
Fox Won’t Sell Super Bowl Ads to Candidates

Jan 24, 2008  •  Post A Comment

There may be ads for beer, cars and computers on the Super Bowl, but there won’t be any for presidential candidates.
Fox has put an end to speculation that one or more of the presidential candidates might use the highest-rated TV broadcast of the year to air a national campaign spot two days before more than 20 states hold presidential primary and caucus votes.
While no candidate has yet requested time, the network has declared it won’t sell Super Bowl spots to their campaigns.
The reasons: The show is sold out and equal opportunities couldn’t be provided to all candidates, even if some additional time could be found for one to buy in.
Fox is saying it will comply with Federal Communications Commission rules.
“We comply with all legal requirements when it comes to selling time to candidates, including any requirements that might apply to a unique broadcast like the Super Bowl,” the network said.
Sources close to the situation said that because ad time in the Super Bowl is essentially sold out, Fox will choose to not sell time to a candidate, citing an FCC ruling that a network can reasonably refuse to sell political time in “unique, one-time-only” broadcasts where equal ad time can’t be offered to all candidates.
In a decision in another case, the FCC said, “Although a candidate for federal office is entitled … to varied broadcast times, such a candidate is not entitled to a particular placement of his or her political announcement on [a] station’s broadcast schedule.”
Speculation about the presidential candidates buying into the game sprang from the unusual timing of this year’s game on Feb. 3, two days before Super Tuesday.
Though Fox is asking between $2.6 million and $3 million for Super Bowl spots—a pretty high price for any commercial, let alone a political spot—some political experts and media watchers had suggested that a buy might be worth it because of the buzz and publicity a candidate could generate.
“If I were Mitt Romney, I would buy a Super Bowl spot, which would be two days before Super Tuesday, produce something very creative and get tons of free press out of it,” said Matthew Dowd, a political consultant, before Fox’s stance was discovered. “No campaign has done that before.”
Evan Tracey, chief operating officer of TNSI Media Intelligence’s Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks campaign ad spending, had suggested a Super Bowl spot could help to motivate supporters, with parties to watch the game and a half-time “get out there and fight” call from the candidate. Mr. Tracey said he had heard rumors that some campaign staffs were looking at the possibility.
The Super Bowl, which airs Feb. 3, pits the undefeated New England Patriots against the New York Giants.
(Editor: Horowitz)


  1. Fox will do anything to keep Ron Paul from getting True media attention.

  2. Ron Paul this, Ron Paul that. Shut the hell up about that nutbag already. All of you.
    As for no political candidate ads during the Super Bowl… a good idea. The new “separation of church and state.”

  3. RON PAUL supporters will stil buy local ads from stations who are not owned by Fox.

  4. Buzz is implying that the Super Bowl equates to Church for most Americans. Probably not far from the truth. Nothing going on here. Go back to sleep.
    As for Ron Paul, if the media wasn’t making a very obvious effort to keep his campaign from getting “equal time” (as Fox cited FCC requirements for this decision) then you probably wouldn’t have to hear about him all the time on the internet. There is a reason for his popularity and his dedication to the Constitution.
    Sorry, a lot of people feel strongly we need to return to that document.

  5. I wonder if the candiates did make local buys in said markets around the game?

  6. But aren’t local broadcasters FORCED to make room for political candidates and their ads?
    Even if they’re sold out?
    Why the double standard?

  7. Well in the first place it isn’t a ‘double standard.’ If you let one candidate buy in, then you have to let all of them. I’m sick of the political ads that are on every day, so I’m glad they won’t be around to ruin the Super Bowl.

  8. Buzz…….you sir/maddam are an idiot. Go back to sleep.

  9. Screw Fox. Anyone who wants to support Ron Paul should simply have large banners at the field goal posts during extra point kicks to make sure it gets on camera.

  10. Fox news refuses to sell superbowl ads to PETA as well… declaring them too “controversial” Although I am vegan I am not a fan of PETA but it just goes to show that they blatantly biased and only allow ads that fit their agenda.. y’know buttwiper beer ads that people like Buzz… the sheep of the world can relate to.
    David, I love your idea! Now if someone would volunteer to streak across the field naked waving a long ron paul banner THAT would make the news!

  11. I think it’s pretty obvious the media is keeping Ron Paul out. That is what made my decision to vote for Ron Paul. It’s also funny how Fox came to this decision as soon as Ron Paul wanted the superbowl add. None of the other candidates could afford it. Ron Paul’s money comes from the people and we have plenty of it. Keep up the good work fox far from balanced. Pretty soon I’m going to have to sell my season tickets and quit watching sports. I hope the NFL chooses wisely next time.

  12. TJ: Let them.
    John S: Yes on the first part.
    Jay: If the Fairness Doctrine were still in effect, they would be forced to grant equal time. Thank God it isn’t.
    Red: I’m sick of them as well, but it looks like we’ve got another 9-10 months to go on being sick. Pass the Dramamine.
    Caleb: Unlike you, I’m wide awake, moron.
    Deena: I could care less about the “buttwiper beer” ads since I don’t give A-B any of my money. So shut up and have a cheeseburger.
    Liberals = the real sheep. Vote for “None of the Above” in ’08

  13. hahaha you most defenitely arent awake buzz… high on speed doesnt count! Just insert any old beer ad – its all you understand! If you are implying that the people that would vote for ron paul are only liberals, you must be lighting up overtime! you obviously dont get what he stands for! What is going on in Iraq is not a “war” it is an illegal occupation, an invasion… completely unethical and wrong.. (true war is both sides disagreeing) anyone that supports it is a fool (useful idiot) and terribly uneducated and probably like you.. too full of testosterone to see straight. When you blindly support corruption, just remember next time you are filling up at the gas tank or feeling a pinch in your wallet that going along with their agenda doesnt win you brownie points, those people you support do not give a crap about you.. they are for destroying american sovereignty… do you understand that? they see you as a group, not as a person with emotions. You are a number, a profit maker. I understand that, you dont – but we are both paying the same high gas prices! It is not a good thing to be a subservient slave. Sadly, Ron Paul is fighting for you too. Insult him now, thank him later

  14. Deena, you are delirious. Go back to your pharmacist and get more medication and leave the tired DailyKos talking points alone.
    Think for yourself. Vote “None of the Above” in ’08

  15. Ron Paul was going to purchase a Super Bowl ad. Looks like FOX is going to do their best to silence Dr. Ron Paul. Just like when they excluded him from the NH debate after placing well in Iowa. Ron finished 2nd in NV and LA, did you hear about those huge upsets in the media? Ofcourse not, they wouldn’t hear of his campaign getting a fair shot. Ron Paul voters are the most informed, most passionate and patriotic citizens in the election process. Go to http://www.ronpaul2008.com and see why millions of Americans are curing their apathy of corrupt politics. The truth is bright like the Sun and is just as reliable. Thank God that he gave us Ron Paul to restore America to her praise worthy beginnings.

  16. Buzz, How much does FAUX pay you to pretend to be Bill O’Reilly? get a life jack ass. If you don’t support Ron Paul who is obviously the only candidate who is worth paying attention to; due to his honesty and loyalty to the American people and the Constitution…you should really reexamine your conscience, if you have one at all (and where your loyalty lies, with the American people, the country, and the constitution? OR corporate interests that would see us all enslaved?) and realize any other candidate would sell us all out..including you, for a “$1” counterfeit federal reserve note. If you have eyes Buzz, you would see very clearly how all of our rights r being stripped from us by your beloved government, our economy is being gutted by the same folks, and all of our future is in deep jeopardy because of it;and here you are fueling that machine, Buzz. May God have mercy on your soul Buzz, because We the People probably won’t.

  17. The problem is with the equal time clause and the fact that they are sold out already! Please no more Ru Paul crap

  18. excuse me cv, that is not true, When the RP blimp people originally tried to buy the national ads there were plenty of spots available at 3million per comercial and were told to hurry up and secure them. They decided to save their money and not buy national ads because it was a waste considering most of the places those ads would be seen were in places voting had already taken place. The problem started when they were trying to secure local ads. No other candidate has the support to do commercials FOR them (as these were going to be financed and made by the people) nor the money to afford them so these are merely excuses by FOX to keep ron paul out of local advertising. YOU apparently believe everything FOX PROGRAMMING tells you like a good little obedient tool! Be caeful you might have radiation of the brain little miss/mr consumer! Shame on you for believing FOX’s LIES!

  19. Phoenix, all I see are the Ron Paul bullies (like you) attacking someone who won’t join their ranks. And you tell me to “get a life.” Get one of your own, silly person, they’re quite nice.
    Until Someone Worth Paying Attention To Comes Along… Vote “None of the Above” in ’08

  20. How about everyone sick of this Ron Paul insanity pitching in to buy an ad publicizing the racist, anti-semitic rants in his old newsletters? Even if he didn’t believe those things, he was inept enough to let someone write them under his name for YEARS! And they believe he’s fit to be Commander in Chief?! If the Paulites cared as much about this country as they profess to, they’d find someone else to represent the libertarian principles they claim to believe in. Paul’s affinity for racists and anti-semites discredits their message… Unless they agree with it.

  21. oh walt, you really dont want to go there. you are going off the deep end in unchartered territory. Our whole administration is PRO israel.. it doesnt get any more racist and bigoted and clearly one sided than THAT. Get your facts straight. Are you actually saying the only person fit to be commander in chief is someone who is anti arab (that is anti semitic as well) starts illegal wars, destroys its own economy and a whole religion because they have been hijacked by another nation…?? hmmm… you should really rethink your views.. for as much as what you are saying to be true about ron paul with NO evidence, you are just as guilty of, if not more, but on the other side. funny how that works, isnt it? tell me, how is McCain who sings bomb bomb iran while he is laughing, or romney who has to be fed his answers, or huckabee who is a christian fanatic crackpot or giuliani who has no life other than 9/11 or clinton or obama a better person to lead this country? its a bit creepy that 3 people running for president are on judicial watch’s top ten corrupt politician list. you dont see ron paul there! turn off fox news walt and pay attention to his words, dont buy into the smears because he is anti war. you have now become part of the machine!

  22. Although they are not claiming this as the reason..it is nice that it worked out that they couldn’t provide equal time to all candidates..Buy I would have Loved Fox to say…The Super Bowl is for having a good time..Not listening to Politics and the BS that all the candidates throw out this time of year. GREAT CALL FOX !!!!

  23. It will be nice to see a porn-free SuperBowl for a change!

  24. Separation of church & state was only intended as a guarantee between the government & people – not the free market. But regardless buzz. . . if that’s what you believe, then you should be hounding the Faux network for not distancing themselves from the New Crusade-Bush Regime. If you can’t see that as a greater threat, then you’ve been asleep. As for your criticism about the only candidates that address the American public without insulting spin & some truth-telling, you clearly don’t know or understand their viewpoints by calling them
    names. You may be the nutjob for wanting a totalatarian, nanny-state, fascist authority that wants to control your life at every level. You my friend are an example of zombie masses who’ve lost touch with the roots of liberty and who’ll obediently allow the jack-booted thugs send you, your kids, and your property down the path of fiery oblivion to quench the thirst of foreign wars and corrupt special interests. God bless Paul, Kucinich, and Gravel.

  25. I think that if any of the candidates had been able to buy a spot in, it would have created a bit of buzz after the viewing and a ton of discussion online the next day. Could have been interesting but FOX is not having it and if they don’t want to, so be it. In preparation for the big day, Firebrand is showing favorite Super Bowl commercials and icons from the past online at http://www.firebrand.com and on the television at ION TV at 11pm this week. Check it out!
    Firebrand Rep

  26. I think it’s highly neutral of Mr. Murdoch’s company to stay out of the presidential race.
    Oddly, I also believe it’s about time someone committed to not committing. There’s enough potential controversy in the halftime show(remember Janet Jackson and the “wardrobe malfunction”?)without politics cluttering everything up. (True, local Fox affils who aren’t o-&-o are in danger of selling time.)

  27. LoL Walt, you crack me up. Ron never “let” those writers publish those comments in his newsletters. He was an inactive editor, meaning, he had taken a break from being a Congressional Representative and was pursuing his own practice, while not monitoring the content of his newsletter that he otherwise would have been monitoring had he been active in politics. He’s a libertarian for God’s sake, try to find one speech or writing of his over the last few decades that he’s been in politics that has ANY connotation of racism. If you’re having trouble, that’s because you realize you’re wrong, and yet try to believe otherwise just because you’re ignorant.
    Our country is going down the toilet because of people like you that just don’t care, don’t pay attention to economics, and don’t give a crap about the future that the youth of this country are inheriting.

  28. to buzz you. i think the guy whose name you stole was talking about football is a religion and how no political ads in super bowl is similar to “separation of church and state” which to many pple still insist is in the constitution. (its not) plus you talk alot about namecalling then endulge in a bunch of it yourself. hypocrite much? 🙂 and MD i agree this! haha enough politics, lets have some fun (hopefully without anymore “wardrobe malfunctions” lol)

  29. to dan. ron paul had 15 years to do something about those letters how come he didnt do anything?

  30. OK people – enough of the newsletters AGAIN (since that’s all anyone can dredge up as far as dirt is concerned) — if someone writes an editorial in a newspaper about YOU, what control do you have over if it is printed or not? It can destroy you, defame you — but how is one supposed to be watching everyone at every minute, and have control over what everyone does? This is completely ridiculous – zombie mentality speaking yet again. America is in a sorry state, yes indeed – and why? Because Americans have been asleep at the wheel. Those newsletters were over 10 years ago, and you people are still pandering over this crap? Wake up and smell the coffee before your country goes to the crapper. Slaves you are & slaves you will stay….unless someone like Dr. Paul comes in to save the day. Go back to your football – haha…….

  31. Wow. you people have no lives. To be arguing about super bowl ads on a studpid website… hmmmm. you make me laugh. its pretty amusing. you guys need to get over it and relise that fox made a good descision not to have politcal ads during a FOOTBALL game… no one cares about politics when they watch the super bowl. i dont know about you but i hate commercials period, and when they interupt my game and arent even interesting it sucks even more.

  32. HA! HA! HA! you r so funy HA! HA! HA!

  33. ok michaeluk time to take your mouth off ron pauls d–k and answer the question he had 15 years to do something about those letters how come he didnt? maybe because for him to come out and say he didnt write them is the new bill clinton coming out and saying he did not have sex with that woman lewinsky? haha wonder what you idiots are going to do when ron paul drops out

  34. Nobody who doesn’t post psthetic RON PAUL postings has voted for the man; at what point do these (those?) losers wake up and smell the coffee? Point nothing votes, the Blimp grounded? Isn’t it time you got in touch with Ralph Nader’s channelers?

  35. The media and the establishment are so afraid of ron paul it’s hilarious, David Rockefeller would probably s%#@ a gold brick if he found out that Ron Paul was getting that kind of media attention! ha, ha! If you understand just who it is that really runs this country behind the scenes, you would understand why i would make a statement like that. And for you ignorant, uninformed people who wanna get on here and bash ron paul and call his supporters names, why dont you think about this; why do you suppose it is that this man has such a fervent following in the first place? Honestly…when is the last time
    youve seen people support a political candidate with this much intensity? Why do you suppose it is that he is able to break the all time fund raising record in one day? Why do you suppose it is that he has the LARGEST GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGN IN THE HISTORY OF U.S. POLITICS and no matter how much the media try and smear, ridicule, and discredit him, he still continues to gain momentum? Obviously there must be something going on here, wouldnt you say? It’s because people are WAKING UP! In large numbers! theyre waking up to reality that our entire government is bought and paid for by corporations and is certainly NOT by the people or for the people, and the establishment has in mind nothing less than turning america into a police state dicatorship, which will certainly happen if we get another CFR puppet for a president in 2009. (i.e. all the other candidates). You can say of me whatever you want for saying these things, but you know what? the evidence speaks for itself, more and more everyday. Why do so many people support ron paul so fervently? Because he tells the truth. it’s not the man, it’s the message. But the sad truth is there is still a vast majority of people who arent going to realize what happening until it’s too late. You wanna vote for Romney? Huckabee? Mcain? HIllary? go right ahead. knock yourself out. But in 2009 when they implement patriot act 5, or whatever number its on by then, when the long planned war with Iran kicks off, when our economy completely crashes and they start trying to shove the AMERO and the NAU down your thoat and your candidate turns out to just as much of douche bag as G.W. Bush or WORSE, just remember, you HAD YOUR CHANCE. Because you passed up the one guy who would have put a stop to all the nonsense that’s going on with our government right now. it’s not about supporting a man. It’s about SAVING OUR COUNTRY for goodness sakes! Why cant you people see that? So you can feel free to go ahead and say something derogatory of me now, (like i know someone is bound to do), but it’s all good cause ive said what i wanted to say. RON PAUL 2008!

  36. afraid of ron paul? the real douche bags are the numbnuts who think that ron paul is the only one who can save america AS IF THAT COULD BE DONE you people can stop pontificating anytime oh and by the way xavier all that nonsense about who raises most money in a day and who has the biggest so-called grass roots (the smokeable kind) campaign you might as well be saying ron pauls d–k is bigger than everyone elses it would make as much sense… get therapy

  37. okay, le tigre, then who is YOUR candidate of choice? Who would YOU like to see win the presidency in 2009, and why?

  38. okay xavier why are you so concerned about my vote is it because i am not voting for your guy? ive not decided who im voting for yet but then again its none of your business anyway besides im not the one getting up on the soap box shouting LOOK AT ME I AM VOTING FOR RON PAUL AND YOU SHOULD TOO BECAUSE THOSE WHO DONT ARE ALL STUPID my vote is my business anyway and furthermore stop building up ron paul like he is GOD the more you do that the more he is going to disappoint you in the end!

  39. Everyone has overzealous supporters, Ron Paul just happens to have legions of inspired individuals, what is wrong with that? You should look at the merits and ethical superiority of each candidate, I personally believe that Ron Paul is the only one out of the candidates on both sides who possesses these qualities.
    We are trying to garner your support because Ron Paul is the great individual that we say he is, we have done our research, have you?
    Who is Ron Paul?
    Why do we support him so fervently?
    Why do people demean us so readily?
    What does Ron Paul have to gain from becoming President, as compared to the rest of the candidates?
    Ask yourself why you don’t support Ron Paul, I bet you cannot come up with a reason that is not based on party politics, who really controls your opinion?

  40. i control my opinion thank you very much who controls yours? alex jones?
    i know who ron paul is and i dont care for him or anyone else who sides with the 9-11 “inside job” crowd or those who would be happy to see israel wiped off the map
    why do people demean you so readily? because you blow him up to be a god thats why, now tell me another story of how ron paul parted the red sea or ron paul turned water into wine (acutally thats koolaid haha)

  41. Ron Paul and his supporters are trying to get this nation back to the way it was intended to be. The founding fathers wrote a very precious document called the Constitution that was ratified by every state legislative body. One of the things it says is that any power not granted to the Federal Government by the constitution is granted to the several states. Since that time, the feds have been grabbing power one law at a time until the states have practically no authority at all anymore. Ron Paul would simply eliminate everything not specifically authorized by the constitution and return power to the States where it belongs. This would simplify the Federal government and would definitely save us all a lot of tax money. I am for Ron Paul and anyone else who stands up for these principles. BTW I am a jew and do NOT believe Ron Paul is in any way anti-jewish. He simply wants to withdraw foreign aid to ALL nations, and keep our money at home where it can do the most good for AMERICANS.

  42. Why is Ron Paul’s support only on the internet?
    The answer is quite obvious. The internet is the last free medium we have left.

  43. Le Tigre-
    Obviously you know nothing about Ron Paul or what he stands for. Do your research before you post anywhere please.
    His views are not “radical.” They are actually very mainstream and universal. Most Americans subscribe to libertarianism…they just don’t yet know it. To associate his support with Alex Jones and 9-11 Truthers is utterly ignorant.

  44. le tigre.
    Decide your candidate on his merits not on who follows him. Remember, Ron Paul has no control on the kind of people that freedom attracts.
    There’s nothing radical about running a constitutional government, with sound money policy, and low taxes, a foreign policy that doesn’t tell people to be like us. Unfortunately, as you’ve observed, freedom is popular, even amongst the least of us.
    The funny thing is, big government creates all the distrust in them and fuels these conspiracy people by all of the secretive things they do, that don’t server our interests.
    Bottom line, don’t eliminate him from your consideration because of some of the idiots on here. Take care, you’ll make the right choice.

  45. to carl. thanks for the ONLY rational response here even though i would still be aprehensive to join the ranks even if it was billary clinton or mitt random or whoever else the hell they are
    as for the ignorant matt you should practice what you preach sucker

  46. That’s odd. I just saw a Mit Romney commercial in the middle of the first quarter.

  47. I just saw a long Obama commercial right before halftime, WTF?

  48. hey chris, I just saw that! wtf indeed!

  49. Oh, noooooooooooooooow Fox decides to be fair……..But I’m glad because after seeing Fox and other networks not being fair to possible presidential candidates, it’s about time they stepped up to the plate. Let’s see if they continue the trend ……hmm, I still don’t trust them.

  50. I didn’t see a Romney ad, but I did see an Obama advertisement. Does anyone know why they decided to change their stated policy? Besides, I thought they were “sold out.” Too weird!

  51. “You don’t have to drive to the local zoo,
    You can watch all the monkeys on the TV news,
    talking in circles hopin’ no one’s seen,
    The half-ton gorilla in the middle of the screen.”
    from “Ron Paul Goes to the Zoo”

  52. While no candidate has yet requested time, the network has declared it won’t sell Super Bowl spots to their campaigns.
    The reasons: The show is sold out and equal opportunities couldn’t be provided to all candidates, even if some additional time could be found for one to buy in.
    Fox is saying it will comply with Federal Communications Commission rules
    FCC and Fox will be hearing from me tomorrow.
    Y’all know how to do this, I see a flood coming.

  53. If I was Ron Paul, I would file a lawsuit against Fox right away. They are bold face liars who will say anything to stop his candidacy. The Romney and Obama ads during the superbowl proved this without a doubt.
    Fox is just another one of the mega-corporations running this country (through campaign contrubutions) who don’t want to see their share of political power eroded by a genuinely constitutional government.
    We libertarians may only be 4 to 6 percent now, but in 2012 we’ll be 30 percent. By 2016 there will be enough of us to elect a real government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

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  115. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

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  173. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  174. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  175. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

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  199. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

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  201. you have brought up a very good points , thanks for the post.

  202. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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