
‘Star Wars’ Movies to be Re-Released in 3D to Theaters; Plus the 3D TV Angle

Sep 29, 2010  •  Post A Comment

It’s been an open secret for quite some time in Hollywood that George Lucas was going back and retrofitting his ‘Star Wars’ movies for 3D release.

Citing unnamed sources, The Hollywood Reporter says the first ‘Star Wars’ release in 3D will be "Phantom Menace" in early 2012. THR writes, "After that, each film would be released in order at the same time in consecutive years, depending on how well the first rerelease does."

Lucas has picked the 2012 date, the article says, again, citing unnamed sources, because by then the number of theaters capable of 3D exhibition will be what he considers significant.

The article goes on to say, "Also pushing the timetable is a potential breakthrough in 3D TV technology. With Samsung penetrating the market with 50,000-plus 3D-equipped sets and Sony recently sending its version to market, the home-viewing experience could be primed for 3D DVD versions of the films by the time the new 3D theatrical releases have run their course. Lucas purportedly is lining up the theatrical rereleases as a lead-in to the ultimate home-viewing experience. Beyond that, the property would launch to other 3D media."


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