fix the situation. I think it’s great that kids are finally not just being catered to by cartoons, crappy “sitcoms”, and video games. There are a whole crop of shows out there that show kids actually getting off their asses and actually doing something for themselves.
    Even though I’m only 27, even this newer generation is completely different than I was, even 10 years ago. No more do they have to do things for themselves. No more do they have to pay for things themselves. They don’t have to earn things for themselves. Luxuries suck as a cell phone, a car (with gas, insurance, and payment for all damages from an inevitable accident) are all given to them no questions asked. These are smart kids, if they are given the chance to show anybody, but this culture doesn’t allow the younger population to present that as often as it should.
    There’s a reason that kids don’t grow up as quickly as they did in older days. While the media throws sex in their faces, they are not as ready for those pressures, as well as monetary and relationship pressures, as they were years ago. People get married much later than they did before. On the other side, there are many teenagers that end up having to take over their parent’s duties, whether it’s because of a death in the family or because the parent works 3 jobs to support them.
    What we should be concerned with is the state of our culture today that raises kids who expect everything to be done for them, so that it takes years after high school and/or college graduation for them to mature into real adults. Age is just a number. 21 years old about 10 years ago was more mature than it is now. Take kids out of this over-nurturing environment, and see how they develop. I think it’s something that needs to be seen, and I applaud CBS for finally having the balls to show something like this. While kids do need their parents at times, I think to see what kinds of people our nation’s kids actually are should open our eyes to how stupid our culture as a whole has gotten.

  357. Yikes. Does anyone have any idea what the long-term impact will be on these children? Since when do we perform “social experiments” on small children with zero thought as to the long-term consequences?
    “And when they decide to be mean to each other, they’re horrible.” But of course, the adults don’t referee or intervene. No, they stand back and FILM one child being “horrible” to another like freaking mad scientists watching bacteria in an experiment.
    As an added insult, the entire planet gets to watch as children are vile to one another ON CAMERA?!?
    Great. Every child they know back home can witness their outbursts and/or humiliations on television. Heck, their school buddies can tape them and watch their outbursts and/or humiliations over and over and over, the better to memorize and taunt the children with them later.
    It may be “great television” from the point of view of the idiot pseudo-grownups in HollowWood. To me it sounds like egregious, selfish and cruel exploitation of small children (eight?! nine?!) for MONEY.

  358. This looks like something that will never get on the air.
    CBS’ air, anyway. Some politician will get his panties in a bunch, complain to CBS, and that wuss Moonves will roll over and try to banish it to one of the Viacom cable networks.

  359. Shut up you whiney fools. I would have loved to have had the chance to do this when I was that age. These kids were probably in less danger being on a secluded set rather than thier own home towns. No drugs, chances of being hit by a car, pedophiles/abductions, “bad” television /video games, or flying monkeys. Seriously, go stand on your soap boxes in the middle of the Mojave Desert and preach to the sand…if it will even listen to you before turning into glass.

  360. Ridiculous. How long will it be before CBS loses its “Tiffany” status and people think of it as the exploitative crap-fest that it really is these days?

  361. If I was a kid I would want to be on this show. This is no different than the camp ran in Ohio where young kids are grouped together, have “jobs,” live in a fake society and learn about laws and social responsibilities. Only the producer thought to take this same concept, put it in a desert town and shoot it for television. Brilliant.

  362. First of all, I ask each of you to go online and search the word child exploitation! Because the only thing that comes up connects it to sexual conduct and I can guarantee that was not going on.
    Secondly, you speak of pedophiles. Well, rude awakening, folks. The pedophiles are in every one of your homes. Everyone that has access to the internet and since you are posting online, that would be you. They are also in your schools, churches and communities.
    Thirdly, where do you all get off putting down the parents and stating they should have their children taken away due to abuse and abandonment? Please enlighten me as to specifically how they were abused because you, my friend, were not there and do not have any facts to back up your allegations. You state that they are in it for the money and/or fame. Hello, what about those parents who put there kids in dance, gymnastics, football, soccer, baseball, bike racing, need I go on. I bet they do it just for fun, right. They are never hoping that their child will become a famous quarterback, or make it to the Olympic Team, etc. I have seen documentaries on girls taking ballet where there feet are solid blisters and they become anorexic because they are told they need to be a certain weight. Shows where young boys are taking steroids so they can be bigger and better athletes. I have seen fathers show their butts at football games and yell at their kid for missing a pass, mothers screaming at their daughters for messing up a routine. Whew, but those are perfect parents, uh?
    Now, let’s take a look at the 40 kids that participated. They weren’t given any drugs to enhance there abilities, weren’t forced to perform in any certain way, weren’t yelled at by adults for messing something up. They had better supervision than in our public schools and for 40 days they were not exposed to the internet, TV, and today’s failing society. They were given the chance to be themselves, all while given the trust and ability to make their own decisions. And guess what people, contrary to what you think, they did it.
    This show is so far from negligent. Go call your parents, grandparents, etc and ask them how they lived back then and what kind of chores and work they had to do. These kids lived like they did and guess what….your forefathers survived and were better adults for it and these kids will be also. If we, as parents, would quit giving in to our children and start making them work for what they want, then maybe we wouldn’t have so many juvenile delinquents on our hands. Look at the Juvenile Courts in your town. Most are overbooked.
    I truly believe that today’s kids can learn a lot from this show. I can tell from fact that my child took so much away from Kid Nation. I hear stories everyday of what she did and learned and how she would do it again. My child gleams when she talks about the show and the kids she met. She said it was tough, hard and she was homesick but she overcame it all and proved to herself, more importantly, that she could do it. She learned how to deal with emotions without me telling her how she should feel. She learned to cook, clean and take care of herself. She had to make decisions without me telling her what to do and she did it. I couldn’t be more proud of her. And guess what, she is an Honor Roll student and was awarded Highest GPA in Math and Science in her class. She is active in and out of school. But according to most of you, she is abused and should be taken away from her parents, right? Yes, it was a hard decision to make and I prayed about letting her go and everyday that she was gone, all while knowing that God was watching over her. When I saw her for the first time in 40 days, we both just cried and hugged and it was such a bonding moment for us. With this, I now know that my child can withstand being apart from us and can survive. This will come in handy when she goes to college. Our family grew from this experience and is stronger and more bonded than ever. So rather you like it or not, my parenting skills should not be questioned but maybe yours should be.
    We as parents don’t give our children enough credit. Their minds are so much more open than any adult I know. We adults tend to try to think out things too intensely and read too much into things, where a kid just does it and goes on.
    Don’t forget….Kids are our future. Have a Blessed Day!

  363. I was reading these posts today because another parent told me about this interview and the massive amount of responses to it. I had a child on the show and if I had to pay for him to have an experience similar to the one that he had on the show it would have cost me thousands of dollars. We have sent him to 4 different camps and spent many thousands of dollars hoping that he would be able to meet other children that he could relate to socially and intellectually. It is only at Bonanza City that he made these connections. He is constantly checking and sending e-mail to his “extended family”. While he was very hapy to be home he also has stated that he would go back in an instant. As a matter of fact when the application came out for the second season he printed it out and wanted to go thru the application again, and no it is not for the $5000, or to miss school ( he actually loves to learn and who knows maybe this year school will actually teach him something he doesn’t already know) but rather it was for the the friendships that he made. He finally made the friendships that I made in camp and other activities for this alone THANK YOU CBS.
    As for child endangerment. How many of the people writing out there ever went to summer camp? How many of you went to a co-ed camp? How many of you had your first passionate encounter (hard to think of a nice way to put that) at camp? Do you think that your parents should be brought up on child endangerment charges because of this? I dont think so. These kids were much better supervised than at any camp they could have or will ever go to. I remember summer camp was a time without parents and most of the counselors were between the ages of 16-22 occasionally there were letters or care packages but we were not allowed to have cell phones or computers or video games. It was a time to hike and explore and to build lifelong friendships.
    My son came home with a whole new appreciation for what it takes to get food on the table for dinner. The chores that we have at home are no longer a daily battle he does them without complaint knowing that everyone has to do their share of work around the house. I only wish that I had been able to participate in a program as a child. The closest that I came was Y Camp where you were treated the same as children have been treated for over a hundred years now. We learned valuable life lessons at camp and made connections not only with the campers who we attended with but everyone who had ever gone there. My son missed nothing by missing a few days of school and learned something that is not taught in schools today RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS ACTIONS.
    We as parents are so concerned about the childrens safety that nobody gets to roam the neighborhoods anymore, or at least not without a cell phone.
    The hardest thing for us since he got home is realizing that he has had this freedom from us and we need to take a step back and observe how he manages his newfound freedoms. We are still there to guide him but some mistakes he needs to make on his own. We will no longer be forcing him to do his homework by standing over him to make sure it is complete but rather will allow him the time to complete it without hovering. I know that this means that some of his work will not be complete on time but he understands consequences and will learn from his mistakes.
    I know that I will not convince anyone to change there minds on this subject but perhaps you should all think about how we are trying to raise our kids in a bubble nowadays. Maybe everyone should go out and rent a movie called Jack about a young boy whose parents tried to shield him for a while and what his reactions were when introduced to the real world.
    Ok everyone fire away at my rambling but don’t take it out on my kid.

  364. Doesn’t anyone send their kid to summer camp anymore? Despite the fact that this show wasn’t a real camp, it doesn’t sound too awfully different. I went to summer camp as a kid and would spend a month away from my parents, being looked after by teenagers, and while it was mostly activities like hiking and swimming, we all had to do chores as well, including kitchen duty.
    I managed to survive that just fine, even with my parents far away. In fact, I’ve done quite well for myself.
    And I loved summer camp, but I would have loved it much more if I had made $5000 for going. And I’m sure my parents would have much preferred the number of adults and the quality of the medical staff from CBS to those provided by my camp.

  365. 1 phrase comes to mind shut the FUCK THE UP. U ALL COMPLAIN . WHY NOT TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YR SELFS. i went thro so many posts here it makes my head spin. hers an really great fucking idea dont watch tv at all . throw them all out . work near yr homes . so u can have a freaking dinna with yr freakish kids . that way if yr freakish kid gets hurt u can run to them . oh by the way that might yr pay check so be it .

  366. Might I remind you all of my earlier statement of not letting your political bigotry get in the way your respect for people.
    Well, let me suggest something else:
    Don’t let your preconcieved notions and stereotypes become false generalizations.
    Yes, I realize my peers are less than mature and I realize that there are people out there in every group (often in the minority) that are the bad apples of the bunch. Often, too, these people are thrust to center stage and are considered the “norm” for each group. Don’t believe the cover. Dig deeper and you will ALWAYS find maturity somewhere.
    I would also like to say that I, personally, would not join the show, but far be it from me to ordain over someone else whether or not they can. Often, if the child wants to do the show, then chances are the parents will be willing to concede. There are a lot of factors that I’m sure these parents considered. Don’t assume that every parent is a bad one who wishes to exploit their child for money or any other purposes.
    Look for the best. Give the benefit of the doubt.


  368. This is to “Another Kid Nation Parent” and “Yet Another Parent”…
    I was the “Kid Nation Parent” that commented first on this site.
    Just a couple of thoughts.
    I hope the show conveys to the Country how this group of kids came together, how much fun they had and how they would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
    The support they received from the crew, the producers and the CAPS, gosh, ESPECIALLY THE CAPS!!! My daugther misses her CAP every single day. She absolutely positively loved her!
    The friendships they made I know will last a lifetime. Emails-phone-calls, letters and AIM’s are a daily thing with her new friends.
    When she was leaving to go to New Mexico I honestly didn’t know if I was making the “right decision” by sending her. Like you, I asked a ton of questions, many many questions. I also spent some sleepless nights pondering. Even after I sent her I wasn’t sure I made the right decison (although she really really wanted to go). But I know now, it’s an experience she will never have again. She talks about it every day (not so much about the show because she wants me to be surprised). But about her friends, how much she learned, and mostly how much fun she had.
    After reading the negative comments there is one thing I want to let you all know. These 40 kids really had a special experience. I don’t think you will find one parent, child or crew member that has negative things to say about their experience. Remember, anytime a child said they wanted to go home, they could leave. IMMEDIATELY! Although I am not at liberty to discuss any specific details, wait and see how many, if any, kids went home.
    I agree with one of the other comments that if it was called a “documentary” or was on “PBS” it would be hailed as the next best thing!
    I am happy my child was chosen, she learned a lot about herself as did I. Can’t wait for September.

  369. OK ALL YOU PARENTS OUT THERE WHO R READING THIS SHUT UP! This is just an experiment to see if kids can create a better society!and ya know what? I sent in an application for season 2! so if you got a problem…SHOOT ME!

  370. “I think this is terrible. If we as a society start letting our children run around trying to take care of themselves, then what sort of futre does that leave for them?”
    This is irony, right? I HOPE it is.
    I was encouraged by the responses from the parents whose children participated in the show. A very intelligent, caring and mentally-balanced lot they seem to be. Then I note that such people appear to be the minority, at least judging from the tone and content of most of the comments.
    What I see in this thread is a bunch of adults who are still really children in their mental development. The thing about children (besides usually being smaller) is that they lack the tools of critical thinking and reasoning to look at the world and see what really is. They lack the mental training to reject falsehoods, no matter how enticing they are, and deduce the truth.
    When people can’t see the truth, when they lack the capacity to make decisions in their own best interests, they are compelled to turn to someone who can. For actual children, this is usually their parent. For mentally-stunted adults, this parent capacity unfortunately gets relegated to politicians and the faceless beauracracy of our loving government. That dependency shows through in whatever they do. There is always the unspoken assumption that someone should be taking care of things, and a lack of enforced order is assumed to lead to chaos.
    When we give to our children the experience of self-sufficiency, it teaches them that it is possible to think on their own. This, in turn, encourages them to develop the faculty of reasoning that enables them to make their own future. They learn that reasoning, hard work and dedication are the means to achieving greatness. I am sure that many of you will be surprised by how well these children are able to cope with the challenges set before them–at least the ones that can get their minds off of plundering CBS with lawsuits. People learn to think by actually doing it.
    So, the next time you decide that you will spare your children the agony of actual, challenging life experience, consider that the “damage” you have saved them from is temporary, but that perpetual mental childhood is a far greater curse to place on them. Let them experience, let them learn, let them live and grow. Hopefully, they will become adults one day and not spoiled children who believes the world owes them a livelihood.

  371. After looking through many of the new offerings for the fall season last month on the TV Week website, Kid Nation stood head and shoulders above the rest of the programs.
    This is as ambitious an idea as the original Survivor and looks like it was done with a tremendous amount of care.
    The idea of setting it up as a filmed summer camp I think is the perfect way to look at it. Parents drop off their kids for camps and the children go through unique communal experiences and challenges in a new environment that help them grow as young people.
    My impression was that the makers of Kid Nation wanted to 1) document child behavior in a setting with minimal adult involvement and 2) foster a setting where they would be challenged and ultimately excel.
    I have a feeling that this show will be riveting, powerful and ultimately very uplifting. Our society has taken away many risks and challenges for adults as well as kids, and this show gave a select group of children a chance to be challenged and tested.
    According to the theory of generational cycles, this generation is one that will rise to the challenge of working together within formal structures to accomplish great things. Kid Nation has given our young people an opportunity to show us what they can accomplish and inspire us all.
    Good for CBS for making this happen. Hang in there through the controversy.

  372. Another positive about this show is the fact that you can almost ensure that it will be family-safe!
    I know that I personally avoid shows that cuss and to not practice it myself (another separation factor from my peers) and I think that personally I will watch this show!
    I think it will be very interesting, and yes, it will be a social experiment. But it could also be a look into the state of our youth and ultimately the state of the people who will one day run this country!

  373. Mr. Hibberd
    I have 10 years experience as a former stage parent turned advocate for the protection of child actors/minors in entertainment confronting this entire industry to make others understand the myths in believing that any child actor works in a protected environment. This is what the industry would like to believe.
    I would like to correct one comment made in your article regarding Kid Nation. You stated in your article:
    “Today New Mexico (like California, New York and most states) has strict limits on the number of hours children can work on a production (18 hours during a school week, and no shooting after 7 p.m.). Many popular filmmaking states also require the presence of studio teachers and a parent or guardian, as well as regular meals.”
    Although New York has recent legislation, passed in 2003, the Child Performer Education and Trust Act of 2003 for child actors, there are absolutely no regulations attached to this law that govern work hours and/or conditions for minors, unfortunately. Their education is not protected as well as they are only issued on-set tutors if they miss three consecutive days of schooling, thus leading to cumulative unexcused absences. The title of this law is the MYTH -there are no protections for child actors in New York and even their trust fund, required by this law is only an UTMA or UGMA account, not a Coogan account so money can be withdrawn.
    You also state that many popular production states require the presence of studio teachers. There is only ONE POPULAR or busy production state that requires such, by law and that is the state of California, otherwise the education of child actors is completely unprotected other than SAG/AFTRA contract regulations that exist which provide a certified teacher if the child is guaranteed three contractural days of work with the same employer. Nonunion children, not belonging to a theatrical union, such as those used in reality shows and Kid Nation have absolutely no educational protections if there is no theatrical child labor law in their state requiring such. Myth number two that the public believes…that all child actors sit down with a studio teacher with continuation of their education while they work.
    I will also provide you with information regarding recent changes in New Jersey where a child theatrical labor law written in 1962 has been recently been re-addressed and fully enforced since the summer of 2004. Before this time, there was another “myth” it seems that New Jersey had little restrictions and/or regulations governing child actors. I will not elaborate any further but this can be confirmed with the New Jersey Attorney General’s office, to be specific Deputy Attorney Generals from this office, who are very involved in the implementation of this law, to be specific with both the NJ Dept of Labor and Dept of Education. Please ask the NJ Attorney General’s office, Citizen Services who have an entire file on this issue since 2004, why there is the existence of their involvement in the implementation of this law since the summer of 2004. Was there a child theatrical labor law “misplaced” for decades that was to protect work hours, conditions and the education of child actors? Parents of child actors have asked where this law suddenly appeared after very rarely being required to produce child performer work permits and now being asked for such! Strangely, everyone is quiet as to the sudden work permit enforcement for all minors who work in NJ. All of the above can be verified. I only state facts.
    Now we have reality shows and worse than that, reality shows being produced in states with no child theatrical labor laws to impede production, thus allowing both state and employers of these children to benefit monetarily and avoid having the hinderance of stopping production at a certain time of the day because it’s a school night and avoid the issuance of a studio and/or certified on-set teacher.
    One might also look into an incident with Nickelodeon last year where a convicted registered sex offender listed slipped through the cracks and was hired as a freelance production assistant to work with minors. How did this occur and why was he arrested while at work for allegedly molesting a young boy, a child actor, he had been working with. Was he convicted? Was he guilty? People can follow this story on their own. The main issue is that he was hired, without a background check and had a conviction as a sex offender and was working side by side with minors, gone unnoticed!
    I’ve spoken the facts, not opinions.
    Why, with Kid Nation were children denied their educational rights, under a Federal law, No Child Left Behind. They have a right to receive quality education and they are in no way to be without education continually for four to six weeks, unless all were homeschooled children, but even if that were true, who monitored their studies and how? And I would like to know how this production company wiggled around a Federal Education law in place to make sure each and every child in the U.S. is provided a quality education?
    and the videotaping. Are parents to view every inch of that videotape as it was filmed. Did anything end up in the wastebasket during editing?
    Defining the word “welfare” who watched over the psycholgical welfare of these children in the absence of parents/guardians and decided that each of these children were not affected psychologically by any peer pressure that may have existed and/or any events that may have occurred to upset any of these children?
    Why were nonunion children used for this production and not children belonging to a theatrical union who are followed by union regulations governing work hours/conditions and educational protections and why was it produced in a state void of any theatrical labor laws.
    I hope the public does the math and subtracts the myths that the public have believed for decades and comes to the realization that these children are continually exploited, more so than ever in the last few years with this industry moving from state to state to avoid any regulations that would impede production.
    the facts speak for themselves.

  374. For some of the stupid Liberals out there,
    1. No child left behind: Schooling and education is worse to the point that we are brainwashing the children to not think for themselves but bow down to capital hill. Too many kids to a class room, not enough teachers and illegals getting free education on OUR TAXES. SCHOOLING IS NOT UP TO PAR.
    2. We have too much mommy government and interference that some of you people are too busy being happy at home with a beer in your hand, MTV and MP3 and thinking government is going to take care of you. WRONG> DID YOU ALL FORGET KATRINA.

  375. Janet P,
    What a lot of Statist-Socialist nonsense. You think that “No Child Left Behind” is going to trump the judgment and concern of parents? Big Brother Guvmint surely knows better than mom and dad how little Susie is getting by in her classes, eh?
    Trust me, the pain of “exploitation” that these kids have gone through is as nothing compared to the mental anguish that you feel for them. This wasn’t fourteen hours of forced labor, for crying out loud. This was a whole day spent with other children, doing things however they feel like doing them. If that’s a crime, then a lot of parents are going to be in trouble. I think these kids are going to get by just fine, with or without big government to hold their hands.
    Please, do yourself a favor and study some basic economics. It will change your whole outlook on life, government, and what it means to be free. You may just find that that eminently Marxist word “exploitation” suddenly becomes a lot less weighty when you view the rational, self-interested choices that people make.

  376. Scott
    Without getting into politics and yes, we know No Child Left Behind is absolutely not funded correctly, all missed the point here!
    The public believes these children are well protected while they work – that is simply not the case, including telling each one of these parents that this production company will in no way be providing on-set tutoring for the kids…what, for 4 to 6 weeks while school is in session and this was confirmed by taking this production away from California or any other states that have on-set tutoring, such as studio teacher or certified teachers for the children…a continuation of schooling so that they do not miss pertient work and can jump back into their normal school routine when this project was completed.
    I have 10+ years experience with the industry with minors in entertainment and have seen the back roads very clearly and while it absolutely can be enjoyable for the children, it can absolutely be a dangerous place, especially if a parent is not within sight or sound. SAG regulations do ask that a parent be within sight and sound and it’s become an industry standard.
    with this production the cameras are following the children 24/7 and that’s invasive enough without a parent being present and truly, do we know what was put on film and if edited, where that edited tape went. If a registered sex offender can be hired by a children’s TV production company and on most sets we have at least 100 crew members, most of which are freelance, going from one job to another – is that truly a safe envirnment for these kids?
    Why were the kids picked for this not from states with child theatrical labor laws following them or for that matter, kids belonging to theatrical unions and to really make sure production had a green light to do whatever they liked – make sure the state they film in has no child labor laws to hinder production.
    Scott, there are serious issues at hand. Hopefully these kids did have a good experience and hopefully nothing happened to them but unless you’ve been a part of this business and see what can happen, including a child labor law put away in the closet for decades in one state…I guess the public would really not comprehend the need for these kids to be watched like a hawk!
    Ironically, these kids are supposed to set up a new nation?? with it’s own rules/government, however, the kids that are participating in this have just been allowed to miss 4 to 6 weeks of school! That’s setting a great example! That’s the kind of leaders that we would definitely want to see ruling a nation! There was no respect for these children. NO respect for their education – it was a hinderance for production to provide them tutors and I have no respect for the way this was handled.
    Again, the public has a different view and I can respect that of child actors really working in a protected environment, just because a press release states so…however, that is absolutely a very big myth. Any child working in strange environment with strange adults they never met before, freelance production assistants and cameras on them at all times with no legal guardian or parent present CAN BE a recipe for disaster! The public just never hears about most of it.
    This is not a political agenda. I have no need to argue or hear political comments. These are minors, these are children and the industry sees monetary figures before watching over the children’s welfare – evidenced by the way this production was handled from the start and the location it was picked to be filmed!
    there are very little protections that follow these children, especially with children not belonging to a theatrical union and reality shows we have no handle on right now. and again, unless you have a child in this business and experienced it first hand – there really is no argument to be had.
    I appreciate your comments – we all have the right to voice our opinion. I do hope all of the kids DID and will come out of this okay – but we won’t know that until it airs and until the kids have to go back to their friend and peers at school and back home and kids can be pretty nasty/jeolous and that’s where it can get tough for these kid actors! If something happened in that show that brought attention to any of these kids negtatively…who has to handle that ribbing, the parents, the producer or the child that was just in that show and is now teased by his peers! So to say they’ll be okay or they were treated okay, is just an assumption. They have a long path ahead of them!

  377. A different story ‘Lord of the Flies’ Style Show Raises Ethical Concerns
    Upcoming CBS Reality Show ‘Kid Nation’ Exploits Child Labor Loophole

  378. This is stupid, whoever that coleen girl is down there, needs to shut it. Some kids are dumb, but some arent, and they mature to know right from wrong, its dumb people like you that make kids go to homeschool, and ruin there social skills and life because YOU KNOW WHATS BEST FOR THEM. yeah right.

  379. Well it won’t matter soon anyways, all the illegals will be taking over, so will the muslim, because people in congress is destroying this country. Then you will have something to cry about.

  380. Just saw another promo on upcoming “Kid Nation.”
    How much lower will CBS go to exploit children, and now feature them lambasting the president of the United States….!!?? Regardless of party affiliation, it is shameful to encourage any child to shout out that the president of the United States is NOT SMART.
    I am so weary of the hidden agendas coming out of Hollywood, and the entire entertainment industry, when it comes to allowing celebrities (and now children)to make a mockery of the government of the United States and our leaders. This standard of reinforcing hate is akin to the exploitation and toxic behavior taught children (future generations) in so many of the Mid-Eastern countries.
    Hollywood and many of its “manufactured” celebrities have become an international embarrassment and threat to the citizens of the United States.

  381. Dear LPope
    In reference to the note from L.Pope
    You are only hearing part of the conversation from the little girl saying the president is not smart . BEFORE JUDGING GET ALL THE FACTS, ARE IS IT JUST YOUR NATURE TO JUDGE EVERYTHING WITHOUT FINDING THE FACTS FIRST.
    I think our government embarrassment can only be blamed on the government officials, not our kids or Hollywood.

  382. i might be on this show

  383. i might be on this show

  384. As a grandmother of one of the children in Kid Nation, I have to state my opinion, in reference to all the negative comments.
    Let me start off with my own life ( when I was 8-15 years old ) My father died when I was 5, there were 4 kids at home, we were poor dirt farmers, my mother had to take a job in public, leaving us kids to clean the house, milk the cows, gather the eggs, feed the chickens, feed the hogs, plant and harvest the crops of wheat, tobacco, corn, plus in the summer a garden for food , chop the wood for heat, do the cooking, this was done in the heat of the summer, the cold of the winter, weather didn’t matter, the work had to be done. and to do it we were up at 5:00A.M. and worked until all was done for the day .The oldest at home was 15. We had no electricity, running water, bathrooms or any other modern convenience’s. The only thing we did have was the closeness of family, and see the beauty of our work at the end of the day.
    I guess you could say I lived in Kid Nation, but my mother was not accused of being cruel to us as these kids parents are .
    This work never hurt me, my bother or any of my sisters, It only made us appreciate what we had, respect what we had , to respect others and I feel most of all it helped us to truly see the beauty God had put on this earth for us .
    My granddaughter come home from Kids Nation with some of these values , she’s seen that life is not all play, not all give me, not self centered around just her . She’s seen if she wants to get somewhere in life, you need to work to get there, not expect her parents to hand it to you. She realizes now just how hard her mother and father work to make things better for her and her sister and she wants to help more, even encourages her sister to do the same. She helps in the garden and loves it. She now can see the beauty in a flower as it blooms, not that it’s just a flower. Sure she is a child, weren’t we all at some point in our life’s and we all learned from the experience of doing , not setting and letting others do for us.
    I find in today generation that kids are given everything, they don’t have to work for it, and they don’t appreciate it as they would if they had to earn it. We have more kids from 8 up in crime ( drugs, theft, gangs and even killing) today, the reason being, they are not given the opportunity to expand their minds in the adult world, they are told they are to young to know what they are talking about. This is not true, quit babying your kids, give them a change to use their minds , listen to them when they talk, let them make a few decisions , then guide them in their decisions.
    The kids on Kid Nation did just that and this is one grandmother who has seen her granddaughter come home a much better child then when she left, yes, some got home sick, including my granddaughter, I’m sure there was some name calling, anger shown , pushing , shoving , but in the end each of these kids respected each other and have remained in touch with each other since they have returned home. Don’t we as adults show anger and call names. Watch our elected officials , they are one of the biggest name callers in the world, and they are supposed to be well educated adults. They also show great anger . AMAZING ISN”T IT, see where are kids get it from.
    My granddaughter said she had a great time and would do it again in a heart beat, and as fare as her schooling , she came home and took the test ( that she had missed ) passed with flying colors at the top of her class. Now tell me kids can’t do what they set their mind to .
    These parents were able to hear how their child was doing every day , if they wanted to , there were counselors that could be called at any time. My daughter did just that and knew she was doing fine at all times.
    Thanks Kid Nation for giving my granddaughter this opportunity . Thanks to all the kids who showed the world that kids can live and work alone if need be and survive, you all were great, don’t let anyone tell you different. As a matter of fact, this is probably why so many adults are mad, these kids have outdone them and proven them wrong.
    I’m one proud grandmother

  385. Regardless of the rationalizations put forth for this program, it still seems like exploiting children for money and entertainment. Are they working the land for family survival under difficult circumstances? No. They’re in the modern world, PERFORMING for the profit of CBS and the entertainment of people who steep themselves in artificial constructs labeled as “reality”. I actually wonder if this is aimed mostly at kids, in a society that pretty much thinks they can handle everything by themselves anyway. If most children could live in harmony for more than a month without any adult guidance, formal education, or structure, and have a future in today’s world, what the heck do we need parents for? Just let ’em loose. Otherwise, this is just another pseudo-reality show that means nothing to anyone but those raking in the advertising dollars. So the way I see it, why waste the time? Just my two cents.

  386. look, im a kid from the show.
    And for all of you who are saying stuff like “who would let there kids do that!?! and Oh my god they should be takin away from there parents, whats wrong with the adults?!?” Yes, it was a very hard job, yes, we got homesick, but yes we ALL loved it, and i think i can say for every kid on the show, that not one of us would go back and not do it. We all LOVED it sooo much, and we learned alot, we developed family, and friendship there, and for no education? i learned more there than i did in years of public school. Most of us were soo sad to go home, because that place became our home, and we loved it, and missed almost every bit of it. I want to go back every minnute i think of it, and it was the best most wonderful expierence ive EVER had.

  387. I’m sure some or most kids enjoyed it as a sort of camp while CBS apparently got around regulation to make some bucks, but I don’t think it will be the first ACTUAL reality show. The mere presence of cameras can influence how things play out. And CBS has said there was “a full support staff around”, including nutritionists, paramedics, and psychologists. That’s good, but to me it makes this “no adults” nation another farse. I’m guessing that, as with other “reality” shows, the situation is pre-engineered and the contestants carefully selected. I enjoy some dramas, etc., that I know are fictional in every way but are well-acted. Shows that seem like games in a producer’s mind but pretend to be freeform reality are actually a bit less convincing. Tip to the networks: I know the labor is cheaper than hiring real actors, but please, step AWAY from the reality shows already.

  388. Well they paid them for $5000 for 40 days at at about 17 hours per day. It comes out to about $7.35 per hour. I wonder how much CBS is going to make off this show? As a parent of two, I would not have participated in this farce if asked. Too much to risk.

  389. I am going to a casting call 2 morrow and im only 12 i don’t think you guys relize what it can do its proving that kids like me can change the world in big ways this is gonna show that what you think isn’t possible has never been gven a thought now that it has i wanna make a point that Kids can Rule a Nation…

  390. I am 15.I hate how you adults say “kids don’t know whats best for them”.Kids are a lot smarter & stronger than adult give us credit for. Kids go into surgery and want to go to the playroom an hour later, as most adult just stay in bed a whine. For all those saying this is wrong, if it was wrong don’t you think CBS would have been shut down by law enforcement already??? Come on people most of the kids in the US would have jumped at the chance to go on the show , and the ones that don’t proablily have the parents that are saying the negative things about the show. As for the making their own food, I have a few friends that make their own food at home (and even I am reguired to make a few meals when needed).I would agree that their should have been a teacher on the set (or it should have been filmed during the summer) but to have a experience like that I bet the kids didn’t mind making up the school work at all, I know I wouldn’t have.

  391. im 13 anna’s right u guys dont give us enough credit its not really fair to us… u guys always go on tv and stuff acting and all that theres SOOO many more adult actors and adult reality shows theres hardly any kid reality shows around. and annas comment about adults saying “kids dont know whats best for them” THEY ALWAYS SAY THAT!! i think we know whats best for us we know how to make the right choice.i just wanted to put that in the air.

  392. As a 16 year old, I can agree and empathize with some of the statements made by kids on here. But might I remind you not to classify *all* adults as unknowledgable, stuffy, and restrictive people. To an extent, they do know what’s best, but we have to realize that everyone makes mistakes and everyone is entitled to their views.
    Kyle, there are more adult reality shows because, as this discussion shows, this is a very touchy issue especially when it gets in the way of school.
    But overall, I agree with both Kyle and Anna. Often we are not afforded the respect that some of us deserve because of the stereotype of a spoiled American kid who gets everything they ask for from Mommy and Daddy. Perhaps these kids were ready for this experience. There was a selection process and I’m sure the child’s maturity was taken into account.

  393. I like kid nation i might even try out 4 it

  394. A big argument in favor of the show is that it’s such a great oppptunity for kids to learn how to do things for themselves, make decisions and accept responsibility, face challenges, prove that they can do things themselves, meet new people, etc. HELLOOOO! Isn’t this what parents are supposed to do? Who is in the best position to raise a child to be a good human being?
    This is a TV SHOW!!! I find it ironic that so many people say that this is a good way for kids to get off their butts and stop watching TV by being on a TV show. A TV show that other people (especially kids who declare their parents can’t tell them what to do)will later be sitting on their butts to watch. As CBS rakes in more money from the sponsors targeting the kids whose parents let them MAKE DECISIONS about how to spend the parents’ money. What do you want to bet that there will be Kids Nation hats, tshirts, backpacks, notebooks, and surely an interactive computer game available soon in a store near you?
    Just like camp? Maybe, but when parents send their kids to camp (and participate in other activities)they have a pretty good idea of what kinds of activities the kids will be doing and when. Parents PAY for camp counselors to provide experiences for kids in a supervised environment, but one parent said that the Kid Nation kids get BETTER supervision than at a camp. Would anybody really let their kids do something like this without plenty of adults around?
    Supposing the experience was positive for the kids. What happens next? Will they go home and be given more responsibility? Will they have to work for their allowance? Will they treat other people with respect and honesty? Do chores every day just because they know they must be done? Will they be able to establish their “role” in the real world that they’ll be in for the rest of their lives? Will they contribute what they’ve learned to create a better society for everyone?
    If each child who participated in this can do one of those things it would be valuable. Then perhaps CBS can offer the experience to all the kids in the country. And give the families lots of money for doing it.

  395. Will you all SHUT UP? Im going on this show and if anything, its going to be fun. its NOT hurting us. And its not pollitically incorrect. If you would all stop WASTING YOUR TIME on bagging a tv show then we could all get on with our lives.
    You’re all pathetic.

  396. Nice job on being positive, Taylor.
    Unfortunately, for many people this is a very serious issue. It involves a lot of issues that not only affect this topic, but also many other facets of our society today.
    In my mind, it’s quite pathetic to discount other’s views b/c they don’t agree w/ yours.
    I know that I’m not the only one thinking this, but I may be only one to voice it. Who’s to say that the people who call themselves kids from the show or parents really are? This is an anonymous website and you don’t have to give your real name. Heck, mine’s not real for fear of all the perverts and murderers out there. But who knows who is taking advantage of this.
    NOTE: Just b/c I say this does not mean I am questioning your honesty. But there are people out there who would do that just to get their point across.

  397. When is the second season,and how could I get registered to be in the show?
    name/Wellington Walker
    Coutry/United States

  398. My daughter who is 13 seen the per-views and says she wants to do this.
    Would I let her go to a place like this for forty days; it was depend on the paper work that had to be signed. There would have to be certain things in place for her safety and health interests.
    Does this make me a bad parent “NO”.

  399. The book Lord of the Flies comes to mind when I first learned of this show.

  400. How can I get my grandadson in. He is 12 years?

  401. My god there are a lot of ignorant people out there (comments above. The folks out there that are talking about, “child endangerment this and that” blah blah blah – same type of person who sues someone else when there kid falls in someone else’s swimming pool – when the parent wasn’t watching in the first place.
    People are so quick to blame someone else. In my opinion these are the same people that don’t mind when their government lies to them and their leader of choice blatently steals elections.
    and by the way ….
    My god – a hundred years ago 15 year olds were getting married and having families of their own. It’s not like we have changed as far as our physical evolution.

  402. I was a boy scout and we used to take 2 week planned hiking trips. Some troops still do this. While it is true, that there were several adults along for the ride; I never remember them stepping into the middle of anything! Food preparation was done by the kids, packing up was done by the kids, hiking through very severe conditions was done by the kids, setting up, preplanning … EVERYTHING. At most the “parents” would say it is time to go and driving at the beginning and the end of the trip. But if they were somehow spirited away in the middle of the night, I don’t think anyone would have noticed!
    Maybe this was easier? There was a builtin kid-based “leadership” and this held the whole thing together; everyone had their jobs. Very often senior kids would “stepup” into situations that were the beyond the scope of the adults. And the situations were often incomparably more difficult; hiking up mountains in torrential rains for example, sleeping outside in sub-zero weather, no medical personal in range, no cell phones, wild animals (bears, poison snakes) …
    These kids have a STAFFED medical tent onsite. A kid can leave whenever he/she wants! Let’s get real.

  403. you people are retarded this show is kool LOLZORZ
    u all r 2 uptite

  404. Some (most) of you think that kids have no common sense in this world.Has America really turned this way?Sure I agree that not all kids can stay two months in a ghost town, but we have more integrity than some adults you see on TV these days.

  405. When will people stop thinking ‘conservative’ only means politically. That’s what’s wrong with this partisan thinking–always have to label people. I’m this, I’m that, those people suck, I’m better, I’m smarter…blah blah blah…that’s truly the problem in America today. Can’t get a darn thing done because god-forbid you have actually agree with someone with a different label. The Founding Fathers would be appalled…can you imagine how much they had to compromise to come up with what makes this country great today? Stop the labeling and remember that conservative and liberal have other definitions.

  406. how do u get on the show if they have a new seson or w\e

  407. This sounds like a good NEW show to be watching. Though, if you consider it being like amazing race ans survivor, why not choose another place for NEW contestants to try? I mean, other children and teenagers im sure would love to get away from their home life and do something amazing like this. If you started this show only to air it once, there is no point. The ratings will be low because others will know if they get hooked, it wont be coming back. You should have another season, or prepare for the ratings to be extreamly low.
    Consider it.

  408. When is the second season,and how could I get registered to be in the show?

  409. i dont see what the big deal is.the kids that are there, chose it to be that way.if they want to be there its not child exploitation.i myself am a kid that is dying to be in that position.people say that kids wont be able to do this,and that grown ups sould be able to control our lives till the day we turn 18.me and my felllow kids can control our own lives not u ”’grown-ups”’.

  410. Sounds like an average day working on the farm when I was growing up. I grew up in a farming and fishing community where families worked and learned together. How much more dangerous is it for a 9 year old to cook his/her own food and use a little muscle, than to slam a gnarly trick on a verticle ramp. Kids this age are carring guns and selling drugs in some of communities and learning a very different form of social and financial responsibility.
    I bet none of these CBS kids end up living in their parents basements until they are 25 years old. Some of my fondest memories as an adult are of working with my uncle at 4 in the morning on a fishing boat, with nets, gears, hooks and knives, and not wearing a life jacket. To many paris hiltons and snoop doggs. Strong responsible children make for good adults. And for the people who do not understand there can be different definitions for the same word ie conservative, perhaps less time in front of the tv would do you some good.

  411. Wow you can tell it’ early. “Verticle” oops.

  412. well yes they probly are and they better be for t.v so that people well at less turn to the channel to see whats going on or they are dumn and people will find it funny or it sucks

  413. Such overreactions!!! I’m sure these kids conducted themselves with more sense and maturity than any group of Real World/Big Brother/Survivor camera hams. Here’s a good idea for Kid Nation Season 2 – give them the reins to the government. They certainly can’t do any worse than the morons we have now.

  414. I think there’s an awful lot of people here who are missing the point.
    Point1: Bonanza Creek Ranch is a MOVIE SET, not a summer camp
    Point 2: This is about a huge corporation, namely CBS, finding a way around child labor laws in order to make money.
    This is about child exploitation in the USA. Have we fallen so far that we now resort to making money from children?

  415. You know if i had the opportunity to send one of my kids to a place like this i would I believe it would give her the experience of a life time and teach her some important values in life I know she is a responsible young lady but it would also teach her alot of the facts on life which alot of children lack now days with all the rules and regulations that are put forth in todays society

  416. I think this is a great thing brad is right. We don’t give kids the respect we diserve. These kids chose to do this there parents signed release forms, if they didn’t want there kids to do this they shouldn’t have let them go.

  417. AMEN TOM!!!!!!!!


  419. I think we Americans handle our children with “kid gloves”–excuse the pun–too often. Wow!–they had to live like we all lived a a bit over a century ago. Not to mention how 1/2 of the world today lives. A little time without electricity & cooking thier own food may give them a perspective that will prove beneficial to them. Aside from missing school–and aside from from the station profiting from it–I’m glad these kids got a chance to spend some time off the throne we in America (even the poor ones)enjoy.

  420. Frightening times we’re living in! Someone explain to me why it’s necessary for an eight year old to have this level of survival skills or the responsibility of creating an unrealistic (thankfully) society? Does this really need to be televised for profit? ‘Lord of the Flies’ was a cautionary tale. The fact that this is becoming reality makes for a startling societal issue all on its own. Parents expecting that their failures in raising their children will somehow be overcome by their children’s peers teaching them how the world works? Are you kidding me? Shame on you CBS for your pathetic attempt to skirt the laws of this country, in addition to absconding yourselves from any liability whatsoever for these children’s education, privacy, and general welfare. That contract is an abomination towards the protections children are afforded in this country and is appauling in revealing the motivation behind your profits. At best, you’ve lost a viewer permanently. At worst, it is my wish that CBS is sued into oblivion and that a television show of this nature is never able to disgrace our airwaves again. I am truly frightened and embarassed for the advocates of this show. You are enabling the very downfall you criticize others for and it’s stunning in its breadth.

  421. “EXPLOITATION!” they cried out.

    Look in the mirror, American parents, after you return from W*lMart with your low-priced goods “crafted” by overworked, exploited children in China.

    How many innocent Iraqi children have died in the misguided attempt to avenge Sept. 11? How many American children do not receive proper health care? How many decaying urban schools have you resurrected lately?

    Maybe CBS did push the boundaries a bit with this concept. In the grand scheme of things, you all ought to be embarrassed by your facade of indignation.

  422. Well BluMax I’m truly frightened that in 3 years some of these “Kids” could be dead fighting in a war. I also am truly frightened that “Kids” can be killed in their classrooms on any given day. I’m truly frightened that there are children in this world that are working 14 hours a day to make your shoes. I am not frightened of children trying to create a society and govern themselves. in an environment that is probably much safer than most urban children live in.

  423. I can’t believe this!! I mean…. KIDS!!! NO ADULTS?? TROUBLE..TROUBLE!!!

  424. No adults except producers, cameramen, animal handlers, pediatrician, paramedics, and an onsite psychologist.

  425. This is a great idea not only for a TV show, but as a camp. Parents now days are hurting their children by coddling them so much. Those calling this abuse have no good memories of being a kid. I grew up on a farm with two brothers while our parents worked full time off the farm. Often times we had to care of the live stock and “work” around the place. Those are some of the best memories from my childhood. Now, living in a city my son doesn’t get to have those experiences and doesn’t know the joy of working or producing.
    This show has provided many important lessons to these kids that every parent should want their kids to learn. Kids are a lot more durable and independent than many of you are giving credit for.

  426. Just as there are kids out there in the world that make your shoes, there are also kids out there in the world whose parents don’t care about them.
    And you know what? They make it just the same, in light of a situation, and they can become some of the strongest people you have ever met.
    A challenge can either tear you down or build you up. I believe these kids all rose to the challenge.

  427. It’s interesting hearing all the negative comments surrounding the show. I actually think that this is a wonderful opportunity for us to see the potential of children without the limitations set on them by adults. I, for one, will be watching.

  428. I cried when I saw this show. If everyone stopped for a minute, thought of thier childhood, and remembered thinking “We kids could do better if they just gave us a chance” then this is the ultimate idea coming to life. I think that even though there may be quite a bit of controversy to this, this will start many conversations. It will change the perception of how we view children and ourselves, the adults.

  429. I have a 9 year old who wants to be on the next season of Kid Nation. How do I go about registering him?

  430. I too have a child interested on getting on the next season. Could you please send me any information on it? I would truly appreciate your help.
    Thank You!

  431. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/kid_nation/ This web site has the information on applying for KN2.

  432. I have a 12yr old son that would love to go on your next kid nation. Please send me info.

  433. What is with you guy!?! I know a kid who was on the show and had a blast. It was her choice to do it and she knew what was required going into it. And whoever said they got 19 cents and hour for working all day is out of thier mind. Yes they got 5,000 over the course of 40 days but they werent working all the time. They actually slept some too I promise you. And the physical labor, like hauling water and making dinner, wasnt happening from sunrise until midnight. They were having town meetings and hanging out wih each other as well. 5000 bucks is a lot to a kid who just had a good time and learned a valuable lesson about responsibility and government.

  434. Just been watching info on this show on our local news channel here in England, so looked up the website. Jeez, it’s a paradise for paedo’s – listing the kids names, ages and where they’re from. I can’t believe the producers could be so insensitive, nor that the parents of these kids could be so dim as to sign their kids rights away – they are fifteen years max, some as young as 8! This would never be allowed in the UK…

  435. We organize our childens time so much that when they get time to spend as they like they sit in front of a computer, video game or a dvd. When it’s time for them to step into a world where they are to make their own descions ( worry about where their next meal is coming from) we wonder why there are so many of them still at home with ma & pa. I hope this show will give kids and parents some much needed inspiration.
    We’ve gotten to a point in this country where the middle class thinks it should live like the upper class (on plastic?) and if you want to make it in this world you must work to become the next gazillionare. It’s become a message to our kids that working a labor job is meaningless. What generation dropped the ball on teaching our kids that an honest days work can be a pleasure.

  436. how can i get on kid nation

  437. I think Kid Nation is ispirational and just a great show… I am around the age of 14 to 16 and I think the show is great!!!!!! I’ve only seen one episode and i’m hooked=) I also wanted to know what the oldest possible age would be if you had a second season because I would definatley be interested.

  438. Wow that SUCKED.

  439. I think it was a great idea, it gives kids a chance to have fun but still take responsibility and express there ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It also lets kids be themselves and if your having a second season I’d love to be on it.Awesome show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  440. im a kid and i think its a great idea and cant wait to try out for seson 2!!

  441. I believe that the vast majority of YOU have completely missed the point of this show. It has very little to do with whether or not children can work together and survive by themselves (they were as much by themselves as a puppet is by itself), has little to do with child labor laws or liberal vs. conservative parenting philosophies and has everything to do with the 200 million plus viewers (many of them children) being INDOCTRINATED into CAPITALISM, so-called democratic values and the American way of life in general, which is (and always has been) by its very nature exploitative and rife with discriminatory practices, imperialism (pioneerism) and inequity (just look at the history). Although the children who participated in the show MAY have learned certain valuable lessons about hard work, team work, etc., this show DOES NOT exemplify communal living (well, maybe along the lines of a month long summer camp) but rather a strict code that the kids were to committ to (which, in the end, probably violated numerous codes of morals and ethics) that divided labor inequitably (based upon the whims of the shows creators) and rewarded and incentivized (is that a word?)single individuals with money or other consumer items for what was referred to (among other things) as being “…the person(s) who worked the hardest,” posing as a sort of quasi-meritocracy.
    If you buy into this propoganda (which IS, without question, the PRIMARY function of this show[for the world to export onto their TVs]…and just remember how many of you had your children watch or who now have filled out that 25 page application by now…called the show 1,000 times so that YOU TOO can access that $20,000 gold star), then you are perhaps lacking as much intelligence as the show’s producers.
    Isn’t there something to be said for the intrinsic value of hard work and effort, for team work and managing conflict appropriately; for charity and sharing the load? Do we want our children to believe that the only reason one develops character is for the big GUMBALL payoff at the end? Doesn’t community mean that we ALL share in our triumphs and our mistakes…that we measure ourselves, both individually and collectively by the weakest among us? Aren’t these values that we ALL REALLY ultimately wish for our children to learn? Can’t our reward be the development of our community toward the highest outcomes for human beings or do we accept the notion that by our very nature we are in some way prone to evil or lethargy, hence the need to create, as the show calls (and teaches our children, who eagerly watch) “THE upper class”? Are we so damaged as a group (Americans, that is) that we can’t see the REAL motives behind this show? Isn’t this show the brain food that would be equivalent to eating a Big Mac with fries and a Coke night after night?
    THIS SHOW IS AWFUL and more evidence of how this country’s obsession with consumerism and its narcassistic tendancies have begun to devour the youngest among us.
    I repeat…this show does NOT represent communal living, by any stretch of the imagination, nor will the capitalist system of governence in this country ever truly permit communal living…it survives off of separation and violence to replicate and maintain itself. The only purpose of this show is to manipulate people into continuing to believe in and sell their souls to the god of industry and the need for a LABOR force that cleans latrines and washes dishes regularly…as if we are too good to contribute to this task or ones like them ourselves.
    In the words of one of the kids on the show, “I am a council leader…I don’t do dishes.”
    Absolutely PATHETIC…all the way around.
    We can do better and we should teach our children better!
    We continue to be a NATION of IDIOTS! America, you have yet to REALLY arrive!
    …and if you really know human nature, you would know that his is REALLY a CONSERVATIVE posting!
    Viva la EARTH!

  442. *shrug*
    I watched it.
    I liked it.
    Seems legit.
    No harm, no foul.

  443. Hi everyone,
    I’m a moderator at http://www.KIDNATIONBLOG.COM and to everyone that watched the first episode last night, would you mind leaving your opinion?
    Thanks so much!
    Bev Beatty

  444. hey this shows great i loved it that was one of the best reality shows i have seen in a long time im 16 years old and i kno when somthins good lol i laughed when taylor and the yellow team got the cooking job younger kids cooking thats actually a good thing they can learn to cook better.AND taylor u need to hang in there and stay strong dont leave!!!!

  445. After reading all the hoopla about how offensive this show was suppossed to be (kids laboring, no parents to protect them etc.), I watched the show in great anticipation. What I was hoping to see were glimpses of innocent children with their deep imaginations and dreams proceeding to develop a society that might resemble something other than what we have today. Boy was I dissapointed. First, I’d like to say that this show looks harmless to the kids. I didn’t see them laboring to any point more harmful than playing capture the flag at summer camp. They also seem to be in no real danger with all those camermamen around all the time. I’ve done far riskier things at summer camp when I was a kid. However, there also is no real freedom for these kids. They were given guidelines from day 1 on how to run things. Leaders were chosen for the kids, not by the kids. They were told to break into groups and then given assigned tasks by the producers. What part of this series is suppossed to show us kids using their own imaginations? I know they are young, and thus maybe need guidance) but not all of them are young. By the time I was 15 (the oldest kid on Nation’s age)I was making my own dinners, doin my own laundry, and certainly far more capable than they give these kids credit for being. Why not leave them alone and see if they even decide to have one or many leaders, or split into groups, or divide up chores for each individual. This is the way America does it, but I thought the point was to see what new would come from the kids.

  446. JJ, give it a break. I don’t think this show is supposed to teach the participants and viewers about how to live a better life. It’s supposed to entertain. Also, who cares if kid nation is or is not a realistic representation of communal life? You sound like an idiot! It’s a tv show, brain candy, that’s all! I found it mildly entertaining and my kids loved it. For those carping about exploitaion of minors, there were emergency services nearby, tons of adults on the set and a two day out for any kids who wanted to leave. I would guess it was a geat experience for most of the children taking part. If my kids showed interest I’d let them do it in a heartbeat.

  447. JJ: TLDNR
    This show’s legit. My sister was one of the volunteer physicians and she said most of the time the kids were just goofing off. A lot of scrapes and bruises but no emotional scarring. Kids will be kids. They’ll be mean to each other. Most of you are paranoid parents who THINK they have to stick up for their kids all the time but if you didn’t baby them so much they might actually do something for themselves. My son was born with downs syndrome and I nor my wife rarely have to come to his rescue, even in arguments with his older brother. And no it’s not because anybody feels “sorry” for him either, it’s because he knows how to defend himself. You want to see REAL emotional damage? My wife coaches cheerleading. Sit in on some of the meetings with her girls and their parents. That’s when the claws come out.
    I honestly think this is harmless. These kids are all intelligent and pink on the inside. I was told they cried all the time, but which of your kids don’t??? As a parent (and all of you parents who I can’t stand after reading your comments know this) you just hope they don’t make the same mistakes as you do. But they will, and you know that, too. Just teach them how to properly react to it. That’s parenting.
    Oh and for those who don’t agree with me? Find the biggest cucumber you can and squat on it until it disappears…

  448. I think the title of the show is symbolic of how most adults perceive young people to be. “Kid” is a baby goat. It should have been called “Child Nation” because the characters are young human beings and not baby goats. The executives and producers at CBS can somehow “miraculously” with the help of attorney’s and legal loopholes pull off a show like this which uses children in a unique
    situation in hopes of it becoming a hit show and making millions for CBS. And what do the children get for their 40 day experience? $5,000 per child. It’s child exploitation on the financial level alone. But, I forgot, the characters are “kids”. After all the CBS execs or whomever came up with the title KID Nation didn’t have the respect or decency to call them children.
    Let’s stop calling our young ones “kids”. Call them children, rename the show Child Nation and give each child a fair percentage of CBS’s profits from the show. $5,000 “per kid”. Makes me want to regurgitate. From this day on I’m calling the network “See BS”.

  449. All the people that are saying that this is exploitation, or child abuse…is completely ignorant! Society has scared parents into over-protecting their children and turning them into useless, weak, traumatized and frightened people. Why not just wrap your children in bubblewrap and cover your walls with pillows so they don’t get hurt…. Does no one remember what its like to be a kid? I sure do, when I was growing up, it was great….we would actually use our imaginations and have sooo much fun… we would play freely, with innocense in our hearts, not the fears of a cruel world that our parents and the media implanted in our brains. We would build things, jump high, swing high, play outside for hours on end, without fears. Now there’s so much supervision and control, that kids aren’t allowed to be or express themselves, not being able to make their own rules or form of play, they are losing their individuality. We would get hurt, yes, but get up and try again, and learn from it…Now we tie our kids up in car seats, for every activity, they are wrapped in some sort of protection, (helmets, knee pads, etc.)… and what’s worse, we don’t have a choice, “It’s the law”. There is no freedom, I’ve seen kids in Disneyland, where they are supposed to have fun and run around, tied to a damn leash like a f*@!ing dog! We’re always, trying to “protect their feelings” and they become such sissys. We protect our children so much, that when they go out in the real world they have no idea how to deal with it, they are weak, and they fail miserably…. look aroumd people. The first taste of freedom they have, they completely ruin their lives.
    If anything, this is the best kid-involved show in a very long time….if my daughter was old enough, she’d be there! Those kids will suprise you.. they are going to make better choices in building their “society” than a lot of adults that are in power right now….They are still young and not as “affected” and pre-conditioned to our way of doing things… They are going to walk away from this experience so much wiser and appreciate their parents more… Besides that, how FUN!!!! I would have loved to do that as a child! I’m sure they were never in any REAL danger, they just weren’t dictated to, and were free to make choices, and saw the consequences, and fixed it….ergo, LEARNED from their OWN mistakes, NOT their parents’!!!!

  450. The comment made about the parents endangering their children is ridiculous. It’s no wonder that our kids these days are out of control with society being so concerned about hurting their feelings or causing emotional scaring. Think about it, 50 years ago kids were spanked and not coddled by society and their parents and amazingly it’s a generation driven to work and prosper. Now, my generation is full of bottom barrel feeders that believe that everything should just be handed to them without any effort–work less, make more.
    Personally, I’m online right now looking for how they’ll be casting for the next season of Kid Nation. I have an 8 year old that needs a good lesson on personal accountability and motivation.
    And to those of you complaining about the show being inhumane, who knows, in 20 years, maybe my son can be the parole officer assigned to your child when they’re released from prison.

  451. To all the young people that have posted comments defending their right to have their own voice and make their own choices I say, BRAVO!!! Your comments are precisely why America needs to wake up! … As adults, we do NOT give you nearly enough credit for being critical thinkers. This is why the U.S. now ranks 15th out of 27 economically developed countries in student achievement – it’s not your fault, it’s ours.
    To the adults I say that your comments demonstrate why we need better role models for our children. If we really cared about children, we wouldn’t set such bad examples right here on this website.
    As for the show, while I hate reality shows with a passion, I know for a fact that all of us – children and adults alike – learn best by doing and experiencing. While child labor laws established during the industrial revolution removed children from the workplace (and for good reason – namely heavy machinery), it also removed them from important family values and opportunities to learn the value of community and of hard work – in particular, working to earn your keep.
    Whether they recognize it or not, CBS had made an investment in an exciting learning environment for children where they learn the meaning of teamwork, the value of integrity, the importance of making ethical decisions and the significance of maintaining a caring attitude. Furthermore, these children are now poised to become more productive members of society who care about the world; know how the world operates; and who are confident, capable and ready to do their part in changing the world for the better. Adults will learn from them and I dare say that that is what many of you may be afraid of.
    Lighten up everyone – these children (and their parents) made a choice. They certainly have that freedom.

  452. I think Ashley Wilkes makes several valid points that I have not read in ANY of the many hundreds of other comments. It’s true that “kids” originated as an alternate name for children ages ago when children were lowly regarded – to be seen and not heard: to have no higher status than a farm animal. “Kids” became the phrase used to portray that lack of regard and respect by parents for their children. It was no accident that that term became popular and widely used even more so today than ever. How can anyone rationally argue that these children weren’t financially exploited?
    Just wait and see the figures that come out with respect to CBS’s
    ratings and profits from the show (which I thought was well done and interesting). But $5000 per child is less than bread crumbs compared to what CBS is likely to rake in. These children and what they do in front of the cameras ARE the show. I think fair compensation would be half a million per child. Even a goat would deserve more than these willing but naive children received for their time and travails.

  453. Ok everyone, I think that this show is a bit overboard. I cannot understand how a parent would allow thier child to go through something like this. Good grief there are children there that are only 8 years old. I am a boy scout leader and I fully support the idea of teaching children life skills. This can all be learned and practiced in the boy scout program. It is the best of both worlds, training for life skills with troops run by boys and yet they still have the security of thier parent’s love. I feel sorry for the children who’s parents allowed them to participate in this show as I have a feeling that they may wonder if they have parent’s that really care about them.

  454. So, first and foremost, I need to say that I am not here to share my opinion on this topic. However, I will state the facts. 1.I happen to know somebody on this show. Yes, he missed about 2 months worth of schooling, but he returned just fine and not at all like he was in some kind of emotional turmoil. He was just a little less submissive to any form of instruction that he recieved. 2.The producers could not have know from a 3-minute video whether someone was physically and mentally mature enough for their show, so they very well could have chosen someone not capable of enduring the daily grind. 3.All of the kids had a choice of leaving, but very few left, which, unless they were forced not to tell, meant that they were quite content. 4.All of the kids involved in the show could not say anything about their specific expereinces on the show until 5 years after the taping.

  455. this would be such a cool experience

  456. Helloooooo? Is anybody listening?
    I repeat: $5000 per child is exploitation
    I repeat: “kid” is the term for a baby goat
    I repeat: child is the term for a young person whose parents know               the critical difference.
    I repeat: the show should be called “Child nation”.
    I repeat: the children in the production should have received
    100 times what they got – their naivete was exploited by
    I repeat: See BS would be a more accurate name for the network

  457. how can you get a child in that

  458. yo this is a kid plz grow up parents!! i want to be on the show to prove that kids are not little minions in training try to listen parents this is an ADVENTURE!! plz plz let your kids be free i a girl with poteinal and ready to prove it so be ready for me ppl cause here i come!!

  459. OMG!! ty a place for my thoughts kids are NOT minions in training i want to be on the show to prove that kids should be free and are some times (hold on to your seats moms and dads) SMARTER than you!! so if your kid wants to go on let them!! this is not the army. your little angles that demand moe and more can use it!! feel the urge i do!! 🙂 🙁 -_-

  460. People who liked it need to let CBS know…Lord knows the other loud mouths are sure yak yak yaking in their ear!!
    I liked it! Good to see kids get a little dirty and go to bed tired!!
    Sadly, now they are back home to the frilly pagents, mind sucking computers, and video games…
    I did many of those chores as a kid and I have GREAT work ethics…nothing handed to me on a silver platter. They’ll still get their education so look at this as an extended field trip!

  461. Child nation? Please. I can say that I am not in the least offended to be referred to as a kid. If anything, child seems more degrading than kid! Kid has become a mainstream term and even if it once was, it is no longer given a demeaning connotation. Please lighten up on the political correctness because typically the group it deals directly with DOES NOT CARE. And we don’t.
    Don’t be a stick in the mud.

  462. I was flipping around the channels and ran across this show-The children were being taught how to kill a chicken> they showed all the details-I was horrified that this was televised with all the horrible things going on in this world this was distrubing to see this and the little girl crying-Why would parents put their children on this show not to mention the people who wrote,and produced this show-This show should not be for viewing. It shows how sick we are as humans-taking pleasure seeing a chicken struggle while they tugged at her head to chop it off-Nice thing to teach the kids how to use an axe. Take this show off!!!

  463. I really love this show but I just wish that they would let canadian kids on so I could apply.

  464. how do u get on this show
    how do u sign up for this show
    i realy want to do it
    it looks kool!

  465. This was a wonderful show and experience for all the kids involved. I feel all children need to experence the real life as our world is much to fast paced and children are not prepared for Reality. My daughter is 8 yrs. old and I would love to know how she could audition or enlist to be a part of Kid Nation’s next episode. Thanks for the good work. Connie Huggins

  466. I think kid’s can show the world we can survive without out a lot that the kids in bononza city did. It just takes team work.

  467. im 14! i want to be in this :[
    lmao. but how?!

  468. im 14! i want to be in this :[
    lmao. but how?!

  469. Everyone has something bad to say about this show, but my son and nephew loves it, and wants to do it themselves. I think he would be awsome at doing something like that. Everyone wants to throw up the child labor laws, but I actually think it is teaching the children something. As adults we get up do our chores go to work, take care of our children and the children do homework, go to school and play their playstations, x-boxs, cell phones and all the other new techonlogy, and complain of the little things we ask them to do. But do they appericate all of that stuff? No cause it is handed to them. At kid nation they are learning how to appericate what they have. In the olden days children had to do what they are doing and it didn’t hurt any of them children will it really hurt our children today to do some of that stuff? NO!! they actually need to learn to appericate more stuff and learn how use their imagitation. I think the show is wonderful it teaches children that being an adult isn’t as fun as it looks.

  470. I actually thought the chicken butchering was a good thing to show. The vast majority of children like eating chicken, but they don’t give any thought to where the chicken meat came from.

  471. how do you sign up im dieing to go on the show

  472. yo i would love 2 get on this show as a 13 year old i’m dyin 2 get away from the ghetto for 2 minutes. 2 months of chasin bitchez and bossin little bitchez around. sign my ass up they need mo niggaz from the hood on dis show too. we show em how to fuck shit up.

  473. i am a 12 year old girl i would LOVE 2 go on the show and work get away from reality and der ppl the kids are not alone who does the filming the kids yah right abc is NOT that stupid so all u ppl who think that yall are STUPID the kids are NOT in danger kids in the 1700 had 2 do worse u ppl who think else. ARE LAZY no shocker some 1 finly made a good show and all the hipacrets think it is child abuse no child abuse is makeing the kids stay in the house playing video games,eating and geting obese DER let us go out expoler or do u want us 2 be big babys (mama i need more video games so i can get fat) stupid ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  474. Kid Nation is the best!!!!

  475. If you are reading this, Ashley, “Child Nation” sounds so STUPID!!!!!!!!!! Kid Nation ROCKS!!!!!!!!

  476. WHAT are you people talking about kid nation is the most AWSEOME SHOW IN THE WORLD!!!! I wish I could be on the show i’d make the age… but how can you peole say this ive tried to be on kid nation but i dont know how to adition kid nation ROCKS AND ROLLS man!!!!!

  477. Good lord, Victory! Please! They’re not going to do any real dangerous things. I personally think it’s a great show. Turn off the TV if you don’t want to watch, but turn off the computer, too. We don’want to hear you and your lies.

  478. TV has hit rock bottom.

  479. I believe this is a wonderful idea! It teachs the children major life skills such as cooking and politcs…do people really think they would let anything seirouse happen to these children?? Yeah right!! People need to stop making such a big deal about this!! There is nothing wrong with it! People need to mind there own bussniess and let the discussions be up to the parents!

  480. Thank you, it’s about time someone takes our
    kids to heart. They need to be taught about the
    possible ways that a person might need to handle
    themselfs if a major disaster ever occured.
    I want to thank you for a program that I really
    a get kick out of watching.

  481. Okay, are you guys truly serious?
    I LOVE this show.
    1. The oldest, Greg, really makes it interesting. By the way, if you saw the little clip of Greg yelling at that kid don’t take it the wrong way. He was trying to help him, they only showed the intense parts.
    2. Okay, so they’re not really stranded from all the filmers, director, agents, and everything. But still, it’s pretty interesting.
    3. It was awesome seeing Colton try to go up to that bull. This proves the directors will let the kids do just about anything. That bull coulda killed him. But boy was it cool to watch.
    4. Come on, they make their own meals, do their own chores, fix their own stuff, it’s like you could enroll (or try to) your kids to teach them to watch out for themselves. It’s a great learning experience.
    5. They’re in a ghost town. Doesn’t that say enough?

  482. I agree with Megan. Let the parents make the decisions. I mean, come on. What are the kids seriously gonna do? Kill themselves? Geez, stop making such a big deal over stuff. There is a 15-year-old on the show. Their are directors and filmers and tons of adults around, and they’re learning major life skills. This is a great show and it’ll probably help these kids out when they grow up. Stop worrying about it!!

  483. sry clicked it twice

  484. Kid nation is one of my favorite shows. I watch it every Wednesday. I always look forward to it. All the kids are working very hard. But no matter how young or old, if they listened to each other, they could all learn to accept and respect each other and make Bonanza City a more sucessful place. I would like to be on Kid Nation!

  485. I am a producer and work with child actors regularly. First, $5000 for that much work is definitely EXPLOITATION, and way below the standards of even the lowest budget productions. Second, I find it disgusting that producers who are supposed to be educated people, have no conscience about what they will mass communicate to the society and to youth in order to make a buck. The state of American television, especially reality TV when it stoops to exposing and exploiting children, is absolutely embarrasing. These producers and CBS should be ashamed of themselves… definitely. Those of us in the industry that still have some morals could not be paid enough to use our talents on such garbage.

  486. well i think that kid nation is a good thing
    for kids because it shows that there are things that kids can build a commmunity and that there are no wrong people in the world and that kids can do anything that they want as long as they work for it.
    and i dont think that it is child labor because the kids are getting paid to do it and that as long as they are working for it,it is not child labor.

  487. well i think that kid nation is a good thing
    for kids because it shows that there are things that kids can build a commmunity and that there are no wrong people in the world and that kids can do anything that they want as long as they work for it.
    and i dont think that it is child labor because the kids are getting paid to do it and that as long as they are working for it,it is not child labor.

  488. I am 11 I would love to be on that show.If i was on the show i would miss my boyfriend!

  489. I am 13 years old and have always been a camper, I would love this experience. How do you sign up??!!

  490. Hi my name is Matthew Ingraham.I am 9 years old and I live in Temecula,Cal.I would love to be on kid nation because I love to go camping,I am a hardworker and a good team player and I also dont care if I get sweaty and dirty.I’ll also love to have this expierience and if I get picked to go on this show I will all ways remember it.

  491. Hi,
    My name is Kaiti and I am from Hemet, California. My mom is a stay at home mom and very protective, but when we watch this show, we always discuss the behaviours of the kids and how we feel about their decisions that episode. I am an “Honors” student, play soccer, football with the boys and love to sing. I don’t need my mom looking over my shoulder every minute of every day, because I am smart, honest and independant….but I do love her there. I would love to share an experience like this with 40 other kids and even though I might get homesick, I know a hundred kids who get shipped off to fathers they barely know, for the whole summer. Yeah, running a town with lot’s of challenges would be just horrible. Please !!!!! CBS…here I am just waiting for Season 2 and anyone who thinks my parents would be shameful, should double check and see what kinds of decisions their kids are making behind their backs everyday in their own schools.

  492. To the comment G Grissom made: He is absloutly right! These days, you have to bribe kids if you want them to do something. I’m 12 years old and I know for a fact that we dont always need and adult breathing down our necks telling us what to do. We have a mind of our own and we do know whats best for us 3/4 of the time and this show proves it. You shouldn’t judge a show just by reading the comments other people post. Watch an episode or two and see how grown- up we can be and how we can apply ourselves to anything we put our minds to.
    P.S. It’s not always about the money. The kids and parents didn’t know about the the $5,000 till the very end of shooting on the last day.

  493. I am so happy to hear that parents are becoming more understanding that the children of today need to go back to the basic and really see and go through what are parents, Grandparents, great grandparents went through!! Sometimes its just not enough hearing it they actually need to go through it!!
    I raise a toast to all those parents who have allowed their kids and I repeat THEIR kids to be on this show!! As well to CBS for allowing it to be shown on TV!!
    For all of you parents out there whom think this is wrong I think its time you really ask yourself how wrong is it really! BACK TO BASICS PEOPLE!! Now what is so wrong with that!! Letting these kids live the way things use to be!! Giving them a taste of what it was like without having all the things they have at home!!
    Have you people looked outside your windows lately!! Do see children outside playing skip rope or riding a bike or Street hockey! No cause they are to busy on msn and xbox, when will it end.
    When is the last time you had a conversation with your kid about how much fun they had playing outside or playing in the snow in the winter time!!
    So I believe this show is perfect, I know a lot of kids out there whom need a reality check and this is the show for them!! Now a day’s it’s the kids running the adults and not the other way!!
    so what if they have to do a little bit of work, we did when we were kids and I turned out fine!!
    You guys don’t get it these kids are going to go leave from this show with a experience of a life time and have better confidence in themselves. They will be able to accomplish anything that they want!! They will also know the value of a dollar.
    Just look at is as a history class, they will learn more in 40 days then they will ever learn in school with books!! This is a hands on experience!!
    I starting working at the age of thirteen and earned my own money, our parents allowed us to experience life but we new what our boundaries were and that is because we had respect! I think it is great!! I will say this again BACK TO BASICS that is what this world needs.
    We have become so intertwined with emails and text messaging that we as adults don’t even communicate anymore to each other without the help of some electronic device and so how do you expect your kids to learn.
    So if your one of those parents whom think this is wrong turn off the channel and watch something other then Kid Nation!! It’s non of your business how others raise their children they need to deal with them and you deal with your own!!

  494. listen just watch kid nation its the when i miss an episode i get so ticked and look it up on the internet its that good

  495. listen just watch kid nation its the when i miss an episode i get so ticked and look it up on the internet its that good

  496. i cant believe u guys dont like it its the best show on these days give it a chance

  497. I personally love the show and i think that it was a very creative idea!!! the show gives kids time to just spend some time away from home and gives parents a break too!!! and if the kids just want to come home, they are allowed!!!! i like kid nation, and it is a chance for kids to meet new friends and learn to work together!!!! i hope that this show goes on forever and ever!!!

  498. I personally love the show and i think that it was a very creative idea!!! the show gives kids time to just spend some time away from home and gives parents a break too!!! and if the kids just want to come home, they are allowed!!!! i like kid nation, and it is a chance for kids to meet new friends and learn to work together!!!! i hope that this show goes on forever and ever!!!

  499. I personally love the show and i think that it was a very creative idea!!! the show gives kids time to just spend some time away from home and gives parents a break too!!! and if the kids just want to come home, they are allowed!!!! i like kid nation, and it is a chance for kids to meet new friends and learn to work together!!!! i hope that this show goes on forever and ever!!!

  500. KID NATION ROCKS YOUR SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  501. How do you sign up?

  502. My kids and I watch this every week. They love it. My 10 year old daughter and 13 year old son want to be on the show. I’ve been looking into how to sign them up but haven’t come up with anything yet. Does anyone know how to go about getting them on the next Kid Nation 2? I personally think that it teaches the kids some responsibility and gets them away from the tv, video games, and everything else that they think they need to have to entertain them.

  503. The way it’s looking there probably won’t be a Kids Nation 2. From what I’ve heard, the show’s a flop. I saw a bit of it myself and quite personally- I wasn’t impressed.
    I don’t know about the rest of you out there, but I believe this show will be out after this season.

  504. This show teaches kids beyond the class room. I think it will have a possitive everlasting effect on these kids and mine also. We watch it every week. I would like to send my kids.
    Go Kids

  505. Honestly, Sarah, you know there will be! True, it may not be in the same Bonanza City, but they’re already taking applications, and I plan to apply!!!!!!!!!!!

  506. Honestly, Sarah, you know there will be! True, it may not be in the same Bonanza City, but they’re already taking applications, ad I plan to apply!!!!!!!!!!!

  507. how do you join kid nation please tell!

  508. I think these kids are stronger then they appear. I tip my hat off to and respect these kids for doing there absolute best in trying to rebuild a city. The biggest lesson they’ll learn is that nothing comes easy, that includes friendship. If the kids at kid nation read this, then I got this to say. I am proud of each and every one of you. Keep up the good work.

  509. I LOVE this show.
    I have NO idea why you guys don’t.
    I think it’s great.
    And great for the family.

  510. hi my name is corwin i just think if i get on kid nation i can really make banzo city a great place i could be a great leader there and make a greaat place.I really have great responsilbiltes and i will get along with everybody all well. I WILL STRONGLY DO MY WORK A ALL TIMES.My gpa is at a 4.0 and by dad is a millon air so pleaase let me get on the show bye.

  511. Hi my name is monique and i wuld love to be on kids nation! ever sence i saw the commercial i fell in love with the idea. i love adventures and i would help with the younger kids. im 12. if their is a singing job thear i would totaly do that too. how do you get on kids nation? email me . pleas. i woud love the experence!

  512. Hi my name is monique and i wuld love to be on kids nation! ever sence i saw the commercial i fell in love with the idea. i love adventures and i would help with the younger kids. im 12. if their is a singing job thear i would totaly do that too. how do you get on kids nation? email me . pleas. i woud love the experence!

  513. oops! i sent it 2 times =)

  514. oops! i sent it 2 times =)

  515. wuld it be during the school yaer?

  516. Wow,
    I’ve been reading these comments or well lack there of. And all of is it ignorant, narrow minded jabber that most of the old generation has been trying to fill kids heads with. I personally love this show, it something that I would have loved to do as a child and I would send my children to do. Children now days are lazy, and parent’s are too over protective. As far as legal matters, think about it…stop attacking whatever seems different to you and open your mind up to some new ideas. These children have learned things that you as a parent couldn’t or won’t teach them, and as far as the “they were acting” come on, parent’s had to have known what would go on when sending their children there, and if they are going to make such huge complaints after the fact, then you shouldn’t have sent them. I highly doubt that CBS would have left the parents out of the loop on what would go on…and if they did the parents should have been asking more questions. I admire the kids for their hard work and coming together as they did. And as far as the parent that attempted to sue CBS for her child getting burns on her face, the child was cooking potatoes to sell, so it’s no different that a child going into the kitchen trying to cook something to eat and getting burned. Are children zombies who sit in front of the TV and make no meals for themselves? shame on whoevers parents allow their children to do so, so my comment on that is it’s her own fault. All of these rants and raves are just examples of people who are bitter that they didn’t get to expoerience this…and narrow minded parents who obviously don’t want what’s best for their children. When you’re gone, or when your child is on their own, what character and lessons will they have learned to carry them in this world? I can guarentee that the kids that participated in this will have a better chance than any other over protected child that doesnt have to get up off their spoiled butts and do something.

  517. Wow,
    I’ve been reading these comments or well lack there of. And all of is it ignorant, narrow minded jabber that most of the old generation has been trying to fill kids heads with. I personally love this show, it something that I would have loved to do as a child and I would send my children to do. Children now days are lazy, and parent’s are too over protective. As far as legal matters, think about it…stop attacking whatever seems different to you and open your mind up to some new ideas. These children have learned things that you as a parent couldn’t or won’t teach them, and as far as the “they were acting” come on, parent’s had to have known what would go on when sending their children there, and if they are going to make such huge complaints after the fact, then you shouldn’t have sent them. I highly doubt that CBS would have left the parents out of the loop on what would go on…and if they did the parents should have been asking more questions. I admire the kids for their hard work and coming together as they did. And as far as the parent that attempted to sue CBS for her child getting burns on her face, the child was cooking potatoes to sell, so it’s no different that a child going into the kitchen trying to cook something to eat and getting burned. Are children zombies who sit in front of the TV and make no meals for themselves? shame on whoevers parents allow their children to do so, so my comment on that is it’s her own fault. All of these rants and raves are just examples of people who are bitter that they didn’t get to expoerience this…and narrow minded parents who obviously don’t want what’s best for their children. When you’re gone, or when your child is on their own, what character and lessons will they have learned to carry them in this world? I can guarentee that the kids that participated in this will have a better chance than any other over protected child that doesnt have to get up off their spoiled butts and do something.

  518. Wow,
    I’ve been reading these comments or well lack there of. And all of is it ignorant, narrow minded jabber that most of the old generation has been trying to fill kids heads with. I personally love this show, it something that I would have loved to do as a child and I would send my children to do. Children now days are lazy, and parent’s are too over protective. As far as legal matters, think about it…stop attacking whatever seems different to you and open your mind up to some new ideas. These children have learned things that you as a parent couldn’t or won’t teach them, and as far as the “they were acting” come on, parent’s had to have known what would go on when sending their children there, and if they are going to make such huge complaints after the fact, then you shouldn’t have sent them. I highly doubt that CBS would have left the parents out of the loop on what would go on…and if they did the parents should have been asking more questions. I admire the kids for their hard work and coming together as they did. And as far as the parent that attempted to sue CBS for her child getting burns on her face, the child was cooking potatoes to sell, so it’s no different that a child going into the kitchen trying to cook something to eat and getting burned. Are children zombies who sit in front of the TV and make no meals for themselves? shame on whoevers parents allow their children to do so, so my comment on that is it’s her own fault. All of these rants and raves are just examples of people who are bitter that they didn’t get to expoerience this…and narrow minded parents who obviously don’t want what’s best for their children. When you’re gone, or when your child is on their own, what character and lessons will they have learned to carry them in this world? I can guarentee that the kids that participated in this will have a better chance than any other over protected child that doesnt have to get up off their spoiled butts and do something.

  519. Ashley, I don’t mean to be rude, but who is going to be interested in a show called Child Nation? It has no ring to it, no fun… And Kid Nation Rocks!

  520. How does someone get on kid nation i have a kid who wants to get on

  521. Hoe do u get on kid nation

  522. look people the concept behind the show is simple. Kids don’t have alot of bias yet, therefore they see some issues more clearly than adults do. Kids are not born raiscist or sexist, they are MADE raiscist or sexist through people infulencing them. We always just say “kids don’t know whats best for themselves” and maybe thats true, but this show is saying, if we can give them the baiscics of an issue, maybe they will know whats right for us. Also people who are upset, stop the name calling and make a counter point, dont just throw out generic insults, it’s just makes you look stupid.

  523. look people the concept behind the show is simple. Kids don’t have alot of bias yet, therefore they see some issues more clearly than adults do. Kids are not born raiscist or sexist, they are MADE raiscist or sexist through people infulencing them. We always just say “kids don’t know whats best for themselves” and maybe thats true, but this show is saying, if we can give them the baiscics of an issue, maybe they will know whats right for us. Also people who are upset, stop the name calling and make a counter point, dont just throw out generic insults, it’s just makes you look stupid.

  524. look people the concept behind the show is simple. Kids don’t have alot of bias yet, therefore they see some issues more clearly than adults do. Kids are not born raiscist or sexist, they are MADE raiscist or sexist through people infulencing them. We always just say “kids don’t know whats best for themselves” and maybe thats true, but this show is saying, if we can give them the baiscics of an issue, maybe they will know whats right for us. Also people who are upset, stop the name calling and make a counter point, dont just throw out generic insults, it’s just makes you look stupid.

    For those of you with a child looking to apply for a part in Kid Nation 2 (KN2), the deadline has passed as of October 9th. CBS removed the link from their main page. Should there be plans for KN3, the CBS website is the likely place to visit for application announcement information.
    KID NATION WEBSITE on CBS (mainpage)
    PS: This show is pure genius in the blending of youth and civics; two areas of our society which normally do not intersect.

  526. OMG PEOPLE!!!!!! Those kids CHOSE to go on KidNation.They ca leave whenever they want!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!

  527. this is the best show ever!! im deffinatley auditioning for it and sending in a application in to try to get on. but theres only one bad thing about it.they film it durning school. and you could possibly fail because your gone so long. and not getting anygrades. unless you ask your teacher for all the work. forthe next 40 days in school . lol .

  528. this is the best show ever!! im deffinatley auditioning for it and sending in a application in to try to get on. but theres only one bad thing about it.they film it durning school. and you could possibly fail because your gone so long. and not getting anygrades. unless you ask your teacher for all the work. forthe next 40 days in school . lol .

  529. I reallly want to try out for Kid Nation but there’s a rumor on the KId Nation message boards that kids from California and New York can’t go on the show for the third season bcuz of strict child labor laws! It’s only a rumor though but stilll I’m just waiting tilll i can apply and see what happens!

  530. I reallly want to try out for Kid Nation but there’s a rumor on the KId Nation message boards that kids from California and New York can’t go on the show for the third season bcuz of strict child labor laws! It’s only a rumor though but stilll I’m just waiting tilll i can apply and see what happens!

  531. i want 2 kno if they are gonna do the show again and how to get on it ?

  532. I want to know how to get on the show. I really want to beon it

  533. ugggghhhh!!!!!
    gosh i really wanna be on here but i dont know how its really gettin annoyin ….but i just read that they might say it on cbs.com!!!!
    i love this show i watch it every week soooooo if any one finds out anything post it!!!
    lone ye peeps

  534. ugggghhhh!!!!!
    gosh i really wanna be on here but i dont know how its really gettin annoyin ….but i just read that they might say it on cbs.com!!!!
    i love this show i watch it every week soooooo if any one finds out anything post it!!!
    lone ye peeps

  535. At first I thought this was going to be another “let’s put people in dumb situations” reality show, but after a few shows (now 111) I find it both fun to watch and interesting to see how kids can behave in a group setting like this one. I would love to see a 5 or 10 year reunion, see what these kids done and learn from the experience.

  536. so there’s probably no way that I’ll be able to get on the show since its pretty much fake? not that i dont like it…i think its awesome!

  537. so there’s probably no way that I’ll be able to get on the show since its pretty much fake? not that i dont like it…i think its awesome!

  538. My mom won’t let me be on Kid Nation and I think she’s NUTS!!!!!!! This would be such a cool experience, and I wanna prove that kids can do big things. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK CBS!!!!!!!!I LOVE KID NATION MORE THAN ANY SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!

  539. dear whoever reads this and is in charge of it..,
    ok i dream of being on this show cause i would like to prove my parents wrong because they think that i could not survive without them at all. so please select me to be one of the people who get to go.
    ps. if you could lemme know further information that would help me get on email me. thanx.
    dear whoever reads this and is in charge of it..,
    ok i dream of being on this show cause i would like to prove my parents wrong because they think that i could not survive without them at all. so please select me to be one of the people who get to go.
    ps. if you could lemme know further information that would help me get on email me. thanx.

  540. hi my name is austin lawton and i am 13 years old and i was wornding how i could be on the next kid nation

  541. hi my name is austin lawton and i am 13 years old and i was wornding how i could be on the next kid nation

  542. dear whoever reads this and is in charge of it..,
    ok i dream of being on this show cause i would like to prove my parents wrong because they think that i could not survive without them at all. so please select me to be one of the people who get to go.

  543. dude….. i totally want to be on kidnation it would be awsome!!!!! ya so im 13 and i wanna be on it so bad!!!

  544. i would love to be on kid nation
    it would be that greatest thing to happen to me in my whole life it would change my life
    i am 11 years old i am from washington

  545. My name is mel. Im 16 years old and i want to be on the show. I’ve been looking into how to sign up. but haven’t come up with anything yet. Does anyone know how to go about getting me on the next Kid Nation 2?
    if you have any info e-mail meat dog_eat_dog_11@hotmail.com plzz

  546. I also would be on the next kid nation! i have been watching the tv show and i love it! i have been looking on google and other web sites to try and find some information on how to get on the show but i couldnt find anything. please contact me if you have any information on how to get on the show!!!!! please!!!!! im 14yrs old and soo soo ready!

  547. hey

  548. hi i think its really fine im 10 i would love it iwish it to!

  549. hi i think its really fine im 10 i would love it iwish it to!

  550. hey i no how to get on “kn” you send in a tape my cousin sent one in i dont know where though… if i find out i will post it

  551. hwy all u parents out there i just wanted to let u know that it was really safe i read in a wr ( weekly reader) that in a one mile radious there where over 100 aduts standing by like medical… people animal handlers. and many more i think it would be just fine.

  552. i really want to be on kid nation….. i think it would be a really good experience to fend for yourself i need to learn those skills to survive in life and i would like an oppurtunity to do that. lets hope there is a kid nation 3!!!!!!!!!

  553. hi i am soren i live in seattle i would love to be on kid nation it would be scary but i would be able to handle it i think im up for it this seams like such a scary thing to some people but do relize that there are adults there and althou it would take all of my summer i would rather go on kid nation and nobody will probley read this and it wont help me get on the show but the show is what i what so if sombody reads this than know that this, this kid really really whants to be on kid nation so you should at elast conciter giving her a chance.I loved the show and im positive i would be greate on it i know that i woudnt be like taylor but thats what the people are probley lokking for but i would work so hard and you would be greatful that you would have read thids letter and althou now you think that this letter is a wast and it probley is now that i diserve to do this and you probley get alot of theasse letters but i really, really what to be on this show
    From soren
    ps i no somany others fell like me but you have to understand that i really really whant to be on the show!

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  595. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  596. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

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