
Sci Fi Channel Aims to Shed Geeky Image With New Name

Mar 16, 2009  •  Post A Comment

By Jon Lafayette

In some universe, the name “Syfy” is less geeky than the name “Sci Fi.” Dave Howe, president of the Sci Fi Channel, is betting it’s this one.

To that end, the 16-year-old network—owned by NBC Universal—plans to announce that Syfy is its new name March 16 at its upfront presentation to advertisers in New York.

Syfy logo

“What we love about this is we hopefully get the best of both worlds,” Mr. Howe said. “We’ll get the heritage and the track record of success, and we’ll build off of that to build a broader, more open and accessible and relatable and human-friendly brand.”

Sci Fi is coming off the best year in its history. In primetime it ranked 13th in total viewers among ad-supported cable networks in 2008. It’s a top-10 network in both adults 18 to 49 (up 4%) and adults 25 to 54 (up 6%).

During its fourth-quarter earnings call, parent General Electric said Sci Fi racked up a double-digit increase in operating earnings despite the beginnings of the recession.

Nevertheless, there was always a sneaking suspicion that the name was holding the network back.

“The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks, who helped launch Sci Fi Channel when he worked at USA Network.

Mr. Brooks said that when people who say they don’t like science fiction enjoy a film like “Star Wars,” they don’t think it’s science fiction; they think it’s a good movie.

“We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.”

Mr. Howe said going to Syfy will make a difference.

“It gives us a unique word and it gives us the opportunities to imbue it with the values and the perception that we want it to have,” he said.

Dave Howe

Dave Howe

In terms of television, the new brand better reflects that the channel has programs that are not about the typical sci-fi themes of space, aliens and the future.

“We really do want to own the imagination space,” Mr. Howe said. “We want to get the credit for the range of content that we already have on our air and that we’ll be doing more of in the future.”

Mr. Howe said Sci Fi looks at its branding every couple of years. He added that when new executives join the network, they usually ask if it has ever thought about changing the name.

The network worked with the branding consultancy Landor Associates and went through about 300 possibilities before selecting Syfy.

“When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it,” Mr. Howe said. “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.”

The network plans to make the changeover July 7, when it will launch the new series “Warehouse 13.”

The series, about a secret government facility in South Dakota where all mysterious relics and supernatural souvenirs are housed, is emblematic of the channel’s programming direction.

“It is a dramedy and it is set in the here and now. It’s a kind of an Indiana Jones meets ‘Moonlighting’ meets ‘The X-Files,’” Mr. Howe said. “This is a very accessible, relatable, fun show.”

The network will begin briefing cable operators about the transition this week and plans a trade ad campaign in April as part of the upfront. The new campaign will use the slogan “Imagine Greater,” which Mr. Howe thinks will resonate with both consumers and media buyers.

“It’s a call to action,” he said. “Look at the everyday and how you can turn it to the extraordinary. It’s an aspirational, optimistic message about enhancing people’s lives.”

Mr. Howe said the international Sci Fi channels will transition to the new name over the next six to 12 months.

Web site SciFi.com also will make the change to Syfy.com.

Sci Fi has been working to branch out from being simply a linear cable network to become a hub of businesses operating in the imagination under the Sci Fi Ventures banner.

“We need an umbrella brand we can attach to new businesses: Sci Fi games, Sci Fi kids. It does no use to attach ‘Sci Fi’ because there’s hundreds of sci-fi Web sites and sci-fi publications. So it’s changing your name without changing your name,” Mr. Howe said.

Sci Fi also will be unveiling some of its programming and development plans at its upfront.

But one key venture it won’t discuss is its work with Trion Worldwide to create content designed from the beginning to work on multiple platforms. Mr. Howe said the network is close to announcing a title and description of the project, which will launch as both a subscription-based, massively multiplayer online game and a television series.

A writer has been assigned to the project. The idea is to have the show completely synchronized so that when events happen in the show, they are reflected in the game, and vice versa.

“Because it’s a server-based game, as the storylines evolve in the TV series, so the game echoes that,” Mr. Howe said. “It’s a completely, uniquely interactive 24-7 immersive entertainment experience.”

He’s seen some “amazing demos” from Trion of the graphics and how the world will be built out.

“What that launches, it truly is the next evolution in dynamic storytelling,” Mr. Howe said.


  1. Is anyone going to mention where this name came from? I’m confused, because this was the name of a major scifi site for a long time called Syfy Portal, which just changed its name a couple weeks ago.
    Is anyone going to talk about that?

  2. “Syfy” may be less geeky but it sure is stupid. I’d fire the person who suggested it. “SF” would be a far better choice, IMO.

  3. This is the stupidest name I’ve ever heard ! I mean, come on folks ! Everybody understands SciFi maybe you should name it the MISC channel, since wrestling is what ? SyFy ??? Anime is what ? SyFy ??? This is really lame. I’ve been into science fiction for over 5 decades..trust me, you’ll get a lot of flak on this change.

  4. What chimp dressed up as a network suit thought this one up? An entirely appropriate name would be “The Skiffy Channel.” Once they get rid of all traces of sci-fi, they can then go to “The MISC Channel.”
    “We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said.
    Yes, to their detriment. Instead of getting GOOD sci-fi shows (e.g. a Babylon 5 spinoff), they go the other way, canceling sci-fi shows and getting wrestling, completely non-sci-fi movies (Braveheart, Cape Fear, etc.), incredibly stupid reality TV garbage (e.g. Scare Tactics), and absolutely awful (of value ONLY as MST3K fodder) Sci-Fi Original movies.
    “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.”
    No, it (the rebranding as SyFy) is just STUPID, much like most of the channel’s programming.
    Yes, why call yourself Sci-Fi if you’re not Science Fiction, or even Sci-Fi. They’re Skiffy (Fantasy with sci-fi props substituted for “magic,” and largely excrement.).

  5. warehouse 13 is an AWFUL show. They have tried to make a show that will please everyone – trad. Sci-Fi’ers and Joe Q Public – but it will please no-one.
    The tone is all over the place, the concept is sooo derivative it causes me physical pain.

  6. This is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m afraid that they are trying to please everyone, and as a result will please no one. They have already showed that if you have a good show, people will watch (i.e. Battlestar Galactica) regardless of name, and if you make crap, people won’t watch.

  7. I don’t get it. It’s still pronounced the same, people are either going to watch their programming or they won’t. At least with SciFi there is meaning behind it. They might want to rethink this one.

  8. Simply idiotic. What’s next for NBC-Uni, renaming USA Network “You-Essay?”

  9. No doubt they bought off the SyFy portal folks.
    Glad they’re doing it – the further they ‘distance themselves’ from science fiction, the sooner there will be room for someone else to come in with a REAL science fiction/fantasy/horror cable channel.
    The name is perfect, actually: ‘sigh’. another bs cable channel. ‘Figh’ on them.

  10. Don’t you know? The 18-25 year olds don’t like labels, so it makes sense that something as stupid and meaningless as Syfy would appeal to them. Personally, I hate it, but I’m 37, so they’re probably on the right track.

  11. Now it makes sense why SyFy Portal changed their name. I hope they got a lot of money for this. As for the new network name, it’s beyond stupid. With Battlestar Galactica leaving the air this Friday there are fewer and fewer reasons for me to watch this network.

  12. Sy Fy … I think he’s my mom’s podiatrist.

  13. Why didn’t they just (accurately) rename it “ACC” – the all-commercial channel?
    Really, does any channel run more minutes of ads than Sci-Fi/SyFy/whatever stupid name we’re calling ourselves this week?
    I also love the quote:
    ““It is a dramedy and it is set in the here and now. It’s a kind of an Indiana Jones meets ‘Moonlighting’ meets ‘The X-Files'”
    Only a programming exec could have come up with that, and further, paint it as a positive thing.
    Hint: If the concept mixes three other existing ideas, it’s probably a little too derivative.

  14. They want to appeal to women, yet they don’t seem to realize that they’re probably coming off their best year due to all the women watching Doctor Who. It’s not the name, idiot, it’s the programming.

  15. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
    Renaming the channel isn’t going to do a thing if they don’t get rid of the crap movies, the garbage reality shows.
    Sounds like some consultant made some big bucks off NBC for this idea…
    Meanwhile, Sy Fy Portal has been around for years. What is Sy Fy Channel going to do now?

  16. Are you kidding me? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Call it SF and be done with it. Anybody who reads, writes or watches science fiction knows what SF or sci fi means. Giving it some silly label thinking it will draw a particular age group is ridiculous.
    Concentrate on producing excellent programming, and stop wasting time with the window dressing.

  17. Siffy? They’re renaming themselves the Siffy channel? It’s utterly ridiculous.
    I’m in the 18-25 demographic, and I used to love the SciFi channel. It’s gone way downhill in the last few years. the only decent show they have anymore is BSG, and that ends Friday.
    RIP, SciFi channel. I’ll miss you. And I probably won’t watch you much anymore.

  18. Mr. Howe is truely a lucky man to be president of this “network” and be so clueless. He actually thinks a meaningless name change is going to attract a larger audience and be a reaL turning point. Should have invested the consultant’s fee into some decent programming, but what the hell – this is NBC. Imagine Greater? Imagine a real Sci Fi net with programming worth watching.

  19. “Syfy” is not only *not* less geeky, it’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense. The sci-fi genre is stronger than ever – why risk alienating your core audience by this stupid novelty name – especially when a name like “Syfy” doesn’t guarantee that you’ll reach anyone new.
    Devote the money that would be spent on new stationary for your new name to better programming, so current and future devotees are not stuck with crap programming like “Ice Spiders 6: The Shivering.”

  20. I am a 34 year old female and I love the Sci Fi channel. I think this name change is ridiculous and will do nothing for the network. If you have good programming that is relevant to the brand (i.e. Yes to Battlestar Galactica, No to WWE)then people will watch. People watch this network because they like good programming that is sci fi programming. If you go away from that you will lose your core viewers.

  21. I think that between this demonstration of functional illiteracy and the fact that the “SyFy” channel has been dropping all the science fiction and fantasy shows, the Siffy channel can safely say that it’s no longer identified with “geeks.” Or science fiction. Or, in fact, intelligence.
    But, you know, it’s probably a good thing. Now there will be a decent title available when someone decides to create a REAL channel for science fiction, fantasy and horror fans.

  22. This feels like the Tropicana OJ rebranding fiasco coming to TV.
    And someone needs to shut Tim Brooks up before he alienates so many viewers that the channel backslides. He comes across as a pretty major ass in this article. Not saying he IS one, just that he comes across that way.

  23. Absolutely ridiculous name change. Perhaps if he had focused on making quality sci-fi along the lines of Farscape and BSG instead of trying to turn the channel into who knows what – wrestling, bad reality shows, and terribly formulaic movies (it’s quite a formula they insist all movies are made to fit).

  24. Maybe they should change their name to OOPS for “Our Original Programming Sucks”?
    Seriously, they think that SF fans are “geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that”? That shows a *complete* misunderstanding of their audience and of SF fans in general.
    Ah well, after the final BSG this week there’s no reason to watch the network anymore anyway. Good riddance.

  25. What the ??? Bad spelling to go with bad programming?
    I guess that with the end of Stargate and Battlestar Galactica, they’ve decided to abandon all SciFi programming…and here I loved watching all those ads for GhostHunters. (Just kidding – I’ve got a DVR to skip that crap.)
    But not like my opinion counts — I’m a 37-year-old woman, so why would I be watching SciFi, right?

  26. Not only will this name change not resonate with science-fiction reader, viewers, or fans, it’s now a brand name that doesn’t mean anything to anyone else. Given the previous comments, it seems to alienate people who already watch the channel — and it doesn’t give people who _aren’t_ into sf already a sense of what it’s all about. Had to check my calendar to make sure it wasn’t already April.

  27. good move – diss your core audience

  28. Nevertheless, there was always a sneaking suspicion that the name was holding the network back.
    Generally speaking it’s not having a marketable product that holds back a network. Blaming the name is like suggesting one could successfully pass off gravel at the Ritz as long as you called it ‘caviar’.

  29. Thank you, idiotic executives, for finally making overt what your programming choices have implied for years: that you hate your core audience.
    I might (and I emphasize might) have considered watching the new channel, despite it’s absurd and meaningless name. Not, however, after I read this article. It’s full of quotes that are not only stupid, but actively insulting to the very people who should be your most loyal supporters.
    You continue to perpetuate the very stereotypes from which you wish to distance yourselves. Instead of acknowledging what the literary and academic worlds have known for at least two decades, that SF is more than just “space, aliens[,] and the future,” you’d rather continue to sucker audiences in with lowest-common-denominator drivel and derivatives of ideas that intelligent audiences were calling inane ten years ago.
    Thank you for letting me know that I am not welcome in your new, hip channel. If you need me, I’ll be spending my money in my local bookstore, exploring the real, thought-provoking cutting edge of SF.
    — Jason Ramboz

  30. Wasn’t the whole point of there being a Sci Fi network was having a network that shows science fiction shows on television? What’s the point? They should join the rest of the NBC family. Then we could have NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, and now NBCrap. Then we just fill the broadcast day with wrestling, reality and commercials. Oh wait, they’re already doing that.

  31. I wonder who this test group was that felt that Syfy was a better name than Sci-Fi? Seriously, I doubt this is the audience the network caters to anyway. It’s a stupid name that I pray they will feel backlash from in the months ahead.

  32. I can’t stop laughing at this. How stupid is this guy? How many people were paid how much money to come up with this turd? If you take the “c” out of it people are going to thing it says “siffy”. “SyFy” looks like the name of an It company. “Sy” suggests “systems” to me.
    “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that”
    Way to take a big dump all over your viewers!! Who do you think watches things like “Eureka” and “Battlestar Galactica”. I mean isn’t the name “Battlestar Galactica” almost synonymous with sci-fi geekdom?

  33. I like the OOPS idea above

  34. Please tell me someone mistook today for April Fools day? Please? Anyone? If not, I fear for ScFi/Syfy’s future as a network.

  35. It’s hard to understand what process this went through to make someone think this was a good idea. Out of context, there’s no way to know how to pronounce it and it sounds vaguely like a disease.

  36. I can’t stop laughing at this. How stupid is this guy? How many people were paid how much money to come up with this turd? If you take the “c” out of it people are going to think it says “siffy”. “SyFy” looks like the name of an It company. “Sy” suggests “systems” to me.
    “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that”
    Way to take a big dump all over your viewers!! Who do you think watches things like “Eureka” and “Battlestar Galactica”. I mean isn’t the name “Battlestar Galactica” almost synonymous with sci-fi geekdom?

  37. I miss the old days already. MTV played music videos, comedy meant funny, SciFi wasn’t wrestling (though I see the connection), Soon there won’t be any cartoons on Toon and I’ll have to go to the theater to see HBO. I mentioned that SciFi wasn’t about wrestling right?

  38. Not only will this name change not resonate with science-fiction reader, viewers, or fans, it’s now a brand name that doesn’t mean anything to anyone else. Given the previous comments, it seems to alienate people who already watch the channel — and it doesn’t give people who _aren’t_ into sf already a sense of what it’s all about. Had to check my calendar to make sure it wasn’t already April.

  39. Worst idea ever. Just who ARE the idiots who come up with this crap? Syfy? Are you joking?

  40. You should have spent the money and time trying to improve your programming and returned to the roots of the channel – Sci-Fi. That’s why I started watching and the lack of which is why I stopped, save for one or two programs.
    “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.”
    It should make you feel like a bunch of sell-outs who are catering to the masses by dumbing down both the channel and its programming. I find it rather amusing that you’re trying to get away from the ‘geeky’ image by turning the channel’s name into something even geekier and trendish.
    BTW, Those techno-savvy people you’re trying to cater to? They’re going to be texting the following message:
    “SyFy is made of FAIL.”

  41. Is he for real? Do they think Syfy is a better name than Sci-Fi? Sci-Fi identifies what the channel is supposed to be all about.
    Is this an excuse they’ll have to inject more non-science-fiction programs to the lineup? It reeks of failure all around, and I hope all involved are canned. But this is the entertainment industry. Failure equals promotion. Look at Ben Silverman, Jeff Bewkes, Jim Samples, and Stuart Snyder.

  42. Interestingly, #scifi and #syfy are prominent on Twitscoop today, with the vast majority of the comments unfavorable (shocking, I know…)

  43. On the off chance any network people are listening, I would like to add my voice to the chorus of people who believe this to be a thoroughly preposterous idea. I do sincerely hope that the originator of this terrible notion suffers a significant amount of physical pain for this.

  44. Ys yt Apryl fool’s?
    Wow. This reads like an Onion article. Surely this is a joke?

  45. I agree that ‘SciFi’ does pigeon-hole the channel somewhat, but FFS that was the point wasn’t it? Sky Sports (UK Sat Channel) is called that because IT’S ABOUT SPORT AND WANTS TO ATTRACT PEOPLE THAT LIKE THAT SORT OF THING!
    SciFi (and previously SciFi Channel) WANTED to be pigeon holed because that particular pigeon hole was FULL of millions of viewers/consumers. Those same consumers who’d made Star Wars the biggest franchise on the planet, the same consumers who’d made Everquest (and now World of Warcraft) the biggest gaming franchises on the planet, and turned Arthur C Clarke, Phillip K Dick and Alan Moore into household names.
    But you’re not satisfied with this multi-million strong (and multi-million spending) group are you, Mr Howe? Because they are turning off in their droves becuase (if the UK SciFi Channel is anything to go by) you pepper the schedules with mediocre programming and straight-to-bargain-bin TV movies, and when you do get a AAA show (such as Heroes) you ruin it by raping it with ad breaks.
    Alienate us at your peril ‘SyFy’ for we are legion and have very itchy fingers when it comes to channel hopping.
    Oh and by the way Mr Howe, if I’m going to text someone about “Science Fiction” I’d most likely go with “SF”. “SyFy” wasn’t even in my vocabulary until today, “LMAO” was though. You should get one of you 18-34 year-olds to look it up for you.
    (BTW – I’m a 37 old male, professional, socially active male, with wife and child, life-long SF fan, so ‘up yours!’)

  46. SyFy sounds like the lazy crap someone texts over a cell phone. Ridiculous name change with no meaning, and besides that, what’s the point? Why spend money on garbage like this? If Sci-Fi is too geeky for some of the people on staff, tell them to leave the company and go work at Lifetime. Why not reinvest your advertising money in better programming? Ditch the info-mercials, and hire writers who can come up with something other than rip off movies featuring poorly done CGI dinosaurs and alligators?

  47. Kind of funny, some of the biggest shows on television would be a perfect fit on Sci Fi. I’m talking about Heroes, Terminator Sara Conner Chronicals, Chuck, Fringe, and Smallville. Showing that “general” audiences like fantasy/sci fi programming and the one channel that could give it to them big time is “re-branding” itself as siffy. Biggest network snafu ever.

  48. I think that one of the ways SciFi could shed it’s geeky image is to STOP SHOWING MOVIES LIKE MANSQUITO.

  49. ROFL Pedro – I think you just hit the nail on the head. Mansquito. ‘Nuff said.

  50. I don’t like this. Don’t try to shun your geeky past. You are founded by and thrive off geeks. Don’t be ashamed of that. There’s nothing wrong with being a scifi nerd. Boo.

  51. So basically this new show is taking the vault from Eureka and moving it to somewhere in South Dakota? Or even worse, they took the horrible Librarian Trilogy from TNT.
    If you have not seen that, it starred Noel Wyle as “THE” Librarian. Inside the NY Public Library, was a secret endless vault where all the world’s artifacts are kept, like the spear that pierced Christ, Excalibur, the goose that laid golden eggs, etc. Wyle traveled the world (aka Indiana Jones)to get the artifacts, where he hooks up with a pretty female partner to help him while keeping up witty banter(aka Moonlighting, where they encounter mysterious things (aka X-Files). Wow, as I type that, it sounds even more like this is where SciFi, sorry, SyFy got the idea for their new show!
    As for the name change, let’s face it, half of American will not even realize that SyFy is not the proper spelling of SciFi. What’s next, changing Bravo to Cheers? USA to America? The more I read about the TV industry, the more I realize that they have idiots working for them. And they wonder why ratings tank!

  52. Truly ridiculous!!!

  53. What a waste of money, time, and advertising.
    What _would_ be nice is if they would stop funding these horrendously stupid B-movies and maybe bring back some classic sci-fi series into their regular line-up.

  54. And yet again, we see under-researched demographical skewing by bung-hats trying to homogenize an already dangerously mediocre channel. Clearly, as been mentioned above, the network chiefs at SciFi (for the moment) have an obvious disdain for their core viewership. Instead of developing better programming (like Sanctuary and Galactica) they have been trolling the sewers of “reality TV” & “wrestling” or generating their own horrible brand of “original movies” that makes Troma films look like David Lean epics. They need to adjust their thinking away from encouraging the lowest possible IQ level in American culture and actually reach for the high ground of imagination that so much of good, thoughtful Science Fiction & Fantasy dwell. I know B (& C, D, E…) list actors need to work too, but sometimes, being a waitress or barista is a more honorable profession than acting in something like “Sharkman” or “Scare Tactics”. Changing the name of the channel is like putting training wheels on the Titanic – it makes no sense and it’s STILL going down, even if it does have “Caprica”.

  55. I just think it’s because they realized that American’s can’t figure out that the ‘c’ in SciFi is silent and kept pronouncing it wrong. :]

  56. Serously? How much cash did they spend on a study about the name when they could have been putting it into good scripts for their movies?
    SciFi is nomenclature with a meaning that runs deep with many, many of which are fans. To change the name because its too geeky implies that it’s fans and followers, who wear the name of SciFi proudly, are too geeky and should be changed as well.

  57. I guess they just want to turn themselves into another “TBS” or “Spike”… For that they’d need either CSI:Ganymede or Law&Order:Alien Affairs Squad… Of course they could go more the “Fox” route and try for Dancing with the Astronauts

  58. bleh. The death of another icon. This is the problem with marketing types. “Hey guys we just had phenomenal growth in spite of terrible economic conditions we should change something.” How about recognizing that the geek culture is becoming more main stream or more accurately that main stream is becoming more geeky. Lost, Heroes, BSG, Kyle XY, etc, etc. SciFi led the way now they are jumping the shark.

  59. If they really wanted to hold female viewers the secret is simple.
    Have well-written sf shows.
    Oh, wait. That’s what you need to keep *any* audience.
    This is so sad.

  60. ” agree that ‘SciFi’ does pigeon-hole the channel somewhat, but FFS that was the point wasn’t it?”
    Once upon a time, yes. A decade or so ago, if y’all remember, the big trend in cable was branding. Defining yourself to a core audience was the order of the day and the accepted mode of survival. But somewhere along the way all these channels must have realized that their audience potential was too limited, because over the past five years or so almost all of them have gone the other way. Reverse branding, you might call it. Not all have implemented name changes, but even those that haven’t, like A & E, the History Channel and Discovery, have gravitated away from their original branding statements and are running shows that are clearly pitched at a broader audience. I see this move by Sci Fi – or should I say SyFy – as just the latest example of the trend.
    It also fits in neatly with the web’s love of goofy, meaningless names. People laughed at Yahoo and Google once, too.

  61. The reason they went with Syfy is because the name New Coke was already trademarked, right?

  62. Why, when it is getting cooler and cooler to be a geek, especially a sci-fi geek would you WILLINGLY jump the shark?
    I’ve heard rumors that Stargate will expand its frandchise and that a new Pretender is coming to Sci-Fi. Sanctuary could have been a contender, but where did it go? Will it even be back? Give us girls great sci-fi, more strong female role models and some awesome eyecandy and you get us/keep us. Wrestling is fiction. Reality programs are a lie. A cheap fashion knock-off says nothing good about your ethics and character just like a cheap movie/program derivative says nothing good about you.
    This was a channel of the geeks built for the geeks and by the geeks. But, if our brave new world can be hijacked by politicians and corporate hucksters, we should not be surprised at this move. Homogeny sux.

  63. SyFy? Sounds like a new drug being manufactured by some Pharmaceutical MegaCorp. I think I see where they are going with this. A channel about male, enhancement drugs. I can see why they might think the gals would be interested.
    Anyway, I agree with the rest of the posters on here. They need to put their money where there shows are. And I mean good shows and not Mansquito.
    I have an Idea! Why don’t they take advantage of the fact the their average Sci-Fi viewer tend to be intelligent and aim their programming towards them instead of the lowest common denominator.

  64. Honestly, what a waste. In this particular day and time, how could a network be so reckless with money? No matter how you spell it, it still says Sci-Fi and that is what people will hear when you talk about it. Shame on the Sci-Fi channel for being so frivolous with other people’s money.

  65. Hmmm…. No, I think it’s a great idea to make the change to “SyFy.”
    That means that an entrepreneur with a clue could not utilize “The Sci-Fi Channel” and make a channel that could run Science Fiction and Fantasy programming now. 8D

  66. I think they’re just stretching to remain relevant after Battlestar Galactica goes off the air.

  67. Apparently for the people who have been supporting the network it stands for f*ck you, screw you.

  68. When I first saw the article about the name change, my eyes focused on the picture of the new logo, SyFy. The first thing that popped into my head was syphilis. Was SyFy a slang term for syphilis sufferers? Or maybe a support group?
    But no, I looked at the article headline, and read it was about the Sci Fi name change.
    Actually, according to the CDC, syphilis is most common among 20 to 39 year olds…very close to the “18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd” that would text SyFy instead of Sci Fi. Interesting.
    Anyway, lets be serious. I understand that by changing the name to SyFy, they have a greater control over the term. The phonetic term “sci-fi” is generic, and they can’t control it to the degree that they probably want. So, while it looks like a venereal disease to me, it is understandable in a business sense.
    But, wow. It really is too bad. I remember when Sci-Fi channel launched, and was an avid watcher at first. But as others have pointed out, as programming began to skew away from anything remotely related to traditional science fiction, I watched less and less. Why would I want to watch SyFy, when it is just another Spike, FX, or other channel that has identity problems? You only tune to those channels to watch specific shows. Not for the channel itself.
    Changing the name is one thing. But if you are not going to fix obvious problems at the same time, you are weakening the brand.
    Goodbye Sci-Fi, my old friend. It was good knowing you.
    And hello, SyFy? Who are you? Really, who do you want to be?

  69. Want to know what’s holding the network back?
    Cretinous oafs like Howe who program execrable crud like WWE, Ghost Hunters, Scare Tactics, and those horrific low-budget “D” movies. I’d prefer 22 new hours of Eureka every season to 13 episodes and four really bad films.
    Ice Spiders? Please.

  70. Thanks Mr. Howe, you just gave me material for my next webcomic strip on Wednesday!

  71. So they’re changing the spelling but it will be pronounced the same. So really all they’re doing is adopting ‘l33t sp34k’ and going early 80s hacker retro?
    dudes, that is so sci-fi!

  72. What’s sad is the fact that they are just making themselves mundane. There is nothing to distinguish them from any other network like the previously mentioned USA, Spike, TNT, etc…
    What made people interested WAS the science fiction focus – there are many, many of us who don’t take the ‘geek’ label as an insult. Until network execs imply it as such. Shame on you for pushing your core audience in front of the proverbial bus! When the ONLY time people are watching your station is 10pm on Tuesday night, (let’s face it, love it or hate it, wrestling makes money) will the sacrifice of the whole purpose of the channel be worth it?

  73. Oh. My. God. This is some lame crap. But what do I know? I’m only the audience they are trying to reach – Young female.
    Go out like the IFC channel and rename yourselves to SFC or maybe SPEC as short for Speculation. Those, we can live with. But don’t be retards about it! SyFy is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Oh, and I’ve been in marketing a good bit of my career!
    Science Fiction is achieving its greatest positive public opinion lately – it’s chic to be geek, otherwise why am I able to buy all these cute awesome nerdy tees in so many places – and for girls, no less. And at the malls.
    Thanks for screwing it up. Time to cancel cable.

  74. Oh, sweet mother of mercy. If you want more viewers, particularly more female viewers, how about you program fewer giant snake movies and more shows that pass the Bechdel test?

  75. You want a better channel? Try not showing such craptastic “original” films and stop canceling the good shows. Try actually putting money into GOOD programming and movies.
    The name change is just so stupid. It doesn’t make you look cool. It makes you look like morons.

  76. “Nevertheless, there was always a sneaking suspicion that the name was holding the network back.”
    It couldn’t be the horrendous original movies or the crappy reality shows and the wrestling or anything. It’s just the geeky connotations of the name.

  77. In some universe, no one believes that rebranding makes up for poverty of imagination.

  78. Wow – what a bad idea. That sounds like a really bad move. Doesn’t this channel have a science fiction focus? Is that not the point?

  79. Wow. This is the most ridiculous news-item I’ve yet come across today. In your attempt to be less geeky, you’ve instead decided to amp up the “Dorky” quotient by 500%.
    What consultant came up with this idea, and how much did you pay them?

  80. Fits is well with your lame “SyFy original” movies.

  81. Lousy name for a lousy network. Not surprising though, considering the original programming that Mr. Howe has been coming up with.

  82. Fun fact:
    In polish, ‘Syfy’ means ‘Those things that stink’. Usually used in the phrase ‘Co to za syf?’, equivalent to ‘What is this crap?’
    …a most fitting coincidence.

  83. This is absolutely silly and somehow mildly offends me. I’m in that 25-54 Adults category with a real job. Why is it that the network whose name actually relates to the category of TV shows and movies aired on the network, is bad? Changing the name to SyFy sounds about as good as Coke trying New Coke. Would the influx of “non geeks” being hoped for outweigh the potential avalanche of loyal viewers who abandon? I never understand why people toss out branding once all the work has finally paid off to make it successful.
    To quote Grey’s Anatomy… Seriously? Seriously??

  84. What a set of morons. I’d just lost for words at the sheer idiocy of any executive who can look at falling viewing figures and actually think it has something to do with the name of the channel rather than the actual content.

  85. So glad to see that they think that by making something STUPID it will appeal to women.
    What a bunch of jackassery. I was so saddened by Forrey Ackerman’s passing, but I’m glad he didn’t live to see THIS.

  86. What friggin brain trust figured this one out?? this is nothing more than a maneuver to completely get rid of the channel. first a name change, then a shift in styles of shows, then all together it turns into a totally different network. NBC is a bunch of Idiots and have NO CLUE whatsoever what the “geek” demographic represents.

  87. John, that “You-Essay” comment has me laughing my butt off.
    I find myself nodding my head in agreement with all the anti-“SyFy” comments I’ve been skimming through, here. (Are there any other kind?) Does ANYONE outside that board room think this is a good idea? If it really has been the network’s “best year in its history”, it’s probably only due to BSG. They should be absolutely ashamed of those absurdly weak “SciFi (un)Original Movies”. Does anyone actually watch those? While sober?
    “SyFy” has officially jumped the Sharkman.

  88. Ah, I just watched “the outer limits” on the sci-fi channel last night.
    maybe they should change it to SLY-fi?
    and what’s wrong with being a geek?

  89. This is a fairly stupid move that should only hasten this channel’s decline; when the solution is about the sizzle rather than the steak, there are going to be problems. All of the channel’s franchise programs have a history of being prematurely cancelled, yet they have been lucky to keep pulling rabbits out of hats, like with BSG. After BSG is off, Doctor Who is the only thing that generally passes for watchable on this channel aside from Stargate re-runs, so I wish them luck. As so many have said, the crossover appeal of this channel is only due to programming, not some stupid name; BSG has given critical acclaim to this channel for 4 years, and Syfy is not going to be enough to retain that prestige, nor will Warehouse 13…get back to basics and drop wrestling, ghost hunters and all of the other reality genre garbage if you are going to do first-run material, otherwise just show re-runs of quality Sci Fi shows. Finally, please try making an actual Original movie once in a while instead of slapping a label on direct to DVD, over-sized mutant animal movies of the week.

  90. Maybe Howe is trying to dumb down the name to make it more WWE friendly.

  91. Syfy sounds like they are giving a more appealing name to Syphilis…
    And seriously, you think your name was holding the network back? How about the hours and hours of crap you play on there. We dont want to watch another Anaconda or overgrown bat monster movie that you can an original. Original means it hasnt been done before.

  92. The new name itself is idiotic enough, but the person who really deserves be fired is the one who paid the guy to come with the name. In the immortal words of Jay Leno . . . “What were you thinking?”

  93. Ew, that announcement is suitable for a day about two weeks from now. And it certainly takes them down a notch or two in my book.

  94. “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks
    Mr. Brooks, I feel insulted actually.
    1) there is nothing wrong with geeks, FYI they have the most money to spend and are smarter. Aren’t you supposed to be one?
    2) I play videogames and love sci fi, but I am in no way dysfunctional nor antisocial. Those links are not valid. Welcome to the 21st century, Mr. Brooks.
    3) I happen to be a smart, geeky, video game playing, sci fi loving FEMALE. If YOU mean ‘female’ as in ‘dumb blonde shopping-is-my-world oh-god-I-broke-a-nail all-I-want-is-to-be-popular’ female, the channel is doomed to sink into oblivion to join the other brainless unstimulating garbage channels.
    The new name makes me think Mr. Howe thinks I am stupid. This is not distancing from science fiction, this is distancing from your loyal viewers.
    People who can’t spell will still think it’s a science fiction channel, btw.
    Very, very bad move. If you want to start fresh, at least come up with a fresh name that is pronounced differently. Or is it supposed to be pronounced “siffy”? In that case, I wouldn’t be caught dead watching the “siffy” channel. Uncool and unhip.

  95. OK you want to be a fool, Rename to SYFY.
    Here is a better idea – Let Sci-Fi Channel stay and make a New Channel called SYFY and see what is watch’ed more.
    And by the way put ALL the wrestling and reality shows on SYFY.

  96. Awesome. The network that was most likely to fulfill the promise of cable television – that of niche networks – has succeeded in completely divorcing itself from its own niche.
    Better that they abandon their awful original programming and low-budget movies and show us the classic science fiction that we want to see.
    This will no doubt rival the “New Coke” marketing decision.

  97. So in order to be less geeky, you have to be stupid?

  98. Another attempt to manipulate viewership and brand loyalty…
    Probably to drive viewers away from SciFi and toward sister channels such as Chiller and Sleuth.
    I am sure that “The Suits” have arrived at their own arcane and arrogant reasons for changing the SciFi brand name.
    I am sure that they are pleased that they are receiving this much feedback — even (and especially negative) feedback.
    But I am sick of being manipulated … I am just plain sick and tired of it !
    Tired of arrogant ass*>? (fools) who think they can manipulate viewership by changing a slogan rather than improving upon the SciFi brand which already exists.
    Madison Avenue types pretending to be businessmen.
    Its enough to make one question capitalism.

  99. What’s in a name? I hope the rebranding does change the excellent programs that I’ve grown to appreciate an enjoy so much.

  100. I’m going to miss that Saturn logo… so many good memories.
    Did they honestly think that “Imagine Greater” was a good replacement for it? That’s barely a coherent thought. Good luck SyFy. Now you not only have shitty programming (save a few shows) but now you have a shitty name to boot! Congrats!

  101. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb……what are these guys thinking!!!!! It’s not cool, it’s just lame!!!! Who ever thought of this must have thought it a good idea to carry wrestling on a channel that is based on science fiction programing.

  102. That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. They’re not changing the name, they’re changing spelling. It just pisses off regular viewers and makes idiot channel surfers (yes the same morons who never thought of Star Wars as Sci Fi) go hey, what’s this SyFy channel?
    And they think this is how “tech savvy” people would text this? Are they thinking of the new generations of nerds? Thats not really targeting a new genre.
    I resent the fact that Sci Fi channel doesn’t appeal to women either, I’m a woman and there are several shows I like on this channel. Jeez. Dumb!

  103. That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. They’re not changing the name, they’re changing spelling. It just pisses off regular viewers and makes idiot channel surfers (yes the same morons who never thought of Star Wars as Sci Fi) go hey, what’s this SyFy channel?
    And they think this is how “tech savvy” people would text this? Are they thinking of the new generations of nerds? Thats not really targeting a new genre.
    I resent the fact that Sci Fi channel doesn’t appeal to women either, I’m a woman and there are several shows I like on this channel. Jeez. Dumb!

  104. I personally find it offensive to think that changing your name will make you “seem” cooler. If you are just coming off of your best year with the name SciFi, why change a winner. Sounds like the “quarterback” got picked on for something that people liked and didn’t want to seem like he was friends with the smart kids, or as he refers to them as the “geeks”. What a load of crap.

  105. Does anyone alive (aside from Dave Howe), and with functioning brain synapses actually think this ridiculous name-change and format change is a good idea? Dumbing down has never been wise in the long run, and those who advocate change that translates to the abandonment of loyal long-term viewers in the hope of attracting people with the attention span of a fruit fly are likely to find themselves dangerously narrowing their appeal rather than broadening it. So far Sci-Fi, as it currently exists, still has some excellent original shows like Eureka, but they’ve cancelled several wonderful shows like Stargate Atlantis and I have no faith that any quality at all will persist under the new-and-theoretically-trendy name. With every addition of a bad reality show they already have lost more of my patronage. With the addition of ECW they lost even more of my respect and viewing time. Being true to those who care and have standards is far better than courting those who easily can go elsewhere to find the sort of drivel being introduced. It takes hardly any effort at all to find garbage, but more effort every day to find quality. Do we eventually so dumb-down and homogenize programming across the board that no originality remains? What a shame that would be! Well, let’s hope someone else with vision and intelligence will re-invent the Sci-Fi Channel, because the demand still exists.

  106. I know one thing, I am NO LONGER WATCHING THIS CHANNEL! Whatever it’s frakking name! The only thing good on that channel was it’s SGI/BSG/Star Trek(all versions) reruns anyway. And I HAVE those on DVD. Wow, thanks to this new stupid name change, I will be sticking to my DVDs ONLY! And btw, your “Original Movies” are only watched so people can LAUGH AT HOW STUPID AND CHEESY THEY ARE! Well, congratulations Syphilis channel, instead of bringing in new viewers YOU LOST YOUR OLD ONES!

  107. Its like taking your favorite thing in the world and smearing poo on it. its a dumb name syfy no hook just out there like a wallowing pig nobody wants to see.
    you would think when your on top why bring out coke 2.when we all like coke just the way it was. I realy love syence fiction. dont you?

  108. I love how some of you are saying that this was done to please women and young adults. I am both a woman and young adult (22 yrs old) and I’m furious!
    Sci Fi has been going down hill for years and this just affirms that. I’m all for wresting and anime, but not on this channel. I’ve slowly been getting more and more into the Chiller network (unfortunately I think it’s limited to people that have Verizon Fios). It’s more horror and science fiction than we’ve seen on Sci Fi in years.

  109. Sigh. Like so many other media companies/publishers, it looks as though Sci-Fi wants to give it’s viewers Sci-Fi lite, or shows of a more whimsical/fun/less mature or serious nature. This is truly the decade where the hardcore or niche audience loses out. Mass market appeal works in the short term but over time it always comes back to bite you in the arse.

  110. Oh, and Wharehouse 13? I’d rather watch Primeval, or Torchwood instead since they’re nearly all the same anyway. There’s a lot less goofy comedy in those shows and judging by 13 trailers, going to be a lot better.
    I agree with people here. Syfy is just a re-branding so that the channel can include programming that isn’t in the realm of science fiction or fantasy. I really enjoy this channel but that may be coming to an end.

  111. It sure is good to know that the SciFi channel thinks I’m a geeky teenager living in the basement because I watch their network. I know many mid-30s professionals (like myself) that watch the SciFi network.
    Changing the name to SyFy makes my head hurt. What a stupid decision…

  112. Wel, cable needs another Adult Channel. The S_ck_You/F_ck_You name change follows the prospective production of “Haunted Hores” The new transporter scenes for Star Trek with clothing disolves, and the occassional lapses into fantasy with bouncing bodices or ornate lack of costume.
    Yes this clever ploy by NBC to appear to be a pay channel with SYFY, Our beloved wrestling and Ghost Hungers, well I’m sure many fantasy shows as Dead Like Me and Moonlighting will join stawlwartz like Stirgate and Bottletar, Startwreck and Doctor Whoooo Whoo. Think of all the wonderful anime epics we can expect. Sans costuming. My gosh maybe they can make SYFY a Pay per View Channel. Kinky Animaniacs! I can’t wait.

  113. This is what you get with bored, self indulgent, high paid management. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID. Did I say stupid. Sci Fi sounds, and is cool. SyFy sounds fkn STUPID. Whom ever made this decision at SCI FI should be fired immediately and this STUPID campaign stopped in it’s tracks.

  114. So the network is abandoning the its audience of “geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff?”
    “Syfy” is an ill-informed dumb-down.

  115. Thats a scary name… Remember, any effort to improve something that already works usually results in failure… Just ask coke…

  116. honestly the comment made by mr. howe is not only sexist its stupid. i’m an black female, 26 yoa… and i love Sci-Fi. clearly it just goes to show he doesn’t even know who is actually the viewer base of the sci-fi channel…oh, of course i am referring to when Sci-Fi actually had good scifi programming.

  117. ok.. so basically they’re telling the true fans of science fiction that they no longer matter eh?” “We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.” ”
    We the fans of the channel as it used to be could tell that they were pulling this stunt, remember Farscape anyone? Or their horrible movies such as Sabertooth? Yeah… great call Brooks and Howe… further P!ss off your viewer base… thank God I’ve a large dvd collection.

  118. I understand duing war time, many soldiers shot there own foot,and still got a Purple Heart.! Its not the name that needs to be changed, its the shows.Even people I know who do not watch the SciFi channel,Can’t seem to understand whats with the programing. Even with or without the name change, SciFi has lost its core audiance.TRU CALLING,JOAN OF ARCADIA? Whats next.re-runs of Bewitched!

  119. I’m sure for the money they paid the advertising company that came up with this farce, they can a afford to stick a fork in the new SyFy network when it bombs. At least I have the memories from the last 10 years. I’m so glad, that as a professional, with a brain, a sense of fashion, and friends, I can now come out and say I watch the renamed show and feel good about myself. *laugh*
    I knew the end was near when all this reality junk hit the Sci-Fi airways. Let’s hope someone comes a long and starts a better network we can all enjoy.

  120. Exactly, any women watching the channel are probably watching it for Doctor who or any of the other actually /good/ programming they show, not like we care what the bloody channel is called it’s the SHOWS people, not the name of the fecking channel.

  121. I was going to leave obvious comments about the stupidity of Dave Howe and all those associated with the “name change”, but so many other beat me to it.
    And the statement from Dave “The network worked with the branding consultancy Landor Associates and went through about 300 possibilities before selecting Syfy”. How many corporate dollars were wasted on this? My wife’s second grade classroom could have come up with that in about five minutes…then after the ridicule would have said how dumb it sounds.
    Most likely Dave Howe will lose is job, the name will remain SciFi and good, solid programming will emerge.
    Comedy=Comedy Central, Food=Food Network, National Geographic=National Geographic Channel, Golf=Golf channel…Does anyone see a pattern? Dave Howe was obviously handed his position and is not capable of making corporate, let alone simple decisions. If I did things this moronic, my businesses would have failed years ago.

  122. The suits win again. Can’t we have anything that we like and have it left alone. The Sci-Fi Channel doesn’t even resemble the one I began watching in the mid 90’s. Let alone changing to a more “Human Friendly” channel as the head idiot put it. Face we don’t count when it comes to their profit margin. Just 86 it,
    color it gone and kiss it goodbye. Alas poor Sci-Fi Channel, I knew it well …

  123. God forbid there should be a channel for “geeks”, because everyone knows that TV should only be for “cool” people without an intelligent bone in their bodies.

  124. The Sci-fi channel long ago lost its focus and its intended audience when it gave in to bastardizing itself with the ECW rubbish and repeated repeats. Now with a name change they are pandering to the mundane bunch who basically have no real appreciation of good science fiction.
    “Syfy” means nothing and connotes nothing. It’s simply a made up word that sort of sounds like something but serves only to illustrate their pitiful and worsening content. They are no longer quality (haven’t been for a long time) and are now simply seeking fanboi status to stay alive.
    The original bunch of visionaries, those that are left, have sold their soils to their corporate overlords in order to keep getting a paycheck. They are tasteless, talentless, worthless drones simply filling a suit and farting in their $1,000 chair telling themselves how good they are.
    This crap channel will continue to fail and I for one have no need for them. There are far better offerings elsewhere.

  125. I still can’t figure out what pro wrestling has to do with Science fiction except for maybe the “fiction” part.
    SyFy sounds like a feminine sanitary product.

  126. I agree, lame move for the scifi channel. I watch this channel for the scifi, not for the wrestling. Alot of their shows on scifi do suck. Wish they played more of the old movies and tv series. Why cant they play more original star trek, DS9, voyager, Babylon 5, etc.

  127. I think the name change is stupid. The channel with most of my favorite programming, except for wrestling, excessive Ghost Hunter and Scare Tactics episodes, horror movies, and the horrible remake of Battlestar Galactica, is now trying to follow in TechTV’s footsteps. TechTV was getting really good then they changed name and programming. I don’t watch that channel, now G4, any more. They better not mess with the core programming like Stargate, Eureka, and Primeval or I might have to start reading books or find some kind of hobby.

  128. I think the name change is stupid. The channel with most of my favorite programming, except for wrestling, excessive Ghost Hunter and Scare Tactics episodes, horror movies, and the horrible remake of Battlestar Galactica, is now trying to follow in TechTV’s footsteps. TechTV was getting really good then they changed name and programming. I don’t watch that channel, now G4, any more. They better not mess with the core programming like Stargate, Eureka, and Primeval or I might have to start reading books or find some kind of hobby.

  129. I think the name change is stupid. The channel with most of my favorite programming, except for wrestling, excessive Ghost Hunter and Scare Tactics episodes, horror movies, and the horrible remake of Battlestar Galactica, is now trying to follow in TechTV’s footsteps. TechTV was getting really good then they changed name and programming. I don’t watch that channel, now G4, any more. They better not mess with the core programming like Stargate, Eureka, and Primeval or I might have to start reading books or find some kind of hobby.

  130. This marks the end of what was good at the Sci Fi channel, what this jackhole is doing is turning this into another TNT or USA at the expense of its core viewers. What the Hell makes this guy think he knows whats cool? Just look at the Duche Bag!

  131. Why Sy Fy? Because the original brand Sci Fi name has become synonymous with a hand full of new Science Fiction series every year. Sci Fi special effects are expensive while steroids for wrestlers is relatively cheap and seems to get the ratings so do the TV executive math.
    We have been slowly moving to this point with the non sci fi programing, quickly canceled sci fi shows that look like they have any sort of budget for cheap (and horrible) short lived series, Flash Gorden anybody? Don’t worry, once the move away from original Sci Fi content is over, I’m sure we’ll get another Sci Fi channel of our own along the lines of such cable channels as Chill (horror) or Sleuth (crime drama) genre related channels but programmed with almost entirely reruns. Reruns are cheap programing too.

  132. Why Sy Fy? Because the original brand Sci Fi name has become synonymous with a hand full of new Science Fiction series every year. Sci Fi special effects are expensive while steroids for wrestlers is relatively cheap and seems to get the ratings so do the TV executive math.
    We have been slowly moving to this point with the non sci fi programing, quickly canceled sci fi shows that look like they have any sort of budget for cheap (and horrible) short lived series, Flash Gorden anybody? Don’t worry, once the move away from original Sci Fi content is over, I’m sure we’ll get another Sci Fi channel of our own along the lines of such cable channels as Chill (horror) or Sleuth (crime drama) genre related channels but programmed with almost entirely reruns. Reruns are cheap programing too.

  133. I have never in my life posted my opinion on the internet for anything but this warrants a first! I had gone without cable for several years, and I was so very happy when I was able to get back for not other reason than the SCI FI channel. To my UTTER surprise what do I see? WRESTLING! of all things….I thought “hhmm ok no big deal ratings a little low needed an extra push” I kinda enjoyed the Sanctuary series that did not last all that long, but now they have a spin off “Ware House 13” and NOW I am seeing 007 movies on there!! What the @#@# does that have to do with Science Fiction?
    I do not claim to be a Science Fiction fanatic I do not speak Klingon, I did however keep my TV tuned into the Sci Fi channel at ALL times until now, even with all the cheesy movies like Sasquash Mountain, Abominable, just to name a few. Cheesy enough just to be a little entertaining. But now….well….I just do not know how I am going to get my Science Fiction fix. I love Sean Connery but James Bond just does not do it for me.
    I am not saying I will stop watching, HOPEFULLY the suits have enough sense to at least try to keep it somewhat Science Fiction, but such is life, I am sure there were millions of Magnum PI fans that sat lonely and depressed when the series was over.

  134. I have never in my life posted my opinion on the internet for anything but this warrants a first! I had gone without cable for several years, and I was so very happy when I was able to get back for not other reason than the SCI FI channel. To my UTTER surprise what do I see? WRESTLING! of all things….I thought “hhmm ok no big deal ratings a little low needed an extra push” I kinda enjoyed the Sanctuary series that did not last all that long, but now they have a spin off “Ware House 13” and NOW I am seeing 007 movies on there!! What the @#@# does that have to do with Science Fiction?
    I do not claim to be a Science Fiction fanatic I do not speak Klingon, I did however keep my TV tuned into the Sci Fi channel at ALL times until now, even with all the cheesy movies like Sasquash Mountain, Abominable, just to name a few. Cheesy enough just to be a little entertaining. But now….well….I just do not know how I am going to get my Science Fiction fix. I love Sean Connery but James Bond just does not do it for me.
    I am not saying I will stop watching, HOPEFULLY the suits have enough sense to at least try to keep it somewhat Science Fiction, but such is life, I am sure there were millions of Magnum PI fans that sat lonely and depressed when the series was over.

  135. Yup! But that is what typical men in suits do! They spend money on “consulting” firms instead of actually going out in the public and staging some kind a “Pole” to actually determine what the public REALLY wants. NOPE…too much effort. Do you think that if they had broadcast on air that they were doing an online pole and ask for participation that ANY of this would be taking place?
    I am a white 38 year old woman and I completely agree with you on what you said about them being sexist. It’s either that or they are so far up their own money grubbing asses that they couldn’t know what the public TRULY wants.

  136. HALE to the female geek!! VERY well put!!

  137. I am incredibly disappointed. Changing your name doesn’t make you better or different; a rose is a rose and a geek is still a geek. Love yourself sci fi!

  138. This will be the final nail in the coffin that is Science Fiction, congrats to the team that came up with the SYFY you too have bought into and will profit from the Dumbest generation
    1 question
    how does Warehouse 13 differ from the many countless shows just like it you threw on for 1 season dumped because they weren’t getting American Idol and ER ratings?

  139. BAD IDEA!!! It has to be SCIFI…or SF. SYFY is just goofy!

  140. BAD IDEA!!! It has to be SCIFI…or SF. SYFY is just goofy!
    All you’re going to do is alienate your core audience. What we need is more good, solid sci fi series and movies–such as “Firefly”/”Serendipity”–and much less wrestling and horror.

  141. What the hell is the point. leave well enough alone. So you insinuate that your viewers are geeks? Who the hell cares, your ratings are up…….. Can anyone say “jumped the shark”!!!!

  142. Wrestling = More women viewers. Does Mr. Howe have a real perspective? Will this ‘bold’ swim against the tide of tight niches net the net more viewers or lose them the core audience built over 16 years? I suggest the latter.

  143. Can you believe people actually get paid tens of thousands of dollars to come up with this crap?
    My choice is to just never watch the channel again. Over the last few years this channel has been going down hill; this silly name change is the last straw for me.
    I blame NBC 100%. Like someone else mentioned before, hopefully this will help open the door for a real SciFi channel.

  144. Change is not always a good thing

  145. I cannot believe this — I’m still shaking my head, What harebrained nonsense. Siffy — sounds like Sissy with a lisp.
    Unlike some, I DO understand the problem with SciFi being a non-copywriteable brand. But did they EVER try something like INITIALS? All the BEST channels are doing it…CNN, ABC, CBS….it never hurt them. So how about SF&F for Science Fiction & Fantasy. That way they can still have their wrestling. Even some political & religious programming, if need be.
    How much would they pay me for that idea? Could pull their butts out of the fire they lit and heaven knows they must have money to burn hiring whoever came up with this.

  146. It never fails; like Coke, your marketing guru’s never learn “new” Coke, or “Original” Coke, just confuses the issue. Your success is based on having good programing, not a name. I am 62, and not a geek. Don’t let the “smart guys” put you out of business.

  147. It never fails; like Coke, your marketing guru’s never learn “new” Coke, or “Original” Coke, just confuses the issue. Your success is based on having good programing, not a name. I am 62, and not a geek. Don’t let the “smart guys” put you out of business.

  148. I cannot believe this — I’m still shaking my head, What harebrained nonsense. Siffy — sounds like Sissy with a lisp.
    Unlike some, I DO understand the problem with SciFi being a non-copywriteable brand. But did they EVER try something like INITIALS? All the BEST channels are doing it…CNN, ABC, CBS….it never hurt them. So how about SF&F for Science Fiction & Fantasy. That way they can still have their wrestling. Even some political & religious programming, if need be.
    * Yah and Home Box Office words weren’t common either, nor was The Movie Channel. But apparently the abbreviations were? So Deborah I think you’re right. Why couldn’t they use S.F.C (SFC) The Sci Fi Channel? Or TSFC? I mean how many other “The Sci Fi Channel”‘s are there? How many lawyers does it take to screw in a channel? Any more? Bang! How many network executives does it take to screw up a channel? Any more? Bang!

  149. Honestly…this is just stupid. I thought it was incredibly stupid and irritating when they started airing WWE. It’s a specialty station. Way to insult your primary viewers, guys. I’m a 36-year-old mom running a successful home-based business. I like science fiction. I’ve even been to Star Trek cons. If “SyFy” stops being Sci Fi, I will stop watching. By the way, mispelling something deliberately to try to disguise it is cutesy and makes me feel like my intelligence is being insulted.

  150. I would totally watch those.

  151. I am wondering why the mane change when all it is doing is changing the spelling but still pronounced the same. Yes, that will trick the average Joe Blow into not noticing there is science fiction content on teh site. The only reason I have sci fi channel, and pay extra for it, is for the SCI FI. Hello!If there is not sci fi on teh channel why am i paying extra for it?
    Maybe rethink the name and rethink what crap you add to the channel. here are shows, old and new that can be added, old twighlight zones and outer limits come to mind, as well as may good old movies.
    I for one will stop paying for a channel I won’t watch. What reaction would the sports channel get if they decided to add movies and dramas to their channel? Think about it. they are called specialty channels for a reason. Der…..

  152. Thanks, Alan. I think the issue is that they wanted a brand that could be used for non-TV products, games maybe, and so dropped the whole “channel” idea? I guess they should contact the Discovery Channel or good ol’ NatGeo and find out how THEY are handling it. The idea that people abbreviate SciFi as SyFy when texting doesn’t really ring true for me. I do a fair amount of texting too but I don’t think I’d know what Syfy was. Maybe because I’m over 12 and out of their target range. I would sure like to hear what people think who ARE in their target range (what was that 15-25?)

  153. I am a little suspicious of the name change. Over the last year our beloved SCIFI has exhibited some non-scifi fare: wrestling (good grief!), James Bond, UNreality shows (cheaper, no writers!), and so forth.
    I LIKE SCIENCE FICTION. I WANT SCIENCE FICTION. I have some ideas: Max Headroom and other fascinating SCIFI series and movies that haven’t been shown anywhere in years.
    Here’s a thought: BACK TO THE BASICS! No apocalypse left behind. And, I always love a good monster. How about a movie about what happens to a group of people after a sonic burst, pandemic, widespread natural disasters, etc….along the lines of the book Earth Endures.

  154. I don’t mind the name change, as long as you don’t alienate my generation that was raised on Star Trek and Star Wars, (as well as masterpieces like 2001 A Space Odessey…which I have never seen on Sci Fi???????).
    If the name change will help STOP running 10 snake and crocodile “C” movies every other weekend that make me want to vomit it will be well worth it.
    The “most dangerous night on television” is because your ratings for “Primeval” do not warrant it being on at “Primetime”.
    The most dangerous thing about the most dangerous night on television is that viewers like me are falling asleep at 8:15 due to sheer boredom.
    Hey, I LOVE your channel. Just fix it with common sense. Please don’t turn it into what MTV became.
    Chris Skalski
    Loyal Viewer

  155. I fully support your position, but mispelling “poll” as “pole” twice makes these execs reading our posts think we are dumb as posts. Also, being a female, these suits are bound to think of a number of jokes about what kind of “pole” you need or what kind of “pole” you might dance around in some seedy clubs.
    I am a 38 year old white male, and I still think the “most dangerous night on televison” would be back-to-back WWE, 3 crocodile and 4 snake movies. The dangerous part is the viewers inability to stop vomiting.
    Lost customer

  156. “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular”
    Well, as a member of the female SciFi audience, I like SciFi, not SyFy.
    This name change is just stupid.
    It might help if they played SciFi instead of lame gator and crocodile movies that are, like someone else said, only good as MST3K fare, and stopped playing the same 12 80s “Twilight Zone” episodes during their daytime marathon. (Check this week’s listings – they’re the same episodes that played last week or the week before.)
    It’s a shame, because I used to like the channel. Now I watch Chiller.

  157. “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular”
    Well, as a member of the female SciFi audience, I like SciFi, not SyFy.
    This name change is just stupid.
    It might help if they played SciFi instead of lame gator and crocodile movies that are, like someone else said, only good as MST3K fare, and stopped playing the same 12 80s “Twilight Zone” episodes during their daytime marathon. (Check this week’s listings – they’re the same episodes that played last week or the week before.)
    It’s a shame, because I used to like the channel. Now I watch Chiller.

  158. If you take a look, the only cartoons on toon are chowder, pokemon, and yugioh. Hardly worth watching.

  159. To try & make Sci-Fi less “geeky” is a exercise in futility. The fan base is that of “geeks, nerds,etc”. Which is a large & growing populous. A name change will not gain you “coolness” points anymore than paying the hot cheerleader to date you so are “cool” by association. To be fair, a channel that plays movies with Lou Diamond Phillips like “Jersey Devil”….should NOT try to label themselves “cool”. It’s fine the way it is. Just one geek’s opinion.

  160. The Community College of the Finger Lakes (CCFL) changed its name because everyone referred to it as “Siffel” as in short for syphilis.
    Now we can do the same for “Siffie”

  161. “Siffy” sounds like a euphemism for what was once euphemistically called a social disease. Henry VIII and Al Capone both died of siffy. “Imagine greater??” Imagine greater WHAT? Audiences? Programs? Profits? Could anyone possibly have imagined a more meaningless and inane slogan? One can only wish that the dim bulbs who came up with this nonsense would be laughed out of their jobs, but that’s probably hoping for too much. This 58-year-old mom and long-time science fiction fan (NOT an antisocial boy living in parents’ basement, guys) is appalled.

  162. let me ax u r u illiterate? the dumbing down of a nation continues

  163. It seems as if the Sci-fi channel is going to go the way of G-4 a network with 2 shows about games and the rest is cops and cheaters

  164. This is asinine.
    Syfy reads like some sort of venerial disease.

  165. I know syfy is completeely geeky and i will tune out permanently with that change because the trend away from science fiction will grow.You enjoy your queer planet green type name you geeks

  166. I love stuff like this. =P
    ““It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.””
    Using the word ‘hip’ when trying to talk about this generation (or the past one or two or three perhaps) and how you are fitting in better seems pretty funny to me.
    Anyway, changing a couple letters might make the very young community more into it, I guess. They might as well add “SyFy, Lawl” if they want to grab that group. Maybe flash an image of a cat or just go straight for the gut and rename the network /x/.
    I guess if they wanted a more representative name they could go for “A million hours of ghost hunters, just as many commercials, a touch of wrestling, and a few other shows.”… though I guess that would be an awfully long name.
    Oh well, what are ya gonna do? =\

  167. Uh hello? If I say the word sci-fi or syfy, who the hell’s gonna know the difference when I’m speaking? Who’s gonna care for that matter? Personally I don’t get it.

  168. Uh hello? If I say the word sci-fi or syfy, who the hell’s gonna know the difference when I’m speaking? Who’s gonna care for that matter? Personally I don’t get it.

  169. I know syfy is completeely geeky and i will tune out permanently with that change because the trend away from science fiction will grow.You enjoy your queer planet green type name you geeks

  170. I know syfy is completeely geeky and i will tune out permanently with that change because the trend away from science fiction will grow.You enjoy your queer planet green type name you geeks

  171. I know syfy is completeely geeky and i will tune out permanently with that change because the trend away from science fiction will grow.You enjoy your queer planet green type name you geeks

  172. I honesty don’t care about the name. What I do care about is the programming. Whether or not they changed the name if they cant entertain me and melt my brain with awesome programming then there is no need for me to watch Sci Fi or SyFy.

  173. SyFy is not cool; it is a silly and infantile name, and according to the blogs, associated with Syphilis. What is Dave Howe going to do, put more WWF wrestling on the line-up (as they do in Virginia) or maybe he’ll host shows like the Octomom reality show. Dave Howe is going to kill the sci-fi channel just like they killed MTV, but with Syphilis.

  174. All right, SciFi Channel…Syfy? What a huge mistake AND an insult. What’s wrong with geeky? Who do you think got you where you are, anyway?
    Nerd-core, and proud,

  175. The new spelling looks kinda cute but it reminds me of parents who name their child a commonly used name and they just change the spelling to “hopefully” make it different in some sad way. It’s something that always bothered me b/c it is still the same name so it isn’t a great idea or original. It’s really almost lazy. I know they don’t want to be seen as “nerdy” anymore and that they don’t want to change the name completely but no matter how you spell it’s still gonna sound the same. so i’m not impressed.

  176. There was a line from an episode of Star Trek:TNG (you do remember that show, don’t you?) by Lt. Commander Data about television : “That particular form of entertainment did not last much beyond the year 2040”. I see that you people are doing your best to make that a reality. Call the station what you wish to. That is your choice. Just as it is my choice not to watch it

  177. SYFY??? Whoever came up with that POS probably laughed all the way to the bank.
    Just exactly what kind of programming is “syfy”? I must agree with 99.9% of the other respondents here and state that this is the stupidest idea and dumbest name I’ve ever heard. Sorry, but “syfy” sounds to me like some watered down, limp wristed brand of sci-fi. I love Sci-fi, but I think this siffy crap is going to blow up in their faces. So, they want to separate themselves from the “negative” connotation of fanboys and sci-fi geeks, huh? Don’t they realize that IS their fan base, the same ones that built their network and made it a success. What a bunch of corporate morons!

  178. I hope your research people have some kind of basis for the name change besides the nonsense I read above. On the surface it sounds silly. It is still pronounced the same, so what’s the difference? Sorry if I don’t get it. Are you planning to change your line up? No more science fiction? Sounds like a stupid move.

  179. Nothing like alienating the people that have made your station so popular. I’m insulted and don’t plan to watch the “new” channel. Oh, and by the way, I’m a girl! Not all sci-fi fans are teenage boys in their parents basements!! Stupidest move I’ve seen in years…

  180. I’ve grown up with Scifi and have always loved it’s programming. I don’t mind the channel calling it’s self “Scifi” instead of Science fiction channel, but it just seems dumb to just make it more HIP with SyFy. it just looks dumb. I have always liked the little IF commercials, I’m a girl and I like things the way they’ve been! ERGS!

  181. I have been reading the comments and the consensus is “what the heck were you thinking!!”. People who like scifi will watch scifi. The people you want to please already watch it! Scifi is not just for geeks, that is profiling. Sports channel is for sports, Fishing channel is for fishing etc. If you wanted to set yourself apart like, let’s say ESPN try ASFC (all science fiction channel ) or SFN (science fiction network) You get the idea….. but keep it all science fiction or what’s the point! Please, please reconsider before you alienate all of us scifi lovers!!!

  182. OMG changing the name is a real big mistake just as adding WWF to Sci fi was…I might stop watching also because some of the shows are just so lame..like ghost hunters..lol do they ever do anything on there or is it always gonna be like Blair witch? bring back shows like BSG SG ect and maybe maybe you will keep your fans. Change is not always good.And yes I’m female..We like sci fi alot.

  183. It occurs to me that Dave Howe has never read a science fiction novel, owned a Star Wars “action” figure or understands that this network was founded on the belief that the imagination is something to be protected. Dave Howe is a business man, a suit who’s only interests rest with money and shareholder earnings.
    The only real solution is to boycott the network until he is replaced by the inert corps of Philip K. Dick. Even dead, PKD would provide a more imaginative and creative spark for its so called original programming.
    RIP SciFi–there were good programming times (BSG, first 2 seasons of Eureka), bad programming times (Mansquito, other rubber suit monster movies) and ugly programming times (“professional” wrestling).
    Looks like I will be watching G4 more often.

  184. It occurs to me that Dave Howe has never read a science fiction novel, owned a Star Wars “action” figure or understands that this network was founded on the belief that the imagination is something to be protected. Dave Howe is a business man, a suit who’s only interests rest with money and shareholder earnings.
    The only real solution is to boycott the network until he is replaced by the inert corps of Philip K. Dick. Even dead, PKD would provide a more imaginative and creative spark for its so called original programming.
    RIP SciFi–there were good programming times (BSG, first 2 seasons of Eureka), bad programming times (Mansquito, other rubber suit monster movies) and ugly programming times (“professional” wrestling).
    Looks like I will be watching G4 more often.

  185. It occurs to me that Dave Howe has never read a science fiction novel, owned a Star Wars “action” figure or understands that this network was founded on the belief that the imagination is something to be protected. Dave Howe is a business man, a suit who’s only interests rest with money and shareholder earnings.
    The only real solution is to boycott the network until he is replaced by the inert corps of Philip K. Dick. Even dead, PKD would provide a more imaginative and creative spark for its so called original programming.
    RIP SciFi–there were good programming times (BSG, first 2 seasons of Eureka), bad programming times (Mansquito, other rubber suit monster movies) and ugly programming times (“professional” wrestling).
    Looks like I will be watching G4 more often.

  186. This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time. Whoever had this idea needs to be on the unemployment line and someone from the line needs to take his/her place!

  187. “SyFy” distancing itself from sci-fi?
    I guess it’s the same way AMC distanced itself from classic movies (New classics indeed! Speed? Reign of Fire?) or how MTV distanced itself from music (getting so full of dating dramas, cartoon frolics and puppet shows that they had to create MTV2 to hold it all).
    Sadly, it it makes perfect sense, in a Bizarro-world, cable TV sort of way.

  188. Why not SciFy? The Fy could stand for fantasy. SyFy makes no sense.

  189. When you try to please everybody you loose your cutting edge. Scifi appealed to a broad range of people who turned on this channel expecting science fiction. Now you’ve abandoned the people who made you what you are to try and capture and audience that would never tune in regardless. You should be true to the people who made you what you are today and the name change is just stupid and the person that suggested it should be fired. Nobody knows what you are now!

  190. Unique word? SYFY is not a word or even an abbreviation of a word like…say… Sci-Fi is. AND… Women/girls are either into sci-fi or not, and changing your name won’t change that.
    signed…a long time sci-fi chick.

  191. I don’t carre that you are changing the name. But I think the satement above is stupid. I’m 51 years old and only keep dish net.work because of this channel I have loved Sci-Fi all my life. But let me give you some advice some of the movies you show are Horror and nor Sci-Fi and some are just plain stupid. But I watch alot of your movies and made for tv showes. Keep up the good work-Bud Warner

  192. I’m 18 and a girl and I adore Scifi and have watched it since i was like 12 not because of the name but like i don’t know the actual shows that are shown on the network. They’re trying to make the channel more apealling to women when this whole name change thing is going to scare more people off than invite them in

  193. Another change to something original, with a flimsy expanation, tell us what “SyFy” stands for, cat got your tongue?

  194. Syfy is just utter crap. I doubt they did real testing marking for this name. I love SciFi and I am sad to see it go. I’ll be watching it less as they show fewer real SciFi shows.

  195. Sci Fi may be geeky but SyFy is moronic

  196. Sci Fi may be geeky but SyFy is moronic

  197. “We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.” Spoken like a true jacka**. We DO want a SCIENCE FICTION channel – but one that – GASP! – airs SCIENCE FICTION series and movies. A FEW have been made over the years. Whatever – then – yeah, go away now. Hopefully someone will fill the SCIENCE FICTION niche – there is a market here for it. Sorry we weren’t up to your head-up-your-a** standards. Excuuuuuuse us.

  198. ““The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks, who helped launch Sci Fi Channel when he worked at USA Network.”
    Really. I’ve been reading Sci Fi for years, watching Sci Fi movies for years, and guess what? I’m a happily married man with a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. I also live in my own house, make my own money, pay my own bills, hang out with friends, and yes I do play video games. I am also an electrician – hardly a dysfunctional, antisocial boy who is living in his parent’s basement. Tim Brooks, take a good hard look at yourself… perhaps YOU are the one who has issues with living in YOUR parent’s basement, having issues with disfunctionality and antisocialism and underneath the snide comments about what is associated with Sci Fi is nothing more than a little boy in an adult body.
    And “syfy”? Seriously? Who is the moron that came up with THAT drivel? The same idiot who came up with the crappy “original programming” that is nothing more than the same story every time just with robots one week and large birds the next… BSG was a huge success, along with shows like Eureka as well as airing Star Trek shows… but WWE? WTF does WWE have to do with Sci Fi OR syfy?
    You know with the large amount of money you very much likely payed these so-called consultants (who probably haven’t seen or read any decent sci fi) you could have hired decent writers to make good sci fi programming, hired good program directors to ensure that decent sci fi programs air and to leave the crap like WWE OFF the channel, and still had cash left over to make good sci fi original programming that doesn’t fit a cookie cutter recipe like your current original programming.

  199. Idiotic. Anyone remember this channel back before the upgrade to “Sci Fi 2.0”? It had a feeling of purpose back then: to satisfy Science Fiction fans. It was what it was and didn’t apologize. You had Buck Rogers, Old Galactica, etc. etc. Now all we get is Mansquito and Snakehead Terror Part 7. What’s with all the awful film school quality made for tv movies? The only time I watch this channel now is when they have a TZ marathon.

  200. To everyone disappointed by the new name change: I apologize. It is all my fault. I used to watch SciFi channel religiously, and probably kept the ratings up high enough to keep them comfortable with their name. However, I stopped watching cable due to work and college, and that alone would cause their ratings to drop. I occasionally watched it last year, hence the slight increase.
    When I build myself a time machine (which shouldn’t be too hard, given my history of watching the SciFi channel), I’ll tell myself to keep at least keep the TV on if I can’t continue to watch SciFi.
    …But seriously. SyFy? WTF. It’s worse than all the new sites that go for weird words with no vowels. Because ‘y’s just look dumb when there’s more than one of them in a four letter span. Did they even test this on potential viewers?

  201. Better than one channell in the uk with renamed it’s as “Dave” ..

  202. Better than one channell in the uk with renamed it’s as “Dave” ..

  203. There’s this great delusion in the television industry that ‘network identity’ actually matters, and that people will decide what to watch based on what channel it’s on. So they spend their money on branding parasites rather than on good programming, because apparently the packaging is what matters.

  204. i prefer the old name of scifi – at least i knew what it was about this new name looks weird in tv listings and some people might think the scifi channel is gone

  205. Sorry, folks. By changing FROM “SciFi” to “SyFy”, you are alienating your core base. “SyFy” is an deliberate obfuscation of the original basis of the name of the network in a feeble attempt to appear “cool”.
    Forget the logo change – change for the sake of change is never good.

  206. I think it is a really dumb name change and I think it is offensive to all the supporters that have made the SCI-FI network what it is today, shame on you.

  207. Why has it become popular to bash the Sci Fi crowd lately? I know the best way to get the “hip, cool” crowd is to bash the “geeks” along with them but seriously shouldn’t they be wanting to keep the old set of fans while trying to make new ones? Makes sense to me anyway.
    In general I have found, appealing to a more mainstream audience=suck but I am willing to give it a chance, I hope I am wrong.

  208. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
    Sadly not surprising coming from these fools. 🙁

  209. Why has it become popular to bash the Sci Fi crowd lately? I know the best way to get the “hip, cool” crowd is to bash the “geeks” along with them but seriously shouldn’t they be wanting to keep the old set of fans while trying to make new ones? Makes sense to me anyway.
    In general I have found, appealing to a more mainstream audience=suck but I am willing to give it a chance, I hope I am wrong.

  210. This new “branding” is one of the most idiotic things my family (8 SCI FI fans) have seen. I read the press releases and found out that the new Charles in charge idiots equate sci fi with geeks & nerds. Quite an insult to us. My prediction is that these sci fi haters are actually positioning themselves to phase out sci fi shows. so here’s input from a true fan. FIRE THE IDIOTS WHO CAME UP WITH THIS LAME IDEA.

  211. Exactly right. People have program loyalty, not station loyalty. How can network execs not get this? Too much cocaine in the board rooms.

  212. “When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it,”
    Its funny that you want a name that resembles a text message. I guess that since a text message has never been used to transmit anything meaningful. Your trying to convey that nothing important can be seen on SyFy? Because that’s the only meaning I can derive from such a made up word.
    But as long as you are taking name name suggestions, how about
    ASS – almost scheduled Scifi
    that shows that you thought about putting some scifi on, but just happened to go with wrestling.
    “The network plans to make the changeover July 7, when it will launch the new series “Warehouse 13.”
    I’m sorry, you want a name that represents the spirit of your new show.
    How about…
    SOS – Sorta Original Scifi
    not only does it show Warehouse 13 is almost original, but it also shows you need help.
    My favourite idea is lupus.
    LUPUS – Laughably unoriginal Programing Unrelated to Scifi
    “In some universe, the name ‘Syfy’ is less geeky than the name ‘Sci Fi.'”
    Bizarro Universe, but you wouldn’t know about Superman, Your to trendy to stoop to the scifi fan’s level.
    Look, an entire comment and I didn’t misspell every word. Maybe I’m smart enough not to need SciFi to be spelled wrong to like the channel. I’m physically hurt by this name, and I can’t wait for the day you change it back.

  213. This sucks. Who had this dumb idea. If I want to watch generic crap, I would watch CBS

  214. I for one won’t miss SciFi, or SyFy…. whatever you want to call it. I’ve found myself watching less and less since the wrestling started. The most aggravating thing is the constant male hard-on commercials that start around evening time. I’m sick of it! Too bad I can’t remove the channel from my digital cable box.

  215. I’m guessing that this will give the execs. the excuse to dumb up the network even more than it has. What a crap name.

  216. Who the hell did they test this on? It looks ridiculous – and who cares how you’d text it? This isn’t about texting. If any of these guys ever even read an SF book (or noticed stuff in movies these days), they’d realize that there are elements of every genre in SF. I never even thought of Sci-Fi as geeky. Not even close.
    Now I just think it’s dumb.

  217. Sci Fi (“SyFy”?) has now officially sold out. They started going downhill when they began showing wrestling, but I never thought it would get this bad. If you were trying to distance yourself from sci-fi since the ’90s, why did you still call yourself the SCI FI CHANNEL, moron? This really is sad. They’re trying to make themselves more appealing to everyone, like Metallica did with the black album. This channel was made for real fans of this genre, not teenyboppers wanting to watch Twilight. Ugh….

  218. Sci Fi (“SyFy”?) has now officially sold out. They started going downhill when they began showing wrestling, but I never thought it would get this bad. If you were trying to distance yourself from sci-fi since the ’90s, why did you still call yourself the SCI FI CHANNEL, moron? This really is sad. They’re trying to make themselves more appealing to everyone, like Metallica did with the black album. This channel was made for real fans of this genre, not teenyboppers wanting to watch Twilight. Ugh….

  219. Sci Fi (“SyFy”?) has now officially sold out. They started going downhill when they began showing wrestling, but I never thought it would get this bad. If you were trying to distance yourself from sci-fi since the ’90s, why did you still call yourself the SCI FI CHANNEL, moron? This really is sad. They’re trying to make themselves more appealing to everyone, like Metallica did with the black album. This channel was made for real fans of this genre, not teenyboppers wanting to watch Twilight. Ugh….

  220. Sci Fi (“SyFy”?) has now officially sold out. They started going downhill when they began showing wrestling, but I never thought it would get this bad. If you were trying to distance yourself from sci-fi since the ’90s, why did you still call yourself the SCI FI CHANNEL, moron? This really is sad. They’re trying to make themselves more appealing to everyone, like Metallica did with the black album. This channel was made for real fans of this genre, not teenyboppers wanting to watch Twilight. Ugh….

  221. Sounds like a failed .Com experiment. Next they will be asking for a 3rd round of funding and announce that they will no longer sponsor the Friday luncheons for employees.
    SciFi made it’s claim to fame from science fiction geeks.
    Personally, I like SciFi much more. I think they will realize that it’s a bad marketing move only after dumping loads more money into it.
    The only thing they have going for them is content but with any rebranding, anything subject to change.
    Only time will tell.

  222. That is the stupidist thing the scifi channel has ever done, and they’ve done some really stupid things.
    Ghost hunters
    About 50 lame movies
    They’re going to blow all their brand loyalty and turn off even more viewers than they already have. Are they trying to run the channel down so much they get some stimulus money from Obama??

  223. Hello…. WTF? The “new” name looks and sounds the same. Are you kidding me with this one? The same people are going to watch the channel.Give me a break! Don’t get me wrong,I love Sci Fi / syfy… but lets be real.
    If I decide to spell my name Jason to Jayson… its still me and when people talk about it and say it aloud… its all the same.

  224. SyFy is obviously forgetting why the channel was created, it lost all the good stuff it had at it inception and slowly had eroded to something less than what it started. Maybe it viewership has increased in a specific target group. But It lost a lot too in the process. When I heard about this name change, I started to think… is this the same as when Tech-TV changed into G4 and its fall from technology into gamercrap. It seems that quality content is on the ropes and crapola content is on the rise as moguls try to repackage stations for crap for the general audience of morons.

  225. So the plan is to insult current viewers without doing anything substantial to attract new ones. Great timeing too. Star Trek and Transformers have put up huge numbers this summer. There couldn’t be a better time to dump the SciFi brand.
    This is why corporate America fails.

  226. still same channel. sounds the same, and programming is the same. I don’t think brand name looking different will make any impact, other than dumb remarks on the blog-o-sphere… they did not need to reach for ‘hip’ when their target audience is already well aware of who they are and what they televise. this fits in the “whatever” category.

  227. It is a sad day that the Science Fiction Channel says it does not want to be associated with “nerds and geeks”. Who do you think are the type of people responsible for developing, creating, and buying tech equipment. From high tech to low there are alot of this type of viewer.
    I guess the signs were already there when wrestling was put in the line up. And who’s idea is it to keep running ancient Twilight episodes? This is why SyFy is coming, no imagination. There is great SciFi programs to air, but they do not use the resources available to create a great SciFi Channel.
    SciFi has lost its focus and will most likely become another generic channel.

  228. Just another stupid marketing gimmick that allows them to “debut” a bunch of old crap again.

  229. “We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “
    This makes as much sense as ESPN trying to distant themselves from sports.
    I’ve yet to see one positive comment about the change anywhere so either they are not paying attention to what the viewers think or they just think they know better or like everyone here believes, they’re just a bunch of idiots.

  230. um your stupid add does not let me goto the game center
    hello?? any one there

  231. it’s just a comparison how stupid it would be “IF” ESPN were to distance themselves from sports. That’s how stupid it is for Sci-Fi to distance themselves from science fiction.

  232. This name change is ridiculous. Do they really think they are going to get more viewers by changing their name to something more phonetic? It sure as heck didn’t help out Washington Mutual with their brilliant ‘WaMu’ idea. They are just going to lose their original base and then the network will drop off completely.
    Nice choice guys.

  233. syfy means nothing. sci fi means science fiction. why use a word that ryhms with the science fiction genere but means nothing? instead of syfy, why not use booby, that means nothing and sounds cute too. sci fi has sold out by building its success on the sci fi genre and changing the name to be more marketable and cute. syfy is a dumb meaningless name; i hope the change backfires. if sci fi watchers wanted to watch a fake sci fi chanell, we would watch the wb, i mean the cw *smile.

  234. Um…. ok whatever.
    So eathing at Mik Donalds will draw in more burger fans than eating at McDonalds?
    I’m going to start going to werk instead of work… sound more appealing. So many more people will talk about werk in a more positive fashion, Im sure!
    Anyways… waste of money.

  235. WTF were you thinking? This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of! Not to mention it took me until now to find out that you did it at all, and I’m a die hard SciFi fan, this should explain what’s happening to your viewers. Can I have the name I was thinking of starting a channel that showed Science Fiction? That’s it, call it the WTF we want show channel, that seems to be where you are headed anyway.

  236. Are you guys actually serious?! David Howe what koolaid did you drink to change the name to this?! It is absolutely the most asinine, stupid, cartoon-like sounding crap name you could have chosen. Way to go!

  237. What an ydyotyc name!

  238. God I’m glad to see that I’m not alone. to see so many fellow human beings out there who find this not only stupid, but ridiculous and quite a bit insulting. Now, why is it that none of us are in charge? Why is it we can’t start up a SciFi channel now? It’s quite depressing in this day and time, idiots still rule the world. I keep hoping our generation would get in charge and begin fixing things, but so far it hasn’t happened or the ones that have for some reason got just as dumb as those that came before them. SyFy? Really? So frakkin stupid!!!

  239. What a bunch of morons. It’s pronounced the same so you think it’s less geeky to spell it differently?
    You people remind me of the car manufacturers, you just do things because you THINK it’s better.
    As I said in the beginning, MORONS.
    If I like the show, I’ll watch it, who cares what sf’ing channel it’s on?

  240. Siffy, The Viewer Slayer!
    Inane name changes can’t change the facts. Siffy, is now aiming for the 10 to 18 year old demographic. Moronic made-for-tv-movies and totally tasteless non-reality Reality shows challenge even the most devoted fan. Gone is any programming remotely resembling decent science fiction. RIP Sci Fi channel.

  241. Personally, I think this name change is silly. Not to mention that what MADE this channel so good at its inception has gone the way of the dodo for the most part.
    REAL science fiction and fantasy is good to read, and if done right, good to watch as well.
    This other garbage they keep bringing in to replace it is just plain pathetic

  242. “SyFy”, less geeky, more gay

  243. Howe dumb can he be? I hope a another network picks up the SCIFI Genre and begins to offer programming that actually is Science Fiction!

  244. Howe dumb can he be? I hope a another network picks up the SCIFI Genre and begins to offer programming that actually is Science Fiction!

  245. I’ve been a huge fan of the sci-fi channel since it started it’s test pattern in the early 90’s. I’m all for you wanting to draw a larger viewing audience but the puffy SY FY letters on the screen are extremely “LAME”.

  246. Well as with the old parable, we may not like it – but we will just have no choice but to get use to it.
    The farmer’s barn was lost in a winter storm so the farmer choose to bring his livestock into the house… the family did not like the accomodations nor the smell, but they got use to it.
    SmellyourFamilyyou! Stinky

  247. I was a video tech at the launch of the SciFi Channel’s launch at the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium in NYC. Finally! It was time for the creation of such a network on cable…back when cable was GOOD, commercial free, and free of the influence of the original broadcasting networks.
    Ever since NBC/Universal’s takeover of the SciFi Channel (it hurts to even say it out loud), it has gone down the tubes or even better…”Jumped the Shark!”. For lack of more colorful phrases such as “@$%#)*& morons”, it has, in fact, gone to hell in a hand-basket. Your programming….duh….wrestling on a SCIENCE FICTION CHANNEL? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It was bad enough when you ran that lousy soap opera in the morning before the actual programming started…But Now this! SyFy?!? That’s just embarrassing. That’s the kind of thing I expect from people who DO NOT LIKE science fiction. LOL, and you thought you’re ratings were floundering before! I know approximately thirty people who have decided to stop watching the network just for that, much less the programming choices. A “reboot”? OK I can understand that, but this?…What next? Going to sell “Lands End” merchandise from the web site?
    WAKE UP FOLKS! The network should be going more Hard Core not More Flowery and Appealing! That’s what the original broadcast networks are for….This is cable for goodness sake!

  248. anime IS sci-fi

  249. This is stupid. Mr. Howe is an idiot and should be fired.

  250. OK so they changed to fit the young crowd. ok, WELL IM 16 AND HAVE BEEN WATCHING THE CHANNEL PRETTY MUCH ALL MY LIFE!!!! Jeez. My dad who watched the original star trek when it was out says this is stupid as well. Oh and if nobody else knows, I would like to know who is in charge of programming. I know some lady got the job of being the president of some crap like that and since she got the job the channel has been getting worse.

  251. Ok, honestly I didnt sit and read through EVERY one of these replies, but, of the 50 or so I DID read, I dont think I noticed a single positive reaction to the name change. Do you think the top brass at SciFi are going to read through any of these and take them seriously? I mean…. they named it SYFY. Terrible blunder.

  252. As a female who really enjoyed science fiction/fantasy as a kid, reading the Dune series and Lord of the Rings when I was 13, I find the idea that sci fi brings up connotations of geeky and loner boys. I’d like to think that I was not a geek, nor did I spend all of my time in the basement with video games. Quite the opposite for me. What science fiction offered me was the chance to escape for a period of time to new and exciting worlds, only to take what I learned from those places (where anyone can become anything) and apply it to the real world. Anything was possible. You didn’t have to become a doctor or lawyer to be successful and happy. You could continue to use your imagination even as an adult. And that’s what I do now as a designer.
    Science fiction gave me that first outlet. And I hope that it will continue to do just that even with the new term SyFy. By changing the name, the execs are denying a truly inventive genre its glory. Through science fiction, scientists have been able to break through to new realms of possibility. Authors such as Jules Verne and HG Wells were seen as almost prophets, dreaming up spaceships and submarines, vehicles that weren’t made possible until many years later.
    Science Fiction lets us dream, let’s us build. Let us hope that the SciFi channel or SyFy won’t turn from its roots.

  253. “Syfy” is less geeky than the name “Sci Fi.”
    Wow, you failed there, buddy. You joined the ranks of trying to make cool what isn’t. Sci Fi has it’s own charm and stands on its’ own feet…
    This ranks up there with being as useless as Tall, Venti, and Grande.
    Way to be completely out of touch. Whatever “yes” men you have working for you who agreed this was a good idea should be fired.

  254. “Syfy” is less geeky than the name “Sci Fi.”
    Wow, you failed there, buddy. You joined the ranks of trying to make cool what isn’t. Sci Fi has it’s own charm and stands on its’ own feet…
    This ranks up there with being as useless as Tall, Venti, and Grande.
    Way to be completely out of touch. Whatever “yes” men you have working for you who agreed this was a good idea should be fired.

  255. You should have just dropped the “c” from the old “sci fi” and made it sifi. the “syfy” not only looks stupid and cheap, it sucks big time.

  256. A rose by any other name doth smell as sweet. Typical “suit” initiative. “Change the name without changing the name.” Load of crap imnsho.

  257. Sorry, Dave Howe, bad decision.
    The name sounds like “syphilis”

  258. I just had a great idea. What we really need is a channel devoted to high quality science fiction. I understand the name SciFi will soon be available!

  259. I echo the same chorus as others, what an idiotic move and financially wasteful. To insult your core audience of supposeded geeks and dysfuctional males(and females) shows true ignorance. We are intelligent, diverse and imaginative. You do not know your audience nor your product. Science Fiction has always represented forward thinking and the possibilities of what can be. Some of our greatest ideas,inventions and accomplishments were inspired by scifi (think H.G Wells and Gene Roddenberry).

  260. I suppose that the new SYFY will be broadcasting the Michael Jackson funeral. It’d be right up their alley. Cheesy & Stupid.

  261. Sci Fi channel and NBC Universal has alot of rethinking to do.. Sci Fi as a fan term has been a derogatory term to Science fiction fans who prefer the term “SF” over Sci Fi The channel making its name change to “SyFy” has only hurt them and the internet is now running amuck with SyFy slander and derogatory humourous articles aimed at NBC Universal
    In the recent past Sci FI channel has had extremely good shows that were well written and thought provoking and THAT is why they started gaining a larger market share. Now that they have cancelled or out and out trashed all these solid shows, Sci Fi Channel is now a odorous cesspool of low brow wrestling and low budget crappy horror. When will the networks get in touch with real viewers who want thought provoking television and not the mindless pap their bean coutners say we want? I for one wont be watching much on the new SyFy no matter what its called. its a shame too we thought we had a channel that knew we had brains…
    Disgusted with SyFy

  262. Sci Fi channel and NBC Universal has alot of rethinking to do.. Sci Fi as a fan term has been a derogatory term to Science fiction fans who prefer the term “SF” over Sci Fi The channel making its name change to “SyFy” has only hurt them and the internet is now running amuck with SyFy slander and derogatory humourous articles aimed at NBC Universal
    In the recent past Sci FI channel has had extremely good shows that were well written and thought provoking and THAT is why they started gaining a larger market share. Now that they have cancelled or out and out trashed all these solid shows, Sci Fi Channel is now a odorous cesspool of low brow wrestling and low budget crappy horror. When will the networks get in touch with real viewers who want thought provoking television and not the mindless pap their bean coutners say we want? I for one wont be watching much on the new SyFy no matter what its called. its a shame too we thought we had a channel that knew we had brains…
    Disgusted with SyFy

  263. There are too many networks trying to be everything to everyone. Guess what WE DON’T WANT THAT!!! I want Music Videos on MTV not reality shows & movies, I want Cartoons on Cartoon network, NOT Reality shows & Movies and I want SCIENCE FICTION on my Sci-Fi Channel not whatever the hell this idiot is talking about.

  264. It looks like the new logo is for those who can twitter and text but can not spell.
    You should be able to do better.

  265. To whom-ever,
    Let me just put it plainly; ‘What the hell!?!’, what have you been thinking?
    ‘Sci Fi’ means Science Fiction; in terms means anything non-fictional with science involved to some level. This means you could have anything you want under the sun and moon! This does not mean a geeky name…look at ‘Transformer’ movies, everyone loves them and they are Science Fiction; as well as, ‘X-men’, ‘War of the Worlds’, ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ just for examples. You guys just need to get out there and think of new ideas, for everyone loves science fiction, they just don’t realize it!
    ‘Sy Fy’ means and outlook of some one trying to hard. When I look at this I think, ‘What happened to Sci Fi…do they no longer exist?’ All becuase ‘Sci Fi’ no longer does becuase of the term ‘Sy Fy’ has no meaning!
    If you guys in the networking want more veiwers watching, then get new ideas from new places and think of new things with new brains. Go out into the world, go ask random people on the street of what they want, then you will be providing to the people, how can you go wrong there? But no, you want to listen to one person saying BS out his ass.
    Because of this change, I will no longer be watching. If anything were to show that is good, I will just get it off the internet, until the true ‘Sci Fi’ returns.
    ~Disgruntled Young Adult

  266. As Rutger Hauer said in Bladerunner… “That was Irrational… And unsportsmanlike. Awooooooo !” I myself just want to know what the heck happened to LOST ?

  267. When you’ve had a record year, why on earth would you want to change your image. The comments on this cite really insulted the major portion of your viewing audience. Hmm. New name O.K. Attitude concerning your loyal viewers, not so good. I’m not a geek but have been a SciFi fan since the beginning. The SyFy logo doesn’t really have the same meaning. Oh well, perhaps the programming will still be of the same calliber. Regards, G.Hudak

  268. GE and NBC they have been able to almost totaly destroy NBC tv, CNBC. unfortunately they seem to have set their sights on si fi

  269. I thought the channel had been hacked by a 13 year old kid when I turned on the TV this afternoon. How on earth this boneheaded idea ever get past any adults is beyond me.

  270. This rebanding is a bad idea, but then again this channel is noted for their good ideas.
    At first glance I thought they mis-spelled the name, it was not intuitive . I had to go online to get some explanation.
    Then it reminded me of that saying, if you need to explain the joke; it’ not funny. So if you need to explain the name change, it’s not going to work….
    God, would these network people stop catering to the tweens!!!

  271. Mr Howe, which ponzi scheme are you running? As you stated the show is a success so changing the name will do what? I venture to guess it may create a seperation to allow more commercials from those previously worried advertisers. I must say I’ve heard 2 voices, the people below and yours. Your voice sounds frankly like a commercial and my greatest ally to that problem has always been the mute button. The voices below are the ones you need to hear not your own. It seems that executives have 3 abilities. 1. Avoiding getting there butts kicked on the way up. 2. The ability to look in the mirror and not seeing an ——-. 3. Being able to suck a company dry and then looking stupid when caught. Stopping people like Mr. Howe must be done early in the game. This is something we need to improve upon people….

  272. Niche network, like the SCIENCE FICTION network or MUSIC TELEVISION, to name only a few, need to learn that you are simply going to be limited by your particular niche. In order to get audiences outside that niche, you must innovate better programming within your particular niche. Battlestar Galactica and Caprica are great examples of how to do that. Sadly, that takes talent, time, and money. Executives would rather try to trick people into watching a network by changing the name. The fact is, you can get a far greater return on your investment by creating works that will be appreciated by people for generations rather than trying to squeeze every last penny out of an immediate opportunity and then throwing the entire thing away for the next poorly made, advertising opportunity.

  273. From an older generation, Sci Fi is better to understand (Science Fiction). Sci Fi has been used for decades as an abreviation for Science Fiction. SyFy is just going to dumb down society once again. If texting I’m sure sci fi is just as easy as syfy. Oh but then again some people just never learned how to spell correctly. Poor choice.

  274. I was very disappointed to see the new logo (SyFy) I think it is a dishonor to change the Sci Fi logo that has been our comfort for so many years. I go on record as being against this change and am truly bothered when I see the new logo on the right hand bottom of my screen. I love sci fi and I happen to think myself educated,well rounded and not a geek living in a basement at all. Shame on those who would stereotype the watchers of an amazing genre. It also has to be said… wrestling??? who wants to see THAT on our Sci Fi channel???

  275. Never heard so much marketing blather packed into one article. Mr Howe is typical of the many executives at the top who are so removed from their audience that they haven’t a clue as to how to please them. In the absence of any intelligent creative ideas, he’s substituting a meaningless name change for good programming. I’m an over 50 year-old woman who’s loved science fiction and fantasy all her life, and I couldn’t agree more that it’s quality programming that counts. Lose those poorly scripted and acted Saturday night movies and run more shows like Battlestar Galactica, or Dresden FIles, Stargate, Moonlighting, Highlander, Supernatural, or Fringe. SciFi never restricted itself to space shows; it’s run fantasy, horror, and mythical as well. Quality is too often what’s been missing.

  276. Let’s see. They get rid of much of the good SciFi series, shows, and movies that the SciFi channel once showed and replace it garbage. So some exec, who couldn’t recognize the problem if it bit them, as to why viewership has dropped off, decides a name change will save them, because if you change the name, they will come in droves.
    So. they spend all the time and money to change the name, so no one will recognize it, and keep the same garbage programming that got them in the problem in the first place, then they wonder why viewship continues to drop off.
    Great idea guys…SyFy, the “new coke” of Cable and Sattelite TV.

  277. Horse hockey.. Sci-fi enthusiastics are intelligent people and we have realized that the Sci-Fi station has been a catch all for quite a while. Even we know that WWE Raw is not Sci-fi or ghost hunters. I would love to have a station that showed strictly good science fiction all the time.

  278. I believe we need to boycott SyFy at this point. I’m so tired of big corps trying to tell us what is best when what was there before was amazingly successful. I for one will not be watching “SyFy” anymore. SyFy doesn’t stand for anything. Sci-Fi is Science Fiction abbreviated. This is just unreal!!!!

  279. This is just terrible.

  280. The way the name is done, it looks very simple, almost childish in its appearance, like it was taken from a show aimed at little kids.
    The problem I hate about the Scifi channel is its blocks of shows that it does, sorry I can watch one or two episodes of the same show, but all night gets to be boring. There is such a rich history of Science Fiction shows, why do they keep showing blocks of the same shows?

  281. The new branding of your station to SYFY channel does not make sense using the faux syfy does not reflect wider programing by the station, all it does is say that you can’t spell.
    I will keep watching but the new logo sucks!

  282. Very stupid name! In fact it’s annoying! Probably won’t even watch the channel anymore!

  283. Yep. The new name is just plain stupid.

  284. What you said – 110%!!!

  285. I am a 56 year old woman, proud to be an Original Trekkie, who went to the first Star Trek Convention in NYC. I am also a chess player and proud to be a geek. Very disappointed in the new name!!!! It will always be the Sci Fi channel to me.

  286. Yeah, but nobody likes the new name. I’ve overheard conversations, spoken with friends, read online blogs, and the sentiment is unanimous. I’m not making this up… unanimous. Of all, the usual argument was that the new name ‘dumbs down’ the genre, it adds an element of goofiness to it that great science-fiction doesn’t need. I understand the ploy to avoid ‘Sci-Fi’ because the term is exhausted, but still. But, whatever… I guess it’s too late to change it back now that its out there.

  287. This is the worst name they could of picked… do they want to alienate all of their fans???

  288. I am a 56 year old woman, proud to be an Original Trekkie, who went to the first Star Trek Convention in NYC. I am also a chess player and proud to be a geek. Very disappointed in the new name!!!! It will always be the Sci Fi channel to me. I hope it’s not too late to reverse a very bad decision.

  289. As very loyal fan of the Sci Fi channel, I have to say I really dis-like the new “kinder, gentler” name. It looks too cartoon-ish. I honestly thought there was something wrong with my tv channel when I first saw that hideous logo. I had to go om-line just to make sure this was really happening. Why can’t you stick with what got you here? I was ok with the change from “The Science Fiction Channel”, to “Sci Fi”, simple, clean, yet still is very descriptive. This change is too much. Why? To attract a wider audience? More like brand dilution. You don’t see Lifetime showing MMA matches do you?

  290. i think this name is the worst out of the worst and you said female would like this name well im a female and like like the old name. “not all changes is a good change”

  291. As very loyal fan of the Sci Fi channel, I have to say this name change ranks right up there with some of the dumbest marketing stunts ever. It looks way too cartoon-ish. I honestly thought there was something wrong with my tv guide when I first saw that hideous logo. I had to go on-line just to make sure this was really happening. Why can’t you stick with what got you here? I was ok with the change from “The Science Fiction Channel”, to “Sci Fi”, simple, clean, yet still is very descriptive. This change is too much. Why? To attract a wider audience? More like brand dilution. You don’t see Lifetime showing MMA matches do you? You guys really “Jumped the Shark” with this one. Two BIG thumbs down my friends..

  292. i think this name is the worst out of the worst and you said female would like this name well im a female and like like the old name. “not all changes is a good change”

  293. SyFy is about as lame as it gets and is bound to draw the numb-skulled, brainless drivel that HGTV and DIY does. To me, SciFi will NEVER be SyFy or SIFFY as many have come to call it. In my opinion, they will regret becoming another cable TV clone because the market is overcrowded as it is. Catering to a niche market is a much beter idea. SyFy is just GAY!

  294. Sci-Fi is ‘geeky’?
    In other words…Intelligent?
    I guess this means more wrestling
    and bad commercials….
    Wrestling! fer Christs sake!
    Is that what Im paying for?

  295. I like scifi better because that is what it is and if that what labels me as a geek then I guess that is now am. I am a 53 yo professional working wife. SyFy sounds childish and like someone cannot spell

  296. Bullseye!!! OMG that is hilarious.

  297. The new name suck !!!!!!!

  298. SciFi, stands for sciece fiction. What does SyFy stand for? All the wonderful things you use to present your programing is brought to you by Science and the creative minds of geeks, nerds,and all the people you feel are out of touch. You,SyFy,are out of touch. Science fiction often become reality in the minds of the very people you’ve choosen to offend. Your comment concerning programing for women is really out of date. We’re smart too.

  299. What 13th isn’t goog enough. The name SCI FI sets us apart from the rest it’s the only place to find real entertainment on tv today.Now if you could lose the info/sales at night and follow it up with movies all night you would have something the others dont up all night with SCI FI

  300. What 13th isn’t goog enough. The name SCI FI sets us apart from the rest it’s the only place to find real entertainment on tv today.Now if you could lose the info/sales at night and follow it up with movies all night you would have something the others dont up all night with SCI FI

  301. Why not logo2 ,sy fy is that bsd!

  302. I don’t care about the name change just the shows, it’s pronounced the same so who cares and it really is not a bad way to spell it now, but the shows are sucking a lot more than ever, bring back new episodes of lex, first wave ect the original movies are pumped out so fast they are dumb with recycled plots and extremely unrealistic graphics, concentrate on that stuff more and stop rushing things!

  303. SciFi, stands for sciece fiction. What does SyFy stand for? All the wonderful things you use to present your programing is brought to you by Science and the creative minds of geeks, nerds,and all the people you feel are out of touch. You,SyFy,are out of touch. Science fiction often become reality in the minds of the very people you’ve choosen to offend. Your comment concerning programing for women is really out of date. We’re smart too.

  304. SciFi, stands for sciece fiction. What does SyFy stand for? All the wonderful things you use to present your programing is brought to you by Science and the creative minds of geeks, nerds,and all the people you feel are out of touch. You,SyFy,are out of touch. Science fiction often become reality in the minds of the very people you’ve choosen to offend. Your comment concerning programing for women is really out of date. We’re smart too.

  305. SciFi, stands for sciece fiction. What does SyFy stand for? All the wonderful things you use to present your programing is brought to you by Science and the creative minds of geeks, nerds,and all the people you feel are out of touch. You,SyFy,are out of touch. Science fiction often become reality in the minds of the very people you’ve choosen to offend. Your comment concerning programing for women is really out of date. We’re smart too.

  306. SciFi, stands for sciece fiction. What does SyFy stand for? All the wonderful things you use to present your programing is brought to you by Science and the creative minds of geeks, nerds,and all the people you feel are out of touch. You,SyFy,are out of touch. Science fiction often become reality in the minds of the very people you’ve choosen to offend. Your comment concerning programing for women is really out of date. We’re smart too.

  307. They keep ruining SciFi channel with crap shows and idiotic reality crap, and now they are making the name sound absolutely ignorant.
    I’m about ready to stop watching SciFi channel all together.

  308. simply stupid!

  309. What a great idea, if you want to kill the network and get rid of the base. Anyone remember what happened after Babyalon 5 or Farscape. Glad suits are in charge.
    Time to leave tv for books soon….

  310. Mr.Howe,get a job at a channel you like.
    Kudos to Landor Associates,how much did they make on that albatross of a moniker? and what could the other two hundred ninety-nine name choices have been that SYFY was their best choice?

  311. Are you crazy? SciFi is the perfect name.

  312. Sci-Fi to SyFy? It’s the continuing saga of the dumbing-down of America.

  313. Just what we don’t need more text like spelling.
    This will be your downfall.
    While you at it get the damn logo off my screen for a full 60 minutes an hour.
    Your little reminders that flash on the bottom left of screen make me hate you.

  314. My son thinks it sounds girlee. He thought you guys were bought out by the lifetime network or something.
    I things is pretty cool.. by the way my son is 14 and more a sport kid than a TV kid.

  315. My son thinks it sounds girlee. He thought you guys were bought out by the lifetime network or something. By the way,he is 14 and would rather skateboard or play on his XBox.
    I thought it was fine the way it was SciFi. As long as the shows don’t change, what the heck.

  316. My son thinks it sounds girlee. He thought you guys were bought out by the lifetime network or something. By the way,he is 14 and would rather skateboard or play on his XBox.
    I thought it was fine the way it was SciFi. As long as the shows don’t change, what the heck.

  317. This guy’s an idiot. He’s so afraid of the geek label that he felt the need to change the name of the network? Wow. What a way to alienate the scifi (and I do mean the genre, not the channel) fan base that made his channel successful in the first place by basically calling them losers he’s embarrassed to have to cater to.
    And yea! More misspelled things to confuse people and make them dumber.
    This guy should be canned, and his job should go to someone who gives a crap about the genre and couldn’t give two f**ks about the stigma of being a scifi fan. This is annoying to me, and I’ve only got a passing interest in the genre.

  318. the day has come and I, being in their key demographic will start watching my own dvds.
    Dumb dumbs who want to take it to the next level can kiss my non corporate wang.
    Surprised and saddened that instead of new innovative programming, the execs decided that reaching out to the same base of meat for brains would solve all their probs. Suck it indeed.
    Last reason to even have cable is now gone. Mtv died and now sci fi. May be I will use the money I save to buy casket for my tv.
    Oh well…

  319. You mean “Americans”, not “American’s” in your post. The use of the apostrophe would indicate the possessive, while from your comment is contextually clear that you wish to indicate the plural.
    Just thought you could use a little punctuation help from a dumb American like me. :]

  320. You mean “Americans”, not “American’s” in your post. The use of the apostrophe would indicate the possessive, while from your comment it is contextually clear that you wish to indicate the plural.
    Just thought you could use a little punctuation help from a dumb American like me. :]

  321. I think this change is dumb and unnecessary. I really can’t see sci fi attracting any more viewers by this name change. Not to mention the new name, when put up on TV looks awkward and stupid. They should have at least chosen a better font, but the biggest outrage however is still the total name change.

  322. Interesting that you mention TechTV. It’s probably the same idiots that came up with this.
    I have not watched G4 for more than a TOTAL of 20 minutes since the name change. And that was to give “the new version of Screen Savers” a chance. I follow Leo online and that is it.
    The plus is that shows like Stargate, Atlantis, and BSG are on DVD. Shows like Doctor Who and Torchwood can still be viewed online and DVD. This means I no longer have need for their channel without original programming, ala Stargate, so I can stop watching them like I did with G4.

  323. Interesting that you mention TechTV. It’s probably the same idiots that came up with this.
    I have not watched G4 for more than a TOTAL of 20 minutes since the name change. And that was to give “the new version of Screen Savers” a chance. I follow Leo online and that is it.
    The plus is that shows like Stargate, Atlantis, and BSG are on DVD. Shows like Doctor Who and Torchwood can still be viewed online and DVD. This means I no longer have need for their channel without original programming, ala Stargate, so I can stop watching them like I did with G4.

  324. I have to agree with most of the comments above, I can’t believe someone actually thought that SyFy was a good name. Its one of the stupidest names i have ever heard for a network cable channel.
    Anyways, if they are rated in the top 13 cable channel’s why change?

  325. I have to agree with most of the comments above, I can’t believe someone actually thought that SyFy was a good name. Its one of the stupidest names i have ever heard for a network cable channel.
    Anyways, if they are rated in the top 13 cable channel’s why change?

  326. As a woman I am insulted that the Sci Fi channel is trying to gain female watchers by ‘disguising’ the term sci fi. How stupid do the network execs think women are? I for one am boycotting the channel until they realize the name change is an error.
    Everyone start e-mailing or snail mailing letters to the corporate offices with “i” and “c” characters. Send hardcopy pages filled with the letters I and C, mail keyboard keys, cut out the letters from newpapers. *maybe* if we start a missing letter campaign someone will get the hint.

  327. Good one! Or maybe uassy!

  328. Watched Caprica night before last night… more evidence of the slide away from real science fiction, trying to pull people from the rest of the realm, into watching a drama or something (reality TV, wrestling, etc.).
    Watched Warehouse 13 last night… reminded me of a poor effort at night at the museum or the librarian…
    Syfy is moving away from the audience that supports it. I vote for the return to SciFi – back to movies and stories that are about the Science Fiction, with people supporting the story… not a story about people with Science Fiction as an afterthought.

  329. So they want to get away from being associated with the stereotype of a geeky sci-fi fan. Way to alienate your audience, and way to distance yourself from your very own product. “Yeah, we show science fiction, but we don’t want anyone to know that.” What, are they embarrassed by their own product? Maybe they should just shut down the channel completely, then, or show wrestling matches 24/7.
    The new name isn’t cool because it mimics text-speak. It looks illiterate, it begs to be pronounced “Siffy,” and it tells me nothing about what the channel offers.
    And boy, what a smackdown to their female viewers. My wife watches sci-fi as much as I do … she’s also a former D&D player and got me playing Magic: The Gathering. I think she can handle the “sci-fi” label. We both laughed last night when we tuned in and saw the new “Siffy” logo.
    That was the first time we watched the channel since they stupidly canceled “The Dresden Files” last year. Now I remember why we stopped watching in the first place.

  330. I am female, grew up on Outer Limits and Twighlight Zone, finally got into BSG, loved the SG’s (oh how I miss my Sci Fi Friday nights, at least they’re putting Eureka in that spot)etc… and last night, trying to find something interesting about Warehouse 13- I noticed the name change. What does the ‘new name’ say:
    Greetings new generation, we understand reading and writing are challenging for you, please accept this new spelling as your ‘Dumb it Down’ invite. Really, we have WRESTLING, you’ll like it. And now, you don’t even have to worry that people will laugh at you for pronouncing Sci Fi as SKY FY.
    Everyone else: go back to your books, there’s nothing to see here.
    Thanks Mr. Howe. Generations of Sci Fi writers are now being shown that Idiocrasy is the future, NOT intellectualism.

  331. Correction: Idiocracy… see, it’s happening already…

  332. Gurren Lagann (which was what they were playing last time I checked, dunno if it changed) /is/ sci-fi

  333. Dear Mr. Howe:
    I just started watching the new Syfy channel the other day and so far, I DON’T like what I see.
    Why do you 6 to 8 episodes of GHOST HUNTER on all day long and why did you keep that disgusting EWC in your schedule?
    While, I may like some of the movies, I would also like if you kept “Star Trek, The Next Generation” in your line-up as well as other familiar shows. Please, think about this or your ratings are going to go down the hole.

  334. Dear Mr. Howe:
    I just started watching the new Syfy channel the other day and so far, I DON’T like what I see.
    Why do you 6 to 8 episodes of GHOST HUNTER on all day long and why did you keep that disgusting EWC in your schedule?
    While, I may like some of the movies, I would also like if you kept “Star Trek, The Next Generation” in your line-up as well as other familiar shows. Please, think about this or your ratings are going to go down the hole.

  335. So apparently, ‘SyFy’ is what people use when texting, instead of Sci-Fi? I don’t know about anyone else, but (if I talked abut SciFi when texting) I’d actually spell it out or just say SF.
    And I’m a 16-year-old female. Who likes SciFi. And is proud to be a geek (why’s being a geek bad anyways?). I didn’t even know (and like) this channel until a few months ago (before Moonlight came on, I just thought it was the one channel my dad likes that’s not local programming), so I don’t know what it used to be like, but I can hardly find anything that actually captures my attention. I just leave it on to have something to glance at if the computer gets boring. When I learned they had wrestling, I was confused beyond belief- how the HECK is that scifi??? I can understand Moonlight being on – it’s always seemed more like a SF show than CBS even though it’s fantasy not sci-fi. The ONE original movie that I liked was Ogre, and I admit that was bad too.
    Changing the SPELLING of the name is just stupid – PROGRAMMING is what needs worked on.
    Can’t they just leave something that used to be good alone?

  336. Looks like it’s unamimous….SyFy is a stupid name.
    What “geek” came up with that idea? Hadn’t he ever heard the phrase “you don’t fix something that’s not broken” ???????

  337. We canceled our cable last November and we don’t miss it. Hundreds of channels of crap! Now, this.
    Have we forgotten Stargate: Atlantis? Cut down in it’s prime. Only to be replaced with Stargate: Universe, which will be crap along with box office poison Lou Diamond Phillips. This show takes the worst BG and Enterprise have to offer, and covers it in excrement.
    It’s no surprise to me that this was done by NBC, the enemy of entertainment.

  338. Well Scifi needed something. Changing it’s name to SyFy I don’t think is it. Quite frankly, the programming has been less than stellar over the years, pun intended. I think if a new network that was strictly dedicated to true science-fiction would be great.

  339. SyFy – yep that really says mainstream. I bet everone will start watching now.
    Maybe NBC should consider changing their name to NCSea — they could go after the marine audience. Wonder if they plan to keep the 20 sided “How many episodes will this season be” dice? Maybe a 20 sided die is too geeky too.

  340. I was wondering wtf this crap was about SyFy? I saw it on this website first. They should have kept Sci-Fi.

  341. If you just had the best year in SciFi channel history than why change the name? You know what they say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!”

  342. lol .. I love it! Well said, dumb American. 🙂
    As for SyFy … what a stupid name.

  343. Notice that Mr. Howe isn’t limiting his argument to, ‘we need a specific brand name’, or ‘what we’ve been showing for years isn’t technically science fiction’, but rather they’re planning on gaining a ‘broader audience’.
    Hint-hint, nudge-nudge.
    After all, if Mr. Howe is clueless enough to insult his core audience, (“Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games”), then it’s pretty apparent that he’s a typically stupid artisan marketing mook that just can’t wait to make a name for himself by changing something he doesn’t understand, and it’s apparent that he doesn’t respect us, our views or our choices in entertainment.

  344. people just dont know when to leave some things alone.the name was perfect, now they went and screwed it up,syfy… it doesnt even look right, it looks like a typo…idiots.

  345. I am sorry but I like the old name. You know its short for Science Fiction! I hope you don’t mess with the programing as well. My children make fun of me because I like the Sci Fi Channel so well. It is one of the tv channnels that I watch so much of. I love all the movies you make and show for this channel. I am so glad that someone out there has so much imagination. I am a big fan of Sci Fi and always will be.

  346. We’re already calling it the Siffy channel at home. Wow, and to think I used to work for Universal (before NBC came into play). Looks like I got out just in time because NBC (Nutters Being Clueless) is a mess. SyFy is going to be the laughingstock of television. The new logo on the TV screen is downright laughable looking. Sorry, but it begs to be pronounced Siffy and you have a tough uphill battle to convince anyone otherwise.

  347. Sometimes NEW does not mean BETTER as I like sci fi. Syfy, to me, means nothing but trying to change an image that got you where you are today by trying to appeal to a younger more tech savy crowd that learns in schools that teach nothing but consumerism and nonfamily values.

  348. Looks like, by reading the previous posts, I am not alone but like politics some new survey will say the SyFy name is a hit and we all know about surveys..they are b-s. Have fun SyFy looks like the only audience you will get is your staff. Ha ha ha ha

  349. It’s a Sy-Unse FyCshun Dubble F3achure! Brilliant, SOOO Brilliant. This is OBVIOUSLY going to ripple into an excellent trend.
    Can’t wait to tune into En-Bea-See, Tea-Bee-EEEsss, and LAIYUFE-Tiyumne!
    Uh, why is there such a problem with having a “Geeky Image”? Afraid of having the other networks tease you on the playground? You can’t have Sci-Fi without the culture of geekdom. It’s like a city without any people. It’s like an anthill without any effing ants. It’s like Lindsay Lohan without vaginal warts. You see what I’m getting at here?
    You take the geek out of science fiction, then all you’ve got is an empty shell.

  350. It’s a Sy-Unse FyCshun Dubble F3achure! Brilliant, SOOO Brilliant. This is OBVIOUSLY going to ripple into an excellent trend.
    Can’t wait to tune into En-Bea-See, Tea-Bee-EEEsss, and LAIYUFE-Tiyumne!
    Uh, why is there such a problem with having a “Geeky Image”? Afraid of having the other networks tease you on the playground? You can’t have Sci-Fi without the culture of geekdom. It’s like a city without any people. It’s like an anthill without any effing ants. It’s like Lindsay Lohan without vaginal warts. You see what I’m getting at here?
    You take the geek out of science fiction, then all you’ve got is an empty shell.

  351. I think they made a big mistake also. I mean what was wrong with ” scifi ” ? The new logo looks stupid and cheesy. He would have did better by leaving the old network logo alone!!!!!!

  352. The new name and slogan are horrible. Yesterday I actually skipped past the “SyFy” channel FIVE times looking for “Sci Fi” before I even saw “Syfy” and then it took another minute to put the two together. Then of course I saw the new “Imagine Greater” slogan and my first reaction was “O.o WTF?”. I have to say I think I might stay away from the Siffy SlyFly Fail channel.

  353. Just more psycho babble to justify WWF, or what ever they call it now. Games, kids shows???? Same name, different spelling does not change the fact that the demographics of the increases you are so proud of are more that likely lower income, less educated people. Wrestling???? Come on. And to your statement: …I take great offense. I have a Masters Degree in E-Business, am a retired Vice President of Sales, I am an accomplished musician, own 3 vintage muscle cars and drive an E320 Mercedes. I guess I’m a geek, in the basement with computer games. (I have never even played a computer game other than Chess.)
    My prediction is that SyFy’s upper level management will be terminated within 3 years.
    Dana Byerley

  354. Just more psycho babble to justify WWF, or what ever they call it now. Games, kids shows???? Same name, different spelling does not change the fact that the demographics of the increases you are so proud of are more that likely lower income, less educated people. Wrestling???? Come on. And to your statement: …I take great offense. I have a Masters Degree in E-Business, am a retired Vice President of Sales, I am an accomplished musician, own 3 vintage muscle cars and drive an E320 Mercedes. I guess I’m a geek, in the basement with computer games. (I have never even played a computer game other than Chess.)
    My prediction is that SyFy’s upper level management will be terminated within 3 years.
    Dana Byerley

  355. Just more psycho babble to justify WWF, or what ever they call it now. Games, kids shows???? Same name, different spelling does not change the fact that the demographics of the increases you are so proud of are more that likely lower income, less educated people. Wrestling???? Come on. And to your statement: “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that”…I take great offense. I have a Masters Degree in E-Business, am a retired Vice President of Sales, I am an accomplished musician, own 3 vintage muscle cars and drive an E320 Mercedes. I guess I’m a geek, in the basement with computer games. (I have never even played a computer game other than Chess.)
    My prediction is that SyFy’s upper level management will be terminated within 3 years.
    Dana Byerley

  356. I dislike being referred to as “geeky, and dysfunctional!” At 73 years old I have been reading science fiction since 1946-7. I collect books and have first editions back into the 40’s. But, I read “science” fiction. Horror, cultism, occultism, myth and fable are NOT science fiction. Hard core, believable science with a good story. I do NOT like the new name, not the fare I have been seeing! Go back to what you were. Incicentally, a number of my childhood friends, who also read SciFi do not like what you’ve done.

  357. Thus far the new SYFY is a disappointment. I used to watch SciFi almost all day and now I will watch anything (and I mean anything) to escape the crap on SYFY. I do like the new series, Warehouse 13, but sicko horror movies and Ghosthunters are not at the top of my list. I’ll even watch the Travel Channel to escape that. Are there plans to make improvements in the future? I certainly hope so.

  358. I think it’s ridiculous to change the name of SciFi to SyFy just because that would be the way someone would text it. We came to love SciFi and everyone knows what it stands for. Why are you trying to get touchy feely about changing the spelling of it. It just doesn’t make sense. What does SyFy stand for???? Stupid idea.

  359. To say, “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip” is ridiculous. The letters don’t make any sense. What is cool about this? Texting isn’t everything.

  360. Ooh. I see it now.
    The new Syphilis channel.
    Showing $h!t their core audience doesn’t care about.
    Brilliant! Just F()cK!ng Brilliant!

  361. Ooh. I see it now.
    The new Syphilis channel.
    Showing $h!t their core audience doesn’t care about.
    Brilliant! Just Brilliant!

  362. Of course they’re shedding the “SCIFI” name, they have gotten further and further away from SciFi for some time now, so this does not come as a surprise. I do not tune in to SciFi to see “Wrestling” or to watch the insipid “Ghosthunters” all weekend long.
    I would pay real money to see “MST 3000” but noooooooo, now we get “James Bond”.
    Sad, Sad, Sad.

  363. what happend to all the good shows? farscape,lexx,stargate sg1. remember scifi fridays. syfy what a joke.

  364. I stopped watching this channel years ago. Why they even want to sound like SciFi is beyond my understanding. Even the better shows and movies they aired in the past were either not true SciFi or just okay – not exceptionally good. Granted there are not that many good science fiction movies out there, but with the dozens of original movies they have made they could have surely turned out a few decent adaptations of the thousands of great books just begging to be brought to the screen. …And one last thing…the new Doctor Who is terrible. Tried to watch it many times, but it is not real Doctor Who. Shame on the BBC – bring back the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker episodes!

  365. I stopped watching this channel years ago. Why they even want to sound like SciFi is beyond my understanding. Even the better shows and movies they aired in the past were either not true SciFi or just okay – not exceptionally good. Granted there are not that many good science fiction movies out there, but with the dozens of original movies they have made they could have surely turned out a few decent adaptations of the thousands of great books just begging to be brought to the screen. …And one last thing…the new Doctor Who is terrible. Tried to watch it many times, but it is not real Doctor Who. Shame on the BBC – bring back the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker episodes!

  366. “Sci-Fi” channel is ranked 13th and in the Top 10 with demographics 18 to 49 and 25 to 54 and now a name change is going to do what again? Anybody been following A&E, Discovery, MTV and most other channels’ programming? SyFy? You’re kidding? It sounds the same but… Personally, why not Wi-Fi? I would think Wide is equal with sky’s the limit or Sky-Fi for that matter or simply Sky Channel…but SyFy…I guess we’re dumber than they give us credit for.

  367. your warehouse 13..is nothing but a Bunch of CRAP..bad acting..bad script etc..should be taken off the air Period…..the worst program you have ever run !!..fred Stowe

  368. your warehouse 13..is nothing but a Bunch of CRAP..bad acting..bad script etc..should be taken off the air Period…..the worst program you have ever run !!..fred Stowe

  369. Dave Howe is a moron. Changing the name of the channel to “SyFy” is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

  370. you are 100% correct. they just flushed their uniqueness down the drain.

  371. How stupid! What person watches Star Wars and doesn’t think it’s Science Fiction? Plus, I know plenty of women and young girls who watch Sci Fi. So somehow Sy Fy is cooler? What idiot thought this one up? And what moron thought it was a good idea? How can you come off of your best year ever and say “Hey you know what would be a good idea? Let’s change our brand name to something that sounds exactly the same, but means nothing! Nice. Great goin.

  372. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to comment. There were several of the comments that I read and I did understand what they were commenting on. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult.
    I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and including “Wrestleing”.
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Let us begin with wone our your origonals. War of the Worlds.
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Tupe movies and at least show some of your better programs as re-runs.
    You even had “Moon Lighe”. on the chanel. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even fine it int the Public Library. You have to get on a list.
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. The Big Budget “Galicta”. It was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation. The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!!

  373. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to make a statement. There were several of the dedicated fans who’s comments that I read and I did understand what they were saying. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult.
    I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and including “Wrestleing”. What does that have to do with anything?
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Let us begin with one our your origonals. War of the Worlds.
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Type movies and at least show some of your better programs as re-runs. If you still have them in the can?
    You even had “Moon Light”. on the chanel. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even find it in the Public Library. You have to get on a list.
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. The Big Budget “Galicta”. It was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation. The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!! Please forgive my incorrect grammar and spelling. I do think all will get the message.

  374. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to make a statement. There were several of the dedicated fans who’s comments that I read and I did understand what they were saying. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult.
    I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and ncluding “Wrestling”. What does that have to do with anything?
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Then you did “Children of Dune”. Not as good but much better than you have now. Can I remind you of one our your origonals. “War of the Worlds”.
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Type movies and at least show some of your better programs as re-runs. If you still have them in the can?
    You even showed “Moon Light”. on “THE” chanel. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even find it in the Public Library. The Author declined to do another movie! Everone I know has to get on a waiting list for the books. This includes me!
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. Your series “Galicta” well: it was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation. The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!! Please forgive my incorrect grammar and spelling. I do think all will get the message.

  375. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to make a statement. There were several of the dedicated fans who’s comments that I read and understand what they were saying. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. It is a business after all!
    You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult as well as the dedication of the fans.
    Since the creation of the Science Fiction Chanel I was there. Now I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and ncluding “Wrestling”. What does that have to do with anything?
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Then you did “Children of Dune”. Not as good but much better than you have now. Can I remind you of one our your origonals. “War of the Worlds”. I remember when you were off the air at midnight!
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Type movies and at least rerun some of your better programs from the past.That is if you still have them in the can?
    You even had “Moon Light”. on “THE” chanel, a rerun of course. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even find it in the Public Library. The Movie was “Twilight”. Unfortunatly the author declined to do another movie!
    Everone I know has to get on a waiting list to read her books. This includes me!
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. Your series “Galicta” well: it was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation. The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!! Please forgive my incorrect grammar and spelling. I do think all will get the message.

  376. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to make a statement. There were several of the dedicated fans who’s comments that I read and understand what they were saying. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. It is a business after all!
    You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult as well as the dedication of the fans.
    Since the creation of the Science Fiction Chanel I was there. Now I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and ncluding “Wrestling”. What does that have to do with anything?
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Then you did “Children of Dune”. Not as good but much better than you have now. Can I remind you of one our your origonals. “War of the Worlds”. I remember when you were off the air at midnight!
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Type movies and at least rerun some of your better programs from the past.That is if you still have them in the can?
    You even had “Moon Light”. on “THE” chanel, a rerun of course. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even find it in the Public Library. The Movie was “Twilight”. Unfortunatly the author declined to do another movie!
    Everone I know has to get on a waiting list to read her books. This includes me!
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. Your series “Galicta” well? It was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation? The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out! It did not see that so I stopped watching!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!!
    Would you please forgive my incorrect grammar and spelling. I do think all will get the message.

  377. I am having trouble navigating to make a comment. I did find it by accident and was going to make a statement. There were several of the dedicated fans who’s comments that I read and understand what they were saying. Through the years you have changed with the times and tried to “Make Money”. It is a business after all!
    You do not have the participation that you once had! Part of this is because you have lost the whole concept of the Cult as well as the dedication of the fans.
    Since the creation of the Science Fiction Chanel I was there. Now I am 57 years old and have seen all the changes up to and ncluding “Wrestling”. What does that have to do with anything?
    That is pretty lame. Does anyone remember the several part movie that you produced on the book “Dune”. Then you did “Children of Dune”. Not as good but much better than you have now. Can I remind you of one our your origonals. “War of the Worlds”. I remember when you were off the air at midnight!
    My goodness, stop showing those terrible B Type movies and at least rerun some of your better programs from the past.That is if you still have them in the can?
    You even had “Moon Light”. on “THE” chanel, a rerun of course. CBS made a big mistake in canceling the series. This went along with the series of books that I know in my neck of the woods you cannot even find it in the Public Library. The Movie was “Twilight”. Unfortunatly the author declined to do another movie!
    Everone I know has to get on a waiting list to read her books. This includes me!
    I hope you do not mind but I will continue to comment on your programing. Your series “Galicta” well? It was about war and survival not a “Star Trek The Next Generation? The survival of mankind is about distroying “Cylons” before they wipe us out! It did not see that so I stopped watching!
    In closing I still love what ever you will call yourself. Just please let me turn to your chanel more often!!!
    Would you please forgive my incorrect grammar and spelling. I do think all will get the message.

  378. sorry but changeing sci fi to syfy is stupid. sci fi stands for science fiction. syfy is meaningless. you screwed up mr. howe.

  379. Dumb idea. “Syfy”? “Siffy”? “Sissy”?
    Sci Fi has always been about imagination; it hasn’t focused primarily on space & aliens since the 1940s. And it’s pretty sexist to imply that women don’t like science fiction. You’re trying to run away from what you are, and that is usually a recipe for failure.

  380. The name change is just plain STUPID! There was no problem with the brand SciFi. Only someone that never read a sci fi novel in their life would think that it had anything to do with teenage boys and video games. Only a suit that was going to be paid big bucks to rebrand something that didn’t need rebranding would come up with this lame concept.
    What the real problem with the sci fi channel is…you cancel great shows with large fan bases before they reach any type of conclusion, ie Farscape. Rather than keep the quality shows, you stop them after a season and replace them with crap. The Dresden Files was an awesome show, and it was cancelled for no reason! The station also shows far more horror than anything from the sci fi and/or fantasy genres. Why not put together more quality mini series like Dune?

  381. Reva,
    I do agree with you comments. When you are a fan for as long as we have been it seems that they have lost their focus!
    Ii is after all a business. The problem with those new execs is that they are not dedicated to our stuff. They are new people who think they know how to make money.
    They have no idea what the chanel is all about. Just look at the past programing.
    You have the new guard replace the old. So something gets lost in the Idea of making money.
    What they fail to forget is that the only reason that they are still in business is because we continue to look and watch. We watch a little less because of the “Wrestling”. What is that all about?
    If they would open up and show the past movies and annual programming that they had as “Re-Runs”. They would do a lot better!
    Just so all should know! What the hell is a “Geek”. I do not consider myself as a Geek. Hell I cannot even spell correctly.
    I do know Sience Fiction. I also know the difference. There are many other types of Sience Fiction.
    The Exec’s need to get a clue.
    So for all you Geeks out there let us hope that they can get the message?
    The name meens nothing. It is the dedication that we all have and enjoy. This is a part of our lives that we chose to have because it takes the place of any Drug that any person can take.
    You Go Lady!


  383. Reva,
    I do agree with your comments. When you been a fan for as long as we have it seems that they have lost their focus!
    It is after all a business. The problem with those new execs is that they are not dedicated to our stuff. They are new people who think they know how to make money. Just like those that have tried to make “Marvel Movies”. These are persons who did not even collect or follow the comixs.
    They have no idea what the chanel is all about. Just look at the past programing.
    You have the new guard replace the old. So something gets lost because of the idea of making money.
    What they fail to forget is that the only reason they are still in business is because we continue to look and watch. We watch a little less because of the “Wrestling” and a few other things. What is that all about?
    If they would open up and show the past movies and annual programming that they had as “Re-Runs”. They would do a lot better!
    Just so all should know! What the hell is a “Geek”. I do not consider myself as a Geek. Hell I cannot even spell correctly.
    I do know Sience Fiction. I also know the difference. There are many other types of Sience Fiction. I do not need to list what they are for those who know!
    The Exec’s need to get a clue.
    So for all you Geeks out there let us hope that they can get the message?
    The name meens nothing. It is the dedication that we all have and enjoy. This is a part of our lives that we chose to have because it takes the place of any Drug that any person can take.
    You Go Lady!

  384. Just “watched” the new Eureka episode and am truly disgusted with the 5 min show – 5 min commercial route you’ve obviously decided to use. PLEASE use more show and less commercial?

  385. not happy with the name change. I liked the way it was

  386. syfy is whimpy. Isaac Asimov would roll over in his grave not to mention Carl Segan

  387. This comment is directly for Dave Howe. Don’t think these (above) comments are enough to convince you that you have made a giant and probably fatal error with this obviously copyright driven decision? Just have your marketing department (who are probably inept, having missed it in the first place) research what happens to companies who attempt to turn their back on what they are famous for. Easy example: What happened to Radio Shack – when they “let” Len Roberts resign from CEO (because he disagreed with the boards belief that their recent success with cellular phones meant they should make them the primary product and focus of the business) and started to completely turn their back on electronics, parts, batteries and um, what was that other thing they sold… um, oh yeah!, radio’s – they began to spread their focus into every semi-relative market they could think of and began to replace legacy products and traditions with an ever expanding, in your face, wireless phone section? That’s right, they have shown a continuous and progressing decline in sales and customer satisfaction. The people who used to give them all their business now refuse to step one foot into the stores because they feel betrayed.
    Bottom Line: Trends are temporary, they change almost as frequently as fashion. Stay true to yourself and people will be true to you.

  388. I think the name change is stupid.It just make the network and Mr. Howe look like their looking down at people who love “Sci-Fi”,Do you really think that changing it to SyFy is going to change how people think of Science Fiction. Nobody’s going to start watching Sci-Fi just because the names changed. Nice try.It looks goofy, and I think whoever thought it up was drinking to much “Special”, punch!

  389. I think the name change is stupid.It just make the network and Mr. Howe look like their looking down at people who love “Sci-Fi”,Do you really think that changing it to SyFy is going to change how people think of Science Fiction. Nobody’s going to start watching Sci-Fi just because the names changed. Nice try.It looks goofy, and I think whoever thought it up was drinking to much “Special”, punch!

  390. I used to Watch SiFi station a lot. Now I only watch it ocassionally. I don’t like horror, which seems to be mostly what you show now. SiFi was ok for a name. What really matters is what you show.

  391. Wow. This guy is clueless. What an idiotic decision.

  392. I’m 20 years old and let me tell you, this new name just pisses me off. Ok “syfy”…way to dumb yourself down! This change was unneccessary, I hope they make more money from this with new viewers because I probably won’t be watching very much. And I’m far from a “geek”…but I watched the channel because it wasn’t like all of the others. Now it has a stupid name and the same programming so what’s the point. Talk about selling out.

  393. I’m 20 years old and let me tell you, this new name just pisses me off. Ok “syfy”…way to dumb yourself down! This change was unneccessary, I hope they make more money from this with new viewers because I probably won’t be watching very much. And I’m far from a “geek”…but I watched the channel because it wasn’t like all of the others. Now it has a stupid name and the same programming so what’s the point. Talk about selling out.

  394. So far, the new “SyFy” looks the same as the old “SciFi” with the addition of “Warehouse 13”. The name change is ridiculous but does not surprise me in the least.
    After all, this is NBC/Universal, the same folks who changed “Bravo” and “A&E” to useless channels with very little artistic programming. I guess they were trying to distance themselves from their core audiences on those networks as well?
    And now they give us “Chiller” which started out promisingly but is devolving as they stop showing “Hitchcock”, “Night Gallery”, and “Twilight Zone” in favor of perpetual reruns of series that had between 6 and 10 episodes total.
    The probable truth is that Howe and other execs aren’t even fans of sci-fi — they are just programmers without a clue looking for advertising dollars.
    As for the new slogan, “imagine” is part of the GE green revolution marketing campaign so I am sure this is supposed to tie it all together.
    I have watched SciFi since it came on the air and mourn its passing. 🙁

  395. You know, since I discovered SciFi in my youth over 1/2 a century ago it has been my badge of honor to be considered different, weird, and even geeky. It is insulting and upsetting for a bunch of corporate weenies to decide we are now no longer politically correct and have to hide behind a new name. Will I watch the new syfy? Yes, because it is pretty much better than anything else. But changing the name is like making Mr Spock get his pointy ears fixed so he would fit in. It sucks.

  396. From skiffy to siffy? Skiffy sounds like fun and good times, siffy sounds like a social disease.

  397. right on !

  398. Seems like a bad idea to me. Nobody but geeks watches Sci Fi. Maybe they should try shedding their ‘terrible movies and also stargate’ image before attempting to scare off the only people who watch the channel.

  399. right on Liam!

  400. Hate the name too :(. It looks like it could sound like sissy. If they started to increase their revenue, then they must have started to “convert” the so called mainstream, so why alienate the original base with a boring, bland, watered down name.

  401. SYFY SUCKS! Does this mean that all of us “geeks and dysfuncionals” now are in for phonetics, rather than the correct way of spelling SCIence-FIction? Thanks.
    I really like being put in the group of individuals that do not know how to SPELL!

  402. re-naming isn’t the problem. new shows were needed, but lets keep some of the old and maybe add some other oldies like Andromeda,with kevin sorbo. maybe a syfy classic movie night. soliant green, logans run, silent running. throw in a few creature features. 2001? i loved the stargates, and lets face it…whats syfy without alittle star trek, next G, and Voyager?

  403. I watched as G4 went from a simi cool channel about video games to bad clone of Spike TV and now its a defunct pay movie channel.
    Sci Fi a once great channel will now drive down the road to become Spike TV 3. Science fiction will be expunged from its make up and eventually all we will see is reality feces.

  404. I watched as G4 went from a simi cool channel about video games to bad clone of Spike TV and now its a defunct pay movie channel.
    Sci Fi a once great channel will now drive down the road to become Spike TV 3. Science fiction will be expunged from its make up and eventually all we will see is reality feces.

  405. Please tell me why you guys cancelled possibly the best series you ever produced, “Stargate Atlantis.” For once you gave your audience something with full-blown characters, a terrific plot, great satire and humor, and episodes devoid of cardboard juvenile stupidity.
    I’ve heard the stories about its being MGM who dropped production, but I can’t help wonder why so little was done by SyFy channel to promote “Atlantis,” opting instead to try and salvage “Stargate SG1,” a mediocre and lackluster series.
    Changing the name of your channel will do little to draw audience when you insist on running away from science fiction to promote stupidity like “Ghost Hunters” and -unbelievably – wrestling events.
    Charles Thompson

  406. It just makes me want to throw something
    at my big screen looking at that stupid new logo.
    I think not watching what little programming anymore I like will be less stressful.

  407. Well, to show how far “Syfy” has strayed from what it used to be I didn’t even notice the name change until today. Believe me, if I thought I might see a half-decent sci-fi show or movie I’d check it every now and then. I watched BSG with great passion but after the final episode there was nothing else to watch on the channel. Warehouse 13 didn’t interest me, nor does wrestling or the various bad original movies they show. No… that is too kind. The movies are not just bad, they are embarassingly awful. Oh well, I’m voting with my remote by not even channel surfing the “Syfy” channel. Hopefully the sudden drop of viewers will send the right message.

  408. Seriously… an absence of crap in the programming (wresting, endless C- movies with production values worse than what my 10 year old could manage with her computer) might have been a better idea than an absence of vowels in the name. To me, this name change represents the end in a slow de-evolution of what used to be a great channel. As a proud female geek in the coveted 18-35 year old demographic, there is nothing appealing to me about SyFy anymore.

  409. Uh, yeah, whatev. So why would you distance yourself from the techno geeks in a basement who were, basically, the core of your fan base? And why would you discriminate against that class of society? This has to be the worse decision since your network dropped “Farscape”. Now we have to look at teen-based, loosely connected “trendies” attempt to be remotely interesting in sub-par programming from Canada when all we wanna see is hot chicks scantily clad with big guns fight aliens.
    So, they “text” it. Big wow. Anyone who has enough time to “text” someone is obviously hanging around a shopping mall in the food court, rather than watching your channel.
    Now, here’s some free marketing advice. Why not start another channel called “Sci-Fi Classic” and cater to your old fans rather than alienate them. We miss our saturn and the whole concept of
    “i f.”
    A 40 year old techno-geek NOT living in a basement and is actually pretty social,
    Charles Lee Joseph Massey III

  410. Stupid, stupid, stupid as well as insulting.

  411. I’ll go one further. They should call it zippy the pinhead channel because they have totally lost their fan focus which, unbeknownst to the new suits, is SCIENCE FICTION!!! Not horror, not adventure, not wrestling, SCIENCE FICTION!!!
    Right now I’m watching some schlocky thing that’s Tremors meets Desert Storm called Sand Serpents. Bring back Babylon 5, Hell even Buck Rogers would be better than this stuff!! Actually, I liked Buck Rogers!!

  412. This is the stupidest, most anal idea I’ve heard in a very long time. Most Sci-fi lovers are geeks, and geeks are good student who absolute HATE misspelling. When I see “syfy” I see a channel catering to the literate population, simply ridiculous!!!

  413. I dont even scifi channel anymore because they are losing all there best shows like stargate atlantis. SG-1 was bad but now atlantis I dont have any reason to watch I hope this reaches someone important with scifi because I am not the only one who feels this way and they are gonna go down because alot of people are losing interest!!!!

  414. I took Sci-fi channel off my channel lineup ever since they changed the name. I was a good student at school and I hate misspellings. By changing it to “syfy” the channel basically announced it caters to the ILLITERATE and the BRAINDEAD. I feel insulted every time I see that idiotic logo. Simply ridiculous!

  415. I took Sci-fi channel off my channel lineup ever since they changed the name. I was a good student at school and I hate misspellings. By changing it to “syfy” the channel basically announced it caters to the ILLITERATE and the BRAINDEAD. I feel insulted every time I see that idiotic logo. Simply ridiculous!

  416. I’m 45 now, have actually read hundreds of Analog and the other magazines from the 40’s and 50’s, and of course everything that Dick and Heinlein ever wrote, AFAIK. I have had a variety of exposure to “science fiction”, and how it has changed over the years…quite frankly, not for the better.

    I used to love the sci-fi channel back in the MST3K days; in fact, I got digital cable because they moved that channel to it. Years later, they really don’t have anything but reruns of shows that were more mainstream than sci-fi, and were available on several other channels as well, along with some silly teenage horror movies that look just like the silly teenage horror movies that we watched in my day. All that there was was Battlestar Galactica, which I hated up to about the third episode of, and have been in love with ever since. Unfortunately, I really didn’t watch anything else on the channel, because there wasn’t anything else. Then “chiller” came along, and I LOVED it, for about six weeks, until they digressed into something just as bad as what “SyFy” has become, reruns of old mainstream shows, and of course I agree with everyone else…the name is stupid.

    This channel needs a little creativity. The name really makes no difference; in fact, I tend to remember channels by numbers, and get annoyed when they move them. They need creativity in their programming department, such as the great people who brought us BSG. They also need to SHOW their work…why didn’t they show Caprica? Because it was so bad that even a die-hard BSG fan wouldn’t buy the DVD after viewing it. BSG will be hard to top, but they need to at least try. Some new cutesy letters won’t save the channel. You need some interesting program, even if it is more adult, as BSG was (the second one, anyway. I’ll never get the image of those four-eyed, four-mouthed singers out of my mind, or the dent out of the floor in front of my chair). All I can really say is that I’ll check in once in a while to see if “SyFy” is doing anything. There is an adult female opinion for you.

  417. What the hell is going on?
    What’s all this crap about changing the name?
    And whats up with this screwed up programing?
    Jesus Christ, I mean seriously who do they think their kidding?
    I read the article explaining their reasons for the change, and let me tell you all that its a load of CRAP! How can you change the name to SyFy, it looks like the moniker for the Style Network. If that was the intention to make Sci Fi into Science Fagotry, then “Snaps” girlfriend mission accomplished! But joking aside, lets get bluntly honest here, changing the name and programing was wrong, its obvious that the executives are greedy sell-outs and the Sci Fi Network now is a carbon copy of TBS, who’s fans are bi-polar and have attention deficit disorder.
    Keep it real, SyFy stands for “Sci Fi” which stands for “Science Fiction” and that is the basis and foundation for the networks’ success and fame. So when the Cock Sucker Executives decide to change the name to be more hip & cool or change the “image”, what they are really saying is: Yes!, we are aware that it was all of you Real Science Fiction Fans that made us rich, successful and famous, however…FUCK YOU! we feel like raping the network and mutilating it into something that you can no longer recognize because we believe that its going to make us richer than ever before.
    And when you say that your changing the name in order to expand your programming and not be confined to: “Science Fiction”, then what your really saying is: that “we” your audience are far to stupid to realize that “Sci Fi” stood for more than just “Science Fiction”, it also stood for Dramatic Fiction and Reality Fiction and all other programming that’s out of the ordinary and truly unique, fantastic and inspiring.
    And moreover, the only reason for the networks current increase in viewership is due to the times, look around you executive Dumb-Ass the real world is depressing and it gets bleaker everyday, which is why people are turning to the Sci Fi Network. They tune in to forget what they have to deal with on a day to day basis and experience a truly inspirational, exciting or nail biting Science Fiction Movie or TV Show. The public is hungry to escape the real world even if it is for only a few minutes each day.
    Thus, when you chose to change what you are, and what made you great, then you chose to forget the people, “The Fans” that made you great. For it was we the fans that gave birth to the Sci Fi Network, and now that you’ve come-of-age you’ve become full of yourself and you think you know it all. But mark my words executive Dumb-Ass, when you get into trouble and end up falling flat on your face, you’ll be coming back with your tail between your legs to beg the fans for forgiveness, in the hopes of being welcomed back with open arms; Which is now and forever a seriously dangerous gamble, considering that now we can simply turn to places like “Hulu” to go straight to the shows that we want to watch with out your “new image” bullshit.
    So here’s to the “Sci Fi” Network, may it rest-in-peace.
    And may misfortune befall the executive Dumb-Ass that killed it.
    The Sci-Fi Fan.

  418. maybe they should stop showing horrible programming. that might get them more viewers.

  419. When you added a ‘wrestling’ show I was appalled, then ghost hunters?!!!
    What the f*** is this CRAP?!!
    Next I assume your going to waste money on those terrible James Bond movies. Oh and Please play more of those epically horrible Steven King movies ( that’s sarcasm, which obviously reaches far past this channel’s level of intelligence).
    I used to rely on this channel to be somewhere I could be safe from the typically intellect battering offal that is prolific on most other stations. Now I guess my dvr and video tapes will be my main source of entertainment.
    I look forward to your failure and hope that you learn that being as dumb as everyone else isn’t really profitable.

  420. What does ‘sy fy’ have to do with anything but being a dumbed down mis-spelling of ‘sci-fi’. In a society where a great percentage of the population is at best spelling challenged, if not completely spelling ignorant, this seems like merely a move to appeal to the lowest common denominator (which, at this point, as I alluded to before, is VERY low). Congrats on that 🙂

  421. I am glad that someone mentioned the move that TechTV made when it became G4……the move that turned the property into a steaming pile of dung. Why the hell are they showing crap like Cops, or Cheaters, or any of the other kaka that makes up the programming on that channel. Congrats, SYFY! You now, officially, suck.

  422. I remember when MTV first came on the air…They played music videos and only music videos. Now when I surf through my channels, MTV is only playing REALLY stupid reality shows. If any channel should change their name, it’s MTV.
    If I would have come across the SciFi channel as, SyFy, I would have dismissed it entirely as being trendy and lame. When I first came across the SciFi channel, what drew me to it, was the fact that it was Science Fiction. I know that comes as a shock, but I love Star Trek, and entertainment of that nature. I think that changing the name of the channel is going to turn off more people than anything. Go back your roots, there are some people who like science fiction and that kind of programming, and your going to lose more people than you gain.

  423. It’s a little sad to see the probable distruction of this once great channel. I guess it’s time for the ‘Chiller’ channel to takeover…speaking of the “changing of the guard”.
    Since I started reading science fiction in the 1960’s, I’ve only heard the genre abreviated as SciFi, SyFy nauseats me!

  424. Retarded.
    They must have the writer’s of their “original” movies making the business decisions now.
    From the brilliant minds who brought you “Rock Monster”…

  425. I guess it is less “geeky” because they don’t know how to spell? WTF? SyFy is the stupidest thing I’ve seen in awhile.
    Unfortunately I knew something like this was coming, they’ve been getting rid of all of the good shows (Farscape, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, etc.) and putting on new crap that sucks.

  426. This is the stupidest thing ever. What the hell? Are they trying to dumb Science Fiction down for idiots who can’t spell? DOes Dave Howe have SyFyllis? This channel is slowly going into the toilet. With the losses of it’s core shows, Stargate, Who, and Galactica, they are less and less interesting to watch.

  427. Oh, and this article is even offensive. What NBC PR Genius even thought of approving this? Really, so all of your current viewers are geeks? SYFYllis ridden Jerks.

  428. Oh, and this article is even offensive. What NBC PR Genius even thought of approving this? Really, so all of your current viewers are geeks? SYFYllis ridden Jerks.

  429. The name change doesn’t make the channel look hip, or cool, or trendy. It makes them look illiterate.

  430. ummmm syfy????? How in the world do you get science fiction out of that? its been Sci-Fi like forever and i personally do not like the change. o well looks like the viewers have no say in this matter anyway. but i will say one thing, THE CHILLER CHANNEL, now thats a name i can hang with. looks like no more watching this sy fy for me. change the name back and this viewer will be back otherwise hello CHILLER CHANNEL…

  431. This is the worst idea ever…coming from a long time viewer,this is a obvious attempt to change there image when it wasn’t even needed…I find it very unappealing. They’ve even changed the creative go between intro and outro segments to the very boring..”Imagine Greater”…They should go back to what works…Please fire the marketing exec who came up with this debacle!

  432. I agree Thad, Chiller Channel 4 me from now on as well. Why change a perfect name to something as dumb as, well you know what i mean.

  433. This channel idea is horrible!
    It is not mysterous enough! It should be SyFi or SYFI!

  434. I really don’t understand the thought process behind the name change: the channel has had its most successful year since its inception, and the response of the people in charge is to take a formula that works and change it? That’s makes no sense. Why not stick with what is clearly working?

  435. I really don’t understand the thought process behind the name change: the channel has had its most successful year since its inception, and the response of the people in charge is to take a formula that works and change it? That’s makes no sense. Why not stick with what is clearly working?

  436. i love the characters but the opening idea would have been better with an “in” warehouse theme. im glad this show idea was brought to life. and was very impressed by the writing. step it it up and ur golden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for more! i love the depth’s this show can reach! please keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  437. Hey how about doing some real science fiction ? there is a lot of stuff from the pulp era that never made it but should have …. a mini series based on the Foundation Trilogy by Asimov ? for instance

  438. If SciFi changed their name to SyFy in the U.S. why didn’t they change it worldwide. It just show how companies operate with so many inconsistencies.

  439. If SciFi changed their name to SyFy in the U.S. why didn’t they change it worldwide. It just shows how companies operate with so many inconsistencies.

  440. Kudos, Reva and Paco! I leave the country for a month and return to find this silliness! Dave Howe, you should be fired! SF (why not change the name to this?), in all it’s forms, has always been looked down upon by mainstreamers and this change in name is just the final, confusing decision by corporate beancounters. Too bad. I’ve been a SF fan for over 49 years, and now I have no channel.
    — Brian

  441. WTF y change sci fi to syfy it might be less geeky but its way too GAY every one loved the name so y CHANGE IT????

  442. syfy sounds like a comic venue, not imagination.my mind does’nt wander the universe with this new title.some things are better off left alone. sorry, won’t be watching as much, if at all. long time sci-fi fan. see ya.

  443. what,are you stupid? i know i’m not. if you don’t need me, well then, guess what, i don’t need idiots like you! change the name back or lose me and many others. what were you thinking! like bugs bunny said, “what a maroon”. syfy-what the hell is this all about. pffffft!

  444. I agree with both Liam and Reva
    Sounds like a new show on the Food Network that they misspelled…

  445. Syfy NEEDS to change their programming, if they’re getting a name change, should they not also logically change their line-up of programming. It’s been said before, but they should produce quality programming (for example, BSG, Eureka, Invisible Man) if they want to stay on the air. Ratings will slump and this decision has been universally criticized as an expensive, pointless way to attract a bigger audience, surely the marketing team in charge would come up with a new lineup of programming to match the new name change?
    I’ve been watching Sci-Fi for a number of years and although I’ve had a fair share of bad movies (and series) on the channel, I’ve given it a benefit of a doubt. Hopefully they start treating Eureka like a proper show (why would anyone wait till the whole proper year was over to reintroduce the “second part” of the third season when you ordered 22 episodes? It doesn’t make sense), they develop more series that are actually quality television, they had the chance to pick up The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Reaper (although not a science-fiction show, it is a good show that is fantasy, which is closer to science-fiction than wrestling and reality television). What ever happened to Doctor Who? Or Torchwood?
    Also, I wish that Syfy executives would hire talented writers, directors, actors, ect. to make television films with care (ABC Family got the right idea with the Fallen Trilogy), while they produce good miniseries such as Tin Man, The Lost Room, and other miniseries, would it hurt to produce several movies with decent budget that aren’t creature features with bad CGI and acting? No offense though, because it’s okay to have a cheezy film every once in a while…
    In fact why don’t they show a marathon, with limited commercial interruption (30 seconds like in web-produced content), between each show or film. Their could be a horror day, like The Thing, The Fly, Scanners, Slither, ect; the key is filling the schedule up with quality films and series. Take notes from the channel, SPACE, it’s what you should be, if not better, and listen to other fans pleas to bring second-run programming, bring Mystery Science Theater 3000, Invisible Man, The Dresden Files, Babylon 5, Fantasy Island, Quantum Leap, War of the Worlds,ect.
    Bring something different to the table, just air all of your commericials at night, or shorten them, if you can become like Showtime or HBO, where you have limited commerical interruption and promote your own shows and films, and the rest of the programming can be sydicated television (whether old or recently broadcasted) and films. I believe that those changes may be better for your channel, and it’ll help…
    P.S. Don’t alienate fans, remove unneeded material (ECW, Scare Tactics, Ghost Hunters…), be original, explore science-fiction and fantasy. And please change your site, the Sci-Fi Wire is going down the drains, we don’t need opinions with the news, just the facts, and if you want, seperate them completely, and produce more web content (just no games). Viral Marketing, Idea Comments (that aren’t under articles), listen to the Fans…Thanks.

  446. That Geeky name is what got it where it is. Why do people feel as if they have to change things. DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL!!! The SYFY looks sissy.

  447. There’s nothing “cool” or “hip” about trying to hide that fact that you’re into Science Fiction. I’m a bad ass, and everyone knows it. They also know I collect dolls and read/watch Science Fiction and play video games. I also don’t hide the fact that I’m Pagan. No one would should have to hide who they are because the popular crowd makes fun their difference. I am a little embarrassed by the SciFi/ScyFy conversion.
    It might not be all space ships and aliens, but “ScyFy” isn’t enough of a name change to express the channel’s change in direction, it’s merely an attempt to shift a little, but still be recognizable as the same station. I expect the name of the channel will change again, using this minor adjustment as a stepping stone. Hopefully it will be a name more befitting of the ideas of creativity that the station means to convey. Otherwise it just looks like a shameful spelling mistake. Or, as one friend put it, a Polish word for ‘filth’.

  448. i am a total science fiction nerd, geek, whatever. as a 47 y/o man i am completely proud to be the above. i think the name change completely sucks.

  449. I hope they show the Star Trek Enterprise series, I was getting interested in it just before they changed the schedule and now I can’t find it on the schedule.

  450. What a bunch of knuckle heads. Sci Fi was branded just fine.
    Now you can shove more crap like wrestling onto to it with your new expanded name.
    Sci Fi brought a certain viewing audience. I am one of those people.I watch it 95% of the time for its programming not some new direction or programming you think your going to move into. Guess I will watch hulu instead!!!

  451. SyFy? Maybe it’s just because I’m a dyed-in-the-wool Geek, but I’m not feeling it.
    It may be what they need to do to expand to a broader audience, but I will always look back on Sci-Fi Fridays with SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica, as the Golden Days. (For the record, neither of those shows take place in the future.)
    Jeff Jarvis Jeered them when they changed that lineup, saying “there used to be a reason to stay home on Friday night!” But alas, “All Good Things… must come to an end.”

  452. I think it was a good change Thank for up dating the channel

  453. It appears to me the success of the network is largely based on a core of science fiction fans. This move seems like a slap in the face to that core audience. I for one feel insulted and don’t think I am alone. Count on me boycotting the channel as long as you continue using this idiot name.

  454. If they were so worried about the female audience, they shouldn’t have cancelled stuff like Farscape because it wasn’t bringing in enough 14 year old boys. They’ve spent years pandering to the geeky sterotype that was never thier main audience; and now they finally notices it’s women with buying power that watch sci-fi, not kids with 20 bucks allowance.
    What I don’t understand is why a specialty chanel wants so badly to be a mainstream channel. If they want to improve raitings they should stop trying to be a top 3 and do what they’re paid for. SHOWING SCI-FI.
    They’re all morons if they think a spelling change is going to matter to anyone but whoever got conned into it at a board meeting.

  455. this is fucking stupid the new symbol looks like some little kid LOGO

  456. The article states it just came off its best year so they change what’s been working? I’m a 44 old woman and am insulted that network execs think I could relate more to Syfy than “SciFi”. Do they think I’m stupid? I’ve read not one positive comment in this thread. I’m all for improvement and moving forward to better things but, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. I don’t even like the look of the new website. Boo to syfy

  457. What the heck kind of stupid name is Syfy (See Fee?). You’ve taken the cool name of Science Fiction and ruined it! SciFi is cool. Syfy stinks! How are you gonna abandon all the SciFi fans with this?

  458. Woh do I go on line to connect with new name. LIke check on scheule?

  459. I resent the notion that girls/women are not fond of Sci-Fi. I LOVE IT. I discovered real sci-fi at the grand old age of 19 when I came across a novel by Issac Asimov and fell in love. I also enjoy so-called fantasy as well but the techno sci-fi is such a blast. Today, I am 61 and totally loved the sci-fi chanel but NBC Universal has chipped away at what was a wonderful opportunity on television. Why is there wrestling on the Sci-Fi/SyFy channel? I have to admit the BBC and other British networks do a much better job with the science fiction genre. What a colossal disappointment this channel has become. Fire all the bigwigs at sci-fi/syfy and hire people who actually LIKE science fiction instead of looking down their noses at those of us who do love it.

  460. Hello again! This is Paco. First let me say that I thank you for posting my comments. I will say to you that a long time ago I had sighned up as a member of the Sci Fi channel. Now when I try to log in and or register I am not allowed access.
    The instructions say that it it simple and all you have to do is follow them?
    It seems to be a bunch of crap! They will not let me in.
    I will say that the last time I made a comment as a member I pretty much gave the “Sy Fy” folkes a bunch of shit for there terrible programming!
    Well it hasn’t changed much but I do think they are trying to improve?
    So if anyone from the new Sy Fy channel is reading this.
    Whats Up?

  461. I do not like the name “SyFy”. It spits in the face of all that I hold near and dear to my heart.
    What will become of those of us who love real science fiction? Will SyFy give us a watered down version of the real thing in an effort to be more inclusive?
    I am a female. I am 30-40 years old. I am university educated. I am a registered voter. I am gainfully employeed. I am a real property owner. I am not socially inept. I am a fan of science fiction and have been since I was a young child.
    Wikipedia defines science fiction as having, “…elements [which] are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature… [It] is largely based on writing entertainingly and rationally about alternate possibilities…”
    These “possibilities” make me a sci fi fan.
    Sci Fi Channel, do not make the possible impossible by trying to be everything to everyone.

  462. Sorry, honestly I liked the old name better.

  463. stupid decision. Sci Fi is Science Fiction. SyFy is a stupid sounding name that doesn’t address the issue. Reasaoning sucks.

  464. get real…read the critiques. Dumbass decision. Sci Fi is Sci Fi. Sheesh!

  465. SyFy = Phail attempt at sounding cool.(just like using Phail)
    Texting SyFy instead of SciFi is pretty assinine … WOW ONE MORE LETTER!!! I am a female and if I saw SyFy I would not know what that meant but since I am A SciFI fan and have watched since the start of your station, I know.

  466. SyFy is the worst name EVER, what he hell is syfy? Some new type of vegetarian food? Sci-fi is based on an actual work syfy is nothing but trash. I hate you for doing this and now I will never watch your crap new channel. Maybe I will just make up a new work like dyhy which means syfy is fuking bullshit lame garbage.

  467. Syfy? Stupyd.

  468. SyFy is the worst name EVER, what he hell is syfy? Some new type of vegetarian food? Sci-fi is based on an actual work syfy is nothing but trash. I hate you for doing this and now I will never watch your crap channel again. Maybe I will just make up a new word like dyhy which means syfy is fuking bullshit lame garbage. I hope you choke on your bullshit new “name” and you garbage syfy channel fails utterly. I will now devote my time to creating a real sci fi/ horror channel because your are nothing but trash. GL with your fail channel you fucking pile of douchebags. What really makes me sick is th fact that somebody got paid for this bullshit. PLEASE next time just BURN your money it will save a tone of time and aggrovation from from th people thatr used to watch your channel.

  469. Sci Fi was a classic name, short for its true name, like Nat Geo is for National Geographic. I’m a geek and proud of it. Sy Fy? Sorry, I have to say I’m not a fan of that.

  470. The new spelling SUCKS put it back guys..

  471. RIP SCI FI Channel, as you have now been renamed to a word that doesnt even mean anything, and looks like a 6 year old tried to spell it and some idiot exec thought it was correct. When my wife first told me she had noticed the change, I thought it was some late April Fools joke, as “no one in their right mind” would rename Sci fi to syfy.. and he even said a 13 year old told him “thats how ya text it”… honestly… I dont think I would EVER misspell sci fi to syfy in a text. The new logo will definately spell bad times for the channel and rip to the real channel that we knew and loved.
    SF would have been ten times better if they needed a new logo than syfy.. Someone should fire that person who did it on the spot.

  472. my favorite channel use more story lines relating to real time events X FILES style I have few stories about verizon tel. you would not believe.

  473. sf sounds like a show for the 49’ers the change is great and so is 13

  474. I would have to agree with most of the comments posted here. The name change of SciFi to syfy is just plain stupid.( the dummbing down of America strikes again) Was SciFi too dificult to text quickly? It sounds like the reason given by the network is strictly to make money, not to make SciFi more hip or cool. I mean Scifi geeks are proud of what we originally stood for. The cutting edge thinkers and dreamers those that probed the outer limits of thinking.The “what if” thinkers. However it seems SciFi has forgotten this and has decided to go with the whim of the week in the programming. On the same note what does Wrestling have to do with SciFi? Unless of course this is just another way for the network that was dedicated to Science Fiction and Fantasy to make a quick buck. But then isn’t “Wrestling” in the fantasy category? So maybe that was the reason it was brought aboard the SciFi channel? SyFy is by far the stupidest name for a channel that is supposed to represent Science Fiction programming, sad.

  475. agreed –
    People always trying to make a better
    mousetrap when the one they’ve been using
    does quite the job at snapping the competition.

  476. I HATE this name!! Sci Fi was soooo much better!

  477. I HATE HATE HATE this name!!!

  478. I think it is a shame to change the name from Sci Fi. I am afraid you will see the network turn from SCI-FI etc to other programming just to make a buck. The Wrestling shows are just the beginning. Please don’t abandon science fiction, Ghost Hunters and the few other really good shows you have. Warehouse 13 has possibilities. Sanctuary is great! Eureka is also a great series.

  479. Yet another network dumbing down its name for ratings. What is this trend of spelling everything wrong? SY FY, Tru-TV, etc? I hear teens saying it’s not cool to spell things correctly. Just look what they post on the internet and text to each other? This is our future?
    America is supposed to compete in the wotld with non-spellers? For TV networks to go along with this for ratings and money is a disgrace.

  480. So you would rather be associated with people who can’t spell, or choose not to ?? Maybe I’m too old-school but spelling’s important to me. ” SyFy” just seems that you’re bowing to the trend that the rules are whatever a person thinks they are…..good job….

  481. So you would rather be associated with those who can’t spell ??? Good job bowing to those who believe rules are what you think they are……where were the rational people when this decision was made ???….

  482. So you would rather be associated with those who can’t spell ??? Good job bowing to those who believe rules are what you think they are……where were the rational people when this decision was made ???….

  483. Well you lost me on the cool side of the name change. I had thought the “Sci” stood for science, Asimov, etc…but what do I know I’m 65, on the slow up side of techno savy and never considered Indiana Jones, let a lone Moonlighting science fiction! Please don’t go too juv’y on me…I really like science fiction!!

  484. I have to say I also love the “OOPS” idea. I also agree with the negitive remarks about WWE wrestling, Reality Shows, commericals, and bad original movies. You can tell they use alot of the same CGI monsters in these movies (Just drag and drop the CGI in the new production along side the bad acting and bad writting, or copy off StarWars Episode 1 battle scean with the giant dinosaur creatures with the shield generators on their backs; origianl? — imagine greater? I’m sure I can).
    I’d rather see reruns of Star Trek, and other Sci-Fi shows that are off the air.
    I love Eurika and agree that they can use they money thier waisting on “OOPS” movies and make shows like Eurika, Santurary with more episodes then they do. by the way I’m not a geek, infact like someone else mentiond I don’t even spell correctly.

  485. I saw the change the other day and I thought I had a new channel for Science Fiction shows, but they couldn’t use the same name. But no, it was SciFi changing their name.
    Ok, this change is really stupid. You can wrap it up in pretty paper and new bows, but it’s still the science fiction channel, hello?! Btw, I am a chick and was just fine with the way it was spelled before.
    Personally, I would like to know how they can put wrestling on the science fiction channel?! That really makes me mad. If you want to attract girls to your network, that is NOT the way to do it. What does fake wrestling have to do with twilight zone and x-files, ghost hunters? NOTHING. Blech.

  486. I like the channel but I like the old way the logo was spelled the day you went on the air. Sorry you didn’t keep it that way, the new spelling makes no sense in any way or shape or form.

  487. This is absolutely ridiculous.
    I fall into both of the demographics they’re trying to reach; I’m a 19 year old female. Yet, I have to say, unless you blow me away with some REAL science fiction, I’m a lost viewer.

  488. This guy is the boss, he can do what he wants, but……what was he THINKING? Sci-Fi has lost it’s identity. What’s a SY? Sounds like my uncle’s name.

  489. It seems that this channel is distancing themselves from their core demographics. They could be so much better. Grittier, scarier, cooler, but no, they just follow the path of homogenized, boring programing. Trying to find the middle ground in hopes of improving their numbers. True sci-fi fans do not hold the content of this channel in high regard. This should be a channel dedicated to real sci-fi, fantasy, and the paranormal. That’s what would attract the bigger population of sci-fi aficionados. What they need is for more of us to complain about this at their website. Let your voices be heard.

  490. what does syfy and wrestling have in common? also whats up with every 5 minutes there is a commecial, real stupid. syfy is supose to just that. syfy.

  491. What a waste of money. There are two kinds of people, those that like SF and those that don’t. I have a hard time believing that changing the name will change people’s view of the station or science fiction.

  492. Fuck you, Dave Howe. Way to alienate a majority of your viewers by deriding science fiction and instead praising “hip” texting culture. I hope you die in your sleep. From syphilis or something.

  493. this comment is from someone who is no geek, but a person who enjoys science fiction – not syience fyction. hasn’t there been enough dumbing down in America for the last twenty years or so? i will no longer watch the syfy channel, but if it ever becomes the SciFi channel, i will be back in a flash. i am only one person so you won’t notice a ratings change, but i’ll feel a heck of a lot better. i’ll miss Eureka though – oh well, no pain no gain.

  494. This is one of the most idiotic uneducated ideas I have seen in a long time! Who is the illiterate that thought it was a good idea? He needs to be fired and the name changed back.

  495. You don’t have to be a brain or geek to understand what sci fi stands for, I agree I could see skiffy before syfy. I have not talked to anyone who likes it. Is it some kind of phonics for those who do not know what science fiction is. Can the person who came up with it not read? I would rather be a brain than an idiot who can’t spell.I have been a fan for decades and do not like it at all!!!
    PS, What is wrestling doing on sci-fi?

  496. What a bunch of hooey! I am a proud fan of sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, paranormal etc. Change the spelling to generate buzz fine but when they talk about dumping their geeky image and then rattle off a bunch of info about the Warehouse 13 show and the virtual video game shows etc. What is going to be different? So what? They changed the name. The bigger mistake was sticking Eureka in media blackout oblivion for months only to now bring it back for half a season and then it’s gone for another year. These new executives seem to be completely delusional and so full of their own “dazzling brilliance” that they are entirely unaware of what morons they actually are.

  497. This is a LAME move. TV executives need to routinely be executed. Especially the ones who cancelled stargate.
    I liked scifi for it’s good scifi programming. I will abandon them if they turn out to be as gay as their new name is.

  498. I have been a frequent viewer of your channel for many years now. I am completely baffled by the change of name. It has to be the stupidest thing I’ve seen on television in a long time. Do you think, perhaps, that people are so uneducated that they could not figure out what Sci Fi means? There’s an old adage that says “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Why not try Sigh Fie next?

  499. SyFy is goofy. Like others have mentioned, MISC should be, as they have non sci-fi programming too. They also have sci-fi on other channels, which makes no sense. It should be all Sci-fi on Sci-fi channel. Anything less is goof.
    Sci-fi should be nothing but sci-fi showings, not wrestling. Anime should have their own channel, as not all like anime. Anime fans, should be able to see all anime on the same channel of their own.
    I say, change it back to Sci-fi, having only Sci-fi shows.
    I feel they have good intentions, but good intentions is not enough.

  500. I’m disappointed, as Sci-fi is a better name, if they would get rid of all the non sci-fi showings. Wrestling could be considered sci-fi, as most of it is fake. I agree that wrestlers have to be in top shape to do all they do, but it should not be on sci-fi channel. Anime is fantasy, not Sci-fi.

  501. This is an outstanding idea! I have been playing massive multiplayer games for over 10 years and to see a channel such a Syfy start to support this idea is outstanding and very exciting. If the game receives input from current multiplayer gamers like myself they can and will be the new #1 massive multiplayer king.

  502. love the new look, love the new shows, “warehouse 13” rocks, still miss “quantum leap”

  503. Changing the name has made finding the home site a pain in the butt. Before it was google in the original name bingo, click on the link, woo la, you are there. Now I have to google a name like Warehouse 13 to find the home page, poor business execution.

  504. Why????? Was it broken?

  505. “Howe” is trying to sissy{fy}the channel. After all look what he has already done with the programming!

  506. Hey I have an idea for a new network channel, it called SciFi channel and they play science fiction related material. I think there is an open market for it waiting to be tapped.

  507. Congratulations on your new name. Thank you for having the mini marathon of “Joan of Arcadia”. I love that series. It was in the top 10 for many months, then abruptly canceled. Why???

  508. I’m disappointed with the decision of renaming SciFi to SyFy. My main question is “why”?
    Science Fiction no longer carries a negative conotation.
    In my opinion, the title “SciFi” brought with it a sense of dignity.
    Bring back “SciFi”

  509. I find it hard to believe an ‘intelligent” corporate officer can be so out of touch with reality that he thinks Science Fiction is a ‘geeky’ interest. Howe must be an MBA who understands nothing but his personal imperfect perceptions of things – but ‘knows he’s right. (probably from Harcard or Yale)/ Perhaps the Science part of SciFi leaves him a bit insecure. Let’s except facts, SyFy is and nothing but an Ad-Mans brainstorm that means zilch. If the programming doesn’t change, the channel may weather this idiocy. If they use it too ‘improve the programming – good bye ratings.

  510. Agreed Linda. To put it bluntly, the name Syfy is utterly ridiculous. It’s almost embarrassing in it’s stupidity. You know some marketing firm made tons of money coming up with and selling that rubbish. Bring back “SciFi”.

  511. I take offense to this add. I am a woman and a geek…. I love science fiction…. and excuse me but who in thier right mind would change change the spelling to something so totally stupid… I text alot and when i text sci fi I text it exactly as Sci Fi. And they have so lost thier focus over the years.. And I sure hope that someone actually comes up with a good science fiction channel with out horror that it a totally diffrent genre.

  512. The changes made at Syfy channel this month have been traffic so far. The new show Warehouse 13 is well written and well casted. Keep up the good work, We’ll be watching.

  513. So- the SciFi channel is doing very well and they decide to screw with a good thing and give it a stupid, puerile, childish re-naming. “more human friendly”? Translation: kiss any logical, coherent science fiction good bye, expect more dumbed-down fantasy and aiming-for-the lowest-common-denominator junk. This Howe guy is some marketing guy with no real knowledge or experience with science, isn’t he? The same kind of mind responsible for atrocities like Highlander 2, for example.

  514. I know branding is important but great shows with great actors and scripts will fill the seats just like a winning ball team.

  515. I’m a 25 year old female who LOVED the Sci-Fi channel! It was great knowing there was a channel I could go to watch shows and movies I could escape real life with. Now they go and change the name to SyFy (which looks like someone can’t spell correctly), and add stupid shows like wrestling?! Sorry, but I won’t take the bait.
    What’s next? The Weather Channel adding “fake” reality shows and re-naming itself to Wetter Chanel? Are you wanting to make people dumb? Taking out the C and changing the I’s to Y’s was the best you could come up with?
    Sci-Fi IS Science Fiction!!! Science Fiction and Fantasy have become more popular since their beginnings. The “geeks” and ” dorks” of the past are the ones creating new technology that everyone uses today or the ones making the movies we know and love.
    I’ll be boycotting the channel. They destroyed a good thing and created another way to make society more dumb (as if other television channels haven’t already succeeded in doing this).
    RIP Sci-Fi Channel!
    I’m removing this channel from my list of channels and shows to watch. Until they realize how horribly they are screwing up a great genre, I won’t be supporting the channel any longer.

  516. Ok, you go out to dinner and have a few drinks. Your feeling good and say let’s change our name to SyFy. Sounds the same but is different. Same undirected pile of crap programming, but a name change will fix everything. Just how many drinks did they have?

  517. Changing to SyFy is moronic.
    Heinlein would be disgusted. I just think it’s stupid.
    Van Cravens
    Maj. IN (Ret) USA

  518. Only an IDIOT would change SciFi’s name to Syfy…
    Congratulations… you just alienated your entire viewing audience to “branch out”

  519. Only an IDIOT would change SciFi’s name to Syfy…
    Congratulations… you just alienated your entire viewing audience to “branch out”

  520. It was useless to change the name and still show the same lame shows. The only good series currently showing is Tuesday night ECW, although it has absolutely nothing to do with science fiction. I do like it when they play old series like ‘Kindred the Embraced’, ‘The Sentinel’, ‘Tru Calling’, ‘Highlander’ and others like that. When ads say ‘an original sci-fi movie, it is immediately translated into ‘crappy movie’.

  521. Sounds like sci fi chann may be trying to rid them selves of the fans or veiwers they have .sci fi veiwers like being different from the norm and its a lot of us(look at top selling movies). Instead of changing name maybe u should change so writers who take themes of no lose stories and destroy them. if it keeps happening I promise u you will lose the veiwers u have no matter what u name the network

  522. Yet another dumbing down of something that had some level of respectability. I guess I should have seen this coming when the wrestling garbage showed up. JUST FOCUS ON SCIENCE FICTION PROGRAMMING AND EVERYTHING ELSE WILL SORT ITSELF OUT. Thank You

  523. i dont even know why we or anyone still watch that garbage network.
    lets recount all the good shows they have canceled. list as follows and my little rant
    alien nation
    Dead Like Me
    john doe
    babylon 5 and its spin offs
    stargate sg1 (at its 200ths episode i know the series has gone on too long but i thought it was still worht watching even though it annoyed the hell out of me when they showed the reruns all of the time sometimes all night long weeks on end)
    stargate atlantis(i really enjoyed that show as well oh well anouther one for sci fi)
    the invisible man (The canceling of The Invisible Man bugs me. That show was amazing.)
    sliders (The canceling of Sliders still bugs me. )
    Mystery Science Theater 3000
    X-files why do they show it at midnight!
    and above all
    Battlestar galactica (Reason for Cancellation: Technically speaking, SCI FI didn’t actually cancel Battlestar Galactica. Instead, they took the rather more passive-aggressive tack of simply not committing to enough episodes to finish the storyline. This placed the producers an untenable position – if they tried to tell the story they had planned, they risked the show being cancelled before they reached the ending. Thus they had to cancel their own show by truncating they story to fit into the single remaining season. SciFi’s reason was high production cost, the same reason that the original Battlestar Galactica was cancelled in 1979 despite consistently winning its time slot.)
    my remaning thoughts scifi is a god aweful network filled with stupid b movies and wrestling WTF are we watching scifi or a crappy version of usa? what they did to Michael Straczynski the creator of babylon 5 and all of its would have been successfull spinoffs is unforgivable. what about that reality show with the people trying to be comic book heroes. since when is scifi a reality show? they cancel all these shwo and keep the terrible ones like Ghosthunters is so mind numbingly retarded.if I never have to see another shitty Baldwin brothers/Caper Van Diem creature feature i will die a happy man.
    it comes down to the scifi execs are simply retarded. they dont give a damn about any of the fans. it just bugs the hell out of me when they can cancel show in their prime of popularity cancel them and show these god aweful terrible made for scifi movies. I am not watching that stupid network anymore
    ok guys im sorry for the rant and the spelling and grammer errors probably through it but they took a channel and shows i loved and turned it into garbage.

  524. i dont even know why we or anyone still watch that garbage network.
    lets recount all the good shows they have canceled. list as follows and my little rant
    alien nation
    Dead Like Me
    john doe
    babylon 5 and its spin offs
    stargate sg1 (at its 200ths episode i know the series has gone on too long but i thought it was still worht watching even though it annoyed the hell out of me when they showed the reruns all of the time sometimes all night long weeks on end)
    stargate atlantis(i really enjoyed that show as well oh well anouther one for sci fi)
    the invisible man (The canceling of The Invisible Man bugs me. That show was amazing.)
    sliders (The canceling of Sliders still bugs me. )
    Mystery Science Theater 3000
    X-files why do they show it at midnight!
    and above all
    Battlestar galactica (Reason for Cancellation: Technically speaking, SCI FI didn’t actually cancel Battlestar Galactica. Instead, they took the rather more passive-aggressive tack of simply not committing to enough episodes to finish the storyline. This placed the producers an untenable position – if they tried to tell the story they had planned, they risked the show being cancelled before they reached the ending. Thus they had to cancel their own show by truncating they story to fit into the single remaining season. SciFi’s reason was high production cost, the same reason that the original Battlestar Galactica was cancelled in 1979 despite consistently winning its time slot.)
    my remaning thoughts scifi is a god aweful network filled with stupid b movies and wrestling WTF are we watching scifi or a crappy version of usa? what they did to Michael Straczynski the creator of babylon 5 and all of its would have been successfull spinoffs is unforgivable. what about that reality show with the people trying to be comic book heroes. since when is scifi a reality show? they cancel all these shwo and keep the terrible ones like Ghosthunters is so mind numbingly retarded.if I never have to see another shitty Baldwin brothers/Caper Van Diem creature feature i will die a happy man.
    it comes down to the scifi execs are simply retarded. they dont give a damn about any of the fans. it just bugs the hell out of me when they can cancel show in their prime of popularity cancel them and show these god aweful terrible made for scifi movies. I am not watching that stupid network anymore
    ok guys im sorry for the rant and the spelling and grammer errors probably through it but they took a channel and shows i loved and turned it into garbage.

  525. Dear Mr. Dave Howe,
    “Syfy” is just silly. No, it’s stupid. Seriously.
    Syence Fyction? Please. You can’t be that ludicrous.

  526. Syfy. Ha ha! It is to laugh! Especially if you pronounce it “siffy”!

  527. what does wrestling have to do with SyFy?
    and that phony ghost hunting show!

  528. Now it looks more like ebonics

  529. Ditto! It’s not a crime to have a brain!

  530. Whatever, just hope they improve programming. I could give a crap about the name. I didnt wear a scifi shirt and dont for see myself wearing a syfy shirt. So whatever

  531. If you want to go from geeky to STUPID I guess that is all right. Never thought Sci Fi was geeky to begin with. Sci Fi is coming off of its best year in history? Sounds like the best time to change the name. SyFy? Dave Howe is an idiot. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
    Might be best not to smoke the ganja during brain storming sessions, those good ideas you find out later aren’t that great of an idea after all. lol

  532. What exactly makes Syfy “cooler” than SciFi? Is it pronounced differently? Do they really think we’re that dumb?

  533. Changing the SciFi channel to Syfy is ridiculous. SciFi was not geeky and Syfy is very lame. I hope it goes back to its originality.

  534. I don’t like the name change, but they really lost me when this guy insisted on insulting geeks. I am a 35year old female and I think this comment was immature and totally unnecessary. I’m offended and I think Syfy has lost me for good.

  535. “Syfy” is gay as hell. Why don’t you network executives just turn it into a cooking show and get it over with?

  536. GAY!

  537. SyFy is geeky, it should be SiFi
    What idiot thought SyFy was cool,
    IT IS NOT cool!!! It even LOOKS weird!
    Ron Culp

  538. marketing executives and science fiction… now there’s an ugly association. these are the same geniuses who programmed the professional wrestling? i’m sure the ladies love that.

  539. They are doing the same thing to a lot of the radio stations here in the US- naming them after a person. There is a “Dave” FM in Atlanta…

  540. “SyFy” is a blantant product of execs getting together destroying a proven, strong product and kick all its loyal views right in the gut. Wow. Sounds to me these idiots making this bright idea were the dumb jocks who can’t spell or have the smarts to learn science fiction that beat those “geek boys playing video games in the basement.” Very sad they decided to ruin a good or potential to be a good channel. They have officially added insult to injury- with hooked on phonics spelling or trendy, illiterate texting. I am insulted and don’t have any desire to watch the channel anymore. But then again, I was just a loyal viewer.

  541. Yeah it makes the channel more accessible to housewives maybe, but its a total turnoff to the geeks that it needs to actually survive in the longterm. No when I think of SyFy I think of “Gay Producers” and all of the channel’s imperfections seem a little bit more important to me now. Some psychological thing I’m sure.

  542. Are there any plans to move to a HD format? Much of the programming would be much better in HD format.

  543. hmm must have missed the newsletter about the name change, I’ve been deleting ‘spam’ from syfy because I thought it was some spam agent posing as scifi to get valid email addresses lol.

  544. I remember when this channel showed old “Land of the Giants” episodes, etc. Then 1999 came around and I witnessed the beginning of the end when I did not see any of the “Space 1999” episodes. I knew that they would be awful, only an idiot would have run the whole series. But what would have been so bad about showing a few episodes and letting people see where the past thought we would be by now. They could even have laughed it up a little just so the bad acting and all would have seemed less out of place. (Maybe team up with MST3K, or something.)
    In December of ’99 they could have run a TV edited version of “Strange Days.” (I apologize if they did, but if they did I missed it.)
    Then there were the “dropped the ball” moments:
    => Farscape – terminated early.
    => SG1 – had a few episodes, maybe even a season or two left in it.
    => FireFly – HELLO!!! Anybody in there?!? It STILL has a strong following today. It appealed to men and women of various demographics. Firefly had one of the largest “Save Our Show” campaigns I have ever seen. I cannot even imagine what it might have become if this channel had done ANYTHING meaningful with it.
    => Dr. Who – Does this even come on anymore? I caught one episode somewhat recently – it was on at 3 in the morning and was a rerun. Way to appeal to the fans folks!
    => Space, Above and Beyond – Not the greatest series out there but a hell of a lot better than whatever they are showing these days. (Killed off after season one, by the way.)
    No the channel wants to tank. They are doing everything in their power to tank. They have canceled more shows with promise than probably any other network to bring us such gems as:
    Snakes on a Train
    Snakes in a Bed
    Snakes in a Jungle
    Snakes in a Car
    Giant Snakes on a Train
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan 2
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan 3
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan 4
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan 5
    Giant Snakes take Manhattan with a Vengeance
    Revenge of the Giant Snakes…
    (Ok, so I am pretty sure I made up some of those. I HOPE I made up some of them!)
    Oh, and WWE, we CANNOT EVER forget how important the WWE is when discussing science fiction.
    There are two good things that stem from this decision, for me:
    1) I (We) can all finally stop waiting for the channel to pull its head out of its ass. This symbolic change is the unspoken announcement that science fiction is officially dead to them.
    2) I have a block of cable channels I have been looking to drop so I could cut the bill by a few bucks. This channel was the holdout stopping me from doing so – not anymore!
    Thank you, you stupid, stupid, stupid network execs.
    And to the person who suggested The Foundation Series – How dare you speak such Blasphemy! I will not be the one who will be watching when it is revealed that Hari Seldon is an ordinary robot who just so happens to kill at the drop of a hat and that Eto Demerzel is the centuries old human mastermind behind everything.
    No thanks. I’ll pass. Let them screw something else up, but leave Asimov alone. Not that I would not LOVE to see Foundation as a series, just not the way this channel would do it:
    “Snakes on Solaria”
    “Attack of the Giant Spiders of Helicon”
    “Hitchhikers Guide to the Encyclopedia Galactica”
    “The Wizard of Trantor”
    “Hari Seldon rides a Greti”
    “Hari Seldon rides Again”

  545. First the WWE. Next up – more Tila Tequila reality crap. The dumbing down of America invades the turf of science fiction fans, and continues on………..

  546. As a “geek” I make about $160K/year. The Syfy channel is for morons who make a lot less. I am now boycotting all products advertised on the Syfy channel. Their new slogan “Imagine Greater” make me imagine greater morons that run the channel. Watch the channel and boycott their advertisers. Write their advertisers and tell them you won’t buy until they change the name. Write them
    The wresting, ghost hunting, trash talking morons are taking over.

  547. I agree, this is one stupid move on their part. Their new original series, Warehouse 13 is so terrible. Great concept, bad storylines and acting. The only good shows on this channel are the BBC sloppy seconds. After BSG was done I had one foot out the door with this channel. Might be time to help the other foot through the door. Couldn’t they come up with ANY other options then SyFy?

  548. Either way, the programming is the same, taking the same downward spiral spin. What for instance does Wrestling have to do with Science Fiction at all? They removed the best of the shows they had, and have replaced them with gawky, poorly made shows including something as stupid as wrestling.
    I as a viewer am sorely disappointed with “Sci Fi” Channel and seriously I do not believe I will be watching it any further until they bring back its original mandated programming! SCIENCE FICTION!

  549. «Mr. Howe said the international Sci Fi channels will transition to the new name over the next six to 12 months.»
    Good- so now countries that don’t speak English will be confused by this American jargon “Syfy” BS. Heads up move!

  550. Brian and Reva,
    I Truly find it refreshing that there are those of us who have been through many changes in the presentation of Ccience Fiction. Briean you are correct in the fact that most things in this country are run by “Accountants”. Let us not forget that bills have to be paid.
    The problen is loosing sight of the objective! True Science Fiction!
    Our channel has lost the concept because those that are in charge didn’t grow up with “Flash Gordon” or Marvel and D.C. Most of the younger generation does not read nor do they seek other forms of education when it comes to science fiction. They only follow what the media gives them. Anima!! What the hell is that? Wrestling! What the hell is that? Let us not forget the “Reality Stuff”.
    Back to the “Cheap Stuff”. I does not cost a lot of money. The problem is we do not watch the channel.
    I will discontinue with my complaints because I do not see good things in the future.
    It is just good to have others that feel the same as me!

  551. Pretty soon this channel will no longer play science fiction shows just like MTV no longer plays music videos. Just more reality show crap.

  552. I remember the reason for me getting cable was to get the Sci-fi Channel. Seeing the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers series was icing on the cake for me. I loved their earlier programming from The Phoenix series to FireFly series! Ever since then, the channel has been going down ,broadcasting crap other than scifi and fantasy. Imagine to my surprise when i first saw wrestling on my favorite channel! WTF?! And now they want to change the name to SyFy, again WTF?! Well, what do you expect from the same execs who cancelled Journeyman. Good bye SciFi …I will miss you!!!!!

  553. I remember the reason for me getting cable back in the day was because of the SciFi Channel. Watching the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Roger series was awesome! Earlier programming from The Phoenix series to the Firefly series was a treat. Ever since then the channel has really gone done. Imagine to my surprise when I saw wrestling on it! That was the last straw..And now they are changing the name to SyFy! WTF?! Well, what do you expect from the same execs who cancelled the awesome of a show called Journeyman. Goodbye SciFi channel, I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

  554. I remember the reason for me getting cable back in the day was because of the SciFi Channel. Watching the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Roger series was awesome! Earlier programming from The Phoenix series to the Firefly series was a treat. Ever since then the channel has really gone done. Imagine to my surprise when I saw wrestling on it! That was the last straw..And now they are changing the name to SyFy! WTF?! Well, what do you expect from the same execs who cancelled the awesome of a show called Journeyman. Goodbye SciFi channel, I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

  555. Oops! sorry for the triple post..

  556. Having been a fan of science fiction short stories, novels and movies for 50 some odd years, Sci Fi programing fulfilled many ambitions to my fantasies of keeping things advanced scientifically in mind. SYFY does not convey the same emotion in me.

  557. changing from scifi to the incredibly stupid “syfy” is the zenith of gayness. What a complete bunch of dumbasses.

  558. I’m a 18-34 techno-savvy female and I just want my Star Trek TNG reruns back.
    The part no one’s hearing is that -all- of this is coming from the unexpected popularity of Ghost Hunters, which is an INCREDIBLY cheap show to make to begin with.
    So their mindset makes sense-
    Make a show in which we don’t pay actors hardly anything, shoot with a scratchy night-vision camcorder, no special effects, and can sell pricey ad time slots?
    Make a sci fi show with lots of expensive special effects, have to pay our actors more every year in the 12 season long epic, and have to pay our writers more every year in the 12 season long epic, just to hold on to -decent- ratings and get lower bids on ad time?

  559. I liked the old logo, I don’t know who you polled but iv’e been watchin SciFi for 20yrs and i don’t feel like a geek or other names you wish to chnage, Are you like the left and just want to be politecally correct? Besides SyFy sounds like something a grade school kid would use.

  560. Star Wars is about as far from Science Fiction as you can get, first of all. Just because something takes place in space, doesn’t make it science fiction.
    Second, if they really in their hearts think people who enjoy science fiction are all geeks living in basements, they really really do not understand much.
    Finally, either they took this Howe person’s comments out of context, or he is really a complete twat who has no business running SciFi channel.
    It’s like renaming Playboy magazine to Playtime because you want to get a broader base. It just shows you don’t understand what made it successful in the first place.
    Frankly, I can’t stand the sub-par B-movies they show on this channel anyway (I jokingly call them C-movies, as B-movies are usually fun), but now with WWF on there, and that pap-smear waste of 30 minutes Ghost Hunters, I will just go back to gardening and reading, lol.

  561. Star Wars is about as far from Science Fiction as you can get, first of all. Just because something takes place in space, doesn’t make it science fiction.
    Second, if they really in their hearts think people who enjoy science fiction are all geeks living in basements, they really really do not understand much.
    Finally, either they took this Howe person’s comments out of context, or he is really a complete twat who has no business running SciFi channel.
    It’s like renaming Playboy magazine to Playtime because you want to get a broader base. It just shows you don’t understand what made it successful in the first place.
    Frankly, I can’t stand the sub-par B-movies they show on this channel anyway (I jokingly call them C-movies, as B-movies are usually fun), but now with WWF on there, and that pap-smear waste of 30 minutes Ghost Hunters, I will just go back to gardening and reading, lol.

  562. Star Wars is about as far from Science Fiction as you can get, first of all. Just because something takes place in space, doesn’t make it science fiction.
    Second, if they really in their hearts think people who enjoy science fiction are all geeks living in basements, they really really do not understand much.
    Finally, either they took this Howe person’s comments out of context, or he is really a complete twat who has no business running SciFi channel.
    It’s like renaming Playboy magazine to Playtime because you want to get a broader base. It just shows you don’t understand what made it successful in the first place.
    Frankly, I can’t stand the sub-par B-movies they show on this channel anyway (I jokingly call them C-movies, as B-movies are usually fun), but now with WWF on there, and that pap-smear waste of 30 minutes Ghost Hunters, I will just go back to gardening and reading, lol.

  563. Star Wars is about as far from Science Fiction as you can get, first of all. Just because something takes place in space, doesn’t make it science fiction.
    Second, if they really in their hearts think people who enjoy science fiction are all geeks living in basements, they really really do not understand much.
    Finally, either they took this Howe person’s comments out of context, or he is really a complete twat who has no business running SciFi channel.
    It’s like renaming Playboy magazine to Playtime because you want to get a broader base. It just shows you don’t understand what made it successful in the first place.
    Frankly, I can’t stand the sub-par B-movies they show on this channel anyway (I jokingly call them C-movies, as B-movies are usually fun), but now with WWF on there, and that pap-smear waste of 30 minutes Ghost Hunters, I will just go back to gardening and reading, lol.

  564. What ever happened to good old science fiction? Even the old movies are better than the how many ways can you kill stupid teenagers? movies. I know I am of the older generation but I still watch movies. Also the recient series that have been on this channel serve no purpose.

  565. What ever happened to good sience fiction? Even the old movies I grew up with are bettter than the How many ways can you kill a teenager? movies that I have seen on this channel of late. Bring back the movies of yesteryear and give those of us who enjoyed a good laugh or perhaps a good movie a chance.

  566. I agree. What most programmes on television lack is an intelligent premise justifying the ongoing plot development and character growth. Anyone can take a knock at television’s poor quality writing and painful plot premises, but it is quite another thing to specify all the agony one has electively endured. Hulu has given me the opportunity to watch all sorts of terrible programmes like Sliders. Good LORD! Sliding is an appropriate title, for that would imply that the show never gains any traction or holds an audience, it keeps slipping away in the undertow of a murky “restart” current that typifies how the characters always remain the same sane people in spite of years of dimension crossing… I know the programme was not on Sci-Fi, but it nevertheless bears a lot of the qualities of other rubish. Please do not mistake my tone for a visceral one that takes especial interest in the doings of business executives. Long have I looked upon that class of people objectively, which is strange if you stop and think how they consider everybody else who is not a wheeler-dealer as a disposable resource. Last February, I bought the entire Stargate: Atlantis series. Easy mistake, but what I learned about the education of the writers/producers will not be so easy to forget. ‘Zounds, the fellows degrade chemical/physical knowledge without compunction, continuing the dreadful tradition of the previous show. Have they no shame? Of course they have not. Some of the more successful creatures in the Media feel no shame putting on full display their full lack of a rudimentary education and worse, the lack of a strong wit. By rudimentary science education, I suppose a basic understanding of Newtonian physics, evolutionary biology, and geometry (perhaps a little chemistry).

  567. This actually kind of offends me. The name SciFi didn’t reach out to women, yet I’m a girl, and I loved the name SciFi? The name SciFi only appealed to older people and boys who sit in there basement’s all day… OK, Then what does that make me? I’m a girl, who does things and has ambitions, who goes out and has friends she hangs out with, AND who likes Science Fiction. And I know I’m not the only girl like that. So what does that make us?
    I miss the old name. I miss the old SciFi spots. I miss the old voice announcer guy. I missed how SciFi became IF and I thought that was cool. I miss it. And I think it’s funny that the station is trying to shed a geeky image when they show the exact same stuff, they just have a different name. Good idea, guys(?).
    I’m afraid this station is going down the tube, and that depresses me. 🙁

  568. WOW!
    Sounds like a bit “EBONIC”…
    I guess (science fiction) is called SYIENCE Yiction!!! won’t watch it anymore.

  569. Not a good move!
    The intials stand for many things.
    None of them science related.
    S— You F— You Channel?
    What were they thinking?????

  570. This is completely messed up
    SyFy sounds *less* “geeky” than Sci Fi?
    and generalizing that they don’t have enough female viewers, that the name is limiting them to guys who live in their mom’s basements… they have it way off!
    l am a female, l have enjoyed science fiction since l was little, there is nothing to be ashamed of about the genre.
    l proclaim to be a Geek and l’m proud of it. these guys never got the memo it seems, geek is the new cool.
    their efforts to changing their name to get new viewers is going to get them to lose the current ones they have now, as they said, their popularity was growing, so obviously the name wasn’t causing any problems. if they were having success they were doing something right. it’s when you are losing your viewers that you rethink what you can do to bring more in.
    these attempts at becoming more “mainstream” was pointless, Sci Fi has been mainstream for years, just go to any bookstore or movie rental place where the products are listed by Genre.
    Sci-Fi as a genre is here to stay.
    “Sy Fy” just dug it’s own grave.

  571. I dont think the name Sci-Fi is “geeky”. The new name SyFy makes us look like a bunch of illiterate people when the real idiot is the person who came up with the changing of the spelling of the word. So if we’re teaching illiteracy why not change MTV to emteevee or VH1 veeachone. Make sense? Didnt think so.

  572. Whoever decided to do this should be fired. This is one of the most idiotic TV decisions I have ever witnessed. Just as SyFy wants to distance itself from science fiction I will distance myself from watching the channel

  573. Welcome to the wonderful world of stupidity. Changing the name to think you’re going to gain more viewers? This sounds a lot like Obama politics. Change the words a little but still offer the same thing. Anyone notice that G.E. is involved? Nothing nowadays surprises me.

  574. I love the new Warehouse 13

  575. I agree. Science Fiction is of a higher intelligence and ECW is for people with considerably lower IQ’s. What are the Ghost Humper shows?

  576. I think this new name sucks ass.

  577. Ive been upset with the programming of sci fi for a long time and i want to voice my opinions. Im a big fan of Science Fiction / Horror genre, and dont think your channel lives up to these expectations. The movie selection is unbelievably bad. The Stargate series, Ureka, ECW!!!, Battlestar Galactica are all boring and shouldnt even be included in the line up. There’s plenty of Good movies to be seen including old sci fi, horror films that could be shown on this network. It seems no one there wants to do the legwork to find the good movies.I started watching a movie tonite, 7/22 called, Zathura. I had never heard of it but it looks good and why isnt it shown on sci fi. Instead you air, ECW a wrestling show. Its ridiculous. You say Imagine Greater, greater where? Your going backwords and i might be leaving the sci fi channel soon in hopes some network starts showing the movies that deserved to be called sci fi or horror for the fans out there like me. Joe

  578. Ive been upset with the programming of sci fi for a long time and i want to voice my opinions. Im a big fan of Science Fiction / Horror genre, and dont think your channel lives up to these expectations. The movie selection is unbelievably bad. The Stargate series, Ureka, ECW!!!, Battlestar Galactica are all boring and shouldnt even be included in the line up. There’s plenty of Good movies to be seen including old sci fi, horror films that could be shown on this network. It seems no one there wants to do the legwork to find the good movies.I started watching a movie tonite, 7/22 called, Zathura. I had never heard of it but it looks good and why isnt it shown on sci fi. Instead you air, ECW a wrestling show. Its ridiculous. You say Imagine Greater, greater where? Your going backwords and i might be leaving the sci fi channel soon in hopes some network starts showing the movies that deserved to be called sci fi or horror for the fans out there like me. Joe

  579. Reminds me of the show friday the 13, where all the articles were possessed and had to be found and returned. I loved that show too.

  580. Battlestar Galactica and Stargate SG1 were probably the best shows they had on Scifi..
    I dont know how you could say they were horrible when comparing them to the usual line up on that channel.. I’ve seen better science fiction pornos than some of those movies.

  581. No kidding.
    Congratulations on insulting and alienating the people who tune into your network.
    I would compare this to an ESPN executive going on record saying that sports fans are unintelligent Neanderthals, and that his network is now including reruns of “The View” to expand their demographic.
    Are you crazy?
    On top of that, by him saying, “When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it,” Mr. Howe said. “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.”
    I would consider myself part of that 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, and I want Mr. Howe to know that the only people who would possibly text “Sci Fi” as “SyFy” are the lazy and semi-illiterate L33Tspeakers.
    Feel free to wiki the term “l33t”, Mr. Howe. Perhaps, if you dropped that term into one of your next press releases you could be uber-hip and cutting edge like two decades ago.
    By the way, I have more hair than you do.

  582. I would just like to say more of the exact same thing that all these other people have said…
    L-A-M-E. This was a genuinely awful idea.
    What focus group did you test this on? If there even was one.
    Turn it back! Just say “Oopsie, we were wrong, the viewers have it, back to Sci-Fi channel we go…”
    Voila, there you have it. Problem solved, ratings crisis averted.
    Do something guys, this play on spelling and sounds name you’ve made is just not it for this channel.
    Approval not granted at all.

  583. The new “SyFy” logo is absolutely hideous, taking up large space on my TV screen and distracting from the show. I have been a successful graphic artist for over 25 years, and would never allow such an abomination in typography to present itself.
    I’d guess it wasn’t an artist that approved of this logo, but the “person-in-charge” that has no knowledge of art or instinct for any visual taste. (All the more I worry about this channel and the changes.)
    The “new” change is a horrendous mistake. I hate the logo, and I am watching less of the channel because I cannot stand to see the mess on my screen.
    I hope this is not a sign of further downward spiral, as the rest of our economy/country/future goes down the drain.
    Steven Simerman
    Mesa, AZ

  584. That’s a silly name. I have a better idea: instead of changing the name, how about some better shows and stop showing those terrible made for tv movies.

  585. I agree with you Shaun. I am a 53 year old female. Me and the hubby always chose SciFi over other popular channels as it wasnt a reality show based channel, nor a cops and robbers thing. IT was what SciFi peeps wanted to watch and thats why they had the best year on record. With the new name change and discussion abouve, it sounds like they dont want to be limited to SciFi programming, and they think their viewers have all been young geeky men. I think they will find out this was a mistake. Tuned in tonight to find multiple episodes of the 1978 Mork & Mindy shows…I thought we already had TVLand on a different channel? So why watch this?

  586. It’s not just the word, Lola, it’s that they feel the need to insult the people who have been their audience all along. Suddenly, we’re not good enough for them because we must be ‘antisocial boys in basements’, even those of us who aren’t any kind of boy at all. Using ignorant stereotypes as an excuse to be jerks isn’t going to get them very far.

  587. syfy? It loooks like sugfug on my TV screen.
    As graphic artist for over 30 years, this logo is absolutely hideous, blocking my TV screen contents, and is outrageous from a graphical viewpoint. Surely it was not an artist’s design but the “big guy” in the office that passed this logo. Obviously “the big guy” has no idea what people expect and want on this channel.
    As for programming, the downhill slope has gone on for over a year now. “Wrastling”?! Mork and Mindy as Sci Fi!!! This is the end for me. This was the one channel that kept me on cable. I am leaving.
    I have been cutting the thread of cable TV. The garbage you provide as “SciFi” which I used to watch is no longer an option. I have nothing to watch.

  588. This is the stupidest thing I ever heard.
    “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular.”
    Really? Wow. Channels go through changes all the time, but infrequently for reasons so retarded. How snooty and elitist do they really thing the general public is? How sophomoric are these guys in charge? Hell, I never really watched ScFi much outside of the new year’s Twilight Zone marathon and the occasional C horror movie, but this is just flat insulting to its regular viewers. It is like any other channel. It has reality, scripted, etc. Gee guys, way to reenact and old college movie, complete with someone yelling “NEEEERD!”
    In conclusion, Television has found another way to sadden me.

  589. I think that the new name change reflects the current trend of hiphop artists who tend to show their low level of intelligence in the ways they misspell their made up names. I remember spending 12 years in grade school learning to spell correctly.Wake up,Mr. Howe! Please do not continue to show your ignorance. Sci Fi Stands for Science Fiction. Sy Fy spells what? It is beginning to look like an acronym for idiocy.

  590. I think that the new name change reflects the current trend of hiphop artists who tend to show their low level of intelligence in the ways they misspell their made up names. I remember spending 12 years in grade school learning to spell correctly.Wake up,Mr. Howe! Please do not continue to show your ignorance. Sci Fi Stands for Science Fiction. Sy Fy spells what? It is beginning to look like an acronym for idiocy.

  591. David Howe is a moron. I have been watching this network for 15 years and since he took the reigns it has been steadily circling the drain… and now that BSG is finished I have no reason to watch the disappointment that this channel has become.
    Then again I am a member of the undesirable demographic Middle class white guys 25-49… the prime demographic that was watching before Howe took over and aimed the channel at a younger less discriminating audience in order to bank on more advertising dollars.
    Its sad really I will remember the Sci-Fi channel with warm memories.

  592. It is unfortunate that you have chosen to change your “logo” so as to appear less “geeky”—– In a time when we are graduating near illiterates from our schools, you have chosen to abandon a traditional abbreviation– Our young “braintrust” won’t be able to find the SciFi section in a bookstore– They will look for Syense Fykshun– Thanks for helping dumb down America..
    I used to watch your channel daily.
    Jeff Kennedy

  593. I have been traveling for 3 weeks and come home to find one of my favorite channels has changed its name to SyFy?? What’s this? I had to watch it a few minutes to realize it was my old SciFi channel…. It looks like they are trying to go DIY or something 🙁 If the programming goes the same direction as the new name, you can count me out.

  594. To me, true science fiction is neither
    nerdy or unworthy of a following! As a
    matter of fact, I have been dissatisfied
    for a long time with the limited choice
    in programming offered on your channel!
    You seem to specialize in low budget, one-star-rated monster flicks. I haven’t watched your channel for a long time, and I don’t think that merely changing your name is going to alter that!

  595. Don’t like the new name, and if the content changes, you will lose me and the rest of the viewers that made this channel what it is. Don’t piss everyone off by making this another NBC channel.

  596. Is Dr. Who coming back on the SyFy Chanel?

  597. Iknow tou changed the name of the channel to SyFy and onyour commercials you say(Imagine Greater. What do you mean by this you are still showing the same crap on your channel. SyFy should be showing more movies then any of the other programs you play. MORE MOVIES EVERY DAY NOT THE HALF HOUR PROGRAMS YOU KEEP PLAING DURING THE WEEK AND fRIDAY NIGHTS SHOULD MOVIES LIKE SATERDAY AND SUNDAY

  598. I hate the new logo, it makes me want to change the channel every time I see it. Bring back the old one or update it. It should ALWAYS be SciFi.

  599. Well I have to say, I totally disagree with the new name. Do these execs really think that changing a vowel or two is going to change their image? The only reason I even have cable is to watch the Sci-Fi channel. I agree with others that have commented that the suits have lost sight of what this channel is about with wrestling, and other non-sci-fi programing. I too watch less. For those who are in power to direct the programing the viewers watch this channel over the other hundreds because of the sci-fi content.

  600. Well I have to say, I totally disagree with the new name. Do these execs really think that changing a vowel or two is going to change their image? The only reason I even have cable is to watch the Sci-Fi channel. I agree with others that have commented that the suits have lost sight of what this channel is about with wrestling, and other non-sci-fi programing. I too watch less. For those who are in power to direct the programing the viewers watch this channel over the other hundreds because of the sci-fi content.

  601. By any name it SUCKS, a waste of time and space.

  602. How is mis-spelling sci-fi less geeky? It’s an illiterate gimmick, and more than a little embarrassing to a network trying to broaden its appeal. I cringe each time I “c th nu splng n th scrn”…

  603. SY FY is far and away “Geeky-er” than Sci Fi will ever be. I originally ordered cable because of the Sci Fi channel and can’t tell you how many years it’s been since I’ve even bothered to tune in. Trust me, it isn’t the name that could use a little work. In the meantime, all that’s been done is to reinforce the image of stupidity and lack of education on the part of the country as a whole. I will give consistency points however. No matter what happens, corporate America will continue to make itself look out of touch by always shooting for the lowest common denominator and focusing its collective time and effort and a million things that don’t matter to any of us at all. Knock yourselves out…

  604. i strongly agree. i keep asking what does syfy mean… it’s how you’d text it is understandable but now it has no meaning and as for the programming such as wrestling or aneme, pass. about the less geeky thing. whats wrong with geeky? the thing with the channel is that we all know what type of show is going to be on and we expect it.

  605. Dave Howe and the group of fools that are paid to kiss his butt should all be FIRED.
    If putting such sorry excuses of programs like Wrestling, Ghost Bumpers, Mon nite cartoons and lame old reruns of Mork and Mindy on the SciFi channel wasn’t enoungh the TOTALLY STUPID name change to SyFy should have been the final straw.
    SyFy looks like the name of a new drug that has god-awful side effects that will cause you to change the channel as soon as you see what kind of program is on.
    Mr Howe and his group of a$$-kissers are better suited to being in Congress or the Senate surrounded by like minded IDIOTS who can’t do a job of getting anything done right except find ways to waste money.

  606. I’m 77 yrs old. I joined the sci-fi book club in 1942 when I read about a bomb so powerful it could destroy a country. It seems to me that your new logo indicates that the Disney Channel took over or your hoping they do. Personally I think you just created your own Atomic Bomb…..
    Ron of Boca Raton

  607. I’m 24, female and have been watching the SCIFI channel as far back as I can remember with my dad. The whole reason for watching the SciFi channel is because it IS science fiction! I am absolutely appalled by what this channel is becoming. The statement above that “geeky boys” watch this is as stupid as changing the name to SyFy.

  608. Wondrously dumb.
    SyFy, as a word, is simple gobbledygook, signifying nothing.
    Its single (erroneously presumed) virtue is that is is not the tag sci-fi.
    Excellent. It certainly masks that, but at the expense of complete meaningless.
    Truly, viewers are not attracted to meaninglessness, to investigate what to the uninitiated is simply a random concatenation of letters.
    Nice job of stepping on a piece of your anatomy, Mr. Howe.

  609. Good They got rid of Bonnie- BRRING FARSCAPE BACK!!!!

  610. I do not like the new name change! (-) I liked your SCI-FI channel back in the old days (16 years ago) when your programming was much better!!! A+++ Over the last few years your programming has gone down hill! Today, 7-27-2009, I don’t like 90% of your programming!!! Please bring back those old SCI-FI TV shows from the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and the 1970’s! Please cut out the “JUNK” programming and the EVIL programming as well! Thank you!

  611. Shaun said it best…I don’t like the name change, but they really lost me when this guy insisted on insulting geeks. I am a 35year old female and I think this comment was immature and totally unnecessary. I’m offended and I think Syfy has lost me for good. (Thank you Shaun) Marc W Marshall

  612. Shaun, you are 100000% right!

  613. Elizabeth S, yes you are 100000% right! A+++

  614. Ron Selinger, It is most unfortunate however, I think what you said may come true! To bad!

  615. Bob, you are 10000% right! A+++

  616. I loved the scifi channel and hate it now since they changed it and I’m a woman who loves science fiction. Duh for thinking that women hate scifi and duh for changing the name to something that doesn’t make since and duh for changing the lineups to fit more oprah type crap…if I wanted to watch lifetime for women I would have. I even miss the little sci fi commercials.

  617. Based on old guys who made this decision I would say that they are out of touch with reality because most people in this day in age are geared to be more scifi than ever before. I think the syfy channel will lose a lot of fan base.

  618. why oh WHY do I feel like I am wtching BBC when I cut SyFy on and get REALLY confused when they play SyFy commercials and not BBC. And everything just goes downhill once they show Lost… and it’s downright depressing and wrong. I thought there was a channel that understood me and my tastes… but I guess not.

  619. Sci Fi isn’t all about Space, aliens, and the future yes thats a part of it, but its so much more changing the name doesn’t change what it stands for and outing a group of people that vast and loyal is a dangerous thing to do for a company. The worst thing I think that did was put WWF on it. I believe that its a slap in the face. A show that decreases the IQ of the country. Sci Fi is suppose to expand the inagination not limit it to fake fighting and bad acting. All I can ask is why?

  620. Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Just goes to show what kind of enormous intellect sits at the head of corporate America.

  621. The name “Syfy” is not only more geeky than “Sci Fi,” it sounds like the name of a shampoo or an insurance company. Rebranding will not cure the channel’s ills. The real problem is that “SciFi” is losing favor among the very geeks who supported it. Dave, stop programming crap like ghost hunters, wrestling and inane, cheap movies. Your channel should focus on SCIENCE and SCIENCE FICTION. IT IS ABOUT THE GEEKS. Jeez.

  622. The new name is truly awful. Way too “precious” and self-aware to be in any way cool. It is a conceit of people who tragically, always try too hard. If you really want to be “hot” try making a GOOD movie for Gods sake! More people watch than those who “TWATTER” endlessly to other slack-jaws. We actually would rather see your offerings improve. A new logo! Are you nuts?

  623. This is the most stupid thing SciFi could come up with. SyFy??? Um.. Siffy?? the Sifilis Channel? good god…
    I hope they come to their senses and change it back.

  624. SyFy = siffy = syfilis
    the syfilis channel. enjoy 🙂

  625. I’m apparently one of the target audience (being a woman :P), and I love actual science fiction, which is already thin on the ground on “SyFy,” or whatever you want to call it. I don’t think the name change is cool – I think it’s the dumbest thing ever.

  626. Siffy,
    You lost me when you ruined SciFi Friday three years ago – thanks for the silly new laugh.
    Dina, the disenfranchised geek

  627. SyFy name blows. SyFy Channel blows. They ruined Wizard of Earthsea, I almost puked watching it…one of my favorite books. Then they did that Thor thing with the tool time kid, the SyFy people haven’t got a clue.

  628. OK.. first of all most kids cant spell as it is.and you are helping that with SYFY. Also I am a geek and I am not a teenage dude sitting in moms basement. I am a 36 year old woman that buys things that are sci fi. I wonder if you call the geek squad to hook up you High Def TV? I would not call them for a while If I was the one that said this. So that being said this was not only insulting to women but geeks and those people where the ones that watched the channel. Not always because you have been showing some bad movies lately but the TV shows were good, not the Ghost hunters where people were jumping at nothing and saying they feel something. I am happy now that I can get DVD’s of what I want and I don’t have to watch what use to be a scifi channel and now seems to be nothing more than bad tv shows and worse movies. As For Doctor Who, I miss the good old days of Tom Baker, When the Doctor did not let people die If He could save them and They had fun running around in the TARDIS. I bet William, Patrick and Jon are all rolling over asking “what the?”
    Thank you for ruining an channel what was crashing as it was.
    Only thing Saving you right now is The Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside, since I have said that you will more than likely be changing that.

  629. syfy is unacceptable, as is your reasons for choosing it! don’t blame your inappropriate associations to justify your inadequate programing! The programing, such as shark, saw ,etc., are not SciFi!!! ‘the day the earth stood still, all the star trek shows,and shows like that, are what has kept viewers watching!!! new technology is here to stay, and is changing our lives everyday! it’s long over due for you to change the ‘geek mentality’, and your inappropriate associations with it!!!! i insist you change not only the name SciFi back, but delete the obsolete attitudes that led to changing it,as well as the lame programs that have replaced good classic SciFi!!!!

  630. the name syfy is lame, as is your reasons for choosing it! don’t blame your bad associations to justify your inappropriate programing! the programing, such as shark, saw,etc are horror, not SciFi! the day the earth stood sill,all the star trek shows, and the like, is what has kept viewers watching! new tech is here to stay, and is changing our lives everyday! it’s time for you, not only, to change SciFi back, but to delete the obsolete attitudes that led to changing it,and the lame programs that have replaced good classic SciFi!!!

  631. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” My husband and I, and our two teens have been watching the sci-fi channel for many years, and we all think the new name is totally stupid. In fact we can’t get over how stupid it is. I’m sure it cost a huge amount of money, that we your fans, would rather you had spent on programming.

    2nd message I feel that since there is no reponse to all the negative mail I read on this site,you really could care less.” SyFy” 8 inch logo. BARF to the 3rd



  635. So, Sci Fi to Sy Fy.
    Geeky image to illiterate image.
    Interesting move.

  636. Go back to the original Sci Fi…..The new SyFy looks ridiculous. No wonder nobody knows how to spell anymore. it like these text messages everybody abbreviates….Example…How R U….
    Just pathetic !!!!!!

  637. “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve…”
    bravo. you did a bang-up job there. I bet this is exactly what all the tweens and teens think when they see the new brand name

  638. Hi,
    Just wanted to say I like your station. I especially LOVE the Twilight Zone and your marathons are awesome!! I barely get sleep that weekend!
    One thing though, one of the newer Twilight Zones I wish you would replay soon. I actually LOVE the old ones, they are really good, the new ones are sort of corney, but there was this one, as I mentioned above, it was about this guy from “death” trying to take this kid to the “other side” and he was stuck in a town called Wingdale? I think that was the name, he had a white car didn’t want anyone to touch. I only saw a part but it was REALLY funny.
    Thanks, enjoy your station. Thanks for the marathons!!!

  639. I like the new name. It separates the action better than Sci Fi. By that I mean that when I think of science fiction I think of books more than TV. TV to me seems to make things more realistic. I specifically like the Star Trek Enterprise series. Maybe I feel this way because I am a senior citizen who grew up with Sci Fi when it indeed dealt with many things that are now taken for granted. (cell phones, lasers, etc.)
    I do have one complaint however. I think there is excessive use of the pop ups and the messages that constantly project a program being on at a certain time that show up above the Syfy label. They are quite distracting. A display of a short period of time, even if it is repetitive would make for a less obtrusive view. The example is
    Ghost Hunters International
    All new tonight 9/8c
    I have a large screen High Def TV and the sheer size of the seems excessive
    Thanks for listening and hope you keep up the good work and possibly change this policy.

  640. “much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip”? yeah,sure you are!,sci-fi “geeks” don’t care about “marketing”.Its all about the money,right? Bad move Mr. EXEC.

  641. syfy stupid,stupid,stupid sci fi was already the perfect name.someone has way to much free time on there hands.

  642. Very stupid. Normally I would not comment on such a thing, but this just has me all fired up. I expected more. The new name is stupid and plays to the dumbing down of the English language. I could end up watching less SciFi programming just because I will be so pissed off at the stupid new name. Please stop!!!

  643. Stupid, typical,network thinking. SciFi is SUPPOSED to mean Science Fiction. In a stupid misguided attempt to appeal to a “cooler” audience that doesn’t like this stuff anyway. You alienate your fan base. Way to go. Smart move.

  644. wow…so according what they think apparently i didn’t exist…. as a young child i grew up watching sifi as i will always call it no matter what they think they are… BSG, GH, and GHI are the only shows i watch minimal exceptions can be made personally i was hoping as fantasy is wrongly classified as sifi was they would have picked up the sword of truth to make the show and done some justice (which is still a strong hint stupid current show which doesn’t deserve a name doesn’t do books justice) though wtg for insulting your viewers loosing bsg doubt i’ll watch anything other than gh or ghi anymore…disappointed in you sifi…so disappointed

  645. In my country, Sy Fy means buttocks juice. I do not understand American people. Research first.

  646. In my country, Sy Fy means ‘buttocks juice’ I do not understand Americans. Research first.

  647. I no understand American business. In my country ‘Sy Fy’ mean ‘buttocks juice’ I no get what it has to do with channel ratings. Research first please.

  648. Ah yes Cheng Cho Sao, I saw right away WOW. You too notice. I can no believe it so common language they no research first. I thought same thing as you!

  649. I never thought the scifi channel was geeky anyhow….wtf? Changing the name is just confusing, and plain embarassing. Maybe you needed to have a name to trademark or whatever, but you couldn’t come up with something better than that, or had the courage to have had an original name in the first place when introducing that type of programming on a channel?

  650. It looks like someone is investigating the possibility of a competing Science Fiction Channel in the U.S. Even if it doesn’t happen, the home page definitely sums up the frustration of many of us long time Science Fiction fans, who used to be Sci-Fi Ch. fans until so many stupid moves. I can’t believe SyFy never reserved that domain. Check it out- http://www.syfyi.com.

  651. If they continue going in the direction they seem to be headed they might as well call it the CRAP channel. Soon instead of “Imagine Greater” it will be “Imagine Less”.

  652. Do the Network Execs actually watch what they put on the their own channel?
    Has anyone else been annoyed to screams at the commercials on top of the shows already in progress? How many times do I need to be reminded when a different show is on while the one I WANT TO WATCH is running? As if there weren’t enough commercial interruptions already! Job #1 is to stimulate and entertain, not annoy and alienate. As for the name change, it feels like syfy = sci-fi (sort of) = psi-fy = psychic-fantasy (more like). I hope the execs run with it, leaving a place for real science fiction the likes of Dr. Who, SG1 quality, Asimov, Bradbury, Twilight Zone, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker…etc…You know, all story driven thought provoking stuff, not wrestling! Are they for real? Wrestling?? On a sci-fi channel? Maybe the USA network, but Sci-fi?
    BSG is excellent. SG-1 is excellent. B-5 was good. There were great programs once.
    Maybe they ran out of ideas?
    As for Warehouse 19, anyone remember Friday the 13th the series? It’s like that but science related. It needs a few more episodes to grow the characters more, but it seems pretty decent. Yeah, it is a bit derivative, but the premise allows the writers to invent almost whatever they want. I like shows like that, shows that need imagination. If I can predict the plot, then is it just chewing gum for the brain? Eventually you spit the gum out.

  653. This new name (SYFY) IS GEEKY. I don’t like it and neither does anyone else I know. Don’t try to dumb down and good channel. You may gain some new viewers but you may lose a lot of old faithfuls.


  655. I don’t like your new “SYFY”! It looks like something a first grader would write.
    Please bring back “OUR” symbol!!!

  656. I watch the sci-fi channel because I enjoy science fiction movies. I think you are lost. I no longer tune in on Wednesdays because of ghost hunters and I also turn to another channel when the men in tights are in. If I wanted to watch that kind of crap I would not be watching syfy. Yes I think that you will find that you are going to loss the base your channel started with because you are just turning into and another no value crap channel to be skipped over while surfing the channels. I hope you can make it with the customers that make up your supporters. If this channel continues in this direction the I will be disconnecting and just rent movies I want to see rather then buying a channel I can’t justify calling science fiction. It not just the name that is lame but your programing is tipping that way also. I hope this is not a taste of what is to come. Is there anyone out there that wants to start up a real sci fi channel I think we are all going to be looking for it soon. These guys have lost there way and it is about time to let them know they have. if this crap continues then vote with you wallets “cancel syfy” and lets find a channel that will listen to what we want in a channel. When we all stop watching then they will listen or we can start a channel. how much do they pay these guys for being stupid?????????????

  657. Thanks for the heads up on future programming. let me talk in the language you can understand at syfy, Me buy program I like, you put on dumb program I no buy, and hope you go broke. Buster is a cave man and dumb as I may be, I am more evolved then the algae that came up with this new venue. Let the caveman help you algae; ask someone with brains and fingers to pour bleach on you, and put yourself out of our misery. Thank you in advance for doing this. After algae is dead put caveman in charge so channel can go back to being goodly. ug!

  658. When I first saw that SciFi had changed it’s logo to the absurd Syfy I was stunned. After reading many of these comments it’s nice to know that I’m not the only bugged by this stupid and unnecessary change. The first thing it made me think of was that famous disgusting joke where a family auditions for an agent and does the most obscene and perverted things to one another you could possibly imagine and when asked how they are billed? They reply “The Aristocrats!” It’s a very funny joke but apparently the lesson and absurdity of it was lost on the executives at SciFi (or should I say Sissy) they seem to have taken the punch-line to heart and are of the impression that changing the name of the network alone will make their original movies and programing choices seem better. To paraphrase Shakespeare, “That which is called ‘Mansquito’, by any other name would still stink on ice!”

  659. Ridiculous! They seem to have lost sight of the consumer base that has kept the channel going for all these years.

  660. Sci/Fi /past and future
    Fantasy /folklore/monsters
    Horror/ voilence
    Splatter/body parts
    Anime /SCI-FI

  661. It’s all business to them.They want to change the programming and types of material they air. Less Sci Fi stuff and more mainstream stuff to attract more advertisers.Sci Fi has built up a loyal following over the years like us Geeks and they want to capitalize on that. So if a rerun of Friends or something completely unrelated to Science Fiction genre runs it’s completely OK because it’s SyFy now or as Chen and Yin said “buttocks juice” lol. So long Sci Fi!

  662. Wow, this has marketing written all over it. Full of too many buzzwords and the name itself is stupid, just like the million dollars plus they probably spent “rebranding” themselves. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. I honestly could care less about the name of a network; it’s more about the programming.

  663. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Or in SyFy’s case…it would still stink. I’m the exact demographic they’re aiming for and I can tell you that this name change fixes nothing. Get rid of crap like wrestling and horrible “original” movies and maybe i’ll tune in again. What idiots…

  664. P.S. The new slogan is “Imagine Greater.” Couldn’t they have imagined a greater name?!

  665. You’re right – the most commercialized channel out there. One of the reasons I rarely watch any more.

  666. Old Marvel Guy says:
    Don’t bitch about the name Sy Fy: Butt Juice is totally appropriate for their programming. Wrestling. Ghost Hunters. and Oliver Stone’s ALEXANDER.
    Fellow geeks, it’s time to switch over to G4! At least they’re not ashamed.
    Boycott Butt Juice Now!

  667. I’m no marketing exec, but I don’t quite get the logic behind, “Wow! Our numbers are better than ever! Clearly we need to change everything and alienate the viewers already watching our channel.”

  668. That is exactly the market that they are aiming for.
    SyFy is an FCC acceptable code for “AssJuice”

  669. In Canada we have “Space” which features Science Fiction/ Horror/ Fantasy … basically your “Sci Fi Channel” equivalent.
    In years past it took longer for us to get some of the shows seen on Sci Fi, such as Ghost Hunters, and I know my brother and I would wish we could get the Sci Fi Channel here.
    However, Space has improved, but I can still appreciate Sci Fi Channel and what it means … or meant.
    It had some lame movies, but they were still fun to watch (rentals here), and it has given us Ghost Hunters, and what not. In any event, seeing Ghost Hunters online, and the logo in the corner as “Sy Fy”, I was like, “why on earth did they change the name? This is sooo lame!”
    I Googled the subject just now and found this. It’s so insulting how they treat people who watch the channel!
    Perhaps “the Maintstream” view those who might watch that channel as “geeks” but if it’s true or not, even if that label were the only ones watching, then they obviously did something right, or the channel would have been lost a long time ago.
    These executives are all about distancing themselves from the genre that gave them a channel in the first place but they want to keep the name similar enough to cash off on it … so, they’re ashamed of any label that the channel might have but are too afraid to totally change the name … yet.
    It’s sad … the very reason the channel was a success and unique was because it did cater to the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc. Anyone could look for a channel with miscellaneous programming, but if they didn’t want to search those channels for something different … or something appealing to fans of said genres, there was a place to go.
    It is one thing to want to broaden the channel’s name to something that would include fantasy and horror … but really, just have it “SF” as people suggested, or keep it “Sci Fi” and have a slogan of “Not just Sci Fi.”
    But reading the comments here and finding out that they are showing wrestling? Wha! That’s crazy? Why? Anyone can find wrestling on any number of channels .. do they really think people would tune into “SyFy” for that?
    For those who mentioned anime: although not necessarily all sci fi, there are lots of series that is, so I can understand why they would put that in, but wrestling! Wow!
    To call it “SyFy” because people text it as such? Why would anyone do that? Seriously, I don’t understand why it’s spelled as such, and having a channel named this only, in my mind, continue the trend that it’s cool to “mys-spehl”. (I’m 33, and maybe totally “old” as a result of this, but I just find it soo wrong. Anyway …)
    This whole change reminds me of the evolution of Spike. The Nashville Network was known for its country programming until someone decided that that wasn’t enough and it became The National Network. Of course, “the New TNN” wasn’t enough and as a result of the programming becoming more heterosexual and cliched male, it, due that lawsuit with Spike Lee, was “The First Network For Men” to “Spike TV” to “Spike”.
    This makes me wonder if SyFy will eventually come full circle and after trying to “broaden” the channel will only then go back to appealing to another set of “labels” and become Spike2! 😛
    The long and short of it is that the execs made a poor move and I hope that their ratings fizzle until they realize that they had something good when they were still “just” for (who they view as) “geeks.”

  670. I really dislike syfy…scifi works for me……………

  671. TERRIBLE look, TERRIBLE idea.
    We do not like it, and ours is a house with various (non-geek) age ranges
    (13, 18, 22, 27, 41, 49).
    As it becomes more like every other channel, we will watch it less, like every other channel. Shame.

  672. TERRIBLE name, TERRIBLE idea. Our whole household, ages 13,18,22,27,41,49, does not like it. Because of greed and commercialism, SciFi may become like every other channel we no longer want to watch. What a shame.
    And if it is true that SyFy translates into “buttocks juice”, how smart is THAT?

  673. SYFY is a very uneducated display, it is the same as when the Bozo show started to display the term “Boz knows” as
    “Boz Noz”. My son asked why Bozo can’t spell.
    Fire the brain child of SYFY

  674. Way to build your audience, Syfy: turn off your core viewers by calling ’em “geeky.” I’m a 59-year-old female, was reading Asimov and Bradbury before my mom had The Talk (birds and bees) with me. My husband and I used to be big fans of the SciFi channel — used to love those original little “shorts” featured back in the ’90s, very imaginative and provocative. Guess I’m gonna be spending more time with the National Geographic and Discovery channels from now on. Sometimes when a company tries to please everyone, they end up pleasing no one.

  675. What a horrible idea! Stop trying to dumb down for the mainstream! I doubt you are going to gain new demographic based on the name change, and in the process are going to alienate the loyal audience that you have.

  676. You’ve got to be kidding! – The first thing I thought when I saw it, they’re dumbing down to the lowest common deniminator – I hate it!

  677. Well. Epic fail.
    “geeks” and “anti-social boys” have been THE main client base for the channel, until it started getting sucky. Now they plan on making fun of them to appeal to “females” and the “general public”. Huh. Geeks & Nerds ARE the people willing to keep spending on good technology, shows, media, etc.
    This channel is seriously going down the tubes.

  678. In my opinion the name change is completely ridiculous. What is the Sci-Fi demographic compared to the “SyFy” demographic? It makes no sense. I watched Sci-Fi religously when great shows like “Babylon 5”, “FarScape”, “Firefly” and “Battle Star Galactica”. On a personal note, based upon what I saw in the pilot, I dont think “Caprica” is going to make it. If they were smart, they would lose the “Schlokey Hockie Shock”, $1000.00 budget, crap movies they churn out. Yes I suppose these “D” Movies would appeal to pre-pubescent kids for a Friday night “Creepfest”. I myself enjoyed the black and white “B” flicks “in the day” and was terrified of them. But this new “genre” (using the term loosley), of horribly written movies, with equally horrible acting are nothing but bad special effect bloodfests. I have not watched the “Sci-Fi” channel since the end of “Battle Star”, but rather opt for the “Chiller”, “TNT” and “EAction” channels for my “proper” sci-fi fix. Every time I flip through past SyFy, there is something horrible on. Either that, or wrestling? Fact of the matter is SyFy is losing it’s viewers. A word of advice to Mr Howe… do not mess with your chosen demographic. Need some viewers? Pick up “ABC” Families “Kyle XY”, (now theres some pissed off fans), since that was a great show that ABC Family did not correctly end. And/or develope some new “re-booted” old series. There are a MILLION to choose from… Lost in Space, Buck Rogers, etc. Unfortunately another channel tried a re-boot of Flash Gordon that was horrible. I guess after my rambling it comes down to…”you can put lipstick on a pig…..but it’s still a pig.” Now….here is your Dunce Cap Mr. Howe, please go sit in the corner.

  679. The word “google” is not meaningless. Google is the name of a mathematical number, a 1 followed by 100 zeros (same as 10^100).

  680. First, when I read SyFy, it looks like it is pronounced Siffy.
    Second, SciFi has been showing wrestling. How un-SciFi can you get. To remedy that, they change the name. They are no longer compelled to show sci fi shows anymore. Why not just change the name to “NotSciFi”.
    I want a channel that shows Sci Fi.

  681. Wow! the poo has hit the fan! Where did they ever get a person like Howe! I hadn’t been able to view my “SciFi” channel for awhile and came back to some realllly bad stuff. In fact I don’t even recognize it! Who’s brilliant idea was to change and what is with the wrestling bit? To quote you directly “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks, who helped launch Sci Fi Channel when he worked at USA Network.” I’m a female, have loved Sci-Fi well over 50 years and reallly take offense to your comments, let alone didn’t classify myself as a dysfunctional, antisocial etc person. HOW SAD EVIDENTLY YOU WEREN’T FORTUNATE TO GROW UP WITH THE SCI-FI WORLD THAT LET YOU DREAM OF PLACES TO TRAVEL, DREAM OF WORLDS THAT EXIST IN OUR IMAGINAGTIONS! AND THE GLORIOUS WHOLE SCI-FI WORLD! But,maybe we’re the lucky ones to find out your a cranky, old person in mind, who hates SCI-FI wearing an exec suite! You have just lost a long time viewer! To my fellow Sci-Fi’ers, may we never stop dreaming and hopefully a true Sci-Fi channel will imerge for us.

  682. Oh yes we should definitely distance our selves from the “geeks and dysfunctional” they don’t have any money – Bill Gates Steve Jobs etc, that will purchase what our advertisers are hawking.
    Yea lets be more appealing to a more upscale and affluent audience and nothing attracts that type more than Wrestling.
    OMG. I miss stargate B5 even BSG . hell why not try and make movies and series from classic authors Robert Heinlein “stranger in a strange land” , Edgar rice Buroughs ” john carter of mars” etc

  683. I am a 34 year old white female who USED to love the SciFi channel. I also am proud to be a Geek. I basically agree with everything being said here, the spelling is idiotic, the new lineup is mind boggling and the presumption that a historical year of Science Fiction programming isn’t proof enough of doing the channel the way it should be only goes to prove that inbeciles have taken over the company. I have only one thing to say: “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!”


  685. Let’s see, the SciFi channel is coming off of it’s best year and decides to change the name? If the first name seemed “geeky” the new one is “embarrassing”

  686. New Coke!


  688. I used to hate ECW, not just because like most Sci Fi “original series” it was a cruel mockery of the original show, but the original ECW was sucking by 2002 when it ended, just let it die in peace!
    But for its faults I’ve found ECW ok and will even admit to watching it in public now that Tommy Dreamer is a true title contender. Look at Christian’s matches with Dreamer, the Hart Dynasty, or Zack Ryder on a video site like youtube sometime. They’ve taken lemons(The fact that they are limited by a PG rating on Sci Fi) and made lemon juice. Good solid wrestling matches. That’s why ECW remains the most watched show on the network.
    What else do they have? I found Star Gate to be very entertaining but its over now. Battle Star Galactica got honors, but its over now. They have some original series that stay around but they need to take breaks to write more scripts and film episodes and once the story’s over(Galactica gets home or gets destroyed) no more show.
    ECW may not be science fiction, but its a constant people can count on. WHAT ELSE DOES THIS CHANNEL HAVE? A maggot infested pile of crap they call “original movies”. Lake Placid 2, Blood Rayne, Cyclops? A good Sci Fi original movie is so rare that its not even worth looking for! While fans wait for more episodes of Eureka, Ghost Hunters or Sanctuary ECW is the only thing they know will at least give them a chuckle.
    When Sci Fi wants a new Sci Fi series, they have ECW to promote it(Warehouse 13). The mere existence of shows like Cha$ed, who’s sole redeeming quality was a hot bald woman who’d be better off a wrestler and “Who Wants To Be A Super Hero” proves the network needs to make changes.
    The network heads are idiots if they think naming crap will make the maggots go away but if it leads to more changes and actual Science Fiction/Fantasy shows that can actually stand on their own instead of cashing in on the names of established works(Battle Star, Star Gate, Eureka) or need ECW’s help(Warehouse 13) then it will be a welcomed change.
    If SyFy makes fewer original movies or possibly makes better original movies, it will be a welcomed change. If simply changing the name was all they were planning to do though they might as well call the network Herpes. It won’t change that Shelton Benjamin vs Goldust is the most interesting thing you’ll see on it.

  689. I used to hate ECW, not just because like most Sci Fi “original series” it was a cruel mockery of the original show, but the original ECW was sucking by 2002 when it ended, just let it die in peace!
    But for its faults I’ve found ECW ok and will even admit to watching it in public now that Tommy Dreamer is a true title contender. Look at Christian’s matches with Dreamer, the Hart Dynasty, or Zack Ryder on a video site like youtube sometime. They’ve taken lemons(The fact that they are limited by a PG rating on Sci Fi) and made lemon juice. Good solid wrestling matches. That’s why ECW remains the most watched show on the network.
    What else do they have? I found Star Gate to be very entertaining but its over now. Battle Star Galactica got honors, but its over now. They have some original series that stay around but they need to take breaks to write more scripts and film episodes and once the story’s over(Galactica gets home or gets destroyed) no more show.
    ECW may not be science fiction, but its a constant people can count on. WHAT ELSE DOES THIS CHANNEL HAVE? A maggot infested pile of crap they call “original movies”. Lake Placid 2, Blood Rayne, Cyclops? A good Sci Fi original movie is so rare that its not even worth looking for! While fans wait for more episodes of Eureka, Ghost Hunters or Sanctuary ECW is the only thing they know will at least give them a chuckle.
    When Sci Fi wants a new Sci Fi series, they have ECW to promote it(Warehouse 13). The mere existence of shows like Cha$ed, who’s sole redeeming quality was a hot bald woman who’d be better off a wrestler and “Who Wants To Be A Super Hero” proves the network needs to make changes.
    The network heads are idiots if they think naming crap will make the maggots go away but if it leads to more changes and actual Science Fiction/Fantasy shows that can actually stand on their own instead of cashing in on the names of established works(Battle Star, Star Gate, Eureka) or need ECW’s help(Warehouse 13) then it will be a welcomed change.
    If SyFy makes fewer original movies or possibly makes better original movies, it will be a welcomed change. If simply changing the name was all they were planning to do though they might as well call the network Herpes. It won’t change that Shelton Benjamin vs Goldust is the most interesting thing you’ll see on it.

  690. I used to hate ECW, not just because like most Sci Fi “original series” it was a cruel mockery of the original show, but the original ECW was sucking by 2002 when it ended, just let it die in peace!
    But for its faults I’ve found ECW ok and will even admit to watching it in public now that Tommy Dreamer is a true title contender. Look at Christian’s matches with Dreamer, the Hart Dynasty, or Zack Ryder on a video site like youtube sometime. They’ve taken lemons(The fact that they are limited by a PG rating on Sci Fi) and made lemon juice. Good solid wrestling matches. That’s why ECW remains the most watched show on the network.
    What else do they have? I found Star Gate to be very entertaining but its over now. Battle Star Galactica got honors, but its over now. They have some original series that stay around but they need to take breaks to write more scripts and film episodes and once the story’s over(Galactica gets home or gets destroyed) no more show.
    ECW may not be science fiction, but its a constant people can count on. WHAT ELSE DOES THIS CHANNEL HAVE? A maggot infested pile of crap they call “original movies”. Lake Placid 2, Blood Rayne, Cyclops? A good Sci Fi original movie is so rare that its not even worth looking for! While fans wait for more episodes of Eureka, Ghost Hunters or Sanctuary ECW is the only thing they know will at least give them a chuckle.
    When Sci Fi wants a new Sci Fi series, they have ECW to promote it(Warehouse 13). The mere existence of shows like Cha$ed, who’s sole redeeming quality was a hot bald woman who’d be better off a wrestler and “Who Wants To Be A Super Hero” proves the network needs to make changes.
    The network heads are idiots if they think naming crap will make the maggots go away but if it leads to more changes and actual Science Fiction/Fantasy shows that can actually stand on their own instead of cashing in on the names of established works(Battle Star, Star Gate, Eureka) or need ECW’s help(Warehouse 13) then it will be a welcomed change.
    If SyFy makes fewer original movies or possibly makes better original movies, it will be a welcomed change. If simply changing the name was all they were planning to do though they might as well call the network Herpes. It won’t change that Shelton Benjamin vs Goldust is the most interesting thing you’ll see on it.

  691. It real doesn’t matter what you call the Network. You either put cool shows on that people want to watch, or you change your name. If Monk or Burn Notice were on ShIt network, people would still watch them. Hence, no reason for a name change. By the way, Warehouse 13 looked like it might be OK, but no. It is stupid. It will not succeed.

  692. Funny,it’s August 8 and I’m watching the same movie–there are so many shows out there that are true sci fi–why does this channel insist on dedicating the weekends to mutant reptiles? It’s the same stuff over and over—this isn’t science fiction at all. No wonder the channel is losing viewers. I’m tired of movie after movie with the same themes filled with dull or downright unlikable characters. Get some older people within the company to remind you what true sci- fi is about

  693. I can’t watch the new shows because you have discontinued “enclosed captions”. Those of us with hearing problems just can’t. And besides, the new name really is stupid. I have never thought of SciFi as strickly “outer space”. I think you really messed up!

  694. Outside of few shows that I like on Scifi, I won’t be giving the new programing a chance if its as stupid as the new name.

  695. Your original tv name was much better than the new one. My family misses those geeky, as you call them commercials. So far there is only two shows worth watch during the week whats with all the reruns?

  696. BACK TO LOGOS,ARE YOU READY? [ Psi-Phi,]tee hee. ciao, JERI

  697. That is DUMB SHIT!!!!!!!

  698. I hate to break it the news to the bobbleheads in their marketing dept.
    “Syfy” is pronounced “Siffie” as it is pronounced in “psyzygy”

  699. I hate to break the news to the bobbleheads in their marketing dept.:
    “Syfy” is pronounced “Siffie” as in “psyzygy”. Though all the hype surrounding the name change seems to be giving them all a collective clutster “styfy”. Har! Har!

  700. Yet another example of those in charge who have no clue of who they are representing.
    I just get the feeling that the “18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd” work in their office.

  701. how wonderful!

  702. I must chime in late. I travel a bit between CA and the USA. In CA a year ago the “SciFi” channel was named “Space”.
    I understood what the “Space” channel was, but coming home to the USA and the “SciFi” a week later seemed to make more sense .
    Did the brand of “Space” appeal to the CA views more then “SciFi”?
    Did Ad revenue actually increase if “Space” was called “SciFi” ?
    Now I realize that from a marketing standpoint it may limit revenue potential if you can not expand upon the bases what SciFi is to mainstream america. But do I really want to watch “re-runs” of XXX show because it had ONE “SYFY” themed episode?
    I’m actually dropping the channel and going straight to on-demand stuff since I can’t really know to see a marathon of “Days of our Lives” because a “ghost” or “superhero” happened to be in a random plot line.
    And.. for god sakes people.. the viewing audience of Days of our Lives is not the same as the SciFi.. unless of course the programing changes so much that it does not really matter what the heck you call the channel.
    But SciFi is not another

  703. The first time I saw the Science Fiction channel it was a f*cking miracle.
    It was the early 90s and I had been scavenging sci fi on the late shows and sunday night PBS.
    I was regailed with the original Battlestar Galactica. The puppet shows – Stingray and Thunderbirds- were there. And there were movies I hadn’t seen for years.
    We had a few good year together. Then, about 2000, the channel started to die.
    To be fair they were among the last to do so, they began to plaster adverising banners across the entertainment.
    Law and Order episodes were dumped there. Movies that didnt belong were shown instead of Sci Fi Movies.
    Wretched reality shows appeared. They mangled Andromeda beyond recognition.
    It became obvious the degeneration was terminal with the appearance of wrestling.
    Now that BSG is gone I have but little reason to look at this decaying shell of a cable channel.
    Its a garbage can for NBC now.
    I wish it would just finish dying.

  704. I’ve been watching the SiFi channel for years, but there has been less of it each year! I used to leave it on Except to watch news or the Dicovery ch. Now there are days (wensdays for one) when I just pop in a DVD. It puts me in mind of when WHFS radio became the best thing on the east coast. It became POPULAR, it got big enough to hire real LEADERS! THE NEW LEADERS KNEW NOTHING OF THE NEW STATION NOR OF THE LISTENERS. WHFS is gone. It lost it’s share. It changed to a spanish only station.

  705. “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.”
    This is a network suit in action. Probably got the job by kissing some other network suit’s butt. Has no idea of what he talks about.
    I saw the syfy network listed on my DirecTV menu guide and wondered what is the siffy network. I didn’t check it out because I downgraded to a lower satellite program plan to save money because I felt most of the networks were not worth paying for because I didn’t watch them, that included the old SciFi network because they lost they purpose and drifted away from SciFi to ghost hunting, bad movies and wrestling.
    Mr. Howe may feel cool but feeling cool and being cool are two different things, Mr. Howe and SyFy are not cool at all. I guess the same guy that though Conan on The Tonight Show was a good idea thought siffy was a good idea too. The blind leading the blind at NBC Universal. Pathetic!

  706. I love the new shows like Warehouse 13, but I think the new spelling of syfy is silly and demeaning to the sci-fi genre. I am 60, my husband is 54 and I have sons who are in their 20s and we all agree that syfy is a bad move. If you want to be taken seriously as a science fiction channel, please change the name back to sci-fi channel. Sometimes change is not a good thing.

  707. I’d really, really love to know where this supposed ‘testing’ was done for the name change, because anyone who was like “zomg i’d totlly text it liek that” was probably not someone who actually watched the Sci fi channel, but someone glued to their blackberry absolutely FLATTERED to be part of like, a real survey for like, tv, y’know? like, totally!

  708. Facebook group: Change “Syfy” back to “Sci-Fi”!

  709. ““We’ll get the heritage and the track record of success, and we’ll build off of that to build a broader, more open and accessible and relatable and human-friendly brand.””
    Human friendly brand? Apparently whomever was in charge of coming up with a new name and brand for your channel failed to notice one very important fact.
    “Syfy” is common slang for ‘syphilis.’
    I don’t think syphilis is very human-friendly.

  710. ““We’ll get the heritage and the track record of success, and we’ll build off of that to build a broader, more open and accessible and relatable and human-friendly brand.””
    Human friendly brand? Apparently whomever was in charge of coming up with a new name and brand for your channel failed to notice one very important fact.
    “Syfy” is common slang for ‘syphilis.’
    I don’t think syphilis is very human-friendly.

  711. ““We’ll get the heritage and the track record of success, and we’ll build off of that to build a broader, more open and accessible and relatable and human-friendly brand.””
    Human friendly brand? Apparently whomever was in charge of coming up with a new name and brand for your channel failed to notice one very important fact.
    “Syfy” is common slang for ‘syphilis.’
    I don’t think syphilis is very human-friendly.

  712. Very Stupid. More Corporate America jerks getting greedy.
    Quote “Sci Fi is coming off the best year in its history.”. So after having the best year in history they decide change it.
    How stupid is that?
    I am a Science Fiction geek and now I guess I’ll wait for more enlightened people to start up a real SciFi channel that these SyFy idiots left behind in their “best year”!
    Jeepers, today 08/15/09 at 10 pm (Friday night) they have this probably D rated horrible stupid movie called “Terminators”. Yes that is what the “general public” thinks science fiction is. lol

  713. I am sorry to see the name sci fi go. Sy fy to me sounds and looks geeky. The letters are very childish and fat. I hope that enough people can convince you to take back your old name before it is to late.

  714. Very Stupid. More Corporate America jerks getting greedy.
    Quote “Sci Fi is coming off the best year in its history.”. So after having the best year in history they decide change it.
    How stupid is that?
    I am a Science Fiction geek and now I guess I’ll wait for more enlightened people to start up a real SciFi channel that these SyFy idiots left behind in their “best year”!
    Jeepers, today 08/15/09 at 10 pm (Friday night) they have this probably D rated horrible stupid movie called “Terminators”. Yes that is what the “general public” thinks science fiction is. lol

  715. Very Stupid. More Corporate America jerks getting greedy.
    Quote “Sci Fi is coming off the best year in its history.”. So after having the best year in history they decide change it.
    How stupid is that?
    I am a Science Fiction geek and now I guess I’ll wait for more enlightened people to start up a real SciFi channel that these SyFy idiots left behind in their “best year”!
    Jeepers, today 08/15/09 at 10 pm (Friday night) they have this probably D rated horrible stupid movie called “Terminators”. Yes that is what the “general public” thinks science fiction is. lol

  716. Very Stupid. More Corporate America jerks getting greedy.
    Quote “Sci Fi is coming off the best year in its history.”. So after having the best year in history they decide change it.
    How stupid is that?
    I am a Science Fiction geek and now I guess I’ll wait for more enlightened people to start up a real SciFi channel that these SyFy idiots left behind in their “best year”!
    Jeepers, today 08/15/09 at 10 pm (Friday night) they have this probably D rated horrible stupid movie called “Terminators”. Yes that is what the “general public” thinks science fiction is. lol

  717. Why is it that you yuppies have to go and spoil everything? Have you ever thought of changing the name come from a person that wants praise for their part in a sorry attempt at making things new!? Who asked for new? No one I know! All I hear is a laugh at your attempt to make things better. If you want better start showing all sci fi. instead of showing one movie twice a week we see the same thing over and over again! syfy stinks!

  718. Wow. If they don’t want to use the name SciFi because it’s too related to science fiction, what does that say about the type of content we should expect?
    And how stupid is it to change what made you successful in the hopes of having greater success?
    If you lose the SciFi name, then lose the science fiction content, then you’ve lost me and most of your other viewers too.
    I discovered the SciFi channel by browsing my guide, which shows something like 900 channels to choose from. I saw “SciFi” and said to myself, “Hell, yeah! Let’s see what’s on that channel” and I’ve been watching it ever since – well, except for lately. After BSG ended and Fringe disappeared and Dollhouse disappeared, and when I scan the channel now, I’m having a hard time finding good sci-fi content anymore.
    Way to go, beanheads. Now think of this – Twilight Zone and Outer Limits didn’t have test market groups and industry analysts and boneheaded CEOs telling them what they should do. They had good sci fi writers submitting stories, with good actors and great directors.
    Since BSG ended, you haven’t been “bang-on” with anything that I’ve seen.
    Maybe some other network will get smart and create the SF Channel to fill the void you’re rapidly creating.

  719. Why not collaborate with HSN. Perhaps the Ghost goofs could find Billy Mays’ spirit and you could dumb down even further.(More $$ and you too could get that bonus for doing less). Even that would be a step up from wrestling. I will now get content from the net.

  720. I have had two people tell me that their cable packages no longer had the Sci-Fi channel and instead they had a wanna-be sci-fi channel called “SyFy”. I think that best delineates the situation. I don’t think you have opened as many doors as you have closed.
    Just for the record: I am a 48-year-old female, both self-supporting and sans basement, who serves on the City Advisory Board, lectures at schools, and has a multitude of friends in several countries.

  721. Forget the name ,like SyFy is so different from SciFi to begin with. The only reason I watched the channel was for Lost and X Files reruns , for in it opinion they are the only shows worth watching on this joke of a station . The movies they show as SF originals are the worst movies in creation , the acting is atrocious and cgi/special effects are so cheesy my 7 year old nephew makes fun of them for unwatchable offerings. I caught a few minutes of some pile of trash they carted out that starred Colm Meany of Star Trek fame where they were walking around some supposed underground cavern ledges that looked like somebody paper machied their basement . Just awful syfy or is it scifi .. No wait it’s why try. Plz stop making these abominations of purported film cuz I’ll never watch anything you run outside of my aforementioned faves.

  722. So basically what they’re saying is:
    -geeks are gross losers and we don’t like them.
    -Women are idiots, so if we misspell “Sci-fi” they won’t realize what our channel is and will be duped into watching our programs.
    Good going, Siffy. You just lost another viewer.
    By the way, shouldn’t “Imagine Greater” be “IMAJIN GRAYTUR”?

  723. The name was not dragging this channel down, it’s the lame movie marathons that plague the airwaves on weekends with their stale acting and bad writing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a long time fan of science fiction, Battlestar Galactica was the best sf series since the first 37 Star Trek spin-offs, but how many times do they expect people to watch movies about monster alligators or horrid rip-offs (the Terminators, the Day the Earth Stopped). Personally I think this station could use some more geek appeal. Why try to alienate your core audience? That would be like if Lifetime started showing Rambo and Kickboxer movies all the time.

  724. Im sorry but i stopped watching the sci-fi channel years ago. they never play anything good, and most of the shows they play are more horror than sci-fi. I have no idea who there asking but i dont know of anyone who actually watches anything on there channel. I hear people all the time tell me they would love to see “the greatest american hero” But will they play it.. no.

  725. This channel has turned to crap! A whole day of Ghost Hunters. Give me a break. A whole day of The Outer Limits (watched them all 20 years ago). Thank God for HBO & Showtime. Tell your advertisers you have lost a household.

  726. I am one who is among the many questioning the decision to change from Sxi-Fi to SyFy. Its parent, NBC, has a track record of similar incomprehensible decisions when it comes to programs and scheduling. Where, in all the universes, does wrestling qualify as science fiction. For that matter why the Ghost Hunters programs? Lets see them do a Saturday morning cartoon lineup instead of infomercials. I suggest Reboot, Starblazers and the original Transformers to start. Then when they start running movies, lets see some of the old stuff. I’d love to see a Saturday where we got Earth vs The Flying Saucers, The Thing[1951] and Them instead of Croc and Supergator.

  727. And to top off carrying a wrestling program (I understand the fiction part but where’s the science?), offering some of the most ridiculous original movies and changing a perfectly good name, it’s sadly ironic that this change should come less than a year after the death of the man credited with coming up with the term Sci-Fi, Forrest J. Ackerman, a wonderful human being, fan and promoter of the genre.

  728. I agree with you 100%!!! This so-called syfy sucks!!!! I watched the channel with science fiction and horror not James Bond movies and the rest of the garbage they put on now!!!! They hired there new geeks so turn the channel into another “oldie” show!

  729. Wow, though considering it is now associated with NBC I can’t say I’m surprised. We already know that NBC is synonymous with idiot after the Leno fiasco and the fact they cancel every decent show they come up with (like Life.) It is so completely appropriate that SyFy means buttock juice! lmfao! Wonder what language that is anyway. *still laughing*

  730. Wow, though considering it is now associated with NBC I can’t say I’m surprised. We already know that NBC is synonymous with idiot after the Leno fiasco and the fact they cancel every decent show they come up with (like Life.) It is so completely appropriate that SyFy means buttock juice! lmfao! Wonder what language that is anyway. *still laughing*

  731. The only thing worse than your new name is your programming. I am a 47 yr. old college educated man that has always enjoyed reading and watching good Science Fiction. I was never a geek. I’ve never enjoyed watching wrestling either. SciFi was losing me when they added that. Now I’m gone for good! Who’s going to watch all those freakin’ commercials?
    Goodbye SciFi 🙁

  732. SyFy: Imagine Greater??
    it should be
    SyFy: Imagine Grammar!!!

  733. Seriously, Sci-Fi means SCIENCE FICTION.
    What the hell does SyFy mean? It’s disgusting. Also, I find it really embarrassing. HI WE CAN’T SPELL DURP DURP.

  734. To the people who made the name change, whoever they are:
    “SciFi” has implied readers, watchers and writers of science fiction for a long time.
    SyFy implies fans of bad science fiction that are also illiterate.
    You decide which image you want to be associated with…

  735. I’ve watched SciFi since it launched. I agree with the majority of comments: the name change is complete moronic. The ONLY advantage I see is now it takes less time to type. So, nothing to gain, but negative comments from viewers. I may sound like an old fogie (40), but the name change is soooo stupid, and your thinking that it’s a cool, hip and edgy thing makes no sense. Is your target audience illiterate? It looks awful. What’s next, an Egyptian symbol and be known as “The Channel Formerly Known As…” ? That was hip and edgy- ONCE. But Prince ultimately regained his senses. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has figured out what to call your channel: So You F’ed yourself? C’mon, I love SciFi- please don’t be stupid.

  736. When I came to the US years back and got exposed to the media,
    mostly TV, I was somewhat shocked.
    Wonderful pearls which were the only noticeable items from
    the other side of the iron curtain were totally submerged
    here in a sea of irrelevancy.
    Well, I thought, they (the bosses of the media) have
    to make money. They are not idiots but they assume
    that a substantial fraction of the viewers are.
    That model of mine might have been
    correct then. I am afraid it is not correct now anymore.
    Apparently now they are idiots too. Things change.
    Watch “Idiocracy” by Mike Judge for that matter.
    Remember this saying often used by Einstein in his
    public speeches:
    “Two things in the world are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.
    And I am not so sure about the universe.”

  737. Sci-fi = science fiction! What the hell is Sy Fy?

  738. I am a huge Science fiction fan. I am insulted by the fact that they wanted to get rid of their “Geeky image” when thats exactly why i was watching it! I’m not insulted by being called a geek, i’m proud. The technology of the world is being run by geeks. The Sci Fi channel used to have some great shows, and now they’re all a bunch of cheesy movies and crap that shouldnt even be considered science fiction. I dont think I’ll be watching it very often now that they changed their name to some stupid “syfy” and that their shows arent even Science fiction any more. I’m highly disappointed.

  739. Dear Sir,
    Your an idiot

  740. I was watching the SciFi channel (now the SyFy channel) regularly (Friday nights for Moonlight, Primeval) until a month ago, when I moved. Now, I am in the Philippines, which has a cable channel called SciFi. It is showing old series programs, like Sliders, Eureka, StarTrek (Capt Picard and his teen protege who is trying to get into the StarFleet Academy), Smallville, etc. So, it appears that the SciFi channel continues to live, but with historic programs. What is going on? Are there two different cable companies? Or, is one company a subsidiary of the other?

  741. hmm. bookmarked..

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  744. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself. The junk you have on is NOT SciFiSyFy or whatever. What does ECW have to do with anything? A stretch might make fiction out of it.
    Come on! Reruns of Ghost Whisperer.
    Real SciFi is “Aliens”–“Star Trek..Enterprise”. Even “The Blob” is better than most of the jokes now on.
    If you’re not going to narrow it down, then, at least, change your name. “Fantasy” comes to mind or, how about, “Swords and Dragons?”

  745. I agree. The change of name is lame and so is the programming.

    They should do another rename and simply call it what it is…”The Ghost Channel”.

    All of those programs are no science and all fiction.

    Just because they use nifty electronic gadgets doesn’t make it ‘science’.

    I’ve given up on it. NBC has ruined a great cable channel.

  746. SyFy: Imagine Greater??

    Imagine greater? I’m still trying to imagine ‘better’.
    Once they pull that off by getting rid of the wrestling and the ghost crap, they’ll be on their way to greater. I won’t hold my breath. NBC sux.

  747. I do not watch tv on a daily basis. I only watch (scifi) SyFy when i do. I wish i could just purchase syfy cable on line and forget the other crap on the tube (reality).
    Reality sucks weather it is mine or not, who wants to see other peoples reality? Only those who can’t deal with their own.
    Give me syfy and more of it!


  749. A SciFi fan in the UK would know that Channel “Dave” was named after Dave Lister in the series “Red Dwarf”.

  750. well.. it’s like I thought!

  751. SyFy stands for S-ome Y-uppie F-ucked Y-our channel up! SG-1 , Atlantis , Far scape , Babylon 5 , Dr.Who ,Firefly are Science Fiction / Fantasy Probably what most of your networks fan-base was built off. Ghosthuggers and Wrestling and the 45 billion craptasticle testicle monster movies you now show belong on the 24 hour water-head and Hillbilly channel WtF mate. You stuffed shirt idiots net to understand that those ratings numbers have people attached to them. so go ahead alienate your core fan-base and watch those numbers drop into the lowest hell where you ass-hat suits belong. Long live Sci-Fi.

  752. what the hell is wrong with you people? one month straight you show reruns of stargate then on friday you decide not to show stargate and you show some stupid assed ghostchasers as a precurser to some dumbassed ghost wisperer thjen i come home on monday and your showing ghostchasers again inplace of stargate how about getting your act together and showing a little bit of consistency and stop showing dumb assed shows like ghost chasers

  753. Wow ! “Buttocks Juice”? That is what Sy Fy Means ? Hopefully, you are reading your comments and not just posting them ! “Buttocks Juice” syn. with “WTF”

  754. If “Syfy” doesn’t show “The X-Files” I’m gone…11:00 pm was a perfect time for a superior show. I will be happy to pop a dvd of the X-Files in at the 11:00 hour and completely bypass “Syfy”. What a dorky name!!!

  755. Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange it back, for the love of god please. Was some silly female like, omg i have such a great idea, lets call it SyFy instead of scifi. Im a Nerd, change it back, Im a nerd and proud. Ill take getting called a nerd over getting called GAY for calling it SYFY

  756. Okay. Let’s put on our thinking caps and look at this issue for a moment and determine wether or not something has been overlooked. You change the logo, and keep the same progams. So, that is supposed to make me believe the world is suddenly new, fantastic and different — in tv-land. SY-FY or SCI-FI, both sound the same and imply the same thing…sorry I don’t get it, still. This is a marketing “big deal”? We viewers are not stupid. Nothing has changed. Just becasue an insignificant logo change has taken place, it has done nothing to affect my viewing habits and programs that I might like, or not. The logo was changed because some guy thought it was a hip, cool or perhaps a “groovey” new concept designed to increase viewership. More probably spent to modify that logo than it is worth. This is a classic example as to why management postions, in many coporations, get not respect; because they can’t make good decisions…typical nothing better to do.

  757. Stop blowing hot air and just shut the frak up big boy!

  758. Calling it “SYFY” makes me not want to watch it. I consider it part of the dumbing down of America. This is a ridiculous idea. If you want different people to watch your network, show different programs. People won’t tune in because you decided to mis-spell the name of your network.

  759. Yes, I am a 35 year old woman who loves, loves, loves sci-fi… and the old programming of SCI-FI. I too proudly chose/choose the SciFi channel over main networks many times. I would love a 24 hour X-Files/Buffy/Terminator type of channel, personally. Please, please don’t water it down. Give us Sci-Fi!!!

  760. Tell Dave Howe this name change is the stupidest idea in American marketing history. I hope he loses his entire audience. He clearly does not know – or ever did – what true Science Fiction is. Nor does the “historian” Tim Brooks.
    Gentlemen, get out of hte 3rd gerade and try reading a book, preferrably Azimov, Heinlein or Bradbury.
    If you want to creat pure drivel for adolescents like “Warehouse”, start another network and clall it whatever the hell you want.
    Leave Science Fiction alone. You know ABSOLUTE nothing about the gnere. I for one will never watch your network again and I will personally make sure I convince the hundreds of people I meet every week to do the same. Good luck with your retarded “cool” new name.

  761. Mr. Howe said. “It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.” Bully for you Mr. Howe. Personally, it annoys me to no end that a once great, (and properly spelled network name) channel has turned to dreck and has succumbed to the ghastly spelling that is plaguing America. Great work. So glad you feel “Cool and Hip”. Maybe you should have said “Kewl and Hyp”. What-the-eff-ever. Hope that pays the mortgage Mr. Cutting Edge Asshat. meh.
    This old Nerd is tuning out.

  762. SyFy. I thought I was seeing things. Surely, this great channel wasn’t going from SciFi to SyFy??? What in the H*ll is SyFy? The name doesn’t even make any sense. They changed it because this is the way SciFi would be texted?
    “We really do want to own the imagination space,” Mr. Howe said.
    Like you didn’t have that before you decided to change the name?
    “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks.
    Say what?
    What an insult to your audience. “Geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in the basement?” Do you really consider that Bill Gates, one of the biggest geeks in the world, was an antisocial, dysfunctional “boy in the basement” when he was young? Has no one told you that geeks run the world nowdays?
    And as for the general public and the female audience in particular, I’m the general public and female in particular(are you listening SciFi executives?). I’m 63 years old, a female and have been watching the SCI-FI (caps for emphasis) channel since it first appeared in my TV listings in 1992. And don’t think because you might consider me an old geezer I don’t or can’t buy advertised products. Regardless of what your market research tells you, even at my age I’ve still got disposable/discretionary income with which to do that.
    However, with this name change also comes a “dumbing down” of the Sci-Fi channel (those of you who are around my age will remember when it was posited years ago that most TV fare was directed at the 12-year-old mentality), and I’m afraid I’m not going to be watching your channel much longer. The “dumbing down” is more than I can stand.
    Wrestling, indeed….I think not…
    Good luck….I think you’re gonna need it.

  763. I for one wish you would have left it alone.I am a si fi fan. and i not a geek. since you are mostly showing ghost stories i have no reason to watch your. channel.we already have one channel that shows ghost and horror why do we need 2.If anybody a geek its the person ohw came up with this idea.this channel been fine for years why change a good thing. Since u feel the need to change this channel anyway consider it blocked by me since u realy don,t care what people like me and the rest of poor amreica think ship it to china like every thing else. like most emails u get u are most likely to say screw u and not reply

  764. U should call it ghost r us.I would beleave in the si fi part.then the ghost part.

  765. Love the channel, despise the new name… Do they really think the “hooked on phonics” approach to marketing will expand their fan base? I seriously doubt that it will, and I think this is just another case of dumbing things down. We should be raising the bar, not eliminating it.
    Their programs really show off a lot of creativity, too bad that creativity was apparently lost on the new name.

  766. Dave Howe hopes we will embrace a bad idea. But, he sure won’t listen to the viewers. See how long it takes for him to reconsider an highly unpopular move. I doubt that he would reconsider reverting to Sci-Fi. I wish this coporate type could admit that he is wrong about what viewers want. What not ask the viewers first?

  767. I’ve sat in front of my big screen for an hour and 33 minutes and have drawn the same conclusion about stargate universe as I did battlestar galactica. Please note no capital letters in titles. battlestar totally sucked because it was an assinine peyton place. I didn’t make it through the first episode of that horses arse either. I guess I’ll be changing the channel on friday nights once again. Saturdays are out because your writers totally stink. Your choice to put horror and satanic crap on the screen really limits what the words science-fiction mean. In other words, go back to Sci-Fi (syfy shows ignorance) and go back to science fiction. To heck with your ignorance in presenting a soldier who cannot follow orders. I did 20 years in the Army and found your writers to be repulsive. Get on the stick. Sci-Fi enthusiasts do NOT watch horses arse soap operas. I watched SG-1 faithfully from the movie until the final episode. When you rerun the old SG-1 episodes, I sit and watch even though I know them almost by heart. I won’t be watching any more stargate universe because it totally stinks. Your writers need to go back to the soap operas they were writing for.

  768. You know the problem is that the channel is viewed as a corporate asset. Therefore you have a corporate person who does not really understand the genre, calls those who visit it “geeks” and uses corporate speak to justify changes to our format. They are lazy and instead give us wrestling and bad shows where the CGI effects only happen at night or “really dim daylight”. To illustrate my point look at the programing shcedule for 10/6/09. 7am to9pm of”scare tactics”!!!?

  769. I’ve gone to Netflix to get my science fiction and horror movies.At least I can find them there.I used to watch SciFi all day,but now go for days without watching. I was shocked to see SYFY and hear ” Imagine Greater”

  770. what is going on the sci fi chanal was good but now it sucks all day the same thing the only thing I watch now is stargate universe

  771. wonderful idea…its so cool…i cant belive your so clever…….your an overpaid IDIOT

  772. I don’t mind the geeky name. I guess I’m just too old to be considered a factor in scifi name change. Actually I didn’t particularly like scifi. But I dislike syfy more. I guess I really am too old.

  773. Renaming the channel contributes to the growing stupidity of this country. Like naming Gatorade G, or Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC, it is a tribute to the laziness and lack of imagination which today’s moronic youth is lowering itself to.

  774. SySy…..A stupid, simplistic name, following the other dumb down of America names like KFC and G (gatorade). I’m sure it will appeal to the morons who can’t even tell you the names of their Senators, or what the H in H2O stands for.
    Congradulations on following the trend of simplifying the simple for the lazy, simple minded.

  775. I did not get the change either. WTF “syfy”? What were they thinking? SciFi is so much better. I also miss the little clips they did in between commercials. They were so clever, now they are horrible just like their name ‘syfy”. Change is usually good but this one sucks, especially the programming.

  776. Syfy is a little less geeky. Although I personally prefer to call all of your programming speclative fiction It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

  777. I still think the change to SyFy is for people who cannot spell. Or spell phoneticly or texters. It is a sad day when a channel says it is ‘cool’ because that is how SciFi is texted. Have you ever seen a paper written by these jokers? They cannot spell to save their lives!! Imagine that. Spell check features are working overtime!! I miss the old logo.


  779. Yes,yes. We are all agreed that SYFY is idiotic, and should be reinstated to SCI-FI proper. However, in a typical undemocratic fashion, Mr. Howe won’t listen to the majority…the veiwers. I I would be surprised if a changed would be considered for a second of reconsideration. I won’t hold my breath. This is beating a dead horse, sorry to say.

  780. I don’t know what is going on with SCIFI. Apparently Wrestling, Ghostbusters and 2 Bit Movies with weak CGI is their NEW Creed. When all people really want is Science Fiction. Get old Black and white vintage stuff and broadcast it. Or old Scifi TV Series. Yes, Battlestar and the SG stuff is good butChanging the SCI FI to SYFY will not make the network better. Maybe they should be called WE 2. the Ghost Whisperer( Your Kidding Right)..

  781. I have more of a question than a comment and I didn’t know who to ask so if someone reading this knows I would appreciate some input. Last week my husband saw a movie during the day on syfy called “out of the mouth of madness”. Now I tried to call blockbuster but no one has heard of it. I remember either reading te book or seeing the movie a while ago yet all I can find is the book.Is there a movie that I can buy or rent? please reply
    leslie. Thankyou

  782. So you idiots think that Star Trek is geeky??!?!?!?!?, I never thought I’d ever hear my self say this about the Sci_Fi channel, but, Your so called geeky image sucks big time now, you anti Star Trek freaks!!!!! Those damn idiot freak show movies you’re showing now suck!!!!

  783. The Sci Fi Channel should rename itself the “Sleazy Blood, Gore, Scream and cheap,fake Spirit Shit” channel.
    The crap they are showing is revolting and highly insulting to even a moron’s intellect.
    Gotta agree, “ass juice” is very appropriate!

  784. The corporate morons running this channel have gone too far. The original fanbase (including myself) need to make a louder case against this David Howe- start a website, flame the SOB, i don’t know.
    Clearly their demographic experts don’t have a clue. I’m a highschool senior with many friends and an active social life.

  785. “We want to run the imagination space… NEXT ON SYFY, ECW!!!!”
    Some “imagination”.

  786. What happened to the final episode of
    Eureka? If it ever aired I missed it.
    Loved the show–is there any chance of
    seeing the finale?

  787. Not true, the only qualification for anime is that it’s animated and made in Japan. Some anime series are Sci Fi, but there’s a wide range which covers pretty much every genre out there.

  788. We Would appreciate more scary movies
    as opposed to all the new series which
    most people we know find annoying.
    Thank you,

  789. Everyone reading this list of comments should copy this pages URL and send it to NBC and tell them to get their head out of their butt.
    It doesn’t do anygood to yap about it here, or complain to the “SYFY” website.
    Compaining to them would be like crying to the person who just stole your lunch money,,,,,Like they care!
    Drive their boss (NBC) nuts with emails !

  790. People always have to come up with a new idea since “something” has to be holding them back. It must be the name. Stupid.
    How about content? Some is reasonably good and even imaginative. But the ads are oppressive and I never watch them. Record and FF.
    The idea that you can increase market share by playing like you are offering Science Fiction is really ridiculous. Someone who likes Star Wars, knows he/she likes it. But those who don’t care for the genre aren’t going to be fooled into watching it if you call it Planetary Survivor!
    My guess is they will only alienate their proven audience and not convince anyone who normally watches I Love Lucy reruns to watch.

  791. Everyone’s missing the point. They don’t care about their fans, that’s why they add crap like Wrestling and reality T.V to this show.
    If they think they’ll make more money by having another crap channel let them be.

  792. you should have left the old name, there was no reason to change it, just because you could not own the name. the new name SY FY sounds stupid and makes it sound and look like you lost something in the translation and gives you no credabilaty in the SCI FY world. and running 4 and five episodes of ghost hunters does not help any. lets not even talk about a Stargate universe that’s got to be the most boring show on TV. looking to keep on old ship together and out of control in space give me a brake. you have tarnish the stargate name with this show.find you’re way again.

  793. dear tv week just for / dear precents of syfy channel dave howie , hi my name is david b conway , and i have a question and comments just about the syfy fridays line up i was wondering to have syfy marathon just for friday just untill 7:00 pm and to have knight rider 2008 tv series repeats just on at 7:00 just right after the repeats off stargate universe just at 8:00 pm, and i was wondering how do you feel about that line up just for friday ./ love david b conway sop

  794. i like to see knight rider 2008 tv series just on syfy channel just at 7:00 pm just before 8:00 eveing ./ love b conway

  795. since you got a new name, why is it not in English, and the only new things I have seen are terrorist related ? now that you seem to be getting back good programs, like SG1, etc and X-Files, my only coment now is why did you take off all the closed captioning, so people like me who are very hard of hearing, do not turn you on ? I used to watch like 4 to 5 hours a day sometime all day, now nothing. I did imagine greater and turned off all the blood and guts crap for better and closed cationed programming on other channels, so until you get that back, I am gone, I be a lot of others also, was not a GEEK image, was good SCI FI

  796. First – Syfy name is stupid. It just looks mispelled and like somebody is trying too hard to be cute or cool or whatever.
    Second – what turns people off is NOT the name, but the programming. They killed the truly original and high quality show Farscape to produce multiple low quailty completely lame original SciFi movies nobody wants to watch – except maybe the producers of Soup on E to make fun of. It’s the programming stupid!

  797. huh… informative te xt

  798. Looks like tv is taking on the changing of correctly spelling words to street trash talk illiterate garbage. texting is one thing, but when you are a professional company, this is the image you want to portray? sad. prity sun we is gonna even chang our movee skripts az wel to match teh new spelng.
    seriously? whats next?

  799. Looks like tv is taking on the changing of correctly spelling words to street trash talk illiterate garbage. texting is one thing, but when you are a professional company, this is the image you want to portray? sad. prity sun we is gonna even chang our movee skripts az wel to match teh new spelng.
    seriously? whats next?

  800. Looks like tv is taking on the changing of correctly spelling words to street trash talk illiterate garbage. texting is one thing, but when you are a professional company, this is the image you want to portray? sad. prity sun we is gonna even chang our movee skripts az wel to match teh new spelng.
    seriously? whats next?

  801. Looks like tv is taking on the changing of correctly spelling words to street trash talk illiterate garbage. texting is one thing, but when you are a professional company, this is the image you want to portray? sad. prity sun we is gonna even chang our movee skripts az wel to match teh new spelng.
    seriously? whats next?

  802. Another example of suits not being in touch with reality. They want so badly to be hip that they sacrifice what they are. They dont want to be associated with “science fiction”? Then go find another job in another network. Science Fiction is a great genre, with a diverse following. Changing the name just to distance yourself from a stereotype just goes to show you dont know your viewers and you shouldnt be making decisions. The name was fine the way it was. Why does everything have to be dumbed down just so that teenagers will think its cool? (hint: they wont suddenly start watching bad shows just because you change your name)

  803. Another example of suits not being in touch with reality. They want so badly to be hip that they sacrifice what they are. They dont want to be associated with “science fiction”? Then go find another job in another network. Science Fiction is a great genre, with a diverse following. Changing the name just to distance yourself from a stereotype just goes to show you dont know your viewers and you shouldnt be making decisions. The name was fine the way it was. Why does everything have to be dumbed down just so that teenagers will think its cool? (hint: they wont suddenly start watching bad shows just because you change your name)

  804. OK, even though you “call” yourselves the “SyFy” channel, one of the BEST takeoffs you could assume was Stargate. You failed miserably with SG-1, got better with Atlantis, and are turning “Universe” into a touchy-feely soap opera. Get it right.


  806. why would u put a show on no 1 watches and it suck suck sucks ghost hunters plz take it off a waste

  807. i’m gonna make my own journal n

  808. BETA Start of life in universe at the news comes interesting when Will you send me more?

  809. I’ve written over 100 chapters and stories on the TRIOND web site for “The Adventures of Mr. Amazing,” “Tales From Newgate,” “The Mission To Worlds Beyond,” and “The Phamntom of the Union Pacific.” You might find wome good material for movies and TV programs.

  810. When I think of all the good original shows they HAVE had, and shows they could have picked up or continue to show…unfrackingbelievable. They have a HUGE library to draw upon. Show Lexx again, for many it will be new; show Good vs Evil, show Farscape (actually I never liked Farscape, but I know so many of the rest of you did, so what the hell), show First Wave.
    At least we can still see some decent series on Chiller Channel. But the Sci Fi niche channel is 100% dead. I’ll tune in for Caprica when it starts. There is not one thing left on “SyFy” for me, nothing! (I LOATHE the whole Stargate franchise.)

  811. I am trying to get my local Cable company Insight to have your programs on my cable channel, How do I go about getting them to add your Programs. They are playing Gost hunter, Scart something but not Warehouse 13 or any other programs I see advertised on your network. Please help me get insight to Air your programs
    Ed Gibson
    Louisville KY

  812. Cheng-
    Good news. I think that is an apt name really- don’t you? I think it is hilarious and a great point on your part!
    Regards from one of the stupid Americans!

  813. I have always been an avid Sci-Fi nut. I love the spider, bats, weirdo type shows…but ever since it went Sy-Fy, it seems as though the person who chooses what will be shown is not working very hard. Over the Halloween period of “used to be scarey” type shows, there were reruns of about 10 shows all month. That stinks!! I love my weekends mainly because I get to see weird shows on SyFy, but lately, I’ve been very disappointed. The same shows are playing over and over.
    Please dig down into the pile of goodies and put some of the thousands of weird shows you’ve got (cus I’ve seen them) on Sy Fy weekends.

  814. I am totally underwhelmed at this point. I believe most intelligent people have a some geek to them, and most of my friends love the different entertainment and love sci-fi/fantasy.
    I have loved SciFi channel for many years, as have many friends. I’ve seen small bits of originality, but now what I’m mostly seeing are reruns of old movies I’ve seen on other channels, and old SciFi originals.
    If it doesn’t get better, you’re doomed.

  815. too much green screen, really tooo much green screen.good stories bad actors bad , bad green screen. come on guys.

  816. So basically what this Howe guy is saying is: “Yeah, we don’t want to be known for Science Fiction shows anymore because we’re airing shows now like the ones all the other networks air. Gotta make that money, ya know. Yeah, we might be betraying our loyal fanbase by bastardizing our name into some Twitterized bullshit for the internet generation, but hey, who cares? We just had the best year on record!”

  817. Sci Fi channel changed their name not because of geeky image but because they could not copyright Sci Fi as their name because it is in common usage. They are insulting all intelligent people with their reasoning. And insulting geeks in the process. Do they think they will get more viewers, is that why they put fake wrestling on their channel. Science Fiction has limited appeal do they not understand that. What SCI FI channel needs is a hard core science fiction fan in charge.

  818. I remember that the programming on the USA Channel used to suck so bad it was “great”,(Rick Shaws Kung Fu Theater) eventually they were able to “right” they’re boat and have turned into a first rate channel. ( In other words it became profitable) It’s not the name that holds the customer, its the programming, and it would behove SciFi, SYFY, or whatever you want to name this puppy, to improve their “programming” and not change the name…A few foreign shows like “Farscape”, Dr Who, and a few others may bring back many of those who have left, and even gain many others.
    Something else you folks might try, have a contest for writers for scripts and shows that can be developed, there have to be folks out there who can write better shows than “Anaconda”, Basilisk, and Ceberus, c’mon folks give your audiences some mental credit–We understand that you need to make a profit, you won’t get it with programming that totally insults your audiences.

  819. Dear Mr. Howe,
    You need to hire me to work for your
    network. I love Sci Fi and frankly your station is disappointing. Horror and Sci Fi, not the same. Although, I might dig a Horror flick every now and then, I always want Sci Fi.
    Let me work for you. I can write Sci Fi. I can identify Sci Fi material. You really need some good stuff.

  820. Need more documentaries on ufo’s, ufo’s, ofo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s, ufo’s ufo’s and did I mention UFO’S????? It’s because I have filmed them eight times the last three years around LIMA,OHIO! You can see two of my sightings on my profile page on facebook.

  821. I like syfy but i don’t care for the ghost hunters I thought i would tell you that. robert

  822. Syfy
    Imagine Spelling
    Really? C’mon. 300 alternatives for a new identity and you paid Landor who knows how much for a misspelling? WTF? Throw those millions in the toilet, along with your viewership. There’s better Sci-Fi on Spike now.

  823. i am am a big SyFy fan but i getting so i do not like to watch it any more show like ghost busters the reality shows are so stupjd u but shows like that on and take off good show like SG 1 and Stargate alatis now those were good show also another one was gthosr whispers but it was also taken off take some of ur junk shows off and but some of the good shows back on

  824. Amen to that comment. you take great programs like Farscape and shelf them and add ghost hunter! What crap. And what is with all the wrestling junk? You take a channel that worked well as a SCIENCE FICTION CHANNEL and turn it into reality show crap. i have quit watching it mostly because of shows like these.

  825. If Mr. Dave Howe really wanted to do something great for the SyFy channel he would stop showing rediculous shows like ghost hunters and try to pick up a great show like Jericho… Oh and about the new name, SyFy …”Sci-Fi” is accepted as short for Science Fiction… “SyFy” just sounds lazy. Did they EVER do a survey of their viewers?

  826. As a Science Fiction fan for over 40 years this station is turning into crapola… James Bond??? SAW????? CHUCK?????? wrestling???
    Chuck may have a place but not now… Frankly I hardly watch it anymore…. I tune in hoping but end up tuning out….

  827. What is this another channel ruining themselves just like tvland? What a bunch of fools.

  828. If the syfy ever gose off the air i will stop watching tv and just buy DVD’s. The SYFY channel is only one of 5 i watch and Im all ways wathing the moveison it

  829. My husband and I discovered a couple of months ago the name change to SyFy formerly SciFi (we pronounce it Siffee). We hate it and are disappointed in the programming. We used to watch all the time as an alternative to the garbage on other channels. Now we still surf to “siffee” but seldom watch any of the programs. All people watch science fiction not just geeks. Bad programming and name change! SyFy — are you kidding me?

  830. Not that they will ever see these comments, but it feels good to vent.
    Syfy, talk about people out of touch trying to be ‘cool’. Funny thing is Syfy means some not so cool things, lots of people have probably heard, Syphilas, trash, garbage etc in other languages. Syphilis is my favorite, seems the people that have dealt with marketing and program selection have been suffering from this untreated and the holes that have been created in their grey matter have lead to poor decision making.
    I actually canceled my cable since the only thing on tv lately was reality tv, and other low brow garbage. There were possibly 3-4 channels I wanted to watch and it would have cost me near $150 for the cable subscriptions to get them, and for the 5-6 hours a WEEK I would have watched TV it simply wasn’t worth it.
    Congratulations, count me as not only a lost viewer, but the cable company lost out too. On the bright side, no more commercials and no syphilis.


  832. Dear Sci-fi. Guess what? There are a ton of geeks out there. If you haven’t noticed this culture is now geek driven.
    We made you, and we can just as easily break you which we have started to do for year as your retarded programming keeps growing and growing. In point of fact I’m downgrading my Direct TV package to basic now that BSG is over. SG: Universe? If I wanted to watch 90210 or Melrose Place in space I could watch it on CW. Oh and wrestling. What the [bleep]?! Really. What were you thinking? Caprica looks interesting. However the half year waits…not so much in love with that crap either. Sanctuary? No. Heck the most interesting thing sci-fi wise is V and that isn’t even on your channel.
    You now officially have nothing I care about anymore. As such….bye bye.

  833. Hey everyone, these are scenes from a new show that will be on SyFy channel in the near future, check it out:

  834. Well,
    I just reread the letter. It seems SyFy is still trying to find a direction…may I suggest back to basics, SciFi. Didn’t someone’s momma once say, “Stupid is and stupid does.”? Seems to apply here!

  835. I really liked the old name Sci Fi better than the new one Syfy.

  836. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  837. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  838. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  839. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  840. i love sience fiction! i remember those glourius friday afternoons, watching battle star galactaca,stargate atlantis, star wars,star trek,and,of course the iconic and classic twilight zone. science fiction is the fantasy genre for the sophisticated. the world leaders in science love science fiction[dewwwwwww]. steven hawking is a trekie! the piont is, i am eleven years old,scif-syfy. i watched your channel from scince i was 4 years old to this moment. when i read this artical,i cried. and i shore will miss you,scifi. this is like when a friend says your not his friend.goodbye scifi, goodbye childhood, helo stupid realty show @!#@!#@!. i am shore other children,of all races and realigions are read this artical, and crying to

  841. all of your SYFY movies have the exact same theme.super chick with an Adam & Eve ending.ie:female scientist needs to be rescued,suddenly she’s in charge of the commandos who came to save HER.so in the end only she and one male survive.THE END

  842. I am a 44yr. old mother of two adult chldren, and a wife of 24years. I am never but one or two channels off syfy; may I mention that my father of 70 also has repeated the same commentto me. We love the syfy channel but the programing was much better before. Sci-fi programs like Dr. Who and the extinct dinosaur(british actors,with anomiles through time, a recent new one now gone)shows were some of my favorites. I always liked the weird movies and my kids always said I was sci-fried, that was my favorite commment from them; I took pride in being sci-fried. I still continue to watch everydaybut would like some of the old shows put back on. Darkside and twlight zone don,t suit me played over and over again but the other shows like enterprise and Serenity and sentinalas well as well as frank that travled back in time to fix the future are great all day.Congratulations on NBC’s acquiring Medium because that was the only show I watch on CBS. ABC now competes with Wednesday line up of old christine(hate it)you need something better Wednesday to draw me away. I also wondered if you are the channel that now shows apoclypse man and Apoclypse Island? Why did you take syfy off of ON DEMAND when I am really desprate I go ON DEMAND to look for some of your shows. PS I love ghost whisper too.
    One of your most loyal watchers of sci-fi and now partical watcher of syfy, I hope some programs are reinstated because I watch all day and night usually.
    Yvette Hudson

  843. Sorry everyone …I got 10BC(NBC) and 3BS(CBS)mixed up. CBS gets most exposer in this house but SYFY and History channel are very close runner ups.

  844. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  845. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  846. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  847. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  848. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  849. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  850. please stop playing the same thing over and over like caprica 10 times maybe a few more movies would be nice

  851. The pseudophrase “SyFy” has no meaning at all. Makes no sense. Elsewhere in cable, you have networks with names that actually suggest their content (or are an acronym of a longer name). Whereas “SciFi” (and also its variants) is a well-established phrase. I never did like the term “SF” because it could mean any of a variety of things, like “Silly Fun”.

  852. Everyone likes to pass along a traditions to their children and science fiction is one of those traditions. Visits to the comic book store, watching superhero movies, and cartoons as well as an occasional trip to the book store unless we go to the Library are ways parents pass along their own tradition of science fiction. Weird stories are always the best. I consider myself to be somewhat weird but life without some strange and weird people would be dull. Sci-fi is a tradition that will never fade but we owe it to our children to keep science fiction alive. Don’t let the younger generation rename an american tradition just because they spell phonetically. We can thank the text message and IM for most of our children writing as few letters as possible and eventually the world just gives in to incorrect spelling and the dictionary just adds another word. What will it take to keep tradition alive? Will the world change just because people are too lazy to type out the correct spelling of words?
    Long live the Sci-fi way of life! Pass it along to your children correctly!


  854. I do not like the new syfy Programing is different. I wish you would bring the chiller channel to cable in Atlanta. My daughter is always talking about it.

  855. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  856. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  857. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  858. Dear SyFy,
    I get tired of the continual pop ups on screeen throughout the programs They show up just as the guest cast names come up. I am not able to read through them.

  859. You use to have one of the best channels on TV, now your no better than Family channel, TV land, etc. How do you get ECW belongs?Ghost Hunters, real scary, or do I have to continue or be just as board as watching your channel with what your call entertainment.



  862. The all commerical channel!!!

  863. I’m thoroughly disappointed with this channel. For years my kids & I could always count on the Sci-fi channel, but we’ve noticed the programming getting away from science fiction, & we’re really annoyed. We can’t be the only people out here who appreciate a good science fiction movie, but none of the networks are showing them. Hate to say it, but you’re losing some long time viewers. In the past, sci-fi reruns have been better than most of the new programming on other channels. Not any more! Why is wrestling on this channel?Guess we’ll just have to read more!

  864. wen syfy will up and running again

  865. Nice Blog ! Found it on bing.It seems that you`re doing a great job… I`m going to save this to my bookmarks…

  866. The New Image-SYFY-is NOT the SciFi we all knew, enjoyed, re-evaluate the concept–go back in Time when SCIFI was Fun, Excellent to watch, good acting, Drama, Storyline,–compare the Garbage You Project Now with the Master Craft and Vision You once employed—Today Caprica–is a Boring -step Back-in Time–Ghost hunters–A amateur Disgrace–Imagine Greater–okay SYFY–Soap Opera for the New Millenarian,—?

  867. I HATE the name change to SyFy!! It’s more of the dumbing down of the English language. It’s text short-cuts,no one can spell anymore, it’s disturbing.

  868. Please start picking some new movies, the ones now I have seen dozens of times.

  869. The name so it is SYFY dont be stupid it still SciFi

  870. How about new movies about like ant,s bug,s asteroid,s virus,s volcanos twister you no

  871. I don’t live in the states and frankly don’t listen much US media related news. but I just happened to stumble upon this article now…Seriously? Syfy? What on earth is wrong with the bigwigs in charge of big corporations and their bizzare marketing ideas? They say they want to remove their “geeky” image but all they’ve done is replace is with an “illiterate” one. I mean if I wanted to watch a science fiction show on tv and flick through the channels “The SciFi channel” would immediately get my attention. Syfy just sounds absurd.
    “…antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,”?
    This idiot is so full of crap. Take a look at the world outside of your multi-storeyed corporate building once in a while. Many people young and old male AND female from the “general public” play video games nowadays. Are you saying that the majority of the world population playing video games are antisocial?
    “When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it,”
    Yeah so some folks may text it “Syfy” but they write “lol” instead of “haha” too. So what’s next? A comedy channel titled ROFL?
    And on a final note: Star Wars IS f**king sci-fi and that’s a fact whether people accept it or not. I mean it has frikking SPACE SHIPS and ROBOTS and LASER GUNS…it certainly ain’t a romance comedy flick.

  872. Hi, you got a nice blog, I’m just looking for some websites about Twillight fans such as me because I’ve found an fresh trailer about the new Eclipse Saga. And want to know what you think about it? Maybe you can help with you opinion?! I really don’t want to show shit around the globe!! Thanks

  873. As an avid Science Fiction fan and a Scientist I can not fathom why the name change was necessary, it made perfect sense before. It was very stupid to do so, “syfy” has no meaning whatsoever, and the programming, as with many other channels, has declined considerably. I am reminded of Idiocracy every time I turn on the television.

  874. Will Warehouse 13 be return soon??? Ever??

  875. i am an “OLDER” Trekkie,and would love to see the original Star Trek, Deep space 9, Babylon 5,Lost in space…I know they are “old” but there must be a calling for them…Thanks…. what’s wrong with going where no man has gone before….or since! Marge

  876. you need to run all of kingdom hospital not just parts of it. Just take one day and run the whole thing. PLEASE i love that mini series

  877. I don’t think it is a new word. It just looks like they can’t even spell an abbreviation right!

  878. What is wrong with this man? It’s the Sci Fi channel. Who did he think would be watching it other than ‘nerds and geeks’? Also, that logo looks ridiculous. It’s boring and uncreative.
    “What would look great for a new logo, Dave?” “Gee, how about some white letters on a white background!” “Brilliant! We’ll stupidly misspell it too, because we just need to alienate our previous fanbase.”
    18 year old female here who used to love watching the Sci Fi original movies when she was younger. Also a self-proclaimed geek, feeling very insulted. Thanks for ruining yourself, SyFy.

  879. Stir-Fry really works for me… otherwise I couldn’t agree more, the universe is already far too complicated, probably for the best to dumb it down to the lowest common denominatrix of chewing gum for the mind… you know stuff like some series based in a holo-deck or a procession of boob jobs and rhinoplastyies like in the matrix… it must be good for business… and along with all those old sci-fi movies… too deep, too open to interpretation… best simplify them too… yes… remake them all… you know… make them more generic and one dimensional… after all, who want’s to be challenged by something different… i myself have to have therapy if i accidentally press the wrong button on my TV and instead of East Enders, get something in black and white…. or some or other wierd programme or film without regularised cloned actors and a soundtrack that sounds identicle to everthing else… well done…
    keep the project moving backwards
    kindest regards
    rev. two-Sheds

  880. You had a perfect logo and a pic of saturn and changed it, for some less geeky name, I suppose translated it means buttocks juice LMAO in chinese.It took you how long to screw a good thing up??? You should have concentrated on programming first in stead of name changes, you dont know much about brand loyalty??Take sci fi away and people STILL remember the channel by the pic of Saturn, BTW I am 62 y/o and have my roots in science and sci fi. Do your self a favor and stop thinking, pleease.

  881. Sci-fi or SY-FY======OK Whatever as long as they get rid of ghost hunters(put it on Chlr HA-HA!)and wrestling(sports,maybe HA-HA!)Sanctuary is great science-fiction and personally as a
    50-something female, Warehouse 13 is sci-
    fi/comedy but I can’t wait till July when
    it starts again! But I nor my geeky 50ish
    husband have ever been asked!!! My grandfather and father introed me to sci-

  882. Sci-fi or SY-FY======OK Whatever as long as they get rid of ghost hunters(put it on Chlr HA-HA!)and wrestling(sports,maybe HA-HA!)Sanctuary is great science-fiction and personally as a
    50-something female, Warehouse 13 is sci-
    fi/comedy but I can’t wait till July when
    it starts again! But I nor my geeky 50ish
    husband have ever been asked!!!

  883. Ok, I was really pissed off when the corner of my television screen said “Syfy” that is such a stupid move! It’s Sci Fi as far as I’m concerned…

  884. Wonderful to read!

  885. Great post!

  886. Fake student Adam Wheeler “My own, brief, assessment of my character is that I am sententious, crypto-tendentious, slightly pedantic with a streak of contrarianism, a fascination with any pedagogical approach to Shakespeare, and a decent sense of humor” classical self delusion yet somehow heart wrenching

  887. Great post!

  888. Round about 6,697,254,041 individuals in this globe, 3/4 are aware of jesus. One dude preaching in only one country, started that, using only word of mouth. Bloggers have the world wide web with which to reach all of those people, all this at your fingertips, you can change anything, go for it bad boys!!!!!!

  889. You know if Syfy wanted to change its channel’s premise, they could have done so with referring to those of us enjoy Science fiction as “Basement-dwelling. women/men-repulsing, dysfunctional and antisocial geeks.” It just goes to show that the people in charge of these major media conglomerates don’t know any thing their viewership fanbase and don’t care so long as they can line up their pockets and hidden money sacks with investor/shareholder dollars.

  890. SyFy? id like it to go back to Sci Fi… keep the sci fi going.,…. ive watched syfy… it sucks – thanks jeph

  891. Really wish you would establish a dependable schedule. Your daily routines are all over the place making it impossible to follow a story line or rely on most given shows being at a regular time during the week. One can never check backwards in the schedule to see if you missed a show, and currently one can only get the schedule for the current day as your over hyped “summer previews” have somehow taken over the rest of the schedule and made any future notice or planning for your erratic schedule impossible. The scheduling and poor quality TV “movies” put a lot of people off. What happen to Farscape, Sanctuary? Or maybe some golden oldies brought back instead of the B- to C- new flicks.I’d rather laugh at Buster Crab than the hokum of “Ghost Busters.”

  892. Thank you for a great post

  893. Wonderful to read!

  894. Good post, thanks

  895. Good post, thanks

  896. Excellent job.

  897. I use to be a bid fan of the SciFi channel. Please stop showing the same stupid movies over and over and over again. Don’t you think it’s time? How many more times is your network going to show Jeepers creepers,Wrong Turn and Rest Stop. Where did your network get the idea that wrestling was science fiction,it’s not. Come on guys you really need new material.

  898. I use to be a bid fan of the SciFi channel. Please stop showing the same stupid movies over and over and over again. Don’t you think it’s time? How many more times is your network going to show Jeepers creepers,Wrong Turn and Rest Stop. Where did your network get the idea that wrestling was science fiction,it’s not. Come on guys you really need new material.

  899. Great information that is much appreciated. Thank you for providing such interesting content in my quest to lose the flab.

  900. I have been an avid SYFY fan since it began, but I have a problem with your programming. There are hundreds of episodes of Star Trek/ Next Generation, yet you run the same 10 or fifteen episodes over and over.
    Besides the off shoot DS9, and other options you have available, you don’t want to invest the money to keep your long term customers. If you continue with this poor customer service, you won’t have anybody left to sell ad-time to. Better get with-it!

  901. Talking about the stock exchange is always interesting and enlightening. I’ll wait for the next posting. Thank you.

  902. Hi.
    I’m a woman.
    I like all sorts of girly things.
    I also like science fiction.
    I hate politics. Go figure.

  903. It is sad that we live in a culture that you can’t have a network called SciFi and that you have to change it to some dumbed down illiterate newspeak to appeal to people that are destroying the English language by slothful abbreviations .”syfy” gives me the same feeling in the pit of my stomach that seeing people talking on a cell phone while driving or texting while driving gives me.
    It is annoying to have nearly a quarter of the screen to be constantly periodically taken up with ads for other shows.
    SyFy kind of gives me the same feeling I get when I see people that can’t keep their pants up,or have the pants crotch at the knees,or that feeling you have just before the contents of your stomach exits your mouth.
    Things might be more tolerable if the pictures of actors from a forthcoming program didn’t keep popping up..
    What is it with the wrestling ,jeezloueez.
    One more step to the nightmare of “Idiocracy”.After great stuff like Farscape,Lexx,Babylon 5—SciFi dumded down to SYFY is like turning a silk purse into a sow’s ear

  904. SciFi was an apt name and spoke volumes about the history and about the genre as well as the possibilities it held for a wide range of shows and movies.
    More likely someone was hired and thought a name change looked like an accomplishment. Truthfully it’s a load of fecal chips.

  905. Great post!

  906. Excellent job.

  907. Great post!

  908. That’s great.very helpful,thanks a lot

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  910. Good post, thanks

  911. Great post!

  912. Thank you for a great post

  913. Wonderful to read!

  914. i think you’ve lost some sense. are you aiming for the ignorant set? do you think people today are not smart enough to understant that sci stands for science? It makes no sense to me to change the name. in fact i find it insulting. your overall programing is not what it used to be either. i’m sorry you lost your way. a lot of us will miss the old sci fi.

  915. Good post, thanks

  916. Great post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work!

  917. Excellent job.

  918. Good post, thanks

  919. I read about this on another web site and didn’t really understand it, but this post makes it clearer to me now. Appreciate it!

  920. Great post!

  921. Thank you for a great post

  922. Thank you for a great post

  923. Wonderful to read!

  924. Good post, thanks

  925. Excellent job.

  926. Thank you for a great post

  927. Excellent job.

  928. Good post, thanks

  929. Wonderful to read!

  930. Excellent job.

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  933. Thank you for a great post

  934. Excellent job.

  935. Great post!

  936. Wonderful to read!

  937. Wonderful to read!

  938. Excellent job.

  939. Wonderful to read!

  940. Excellent job.

  941. Thank you for a great post

  942. A caddy found a golf ball at the end of the fairway that he claimed belonged to Tiger Woods because it had a picture of his mistress on it. When questioned about it, Tiger looked at the ball with the picture and replied, “Yeah, I hit that.”

  943. Good post, thanks

  944. In related news, after his press conference admitting his indiscretions, Tiger Woods began apologizing to the women with whom he had affairs. Twelve hours later they say he barely scratched the surface.

  945. Great post!

  946. Thats an interesting post. I knew some of them but mostly it was new to me. I enjoyed it very much.Keep them coming, because you have a fan.

  947. Excellent job.

  948. I would cancel syfy in a heartbeat if I could get the remaining chanels without it. I get nothing but reruns that have been showing for two or three years particularly on weekends when I do most of my watching.

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  959. Thank you for a great post

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  961. This is one of the nicest blogs i have seen in along time i will have to add to my favorites list for sure.

  962. Hello. And Bye. With best regards, ogasucomm. This is a full base

  963. Some of your programing like scare tactics to watch all day is a waste of good programing . I do not like this program. Thanks Gary

  964. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

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  966. Since when does WWE qualify as science fiction.

  967. Does anybody in management understand the concept of syfy? I think not. Who’s the brainless idiot who puts these class B shows on and what’s with wrestling give me a break. Why not list LEAVE IT TO BEAVER as one of your shows.We all know that’s syfy.

  968. This is one of the nicest blogs i have seen in along time i will have to add to my favorites list for sure.

  969. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  970. the programing sucks your not living up to what should be on this chanal not wriesilig not goasthuting all day si fi meams scince fiction dim whitthe only reson I watch it is for star gate stargate univers the rest blows one usatified watcher””

  971. the programing sucks your not living up to what should be on this chanal not wriesilig not goasthuting all day si fi meams scince fiction dim whitthe only reson I watch it is for star gate stargate univers the rest blows one usatified watcher””

  972. the programing sucks your not living up to what should be on this chanal not wriesilig not goasthuting all day si fi meams scince fiction dim whitthe only reson I watch it is for star gate stargate univers the rest blows one usatified watcher””

  973. the programing sucks your not living up to what should be on this chanal not wriesilig not goasthuting all day si fi meams scince fiction dim whitthe only reson I watch it is for star gate stargate univers the rest blows one usatified watcher””

  974. the programing sucks your not living up to what should be on this chanal not wriesilig not goasthuting all day si fi meams scince fiction dim whitthe only reson I watch it is for star gate stargate univers the rest blows one usatified watcher””

  975. Amazing freakin blog here. I almost cried while reading it!

  976. It’s great you changed your name to a snazzier SyFy and all, but why are most of the movies you air slash and gore Horror flicks. It seems to me you might show a real Science Fiction flick once in a while. Whaddaya say? Huh?
    Yours who pays extra to the cable company to get SyFy,
    Don Townsend

  977. Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

  978. I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up 🙂

  979. Poor choice, for so many reasons.

    1) The channel has built up to being 13th — and now kills the path to its success.

    2) Sci Fi isn’t just for geeks anymore.

    3) Syfy is clearly prounced “sih-fee”. Wrong translation.

    4) Syfy makes me think of venereal disease.

    5) It’s not Syence Fyction.

    I don’t get it, I don’t approve, and I was boycotting the new channel until I hit a conflict of interest: Red, starring Felicia Day. I cannot knowing fail to watch something Felicia Day is in.

    So maybe the folks at the channel formerly known as SciFi aren’t as stupid as this decision makes them seem.

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  993. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

  994. Neat blog layout! Very easy on the eyes.. i like the colors you picked out

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  996. This is the best blog I’ve ever seen in my life! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to share your this with everyone.

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  999. That is the stupidest damn idea I’ve ever heard.

  1000. Neat blog layout! Very easy on the eyes.. i like the colors you picked out

  1001. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  1002. im a sick of the crap on syfy network give me a brake stupid late night cartoons and the stupid programs of someones face on the tv in the dark trying to act scared sucks sucks sucks the syfy network has become a crapload of garbage and thay want to add more get your heads out of your ass i meen all star wrestaling im about to blook the crappy network from my tv!!!!!!

  1003. Great post… I found this through google, google ftw!

  1004. I Know SyFy changed their name some time ago; however, every since they did the programming is anything but all sience fiction. As a long time fan of the SCFI channel I am truly dissipointed. I tried to use their coment e-mail sight, but this was also changed with no new address posted. The so called SYFY channel now has reality TV, WWF Wrestling(as if us SYFY geeks ever watch that cr*p) and now they have graced our channel with a show called Hollywood treasure. This show features a team of collecters that go arround and collect movie props. I WANT MY SCIFI CHANNEL BACK! I Know that I am not the only person who feels this way. Please bring this to whomevers attention that can fix it. Thanks for letting me bend your ear, Shane Fellers….

  1005. That is my first time I have visited here. I’ve discovered so much interesting stuff in your blog. From the tons of comments on your articles,to all the totally different posts. I guess I am not the one one having all the good reading here! keep up the great work. Thank you…

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  1007. Great wordpress blog here.. It’s hard to find quality writing like yours these days. I really appreciate people like you! take care and see you soon

  1008. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1009. I would like to start my own blog one day. This was a really nice blog that you made here. Keep up the success 😛

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  1011. Interesting thoughts here. I appreciate you taking the time to share them with us all. It’s people like you that make my day 🙂

  1012. I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up 🙂

  1013. Sick post! I totally enjoyed reading it. I will definitely come back to this site.

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  1015. Way to focus and straight to your point, i love it. Keep up the work people. Dont let anyone stop us bloggers.

  1016. Neat blog layout! Very easy on the eyes.. i like the colors you picked out

  1017. I would like to start my own blog one day. This was a really nice blog that you made here. Keep up the success 😛

  1018. I love the way you write and also the theme on your blog. Did you code this yourself or was it done by a professional? I’m very very impressed.

  1019. Nice blog here! Also your website loads up fast! What host are you using? I wish my website loaded up as fast as yours lol

  1020. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.. 🙂

  1021. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1022. Hey how are you doing? I just wanted to stop by and say that it’s been a pleasure reading your blog. I have bookmarked your website so that I can come back & read more in the future as well. plz do keep up the quality writing

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  1024. Maintain up the great work mate. This weblog submit shows how well you realize and know this subject.

  1025. Yeah, Right… So how does endless Wrestling, Ghost Hunters, and other assorted shows become “SYFY”? I’ve watched much less of this channel with the “new” format and programming. It was great ah “SciFi” , but now it is just about anything, and nothing that I really want to watch – that’s mostly gone now. How does a James Bond marathon rate being in the programming, yeah, with a very big stretch, maybe, NOT! The fact that IT was a geeky and cool channel at one thime for those of us that enjoy the real SciFi experience we DON’T get elsewhere, was what drew me this this channel. Not so much anymore.

  1026. I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply back as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to know wheere u got this from. thanks

  1027. I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply back as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to know wheere u got this from. thanks

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  1033. Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂

  1034. Way to focus and straight to your point, i love it. Keep up the work people. Dont let anyone stop us bloggers.

  1035. Neat blog layout! Very easy on the eyes.. i like the colors you picked out

  1036. Interesting layout on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and also I will be back to read more in the future.

  1037. I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply back as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to know wheere u got this from. thanks

  1038. Way to focus and straight to your point, i love it. Keep up the work people. Dont let anyone stop us bloggers.

  1039. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  1040. Dreamin. I love blogging. You all express your feelings the right way, because they are your feeling, focus on your blog it is great.

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  1049. This is good info! Where else can if ind out more?? Who runs this joint too? Keep up the good work 🙂

  1050. fuck teens lolitas

  1051. Neat blog layout! Very easy on the eyes.. i like the colors you picked out

  1052. syfy is getting like the music channels that no longer play music,we dont want reality shows-we want syfy

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  1054. I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up 🙂

  1055. I love the way you write and also the theme on your blog. Did you code this yourself or was it done by a professional? I’m very very impressed.

  1056. High quality info here! Keep up the great work. I love the feelings being expressed.

  1057. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1058. Nice!! Great Ifo. Great People. Great Blog. Thank you for all the great sharing that is being done here.

  1059. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  1060. I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up 🙂

  1061. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1062. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1063. I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up 🙂

  1064. Kudos to you! This is a really good blog here and I love your style of writing. How did you get so good at blogging?

  1065. Way to focus and straight to your point, i love it. Keep up the work people. Dont let anyone stop us bloggers.

  1066. Dreamin. I love blogging. You all express your feelings the right way, because they are your feeling, focus on your blog it is great.

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  1072. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

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  1084. High quality info here! Keep up the great work. I love the feelings being expressed.

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  1105. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  1106. This is the best blog I’ve ever seen in my life! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to share your this with everyone.

  1107. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.. 🙂

  1108. I would like to start my own blog one day. This was a really nice blog that you made here. Keep up the success 😛

  1109. Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂

  1110. Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy.

  1111. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  1112. Appreciation for the great blog post. I am glad I have taken the time to learn this.

  1113. You make blogging look like a walk in the park! I’ve been trying to blog daily but I just cant find writing material.. you’re an inspiration to me and i’m sure many others!

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  1115. Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂

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  1119. Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂

  1120. You make blogging look like a walk in the park! I’ve been trying to blog daily but I just cant find writing material.. you’re an inspiration to me and i’m sure many others!

  1121. Love the blog here. Nice colors. I am definitely staying tuned to this one. Hope to see more.

  1122. Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂

  1123. High quality info here! Keep up the great work. I love the feelings being expressed.

  1124. Kudos for the great article. I am glad I have taken the time to learn this.

  1125. This is the best blog I’ve ever seen in my life! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to share your this with everyone.

  1126. I would like to start my own blog one day. This was a really nice blog that you made here. Keep up the success 😛

  1127. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  1128. I love the way you write and also the theme on your blog. Did you code this yourself or was it done by a professional? I’m very very impressed.

  1129. Love all the opinions expressed here! How is everyone? Love how everyone expresses whatr they feel 🙂

  1130. the sci fi channel should be only for science fiction an related material, not the stupid fighting stuff, it is not science fiction.

  1131. get the crap off of the sci fi channel.

  1132. why change the name at all, just get rid of the fighting crap and other (reality ?) stuff.

  1133. Like a sick mule, NBC Universal should just shoot SyFy and get it out of the public’s misery. I mean c’mon what’s up with those lame SyFy-made movies on Saturday nights? When they do do something right, they screw it up. Caprica…canceled. SGU…canceled. I used to really like the Sci-Fi Channel back in the day until they started to change everything (like their name). It’s had it day in the sun. If it isn’t broke…why fix it?

  1134. An A-1 paper! I like how you’ve tackled this assignment.


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