
FCC Anticipates DTV Switch Complaints

Jun 26, 2008  •  Post A Comment

The FCC is preparing for a slew of complaints after TV’s mandated switch to digital next February, Broadcasting & Cable reports. The FCC anticipates different scenarios, such as viewer and broadcaster inquiries and lawsuits, and even included such preparations for backlash in its congressionally required five-year plan, B&C says.
—Sergio Ibarra

One Comment

  1. Rest assured, I will be one of those, IF the FCC complaint line takes the complaints. I tried to complain already on 6/24/08 (around 1:30 PM EDT), but “DIXIE” refused to take the complaint, on the FCC Consumer Complaint Line.
    I also ran across a survey taken by CENTRIS, from February 12, 2008. It shows that many more people will not have HDTV reception, through OTA signals. Toledo, Ohio DT signals are not coming in, where detroit’s “local 4”, “My 20”, and “WWJ-TV”, not to mention “Fox2” all come in. WHY? those are 61 miles away, but 9-13 miles away cannot get reception, continuously.
    None of the tv stations care. I guarentee that I’m not the only one. Are they [stations] willing to risk diaries, for lack of reception? If so, not wise!

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