
Corey Feldman Unveils Plan to Expose Hollywood Pedophiles

Oct 26, 2017  •  Post A Comment

Actor Corey Feldman says he is ready to expose what he calls a “pedophile ring” operating in Hollywood that he says victimized him when he was a child and continues to operate today.

Feldman is attempting to raise $10 million via an Indigogo campaign to help the cause. He discussed his plans in an emotional video posted Wednesday on YouTube, which you can watch below.

Material accompanying the video on Feldman’s YouTube account says: “Corey Feldman has created a new INDIGOGO campaign, but this time its not to raise $ for an album, or tour, but it is about something much more important. Corey is attempting to make his life story into a Major Motion Picture. His idea was created in response to the tens of thousands of comments he receives urging him to come forward with details about his abusers while growing up as a child in the industry. The plan is simple, donate now, get the answers you seek, while affording him the ability to protect his family, and cover the legal costs while he prepares to take a stand against the sick and twisted power mongers in the world of Entertainment and beyond. Please contribute today.”

Feldman, 46, suggests that he is in danger from those who do not want him to go public with his allegations. Part of the money he hopes to raise is apparently earmarked to hire extra security and attorneys he says he will need to go forward with his plans.

“Ever since I even discussed the fact that I have this plan, my life has turned into utter chaos,” Feldman says in the video, adding: “I’ve been silenced my whole life, but just over the past few days since I made that announcement, I’ve been arrested, I had a near-death experience last night where I felt like I was almost going to be killed. Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk.”

Here’s Feldman’s video …


  1. Oh my god. Attention whore has been..

    • Have your kids been raped? How do you know?

  2. He has been trying to expose this problem for years. Hollywood has tried to stop him. Perhaps now, in light of the whole Weinstein expose, he will finally be given the coverage he deserves. Good luck Mr. Feldman.

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