
Wow! Poll Says of All Celebrities, This TV Star Is the Nation’s Most Popular, Most Trusted, And the Most Powerful Product Endorser. Plus, the Poll’s Top 10 — and Bottom 10

Aug 18, 2011  •  Post A Comment

A veteran television performer was named the most trusted celebrity in America in a new poll, Reuters reports.

Coming in at No. 1 on the list was Emmy winner Betty White, 89.

With an 86% favorable rating, White came in just ahead of Denzel Washington (85%), Sandra Bullock (84%), Clint Eastwood (83%) and Tom Hanks (81%).

Rounding out the top 10: Harrison Ford, 80%; Morgan Freeman/Kate Middleton (tie), 79%; Will Smith, 77%; and Johnny Depp, 76%.

At the other end of the spectrum, the 10 least trusted celebrities, with unfavorable ratings, were Paris Hilton, 60%; Charlie Sheen, 52%; Britney Spears/Kanye West (tie), 45%; Arnold Schwarzenegger, 44%; Tiger Woods, 42%; Kim Kardashian, 38%; Mel Gibson, 33%; Donald Trump, 31%; and LeBron James, 29%.


  1. Looks like a good list but were is Sam Waterston????? He should definitely be on the “most trusted list.”

  2. How does a big fat ass make someone a celebrity?

  3. Hugh Laurie should definitely be among the most trusted celebrities.

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