
TV News’ 10 Most Powerful

Apr 13, 2008  •  Post A Comment

It is time for the annual drumroll, tah-dah and to-do as TelevisionWeek unveils its list of the 10 Most Powerful People in TV News.
With the roster comes the annual asterisk signifying that while it is painstakingly assembled, the selection and ranking process is both earnest and admittedly unscientific.
To extensive research, add backstage drama and gossip that had us tinkering and rethinking until past deadline last week, thanks to a barrage of headlines about CBS News and Katie Couric and a dribble-down-the-chin-juicy New York Times Magazine profile of MSNBC’s tin-eared Chris Matthews, who has everyone talking about him—and not in a good way. You’ll see that we have taken advantage of the political Zeitgeist to add a little more shock value than usual at the end. While most of the news players listed here are very familiar, it’s some of their key players who are new to our spotlight.
1. Steve Capus
Title: NBC News president
Tenure: 2½ years
Rank last year: 2
Why he was chosen: The NBC News ship, which last year seemed to have sprung a few worrisome leaks, is once again sailing upright and steady as she used to go. “NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams” is edging out ABC’s “World News With Charles Gibson” with more regularity. The “Today” show is once again making it look easy to be No. 1, no longer letting ABC’s “Good Morning America” see it sweat as it did during close weeks last year when “Today” would find ways to eliminate some of its more vulnerable segments from the Nielsen ratings’ scrutiny. During the first quarter of this year, “Today” led by 1.2 million viewers. MSNBC.com is the leading television news organization Web site. Perhaps most tantalizing is the success NBC News has had in this long, dramatic and lucrative political season by making MSNBC “The Place for Politics.” The cable channel may finally have found its voice—brash and brass ballsy at day’s end—and a formula that makes it a valuable platform for (and not just a way of amortizing expenses of) NBC News.
Invaluable asset: His fellow MSNBC alumnus, Phil Griffin, the NBC News senior VP in charge of both “Today” and MSNBC. Mr. Griffin has been given a lot of (tight) rope with MSNBC, whose prime-time lineup tied CNN in the key news demo of 25- to 54-year-olds in March. Even when someone at MSNBC has to apologize, the incident gets a lot of ink and the names are spelled correctly. It’s not the only recent strategy that reads like a page out of a Fox News playbook—even if the political points of view are poles apart.
Nitpicking: Chatty Kathie Lee Gifford for “Today”? Does this portend a spinoff for the fourth hour? Shouldn’t it? Sunday’s New York Times Magazine profile of Chris Matthews reveals a lot of sharp elbows, but makes clear that the man who once was a fresh face now is his own worst enemy.
2. Roger Ailes
Titles: Chairman and CEO of Fox News, Fox Business Network, Fox Television Station Group
Tenure: Launched Fox News Channel in 1996
Rank last year: 1.
Why he was chosen: Fox News Channel is making money, money, money by racking up rating$, rating$, rating$ day in, day out, year after year. The network created in his image is consistently among the 10 most-watched channels in the cable world (second-place CNN is in the low 20s and third-place MSNBC seldom even makes the Top 30). However, FNC has been oddly low-profile and sotto voce in the most portentous political year in memory despite the presence of Karl Rove in Fox News’ pundit pack.
Invaluable asset: His fierce determination to succeed makes folks reluctant to write off the Fox Business Network, which did not come out of the box six months ago showing any of the razzle-dazzle Fox News Channel displayed from the get-go. The wobbly financial sector and economy haven’t helped the channel, which was conceived as “business-friendly.” Still, Mr. Ailes and his team of senior VPs Kevin Magee and Neil Cavuto have not been able to take advantage of the Dow Jones and Co. brands News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch purchased for $6.5 billion last year.
Nitpicking: The prime-time lineup, while as popular as ever—“The O’Reilly Factor” and “Hannity & Colmes” still top the cable news ratings—seems less than potent politically this season. Except for veteran Shepard Smith, there is no next-generation breakthough talent in the Fox stable.
3. David Westin
Title: ABC News president
Tenure: 11 years
Rank last year: 4
Why he was chosen: He’s a survivor—the longest-tenured current TV news organization leader by far. He has finally established a line of succession. There’s an atmosphere of competitive confidence and stability. While “Good Morning America” and “World News” may not have the sense of momentum they had last year, they are vigorous and competitive. The revived “Nightline,” the international aspirations in which Mr. Westin has become an adroit player/booker and the growth of “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” into a consistent silver medalist in the Sunday newsmaker show competition lends ABC News a comforting air of tradition even as it digs for the pot of gold at the end of the digital rainbow that teases all news organizations.
Invaluable asset: Dave Davis, the executive VP overseeing ABC News programs, has more than lived up to his reputation as a smart, decisive executive with much-needed people skills. Add in his visibility and accessibility and you’ve got a big morale boost.
Nitpicking: Just once, could ABC hire a male correspondent who doesn’t look like a clone of Mr. Westin?
4. Tim Russert
Titles: Managing editor/moderator of “Meet the Press” and senior VP/Washington bureau chief for NBC News
Tenure: Since 1991
Rank last year: 5
Why he was chosen: If it’s an election year, it must be a particularly good one for Mr. Russert, for whom “term limits” is an alien concept. When his current 10-year contract expires in 2012, he will have been the moderator of “Meet the Press” for 21 years. He’s been the “Meet” man for more than a quarter of the 60 years that make the show the longest-running program in TV history and a veritable institution in the political capitol of the free world. His “Meet the Press” audience, often more than 4 million viewers strong before the show is even made available online, enjoys a 40% ratings lead over the closest competition, ABC’s “This Week.” It could be argued that he’s more powerful than many higher-ranked news executives.
Invaluable asset: The political-TV equivalent of “Perry Mason” moments enabled by the dogged research for which Mr. Russert and his executive producer Betsy Fischer are justly famous.
Nitpicking: Mr. Russert’s loyalty to people used to making familiar points in a familiar way can sometimes make his roundtables seem fusty, especially in a presidential campaign year like this when a woman and an African American man have changed the political landscape and the race and gender conversations forever.
5. Jim Walton/Jon Klein
Titles: CNN Worldwide president and CNN/U.S. president, respectively
Tenure: 5 years and 3½ years, respectively
Rank last year: 8
Why they were chosen: CNN/U.S. has revitalized itself by focusing on politics. Prime-time ratings, revenue, CNN.com traffic and morale are up. There will be the big test of avoiding precipitous ratings drops in between the election and the next big story, but for now, CNN can bask in the glow of having topped Fox News in the all-important news demographic of 25- to 54-year-old viewers in February for the first time in six years.
CNN’s invaluable assets: The addiction to politics of Senior VP and Washington Bureau Chief David Bohrman and political director Sam Feist is the wind beneath CNN’s politically corrected ratings wings these days.
Nitpicking: Book-ending Larry King with the youthful and vital Campbell Brown and Anderson Cooper only makes his increasing weaknesses more glaring. Yes, it’s CNN’s most-watched program, but “Larry King Live” also means there is no compatible audience flow, only prime-time whiplash for viewers. Lou Dobbs’ angry and autocratic persona also seems increasingly out of synch with what Mr. Klein says is working for CNN—passionate middle-of-the-roadness—but no one seems able or willing to temper Mr. Dobbs. “American Morning” also represents an audience challenge.
6. Keith Olbermann
Title: Host of “Countdown With Keith Olbermann”
Tenure: Five years
Rank last year: 6
Why he was chosen: Two decades into his career, he’s become an overnight success as talk TV’s first break-out liberal voice. With about 1 million viewers per night, he is MSNBC’s Goliath and so he can gleefully play David to Bill O’Reilly’s Goliath.
Invaluable asset: After blithely burning oh, so many career bridges, Mr. Olbermann seems inclined not to screw up this opportunity, which is arguably his best ever, especially since it comes with fun assignments and exposure on NBC Sports’ Sunday Night Football bench.
Nitpicking: He remains an acquired taste.
7. Bill O’Reilly
Title: Host of “The O’Reilly Factor”
Tenure: 12 years
Rank last year: none
Why he was chosen: He’s still the ratings king of the cable news world, easily bringing more than 2 million viewers into the Fox tent at the beginning of each weeknight and giving Fox a distinct advantage in reach over its competitors. If Mr. O’Reilly writes a book, it effectively debuts as a best seller.
Invaluable asset: He can say the most outrageous—and often non-doctrinaire—things with an almost straight face.
Nitpicking: His bully-boy persona doesn’t seem to frighten so many people anymore. Indeed, it can be argued his heckling has helped MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. “The Factor” often seems more interested in reading body language than in the race for the White House.
8. Sean McManus
Titles: President of CBS News and CBS Sports
Tenure: 2½ years and 12 years, respectively
Rank last year: 7
Why he was chosen: He’s smart. He’s solid. He’s wise to the fun and frightful ways of the rollercoaster of an industry he was born into as the son of ABC Sports legend Jim McKay. His long tenure at CBS Sports made him familiar and reassuring to the CBS affiliates whose support he has needed as he made nitty-gritty moves they might otherwise resist—giving back significant time during “The Early Show” and moving ad spots to create a seamless transition from their local newscasts to the “CBS Evening News.” While the continuing ratings challenges facing the third-place “CBS Evening News With Katie Couric” made unscheduled news last week, Mr. McManus is very good at focusing on what has been accomplished and being sanguine about what hasn’t. He gambled on the volatile Shelley Ross as executive producer of third-place “The Early Show,” then made a quick change six months into her rocky tenure. His decision to assign “Evening News” executive producer Rick Kaplan to temporary double duty on “Early” was rewarded with a quick ratings lift. He’s got two of the sturdiest properties in TV news: “60 Minutes” and “48 Hours.” And he has convinced another institution, Bob Schieffer, to postpone his retirement from “Face the Nation.”
Invaluable asset: His long relationship with CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves. Mr. McManus has been a trusted member of the team. And he knows all that entails, even the stuff that’s not always pretty or fun.
Nitpicking: CBS News is the way last network to get a debate (still unconfirmed at press time). After all the Democratic candidates’ much-watched back-and-forths, the question must be asked: “What’s the diff?”
9. N.S. Bienstock
Title: Agency
Tenure: More than three decades
Rank last year: 9
Why it was chosen: Prime time in cable news would look very different if it weren’t for clients represented by the agency headed by husband-and-wife team Richard Leibner and Carole Cooper, which has different clients holding down an hour from 5 p.m. through midnight on weeknight all-news cable network lineups: Bill O’Reilly at Fox; Campbell Brown and Anderson Cooper at CNN; and Chris Matthews, David Gregory and Dan Abrams at MSNBC. MSNBC’s Norah O’Donnell was added to the Bienstock stable when agent Rick Ramage joined the diverse agency late last year.
Invaluable asset: A long, star-studded history as well as a focus on the road ahead, whether it’s in hard news, soft news, documentary or reality programming.
Nitpicking: Bienstock and its clients are confronting the same realities as everyone else in an industry that is breeding smaller stars who will inevitably get smaller paychecks.
10. Amy Poehler, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart
Titles: Comedians who have affected the country’s political dialogue
Last year’s rank: Mr. Stewart 10; Ms. Poehler and Mr. Colbert, none
Why they were chosen: “Saturday Night Live’s” Amy Poehler touched a national nerve with her portrayal of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton. During a debate with her opponent Sen. Barack Obama, the real Ms. Clinton even cited the faux Sen. Clinton’s gripe that she was being manhandled by the press, which put on kid gloves for Sen. Obama. Mr. Stewart was muted by the writers strike and then his stint as host of a kiss-and-make-up Oscars ceremony was made possible by the settling of the writers strike. But there are months to go in one of the most exciting contests in presidential campaign history and his consistent ability to do unto politics and politicians and the real journalists who cover them—Google “Tucker Carlson” and “Chris Matthews” and “Jon Stewart” and reminisce amongst yourselves—is why this fake journalist is a veteran on this list of real journalists. And his Comedy Central spawn, Mr. Colbert, recently won a Peabody Award for his “Victor/Victoria”-like turn as a satirist playing a fake cable news icon who defines over the top.
Invaluable assets: They get it.
Nitpicking: We don’t see enough of them.


  1. To bad you couldn’t get all liberal people on the list

  2. Is anyone else sick of the phrase “They get it” and the hacks that use it?

  3. You people must be crazy…. anyone who puts anyone from NBC at the top of the most powerful list of anything must be getting paid to do so! Get a clue on this list!! Not even close!! I would laugh if this wasn’t serious business this year.. what a joke!

  4. It isn’t his list, though he should have cited the source.
    Reading is hard.

  5. Keith Olbermann is 6th? Then the next list he’s 50th?
    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL This article is a joke.

  6. Keith Olbermann???? What a maroon, and dinky ratings. Guess we HAD to have him higher on the list to make the Libs feel superior. What a joke, like the rest of the Enemedia.

  7. “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re 30 and not a Conservative, you don’t have a brain.”

  8. Keith Olbermann – relevant – LOL
    How much did he pay you? Really? Have you watched him? He is a joke. If you listed him down there with Saturday Night Live, I “might” have taken your list seriously.

  9. Keith Olbermann ahead of O’reilly?? HaHa! Olbermann isn’t fit to wipe Bill’s shoes. He’s a partisan hack who just parrots Media Matters and MoveOn daily! He has already hit his ceiling! It’s the best he can ever do, because fair-minded people don’t buy his B.S. Oh, and apparently ratings, respect, financial impact, integrity, and a radio show don’t count on the list of “most powerful”.

  10. The DNC called. They renewed your membership and you are now a SUPER DELEGATE! Job well done!

  11. Keith Olbermann? isnt he the ugliest man in the entire world? i think hes Janet Reno’s brother. nobody i know watches his garbage.

  12. Also ….
    are they so backward to not realize the relevance of the Matt Drudge and the Drudgereport????? I’m not even going to comment on the stupid list overweighting of the liberal media and their even more overweighted “power”…..

  13. You must be afraid of Rush.

  14. They should have put Katie Couric as number 1! Give me a break. This so called report is an utter joke. Do these folks really think mainstream Americans are that stupid??? And they don’t understand why nobody watches abc, cbs, nbc, etc. They will just bury their head in the sand and when they pull their heads out the audience will vanish.
    Now in case some of you liberals would like to know why I would not take a Katie Couric seriously as a news source? Because I don’t need to have someone talking about serious life threating issues like the middle east, border security, the economy, etc and worry if their hardoo is looking spiffy or if their mascara is running. Mainstream America does not want to watch a ditz report the news!
    I could have told you Couric was not going to work.

  15. The first thing most of the people on that list do each day is look at the Drudgereport. How Matt Drudge does not rank baffles me.
    How anyone at CBS ranks as influentual in news baffles me as well.

  16. When I got to Keith Olbermann, I laughed out loud. I’m still laughing. If he is powerful, then it truly shows how weak these people are.

  17. Katie is finished as anyone important.

  18. And Joe Klein hasn’t an original thought since “legs that were a gift from God.”

  19. Damn, you all beat me to the punch!!! LOL!!
    To say this Rag is a Joke would be the understatement of the century thus far!!! TV “Weak”—it should be called…. Keith Olbermann #6—-BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  20. Kieth Olbermann…………….?
    what idiot in your company chose to watch this sick schmuck?


  22. Is this bogus or what?
    Drudge sets them all up every morning, Rush gets their blood pumping and Glen Beck makes blood shoot out of their eyes. Jon Stewart – Isn’t he the lead singer and banjo player in the Kingston Trio? Think about it.
    Keith Olderman hit his peak at Presidency in Crisis (the Lewinsky scandal). When will that come out on DVD?
    Keith: The most over the top liberal news reader – IN THE WORLD!

  23. Olbermann ahead of O’Reilly????
    You’re a joke!
    In an effort to life Olbermann, you only serve to bash yourself.

  24. Ok, so the list is “TV” news. Drudge isn’t on TV, but neither is that Beinstock Agency at number 9. If Matt Drudge decides a story is news, it leads on every newscast on every network. This list is irrelevant.

  25. Seriously Olberman? Really the who in the world thinks this guys ranks that high on any list except for maybe a list or self-righteous turds? O’Rielly kills this guy heads up everyday. Come on this list is really bad. Is this an add for NBC and NBC affiliates, or an actual list we are supposed to take serisously. It feels more like an add.
    Olberman is a bitter person that attempts to take on O’Rielly as a way to generate ratings.

  26. who ever wrote this articale is dummer than obama

  27. I’ll simply say that if I had been a member of the selection commitee for this endeavor, 80%+ of these picks would have been trashed. Keith Olberman indeed! This “man” isn’t qualified to even sell dog biscuits, much less be recognized as a newsperson..

  28. … From the same people that tell us there is no liberal bias in the media and global warming is real… are they serious?

  29. Keith Olbermann…I can’t watch that idiot when he is doing sports!
    He is no powerhouse!
    And the left maroons wonder why talk radio and Fox News have all the ratings.

  30. Hey any one remember when Terry Gross made O’Rielly cry? It was one of the funniest things ever. Almost as funny as reading the hyperventilations of the Drudgebots.

  31. ROFL – Lets see where on the honesty rankings Mr. Olbermann is:
    50. Keith Olbermann
    He also has the smallest market share during his period, yet you claim he is #6 on your list?
    Guess we can tell where you stand and it shows the “honesty” of your report here and how completely inaccurate it is.

  32. ANY ratings Keith Olbermann has is based on people watching what an IDIOT he is.
    Seriously. I’d say Olbermann’s ratings are 1/4 serious. The other 3/4’s are people in shock at what a total, shameless clown he is.

  33. Hey any one remember when Terry Gross made O’Rielly cry? It was one of the funniest things ever. Almost as funny as reading the hyperventilations of the Drudgebots.

  34. Article written by: Michele Greppi.
    All I can say is, Michele, you need to get a Greppi on your sanity.

  35. You dopes just made yourselves irrelevent!!!

  36. How’d you forget about Jim Lehrer? I know he doesn’t get the ratings of ABC, NBC, and FOX, but he certainly is a staple of balanced news here in the U.S. and is someone you can definitely trust.

  37. It’s amazing you could put anyone from MSNBC on the list, especially Keith Olbermann.
    MSNBC is the most dishonest news channel in American history. It’s absolutely stunning to watch the constant flow of left-wing propaganda that is presented as news on that channel.
    Between the Bush hating, Obama worshiping, and Air America hosts, there’s pretty much zero chance of getting accurate information.
    I guess that explains why they’re consistently dead last in the ratings week after week.

  38. I am a “middle of the road” on everything, idependent voter. Fox should be rated higher than all the others combined. There is a standing money reward for anyone proving they lie about a news item. Check other outlets and see if they make the same offer. I think not, remember Dan, the “I hate all Bushes man”, and one should not forget how many times “60 Minutes” has fabricated stories.

  39. Okay….now I get the whole point; but it took a while.
    This is a bit like saying my hamster Timmy is the most powerful one in the box, and Buddy is second.
    Binky takes a still impressive third.

  40. Keith Olberman???!!!! Nobody watches him. LOL
    O’reilly has like 5 times as many viewers and he’s below Olberman. What a freak’n joke!

  41. What a monumnental joke this list is! Typical Libs celebrating Libs.
    The thought of Bill O’Reilly coming in after the completely brainless and inept Olbermann is beyond laughable. For good left wing measure TV Week has to belittle O’Reilly after grudgingly putting him on the list while celebrating a nitwit like Olbermann.
    Note to TV Week – You better zip up, your ideology is showing!

  42. Well we’ve certainly made the case for Drudge this morning. More people have tuned into this than 2 cycles of MSNBC.

  43. What a hoot!
    I already knew about the liberal mainstream media–news AND entertainment. But having presented this ridiculous ranking, we now know you are a part of that group…as in card-carrying.
    Olberman on ANY list of “news” people?!?!?!!??
    Only a handful of people watch him; check the Nielsen’s, by the way, it’s not a million. But those are the same people who watch train wrecks and gawk at traffic smashups.
    TV WEAK.

  44. Keith Olbermann as a power player? BALONEY! He’s more like the clown at the dunk tank. The entire MSNBC network is a joke and anybody of right mind knows it.
    This list is little more than a who’s who of lefties that the authors of this proposal “wish” were powerful. I’m surprised you didn’t list Bill Maher as #2.

  45. Michele Greppi makes TVWeek a JOKE.
    Olbermann 6th most powerful of what? What power does this guy have?
    Maybe Michele Greppi should’ve put him as #1 coward and fraud. Too cowardly to debate anyone that has a different opinion then his becuase he knows he’ll get outdebated.

  46. This list should definitely make a thrill run up the leg of Chris Matthews!
    I mean MSNBC listed as a “News” organization!
    The most left leaning outfit on cable shilling for the far left dems is listed as a “News” organization! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

  47. Youve lost your minds. Olberman? you cant find a bigger drooling moron on tv.Whats he got 100k viewers nationwide? Drudge destroys every one of these idiots. He and Rush do all the prep work for every news outlet in the country. Come to terms with it.

  48. Judas H. Priest! After reading this abominable screed, one can only wonder if the authors remembered to bring their kneepads and K-Y jelly before serving up this hand job to those leftist icons (read: faux journalists) whose professional fortunes they are obviously so hell-bent on boosting!

  49. So…..
    Keith Olbermann ranks 6th as most powerful and last in the list for honesty and integrity. Interesting.

  50. Having Olberman and O’Reilly on this list just shows people no longer can differentiate between news and opinion. News is the unvarnished and unbiased statement of facts without opinion. Once a qualitative or subjective term is used, then it no longer is news but opinion. If you are looking to Olberman, O’Reilly, or even worse, Colbert and Stewart for your news then you are in a sorry state. Accept them for what they are, either a political show with an agenda or a comedy show. Please don’t think this is real news.

  51. “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re 30 and not a Conservative, you don’t have a brain.”
    And if you’re 40 and still a conservative, you find happiness only in possessions that never have voice.

  52. Keith Olberman ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Are u serious??????? What a joke!!!!!

  53. Interesting. I’ve always thought that a cable channel that was unabashedly conservative would be an instant ratings success. Television is about imitation of success – one show in a format does well, and the other networks immediately come up with imitations. So, for example, after “60 Minutes” was a success, next thing you have is “20/20”. And so on.
    That didn’t happen with “Fox News” however. Despite its unarguable success, the idiots at the other networks were too stupid (or blind, or more likely blind AND stupid) to imitate. Instead they went the other way – CBS decided the problem was that they weren’t liberal pro-Democrat enough, and next thing you know Katie Couric is the replacement for that old lib fossil Dan Rather. C’mon. was anyone really surprised that a liberal pro-Democrat hack like Couric bombed?
    Even the newsmagazines have sought the answer to their sliding subscriptions by moving further to the left. And, fo couse, when this doesn’t work they blame something else. I mean, how willfully blind can you get?
    So what we have is a first in television – depsite the unarguable success of Fox News, the networks refused to follow their financial interest, and come up with something similar, preferring to stay with the old tired failed formula of lib and more lib.
    The question is WHY, and I just don’t have the answer. Why would being pro-Democrat, and liberal be more important that making money? Why give up ratings in support of ideology? Right now Fox has the conservative side all to itself – there has NEVER been any hint of conservative programming at the big three networks. In fact they are going in the opposite direction – Not just in news, but in entertainment, – NOTHING conservative at all! Even Fox could do more – it really is objective overall – I’ve wondered why it doesn’t go more to the right in a separate cable channel. After the success of conservative talk radio, why not build a channel around the conservative point of view? Heck, it would be a lot less risky than the nonsense that the big three networks have put together over the years.

  54. When I saw that Keith Olbermann made this list I knew it was crap. The guy is a joke. Just a year ago he was getting 300k viewers a night and now he is more important than Bill O’Reilly who averages 1.5 to 2 million a night? You have to be kidding me? Hey Michele Greppi! drugs are bad for you, mmmmmm kkkkkk..

  55. What is the first thing most people with PC’s do in the morning for the latest news? GO TO DRUDGE REPORT! All other morning news are way behind and over report the slightest item till it makes my eyes go purple! If I had to listen to anyone on your list for my news I would not know what is going anywhere in the world in my lifetime waiting for them to finish their long winded, over reported nonsense that really most average people don’t care about! HULLO!

  56. Is it me or does Keith Olbermann look like Eddie Munster? Wow he doesnt even need to dress into a Halloween costume when going to Halloween parties!

  57. Olberman? Amy ‘I have no talent’ Poehler? NBC? What an absolute joke and obvious NBC promo piece. Where’s Brit Hume? Anderson Cooper? Chris Matthews? Rush Limbaugh? Jeff Greenberg? Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes?

  58. Keith Olberman ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Are u serious??????? What a joke!!!!!

  59. What a wonderful way to start a Monday…seeing all of these whiney girlymen types who have been seduced and ergo made even dumber by the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh , Oreilly, Coulter, all pathetic jokes determined to stay relevant.
    Olberman by far has done more of late to give real news with real teeth particularly keeping this administration’s feet in the fire and reporting on non-fluff issues. Unless you have the IQ of the average Hannity fan, it’s easy to see thru the obfuscation presented by Faux ( God, Guns, and Guts fluff pieces, designed not to illuminate and challenge the viewers intellect, but moreso in order to seek compliance from its viewers and showing that they can be the equivalent of “Good Germans”.
    Congratulations Keith, what a breath of fresh air you have brought to Cable News, and not all the phoney hubris associated with feigned patriotic social agendizing fascists we get with Right Wing Hate radio and Faux Noise.

  60. Does NBC own TVWeek or Crain?

  61. Rush is the most powerful person in the media. Keith could not carry his jock strap.

  62. No bias here. Read the comments below Olberman’s pick and compare to that of O’Reilly’s. I think putting O’Reilly on the list caused the writer of this article to bust a hemmrhoid. The only top ten list Olberman belongs on is Top Ten Turds and then he’s at the top of the class.

  63. Olberman? Amy ‘I have no talent’ Poehler? NBC? What an absolute joke and obvious NBC promo piece. Where’s Brit Hume? Anderson Cooper? Chris Matthews? Rush Limbaugh? Jeff Greenberg? Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes?

  64. Elvis is more powerful than Keith Olbermann and Evis is dead.

  65. Must I state the obvious? This list is irrelevant. TV news is fading fast. Where do most people get their news (under the age of 50ish I would guess) – it’s the internet. Between talk radio and internet, cell phones with internet & blackberry thingies. Who has time to watch news on tv? And why bother?

  66. Thank you for not putting Rush Limbaugh anywhere on this list. This out-of-touch blowhard is yesterday’s memo.
    As for most of the rest of the list, who the hell are these people? Corporate doo-wahs pulling the strings on the talking heads?

  67. In order to be important in the news business you must have, generate or control an audience. Screaming in the desert does not make you a significant news reporter or source of information.
    Obviously the networks still have significant audiences and those who control these networks must be considered. Cable is still a small relative audience. But Rush Limbaugh has a daily audience for three hours which dwarfs the networks? Hannity is close behind and Ingraham, Levin and O’Reilly are very significant. It is readily apparent too, that all of these news sources rely heavily on the Drudge Report. To ignore this reveals that thsi is a silly effort by a mind numbed Leftist.
    Who watches Olberman? Who takes him seriously?

  68. It took me two seconds to see the bias in this poll. Bill O’Reilly has three to four times the viewership of Olberman. This is consistent week in and week out.
    No objective person would rate him above O’Reilly.
    Your poll has no credibility.

  69. Bias?
    NBC beats out fox for #1 by saying how great MSNBC is, yet when the writer explains why FOX earned the #2 spot, it goes on about how MSNBC’s ratings and earnings can’t hold a candle to FOX.

  70. I watch Keith Olberman all the time. Only place I can get any commentary that isn’t entirely skewed to the right.

  71. MenstualSNBC…’tales, told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
    Olberman..with his ‘inadequate appendage’ is nothing more than a playground loser trying to get into the game. His 3 viewers must be so proud. Abrams…not only lacks the balls…(pun intended) but his lawyerly logic doesn’t hold water on most issues. He’s starting to foam at the mouth like the grand daddy foamer…Chris Matthews. Hey Chris…have you cleaned up your leg after your Obasam? Tingles? Whatever!

  72. OH MY GOD!!! Could you be any more liberal? This is so laughable.
    Did Keith Olberman, Dan Abrams and Chris Matthews help you put this together?
    How about Air America and Nancy Pelosi?
    You are a joke!!!!!

  73. “He can say the most outrageous—and often non-doctrinaire—things with an almost straight face.”
    Wait, this is said of O’Reilly but not lunar resident Olberman? Some of KO’s statements should be accompanied by a warning that “viewers should not try to hold these opinions.”

  74. For somebody who isn’t at all powerful or relevant, Keith Olbermann sure is getting a lot of comment-time here. I thought all you guys said his show was going to canceled, but his ratings keep going up…strange. Maybe next year he’ll be gone…

  75. With apologies to Crocodile Dundee: You call that a list? Here’s a list:
    qed Drudge and Fox lovers.

  76. This list is a joke, right? Olbermann? Ha ha ha … wait, this isn’t funny. I’m amazed he draws any audience other than angry liberals. Oh, I mean “bitter” liberals.

  77. Olbermann and the lib media is the power solution? What was the question? Barry Obama, now you know why I believe in God, laugh at Darwinists, own guns and want the border enforced.

  78. Keith Olbermann at #6 Hahahaaaaa…So who did he have to wear a Blue Dress & assume the position for, in order to get that high up…

  79. Really? Olberman? I guess credibility is not one of your major concerns…

  80. It is so obvious that a liberal wrote this.

  81. The comments on these ratings prove that conservatives live in the same cave. The Daily Show Should have been number one!

  82. I can’t defend KO at #6, but power is more than just ratings. The definition of power is how influential you are setting the agenda. Why should O’Reilly be 7th since his shows frequently talk about fringe issues?

  83. Let me get this straight, Keith gets less than 1/2 of Bill’s audience, has a much thinner cross section of americans viewing him, repeatedly has to apologize for inaccuracies, but he ranks higher than Bill in your eyes?
    That’s absurd and shows your bias or whoever put this list together. Keith shouldn’t even be in the top 25, let alone ahead of Bill.
    The list was a good idea, but you’ll only be laughed out now – credibility was ruined.

  84. Keith Olbermann is the biggest jerk and joke on TV. I watch him just to laugh at all the outlandish propoganda he states as truth. He is masterful at powerfully spewing lies on a conistent basis.

  85. Homer Simpson is more powerful than Keith Olbermann. He only needs 1.8 million additional veiwers a night to beat O’Reilly. Real powerful, Keith.

  86. Olbermann? Can you be serious? Edward R. Murrow is contorting in his grave. (You sophisticated Olbermann fans can look Murrow up in Wikipedia, no doubt one of your primary informational sources). This mama’s boy has been passed around more media outlets than a cheap bottle of wine on the Bowery.
    Anyone remember Kathy Griffin’s “Seinfeld” episode where she turned her entire comedy routine into a demonization of Jerry? Olbermann has done the same thing to O’Reilly, which only validates Bill and makes Olbermann the ninny look small indeed. Like the old adolescent high school ploy of putting down others to make yourself look better…O’Reilly may not be the ideal newsperson, but compared to Olbermann, he seems far more honest, like him or not.
    Olbermann is to news what wrestling is to legitimate sports. MSNBC has sunk so low that they even employ lightweights from Air America as analysts. Air America, for God’s sake. Their audience isn’t even bright enough to appreciate NPR, where most progressives go. Given the nature of this list, look for Kathie Lee to be on top next year.

  87. “And if you’re 40 and still a conservative, you find happiness only in possessions that never have voice.”
    This ill-informed stereotype is about as vapid and robotically stupid as they come!
    By availing himself of the wealth of economic, marketing and democratic research Steve could easily discover for himself that the under-40 generations — of all political stripes! — are every bit as acquisitive as those who are “40 and still a conservative”!

  88. I thought April Fool’s day only one day a year??

  89. Most of the people who have posted replies are either idiots or clueless. The TV news business is just that: it’s a business. This list is based on the people who have been successful in TV news, whether or not they are on-air or off-air. What I mean by successful: generating ratings and revenue. That’s it. It’s not about whether or not you and your wife like or hate Keith Olberman. I hate to break the news to you guys, but not everyone out there shares your opinions. Guess what? Keith Olberman’s program actually generates good ratings, SO this means that a lot of people out there actually like it. Get a clue people.
    Also to the people who are complaining about all the liberals on the list: John McCain has already secured the Republican nomination while Obama and Clinton are in a dog-fight. Wouldn’t it be obvious that you would cover a race more that isn’t over as opposd to one that is over? Plus, most people out there (maybe not you guys) are so sick of George Bush that they are turned off by the Republican party altogether so the more liberal news people are getting more press. It’s seems pretty clear to me.

  90. To all you cons out there, what does it feel like to see your world slowly slipping away under all the black, brown, yellow and white feet marching to correct all the injustices you created?

  91. You and your magazine is good for wrapping dead fish, period!
    Keith Olbermann is lower than the belly of a snake, and as a snake it should be treated as such…dangerous!

  92. Olbermann over O’Reilly? I’m not a fan of either one, but I think O’Reilly crushes Olbermann with 3 times or more the viewers. And what’s with ABC, NBC, and CNN ranked so high? What planet are you people on?

  93. Someone needs to tweak the submissiobuttonthingy.
    It does not flip our page as expected and we are so eager to make some funny comment that we are posting again and again and again.
    Olberman. FARK is a better news source!

  94. How wide a stance do Keith Olbermann’s lips take when his gay master, David Brock, ejaculates his daily talking points down Olbermann’s throat.

  95. keith olbermann, the failed sports announcer?
    the hatchet man for the DNC?
    this list is so phony that it makes the clintons look honest.
    can’t we have one honest reporter on the USA?

  96. I wasn’t going to comment, but really….Keith Olbermann is actually a raving mental case. I wouldn’t trust this man around small children or sharp objects. This must be an opportunity to bash Bush. Too bad.

  97. Let me sum this up for everyone in very simple terms. Those who compiled this list, like most memebers of the press, almost have the IQ of your average house plant. They live in a world surrounded by fellow cerebrally vacant indivuals, who work as sounding boards, echoing each others intelectually inbred ideas.
    Now, lets examine some of the contents of this list. First, no one who is able to tie their own shoes, without drooling, considers George Stephanopoulos honest. For pity sake, this guy was a senior advisor during the Clinton Dark Ages.
    “With the roster comes the annual asterisk signifying that while it is painstakingly assembled, the selection and ranking process is both earnest and admittedly unscientific.”
    We have painstakingly and earnestly gone out of our way to inject our liberal bias into this list. I mean seriously, we had to look under some pretty nasty rocks to dig up Olbermann.

  98. Be honest now…this survey was paid for by MSNBC, right?
    All one has to do is look at the cable news ratings to see that Fox News is, far and above, the most powerful cable news outlets (combine the second AND third place networks and they still FALL SHORT of FNC).
    How the President of NBC news ranks about Ailes is beyond me. How Olbermann even ranks anywhere on the list is a freakin’ joke. He loses the ratings war to O’Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, Van Sustern, Shep Smith…
    THIS LIST IS PATHETIC PROPAGANDA! Any idiot can see through it…

  99. Kieth Olbermann??? Just piling on, here, with the obvious. O’Reily SMOTHERS Olbermann yet you place him higher in influence. Next you’ll be suggesting that “109-million Hillary” and “race-baiter Obama” are just regular folks, like the rest of us….kind of pathetic, blue-state disinformation going on. Shame on you.

  100. I cannot believe that O’reilly is at 7! This whole piece seems to have NBC written all over it. First of all O’reilly isn’t “NEWS” per se. I can also tell you that as a news consumer I don’t turn to MSNBC for anything. This list is a joke. Maybe Colbert or Stewart can “report” on this list… it would be more fitting.

  101. Want to know Steve Capus is ahead of Roger Ailes? Because Steve Capus oversees #1 Today Show, #1 Evening News, and #1 CNBC, and MSNBC. Yes, FOX news beats MSNBC, but that;s all that Roger Ailles oversees.

  102. To bad you couldn’t get all liberal people on the list
    Posted by francis james | April 14, 2008 5:54 AM

    Wait… I didn’t think there was a liberal bias in the news.

  103. How many right wing idiots are demanding that Limbaugh and Drudge are to be included on this list of TV NEWS’ 10 MOST POWERFUL. Maybe you don’t know that 70 years ago they started putting moving pictures on fancy radios.

  104. Olbermann? He is the bottom of the barrel. No one likes him. Just a fact.

  105. I don’t get it. Keith Olbermann ranks above O’Reilly? Olbermann makes no pretense of objectivity. Talk about a partisan hack. It’s the same thing all the time: Bush, O’Reilly, Fox News, Bush O’Reilly, Fox News (and with that smarmy grin on his mug). One has to be a graduate of SDS to put up with his show. “Remains an acquired taste.” (?) A viewer needs anesthesia to get this guy down.
    What has Olbermann accomplished? His ratings are higher than Chris Matthews, and others, at MSNBC. He’s the MSNBC “Goliath.” Big deal. By comparison O’Reilly has made a name for himself that requires no introduction. Any network, any show, any time of day, someone mentions O’Reilly, everyone knows who O’Reilly is. Along the way, O’Reilly has made real news, and has demonstrated who the real David and Goliath are. He has exposed the NYT for its constant editorializing on its front page (how many consecutive, daily front page stories on Abu Graib? – 30?, 40?, 50?, more? He has uncovered the bizarre softness of local judges and prosecutors for pedophillia. He has exposed how the Red Cross held onto the money it raised for 9/11 victims. Surely, he has demonstrated beyond reasonable argument how the entertainment and media industry have a monumental disconnect with middle American values. O’Reilly’s ratings remain in the stratosphere compared to the MSNBC “Goliath.” But Olbermann is more “powerful” than O’Reilly. That’s rich.
    Invaluable Asset: “He (Olbermann) is inclined not to screw up this opportunity . . . .” Yeah, that’s an asset alright. Ms Greppi: You were already running on lean–but with this little gem of a thought, your thesis died. Don’t try so hard to prop up Mr. Olbermann. In the final analysis, he is not only much less “powerful” than Bill O’Reilly, he does not even belong on your list, and you should know it.

  106. Keith Olberman!?!?!?! HA HA!!!!

  107. Plainly put, Olbermann sucks…..

  108. The only list Keith Olberman should be on is the FBI’s

  109. Olbermann???? HOOOOH. The guy is a hack at best.

  110. It is somewhat funny that the only reaon I even took the time to read about network news is by clicking on a DrudgeReport link.
    I did agree however with Olberman being listed as 50th in the honesty catagory. So true.

  111. Other than Ailes & O’Reilly, the rest are hacks who don’t deserve the title of journalist. They merely pose as such to serve up a daily dose of left wing psycho-babble. Disgusting….really.

  112. What a JOKE! Keith Olbermann is an absolute joke! Look at the rankings! For a website called “TV Week” you seem to be pretty uninformed. Hannity and Colmes, even Greta rank higher than Keith Olbermann. I have quite a few liberal friends and none of them watch Keith Olbermann. I know everyone is saying Drudge should be on the list, but last time I checked Drudge wasn’t on television…although it is funny that this list wouldn’t have gotten a third of the hits it has if it wasn’t for the DrudgeReport. TV Week, on behalf of Matt Drudge, YOU’RE WELCOME.

  113. ….read this list an hour ago and am still laughing! Best joke so far this year!

  114. I bet whoever “conducted” this poll wept for hours on end that David Brock and Randi Rhoads couldn’t somehow be added to this list.

  115. All I’ve ever heard from Olbermann is venom and he rates higher than Hannity, O’Reilly, Sheperd Smith and Hume? Talk about out of touch. Y’all messed this one up!

  116. I once drove a horse and buggy. Now when and if I turn on K Olbermann, it is only to view what I saw 50 yrs ago.

  117. Olbermann 50th last year and 6th this year. B S—!!
    THe three stoogis Amy, Jon , John are about as stupid of a pick for anything in news. Comedians do not present the news. They make it harder for people to understand it. They are suppose to make people laugh, like you are making me do right now with this rediculous list.

  118. Who is Keith Olbermann?

  119. Olbermann???? You have the answer on these comments 300 to 1 (maybe 2)

  120. If you want to do a list about the most powerful people in news that is taken seriously,you know,a list that doesn’t make people laugh out loud. You might not want to have Keith Olbermann listed in the top 500. Starting with NBC was bad enough but Olbemann!!! Please explain the power base.No viewers,no talent, a grating(I’m being kind) personality, a huge ego(for no apparent reason),unprofessional behavior(daily O’Reilly attacks,etc.)and did I say NO VIEWERS!!

  121. Keith Olbermann? He’s a wanna be former sports hack! You are kidding, right? Over O’Reilly? Come on, put down the Kool Aid.


  123. this article is 100% full of Epic Fail

  124. This article is just another example of socialists (that’s what libs really are, so let’s call them that) acting exactly like a spoiled toddler. Just because they’re in the minority and not getting their way, they think that screaming the loudest and insisting they’re right even when the facts prove otherwise will make everything better.
    Socialists can’t win on the merits of their un-American ideology, so their only recourse is to beat the dead horse of their beliefs incessantly. They really think this’ll make their point of view relevant.
    Olbermann? Really?!! ROFL!!

  125. Wasn’t Keith Olbermann on ESPN (SportsCenter) a while back? He was “ok” as a sports anchor, but when I saw he was “all of the sudden” anchoring a political show I was like, WTF? Are you serious? Is someone at MSNBC smoking crack?
    Seriously, does anyone actually watch him?

  126. MSNBC the MOST DISHONEST. Have you ever done any fact-checking on FOX…”fair and balanced” my butt. All of them are liars.
    Olberman at least has the decency to exert fact control. Liberal, only in the sense that he smacks down the right-wingers on a regular basis…because, you see, they are EASY TARGETS. Absolute hypocrites every one.

  127. WAIT.. I’m confused.. You guys are listing Keith Oberman and Chris Matthews in an article that’s supposed to be about News?? The writer of the article obviuosly doesn’t know the difference between an hour of news and an hour of some clowns opinions.

  128. Apparently any one of my ten fingers are more powerful than Olbermann because when his show comes on any one of them can turn the channel. Power to the finger!

    Belated April Fools article?

  130. Olberman is a loser.

  131. Obviously this study was commissioned by George Soros. TV Week has lost any respect they might have had.

  132. and by the way “franklin.” if liberals are socialists, then conservatives are fascists. Yup: anti-nonconfirmist, anti-gay, anti-negro, anti-american. You sir, are Hitler-incarnate

  133. I’m thinking TV Week must be run by lefties! And, BTW, how long is Olbermann’s face – It looks about two feet long!


  135. Keith who? Isn’t this the old fart in the Rolling Stones?

  136. this is scary, g
    God help us.

  137. The only hot dogs I eat are turkey dogs. All others have too much fat in them including this hot dog.

  138. Hans, what to you call someone who wants to redistribute wealth? What do you call someone who wants to take from the productive and give to the non-productive? This form of government has been tried many times before and has always collapsed under its own weight. You can call them what you want, but there is a word in the dictionary that describes them perfectly. I don’t believe that Franklin was name-calling, but just being descriptive.

  139. this is scary,
    God help us.
    God help us.

  140. Ms Greppi doesn’t do much fact checking. Where did she get her numbers for cable network ratings? She’s way too high for MSNBC and extremely low for FOX News. Has Ms. Greppi graduated from college yet? She has a very immature view of the news.

  141. Frank Redfield, you are so ignorant.
    First of all, I despise the man but even I can spell “Olbermann”.
    Second, you show what a little mindless liberal-bot you are with your knee-jerk reference to fascism. If you had the slightest idea of what true fascism was, you wouldn’t throw the term around lightly.
    Third, you may have noticed plenty of dislike or even hatred for Olbermann here, but you fail to note the facts (presented repeatedly here) that Olbermann is a nobody in the cable news ratings department.
    Oh, but Olbermann is a pin-headed pinko Bush-basher, so that makes him “powerful” in your eyes.

  142. Keith Olbermann? The man who labels every single Bush does wrong as a “scandal” and everyone who does things he does not like as “the worst person in the world”?
    Olbermann is to journalism what Frank Burns was to surgery. To pick him for any list other than “dimwit extraordinaire” shows how out of touch this site is.

  143. Ms Greppi doesn’t do much fact checking. Where did she get her numbers for cable network ratings? She’s way too high for MSNBC and extremely low for FOX News. Has Ms. Greppi graduated from college yet? She has a very immature view of the news.

  144. “anti-negro”
    Wow! I haven’t heard that term since black people couldn’t vote.
    You know that liberals are losing when they use the word “fascist” to describe anyone to the right of Barbra Streisand.

  145. Isn’t it shocking liberals still claim there isn’t a media biased? This list certainly contradicts that claim.

  146. A person who has 1 million viewers a night is MORE powerful than a person who has 2 million viewers a night?
    What idiot wrote this crap?

  147. No one in TV would hire Sir Keith after his melt down in the 90’s. Except MSNBC of course. The Washington DC staffer’s love him. Every time I flip to his show, he is complaining about O’Reilly. O’Reilly is like a pebble in his shoe.

  148. I like to talk about stool.

  149. Interesting. I have only watched one of these people on TV and I can’t tell you who most of these guys are. Who rated these people???

  150. Only a Liberal would place ANY significance to Keith Olbermann. Let me see…Olbermann’s number 6 with a million viewers while Fox’s O’Reilly is number 7 with TWICE that many cable viewers. Is that an example of the new (Liberal) math?
    Signed: “Typical White Person”

  151. Lou Dobbs says it like it is, and he’s the only one on CNN that makes any sence
    Glenn Beck is a another one that says it like it is, and he’s the only one that i have heard that keeps reminding the public what Omama’s so-called church really stands for “Black Theology and Black Power”.
    Keep up the good work Glenn you’ll make on the top 10 list soon.

    People, the reason Drudge and Rush aren’t mentioned is because this list is about TV NEWS personalities.
    I know it is confusing, what with the headline explicitly pointing this out.

  153. I listen to Glenn Beck. He has the same views I do although I don’t always admire the same people he does. He is interesting and is funny too. He should be no.1.

  154. Frank Redfield is a dumbass.

  155. OLBERMANN? Olbermann? Thank you for including this information in your news. I needed a laugh. This list gave it to me and I am eternally grateful. HILARIOUS!

  156. Olbermann, is he really doing news? I thought he auditioning for a game show. I mean how many time can he bang his head on Bush and Bill O’Reilly without receiving a response from either. Perhaps he will eventually find relevance in the real world…but again, the guy did blow a job at ESPN. What’s left when he becomes unraveled on MSNBC? I guess he could do a game show on Lifetime or Oxygen.
    Today’s parting gifts…..Crispy hair gel and a clue………..
    It is sad when a guy can’t even get his on point…
    In a made for TV movie about MSNBC who would play Olbermann? Vincent D’onufrio? Nope Vince has much more personality and warmth.

  157. BULLSHIT.

  158. This list was ridiculous, really.
    The key word is POWERFUL and Keith Olbermann was 6th.
    He me be good to some, but powerful?
    O’Reilly reaches 2 times the viewers as Olbie.
    Michele Greppi are you familiar with the meaning of powerful?
    Anyway the news is full of liberals, he has not made any big leap.
    Plus Glenn Beck is better than all of them.
    Oh, but he is a self described conservative. No chance of making this list.

  159. Glenn Beck is an American hero in my book!! Everybody should watch or listen or read his work!!.

  160. Let’s see, this is TV week’s list – about the most powerful people in TV News.
    Do you see why MATT DRUDGE (internet) didn’t make the TV LIST? Come on people, if you’re going to insult the Libs intelligence, or lack thereof, show some of your own.

  161. Olbermann delivers the Countdown with humor, style, and balls. It’s not so much “liberal” as it is direct and factual rebuttal to the drivel — which is usually (by the statistics) presented by Righties. I guess opposing the “facts” as delivered by such luminaries as Falafel/loofah/Oh,/Really? means to most posters here that he lies.
    I think not.

  162. Glenn Beck should be Number 1 everywhere!!! He’s the brighest, funniest and most honest voice on television, bar none!!
    If Glenn’s not on, I’m not watching!

  163. Who is watching the ones who made the list?
    Not I. I watch Glenn Beck, I can’t stand Bill O’Reilly..however I do like the chick he has had fill in for him a few times, Michelle Malkin.
    I also watch Red Eye at night. I must be one of a few with these viewing habits. I don’t think I am a total oddity I am a mother, a wife, and a Nurse.

  164. Oh please tell me more about Keith’s “meltdown.” I’ve never heard of this before!
    Personally I like “Hannity & Colmes” and I don’t see either on the top 10. Shame!

  165. Keith Olberman? TV’s first break-out liberal voice?
    Hatred oozes from Olberman’s pores.
    Liberal voice….hatred. Synonyms?
    And you tell me
    Over and over and over again, my friend
    Ah, you don’t believe
    We’re on the eve
    of destruction.

  166. Who has time to watch all these guys? I watch O’Reilly and Hannity on Fox News. I have seen enough of some of the others to know that I’m not in the least bit interested in watching them on a regular basis. I do watch Glen Beck during Hannity commercials. I never watch network news or MSNBC. Sometimes I flip over to CNN for a few seconds during Fox commercials.

  167. What happened to AMERICA’S truth detector …Rush Limbaugh no where to be found on the either list

  168. keith olbermann sucks muslim dicks.

  169. Yikes! Keith Olberman in the top 10?! Does anyone watch his show? People, at least try to put together a somewhat realistic list. As you have it now, you’ve made it irrelevant.

  170. You have got to be kidding me, Obermann over O’Reilly. The only people who watch Obermann are the hate Bush crowd and they don’t amount to a hill of beans.

  171. Why are there no conservativies on this list. How do you list the most powerfull news people and not include Limbaugh. He has more listeners then 7 or the people on this list COMBINED. These lists are done by lib’s and have no credibility.

  172. damon,
    Where can I see NS Bienstock on TV news? More people hear Rush’s name on TV news than see KO. Drudge writes the script for all of them.
    As for KO. Obviously his career is in the dumper after today’s rants. He’s smart. He’s talented. He could replace Chevy Chase on the SNL news. But only because Chevy hasn’t been there for 20 years. Or he could take his popsicle puppets and do a Fred Rogers bit. How about an update special on “Monica Today”? Or Ron Burgundy’s weatherman?
    Today has been Keith’s biggest press day – EVER. Sad isn’t it.

  173. What a load of horse manure!!! The author of this story is not even the slightest bit objective. At least pretend to be a journalist.

  174. Let’s see, this is TV week’s list – about the most powerful people in TV News.
    Do you see why MATT DRUDGE (internet) didn’t make the TV LIST? Come on people, if you’re going to insult the Libs intelligence, or lack thereof, show some of your own.

  175. Tony Pistone,
    Follow Mr.Bush right to the bitter end, fortunately
    it will soon be over for him and the 29% who support him.
    I do know what fascism is. I was around during Hitler and
    Mussolini. Olbermann has over one million viewers a night,
    one of the stars of MSNBC.

  176. Old bermann is the worst man in the world. He was a mediocre sportscaster…now a pathetic liberal shill.

  177. I see lots and lots of responses in disapproval of this article. Obviously no one except Ms. Greppi and a few liberal news people “gets it.”

  178. Glen Beck should be “numero uno”!!!!! Who did this list!!!!

  179. This whole article is a sham. O’reilly “is” the most influencial news commentator in the business. It must have killed you to even recognize him. Long live the fair and balanced. You know periodically I check on other stations just to see if there is an improvement. I watched Tim Russert (I like him) last weekend. He had on 2 men representing the same liberal view point. Is that fair and balanced? Fox always has both sides as much as you hate to acknowledge. You wonder why no one watches your liberal stations… that is why. I would like to see my view point represented.

  180. keith olbermann? I challenge to tell me what station he is even on!

  181. I agree with the comments on Glenn Beck. He is one of the few who’s comments are rarely ‘over the top’. Intelligent, witty, and believable. By the way, Limbaugh and Drudge are NOT TV news people. That doesn’t seem too complicated now, does it?

  182. I’ve never even heard of TV Week, and now I know why. It is another irrelevant publication that is totally out of touch with the American people.

  183. Rolling in my grave….rolling in my grave….roll

  184. Frank redfield
    O’Reilley has twice as many viewers!

  185. I’m curious to see if they would add radio personalties to the list if they would have the nerve to list El Rushbo. Not to take away from Glenn & Sean, but what a bunch of spineless jellyfish! Maybe Poehler, Colbert & Stewart get it, but I don’t think whoever made this list does!

  186. This is from “The Onion,” right?

  187. And don’t ding me for using ‘who’s’ instead of ‘whose’. I goofed.

  188. Olbermann is a liberal pundit. I wouldn’t classify his show as “news”. Neither would I classify O’Reilly’s show as “news”. What is sad is how many losers ascribe themselves to one polarized view or another. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.

  189. I’ve heard of TV news. My parents have told me stories about it. Seems that long ago there was actually serious news reporting that was distinct and separate from the entertainment part of programming.
    Now it is just an extension of the networks’ reality shows. Hard to tell where one reality show leaves off and the CBS News with Katie Couric begins.
    Sad to see an industry dying that doesn’t even know it’s dying.
    On a related topic, how is the Studebaker Corporation doing? I wonder what their ’09 models will look like…

  190. What is TV Weekly? Who works there? How old are they? Average age 12? Silly list. Sorry that I wasted my time reading it.

  191. Credibility = ZERO for this ridiculous article.
    Keith Olbermann ahead of Bill O’Reilly? You HAVE to be kidding, or extreme biased idiots. Either way, TVWEEK will NOT be considered remotely legitimate.
    Laughable is one thing, but this is just plain STUPID!!!

  192. Let’s assume that Fox is Right and everyone else is Left. If you put together the ratings of CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, CNNHN, etc., who’s winning now?
    Also, if everyone with a PC looked to Drudge first thing in the morning, his numbers would be even larger than they are now. Don’t forget — and he quickly acknowledges this — that the number he posts is page views, not unique viewers. So if you subtract from his 20 million daily hits the number of radio talkshow hosts who hit the refresh button every two minutes for three hours a day so they can get their scripts . . . and then subtract all the dittoheads who fell asleep with their finger twitching on the Enter key again, you’re not looking at that huge a number.

  193. Who in the hell is Olberman?

  194. Keith Olberman!!!!! The most inane moron to ever appear on TV and you feel he is the 6th most powerful???
    He is all ego and no substance.

  195. HA! Who in the hell wrote this a staff writer for Pravda? The “gleeful” Olbermann an aquired taste(Presumably like oysters and caviar in the writers eyes I presume)? I thought that guy was duking it out with Nancy Gracefor third place?

  196. Keith Olberman is all ego and no substance.

  197. LOL…The best part of this ridiculous article is getting to read all the great posts made…
    The article – a joke; the posts – spot on. Thanks for the grins

  198. Glen,please put Keith Olbermann on your show.I have no idea who he is.

  199. Keith Olbermann at Number 6? You must be joking. He’s great in sports, but I think putting him in TV news’ 10 most powerful is a stretch. Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes have much better ratings–why aren’t they rated on this list? Frankly, I’d rate Dan Rather higher, and I’m not even a Rather fan.

  200. I polled some dogs about their opinions of cats. Ya’ll want the results to run as breaking news tonight?
    The rats say they’ve had it. They’re JUMPING!!

  201. Seems like whoever wrote this is either jealous or terribly hypocritical…It cracks me up to read praise followed by a slam in the same paragraph. I would suppose FNC is popular with viewers because it is the only differing opinion on all of Television.

  202. I noticed the execs were well represented. That makes sense – they MUST be the ones selecting which, and then taking the pay-off checks. If there wasn’t such a long history of bias in the entertainment industry, including the news segment, we may have had a better selection of candidates since the 60s – both parties. Whoever accepts the morsels of current events explained then enhanced with the personal opinion of a biased commentator is doing themself a diservice. The value of a popularity contest amongst those same commentators and their payola-accepting bosses is as honest and accurate as their drivel. To create a more complete picture I believe it should be opened up to include all TV personalities, or all media. If all TV, Leno and Letterman would be ahead of all the off-air news gumbies, and many of those on cable. If all media, National Enquirer may pass a surprising number of the high priced network help.

  203. Tony Pistone,
    If Olberman was a “nobody” in the ratings, then the show wouldn’t be on TV. No ratings = being cancelled and his show is still on the air.
    The bottom line is this: TV Week & TVweek.com are meant for people who work in the TV business (like me). Not for a bunch of random people (who have absolutely no clue about the business side of television) who got the link from a right-wing website.

  204. As so many others have been so quick to notice, this article is rediculously unscientific and effectively propagandistic. In an attempt to inflate the reputation of his “ultra-left wing favorites” all the author has succeeded in doing is hurting the reputation and credibility of this “news” feed.
    Ahem, your liberal bias is showing. I’m only left wondering who got the check from Soros for this one?

  205. The tv news version of the academy awards. Insiders patting each other on the butt to the amusement of absolutely noone but each other. Lift the stupid bar up one more notch; but of course it’ll go up again tomorrow.

  206. Olberman is the worse–I would take Mr. O’rielly or Mr. Beck anytime. Who does these write ups? Were they on something. We have NBC blocked, as it is the very worst.

  207. Olbermann is 6? This article is a joke written by liberal losers who have believe their dreams are reality.

  208. Tony Pistone,
    If Olberman was a “nobody” in the ratings, then the show wouldn’t be on TV. No ratings = being cancelled and his show is still on the air.
    The bottom line is this: TV Week & TVweek.com are meant for people who work in the TV business (like me). Not for a bunch of random people (who have absolutely no clue about the business side of television) who got the link from a right-wing website.

  209. Herr Obermann over Irish O’Reilly? C’mon – even Governor Rendell asked if the supercilious, self-righteous, insufferable, idealogue, traitor lunatic Olbermann was being paid by Obambi. O’Reilly’s demographics area broad spectrum audience. Olbermann’s audience consist of the Daily Kos Kids, Moveon.org and Code Pink. Oh, and Little Georgie Soros.

  210. Frank Redfield, do you read? Because nowhere in my postings did I defend George Bush. Stay on topic or shut up, brainstem!
    I realize that you’re just used to bashing Bush as a knee-jerk response to anything political, but some of us are a bit more refined than the run-of-the-mill liberal hatemonger.
    Olbermann has 1 million viewers? Only on select nights. O’Reilly currently gets well more than double that ON A BAD NIGHT!

  211. If Keith Olbermann is your acquired taste, it is a sure thing you have no taste. For NBC to be put #1 in a year they have been third place in cable news and passed by Charlie on ABC on network news tells you whoever wrote this probably is a total left-wing anarchist out of touch with America.

  212. joe, you work in the tv business like I work for the Hillary campaign. And yes, Olbermann is a ratings nobody. Primo time slot, abyssmal ratings. What do you call that? Success?
    jhinsi274 had said, “What is sad is how many losers ascribe themselves to one polarized view or another. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.”
    Yeah! All-inclusive statements are ALWAYS wrong! Uhhh…wait…”always somewhere in the middle” is an all-inclusive statement too…
    Uh, and so was my statement about all-inclusive statements.
    OH NO! Parody-parodox overload!

  213. Ha, Ha, Ha, Haw!
    Ha, Ha, Ha, Haw!
    Ha, Ha, Ha, Haw!
    Ha, Ha, Ha, Haw!
    This is really an Onion Production, right?? ( http://www.theonion.com) Nobody would place KO on any list that they wanted viewed as serious.

  214. What?!?!? No Glenn Beck???? Hello- 3rd most listened to radio show in America!
    KEITH OLBERMANN!!! What a freaking joke. It’s too bad they couldn’t fit ALL the liberals on TV.

  215. Wow, no one here much likes Keith Olbermann! That’s OK, neither do I. Pay attention MSNBC…
    After almost 30 years working in TV news, I have a few ideas to share.
    It’s no surprise to any of you that TV news is increasingly NOT relevant. The greed and political agendas of the named “powerful” news executives are the collective genius behind giving Paris Hilton and other news celebrities top billing. Instead of spending resources to cover important news stories that can make us more informed and enlightened citizens, these executives are digging a deep hole that some news organizations will never get out of. They attract smaller audiences every year and continue to lose the trust of people that really care about current events.
    There are still some bona-fide journalists out there who feel a responsibility to serve the public good by covering relevant issues and news events. There are very few of those people on this lame list and most of their bosses won’t support them in doing things right.
    You people that take a minute to comment on issues have a powerful individual and collective voice. You are journalists in your own right and your thoughts and words have much more relevancy than most of what these powerful people in the media do.
    The drive-by media is dead or dying. Long live alternative news media!

  216. Orielly’s outrageous but Obermann’s not, what a joke. How can you pay any attention to a list with Obermann higher than the ratings leader of cable news? Carefull your liberal tilt is showing !!!
    LoL DKB

  217. This list is a complete joke.

  218. Brit Hume should be at the top of the list.

  219. Joe- your post was exactly evidence of what most of the posting folks are saying. That the media thinks we are all too stupid to know what is good for us, so the “news” will tell us what is best…and shove it lovingly down our dumb little throats. And that the main stream media is liberally biased – or those right wing websites wouldn’t be such a prickly thorn in your tender side.
    What you mean is that Sports Illustrated isn’t meant for someone who doesn’t play in the NBA. And the WSJ is not for the guy who runs a tractor shop in small town USA. I for one read the professional journals of industry that has an impact on me. It gives me some intellectual insight. I think a lot of folks do that. And when a website that is as highly regarded as Drudge points me to something I usually go there..knowing that Drudge trusts I can make an intelligent informed decision about what I am reading.
    So…Joe…as a peon I am guessing my opinion, which could float or sink a network news program just by picking up the clicker, just doesn’t matter to you media types. Especially if it has a conservative skew to it. Guess what – I effect ratings too….
    You son, are an arrogant son of gun…and have not yet learned not to bite the hand that feeds you. Hence your career, as meteoric as it may be in your simple mind, has a downward trajectory….get your chute boy. You are flaming out.

  220. Have enjoyed the comments, I was depressed after viewing the list but now have had my laugh for the day. It doesn’t matter if left or right, if it’s not fair and balanced reporting it has no credibility to me as a listener/viewer, so figure out where those on the list are coming from and our choices are very limited. I wasn’t surprised by the ratings as even good liberal friends of mine acknowledge the media is in their corner, however you try to slant it.

  221. For all the Olbermann defenders, can you name a single Fox News personality who doesn’t beat Olbermann?
    Sure, there are a few…so let’s up the ante…
    Can you name a single Fox News personality with an evening time-slot who doesn’t beat Olbermann in the ratings?
    IT WAS A TRICK QUESTION! Shep, Hume, O’Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, and Gretta ALL beat that ratings nobody!


  223. I think the majority of the comments capture the essence of the list…and it strangely reeks of dog vomit…or more precisely, liberal dog vomit.

  224. I can now say, “I’ve seen it all”. Good grief! This has got to be the most rigged list ever. I’m surprised Algore isn’t on the list.

  225. Funny, I would think ratings are the only valid measure of “power.” Anything else is subjective.

  226. WOW!!! Your list is such a farce. I agree with all who have posted their opinions. Why BILL O’REILLY didn’t make #1 We’ll never know. Yes, the people who made this list, with the exception of O’Reilly, MUST have paid someone. So sorry, SO SAD.

  227. Tony Pistone,
    Not a Bush supporter, certainly sounded like a ditto-head to me.
    “Olbermann is a pinko Bush basher.” Does that mean you don’t
    necessarily support 1. lying to get a country into war(the very
    worst thing a president can do]
    2. Secrete detension and torture.
    3. Destruction of the constitution. No habeus corpus left.
    4. A country that spies on it’s own citizens.
    Incidently, these things are part of the definition of fascism! I
    see there are quite a few comments now in support of Olberman,
    because he has been the most vocal in pointing these things out.
    Which side are you on?

  228. This list is comedy at its finest.
    Keith Olberman doesn’t even do “news.”
    And no mention of Glenn Beck.

  229. Michele Greppi
    She doesn’t “Get It”

  230. can’t stop laughing…..help….can’t….stop….laughing!!!!!

  231. I quit watching Sportscenter because of Olbermann and, apparently, both people that watched MSNBC have quit because of him. All these people have had it wrong all this time – I didn’t know that relevance, ratings, substance, or really anything else mattered. Was this a DailyKos poll or something? Way to shred whatever remaining credibility you might have had. Thanks for the entertainment.

  232. And you wonder why middle America distrust you!!!!

  233. I don’t know where the author of this “list” got her information, but PLEASE, how does she get off putting Keith “I love socialism” Olberman ahead of Bill O’Reilly?
    Oh and Mr. Redfield, Mr. Bush didn’t lie to the country about WMD’s, the Democrats voted in favor of his actions, or did you “forget” that process. And what does “secrete” mean? Do you mean “secret”? Learn how to spell or get off with your inane observations about the President. Do you even know what habeus corpus means?
    As to what side I’m on, I’m on the side of less federal government intervention, and more states rights.

  234. comical…Bill O’Reilly 7th? number 7 in most powerful and Number one in ratings…makes no sense…This article is more of someones liberal pipe dream.

  235. As far as we are concern there is no other news or talk show host better than Glenn Beck. Those liberal broadcasters their A… is up their heads.

  236. Actually, there is a conservative side to “Liberal Mouth’s” on these God forsaken networks and his name is Glenn Beck. Takin’ what they’re givin’ cause he’s working for a livin’! AND, Glenn Beck is, to me personally, the only thing worth watching on CNN! Keith Olbermann should be serving Glenn refreshments rather than having his own show!! The so-called “list” is a wish list, not a real list. And most people here agree!

  237. Frank Redfield
    What would any other politician (John Kerry, Al “Green” Gore) have done with the same information that our administration had prior to LIBERATION of Iraq? Was the U.N. Lying about all the other reasons to oust that A-hole who KILLED hundreds of thousands of people? Your ilk are morons and america haters, period. You’re the kind of people that think there was a conspiracy on 9/11. I’d love to hear what you call torture compared to cutting off someones head!! What do you have to hide anyway? Who cares if a couple phone calls are tapped. Trials for the detainees in Guantanimo? sure. Let’s just set them free? Is that your option wise guy?
    I suggest you read “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Golberg to get a real idea of fascism!! Dude!!

  238. Kieth O. is powerful all right. He has the power to make most people quickly flip past any channel he shows up on. On his MSNBC show, he is a slobbering, mad dog, lib hack who has nothing to say that makes any sense. We alredy know he hates G. Bush, does he have anything else to say? Based on his MSNBC show, I always tune him out when he shows up on his sports spot also. The only reason to put him on is to make the libs in the MSM feel good. It certainly is not to attract viewers.

  239. damon: It’s not just about TV news or why would an ‘agency’ be listed?
    I wasn’t even going to write as it all has been accurately stated many times over.
    But I couldn’t help but notice that conservatives and moderates critiqued the article and its author. While liberals viciously attacked all groups but their own and verbally decimated the viewers and listeners of Rush, Hannity, Orielly, etc. Uncalled for, hatefull, venomous, immature.

  240. As a scientist, the thing I notice about recurring top-ten-lists is progress of the listees. Keith Olbermann is stuck at number 6 while O’Reilly has jumped onto the list at 7 from being unlisted. I would say that is progress.
    Olbermann is as much a bully as OReilly just in liberal form. But liberals don’t see it that way. Olbermann is also a bitter man with a limited career. Tick-tock Keith, your days are numbered.

  241. Olber-Dork on any list for best news people is a rip-off and a damn shame!! Doesn’t anybody remember he used to work for Fox. He rips Fox every night because he was probably fired from Fox and has a grudge against them. What Glenn Beck or Hannity and Colomes? Beck gives us the true story and how to read past the cover of it. Olbermann doesn’t know how present anything original but get it from Media Matters. Oh and Rachel Maddow couldn’t get a porn star off.

  242. LOL over Keith Olbermann.
    This list is a joke, no Glenn Beck, no Lou Dobbs and Rush should be number one on the list!
    BS period.

  243. Olbermann is referred to as an “acquired taste.” Right, like that $100/cup animal dung coffee: It’s overpriced, appeals to elitists, hard to stomach, and full of you-know-what!
    BTW, Redfield, you left out Bush’s secret detention scheme.

  244. As usual the people get it right – Olbermann is a complete fcuking moron, and anyone who does not realize that instantly has no reason to be should not try to speak for the people.
    PS – next time try a scientific poll.

  245. Put olbermenn and matthews together and what do you have ?? A drool fest and about 250,000
    nightly viewers between the 2 of them–these viewers are other morons who love a good drool-fest.i’ll betcha the pseudo ronald reagan [above]drools along with them every night.hey ronald don’t shame the good name of our best president ever.
    p.s. you libs always try to impress us with your big words coming out of you pea sized brains

  246. The RNC/Faux Noise Channel is current having secret meetings to replace Loufa Oreilly with Simon Cowell of American Idol fame.
    Using wingnut logic, a contradiction in terms,they have determined that American Idol is the highest rated show on TV and thusly means, in their mind, that quantity outweighs quality.
    Post after post reflects this message; ” but but but Bill Oreilly has more viewers”, blah blah blah, ad nauseum.
    Thank you again Wingnuts and Rednecks, for proving once again that you as a collective haven’t got the brains God gave a billygoat.
    While Keith Olberman has Iraq War Veterans on his show, giving them an outlet to speak freely without the restraints of ” Yew iz eether with us or agin us” mentality shown on Faux Noise Channel, Bill Oreilly and PeeWee Hannity are discussing Lapel pins.
    Get my point?

  247. As usual the people get it right – Olbermann is a complete fcuking moron, and anyone who does not realize that has no right to speak for the people.
    PS – next time try a scientific poll. Or just check the prime time ratings.

  248. This is the best you could do? Anyone from NBC and Kunt Oldermouth in the top ten? Obviously someone got some payola.

    Oberman is really great. He sure does give both sides of the spectrum. Drink your Kool Aid…oh and your Prius is ready to pick up!!

  250. This proves once and for all to me, from both the list produced by TV Week and the comments (which have made my day), that liberals lack any ability to recognize reality. The Olbermann supporters of the world are drinking their own homebrewed hemlock. Our domestic oil production and heavy industry jobs of mainly the north east and midwest as well as many Union jobs were lost forever because of the environmentalist movement and not the greed of CEOs. Yet the employees of these industries are big democrat bloc voters who cannot see that they are mutually destructive to each other and nutbaskets like Olbermann who couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written the bottom of the heel can only manfacture venom for the Hale-Boppers of the left and keep them voting democrat. It must really suck to be you if you’re a liberal and willing buy into Olbermans’s conspiracy theories consisting of hate, bigotry, sexism and homophobia.

  251. Joe,
    A bunch of random people?
    No Joe, many of these people are viewers of a VERY popular show on CNN Headline News. If you really work on the sales side of the television industry then you should be taking notes.
    If you spent as much time trying to really understand your audience then you would know why Glenn Beck is so popular. It’s because he takes names and kicks ass!
    These people do have a clue about what they want to watch on television. So Joe, get a clue and pay pay attention. Maybe you could be as successful as the programming executive at Time Warner that stuck his neck out and got Glenn on the air with complete freedom to tell the truth.

  252. Oxy,
    Consider your loss a “moral victory,” k?
    And besides, god didn’t give the billygoat a brain. It developed over billions of years, just like yours did. Didn’t you learn anything in public school? Is it possible to have learned in a public school?

  253. Lou Dobbs should be on the top of the list.

  254. Where in the world is Glenn Beck………….he
    beats out many of your list!!!!

  255. Oh Noooooo, “them thar librul meedeeuh types” is at it again… a “Fauz Nooze Uhlert moment below”
    Check out this hayseed below;
    Oberman is really great. He sure does give both sides of the spectrum. Drink your Kool Aid…oh and your Prius is ready to pick up!!
    Posted by Tim | April 14, 2008 4:13 PM
    Uhhh right Timmy…is that why members of Ailes staff formerly worked for a Thrice Married Drug Abuser who “borrows” another mans’ Viagra’ staff??
    Fair and balanced??? Timmy…put down the crack pipe, get a GED…and learn to use critical analysis over feeble thinking brought on by having Radio comedians control your thinking and ability to think on your own.

  256. Since fox is the sole channel that is NOT almost uniformly liberal Ailes is obviously the most powerful as the other power is so divided so your first two picks must be incorrect.
    And to pick Keith Olbermann. I almost thought that was meant to be funny. Olbermann is without doubt the most abusive, idiotic, unfair, and moronic pundit alive. All he ever does is make ad hominem attacks. My favorite is his saying we barely live in a Democracy and then calling Bush again and again and again a moron and evil. He is creepy and stupid.
    Lee tabin

  257. Keith Olbermann will soon loose his dentures while flapping those lips with lies and nothing but negative comments about the everyone that makes sense. Folks, when it happens, it will be the only thing that’s worth watching > tee-hee.

  258. Keith Olbermann will soon loose his dentures while flapping those lips with lies and nothing but negative comments about everyone that makes sense. Folks, when it happens, it will be the only thing that’s worth watching > tee-hee.

  259. You put K.O. on the list to find out how many people would respond, didn’t you? KO means, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YOUR OUT!

  260. What a load of crap ! Who made this list and what did it cost to win , place and show . The BIG FIX was in on this one and that’s for certain. Who ever is responsible should be Bull S___t boarded ! BS Boarding is like water boarding only with the same stuff they are trying to sell as truth . WOW !

  261. “Vink: Is anyone else sick of the phrase ‘They get it’ and the hacks that use it?”
    I, for one, sure am! Kudos to you, Vink, for bringing that up!

  262. This ranking is so bad it is “RANK” in fact very rank.In fact very very rank. As a society we are obviously LOST!

  263. NBC—-Ge, Ge, GE, who makes light bulbs, costly light bulbs. Money in the bank.What company has a network cable to push them to big bucks.
    Light bulbs!!!
    I bought those Light bulbs years ago to save money. They cost more and didn’t last long.
    Keith Olberman, didn’t he used to be in sports and is now in a mental nut house ????

  264. This ranking is so bad it is “RANK” in fact very rank.In fact very very rank. As a society we are obviously LOST!

  265. Is anyone else baffled at how many people are hell-bent on discrediting Keith Olbermann? Apparently, no one cares that Stephen Colbert is out there proving how truly ridiculous right-wing talking heads sound. Not that they need Colbert’s help.

  266. Who cares what you right wing white boys think. We’ll see who gets the last laugh when President Obama sends out the Reparations checks. We’ll buy Fox News and replace O’riledup with Jessie J

  267. Were does she find these rateings, Disneyland?
    God bless Fox and Roger Ailes. I waited 30 years for the truth to be told.

  268. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  269. I think Hinnity and Clones and Greta are the best of all.

  270. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  271. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  272. I think Hinnity and Clones and Greta are the best of all.

  273. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  274. Ohh…that’s too funny. Your article had some credibility until
    1) Keith Olbermann appeared in 6th place
    2) Bill O’reilly follows Olbermann!? yeah right! I’m not a big O’reilly fan, but I know he’s way more powerful than Olbermann. Who in the heck is Olbermann anyways!? If it wasn’t for fact of him saying retarded comments every now and then, I wouldn’t know him.
    3) Olbermann gets 1 million viewers!? hahaah .. you gotta be kidding! The viewership for MSNBC doesn’t even reach 500k!
    Obviously this article was written by a huge Keith Olbermann fan!

  275. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  276. Here’s another vote for this list as a joke.
    Olbermann ahead of O’Reilly pretty much says it all. By no objective means can that decision be justified. Such is the way with modern typical TV “news” types.

  277. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  278. Olbermann? Hack sports, Hack MSNBC, Hack list. Fire the guy who wrote this stuff. Keith’s nickname is DICK.

  279. I guess the world, outside of the Lib media, doesn’t think much of Mr. Olberman. What does he do anyway?

  280. Here’s another vote for this list as a joke.
    Olbermann ahead of O’Reilly pretty much says it all. By no objective means can that decision be justified. Such is the way with modern typical TV “news” types.

  281. I have really enjoyed reading these comments. I agree with those who say “where is Glenn Beck”?
    And I am amazed at how many comments there are about radio and internet news perosnalities not being on the list. You should read carefully before you comment. It is “TV” people.
    And yes, the list is a complete joke. I am still laughing. Keith Olbermann and liberal comedians…how scary that there are people in this world who form their opinions by watching them!! That isn’t the news, it’s a spoof.

    Listen up, Kool-aid man!
    At the very least you might want to consider the possibility that your credibility could be enhanced by correctly spelling your boy’s name!
    It’s spelled O-L-B-E-R-M-A-N-N!
    (Memo to conservatives: Never underestimate the rack and ruin that America’s public education has wrought on the body politic — particularly with respect to the young and those on the left!)

  283. THIS IS PURE CRAP!! Glenn Beck should be at least in the Top 5! He is the only person I completely trust in the news and one of the only people ballsy enough to say proudly over and over again that he is a conservative! Thank you Glenn and keep it up!
    Keith Olbermann in a nobody. He is so far left and full of hatred I can feel it radiating out of the televison screen. I only occasionally tune in to laugh at his ridiculous hair.

  284. THIS IS PURE CRAP!! Glenn Beck should be at least in the Top 5! He is the only person I completely trust in the news and one of the only people ballsy enough to say proudly over and over again that he is a conservative! Thank you Glenn and keep it up!
    Keith Olbermann in a nobody. He is so far left and full of hatred I can feel it radiating out of the televison screen. I only occasionally tune in to laugh at his ridiculous hair.

  285. Keith Olbermann? What? Did Professor Irwin Corey die?

  286. I think most on the list are liberals, which makes their intelligence and integrity questionable. Most of the major news outlets have been disgraced after being exposed for biased practices and no one serious would waste their time on a polically retarded hack like Keith Olbermann.[sp?] I am afraid the heady old days when liberal loons controlled the media are quite finished.

  287. Unfortunately, this is a TV top 10. (not radio, not internet)
    The real top ten people of power in the news are not limited to television. (hence the reason that Matt Drudge (whose site is a tremendous compiler of news from a myriad of sources) and Rush Limbaugh (who’s “limited” to a radio audience that is large and quite influential) are not on the list.)
    Also, if other personalities were eligible, a few others (notably Sean Hannity and Mark Levin) could make the top 10 overall list for influence in the news. Now, if only Hannity’s TV shows were as popular as his radio program…

  288. I think most on the list are liberals, which makes their intelligence and integrity questionable. Most of the major news outlets have been disgraced after being exposed for biased practices and no one serious would waste their time on a polically retarded hack like Keith Olbermann.[sp?] I am afraid the heady old days when liberal loons controlled the media are quite finished.

  289. I went to a Yankees baseball game, and most of the people in the stands were Yankee fans. Ergo, most of the people who like baseball are Yankee fans.
    I saw a DNC-sponsored debate, and most of the people in the audience were liberal democrats. Ergo, most of the people who will vote are democrats.
    I watched CNN a while back and heard nothing but negative stories about Bush and the Republicans. Ergo, all stories about Bush and the Republicans must be negative.
    I saw an Obama rally on TV and most of the audience was black. Ergo, most of the people who support Obama are black… no wait, this one is actually true.


  291. This list is obviously quite left wing biased, it’s disgusting. Perfect example of distorted, liberal “news” coverage.
    I’m surprised Katie Couric, the most liberal female “journalist” in the world, wasn’t at the top of the list.
    If this list was in anyway middle of the road, Rush would definitely be on here, without a doubt in my mind.
    Of course not, because he is much too serious and honest for the libs to handle.
    All in all, this list really made my day. Thank you for the GREAT laugh!

    I rest my case about liberal lunatics.

  293. WHAT A CROCK. This must be a list from bizarro world…right? It’s a joke…right? Perhaps this is proof of irrelevance…at least for the dolt that put the list together. The only redeeming part was the humor…Olbermann…now that’s funny.

  294. Geeeze what is this some kind of communist site?
    Kieth oberman!!! Please! Why is Glen Beck not on this list?
    Independant and free is what America stands for. Wake up and smell the coffee Komrads!!!

  295. Olbermann? TV’s first breakout lib voice? At long last, a lone liberal amongst a sea of right wing conspirators. Gimme a break. Pathetic!

  296. Simply put:
    To borrow from Joe Piscopo’s SNL send-up of Frank Sinatra a few years back:
    Guys like O’Reilly, Hannity, Hume, Rush, Levin and Beck have pieces of guys like Olbermann and Matthews in their stool!

  297. WOW!!!
    Your article about the most powerful me in TV news has two major flaws.
    1) You confuse news (amazingly including those behind the scenes) and opinion personalities into one confused mosaic.
    2) Your overwhelming liberal bias shines brightly in the (hit)piece. alomst going supernova by the way.
    Perhaps a sublte jab would have been more effective as opposed to an apparent “look what I did” attempt at entry into a club I for one want no part of.
    Take a long, and perhaps scary, look in the proverbial mirror…..it may be tough at first but if you have an honest bone in your body you have to admit a slight (ahem) skew to the FAR left.
    You must feel good about living up to your commitment in college to use your soapbox to achieve your goal of social justice as opposed to actually reporting the news.
    Honestly, the piece is laughable…but I would be remiss were I not to acknowledge a Thank You is due if for no other reason than providing yet another reminder of precisely where the majority of the media resides – and that place is also know as the land of intellectual dishonesty.
    Hidey-ho folks, herein lives proof of those that have swallowed the hook, line, and sinker.

  298. To KO fan:
    ” … Falafel/loofah/ …”?
    Huh? Care to run that by us again … along with a translation?

  299. Guess what? Radio killed the video star!!! The best educated and highest earning demographic DOESN’T WATCH ABS, NBS, CBS- We listen to RUSH, SEAN and GLENN! Put your conventional wisdom in an enema and insert!

  300. Where is Glenn Beck? By far the smartest and most common sense personality on TV. Everything that guy says is gold. Keith O is the world’s biggest idiot and Bill O is just to harsh. Go Glenn beck!!!!

  301. Where is Glenn beck on this list? He is by far the smartest and most common sense guy on the tube. Everything he says is gold. Keith O is the world’s biggest idiot and Bill O is just too harsh. Go Glenn Beck!!!

  302. Reading this ridiculous list of “powerful” news people was 10 minutes of my life I will never get back. What drugs is this author doing anyway? The most powerful people in news are the ones that are watched by the most people, that’s where their power comes from. The two most credible commentators on TV today in my book are Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck. I don’t waste my time listening to Keith Olbermann’s drivel. I pity the advertisers that waste money buying commercial time on MSNBC, because nobody’s watching!!!!

  303. This list is absolutely idiotic. “Most Powerful”? In what way? They mixed apples and oranges. To be a powerful news president or producer is one thing, but to be a spokesperson such as that idiot Olberman, or O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, or Glenn Beck is another thing entirely. No one knows who those presidents, chairpersons, or CEOs are; they are not powerful in a direct way; they just make it possible for others to voice their opinions. No one is actually listening to them personally. On CNN we have both left-wingers and conservatives, so what does that say about the executives being powerful? They just give those guys opportunities to make them money, and they don’t care what they say as long as it doesn’t get too out of control.
    Without the Glenn Becks, Shawn Hannitys, Bill O’Reillys, and even the Keith Overbearingman, no one is exposed to anything in a powerful way.
    Oh, yeah, why wasn’t Oprah mentioned? She is a powerful voice to all the housewives, teenagers, left-wing “liberals”, and other easily-influenced people.

  304. “Hillery get out” wrote:
    “Who cares what you right wing white boys think. We’ll see who gets the last laugh when President Obama sends out the Reparations checks. We’ll buy Fox News and replace O’riledup with Jessie J
    Posted by Hillery get out | April 14, 2008 4:48PM”
    Clear proof that passing test-scores on English literacy, American History, American Civ and Western Civ should be prerequisites for voting.
    Disclaimer: I’m not an Obamaniac.
    And one other thing, the afore-mentioned admonition applies to “hans”, “Frank Redfield”, and “KO fan”.


  306. Keith Olbermann? You must be delusional.

  307. Who is Keith Oberman? You are right that this list is not scientific, it’s bias is overwhelming!

  308. Where is Lou Dobbs?? This man takes his job to heart in taking up for the middle class. This man should be president !!!!!


  310. Three words: THIS LIST SUCKS!

  311. barf!!!!!

  312. hey how many times does bill get to comment?he really must not care for keith.to bad at least he lets his guest finish talking without being an ass.d

  313. I had to chime in too. TVWeek is about as relevant as Olbermann so….. But seriously, I guess this article was only meant to be read as an internal memo or something and they accidentally published it. Maybe the idea was to get enough of us to say “What the f@#$, I guess I’ll just check out this Olbermann guy agian”. and voila, his ratings go up. Other than that I’ve got no idea how this list can be anything but a joke.

  314. I am convinced that Keith Olbermann wrote this list. Who else could rank someone who can only draw 1 million people per night? Reason being that if the list included all of the people that drew more than him…he wouldn’t even be on the list.

  315. Keith Olbermann???? are you nuts or just STUPID!!!!!!!

  316. Keith olberman belongs two below katie couric, another powerhouse correspondent.

  317. kieth olbermann should be listed two below katie couric, another powerhouse of a correspondent

  318. I’ve seen more biased stuff out there but,
    “With about 1 million viewers per night, he is MSNBC’s Goliath and so he can gleefully play David to Bill O’Reilly’s Goliath” (talking about Olbermann)
    So, Olbermann has 1 million viewers a night, ok.
    Here’s what they say about O’Reilly:
    “He’s still the ratings king of the cable news world, easily bringing more than 2 million viewers into the Fox tent at the beginning of each weeknight and giving Fox a distinct advantage in reach over its competitors.”
    So most people reading this will think O’Reilly has 2 million viewers a night. But, in reality, he has 2 million viewers on the first run and another 2 million on the next run and I believe about another million on his 3rd run in the middle of the night. While Olbermann has 1 million total. Just thought I’d clear that up. And on Monday-Thursday, Bill’s ratings are even higher than 5 million viewers total. The average ratings include fridays. Sometimes, on friday he is not there so they lose ratings, and the ratings are also always lower on friday on any show. The average ratings also include the days he is on vacation.

  319. First, let me remind everyone this the “10 most powerful people in TV news,” therefore any reporters/anchors that appear on the list are jokes.
    Tim Russert, Keith Olbermann, etc., are just mouthpieces. They have all the intellect required for a journalism degree, which is equivalent to the intellect of a sea sponge. Their talent is in thier looks (the pacifistic, pussy, white male) and the questions their handlers (producers, directors, advertisers, “just giving advice”) create to move the “story line” forward.
    As much “experience” in the medium as these reporters/anchors have, it’s no secret that none of them are Mensa members or Ivy School heroes. And those that listen to them without a sense of irony are, quite frankly, stupid or ignorant.
    Olbermann sucks! Russert sucks! But THEY ALL SUCK! They are all making money by poking us in the ribs! Kill them all, economically (yeah that’s what i meant! hee hee!), STOP WATCHING THE TELEVISION YOU STUPID MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!

  320. I am very surprised by this list, and especially by the negative comments about Keith Olbermann. What is so wrong about someone speaking their mind? So what if you don’t believe what he’s saying, as I actually do? He’s bold and smart enough to actually speak his mind. O’reilly has his own fan base. Glenn Beck has his fan base as well. While I think everyone on this list deserves to be, ratings have nothing to do with rankings. O’Reilly was big news a few years ago. He’s not the hard-edged pompas ass he was. He’s just like every other talking head, but he’s still spouting the same right-wing crap he was before. Olbermann is always new and always fresh. He deserves to be on the list as well as everyone else.
    Rush is not on TV, neither is Drudge. Case closed on those two.

  321. what a load of crap!!!!!!! Glenn beck and lou dobbs should be 1 & 2. wake up America and smell the roses. This is like the stupid list that we have running for pres. did you compile the same lists???????????????????????

  322. YEAH RIGHT…….COUNT DOWN TO “NO RATINGS” Olbermann? The media still is in denile and I am very sadden by the need to prop up a pathetic guy who no one knows or watches. How about putting up who gets the best ratings? That would go against the media template! Sad delusional people.

  323. I can NOT simply understand how anyone can continually rant and rave about the liberal media, when the media you are supporting has a similar ‘bias’ It’s the conservative right wing wisdom coming out of Fox News and Bill O’Rielly’s mouth. How is it any different? I mean talk about sensationalizing news and snaring viewers with flashy graphics and headlines, along with confrontational anchors spouting off nonsense to keep viewers locked in. If that’s not fair and balanced I don’t know what is.

  324. Where are the women on this list? Barbara Walters…maybe? If you can put Olbermann on the list Babs can be there too. The only women…a part owner of an agency and a comedian! Isn’t it 2008.

  325. Keith Olbermann is the epitomy of an elitist, leftist, pompous, media person that thinks he knows the answer for everything for America. He is an idiot living in a fantasy world as are most in the media today. My university journalism professors would probably puke on most of these so called reporters and news professionals.
    Maybe Olbermann should actually get out of New York and see how the rest of us live. Oh, I almost forgot. He might get his $1000 dollar suit and tie and Italian shoes dirty if lowered himself to the level of the lower to upper middle class citizenry of this country and saw what the rest of us really do and what our opinions really are.
    This class warfare put forth by the like’s of Olbermann is the same brand of fascism that made Hitler popular. It makes me sick and I worry not only for my country, but mostly for my son’s future.
    This article has less than zero credibility.

  326. What a freakin’ Joke!

  327. The only way he can say anything is if someone writes it for him. Can he even spell “liberal”.
    What a looser (Oh sorry, that could be hate mail).
    He didn’t last long here in LA.

  328. Fox Rocks! If you want the truth just tune into them. O’Reilly is awesome. I will listen to Glenn Beck too, but the others on your list has a lot to be desired…..Like I said FOX ROCKS!


  330. ~~~Sorry to burst someone’s bubble, but I tune in
    the NBC News at 6:30 while I’m busy playing in the kitchen so I’ll be on the right channel for Wheel of Fortune at 7:00, and Jeopardy at 7:30. For news, I LISTEN to Rush, Hannity, Beck,
    Savage, and, of course, O’Reilly. Their views
    are necessary so I can correctly interpret the newspaper which I read cover to cover daily.
    ~~~What can we do to reduce Election campaigning to six months at most??? This endless insanity has been excruciating.
    Grace in Lansing

  331. The “TRUTH”, ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC can’t stand the truth!!!

  332. It’s par for the course that liberals are at the top of the list. Anyone that really rocks the boat was left off – Glenn Beck for one. The man is a genius. Bill O’Reilly is what he used to be, therefore, doesn’t really count in my opinion.

  333. This list is a joke! Obviously this list was made by fellow liberals! And what the hell is with Amy Poehler, she is an actress! She does a news skit! She isn’t a real newsperson! Just because many of us wanna poleher doesn’t make her a news person!

  334. I’d like to see Glenn Beck on that list. I suppose liberals beget the media, so it’s no surprise that you don’t see people like Beck or Savage here. Hope is not lost however, since most of the comments here show that I am in good company.

  335. Glenn Beck should have been on this list. I agree with number 10. They at least make your entire article trash, as it is!!! NBC sucks, from anything to news and primetime anymore. I must admit I used to watch Fox but Glenn Beck is so much better.

  336. Talk about your own agenda…..some one must have had to come up with an article to keep their job.

  337. Glenn Beck for President on the Independent ticket!!!!

  338. The best way to give recognition to those you don’t want recognized is to avoid recognizing them. That is why you didn’t put Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh on the list. Well, I just did.

  339. To put this LIBERAL/SOCIALIST/FASCIST leaning report in a proper perspective, you should studiously dig through a book that Glenn Beck spent so much worthy time on, with the author, LIBERAL FASCISM BY JONAH GOLDBERG. Let’s say a viscious serial murderer becomes CELEBRATED AND ACCEPTED by calling a very decent person a viscious serial murderer. Now you understand how a liberal calls a conservative fascist or nazi, when history and agenda prove that liberals are the true fascists and nazis. It’s too obvious, and this book helps prove it. Thanks to Glenn and Jonah! Read this book! It is as important as Glenn said.

  340. The best part about this article is the comments. It actually seems the relevent also. It is hard to get that MOST of America does not live in New York or California. It is nice to hear from the people in between. Oh, and I strongly disagree with the list. If I published my findings this way, I would loose my job. NEW WORD FOR THE DAY…. Quantify.

  341. Wow! Rush Scumbag’s and Bill Orally’s fans are really giving Keith O. a bashing on this board. That’s fine – he can take it. Keith is a breath of fresh air. He’s not afraid to call these right-wing nut jobs on their lies, lies, lies. Give’em hell, Keith, and keep on Orally’s butt till he implodes!

  342. Keith Olbermann is loved by other liberals in the media and the HuffPost crowd. Bottom line is that he (along with Hannity, et al) is an intellectually dishonest partisan who is contributing to the low state of public discourse. The only difference is that his ratings suck.

    I must have hit a nerve there guy. I usually do with Liberal scum like you who think that this was about “Radio” in a TV Week article…but you’re the smart one.
    I’m guessing you can’t spell analysis without anal.

  344. Michele Greppi are you for real?

  345. Hey Gwen…….are you blonde?????????

  346. Wow…
    I have never seen so many ill-informed right-wing nuts in one comment thread in my life.
    Just turn your brains off and go back to doing whatever Hannity, Beck, O’Reilly and Limbaugh tell you to do.
    Geez… So many Lemmings…

  347. Keith,
    I’m also guessing that you know the Democratic lead house has an even worse approval rating than W. I’m curious why you “LEFT” that out??

  348. O’Reilly is boring..boring..boring!
    Olberbann is predictable..Bush sucks..Bush sucks!
    Hannity is a saint..just ask him.
    Lou Dobbs…is confused. But he means well.
    Wolf Blitzer…is an ugly woman.
    Chris Mathews…Talks too fast and he’s boring.
    Anderson Cooper..Works for the Obama campaign.
    Greta..I like her better than O’ Reilly.
    Glenn Beck..THE BOMB! Refreshing! Funny! Smart!
    Interesting! Covers the EU! Say’s what he thinks!
    He gives his guest time to speak! He doesn’t have a different guest on every three minutes, which gives you time to get interested in the subject before the guest is gone. He covers the economy, the stock market!

  349. Keith Olbermann – the best thing on television that’s not on Comedy Central. Bill-O – otherwise known as the gas bag bigot – why is he on the list? All those right wing talking heads have the same group of brown shirts – I mean listeners – waiting for the next hypocrisy to spew from their lips. You know – the people who live in America but have no idea what it really stands for.

  350. to davecatbone: what is a maroon?

  351. From reading the comments here it looks like Keith Olbermann has gotten under the skin of the rethuglicans. I would have ranked him much higher. O’Reilly, Rush, and the rest of the reich-wing are on their way out.

  352. I’m shouldn’t be stunned by the amount of Lemmings as well…
    It seems that all the comments follow this formula:
    [Name1]? What a [noun]? [Name1] is a [adjective] [noun]. [Name2] is [noun] and has [adjective] [noun]. [Network1] is [adjective] and [Network2] is [adjective]. This column is a [noun]. It has no [adjective].
    ad nauseam
    Must be MAD Libs for Conservatives. After all, most are mad at liberals (for real or imagined harms). Just whatever they’re told to be mad about.

  353. Bill O’Lielly being a proven stalker, sexual pervert, habityal liar and terrible bigot isn’t worthy of spit shining Olbermann’s shoes. O’lielly is just soooo jealous of Keith and therefore should be kneeling in front of him kissing his ass, since he will always beat him in the ratings.

  354. HA!!!

  355. ChirsM70- Just how much brain do you need to hear Bush sucks..Mr. Bush sucks, President Bush sucks!
    Oh..and Bush is the “Worst Person in The Wooorrrlllddd!”

  356. “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re 30 and not a Conservative, you don’t have a brain.”
    And if you’re 40 and not a progressive, you don’t have a soul.

  357. Your comments are so informed, and hilarious. Glad I’m on your side!! Hope the authors of this read these.

  358. “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re 30 and not a Conservative, you don’t have a brain.”
    … and if you’re posting trite quotes on internet message boards, you lack the capacity for original thought.

  359. Phone.

  360. Why is Olbermann more relevant and powerful today? It’s probably because anyone paying attention knows that America has descended into fascism and Olbermann has pointed this out with the truth of the Bush/Cheney regime’s terrorizing of America and shredding of the Constitution. Only about 28% of Americans support Bush at this time. O’Reilly became irrelevant to many of us when he descended into the nonsensical “news” stories like the War on Christmas. The posts here show there are still a lot of Republican party firsters who will maybe get it after they’ve lost their job, can no longer afford gas for their car, have lost their home, and are walking a breadline due to the Bush/Cheney debacle in Iraq, our 10 trillion dollar national debt, and our great “ownership society” based on lies, tax breaks for billionaires, and an unfettered free enterprise corporate Wall Street first kill-the middle-class economy.

  361. I think it is interesting that for the majority of conservative commenters, any journalist who doesn’t espouse views similar to their own is a “moron”, “joke” or (insert afront to persons character here).
    While the order of list is arguable, the reasoning behind the inclusion of the likes of Olbermann and Stewart is unmistakable. The majority of Americans hold views far more liberal then the O’Reilly’s and Limbaugh’s of the world. They want out of Iraq, they want more affordable health care, they don’t want to give tax breaks to the rich while they suffer, they don’t want to give telecoms immunity, they appreciate their civil rights, they like social security the way it is, they don’t want to kick every illegal immigrant out of the country and, frankly, they are tired of being lied to by polticians and their proxies in the media.
    So O’Reilly’s or (insert name of neo-con here)’s ability to draw a daily audience of two million plus fellow conservatives overshadows their polarizing affect on the rest of the more liberal population. No doubt his ratings will remain strong, but support for his views will continue to wane among the majority of the voting population, as it has for some time.

  362. If Glenn Beck was on the list I might take it seriously.
    Lots of people don’t want to know the truth.

  363. TelevisionWeek will be unveiling it’s list of the 3 most intelligent news writers at ABC, CBS and NBC next week. Unnamed sources inside the three networks are naming the writers to be.. MOE, CURLY and LARRY.

  364. Wow, This thread is full of consevatards. Right wing loonies, Keep voting against your best interest. Lee, You are spot-on!

  365. Time and time again, Keith Olbermann is the one of the few news anchors calling this administration on its incompetence and cover-up mentality. And let me guess, something tells me Glenn Beck linked to this article…. (and by the way, Glenn’s ratings are lower than ANYBODY’s…he was even lower than Tucker if that was possible….)

  366. What was I thinking? The “Progressive” liberals have had it right the whole time. Olberman is TONAR! Impeach Bush/Cheeney, cuz it’s all their fault. We need to tax the haves and give it to the have nots. We need more partial birth abortions to control global warming. we need socialized medicine so i won’t have the choice to go to Burger King, or drink booze. We need to pull our troops out of Iraq immediately regardless of what happens. We need to kill marriage, religion, family. We need a Ministry of Love!!

  367. It’s amazing to watch people repeat the myth that the Corporate media is somehow Liberal.
    Corporations and Republican politicians are idealogical soulmates. They both want lower taxes, deregulation, and little to no oversight. The Corporate media has been in bed with the Conservatives for years.
    When people ask me how George Bush re-elected, I’ll point them to these comments.

  368. The list is mostly Jewi$h. Interesting…

  369. I don’t know whether to be amused or depressed by all the Rush Limbaugh/Matt Drudge water-carriers on this message board. Many have written that these two ass-clowns do all the prep work for the real news stories that appear in every news outlet in the country. By making or even agreeing with this grand statement, of course, all of you conservative dimwits are simply disproving your own unfounded opinion that the mainstream media is “liberally biased.” Think about it: if all the news outlets are merely parroting the stories broken by these two right-wing hacks, then all these media outlets are merely passing on right-wing slanted stories. The media can’t be both “liberally biased” and constantly passing on right-wing created news stories at the same time – it’s simply impossible. This is simply further evidence that the most vocal members of the conservative movement are the biggest bunch of reality-defying, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, self-pitying, annoying idiots in the universe. So go ahead and keep playing the role of pitiful martyr to the “liberally biased” media if it makes you feel better; the rest of us will continue to laugh at how pathetic you really are.

  370. Hey idiots, this is TV, not radio… stop talking about Rush Limbaugh. I do listen to Rush everyday, but only because his hypocrisy and arrogance entertains me.
    As for TV, Glenn Beck? Come on. Guy is a total tool. I’m surprised his show hasn’t been canceled. His ratings suck.
    Meanwhile, Keith O and Bill O both annoy me. It’s funny to see all the conservatives having a fit by this list though. As such, I think the list is accurate.

  371. I’m wondering if TV Week is concerned about the state of unbalance in the politics of its’ readers. There seems to be a preponderance of conserviatives. With the exception of the latest from Hollywood (which I gather K. O.’s producers make him cover) I find his programming to be thought-provoking and entertaining–expecially the first 30 minutes. I can’t believe so many people find him so hateful. It makes me wonder if the vitriolic conservatives ever bothered to sit down and listen to him. As for admitting his errors–at least he corrects himself. I watch both Olbermann’s and O’Reilly’s shows, and I can’t ever remember O’Reilly ever correcting himself. That would be admitting he isn’t perfect and above all, RIGHT!

  372. If anybody thinks Keith Olbermann should even be on a rate chart….excuse me SoHo…This should be the liberal wing loonies chart….period!!~!

  373. 28% of the country approves of Bush, 70% of the country feels we are headed in the wrong direction and 98% of the mouth breathing, knuckle-draggers who have responded on this site live on the most ignorant possible side of those figures. You are now officially anachronisms and I for one (and no doubt Keith for two) couldn’t be happier about it. In the next four years you will be getting a better country with more respect for the constitution and your right to be dolts than you have for the last eight years. I hope you can enjoy it.

  374. Kill Bill, you are one sick individual. Just goes to show the liberal side of things. How can anyone with a decent soul wish death on ANYone?
    A pattern I’ve noticed is that liberals are spoon fed the junk that loud mouths like Obermann and Maher spout out and call it their opinions because they want to fit in with Hollywood. Conservatives understand common sense, and they feel comfort knowing folks like Beck, OReilly, et. al. agree with them and have a booming voice over the fascist liberals.
    To Conservatives: Just be thankful you aren’t in the dark, nor are you alone. Don’t let the liberals call you stupid for standing up for what’s right.

  375. I don’t watch much TV news, but if you Repugs hate Olbermann so much, I will definitely make it a point to watch him. Anyone who can make you all so rabid deserves a good look.

  376. Judging from all the tools here bashing Olbermann, it’s not not hard to see why there are enough nitwits in America to make a buffoon like O’Reilly as popular as he is. My late mother used to say “Bill O’Reilly and the people that take him seriously are good examples of why America’s falling behind in the world.” Thanks for proving her point…now enjoy your $4.00 a gallon gas, dummies! LOL!


  378. I see that some conservatroid website or another has ordered the conservative hoard to come and comment on this article, and like good dogs everywhere, they obeyed. Freedom hating conservatives should emigrate to North Korea and live in the society of their dreams.

  379. Mark,
    WHO is the liberal “dummy” that wanted to put a mandatory 0.50 cent gas tax per gallon? Hellllloooo Communism.
    By the way, saying that commenting in this article is proving her point is your smug little way of insulting people you don’t know, while driving through the fact that you have no idea what you’re talking about. And, people won’t feel like they can say anything about your mother’s opinions because you prefaced that with “late”. Well sir, your mother was sadly wrong.

  380. This is HILARIOUS!!!
    Y’all hate KeithOlberman so much, I gotta start watching him more, to find out what truths are hurting you.
    Last time I watched, he played clips to back up his points, Bill O’Rally just constantly refuses to fact check. Ask Andrea.
    And you fools who think Rush or Drudge are on TV?
    TRUE conservatives are pissed off about the doubling of our debt, Iraq nation building, earmarks, Habeas Corpus, deflated dollar vs the Euro, etc…
    Removing regulation from the mortgage industry? How’d that work out?

  381. It is very funny how most of you can’t spell correctly, especially the guy who wrote out “dummer.”

  382. “Y’all hate KeithOlberman so much, I gotta start watching him more, to find out what truths are hurting you.”
    You go ahead and do that. We’re so proud that you decided to watch a program based solely on comments made on a news article. You’re such a BIG boy! Who’s a big boy? You! You are a big boy!

  383. Keith Olberman sixth? HA. You may as well warn us of the great power of Peru.

  384. The evidence is overwhelming. Conservatism has failed America.

  385. NObama, surely you jest. Beck and O’Reilly have been wrong about every important political issue in recent memory.
    Unabashed War Cheerleaders: Check
    Double-Down Surge Lovers: Check
    Science Deniers: Check
    Bomb Iran: Check
    Civil Rights: Who needs them
    Tax cuts for the rich: Somone get the scissors
    As a previous commenter noted, the Beck’s and O’Reilly’s of the world are nothing more then proxies for the Bush Administration, espousing and supporting each and every view of this failed President.
    So my question is, how does one feel “comfortable” blindly lining up behind such blatantly wrong-headed buffoons. Would you hire a lawyer who lost all his cases? Would you hire an accountant who couldn’t add or subtract? Would you send your kids to a school which consistently graduates substandard students? So why blindly support political decisions/views which have been proven wrong time and time again, resulted in the death or injury of almost 40,000 Americans, pushed our economy to the brink, destroyed the middle class and undercut America’s standing in the world?

  386. The Article Poster’s 10 Ten:
    1. Roger Ailes
    2. Bill O’Reilly
    3. Rush Limbaugh
    4. Sean Hannity
    5. Laura Ingraham
    6. Matt Drudge
    7. Michael Savage
    8. Ann Coulter
    9. Michelle Malkin
    10. Anyone else who’s not Keith Olbermann
    There, conservative posting mob. Feel better now?

  387. Hey! Where the heck is Stephanie Miller on that list!? Oh. THAT far down? Oh dear…

  388. Well, I knew NBC was in big trouble, but they must still have enough money to buy morons like you! Case in point? The fact that nut-case Keith Oberman is even on the list, let alone listed ahead of the king of ALL news-related TV, cable or otherwise, Bill O’Reilly! No shame at all when NBC is tossing around the money, huh. But you couldn’t avoid the fact that Fox is beating NBC’s ass everywhere you look, though, could you. Guess even mentioning them at all was your feeble gesture to make your in-the-tank-for-NBC “survey” look somewhat authentic. Didn’t work.

  389. You libs cant even take it when the conserves come out and tell you the truth….Wake Up!! What is it about libs…that you have to have your asses wiped…everything given to you for free..my gosh…take it look at this and wake up!!Read on
    How to catch wild pigs (or “How to paralyze a nation”)
    No Free lunch
    There was a Chemistry professor in a large college
    that had some Exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Prof
    noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept
    rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.
    The professor asked the young man what was the
    matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to
    overthrow his country’s government and install a new communist government.
    In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a Strange question. He asked, ” Do you know how to catch wild pigs?”
    The professor thought it was a joke and asked for
    the punch line. The young man said this was no joke.”You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every
    day, you put a fence down one side of the place
    where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again
    and you put up another side of the fence. They get sed to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up
    with a gate in the last side. The pigs, who are
    used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch
    the whole herd.
    Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom.
    They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the
    free corn. They are so used to it that they have
    forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.
    The young man then told the professor that is
    exactly what he sees happening to America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/socialism and keeps spreading the free
    corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to
    plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. While we continually lose our freedoms- just
    a little at a time.
    One should always remember “There is no such thing
    as a free lunch!” Also, “You can never hire someone to provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
    Also, if you see that all of this wonderful
    government “help” is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to
    send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life then you will probably delete this email, but God help you when the gate slams shut!

  390. Frank,
    NO I do not jest. I don’t watch their programs, so… where’s your ground now?
    As a side, prove that they have been wrong…
    War is necessary for the protection of our nation, CHECK
    I AM a scientist and don’t deny it (except the whole humans from monkeys thing… that’s absurd), CHECK
    Bombing Iran is necessary– remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They behave well now, CHECK
    The ideas behind civil rights has been distorted beyond recognition by liberal ideals, CHECK
    If you made 150,000 a year and had to pay 45,000 a year in taxes, then most likely you’d want a tax break too, CHECK
    I think you’re diluted Frank and need some of your own opinions to make this relationship between you and I work.
    NO I do not jest. I don’t watch their programs, so… where’s your ground now?
    As a side, prove that they have been wrong…
    War is necessary for the protection of our nation, CHECK
    I AM a scientist and don’t deny it (except the whole humans from monkeys thing… that’s absurd), CHECK
    Bombing Iran is necessary– remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They behave well now, CHECK
    The ideas behind civil rights has been distorted beyond recognition by liberal ideals, CHECK
    If you made 150,000 a year and had to pay 45,000 a year in taxes, then most likely you’d want a tax break too, CHECK
    I think you’re diluted Frank and need some of your own opinions to make this relationship between you and I work.

  391. The people who scream the loudest have the most to lose. They also have the most to learn. I would think that conservatives responding on this site would have shown some sort of intelegence or at least patriotism. Your Americans…wake up!
    “You can’t always get what you want, but you might just get what you need”

  392. I been in the US for a work assignment for a few years now and I’m still stunned over the fact that amongst so many brilliant people there are an equal amount of incredible stupid ones…well, that until I started to link the TV news to this behavior. Conservative news outlets are doing an incredible job of keeping the free mind of people inside the box. To the ones who feel offended by my comments you now know what group of people you belong to and I can assure you that you’re being played with. To the all the nice and smart people I met I wish you good luck. I’m out of here…

  393. To OneManComotion You are just like Olberman —read your script again! Have to copy someone else, eh!

  394. With all the Olberman haters here, must have been a slow day at Faux Noise. Guess there weren’t any missing white women so they all had some spare time.

  395. Keith Olberman…
    The Chicken Hawks are jealous

  396. You know you guys just dont get it! Nobody hates Olberman he is just plain wrong..simple and everybody knows it…….so wake up! Even most lefties no it!

  397. kewl:
    With all the Olberman haters here, must have been a slow day at Faux Noise. Guess there weren’t any missing white women so they all had some spare time.
    Where did Faux Noise come from? Huffington Post? Myspace, Media Matters, George Soros????
    I know you couldn’t have been smart enough to come up with it on your own..

  398. What does hell look like from John Hall:
    The Article Poster’s 10 Ten:
    1. Roger Ailes
    2. Bill O’Reilly
    3. Rush Limbaugh
    4. Sean Hannity
    5. Laura Ingraham
    6. Matt Drudge
    7. Michael Savage
    8. Ann Coulter
    9. Michelle Malkin
    10. Anyone else who’s not Keith Olbermann
    There, conservative posting mob. Feel better now?
    Add Bush, Cheney, Hitler, Stalin, Kristol Wolfowitz Bolten, Saddam Hussein, Rios Montt, Batista, Kissinger, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer…
    This is Hell my friends welcome to Hell

  399. Well hmm I’m not sure what to say. Personally based on efforts they’ve backed and promoted and the fruits they’ve born Bill O’Reilly should be much higher on the list. At the same time Steven Colbert probably should likewise be higher on the list if you consider him a newscaster which to me is a stretch but then 90% of our news programs are entertainment today and not news…

  400. Keep ’em straight TIM!!! RIGHT ON!!

  401. Wow, most of the liberals posting here are such babies. Can’t come up with intelligent recourse, so it’s petty name-calling and calling conservatives stupid because they don’t share your view.
    I consider NO one stupid. We all have our opinions, and they happen to clash with one another. No one is going to convince another to convert to their point of view because we’re all stubborn knuckleheads.
    To the made up top 10 list: yes, that would be accurate… for a conservative list. It is obvious that this article we are posting under is liberally biased. I haven’t heard of half the people on it, but putting Olberman even above Colbert should raise eyebrows.

  402. WOW! These comments are quite objective and have clearly taken a “fair and balanced” view of Keith Olberman. You can almost feel the rabid froth hitting your face as you read. FOX and its ilk have gone completely unchallenged for way too long. It is so great to see its relevance waning and heading towards its rightful place back on the fringe where Rush, Sean, Orally, Ailes, etc will always be no matter how much they try to polish their turds. Agreed, a masterful plan that worked quite well. But a fad is a fad. You’ll be so happy to going back to your victimhood where you can blame all evil in the world and country on liberals and democrats and everyone else but your complete failure as competent human beings. You only thrive when the game is rigged and you have all the levers of power so you can squash all dissent. Jesus loves you but we all know you’re just assholes/scam artists that hate facts and reality. Good luck as the the USA moves on without you!!!! It’s going to be rough. But if I can endure 7 years of republican failure at all levels of humanity, you’ll be okay..

  403. List looks about right to me.

  404. Mattis
    Just read the “Wild Pigs’ analogy…this might help you understand!!

  405. I am surprised to see any “journalist” from FOX News make this list. The fact that FOX News, is anything but news, is finally entering the public perception. As a result, it is no surprise to see Olbermann ahead of O’Reilly. I would expect that trend to continue.

  406. kewl: you say(With all the Olberman haters here, must have been a slow day at Faux Noise. Guess there weren’t any missing white women so they all had some spare time.)
    Excuse me I am a white woman and I am not missing and I am in living color…I hate to tell you this..
    Your un-intellect is showing not to mention other things!!

  407. I think this list is pretty accurate.
    As someone who watches both Olbermann and O’Reilly, I have to say, everyone calling Olbermann a “nobody” is stuck in 2003.
    Relevance is something you earn every day and every week, and O’Rilly has been coasting on his for a very long time. He sounds more and more paranoid every week, and his “facts” don’t line up with the outside world at all.
    Also, if this many people post about how much they hate you, you must be doing something right.

  408. The nice thing about being a conservative is that you don’t have to think. (Or learn how to spell and use grammar correctly.)
    Just watch Faux News and listen to Rash Limberger and you will become an informed citizen. Regurgitate what the talking heads say and you become an expert.
    How very sad that they delude themselves into thinking they are relevant.
    Unfortunately, I am in my sixties and will probably not live long enough for history to prove that Bush was the worst president in our storied history. (Although knowing that, I can go to my grave with the knowlege that he most-assuredly is the worst ever.)

  409. I really needed a laugh today and I sure got it with this dibble. Olberman being #6? And I guess Hillarry isn’t a Socialist like Hitler and Obama isn’t a Black Panther. Give people a break, the only ones falling for this garbage are liberal bleeding hearts who have nothing better to do than join moveOn or Code Pink and allow the Bin Ladens of the world have another free shot at us. Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh tell it like it is not paint it rosy like the liberal media. The only thing these libs want to see is partisan B.S. and nothing else. These hacks you list wouldn’t know what real news is if it bit them in the face.

  410. I bet I see all these Progressives posted here at the DNC in my town of DENVER. I’m also guessing that most who posted on the left are going to join the recreate ’68 campe due to the lack of the Progressives even getting themselves to join together. I’m going on vacation during that week of bonfires….
    “The Reign of McCain is due mainly from the Insane”

  411. Bill O’Reilly has better rating because of his mental illness, it’s more interesting to watch. The real joke in here is on anyone still supporting this joke of a president and killer of a war we have going. People that have a hard time spelling unconstitutional shouldn’t bother to open their mouths, let alone write comments on news items. Get a brain, get a book, then come back, you guilty pinheads.
    Conservatism is the joke of the 21th century.

  412. Uh Sarah? That Wild Pigs story has nothing to do with anyhting that is happening in America right now or anytime soon. Nor does it represent anyone on the left, middle, or right. The problem is you’ve literally manufactured your own version of “liberals” that is completely false. Communists? Get real! Get your head out of your ass and actually talk to one. You might realize you are completely clueless about what you think you understand. Or are you scared to burst your Bush Bubble?

  413. How does one account for the success of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?

    Chest-thump, masturbate and deny all you want but you know you are wrong.

  414. Love the Fox folks on this board. A little comedy for my day.
    It’s pretty simple: Fox’s ratings are (depending on the program) either plateaued or in decline (as in O’Reilly). There’ll be a bump for the elections, but the longer term trend is not for growth.
    MSNBC is growing faster than the rest, and Olbermann leads the growth.
    It’s likely MSNBC will not hit Fox’s ratings levels, but not because the programming’s not good enough. Study after study shows folks from the right side of the political aisle prefer TV and radio for their news while the left side makes more use of the internet and newspapers.
    Olbermann is powerful precisely because he bucks the trend of liberals deserting TV for the internet. O’Reilly, with his declining ratings, can only fuss and fume as his core audience goes elsewhere.
    And it should be noted that while O’Reilly draws twice the total audience of Olbermann on a given night, the audience in the “money demo” that the networks sell (and thus is the only audience that really counts to a network) is much, much closer. Olbermann has evne posted a rare win or two in the demo.
    Republican self-identification is down and voter registration changes from Republican to Democratic or independent are at all time highs. Not good trends for a Republican cable channel.

  415. Bill Oreilly sucks Osama’s penis

  416. Keith Olbermann is a ‘maroon’.
    Must be some highly educated republican’s way of spelling.
    You’re a moron. Yes you catbone

  417. mattis:
    From your verbage it clearly shows that you are talking out of another oriface than your mouth! I happen to know and talk to some intelligent Lefties, but you will never be one of them and I am sure anyone reading your blog on this site will recognize that….left or right….so dream on…

  418. Mattis:
    In fact Mattis you sound just like Fred. You two need to converse…if thats in your lingo. You might enjoy it!

  419. DB
    You should have included that the ruminants who watch O’Reilly need their stories (usually not news-related) pre-chewed, since they are not capable to do anything by themselves. GOP News interprets for them what Ailes wants them to think the news is.

  420. Keith Olberman presence on this list is inexplicable. His show serves only to remind me I have tuned to the wrong channel. Furthermore, how can you put him above O’Reilly when O’Reilly is dominant and Olberman is like the TV version of Air America. the inclusion of Olberman, absent a logical rationale, is simply more fuel for the fire of “liberal bias” in the media.

  421. Wow, could the under-educated, grammar- and spelling-challenged Billo sycophants TRY to stop whinging about their boy’s fading popularity?!?

  422. Wow, no Drudge? How can you make a list like this without Drudge on it? I was watching him on TV last night… oh wait a minute… he’s not on TV is he? What? This list is for TV News 10 most poweful? Well excuse me for not being able to read! Well, what about Rush? OK, he had show once. a long time ago. And Glen Beck did some ground breaking stuff on his botched hemmoroid surgery.
    Hehehe… what a bunch of “maroons”. Olbermann must be more effective then I thought to be such a lightening rod for righteous lemmings.
    Carry on with your nonsensical rantings.

  423. I don’t know many people that watch Keith Olbermann and even fewer that believe a word he says. In fact, Keith routinely has 1/3 the audience Bill Oreilly has.
    But Keith is in the tank for Obama so I guess that is the reason he is on this list, eh?

  424. Olbermann might have been a good choice, oh, six months ago, or so. Lately, however, he’s lost half his viewers, easily, owing to his highly partisan commentary about the Democratic race.
    We know he isn’t a journalist, he’s just a pundit, but he’s a pundit who apparently is listening to that not-too-bright and age-inappropriate child he is living with in his new Upper East Side condo. She’s certainly not the brightest bulb on the tree, but she doesn’t need to be–she’s cute enough, and she’s YOUNG. (Keith, once you hit your fifties, and you’re what, eight months from the big FIVE OH, you look like a fool when you try to act like one of the cool young kids. You aren’t 23, you don’t look 23, you don’t sound 23, so ACTING like you’re 23 just makes you look like a total moron. Stop embarrassing yourself, especially when you’re out together in public–you look like a perverted uncle, or something. And if you don’t stop your ratings dive, Katy may just leave you for greener pastures–if you can’t help her with her career, what good are you, Old Man?)
    Keith has, as they say, jumped the shark. He needs to stop parroting the adolescent and simplistic views of his girlfriend, and get back to fact-based reporting if he wants to last in his current position. At the salary he’s commanding, he can’t afford to lose any more viewers, otherwise, he’ll suffer the same fate as Chris Matthews, and be shown the door.

  425. Nice to see Olberman ranking over the FOX propogandists and warmongers.
    I find it amazing how many people here actually question this guys integrity when he’s one of the few actually telling the truth in the news today.

  426. The only way anyone could add to this unending stream of neo-con drivel is to note that most of you seem to believe that listening to the same old thing, so you can sit there and say, “That’s right Bill/Sean/Rush” day after day after day, somehow makes them right or accurate or relevant anymore.
    We all know that the right-wing axiom about repeating something ad nauseum will result in brain-dead listeners simply repeating it in response, without any rational thought, or ever having to consider or hear an opposing opinion. let’s be honest boyos, none of you bother to watch Olbermann or listen to progressive radio. It would upset our well-honed sense of entitlement.
    On the other hand, at least both CNN and MSNBC have commentators from both sides of the spectrum, while Fox does not retain a single, unimpeded progressive voice anywhere on it’s airwaves.
    You are right about one thing though. Most younger people are going increasingly to the internet for their news and opinions. Unfortunately for the right, the vast majority of that younger audience is progressive and does indeed take greater notice of Poehler, Stewart and Corbert than anyone else in the corporate media.

  427. Keith Olbermann ugly? You can hate his politics all you wanna, but that man is grrrrrrlicious.

  428. Your commentors amount to a gigantic slag heap. Moronic mulch that have their faces deeply lodged in Billo’s (Mr. settle out of court for sexual harrassment) ass crack.

  429. Chervilant: You say—- Wow, could the under-educated, grammar- and spelling-challenged Billo sycophants TRY to stop whinging about their boy’s fading popularity?!?
    And you are what? Grammar and spelling sycophant,I’d say….. eh?

  430. Mark D. is also a dumbass…and so was your mom.

  431. Wow! this is a joke right? Everybody knows Keith Olbermann only reads what is on the tele-prompter. His producers twist and spin things until the story fits their liberal agenda, and he is called TV’s first break-out liberal voice? Isn’t this what the “main stream media” has been doing for decades?
    Hey Chervilant, whining is spelled like this. If you’re going to bust on someone for their grammar and spelling perhaps you should use spell check yourself. DUH!

  432. I can’t wait to see how the media embrasses Hillary/Obama or starts all over with the bashing of McCain. Keith can’t continue bashing Bush to get to #1? Too boring and overdone! Where will all those Bush haters go if, God forbid, the Progressives take over. It’s way to easy to hate. Harder to understand the underlying problem with both sides of our system and work to fix issues. Who would ever want to be President of this country at this time? Is it Camelot w/ Obama? I think not, more like Sodom…. or is it Gamorrah.

  433. “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Golberg…..good read.

  434. Looks like the right wing nut cases can’t handle this story. Boo freakin’ who, you pack of inbred Nazis, you, faux snooze and the rest of the neocon machine is going the way of the Dodo, a more fitting symbol than an elephant. Maybe after y’all are gone the once great Republican party can again be the party of Lincoln and Roosevelt instead of the current dumbass POTUS and his band of merry, shoot-you-in-the-face penguin sycophants. Go back to your mAnne blow-up dolls or find a toilet stall with Larry Craig, ’cause y’all ain’t gonna be running the dog and pony show much longer, in good measure to intelligent voices like Keith Olbermann.

  435. I have to say that we watch Fox news most of the time as it is truly fair and balanced. It’s not afraid to bring on liberal guests. Bill O’Reilly is right on point, but does cut in on people trying to speak which annoys me. We also watch CNN as Lou Dobbs is great, and he should definitely be on the list. Also equally great is Glenn Beck. I watch him every night. He feels exactly the way we do. Therefore, CNN is on our watch channel. MSNBC is such a liberal left-wing news channel, it’s unbelievable. The very worst on that channel is Keith Olbermann. He is so full of hate and jealousy toward Bill O’Reilly that it’s pathetic. He also absolutely despises our current President. He should move to another country and come back when Hillary or Obama are running our country (what a scary thought). Chris Matthews is right behind Olbermann, another left-wing liberal fascist. The only person on MSNBC that is conservative is Pat Buchanan. All of the rest of them are far-out left wing liberals. What is fair and balanced on MSNBC?

  436. Oh my! vonBeavis has conceded defeat! Anytime you resort to name calling it signals to everyone else that you can’t compete on a rational, educated level and you have no good argument to bring to the table. That’s quite a rant you had going. Thanks for keeping it clean. You show promise. Perhaps one day you will shun the “Dark side” and join us in the light. Until then, do your own research, check facts, and trust NO talking head to tell the truth. Find out for yourself. The internet is a powerful tool. There is an old adage that says: Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.

  437. Moxie:
    I could not have said it any better! Not only does that Keith O. have hate and jealousy but if you take note…this site is showing how some of the Libs really think … with hate and jealousy…they cant even give the facts!! How sad

  438. You are all crazy. All of you.
    Libs: Olbermann is superior to O’Reilly in nearly every discernible way, but that doesn’t mean that Olbermann isn’t a blowhard. His antics vacillate from amusing to irritating and come sometimes at the expense of the quality of his reporting and commentary.
    Soul-sucking conservatives: the argument that because Fox News has higher ratings, it (and O’Reilly) should be “ranked” higher is just silly on its face. It wreaks of resentment and fear, and it just goes to show that Barnum might have been wrong about fooling people. The way you attack Olbermann for correcting his factual errors and pit-bulling O’Reilly, you’d think that all that you value is consistency, homogeneity, singularity, and uniformity, not correctness or accuracy. O’Reilly is seldom accurate yet acknowledges no mistake even when he commits outrageous errors in judgment and knowledge (on everything from Malmedy to African-American cuisine). He is the mirror-image of your fear of what is right.
    Really, the only media personality deserving of this list is Colbert.
    And lastly, to that maniac “Moxie” who likes the “equally great” Glenn Beck. I would add Glenn Beck to the list only in that he has dramatically lowered the intelligence threshold for television personalities. In the halcyon days of the small rural village, idiots were tolerated as local clowns, good for an occasional beating or stint of public ridicule. Nowadays, they get multiple hours on the television and radio, and their idiocy attracts other idiots. My God, Moxie. Glenn Beck is the chewed gum stuck to the underside of the desk — gastric, nuggety, and unpalatable, except to the dumb kids who pick it off and shove it in their mouths “for something to eat.”

  439. People keep talking about ratings and how many people watch O’reilly compared to Olbermann….are we that stupid now?
    Come on people, wake up. Just because an opinionated person on a Cable News Network tells you something….that doesn’t make it true.
    This is the country that voted for a guy just because they feel that he’s the person most likely to sit down and have a beer with you.
    Get this…If your an MSNBC viewer than anything in the center is considered far-right, and vice versa for Fox News viewers, anything to the center of them is considered far-left.
    For example…Fox news viewers believe the NY Times is a radical far-left publication. Can someone tell me when did Judy Miller, David Brooks, and William Safire become far-lefties??
    And some viewers believe that Fox News is all rightwing….well tell that to Geraldo Rivera, Allen Colms, and Greta.
    Open up a book people….use your brain…wake Up!!!

  440. “Well sir, your mother was sadly wrong.”
    No, she wasn’t; she lived through WWI, the Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and alot more history and trends then you have or probably will…and she saw the downturn of this country coming and recognized babbling idiots like you, Limbaugh and O’Reilly that steered this nation into the iceberg for what you are and the threat you pose to this once great nation!

  441. I guess it’s no surprise that conservatives are a bunch of big whining crybabies. Waaaah we don’t want to pay our taxes! Waaah they picked Keith Olberman over Bill Peabody O’Reilly!

  442. To Tom:
    You are one sick dude. I will pray for you.

  443. Olbermann’s popularity is growing and the conservatives can’t stand that Limbaugh and O’Lielly’s death-grip on the cerebrum of the country may finally be slipping! I’ve watched Olbermann, I’ve watched O’Lielly; Olbermann speaks politely and graciously with his hosts; O’Lielly shouts them down, bullies them and cuts of their mikes if they don’t bow down to him or agree with him; I’ve seen Olbermann make mistakes, I’ve seen O’Lielly make mistakes; Olbermann will quickly correct himself and apologize, while O’Lielly will say nothing and never admit he screwed up. Obermann will take on this administration, while O’Lielly will carry its water everytime. I’ve watched both Olbermann and Bill O’Lielly…I come away from Olbermann feeling pretty good about what I did with my time, while I come away from O’Reilly feeling sadness that I share this country with a lot of ignorant people.

  444. number 1 glen beck no kidding

  445. barry: number 1 glen beck no kidding.
    Agreed! And seconded! A true American and patriot. Glen Beck says what he means and stands by it.

  446. Give it up right wing FOX hacks. Once the Democrats win in November you won’t be getting any breaks from the administration and your little hour of power will be circling down the drain, just like that turd O’Reilly.
    Your days of using religion and scare tactics to influence people are over. Now that we have a real issue at home with this abysmal economy that the Bush administration has given us, your petty little attempts to swing voters on issues such as gay marriage won’t even matter.
    It’s hard to get people to pay attention to war, abortion, and gay marriage when they are bankrupt, homeless, and hungry. Good luck in your future endeavors Republicans!! You’ll need a career changer after November.

  447. Dear God RIP FOX NEWS, I hope you don’t own any guns. I think you are just short of going postal. Oh, what am I thinking, you lefties don’t like guns. (thank God!)

  448. Let’s face it…lefties/liberals are NOT able to accept the TRUTH in life and the world even if it hit them between their eyes…they just want to wallow in their fantasy world of smug self-justifications…so this list of the most important news people merely reflects their own mental fantasies…those who know anything with respect to the cable news operations and ratings can see right through this list’s ignorance and hypocrisy! The authors of this list need to look at FACTS for a change and GROW UP from their self-indulgent FANTASIES about the cable news landscape!

  449. How did so many wingnut trolls get here first? I loved the guy who said the person who wrote that “articale” is a moron. Then someone else said it was “as dumb as Obama”–as if an African American from a non-rich family could make it to president of the Harvard Law Review by being dumb. Like him or hate him, he’s a nuanced thinker and a brilliant writer–unlike, oh, our President, who made it to Yale due to Affirmative Action for the wealthy and well-connected (why he also could dodge the draft) and can’t put two coherent words together unless someone has written them for him. The combination of ignorance and an insane sense of entitlement is what makes these people scary. They are indeed “dittoheads”–a term they use proudly, as if saying “ditto ditto ditto” was a mark of courage and independence.

  450. I don’t believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
    Ronald Reagan
    Sounds like the ideas of a couple candidates I know……

  451. This article is written for stupid people.
    Granted, the list is supposed to be TV’s Top 10 Powerful. Fine. But then the list doesn’t define the winners as powerful but instead argues that they are good people or good journalists. Television is the engine of corporate advertising and thus anyone who is successful on television will only be as successful as they are in fitting into that machine.
    This article isn’t written in that context. Thus it isn’t written in the context of reality. Instead we get peddled garbage that basically says this guy or gal is a nice person or a good person or is a good journalist.
    Only the highly propagandized reader (i.e. news and political junkies) will see this list as having any kind of valuable attachment to reality.
    For a small piece of evidence to the former, I was linked here from the front page of Crooks and Liars, a fine example of the highly propagandized political crowd that thinks corporate news has value if it happens to belch out a few liberal sounds (Stewart and Colbert).

  452. Another myth you right wing idiots like to keep spewing is that liberals hate guns. Just another scare tactic. “IF YOU VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT THEY WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS!!”.
    If I seem to recall the only time I’ve ever seen a government sponsored gun round up it was right after hurricane Katrina. I guess the Republicans are the ones who will actually take away your guns. I guess the that’s why the NRA no longer sides with your party?
    BTW, come try to rob me and find out how much I hate guns……..

    Get a life….. You are spewing your hate and jealousy…just like the Libs like to show. No facts!!
    By the way …what planet are your from? I want to make sure and not go there!

  454. It bears repeating:

    How does one account for the success of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?


    Chest-thump, masturbate and deny all you want but you know you are wrong.

  455. Wow, so this is where those idiotic morons who are Bush’s 29% cling-ons hang out. I wondered who the hell they were. I’d say you got what you deserved with this corrupt administration, collapsing economy and the deterioration of the constitution, but sadly I got stuck with it too. I wish your values were as even handed and just when it came to screwing the country vs an intern. Bill O’Reily, please, what an idiot.

  456. I rape little boys

  457. someonewhoknows: I rape little boys
    Posted by someonewhoknows | April 15, 2008 2:49 PM
    Whoever posted using this ‘someonewhoknows’ name on this site….is really a sicko…..shame on you!! You can be looked up you know!! Better watch it!

  458. If you were charged with sexual harrassment by a fellow employee, would you fight it…or give up???
    I would fight it to my death if I knew I wasn’t guilty but not BillO….he just pays them off to shut up…what’s the difference between BillO and Michael Jackson…Bill Harrasses Women while Jacko harrasses young boys and then pays them off….
    On October 28, 2004, O’Reilly and Mackris reached an out of court settlement, and dropped all charges against each other. No announcements were made about Mackris’ future work with O’Reilly, the amount of the settlement, or any plans for a public explanation or apology by O’Reilly.
    According to several published reports, as part of the settlement O’Reilly allegedly paid Mackris 10 million dollars, but the terms of the agreement are confidential.

  459. you better stop it or I’ll send Fox News security after you…..lol.
    And I still like little boys

  460. To the False person who is impersonating the real someonewhoknows who posted first on this site!!!!
    Your actions prove you are a sicko…especially what you are saying “liking little boys….Get a life! Get help!!
    I am out of hear if the website doesnt watch folks like you!!~! To bad you couldnt take the heat to come back with a stupid remark like that!! Dont bother to respond since you have an idoits brain obviously….I wont be here!!

  461. Wow. Slow down, guys – save some of your energy for your group hugs on freerepublic…

  462. someonewhoknows,
    hey, I like little boys too! Let’s meet and have a threesome.

  463. “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re 30 and not a Conservative, you don’t have a brain.”
    And if you’re 40 and still a Conservative, you haven’t been paying attention.

  464. Stop with the sour graping Bill. We know your the one posting all this anti Keith Olbermann comment.
    Your so transparent. Your post has the same context as Math Liz or Rick. Accept that your a loser. And move on. You pathetic heap of turd.

  465. The reason that conservative media is consumed by more people than liberal media is because liberals generally want objectivity, whereas conservatives want to be told what they want to believe (subjectivity)?
    The mainstream media is then liberal when perceived from those who consume the conservative narrative provided by Fox, Rush, etc.
    Y’all should check out democracynow.org for a voice that is not dependent on corporations for it’s success.

  466. The only reason Glenn didn’t make the list is because he’s too honest and stright to the point. Our government is keeping an eye on Glenn he makes then nervous. Everything he says is to close to the truth. Glenn should run for president I would vote for him. Keep up the good work Glenn and God Bless.

  467. Well, it’s nice to see the Freepers are here en masse with their NBC bashing talking points. It’s ironic, of course, to attack TV Week for putting Keith Olbermann on a list one position ahead of Bill O’Reilly and then claim that’s unfair because Olbermann is “biased” or “liberal” while conveniently ignoring the fact O’Reilly is doing even more opinion “journalism” than Olbermann is!
    Anyone who suggests that both Fox News and MSNBC aren’t doing talking head opinion shows during their primetime, Fox taking a consistent right wing approach with O’Reilly, Hannity, and Cavuto and MSNBC with Olbermann and Abrams (Chris Matthews is offensive to both sides), is living life exclusively in a talking points fantasy land.
    Cable news is hardly about actual news anymore, regardless of what network airs it. Fox News ratings are considerably down this year because its political bent is not exactly popular with the American people, but still can draw a massive audience of older viewers. In the money demo, MSNBC is making a major impact, particularly with Olbermann’s show, which is bringing a boatload of prime advertisers looking to reach a younger audience. And CNN is doing very well with its political programming this election season, although it has been having some trouble with shifting programming during the early prime hours. Larry King and Anderson Cooper are its most important talking heads, although the latter does more traditional news.
    As for the rest of the rhetoric from the Freepers, they don’t seem to understand this is an article about television, not talk radio, and one’s credibility in claiming that the only people who watch shows like Olbermann’s are the “hate Bush” crowd and then assume that’s a small viewing audience haven’t seemed to understand the current administration has been below 30% approval for quite sometime now. That crowd is now the majority of people in this country.
    In this business, the 12+ viewing ratings are good for bragging rights only and advertisers, who ultimately have the power, could care less about them. The 25-54 age range is where all the money and attention is, and that’s a demo Fox is having some trouble with, as they skew far older.

  468. One corrected sentence:
    …Fox taking a consistent right wing approach with O’Reilly, Hannity, and Cavuto and MSNBC with A LEFT WING Olbermann and Abrams (Chris Matthews is offensive to both sides), is living life exclusively in a talking points fantasy land.

  469. Right wing twits take note, You have less than a year to do your worst and then goodbye dummies.

  470. Sarah: how droll. Get a life.
    Bigpig: get a dictionary. You will find therein the word whinge. Educate yourself.
    Bloviating Billo is a disgusting, deceitful bully. What is it they say about birds of a feather?

  471. this entire list is just rediculous… every newscast leads with the Stuff Matt Drudge’s staff sniffs out. What he has built is amazing, and this list’s omission of his work and name just go to show where it’s bread is buttered. Thank you for showing up, liberals?

  472. Looks Like the mouth breathing freeper brigade, is out of their basements! Ha! KO Rules!

  473. seems like everyone you chose is either untalented or in deep trouble.
    especially mcmanus.

  474. Hey Fans,
    great work today taking down this site. If there are any women out there that would love to be with me tonight please call my New York office.
    Fair and Balanced with the women

  475. Who?
    Oh yeah, O’Reilly!
    Who’s that?
    Where the heck is Glenn???

  476. Wow. I will concede that Keith is typically behind Bill O’Reilly in the ratings (He only actually wins once every few weeks), but isn’t it interesting how many people absolutely hate him, while simultaneously shooting off they neither they nor anyone else watches him.
    Seriously – I watched O’Reilly a few times, he’s a bully, cut peoples mikes, and he lied about pretty simple, easily checkable stuff. But I actually watched him. Same with Limbaugh, I even tried Hannity, just to see. They’re dishonest and I don’t like them.
    But wow – All these conservatives spouting off about somebody they claim nobody would ever watch, and they absolutely *hate* him. That’s so interesting.

  477. Keith Olberman has more balls and more integrity than any 10 right-wing blowhards combined.
    He is simply too cerebral and fact-based for the simple-minded neo-con wannabees.
    Do yourselves a favor, Bush-Cheney asshats – pull your heads out of your asses and watch K.O. You will learn some history, along with other info that will allow you to contextualize the sorry situation that this once great country is now in…

  478. Can’t stop laughing,crying, laughing, howling, etc. Never heard of all these people. Can you imagine some people believe they’re intelligent enough to rile about other people then praise themselves and list their names as some(no)bodies?

  479. Keith Olbermann is excellent, part Edward R. Murrow, part (pick the funniest person you know). Bummer for you if he’s over your simple-minded head.

  480. RIP FOX NEWS:
    Another myth you right wing idiots like to keep spewing is that liberals hate guns. Just another scare tactic. “IF YOU VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT THEY WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS!!”.
    If I seem to recall the only time I’ve ever seen a government sponsored gun round up it was right after hurricane Katrina. I guess the Republicans are the ones who will actually take away your guns. I guess the that’s why the NRA no longer sides with your party?
    BTW, come try to rob me and find out how much I hate guns……..
    Uhhh, If I remember correctly, your wonderful “Mr. Mayor of Chocolatetown” Ray Nagin was in control (and I use the term loosely as he was nowhere in sight)of New Orleans when all the guns were confiscated. Oh and Gov. Kathleen Blanco was the governor. So I suppose that mean Pres. Bush had federal agents taking the guns away? I can’t imagine Nagin or Blanco letting him do that to their city or state.It was actually under the direction of Mayor Nagin and Police Superintendent Compass who had police and National Guard (under state control)

  481. Dear Moxie:
    I appreciate your willingness to pray for me in that I suppose, from your perspective, a “sick dude” needs saving. I wish you would be more precise about my sickness, but if your anxiety is enough to get you to pray for me, I guess I should be thankful.
    I wish, however, that you would save your prayers for those who inundate themselves with the noise and propaganda festooning from media outlets like Fox News and media personalities like Glenn Beck. The blindness and fear that they spread require prayers for us all. Just yesterday on my way to work I heard Glenn Beck rail against the pressure to “not be racist,” as he put it. Referring to the so-called Rev. Jeremiah White “controversy” (which is not a controversy), Beck asked his radio audience: why don’t whites (like himself, and he used Don Imus and that woman on the Golf Channel who joked that Tiger Woods should be lynched as other examples) who work so hard NOT to say something racially offensive get raked over the coals when they slip up? The obvious answer — that no one in today’s multicultural America should have to work hard to control racially-offensive speech (especially people on media outlets who reach millions of people), and that by having to work hard to control himself, he acknowledges that he is racist — never occurred to him. Instead of taking a moment to evaluate the racism of his own discourse, Beck used his own insensitivity to accuse blacks (and other minorities) of baiting whites (like himself) into hate speech.
    How ridiculous. It’s the rapist’s argument that the victim MADE him rape her (which, by the way, is an argument that Bill O’Reilly has made several times to vindicate child abductors and human traffickers, specifically).
    If he really does “tell the truth,” as you (and Melissa, and Lindsey, and a couple of others) have asserted on this message board, then the truth is that you like him because he encourages you to blame others for your fear and hatred of them. Now, I’m sure that’s not the truth about you. You’re willing to pray for me, and as I said, I appreciate the gesture.
    But I know that’s the truth about Glenn Beck, and he does it day in and day out on two different media outlets (radio, television) every day. His frequent excuse that because he’s on air so much that he just can’t control everything he says is a non sequitur (he gets paid millions of dollars and should demonstrate greater restraint). He is, in a word, unbelievable, unless you’re stupid, bored, and complacent enough to think even less about what he says than he evidently does.
    So, really Moxie, pray for the millions who find in Glenn Beck, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and MIchael Savage, the most simplistic, reductive, and unreasonable of answers to some really tough questions. If your prayers for them go unanswered and they continue to cow media outlets and politicians hostage to their xenophobia and unconsciousness, then we’re really screwed, in which case please pray for me again.

  482. This list seems intuitively accurate, despite the trolls in here complaining otherwise. I posit that at least 80% of Mr. O’Reilly’s viewers are watching his show for the same reason one watches pro-wrestling: no content, plenty of shock value and an appeal to troglodytes who can’t tell if it’s real or not.

  483. Obviously the big story here is Keith Olbermann besting Bill O’Reilly on this list of TV News’ Most Powerful. You can tell this story has been all over the blogs by the quality of the comments here. This is certainly a big blow to O’Reilly’s ego, and his right-wing fanbase will undoubtedly try to save face by resorting to the usual insults and name calling as evidenced on this message board.
    Keith Olbermann has a good show, though it has definitely tilted toward anti-Bush and anti-Republican, and is a lot more opinion mixed with journalism. However, I believe that this is mostly because of the absurd level of corruption, incompetence, and arrogance that we informed and educated people have been forced to witness for the last 7 plus years.
    Olbermann does a good job of taking this Government and the right-wing to task on their bullshit, and we wish that there were more out there with the balls to do the same.

  484. So many posts here, it’s truly mind-boggling. A ton of good points, but let me try to settle a few things.
    The list IS about TV News, so Drudge, Limbaugh and any other radio show (including Michael Savage)is irrelevant to it, unfortunately. But I will point out that NPR (and PBS), as well as Air America, are opinion/propaganda outlets “posing” as news…and Air America is financially bankrupt due to lack of support.
    What is also unfortunate is the fact that Glenn Beck’s TV show isn’t done as a news show. Glenn says it himself at least weekly. It’s HIS OPINION, so it’s irrelevant as far as this list is concerned. So is Bill O’Relly. Whether he says it or not, his show is one of opinion, same as Hannity & Colmes and so many others.
    I forget who posted it, but someone said that NEWS is the reporting of the facts pertaining to a given event. I’m paraphrasing, but the person was spot on in their definition. That’s what reporters are supposed to do: REPORT.
    But, these days especially, we’re dealing with a growning number of journalists, and these people feel that it is their job to sway public opinion, which is one reason Beck and Limbaugh REFUSE to be labelled as such. Because, in today’s media, by and large, journalists are actually…propagandists. This is especially true with those “journalists” (whether they be on TV, radio or the internet), who’s own personal beliefs at least “lean” to the left. Olberman is most definitely in this group, along with Couric, Rather & Mathews, et al. They are also, by definition, Socialists.
    That being said, I’ve no love for George Bush or anyone in the current administration. The Clintons cannot be trusted, and neither McCain nor Obama are fit to sit in the oval office — not even for a snapshot to frame and hang, and wonder “what might have been”. They are all, to their cores, power-hungry, tyrannical elitists seeking more government and, therefore, more control over ALL OF US. Look up their practices, their policies and their voting records folks. They speak for themselves.
    Many of you already know the historical record clearly illustrates that Socialism is the next step from Democracy, to Communism. What many people don’t know, is that a Democracy is the next step from a Republic, to Socialism. Where are we? And why are we in this handbasket?
    Who gives a rats ass about some dingbat’s idea of who’s powerful in the media? We have an internet. We can look up ANYTHING we want, ANYTIME we want, and make our own decisions. We don’t need them. Never really did, did we?
    The important thing that we, as AMERICANS absolutely MUST DO, is stop bickering over “party lines”, and actually LEARN what these people are doing, have done, and are planning to do to OUR country. I’ve done it, and I’m telling you, folks, the future ain’t freakin’ pretty. Do you honestly believe gas will ever be $1.25 again? Hell no. Do you really think the current, or next, administration is going to do ANYTHING to seal our borders? Hell no. Do you really think any one party REALLY cares about ANY of your RIGHTS?
    They care about POWER. Plain and simple, folks. And they do not care one tiny little bit about ANY OF US. We are the livestock upon which they feed.
    We feed them every April 15th. We feed them with every single purchase –especially in late December.
    And they routinely ply us with promises that, deep inside us, we KNOW they never planned to keep. The “two party system” is AN ILLUSION. They are ONE PARTY, pretending to fight, bicker and hate each other. Two sides of the same Sociofacist coin. And we, obligingly, unthinkingly, blindly, buy it all, hook, line and sinker. Just look at the previous posts, and those which are sure to follow. Left vs Right, Right vs Left. We are DIVIDED.
    How much longer until we’re CONQUERED?
    I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican. I’m not black, white, yellow or brown.
    I am an AMERICAN. What are you?
    Thanks for your time.

  485. O’reilly bores me stiff and while it’s obvious that he’s is a shill for the right, at least he has people on with opposing viewpoints as well as showing the other side of the argument.
    Olbermann on the other hand is as gutless as they come. Can’t say I’ve ever heard an opposing viewpoint on his show, though I do do enjoy watching his pet yesman Dana Milbank(I nickname him Blinky)blink like 310 times a minute(guilty conscience?) when he’s talking in step with his master. This isn’t to mention the lowdown tabloid distortion of fact. Anyone remember the ghoulish segment accusing the Whitehouse of assassinating Pat Tilman? What a gutter lurking Scumbag..
    The hack that wrote this article should go back to teaching pottery classes or whatever she did before writing.

  486. I am happy to say I had never heard of or been exposed to most of those on the list. Bill O’Reilly should be number one for most viewers, yrs. of doing the show and money for the network. Then you Glenn. I watch you too. You are much more committed to the Conservatives. My problem with Bill is I have trouble equating the “Culture Warrior” as being an Independent. Go figure. Doesn’t add up for me. You have to guts to come out and pick your side. I respect you for that. The rest of those clowns on the list are there because a group of Liberals are stacking the deck for them. L.

  487. I would be ashamed for anyone to see this list. And Keith overbite that is too insulting. So let’s pretend it doesn’t exist and save face.Got to go
    Glenn Beck is on

  488. I could not believe what I saw in your list of top 10 powerful news shows with Keith Olberman as no. 6. He is so obviously jealous of Bill O’Reily and quite paranoid!
    P.S. I find it hard to believe Keith has 1 million viewers every night.

  489. So in laughably annointing low rated hosts/propagandists and their incompetent bosses the “most powerful”,this means TVWEEK has gone the route of one of the newsapers depicted in the movie Citizen Kane? This is an age of all time lows for journalism… Adios TVWEEK it’s nice to leave you.

  490. What about disney? They do news too, as least as we’ve defined it here. I expect “news” to be unbiased. I know, call me naive. What about Britt Hume? No bias, no emotional play, a good mix of conservatives and liberals respectfully discussing real events minus childish comments.

  491. Hey Greppi… You say,
    “To extensive research, add backstage drama and gossip that had us tinkering and rethinking until past deadline last week”
    When was it last week?
    Because, I thought I smelled smoke.

  492. Finally, I see lots of enlightened individuals counter the totally absurd comments on this thread. Right-wing paid trolls posting dribble about the delusional Beck, Rush, Hannity, Hume and the rest of the poison laden creeps. sane minds will prevail!

  493. This is the most biased list I have seen in a while. This is also the first time I have been to this site, as well as the majority of people that have posted. The “Spin” that every news show puts on air is killing this country. We need a strict constitutional party to run this country like it was designed to. Stop all the hand outs. Don’t give handicap parking to fat people or people who are lazy. Support the troops and everyone else who protects us. The country is going to crumble if we do not trim the fat. Socialism or Dictatorship is where we are headed.

  494. This list did clear one thing up for me. For the longest time I thought “Countdown” and Lil’Bush were the same shows. they Are Both produced by no-talent liberals, Have the same agenda, are both painfully boring, and both have no journalistic properties at all. With that i say good-day.

  495. Well, after reveiwing the comments above, I can say with confidence that the conservatives are the loudest… . They win… .

  496. Kieth Olbermann???? “acquired taste”… LOL!What a MediaMatters/MoveOn Shill. He is their useful idiot… and a HATEFUL one at that. Olbermann has no morals, no ethics and certainly no shame. He may enjoy being the big fish in the small MSNBC pond… but that dosn’t make you powerful. some out there have HUGE Radio and TV audiences but were ignored for this list… I guess I just come from a different time when you were expected to report THE TRUTH. Silly me.

  497. I rarely watch any of those on this list but O’Reilly. But I enjoy Glenn Beck more than any of those reporting the news. He is completely honest in all that he says and you don’t have to wonder if what he is saying is truth or not. Who in the heck is this guy Keith Olbermann??? Never even heard of him before this. Guess I don’t surf the net enough or TV channels either. I do tend to wonder about anyone who is so completely biased toward any other group of people or political party. Wish everyone would just grow up and quit throwing “garbage at each other”. This is our country and we are tearing it down with every negative comment whether it is democrate or republican.

  498. Who choses these people? Fact is WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Don’t watch any of them wheres Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs while I might now always agree with everything they say they are the only ones I found that think like I do with common sense and when we don’t agree I can see they at least have thought about it. Guess the poor saps that make these lists still think Americans are dumb enough to start watching these shows because they are ranked by idiots.

  499. Keith Olbermann is one of the reasons I watch tv
    at all. It is a shame that most tv personalities
    are either afraid to tell it like it is or they themselves do not read or do research into the stories they read.
    How Wolfe, Larry King, savage, o’reilly, Hume,
    stay on the air is beyond me.
    Sean and O’reilly
    belong to that special group of women molesters,
    that pay millions to keep women from revealing
    the assaults? and is it true that they receive
    $$$$$$ from the Republican Party to tow the line?

  500. Olbermann should be closer to the top of the list.Everybody knows that anyone who watches Fox is just a brain dead moron without the ability to think for themselves.Guess that’ll piss off a bunch of people who posted here,huh?

  501. Olbermann should be closer to the top of the list.Everybody knows that anyone who watches Fox is just a brain dead moron without the ability to think for themselves.Guess that’ll piss off a bunch of people who posted here,huh?

  502. Glenn Beck is the one I watch. If you want the truth. If you want the right or wrong of an issue, Glenn is the MAN. He is the “Prophet of Issues”. He is usually taking about what might become an issue 6 months to a year before they happen. He just tells it like it is.

  503. This list is a joke. I’ve only heard of 2 of them and Keith Oberman doesnt count. oh wait, he’s the biggest joke on the list of mostly no one has heard of. If people like Rush, Hannity, Glenn Beck had made the list, then maybe you could’ve been taken a little more seriously. heck why am I wasting my time here.

  504. I once lived with two libs. Both of them in their 30’s. I was in my early 20’s. One worked at a flower shop 6 months out of the year and milked unemployment for the other 6 months. Oh, he also sold weed year round. The other worked as a cook 7 months of the year and milked unemployment the other 5 months. Both smoked weed every day, all day, all year round. They would sit all day in front of TV smoking weed and watching CNN and bitching about how the government owes them.
    So, I’ll take a page from Obamas handbook. It’s not that they are bad people, “They were typical” liberals and had loser “bred into them”.

  505. Both Olbermann and O’Reilly aren’t fit for this list, or any list.
    Olbermann doesn’t have the ratings, and keeps recycling the same old arguments again and again and again. He needs to get off this thing with O’Reilly and actually report the news.
    O’Reilly is such a blowhard prig and not very good at disgusing his -right-wing bias. Looking out for the little guy? That makes me laugh.
    I feel sorry for the sad bastards that actually sit in front of their radios and televisions like their lives depended on it, listening to the tripe of Rush, Sean, O’Reilly, Air America, Savage, etc.
    But it’s America, and if we’re going to form our opinions or find someone to agree with on issues that affect us, lets do it while sitting on our fat, complacent asses.
    F-ing disgusting.

  506. Since when are sneers, nasty comments about others and sarcastic remarks considered news?
    That’s what most of these top ranked prejudiced lamebrains do, including Olbermann.
    Pitiful !

  507. Thanks for putting Olbermann over O’Lielly. Bill-O is an idiot! All the people on here who say the opposite are weak-minded. They are totally brainwashed. It amazes me how these neo-cons love him so much. He talks about patriotism when his check is signed by an Australian! Thanks Keith! I appreciate his ability to make fun of himself. He also does not have those stupid roundtables, where the viewer cannot hear what anyone is saying, because they all are yelling over each other. Keith also does not have the crawl under the screen. Also he does not tell his guests to “shut-up”. Note the word “guests”. He has a maturity that is seriously needed in the media today. If he does not have the talent to wipe Bill-O’s shoes, then why does Bill-O NOT allow anyone to mention Olbermann’s name on his programs? Is he scared? I think all the people who wrote negative comments about Olbermann need to get back to work at the White House. Cheney’s coming! Look busy! Give more no-bid contracts to Halliburton, quick! That will make Dick-tator Cheney happy! (I wonder when a bunch of men in a black van are going to abduct me now!)

  508. What “Rip Van Winkle” did you consult to dream up this farce????

  509. It’s amazing how angry the right-wingers are that Olbermann made the list. They’re just bitter because we’re living in a Reaganomics utopia right now and everyone hates it. Huge deficit, looming peak oil, potential climate-related disasters, jobs shipped overseas, housing bubble burst, two endless wars (and a possible third on the way.)
    They’ve helped destroy the economy of Mexico with NAFTA, and are looking to do the same with Central America and Colombia, creating more reasons for people to immigrate unlawfully to the U.S. And I haven’t even mentioned the almost weekly Republican gay sex scandals. This is what Republicans have been dreaming of for years. I congratulate them on their success.

  510. Are you kidding me? msnbc keith olbersnot?? The only good thing that msnbc had on was Don Imus..nbc msnbc Are sponsered by GE who helps out with Wabba Dabba Doo of Iran who send thier turd face so call army who kill are men and women in Iraq…So Msnbc And Ge can kiss my ass. Glen Beck Bill O’Reilly and Fox News are the only news that I watch. P.S. Sell your GE Stocks.

  511. Just got back on to read the latest comments. We should all go back and read what John Stillwater, and Murraythelovegod wrote. Read this over and over. Stillwater’s comments are right on point. Take heed all of you!

  512. Emma Goldman: Your genius is showing! Just one suggestion, you might want to wipe it a little better after using the toilet. It’s really not pleasant to look at, you know?

  513. According to this drivel, O’reilly a bully and Olbermann somehow virtuous? Have you ever channel surfed the two of them at the same time? The sportscaster has is the most juvenile “news” show on television and you think O’reilly is a bully. The sportscaster’s whole show is based on trashing another network, Fox. How long do you think that will last? Keep humoring yourself you dopey liberals. The more you believe your own BS the more you will lose.

  514. Keith Olbermann? Never heard of him.

  515. O’Reilly is super! And it’s not just me and my friends who think so. My grandchildren also told me that they enjoy his show, but they’re too busy to watch it after work.
    Anyway, he didn’t go crazy in that interview with Terry Gross, he just doesn’t like all those pinheads who judge him personally and not only his books and his show. That’s why he gets real sore and calls them pinheads and stuff like that.

  516. Interesting, this thread has lots of right-wing trolls with womens names. 1)Knuckle dragging wingers posting as women. OR 2) The “Neanderthal Breeding” winger-women are flocking to post comments in defense of Bill’O, their falafel/Loofa king.

  517. Olberman is a joke. He is an angry man and drives viewers away with his blather. I think Olberman and Bill Maher get their talking points from the same place: Daily Kos. You don’t get to be a powerful TV personality when your network and show is in the TV ratings tank. This article was bogus to no end!

  518. It looks like you guys is the Baby Bommer Generation that gave us Free Love, Consveritism, Liberalism and the like. I (being 22) don’t thank you for that! Now we got the receving end of the Faithless and Pervered Generation.
    we got Men who are self-Righteousness,Haughty,biggots, Proud, Boasters, all which this list rewards and more. You want to know how I know? These Comments listed here is (SICKING TO SAY THE LEAST!!) you guys are trying to proved a Point and yet your giving a point provin,that this nation is not getting the informaton it needs.
    and By the way Drudge have inserts on his web site from other websites thats probely way he’s not on the list Dan and pbs

  519. NBC???? Are you serious??? How much did G.E. have to pay to get all their people on the list. What a joke? First, they try to pull the wool over our eyes with all this Global Warming crap and now they try to make us think that NBC is a legitimate, fair-reporting news organization. Gimme a break!

  520. Who did the poll to come up with this list. Every Liberal poll i have ever taken are set so only the answers they want win. No place for “None of the above” or “Who do you think”. Most polls would have different ending’s if done correct without an agenda. Listening to Music does not make one smart about who to vote for or how the world really turns. Bill O was the only name I ocasionally watch. I work 16 hours a day 6 days a week and I’m 70. What everyone should be asking is how did these 3 Bozo’s become Americans only choice for President. America is 3.6% of the Worlds population and we produce 23 to 24% of the worlds goods and we have NO Qualified Business man running for President. WHY??? Also Earth’s Climate is controlled 70,000 to 1 by the Sun verses the Humans. Doubling the humans makes it 70,000 to 2. The 3.6% doing 23 to 24% tells me the rest of the planet is enslaved or backwards. Global Warming is a Tax on American Production.

  521. Is this all Olbermann talk or what?
    Alright Glenn Beck viewers, we get it, you got the link to this list in your stupid newsletter from him. You don’t like Olbermann because Glenn Beck doesn’t like Olbermann. Its quite funny to see all the right-wingers flip out about Olbermann making the list above Bill O’Lielly.

  522. My, it is so funny that the liberals can’t seem to handle a little of their own medicine being thrown back at them in regards to people speaking their minds about this idiotic list. It comes as no surprise to me that liberals can’t handle anything that resembles the truth, since they are spoon fed steady diets of liberal pablum from all the media outlets from TV, to print to college professors. Fact #1: Bush did NOT lie us into a war, he used the SAME intelligence that Clinton cited, (remember his bombing of that factory for the same reasons?) Al Gore cited, Hillary cited, the British cited, the U.N. acknowledged, heck, even SADDAM believed he had chemical weapons etc., etc. The INTELLIGENCE was what was wrong, blame CLINTON for letting our CIA and FBI get so out of touch, it happened under HIS watch!! Fact #2, not one of you morons who call FOX news by another name, has even bothered to watch it!! Instead, you are the morons who drink the Koolaid ladled out to you by DailyKoz, and Media Matters, and the rest of the out of touch left loons, and do not even know that FOX has people representing all of the political spectrum on. The have CODE PINK founder Medea on, Al Sharpton, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Obama’s racist pastor Jeremiah Wright, Obama himself, Nancy Skinner, I could keep going, but you are too feeble brained to see the truth. The FACTS are that they have a balanced debate for every subject they discuss! They always have someone on to represent each side of the issue, and many times have the liberals like Medea on with no one to debate her! They have the far left loons that are for open borders on, like that Juan Hernandez and the founder for Border Angels. The ones who refuse to go on do not have the guts to face anyone who will not hold their hand and tell them how smart and right they are on everything they say, and do not have the strength of a belief in what they say to be true to debate it on the most widely watched shows on cable television. They will only go on shows that let them just ramble on and spew anything they feel like saying, no matter what harm it will do to our country!! Howard Dean has been on FOX, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinech, the list is endless and FOX lets them speak so viewers can actually decided for THEMSELVES who they agree with!! What a novel idea!! Since it is obvious the liberals who run all the other networks are afraid that once people hear from the loony libeals exactly what they would do to our country, they would vote for a more middle of the road, even right leaning candidate instead of a far left loon!! Fact #3, the polls show that the majority of the people want us to SUCCEED in Iraq, not turn tail and run out of there! We all want the war to be over, we do not want to see our soldiers die, but we do not want to leave a job unfinished, and the surge hs been working, that is why the liberal press will not talk about it any more!! FOX has soldiers on all the time who say they would go back if they could, and my neighbor’s son who is in the Army, (and was on leave from Iraq, and just went back), says that the liberal news is lying about what is happening in Iraq, and guess what, he is FROM A LIBERAL family, who now is thinking ALOT differently now!! FACT #4: The vast majority of Americans are NOT liberals, like you loons want to think, the fact is that the majority of people are moderate with a slight right left bend. There are more conservatives than there are liberals, that is why the elections have been so close the last several years. If it were not for the left wing media sending out so many hostile stories about the right, the right would win elections by a bigger margin than they do, it is a near tie because the bias of the media swings some less intellgent and uniformed voters. Think about it clearly for a minute, if the media was TRULY impartial, and JUST told the FACTS like they were supposed to, do you honestly beleive that the country would swing left??? No, it would not!! Look at all the impartial research done by colleges and centers for research that show that over 90% of the newscasters, reporters, journalists ARE LIBERALS!! When asked, that is how THEY label themselves!! You think that does NOT affect their reporting?? And you liberal loons think that WE are clueless??!! You are the liberal lemmings!! I dare you to think for yourselves, and look at BOTH sides of an issue!!! I challenge you to listen to a voice other than the kooks at Media Matters, Rosie O’Donnell, DailyKoz, Huffington Post, etc., etc. etc.. I bet you would go through withdrawals, you are being brainwashed by the kooky left and you are too wrapped up in the haze to see it!!

  523. olberman would have no show if he didn’t have o’reilly to bash. his whole ‘act’ is nothing but character assasination, and he is unconcerned with providing truth and/or facts. i watch him for approximately 10 minutes a week just to keep the dangers of the far left media in perspective.

  524. Keith Olbermann—1,000,000 viewers? I’m one of them periodically—just to hear his diatribe against President Bush, Bill O’Reilly, Rush, or any other ” worst person in the world ”
    Olbermann is pathetic, period !

  525. Idiots. Just shows how clueless our “unbiased” media representatives are.
    Where’s Larry King on the list? (that was sarcasm for those who didn’t recognize it)

  526. I have read the comments section for some time, some hold my attention, others tend to try and over-ride Olbermann’s hatred of anything or anyone Republican/Rt.Wing.
    None of Olbermann’s vocal tirades come from his own brain, he is reading from script presented by G.E.,& NBC, who controls MSNBC, CNBC, the only part of the programme that Olbermann controls are those faggish sounding voices he tends to find so much pleasure in vocalizing.

  527. O’Rielly is more honest than KO … God people are retarded here!! Typical right-wingers here…can’t stand to see someone’s success ha?
    O’Rielly more honest than KO… are you freaking kidding me? He is wipping Bush’s ass every day… more than 4000 americans have died in Iraq and more being injuired…what for? O’Rielly thinks it’s a good war and america is better off! Are you out of your freaking mind you faux noise watchers?? If you only read “outside” news maybe you will actually learn something. Learn of all the lies you have been told. I guess your brain is actually too small to comprehend anything anyways…
    You people make me sick!
    KO deserves to be #1. Get that?? go suck O’Rielly’s ass you dick head.

  528. after reading some of the post from haters here…now I see how Bush is still getting that 29% approval ratings… God all those Bush’s people must be on this board… You never learn do you?
    Oh who am I kidding? Retards just like your man, Bush and O’Rielly!!!

  529. after reading some of the post from haters here…now I see how Bush is still getting that 29% approval ratings… God all those Bush’s people must be on this board… You never learn do you?
    Oh who am I kidding? Retards just like your man, Bush and O’Rielly!!!

  530. Ok guys, lets be fair 1) Both Glenn and Olbermann inject their opinions. I have seen both and neither can claim that their program has no bias. 2) Both Glenn fans and Olbermann fans were linked to this site to fight to talk about how one is great or how the other is so horrific, 3) Rating-wise O’Reilly should be ahead of Olbermann considering his ratings are twice that of Olbermann. Glenn has decent ratings and is has the fastest growing audience (according to statistics), but he is still not up there yet and should not be on the top ten for TV (but he would be there for radio). 4) Ad hominim attacks do nothing but show your bias and/or ignorance. Also it doesn’t matter what Bush’s ratings are now. Truman’s were around 23% at one point be know him as being a great president. Only history fairly judges who is to blame for what.

  531. I cannot believe you left out pre-op trans-sexual Rachel Maddow – soon to become the son that Keith never had. She is currently in her K.D. Lang phase and will transition into Mario Lemieux after going under the knife. I ask again, folks, how many times do you think Olbermann had the stuffings kicked out of him in high school? He has the highest ratings at MSNBC? – kind of like being an admiral in the Swiss navy.

  532. NBC has fallen to the bottom of the barrel. Keith Oberlmanm is complete indication of NBC futility.
    “Crazy” is the word for Olbermann. Nothing more need to be said.

  533. I do not believe this

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