
McCain Cancels ‘Letterman’ Appearance

Sep 24, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who said he is suspending his presidential campaign to focus on the economic crisis, canceled his appearance on tonight’s “Late Show With David Letterman.”
A spokesperson for “Late Show” said Keith Olbermann, the liberal host of “Countdown” on MSNBC, will fill the hole in the CBS show’s lineup left by the McCain cancellation.


  1. Oh please, McCain is running scared! He needs all the prep he can squeeze out before Fri. debate.

  2. You’re an idiot, Owens. I’m sure you’ve squeezed out a lot more than prep in your time.

  3. Owens…I “BELIEVE” you meant to insert Obama’s name.

  4. McLame is running scared and the great Olbermann is here to save us all the anguish of all that POW, Drill,drill,drill garbage.
    Obama/Biden 2008
    Is there ant other choice.

  5. Wow…Olbermann is McCain’s replacement on Dufus Letterman? I am sure I will miss that festering sore accompanied with claptrap.
    I know what Obama’s replacement would be…a windup cymbal smacking toy…
    I hardly doubt McCain needs any prep. He can go without the teleprompter and perhaps is better. He doesn’t need to finish his waffles. The guy spent 5 years eating air pudding. Obama would have an anyerism if he did not get his daily allotment of arugala.

  6. Just gives Obama more time to practice using the prompter!
    What? They don’t get to use the prompter?
    Has anyone told Obama?

  7. Oh yeah, that’s a balanced trade off; Olberdouche for McCain. And to think, years ago I actually liked Letterman.

  8. Our economy is in the tank and Obama says “I’m going to DisneyLand”. He is pathetic. Letterman is a loser — he is so scared to say anything that ridicules Obama – he skewered Hillary, McCain, and Palin, but he is a little butt boy for Obama. Letterman is an old pathetic loser.

  9. I think Letterman is on the down low with Obama. That gap toothed freak is Obama’s momma.

  10. Keefums will be out of his depth, even on Letterman.

  11. LOL Owens, McCain running scared? That’s hilarious, coming from a supporter of a candidate who runs from every Town Hall debate asked of him! HA! To think, Letterman didn’t know that and now puts Olberman in tank position!! Drip, drip!!

  12. OH YEA!! Countdown to no ratings on the Dave letterman show. If only Tony Randall were still alive.

  13. Olbermann? Thank heavens for fast forward on Tivo.

  14. yup- McCain cancels, tells Dave Letterman he has to be in D.C.
    Turns out he was down the street with Katie Couric
    giving her a soft lob interview.
    Dave interupts the interview (during his show)and asks if he can give the old man a ride home. Ha Ha
    Can’t wait to see The Letterman show tonight.

  15. Keith Olbermann? Oh brother. What sane person wants to listen to that terrorist sympathizing pinko?

  16. McCain has put his money where his mouth is. He is less concerned with his own campaign than in helping solve this economic crisis and aiding the American taxpayer. Obama is obviously stuck on selfish and is only concerned with winning. Btw Letterman’s comments (as seen on Drudge) was beyond outrageous…as was his inviting radical leftist Olberman onto his show!

  17. McCain should have cancelled appearing on this douche’s show anyway. Letterman has degenerated into an abrasive liberal shill in recent years and there is no reason for McCain to subject himself to Letterman’s condescending tone. The fact that Olbermann is the replacement is classic. Dave bringing on one of the few leftist narcissists more hysterical than himself i’m sure will lead to a Palin bashing circle jerk that at some point will transition into an anti-American kum-bah-yah session.

  18. Cher was right.
    Letterman is an a-hole. That’s all he’s ever been.

  19. The first time he has to come from behind Sarah Palin’s skirt and McCain’s too scared to debate? Can you say publicity stunt? Exactly what can McCain do about the current situation? They don’t even want him back in Washington! I can’t believe Republicans are falling for this! So when something big happens if he is elected, is he going to stop being President until it’s over? Who are the people still voting for this Dufus!


  21. Mc Grampy just learned that the economy was bad. Last week he said otherwise. McCain and the republicans are desperate. Press on Barack. Obama 2008, Obama 2008, Obama 2008! He is an idiot! Sad.

  22. This is why Dave isn’t funny anymore.

  23. Letterman stopped being funny years ago.

  24. Cracking up at all of the Republicans getting ticked off at Letterman. Your guy is the one who canceled, what are you mad at Letterman for? McCain can rob a bank (wait, with Keating 5 he already has) to pay for the rest of his sinking campaign and the seals would simply applaud and say “great move”! Right on queue. Then they would blame Obama for not thinking of such a brilliant strategy first. Desperation… so sad. Go Obama!

  25. McCain is such a liar. He didn’t cancel on Letterman to race to DC and work on the bailout. He canceled so that he can run down the street for Katie Couric: http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3cbm.htm

  26. Ha! I notice the posts about “McCain practicing for the debate.” Since then it’s become apparent that the big brave hero is a chicken, scared to face his opponent. He’s trying to weasel out of the debates, using the economic disaster (which he has helped to cause, beginning with his bending over for Charles Keating). He hasn’t set foot in the Senate since April, he hasn’t consulted with anyone in Congress about the present crisis, and he’s been silent, while Obama’s been urging action for at least a year. McCain has proven himself to be as George F Will described him: unfit to be President.

  27. “John McCain has skipped more votes during this session than any member of the Senate except for Tim Johnson, who had major brain surgery. He hasn’t cast a single vote in five months, since April 9. All of a sudden, McCain is demanding that the presidential race shut down so he can return to Washington?”
    McCain had time for Couric because he knew Letterman might not lob him softballs. His “suspension of the campaign” stunt and attempt to delay the debate (and by the way, cancel Palin’s debate altogether) reek of desperation. Let’s hope Letterman, Colbert, Stewart et al give him the mockery he richly deserves.

  28. I wanted to thank you f*ing republicans for George W. Bush. For the war in Iraq. For the acceleration of global warming. For the collapse of the housing market and subsequent collapse of Wall Street. For your stupidity, short-sightedness, and greed. For your blind jingoism (look it up here, morons: http://www.dictionary.com). For the end of the world as we know it. Thank you, dillweeds. Thank you.

  29. Bush must rescue BinMcCain he is hiding. Give me a Break!

  30. McCain made a big mistake by dissing Letterman. He was caught being a liar on another show. By dissing Letterman, he dissed all the late night talk show hosts. McCain has made possible enemies of people who talk to regular American people. Again, McCain has made another major political error for the Republicians. Right now, President Bush is saying, ‘even I am not THAT stupid! This is why I beat McCain for the 2000 Republician nomination.’

  31. The economy is obviously more important than either show, but is cancelling with Dave and going with Couric the way to solve the economy’s problems? Are we going to put democracy on pause? I believe there’s more democracy in Dave and in the debates than there is with Couric. Forget how intelligent the fanbase is. As far as this specific show is concerned Letterman wins in my opinion. Mccain is just beating around the BUSH.

  32. Please. For anyone who believes McFrail’s cancellation is helping in anyway is a flat out idiot. He ducked because he needed a diversion. He’s having a disasterous week in the news and polls. Rick Davis his campaign mgr is about to be exposed for receiving $15k a mo from Fannie Mae, and Palin….well is looking like we all expected. “Out of her league”.
    Exactly what will McFrail do in Washington that he needed to cancel?
    (1) Show up and cast a vote. Big deal
    (2) He isn’t writing any new legislation or briefs.
    (3) Isn’t part of any committee or sub-committee for the bailout.
    (4) Show up for a photo op, raise his arms halfway in the air while the Dems already had a solution before he even arrived.
    Face repugs. By this move, he clearly handed the keys over to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to the Obama & Biden family. Didn’t know it’d be so early and easy.

  33. Another example of how celebs always think everything is about THEM and they are more important than anything else! Letterman is an ass as always and ceased to be funny years ago….he’s a tool!

  34. P.S. Another reason Letterman doesn’t think this economic crisis is important enough to cancel his Great Big Important Show is because he’s not worried about HIS finances like the rest of us. He’ll bail on this country in a minute and could give a damn what happens to the rest of us. McCain has proven time and time he will not bail when things get tough. Letterman is a whining light weight who thinks everything is about him and what he thinks is important. Earth to Letterman, you’re not that important!

  35. McCain wasn’t too busy to go on CBS News with Katie Couric last night. He wants to push tomorrow night’s debate to next week and cancel the VP debate entirely because he knows if the public finds out just how ill prepared and downright weird Sarah Palin is he’ll lose by 20%.
    What does he want to rush back to DC for? To save the economy? Who is he kidding? That’s a topic he’s admitted and has amply shown he knows little about. His economic policy is the same kind of radical deregulatory nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place. The bailout deal is 98% done anyway and if Bush didn’t invite him to the White House he’d be cooling his heels at one of his many houses with nothing to do. You can be sure there won’t be any hugs for the cameras with Dubya this time.
    Mavericky McCain isn’t going to sway any votes in the House or Senate. He’s built that image of his by telling off both Republican and Democratic politicians, vowing to make them famous for daring to bring the same kind of federal spending back to their states that has made crooks like Stevens, Young and yes, Sarah Palin so popular in Alaska. On top of that he’s shown up less in the senate over the last two years than anyone but Tim Johnson, the guy who had the stroke.
    This stunt has more to do with his 180 degree flip flop from being “the great deregulator” to acting like he’s Huey Long over the last week. It seems to be a pattern: make a giant grandstanding gesture hoping voters will ignore the scandals swirling around his advisers and running mate, his disgusting dishonest smears and his devastating gaffes. Hurricane Ike is coming? Cancel the first day of the convention! Conveniently that was the day Bush and Cheney were supposed to speak. Russia attacks Georgia? We’re all Georgians now! Palin even suggested it may be necessary to start a shooting war with Russia over it. Wall St. is imploding and his “fundamentally strong economy” is ready to collapse? The New York Times isn’t fair!
    If McCain wants to be president in 4 months he’d better start making his case to the American people instead of flailing around with one excuse after another for not answering questions or allowing his running mate to answer them either. The debate tomorrow night should go on. If McCain isn’t up to it he can send Palin.

  36. McCain deserves the cracks, all the sudden he feels like he should do something? Like the economy hasn’t been bad for awhile. I love how Republicans band together against anyone with a different opinion, whether it is in fun or not. What if McCain wins the election? We can look forward to more of the “To little to late” he’s already showed before, along with the last few decades of Republican leaders we elected and then realized the mistake we made. Letterman’s right, we need leadership not scatterbrains. Elect Obama.

  37. Does Letterman really think that his show is that important? I think all the candidates have better things to do than be on these silly shows. I know that there are far too many people who get all their current events from the late night comedians, but seriously, we are in an economic crisis, folks! If you think that appearing on the Letterman show is more important than being in Washington right now, you are really shallow.

  38. Needless to say, I haven’t watched Letterman for years, he’s just not that funny, but he is not nearly as bad as the despicably conceited Bill Maher.

  39. This is hilarious!
    Senator McCainne seems to be too patriatic.
    Wow !He has to be physically in Washinton D.C to deal with the financial crisis in this era of communication – Satellite, Cell Phone, Digital TV, Tele-Conferencing.
    He also delayed one day of Republican Convention to take care of hurrican victims, which passed through few 100 miles away.
    I did not know this Senator McCainne. He is running wild. May be he is tired – needed break to be in his own bed in Washington D.C.?
    Hope, he is alright. Okay to get few days rest. This is high time, Gov. Palin share some of the real burden of Campaign like answering tough questions on economic issues – discussing pros and cons of bailout, as opposed to delivering written down ‘Punch-lines’ and doing PhotoOps without answering any press question.
    Hope, McCainne shows up for debate. Missing on action on that important date is not the real man’s option, forget about Presodent of USA.

  40. Whether all the commentaing Americans on here know it or not Letterman and Olberman are doing what is called practicing free speech. If you think they should be quieted for their rude, liberal outrageous remarks then you live in the wrong country. That is allowed here, and not only allowed but enjoyed by many. Free expression is a good thing not bad. If John McCain didnt want to do the show last night thats his choice. But, when running for public office one should try and be forth coming. He should have told Letterman he didnt want to be in that venue during this crisis rather thna lie about rushing back to Washington. I feel it is a sign of weakness, he should be able to handle his campaign AND the financial crisis, everything being griped about in these comments that Letterman said happens to be the truth. In no way should the debates be cancelled, the Letterman show; sure he can cancel that. As far as it being a comic venue, did anyone see Letterman after 911? He showed that he really does have compassion and a serious side. McCain knows Dave well, he could have taken the show on a serious tone and used it to his advantage if he desired.
    Debates have continued as planned during several elections in the past in the face of assorted crises, no one has ever cancelled. So is this McCains Maverick style hes speaking of? Being off the wall, crazy and unpredictable? Yikes. Face it world, hes a nice old war hero who really needs to stop the insanity. And Palin’s Couric interview is icing on the incompetent cake.
    I will keep watching Letterman no matter what the conservatives censor wanna be’s think. It is refreshing to hear the truth in raw comedic form after a day of lies and nicities on some networks.

  41. I had heard that Obama cancelled his appearance on SNL during Hurricane Ike because he did not think it would be appropriate to be on that type of show during a time of crisis. I don’t know why McCain cancelling his appearance on Letterman during another crisis is viewed any differently. Why are there double standards?

  42. What Letterman did was beyond repulsive…to insult a man’s war record to get laughs. We all know who he’s voting for. I just hope he does his patriotic duty and pays more taxes like that idiot
    Biden said the other day. Hey Dave, go back to your compound
    and thank men like John McCain who have given you the freedom
    to open your big mouth and then demean them!

  43. Its not so much he cancelled as he lied as to why. He’s not the hub of changing the financial crisis. A week ago he saw nothing that terribly wrong with the economy. How we he be such a great help in rushing back? All the people running are senators except Palin. The point is he did not rush back. He didnt want to do Letterman and thats his choice. He wasnt forth coming as to why. As to all whom are afraid of what David Letterman would say to John McCain, McCain goes on Letterman frequently, hes quite aware of how Dave operates. Did Palin get those reforms of McCains back to Couric yet? The ones she cant think of from the man shes backing for President?

  44. As to this economic debacle, let’s just say that everyone was responsible…Congress, the White House, Barney Frank, Chris Cox and Greenspan all sat on their collective asses as the housing market started to implode. But there is a deeper issue here and one I’m surprised the Republicans are not hammering home in regards to Obama. Obama is a socialist at heart and has even said he wants to “redistribute the wealth” to those HE thinks are more deserving. This idealogy is at the core of the mortgage lending collapse and Obama is known to be a student of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Taxing the upper and middle class and redistributing the cash flow through programs aimed at people who want to buy a $700-800K home with a combined gross income of less than $100K. This is socialism my friends in a capitalist society. And Obama will bankrupt this nation spreading this idealogy across the boards nationwide and the the bottom will surely fall out as evidenced by the housing disaster. Wise up! He’s the wrong man at the wrong time!

    Our country is facing the worst economic disaster since the great depression.
    Even Obama says so.
    It’s the responsibility of the Senate to come up with an answer.
    The answer has to be decided in a few days.
    The answer will dramatically affect Americans for generations to come.
    McCain, Obama, and Binden are all U.S. Senators.
    Throughout the campaign, Obama has turned down the chance for 10 townhall debates.
    … and now, Obama refuses McCain’s request that they both postpone the debate to work
    on the economic recovery package … and Obama declines, in order to campaign??? … and, another celebrity, David Letterman, who has constantly been making insulting jokes about McCain, while coddling Obama, is upset.I think the facts speak for themselves …

  46. Frank- If you had watched the show you would have seen Letterman pause and get serious about his admiration for McCain’s military service and said he was a true patriot. unfortunatly you didn’t see this show and are just ranting about the usual wing nut crap you dittoheads are programmed to spout. please please think for yourself and don’t let the rush/hannity talking points get in the way.

  47. Why is it so terrible that John McCain chose to not go on a comedy show during this economic crisis? Appearing with Katie Couric is far different. I don’t think her’s is a comedy show. Obama chose to not go to SNL when the hurricane was approaching. It seems the left has a double standard going on here.
    Senators Obama and McCain are being paid to be Senators. They should be in Washington doing their jobs in this crisis. it’s too bad that Obama feels it’s more important to be in Florida practicing his debating and continuing to run negative ads against JOhn McCain.
    As I recall, it is Barack Obama who chose to not participate in regular town hall meetings with JOhn McCain. What was Obama afraid of?

  48. Please…McCain putting aside the campaign for the economic crisis my FOOT. Even IF McCain was suspending his compaign for “working on the financial crisis” — which started awhile ago and doesn’t really have the invite from the committee to help anyway — his concern for the crisis at the time of his political campaign (right now) amounts to — generously speaking — the size of my fingernail. His “suspending the campaign” is SOLELY for political reasons. He can say “Oh! Look at me, I’m such a maverick I cancel campaigns for people to vote for me. So, vote for me now.”
    It’s just a great privilege for him to be able to have the title of president.
    I respect McCain as a person but as a socially conservative person — he’s not showing his “care” for the country right now. He’s playing politics. And the sad thing is…some people will eat it allll up : (.
    I’ll respect him if he’s president but I don’t think he cares about ALL of the american people, only the rich ones and wants to cut them more slack. After all, they’re his biggest contributors.

  49. I read a few of the comments, and I must say no matter what tomorrow brings. We need to have a reality check. A leader needs to be someone during a run for a position focus on the race not the audience to win. My point is McCain is not president he is just an participant in a race who needs to stay focus on this fact, and no matter the experience it he try to delay the process. to me it shows lack of readiness. Also, if Obama would have bail-out at any given time, negative comments would be sent his way by Republican Party and undecided voters. WAKE UP, PLEASE CHECK YOUR HISTORY OF BUSH 8 YEARS TO DATE AND LIVE IN THAT REALITY. THAT WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO VOTE IN 2008 REFLECTS 2009-2012 YOUR TAXPAYER RIGHTS,THE ECONOMY AS A NATION, (DUE TO MORE OF THE SAME CYCLE PATTERN ACTIONS (WITH SEDUCATIVE PROMISES)THAT BECOMES MORE LIKE A PERSON LYING TO GET IN YOUR HEAD AND POCKETS, THEN LEAVING YOU BEHIND……

  50. Since I actually watched the episode (hey, I’ve been waiting all week to see McCain’s return to Late Show, especially a week after he was on Leno), I can understand where Letterman’s bitterness comes from.
    Letterman talked to Obama last week, and, using that “fair and balanced” mantra the Fox News supporters act as if it were the holy truth on that network, McCain was going to do likewise this week. But McCain did lie to Letterman when he claimed to be going back to Washington when he, in fact, did go just up the street for an interview with Katie Couric.
    I believed that McCain was at least an honorable man, a maverick, a decent guy. But his actions as of late, including his choice for VP, the whole snubbing of Huckabee and Romney, and the general manipulation of the Republicans to paint Senator Obama as the evil Black man that will destroy this country with his vile liberal ways with ads contradicting what he says, though done with his approval (and his supporters on this and many other boards aren’t exactly helping earn my support). I wasn’t initially a supporter of Obama (the guy I wanted for the job didn’t want it), but now, I’m looking closely at his plans a little more and may actually give him my vote after all.

  51. Headline should read: McCain Cancels Letterman, Replaced By Stupid Human Tricks

  52. McCain lied about his reasons for ditching the debate, which is dispicable. I would not want the country I live in to be run by someone who decieves the public AND is stupid enough to get caught so easily.
    Did you ever think that Putting aside a few town meetings to campaign could actually be a good thing? Yeah, he could be helping out now, but would he be able to make a bigger impact after he become’s president? And the only way he can become president is if he campaigns. At least he doesn’t fake his interest with lies like McCain does.

  53. Great!
    We can watch Dave and Keefy show each other their Obamba kneepads.
    Of course Bathtub Boy, KO, is on his knees more often, so his will have more wear & tear.

  54. Obama is a stuttering moron.”Ah ah ah is the high point of all his speeches. He’s supposed to be an educated person. He needs to go back to middle school for a class in public speaking. John McCain is 76 years old and can out think and out speak Obama on his worst day. Obama is an embarrassment for a presidential nominee. I can’t stand to listen to him fumble,stutter,and make up facts in a debate.Just last night in the debate,he lied again. Henry Kissenger never said he would me meet with Iran without any preconditions.Kissinger was on the news today and said he never said that. What a ” ah ah ah ah ah ” stinking liar.Obama the idiot !

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