
Couric Hints at Why CBS’s ‘Evening News’ Remains Mired in Third Place

Apr 5, 2011  •  Post A Comment

Katie Couric is hinting that she knows why her CBS “Evening News” telecast has struggled in the ratings. In an interview with The New York Times Magazine, Couric indicates the reason for her third-place finish among evening news broadcasts might have something to do with the local news lead-in on CBS stations.

Asked why she thinks her broadcast remains in third place, Couric responded, "I believe we were in third place for 13 years before I got here, and I think habits, particularly with an evening news broadcast, move at a glacial pace. And I think that local news stations have something to do with it."

But Couric backed off when asked whether she meant local affiliates weren’t providing a strong enough lead-in. "Some people have said that local news is really important in terms of lead-ins,” she said. “I haven’t really analyzed that. I’m just saying what I’ve read or some of the theories about it."

Couric added that she is discussing the possibility of a syndicated program that would air in the fall of 2012, and that she hopes it would be known for "smart conversation."


  1. Of course we should wonder, has Ms Couric’s failure at CBS to bring in an audience been a reflection of her own brand failure or a more systemic trend in declining cable viewership and apathy?

  2. I agree Avatar.

  3. Is she trying to say that a talk show hosted by Katie Couric would be a good lead-in for local news?

  4. Last time I looked CBS News was a broadcast television show. Viewership on Cable has steadily increased at the expense of broadcast television.

  5. As a generalization, newsies are not gifted with programming instincts…Ms Couric included. Certainly,she, Dan Rather, perhaps Larry King and even Glen Beck would be the last folks one should query about failure… even though they’ve lived it. If they understood the concept (of failure) … they would be of a different occupational status presently.
    As a matter of fact, when one selects a news vehicle of the “big three” — one is really saying which kind of cherry pie do I want. My guess would be that it was counterprogramming that has made Roger Ailes king of the hill on cable … and it might well be counterprogramming (counter viewpoint) that could catapult one of the “big three” to the top of the network’s heap.
    However, that eventuality seems less than likely… It is said we hire in our own image and to be blunt, the network’s managements and staff seem awash in liberalism. Talented, good people to be sure … but of a similar mindset which, of course, minimizes any on-air perceptions of difference.

  6. Maybe it’s because in most big Eastern cities, ABC and CBS are on at 6:30 and NBC has its news at 7:00. So since C. Gibson and D. Sawyer are more interesting, they win the head-to-head battle. Then B. Williams gets the next half hour to himself.
    Then again maybe it’s because she was pretty unpleasant doing the news. In Baltimore, for example, WJZ, which used to be an ABC station was the best performing ABC station in the country. When it was forced to switch to CBS, nothing changed, except for Ms. Couric’s ratings (and she’s on at 7:00 there).

  7. oh, Catie just busts me up!! It’s the locals fault, eh!? Well then it must be the locals that brought Walter Cronkite to prominence, which means she is essentially irrelevant as a draw to viewership….
    what an ultramaroon!

  8. Funny, when she ‘comes on’ I flip the channel…as I suspect so do many others…

  9. My theory is she & Lauer will get a spot on OWN – Oprah Winfrey Network – so stay tuned as they say

  10. She has a point, the local CBS news here in MN is horrific. I watch NBC and keep it on for their news since I am too lazy to change the channel.

  11. Just throwing it out there, but maybe it has something to do with the Fact that shes a woman…look at ABC news. It tanked when they had elizabeth vargass, went from #1 to #3, and then again with Dianne Sawyer, #1 to #2, barely beeting out CBS. Hard truth, but people dont want to get there news from Women. No other news outlet has a succesful program with a woman as the anchor. ANY…. Fox, MSNBC, CNN, headline news.
    Think about it

  12. “”Couric added that she is discussing the possibility of a syndicated program that would air in the fall of 2012, and that she hopes it would be known for “smart conversation.””
    ….hmmmm….fall of 2012…so-called smart people getting together for conversation. My guess is that there would be 3-4 liberals and maybe 1 conservative, like on the network Sunday morning “news” shows and on the View. Just before the election. Sounds like a continued recipe for failure.

  13. Since it’s the local lead-ins that dictate ratings, I wonder if Katie would have given them the credit had her ratings been good? Yeah right! The broadcast networks have been shown to be left-biased for years. Coupled with the fact that by 6:30 P.M. their news is old news there really is no reason to watch.

  14. I don’t think that I have seen a more measured and informative statement in regards to the broadcast/cable news and the related ratings.

  15. “It’s someone else’s fault”; how tiresome. Could it be that people are tired of your typical, unfair slant to your reporting? Naaaah; never…. Supply and demand, ma’am; you’re trying to sell water to people who live IN a stream.

  16. Katie Couric — PUKE!
    That says it all!

  17. Wow…now there’s a surprise! A liberal progressive blaming someone else for their failure. GIVE HER MORE MONEY

  18. The Chipmunk Cheeks Notebook sucks as much as her libtarded nightly news program.

  19. Katie Couric is a no-neck, nasally-voiced pathetic excuse for a newsreader.
    She and (no top lip))Matt Lauer, with his boring presence, should be an excellent match. A match made for the Black Hole of TV land. Bye bye!

  20. Hey Katie is it possibly you just SUCK and nobody cares for your biased journalism. You probably should have stayed on the today show where you had the help of Matt and Al to back up your shortfall of talent.

  21. She’s such a lightweight. I cannot take her seriously.

  22. Could it be that she is a clueless liberal bimbo? Local news is the only reason I watch news on a broadcast channel. If I want news beyond the city limits, I watch Fox and see both sides of an issue not just that of liberal talking heads.

  23. The Chipmunk Cheeks Notebook sucks as much as her libtarded nightly news program.

  24. The arrogance… Typical lib, blame everyone else for their shortcomings.

  25. Years ago a friend told me that when women start to enter a profession that has historically been dominated by males, it marks the beginning of the end of that profession.
    Look at the ratings slide under Couric, Sawyer, Amanpour.
    Like it or not, folks want to get their news from MEN!
    It’s the same in education. When principals were MEN, academic achievement was much greater. And in homes, when MEN were in charge (as opposed to single moms) there were lots fewer problems with kids.
    You may not like hearing the truth, but that doesn’t make me sexist!

  26. Face it Katie you are “twinkie”. Anyone under the age of 60 still getting their news from the networks would like a little substance with their liberal propaganda.

  27. Uh, Ku Ku Ku Ku Katie, it wouldn’t have anything to do with your deep seated roots in Liberalism, eh ?

  28. The national news 5:30pm slot that’s #1 is the one that’s losing audience the slowest. It’s call “managing the decline”.
    All three are losing audience quickly due to the 24-hour cable channel news options.

  29. it doesnt matter who the anchor is on any network, if the higher ups decide they want to be biased, then the people will see it as it is and get turned off. As long as they carry obamas water bucket, their problems will continue to persist.

  30. It’s a buggy whip industry that still thinks it relevant. They can’t get their head around the fact that the target demographics no longer care about the evening news. I’m not a young viewer. I’m 48 and haven’t watched the evening news in about a decade. Do the networks seriously believe that there is some sort of broadcast that my children are going to be interested in as they get older? Getting the “news” delivered to them 6 hours after they already read about it online is no way to run a network? The entire format is a slowly decaying corpse. If the trades and Drudge stopped talking about it no one would care. If there’s going to be any future, stop trying to be “objective” go straight to an all editorial or panel/host format. Stop with the foreign desks. Align yourself with bloggers and dun like mad. It’s essentially what Fox has done and it’s worked pretty well in terms of ratings. Reading the news a half a day to a day after is already occurred has no future.

  31. Funny how Katie’s ratings have plummeted while Sarah’s ratings continue to rise. Perhaps by 2012 we will see Sarah Palin anchoring the evening news? Just remember Katie, you edited 6 hours of tape into a 30 minute political assassination. Enjoy your retirement

  32. What? Couric not taking any ownership for why CBS evening news ratings didn’t go up after her arrival? Affiliates or not, if her professional reputation was as good as she and top brass at NBC thought it was, ratings would have gone up.
    You’ve had the last glass of Kool-Aid Katie!

  33. Katie’s response is a typically big ego in action. Like Dan Rather before her, she can’t accept the possibility that the problem was her. That’s right, Katie – it was the little people who lay down the red carpet for you on local TV each night. Something they did made people turn the channel. That very attitude exemplifies the reason.

  34. Couric is a typical liberal. She takes no responsibility for her own failure and looks somewhere else to lay the blame.

  35. “Smart conversation” from Katie? Condescending maybe but smart? It would be a first for her.

  36. Look, this is not rocket science. But it is/was about trying to make someone somebody she was not.
    Can you imagine putting Dan Rather or Cronkite on a yappy/happy morning gossip
    show and expecting them to succeed talking about who is doing whom, boob implants, and panty lines?
    Well as a contrast, the aging not so cute, perky, smily Couric simply does not have what it takes to project the gravitas, trust and honesty to do the evening news.
    Shoe pinch, yes.
    WWIII, no.

  37. I wonder if she ever considered that if people wanted to watch the daily talking points of the Democratic National Committee then they could do so in dozens of different media outlets thus diluting her audience?
    The people of this country are crying out for journalists who will just report the facts without the vitriol and partisanship.
    Liberals whine about FOX News, while the partisanship of the old guard media outlets is the only thing that made FOX viable.

  38. I think her failure has a lot to do with her snooty attitude. She lost me when she referred to the Midwest people as “the unwashed masses in the flyover States”.

  39. No, Katie; it’s because people cannot stand YOU. You do not have an appealing demeanor.
    You project neither gravitas nor comeliness.


  41. Look, this is not rocket science. But it is/was about trying to make someone somebody she was not.
    Can you imagine putting Dan Rather or Cronkite on a yappy/happy morning gossip
    show and expecting them to succeed talking about who is doing whom, boob implants, and panty lines?
    Well as a contrast, the aging not so cute, perky, smily Couric simply does not have what it takes to project the gravitas, trust and honesty to do the evening news.
    Shoe pinch, yes.
    WWIII, no.

  42. Wow…now there’s a surprise! A liberal progressive blaming someone else for their failure. I’m sure any day now she will say she doesn’t get enough money

  43. It’s because she’s a liberal moron. Very simple.

  44. Couric is boring and liberally biased, and viewers have known this for years. Viewers are finally tired of her and boycott any show she appears on. Same with Diane Sawyer and her predecessors. If the network can’t hire an unbiased and likable person, they are going to continue to fail in the ratings. Hence the high ratings at Fox Cable News.

  45. to coin a phrase from south park, 1 Katie Couric is 2.2lbs of …..
    This is Obama’s blame Bush method. I guess if it works for the president it should work for Katie too.

  46. Everybodies fault but her own. Typical lie-beralism

  47. The Networks don’t seem to understand that the Nightly News shows are Dinosaurs and subject to their fate.Katie hung her star on a Dinosaur but she can’t see that I guess.Maybe she’ll do better with her own show,but right now the Internet and the Bloggisphere are Americas news source.

  48. I concur! Very astute comments.

  49. Katie simply has no gravitas when it comes to the news. And who is interested in network news anyway, since it is 100% liberal propaganda. If CBS had actually differentiated its product and done ‘reality based’ news, perhaps someone would tune in.

  50. CBS and the rest of them simply do not understand. Couric is not successful because she is the hood ornament for passe liberalism. Her belief that anyone who disagrees with her worldview is stupid; just wont fly anymore. She is really cute but who cares? Putting her colon on national TV was interesting for a couple of microseconds, certainly more interesting than anything coming from her mouth

  51. Yeah, the lead-in was the problem:
    “Stay tuned for the evening news, with Katie Couric.”
    And that was all that was necessary for viewer to tune out in droves.

  52. I’m surprized she didn’t blame everything on Bush.

  53. Katie, a narcissist like yourself wouldn’t grasp the idea that people just don’t like you? I watch my local news and then when your whining liberal sorry but comes on I turn it to Fox..

  54. I’m surprized she didn’t blame everything on Bush.

  55. Ahh Katie, we hardly knew ye. She makes Palin look like a genius.
    Go figure.
    “We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality” – Ayn Rand

  56. You nailed it.

  57. With that kind of reasoning it suggests that if one would put someone in front of Katie in, say, a movie line and that person was very ugly then Katie would be very ugly as well just because she stood behind the ugly folks.

  58. Katie is not as smart as she and some people believe.She’s just perky.Like my father said a long time ago; give someone a TV camera and a mike and they become brilliant.

  59. I mean,@katarine nailed it

  60. While most other newspeople do a pretty good job of hiding it Couric is far left. If I have to go center I still prefer anyone on FOX.

  61. Katie, a narcissist like yourself wouldn’t grasp the idea that people just don’t like you? I watch my local news and then when your whining liberal sorry but comes on I turn it to Fox..

  62. For the salary she is paid , you would think she was making the news. In this day is an overpaid talentless anchor needed on any network ? I’m always reminded of William Hurt’s character on “Broadcast News”

  63. “I haven’t really analyzed that. I’m just saying what I’ve read or some of the theories about it.”
    Is her problem ‘entitlement’, ‘arrogance’ or something else? She negotiates a $15 million salary and then does not bother to learn as much as possible about her job and network news in general to deliver.
    I remember when Payton Manning announced the signing of a 10 year, $90 million contract right out of college when he was asked what he was going to do next? He said, “I’m going to go earn it.”

  64. Hey Katie,
    You alienated half of the country with your bias..see you later

  65. Typical “Progressive”! Bound in self-righteousness and ever blaming others for their ongoing failures. So whom can we expect to take the blame your your next, certain failure, huh Your Royal Perkiness?

  66. If you meant to say that Larry King and Glen Beck are newsies, I’m afraid I have to strongly disagree. Aside from that, good points. I noticed no one pointed out Couric’s rating decline down to record lows.

  67. reminds me: I watched the today show twice in 8 years. both times were the morning after george w bush was determined the winner in each of his terms. i tuned in to watch couric, bitch, whine, cry, throw a fit, kick and scream, offer excuses,etc. absolutely delicious!!

  68. Duh, winning

  69. That Katie is best suited for another line of work outside of news. She would make a great card turner on a TV quiz show, or she could become the New Betty Furness and open refrigerator doors for LG or GE.

  70. I think you got it, Steve. Especially a giggly little girl like woman. I think folks want to hear the news from a strong personaiity and no woman I know of projects that without appearing bitchy or dykeish. Sorry that I’m not PC but “that’s the way it is”

  71. Most of us outgrew Katie’s “cuteness” while she was still on the Today Show. At 50, you want someone who is a bit more intellect and a lot less fluff. We’ve moved on. Face it Katie (even the name now seems silly given her age), you’ve become passe’.

  72. Thank god for the remote, when her face appears I just press a button and she’s gone…best unvention known to man.
    Libs believe they are entiled to success…they don’t have to earn it…thus the pethetic comments by “perky.” What a joke…for the sake of America, don’t watch her and she will go away.

  73. The reason liberals never get any better is because they never live up to their mistakes and improve on them. Katie is blaming her failures on the past (lead in stations) and Obama is doing the same. Blame Bush.

  74. Yeah, can’t wait for her new program with “smart conversations” in Fall 2012. With whom? Joy Behar? About what? How the republican challenger sucks?

  75. Au contraire, mon frere. Take a quick look at Greta Van Susteren is great example for the evening news shows–granted it’s not the evening news program akin to local night news, but she has a great showing against other male-led news shows at the same time. But I have to concede your point, because during the same time slot, Joy Behar completely sucks. 🙂


  77. At one time I watched CBS news I stopped when Dan R. did his hit peace on GW I am no big Bush fan but I watch the news to learn facts not to watch someone trying to infulence an election.The same thing with KC and Sara Palin.

  78. You know what happens when you hire an unbiased reporter(like a Brit Hume) they are called conservative hate mongers.. News is so one sided they have no clue what unbiased is because it will expose the liberal failings in our government

  79. Remember the perky one doing a hatchet job on Sarah Palin while not challenging not even a hair on Obama’s head during the 2008 election?
    Biased reporting creates biased viewership. Who needs it?


  81. I’m surprised she didn’t blame it on George W. Bush.

  82. The Left screams and shrieks about how Fox is a right-wing propaganda machine, but fail to recognize that Rupert Murdoch is a businessman who identified a market and filled a need back in the 1990s. Liberals need to get used to the fact that there are a lot of independent and conservative people who are tired of being spoon fed liberal pablum and will actively seek out other more accurate information sources.
    Couric was that perky little infobabe they thought would capture market share with the force of her perkiness alone. They were wrong.

  83. It’s not the local networks’ fault. Clearly, it’s Bush’s fault.

  84. Good riddance you dumbass leftwing cunt.

  85. Yeah, can’t wait for her new program with “smart conversations” in Fall 2012. With whom? Joy Behar? About what? How the republican challenger sucks?


  87. When I was stationed in England from 84-88 Sky news did not tow the line of the BBC and was the most popular news program there. One even I remember in particular was a black man being shot in South Africa by a white cop. This was when all of the news was showing how bad Apartheid was. (it is) and used this to support their agenda. HOWEVER SKY news told the whole story, the guy broke a window of a jewelry store, grabbed a bunch of jewelry and was running off when the police officer shouted 3 times to halt or he would be shot, he did not halt. That part of the story was not on any other channel. That is what FOX does, they tell the other part of the story, and the viewers like that.
    BTW, Shep Smith, Juan Williams and Geraldo Rivera who are all on Fox, what do they have in common?

  88. If Chunkie Katie loses some weight and has a lobotomy to straighten out that lefty brain of hers Fox might give her a part time slot. Even with the weight though she would never be able to break into full time. Ainsley Earhardt, Megyn Kelly , Jena Lee, Martha MacCallum etc etc need I say more. On second thought don’t even bother Katie.
    Please Check out song called teapartiers I can’t hear you at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJfboOindCo
    Here’s a verse
    When he lost his commie czar it must have knocked off his sox
    theirs actually someone reporting news but its only Fox
    he still has another czar Chavez loving lloyd
    he’s busy trying to make free speech null and void
    Corpsemen in the 57 states as your dying
    Jeff Jones will be laughing so much he’ll be crying
    now you know why they had you read that death book
    don’t you wish you had money like Rangle the crook
    you invested 50 years to safe guard your health care
    Nancy gives it to illegals and thinks that its fare

  89. No Katie, it’s you. All the main stream liberals are suffering. Only you could be responsible for your own ratings.

  90. Stop watching television completely. It makes you dumb.

  91. Couric was paid handsomely to foist 30 minutes of liberal cant and lies into US living rooms each weekday. People soon caught on, and left her as fast as their feet could run. She is a complete fraud.

  92. Wow. Katie Couric and others like her in the “mainstream” media still don’t get it. Especially the real dolts like Couric who is not even a real journalist. They are increasingly becoming more irrelevant with each passing day. Why would anyone with access to the internet or with a smartphone who cares about current events depend upon the “CBS Evening News” to find out what’s going on? During a 30 minute period (22 minutes when you factor in commercials) you get a very abbreviated summary of pre-selected news stories that give you a left-of-center perspective. And the information you get from the network news is hours or even days old in some cases.

  93. Maybe, it has to do with that woman’s incredibly huge mouth. I didn’t realize it until her recent picture.
    Couric’s mouth is so vast, it makes a Tyrannosaurus Rex mouth look normal.

  94. Failure to accept responsibilty for ones failure is nothing new. But Couric was given every opportunity to shine. She did not. There has been a feminization of news reporting causing mass migration of males away from the old networks. And it is men, mostly who are more interested in news.
    If CBS is really interested in becoming No1 again, I have the formula for the. They probably know it. How about strict political neutrality in rporting. Keep Editorials to a “Severride” section of the news. But report the facts. And drop all the cheezy special interest side stories. This formula never fails.

  95. Mrs. Couric is no longer cute and perky like a ripe banana, her best days are behind her and she has been rotting these past years. If viewers found her attractive to listen to, they would flock to her newscast, but they don’t. But the joke is on CBS as they were “stoopid” enough to pay Mrs. Couric 15 million for the past 3 years and gotten nothing for their money. No one wants to listen to her and her biased presentation. Good riddens to bad rubbish.

  96. Well Babs, you’ve got apoint there. I really enjoy Greta’s show. She does a wonderful job especially wiyh her interviews. For sure better than O’Really or that Madcow woman. Perhaps Greta could be the first successful woman anchor. However format is everything. Sure would be worth a shot. Perhaps she should replace FratBoy Smith.

  97. Take responsibility Katie, you are mediocre… typical attitude of libs- blame others, never take ownership of their failure.

  98. She does not get it. She is not unbiased, When she pulled the gotcha trick on Sara Palin, I studied her closely. Then it became no thanks, turned the channel for good. CBS should have kiced her behind for that one real good. Since they didn’t, I did in the only way I could. I turned her off.

  99. True to form, inept people with huge false egos always blame someone else for their failures and problems. Just another reason not to watch her and her drivel.

  100. to paraphrase donald trump, it’s amazing that couric got so far with so little talent. get her off the air and replace her with ‘friends’ reruns.

  101. to paraphrase donald trump, it’s amazing that couric got so far with so little talent. get her off the air and replace her with ‘friends’ reruns.

  102. True to form, inept people with huge false egos always blame someone else for their failures and problems. Just another reason not to watch her and her drivel.

  103. Now what would you expect from a blazing Liberal…”it’s someone else’s fault”. Surprised she didn’t blasme Bush.

  104. Of course it’s not her fault. How could it be? She’s Katie Couric. More blame others mentality.

  105. Funny how Katie’s ratings have plummeted while Sarah’s ratings continue to rise. Perhaps by 2012 we will see Sarah Palin anchoring the evening news? Just remember Katie, you edited 6 hours of tape into a 30 minute political assassination. Enjoy your retirement

  106. Now what would you expect from a blazing Liberal…”it’s someone else’s fault”. Surprised she didn’t blasme Bush.

  107. Typical liberal…blame someone else first. And then when challenged, start to mumble…can’t wait to see this liberal piece of trash gone…

  108. Oprah leaves daytime tv.
    A black hole is left in daytime tv.
    Perky Katie comes to daytime tv.
    The OmegaOprah of daytime tv has arrived.

  109. Would it ever occur to liberals like Ms. Couric that they are not entitled to good ratings just because they spew the liberal agenda? Do they ever take personal responsibility for their condition in life?

  110. Funny how Katie’s ratings have plummeted while Sarah’s ratings continue to rise. Perhaps by 2012 we will see Sarah Palin anchoring the evening news? Just remember Katie, you edited 6 hours of tape into a 30 minute political assassination. Enjoy your retirement

  111. Problen is Couric. She has become a bitch diva ! She also lacks respect, good judgement and IQ ! She must have slept with the right executive to have gotten the job in the first place !

  112. “Couric added that she is discussing the possibility of a syndicated program that would air in the fall of 2012, and that she hopes it would be known for “smart conversation.””
    How does one square Couric with “smart conversation.”
    I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore…

  113. The liberal media continues to lose overall market share as each of its outlets squabble over liberal viewers. Fox continues to gain as it gobbles up conservative viewers. 20% or so of Americans self-identify as liberal. That 20% is all that the liberal media will be left with. 40% or so of Americans self-identify as conservatives. Fox will gobble up that 40% and most of the remainder as it becomes the news channel that “everyone watches”. The marketplace speaks.

  114. GLB nailed it.
    Being unbiased means not covering for anyone. So when an unbiased reprter reports on Obama’s failures and Democrat dishonesty, they are called conservative.

  115. Oprah leaves daytime tv.
    A black hole is left in daytime tv.
    Perky Katie comes to daytime tv.
    The OmegaOprah of daytime tv has arrived.

  116. Whoa!!!! A man with a pair of balls? What gives? Have you been hiding? How have you escaped the emasculation? I hope you have created a separate folder for all of your hate mail dude! Keep it up…. I thought I was the only man left in this barren wasteland. BTW I’m looking for a partner in an online venture selling these idiot broads their very own Penis. $19.95 a pop and we can throw in a pair of balls for orders of two or more. We’ll be gazillionaires!!! ROFL!!!

  117. Yeah, can’t wait for her new program with “smart conversations” in Fall 2012. With whom? Joy Behar? About what? How the republican challenger sucks?

  118. Katie Cornflakes. OK for the morning but prefer something substantial for dinner.

  119. Well said, Katarine!

  120. IT’S not hard to believe I just do not like Kattie so i don’t watch her on any show she may be on when she left today I was so glad I would not see her face any more, she is a whinnie reporter

  121. she is a twit… years ago she had a segment- ask algore a question. I got through- wanting to ask him why he is such a fascist traitor. No I don’t like that, and she hung up. I dialed again- What does it feel like to be a traitor to the constitution? No don’t like that, she hung up. I redialed and got in (I think I was the only one) another variation on the treason and gun control garbage of the freak demos.. The advertisement segment ended, and they came back to algore, and no questions got asked of algore. hahahah I was the only person calling in apparently- and the little witchlet refused all of my questions. So- what it involves is stupid arrogant anti-American freaks with crazy ideas of superiority not being liked or viewed by normal Americans.

  122. she is a twit… years ago she had a segment- ask algore a question. I got through- wanting to ask him why he is such a fascist traitor. No I don’t like that, and she hung up. I dialed again- What does it feel like to be a traitor to the constitution? No don’t like that, she hung up. I redialed and got in (I think I was the only one) another variation on the treason and gun control garbage of the freak demos.. The advertisement segment ended, and they came back to algore, and no questions got asked of algore. hahahah I was the only person calling in apparently- and the little witchlet refused all of my questions. So- what it involves is stupid arrogant anti-American freaks with crazy ideas of superiority not being liked or viewed by normal Americans.

  123. Bravo! Couric is a self egrandizing liberal. Her “smart conversation” will be the same old “tripe” that has flowed from her lips.The cutesy mystique has paled and left the building!

  124. she is a twit… years ago she had a segment- ask algore a question. I got through- wanting to ask him why he is such a fascist traitor. No I don’t like that, and she hung up. I dialed again- What does it feel like to be a traitor to the constitution? No don’t like that, she hung up. I redialed and got in (I think I was the only one) another variation on the treason and gun control garbage of the freak demos.. The advertisement segment ended, and they came back to algore, and no questions got asked of algore. hahahah I was the only person calling in apparently- and the little witchlet refused all of my questions. So- what it involves is stupid arrogant anti-American freaks with crazy ideas of superiority not being liked or viewed by normal Americans.

  125. Just like the standard, run-of-the-mill Liberal–always blame someone else. As an examplw: Here’s the January 1, 2075 Headline from The Washington Post:
    EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA: It’s Still Bush’s Fault!

  126. Ms. Couric is no different than other die hard liberals, she’s delusional and blames others for her failures.

  127. she is a twit… years ago she had a segment- ask algore a question. I got through- wanting to ask him why he is such a fascist traitor. No I don’t like that, and she hung up. I dialed again- What does it feel like to be a traitor to the constitution? No don’t like that, she hung up. I redialed and got in (I think I was the only one) another variation on the treason and gun control garbage of the freak demos.. The advertisement segment ended, and they came back to algore, and no questions got asked of algore. hahahah I was the only person calling in apparently- and the little witchlet refused all of my questions. So- what it involves is stupid arrogant anti-American freaks with crazy ideas of superiority not being liked or viewed by normal Americans.

  128. This talentless bi.tch blames everyone else but herself for her failures. Her creditability is seriously questionable if she just repeats things she’s heard or read “somewhere” as facts. Maybe no one watched because no one likes her perky little holier-than-thou attitude.

  129. Yup, just like a liberal….always blame somebody else for your own failures…

  130. Ever since Couric showed her arrogance by trying to edit Sarah Palin into looking bad, and after Oprah endorsed Obama, many conservatives, independents and even some liberals were forced to make more clear cut choices. And they chose not to follow people like Couric and Oprah because of their ignorance and arrogance about the important issues of today. The regular person wants the truth, still wants America to be a great place to live, and doesn’t want this country going to hell in a handbasket by the likes of Couric, etc.

  131. She is probably right…. every local affiliate in the country provides a weak lead-in?????
    She should just go on tour with Charlie Sheen.

  132. you’re all a bunch of fat bible thumping bastards

  133. Wow. Katie Couric and others like her in the “mainstream” media still don’t get it. Especially the real dolts like Couric who is not even a real journalist. They are increasingly becoming more irrelevant with each passing day. Why would anyone with access to the internet or with a smartphone who cares about current events depend upon the “CBS Evening News” to find out what’s going on? During a 30 minute period (22 minutes when you factor in commercials) you get a very abbreviated summary of pre-selected news stories that give you a left-of-center perspective. And the information you get from the network news is hours or even days old in some cases.

  134. Really? The local affiliates? I’m surprised she didn’t blame Bush.

  135. Or maybe viewers got tired of having to see the inside of her colon every other year. This woman has a serious fetish about having foreign objects like cameras inserted up her rectum.

  136. No one is home at 6pm CST to watch network broadcast news. And by the time they get home, they have already heard the news of the day. Who wants to watch her regurgitate the same with her liberal spin?

  137. Chipmunk with baby teeth needs to realize she is only good for the silly fluffy stuff. She is horrible at Hard Hitting News. Watching her is like watching Paint Dry. Boring as Hell! Until she comes down off her perch, living in her ivory tower, and thinking she is a Diva, she will always be a failure. Remember Connie Chung, she got canned at CBS, and you never heard from Chung again. Let’s hope the same for Chipmunk with baby teeth. Chung Couric!

  138. The world is a much smaller place today due to the information available on the Internet, network communications and 24 hour cable news. News does happen 24 hours a day somewhere in the world so cable news is a piece of the information “revolution”.
    The mainstream media attempts to pawn off a 30 minuite liberal commentary and call it news. By the time they broadcast the evening news everyone knows the news already and don’t care to watch a sniveling liberal for 30 minutes.
    In short, like newspapers, the “mainstream” evening newscasts are irrevelant today.
    Doesn’t matter what showboat personality CBS plugs in to the position, they will be number 3. It’s about quality, not some self absorped Hollywood wannabee.

  139. That’s right joejohn…and I’m coming over to your house tonight to “thump” a baseball bat across your and your fat-assed wife’s heads. Get ready, little man…I know where you live.

  140. Her show was on broadcast, not cable. Cable viewership is consistently on the rise

  141. Couric to Palin: “..,I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?”
    Palin to Couric: “I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media.”
    Couric to the World concerning why her ratings suck: “I haven’t really analyzed that. I’m just saying what I’ve read or some of the theories about it.”
    Sounds like Katie Couric is really Sarah Palin redux.

  142. Dumb, arrogant and liberal is no way to go through life you high dollar tramp!
    How funny is it going to be when all her facial injections catch up to her, she’ll look like ‘Droopy dog’ in a few years.

  143. Maybe people got tired of that cutesy little “and that’s a page from my notebook” line that she always spouted. No one ever took her seriously. She’s a ditz.

  144. Couric is a liberal, everyone knows it, no one wants to watch thirty minutes of her opining every night. End of story, CBS finally got it.

  145. Forget third place. What CBS needs to worry about is slipping into fourth place. On a nightly basis, Fox News is nipping at their heels. Typically, FNC is only several hundred thousand viewers behind CBS and gaining ground as each month goes by.

  146. Katie is a liberal douche like all the other mainstream media douches. how interesting that we don’t hear anything by these tools in the mainstream about high gas prices except on Fox of course. When Bush was Pres., it was the lead story, and woe to the big oil companies. gimme a break. Katie should team up with rikki lake, and diane sawyer and form their own “view” on cbs. maybe 3 or 4 dumbass women will watch.

  147. Isn’t she the same idiot that referred to “the unwashed masses” who apparently don’t listen to her? Who would want to waste their valuable time by listening to her form of drivel from the American left? She’s no journalist-just a slavering lap dog for Obama and his cronies.

  148. Come on folks, no need for thesis on the who and why of the network news crash. My dad always said, “I can spot a paint horse and a liberal from a mile away.” Liberals ALWAYS want to tell you what’s good for you. The advent of FOX news and other electronic news outlets have given Americans a choice. We’ve chosen.

  149. Just curious, can you name anyone on tv that isn’t biased? I have never seen anyone like that.

  150. When the liberal networks actually start reporting FACTS without their biased, twisted, omissive, and superficial :”analysis” then maybe people will actually watch….sometimes. Until then, ABC, CBS, and NBC are nothing more than mouthpieces for the DNC, liberal policy wonks, and their ilk. Have you seen ANY serious, indepth reports regarding Soros and the constellation of left wing groups that he and others have funded to push Socialism into the American system? I don’t think so. They are shills for the left. As one of the Soviet leaders said one time in reference to the American media, “They are willing dupes.”

  151. Fox news has all the Hotties!!!
    Couric is a faded has-been with a bad attitude.

  152. Miss Katie the reason for the poor ratings is not the local CBS affiliates, it is you my dear….you were foretasted from day one not to succeed due to your style.
    It don’t work for us.

  153. When the liberal networks actually start reporting FACTS without their biased, twisted, omissive, and superficial :”analysis” then maybe people will actually watch….sometimes. Until then, ABC, CBS, and NBC are nothing more than mouthpieces for the DNC, liberal policy wonks, and their ilk. Have you seen ANY serious, indepth reports regarding Soros and the constellation of left wing groups that he and others have funded to push Socialism into the American system? I don’t think so. They are shills for the left. As one of the Soviet leaders said one time in reference to the American media, “They are willing dupes.”

  154. She needs to show more leg. That will boost ratings for sure!!

  155. Ronald Reagan once stated, and I quote “Today’s liberals are the communists of the past.” Funny thing is that, at least 80% of the media is liberal, whereas less than 20% of the US population follows suite. The failure of Couric is just a reflex of the normal ratings CBS naturally should have, based on the type of leftist views they choose to present. I believe they are fervent fanatics on their belief, because it seems to me that money does not matter to them. Fox capitalize in their weakness.

  156. When the liberal networks actually start reporting FACTS without their biased, twisted, omissive, and superficial :”analysis” then maybe people will actually watch….sometimes. Until then, ABC, CBS, and NBC are nothing more than mouthpieces for the DNC, liberal policy wonks, and their ilk. Have you seen ANY serious, indepth reports regarding Soros and the constellation of left wing groups that he and others have funded to push Socialism into the American system? I don’t think so. They are shills for the left. As one of the Soviet leaders said one time in reference to the American media, “They are willing dupes.”

  157. When the liberal networks actually start reporting FACTS without their biased, twisted, omissive, and superficial :”analysis” then maybe people will actually watch….sometimes. Until then, ABC, CBS, and NBC are nothing more than mouthpieces for the DNC, liberal policy wonks, and their ilk. Have you seen ANY serious, indepth reports regarding Soros and the constellation of left wing groups that he and others have funded to push Socialism into the American system? I don’t think so. They are shills for the left. As one of the Soviet leaders said one time in reference to the American media, “They are willing dupes.”

  158. Exactly! right on the button “fox news lover.”

  159. Couric is a total failure because of her overweening ignorance and pride, plus he deep involvement in promoting a candidate who did not even have a copy of his original birth certificate and his school records. She was also very anti-feminist and very mean to female candidates Hillar Clinton a nd Sarah Palin, Aside from tat, she was caught making unprofessional attacks against the Palin family especially Trig Palin. These, plus her vanity to be featured as a fashion plare bedecked with diamonds. And she does not just look good. It was obvious that she gloried in her vanity. She was a DemocRAT frog in an admiring bog of DemocRATS. Outside this RAThole of egos,
    she is the virus that stinks and must be excised from the broadcast system. She is fake and it shows. Good riddance, get raid of Couric. She stinks.

  160. You are absolutely correct! Couric is not only biased and boring, but intellectually not up to the task and very mean spirited with anyone who does not hold her same wrongminded world views. Couric and Sawyer’s cutesy approach to journalism is certainly not on the same level as Cronkite or Murrow.

  161. Admittedly, Dan Blather and his blatant fabrication of “news” did not help the overall CBS cause. Still, the choice of a Couric was questionable from the start. When you stack blunder on top of blunder, the public will notice sooner or later.

  162. no one is watching local news with cable being more news and less commentary, GO FOX fair and balanced

  163. Narcissistic dots of Couric’s ilk will always find some reasons beyond themselves for their personal shortcomings.

  164. Narcissistic dots of Couric’s ilk will always find some reasons beyond themselves for their personal shortcomings.

  165. Come on folks, no need for thesis on the who and why of the network news crash. My dad always said, “I can spot a paint horse and a liberal from a mile away.” Liberals ALWAYS want to tell you what’s good for you. The advent of FOX news and other electronic news outlets have given Americans a choice. We’ve chosen.

  166. It is sad that mainstream media and their anchors cannot be objective/investigative journalists, instead of propoganda arms of the Democratic Party. Ever since Watergate the media has become part of the Government/Media/Academia Complex which are obsessed with destroying anything or anyone not in agreement with their Liberal agenda.

  167. Thats classy Katie blame someone else.
    Which “lead in” will get you to watch the CBS evening news.
    A. “Stay tuned for the CBS world news”
    B. “The CBS World News with Katie Couric is next.”
    C. “Stay tuned for piss poor reporting, bias, and Katie Couric…we’re sorry.”

  168. Many things have changed in our culture in
    the past 10-20 years and network news is on its way out. I never watch them but if I did Katie would be my third choice. I am a 74 year old white conservative and I thank God for the FOX News Channel. They bring on guests from both sides of an issue for debates. Katie turn out the lights and lock the door on your way out.

  169. You’re right Katie, the entire nation just doesn’t get it. It’s us, and not you…I’m guessing its your uber-liberal attack technique on those who don’t agree with you. Aren’t you tired of carrying the water for a handful of out of touch elitists, because it appears to have cost you your job.

  170. Katie Couric used to be perky now she is sour and bitter and mean spirited and no fund to watch at all.

  171. I find it annoying when the personality that is hired to perform a job blames anything but themselves for poor results. Katie is both biased and shallow hence the poor ratings.

  172. She needn’t blame the local channels. I love to watch the local in Mpls., but switch when national comes on simply because I have never been a fan of hers. She is condescending and self-centered.

  173. I disagree about the decline in cable viewership. In fact, I would say that there is an upsurge in cable viewership–this the problem. Why would I wait until 6:30 to find out what’s happening in the world when I can tune to any number of 24-hour news outlets on cable. I also have sattelite radio where I can tune in to the sound feed of those stations during my commute. Add to that the internet–which I can access not only at my desk, but on my phone or other device–and I have no need to be tethered to a TV for a prescribed time each evening.
    Those are the technical reasons for the demise of the half-hour network news program. The other reason is that so many people view newscasters as biased. Either way, I see this format going the way of the dinosaur.

  174. Thank you! U said it perfectly!

  175. Couric was lauded by the liberal media establishment when she sabotaged Sarah Palin.
    Her reward?
    Instead of saying she is being fired for poor ratings, she simply is stepping down.

  176. There always has to be a lag because it takes time to get the spin right. One network putting out facts as they unfold may not support the agenda, so it takes a bit of time to get the story straight.
    About a two-man race, one that you lost by 20 meters, it can be reported that: “you came in last”, “you lost the race badly”, “you lost by 20 meters”, “you lost the race”, “you came in second”, “the other guy came in next-to-last”, “you almost won the race”, “you might have won the race had it gone on for another (add in a distance), or had you been allowed to run faster, if not for some bias or handicap (fill in the blank)”. And, of course, there is: “the other guy won.”!
    Facts themselves are not usually the overriding issue, therefore you cannot expect the timeliness that those without an agenda can achieve. That being the case, the main stream puts out old, but coordinated, news.

  177. I thought the network was supposed to act as a magnet for the locals. Who knew?

  178. Yup…Katie was and is still boring. Now she knows what a small world she lives in. Unfortunately for us we had to ignore cbs for years because we knew what a small biased world she lived in.
    Pretty scary for us viewers looking for news…hope we don’t have to wait that long again.

  179. Katie needs to face up to the facts, and the facts are that she sucks. She sucked on GMA and she sucked as the anchorperson on CBS. She was marginally attractive; now she’s an old bat slut who fucks whatever boytoys she can pay to hump her.

  180. Couric is a flaming liberal which are a dime a dozen on the major networks… everyone knows what her position on any issue is going to be even before you watch…that is the reason her ratings are low.

  181. Katie needs to become a MILF porn star known for double penetration. Just imagine her face chomping down on a big black cock or two enormous hard cocks, one in her pussy and one up her ass. It will definitely sell better than the CBS News. And if she catches AIDS – well, who cares?

  182. ratings are lousy because COURIC SUCKS!!

  183. Ms Couric can be at ease. I watch the lead in news for one and a half hours on the CBS affiliate then change the channel when she comes on.

  184. Katie Couric is alleged to have the hottest gash in all television news. A friend of my friends friend alleges that she spept her way all the way to the bottom…

  185. Yup…Katie was and is still boring. Now she knows what a small world she lives in. Unfortunately for us we had to ignore cbs for years because we knew what a small biased world she lived in.
    Pretty scary for us viewers looking for news…hope we don’t have to wait that long again.

  186. As we lay there in the early morning sunshine closely together, intertwined on our sides facing each other, Katie roused from her light slumber raised her face and lips to mine – and we shared a deep kiss as I continued to slowly, gently and smoothly fuck her as I had most of the night. She wiggled, changed position slightly, moving a bit more tightly against me, wrapping her upper leg a bit more tightly around mine, and gave a few small playful thrusts back against my dick with her hips – enjoying the motion – then with traces of a contented smile at the corners of her pretty lips, laid her head back on my chest and drifted back into light slumber… It had been a long night…
    As we lay there naked on top of the covers on that warm late summer morning, past Katie in the full-length mirror of the closet door adjacent to the bed, I could see reflected her gorgeous shapely body, my one arm beneath her head and around her shoulder and, the other down gently upon her ass as I pulled her towards me with each gentle stroke into her, her firm full breasts planted snuggly against my chest – and I could see reflected my dick gliding in and out of her smooth tightly stretched, cleanly shaved pussy as I slowly stroked in and out of her – and she ever so slightly met each of my thrusts with small matching ones of her own, even as she dozed. And as I lay there, I thought about the events leading to this delightful moment in time…
    Katie and I originally hooked up at a bar. We went into her house, and Katie asked if I preferred to fuck her in the front room on the couch, or back in the bedroom – and I led her on back to the bedroom.
    As I slipped out of my clothes, Katie was doing the same – she was definitely ripe and ready for the complete demonstration. Her naked body was as gorgeous as I had imagined – good-sized full erect breasts – now with hard nipples – and a nicely shaved pussy, all wet and inviting. For my part, my erection was also impressive – I was horny as hell after nearly a month of no sex, and one of the effects of the supplements I was taking, was the head of my dick was noticeably larger in diameter than the rest of my dick, which was pretty big itself at an overall length of about 8/12 inches.
    Katie was delighted at what I was showing her, but quickly went to her medicine cabinet and brought out some Vaseline – and knelt down to apply some to the head of my dick – then handed me the tube and asked if I wanted to apply some to her pussy lips – man, DID I! She laid down on the bed, spread her legs, and I gently spread a thin layer all around – noting the firmness of her pussy and it’s compactness – obviously, this was gonna be a tight fit – but what a delight!
    All that accomplished, she lay back further on the bed, and as I joined her, she again spread her legs widely and pulled them back for me to mount and enter her – she asked that I go slowly, since I obviously had more to put in her than she’d ever had before.

  187. ditto

  188. Katie forgets that she may need some of these local stations that she blames for her next show, whatever that may be. Especially if the syndication market sees value in her.

  189. Katie forgets that she may need some of these local stations that she blames for her next show, whatever that may be. Especially if the syndication market sees value in her.

  190. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them watch a crappy product.

  191. There were a few folks in the 1950’s who listened to the Lone Ranger on radio because they hadn’t bought a TV yet. The same type of person today watches network news because broadcast TV is the only option they’ve chosen.
    Network news and broadcast TV generally are as much a relic today as were the radio dramas in the 1950’s. Katie may be the least successful relic, but the medium itself is in a irreversible downward spiral.

  192. She’s right, the local stations’ lead-ins are what killed the ratings. Specifically, the part where, as the local news team was signing off, they would announce “And now, the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.”
    Millions of people would change the channel to Fox News as soon as they heard that.

  193. I watch the local lead in news on our local CBS affiliate here in Sacramento. When Couric comes on, I switch the channel over to another local channel airing local news.
    I don’t watch any national news programs. I’m just tired of the ceaseless propaganda.
    News used to be “who, what, where, when” and the reader, listener, or viewer was left to figure out “why”.
    Once people started telling you “why”, then you were conditioned how to think.

  194. It Couldn’t be Her condesending style and CBS’s slanted and dishonest content!!!

  195. I thought she had a nice butt and great legs. Main trouble with her program was and is still the same. Sometimes you hear her talk. At that point, the only thing one can do is change the channel. Nice butt and legs can’t make up for the BS coming out of her mouth. Stopped watching her morning program once her views became clear. What would make anyone watch her at night, where she thinks she has a pulpit from which to preach her liberal crap?
    Over the years, I’ve learned that once a journalist flavors a story, liberal or conservative, (it doesn’t matter) I can no longer trust that journalist. Morning pablum, is one thing, leftist BS as news is another.

  196. It Couldn’t be Her condesending style and CBS’s slanted and dishonest content!!!

  197. Egg-xactly!!!

  198. Katie nailed it, she talked again while admitting she never analyzed anythng?
    In essence, Katie is blaming Dan Rather and others for CBS News being in third Place when she took over.
    Yet, Katie took the the $15 Million per year and never was able to increase CBS News ratings and now blaming her failure on others seems less classy in a sense on par with trashing everyone but yourself.
    Now Katie is talking about a Talk Show? Can’t wait to hear that excuse when that fails too!

  199. No, Ms. Couric, the reason is that you suck. You’re no journalist, you’re no anchor, you were at best a gummy, Herman Munster look-alike smile on some stupid morning fluff show. Your liberal bias was perhaps a bit too overt, and you’re no eye candy to boot, not that you have to be eye candy to get high ratings, but you just had nothing. Wherever you go, you’ll suck.

  200. That ‘smart’ word hit me too. If she’s involved, it won’t be too ‘smart’

  201. “Broadcast vs. Cable”?? Last time I flipped, they were ALL on cable.

  202. Katie is amazingly ignorant for a person that collects $14 million per year. I would never have hired her to do serious news. I do not watch Katie much, but when I have, she has always left me wanting more information and less liberal drivel. As this country continues to erode its own future with mountains of debt, it is people with power like Katie that are among most disappointing.

  203. Oh yeah? Well, I happen to like Katie, and don’t forget that she’s not nearly as inexperienced and incompetent in her job as my husband, and he’s the friggin’ president! Idiots. It just makes me mad that these local stations wouldn’t provide Katie with animated cartoons, shop-til-you-drop, how to recognize Alzheimer’s, etc., etc. as lead-ins to her always-excellent broadcast. Cheesh! And most of you sexists probably weren’t even born in Hawaii! You go, girl! Well, I guess that’s what you’re doing.

  204. Early promos said something like CBS News just got a little sexier. If she would have taken that ball and run with it she might have had a chance. Feminism strikes again “You can’t market me as sexy, I’m a serious reporter”. WRONG you were hired for sexy but wouldn’t let them use it. Enjoy your unemployment.

  205. No no no. The lame stream media is an unsanctioned propaganda outlet for the over the top corrupt govt. People are waking up to this fact and running like rats off a sinking ship to alternative sources for information. This is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. You people still stuck in your high school football view of the world and US politics are fuggin dinosaurs struggling to get out of the tar pit.
    lol. Grow up.

  206. may be it,s the fact she has had a love a fare with the left wing nut jobs and obama

  207. I will not ever listen to that liberal (LOL LIBERALS ARE NOT LIBERAL AT ALL) piece of dog dung as long as I live.

  208. Even Walter Cronkite voice could not help her achieve higher ratings, but of course he was gthe first to give his opinions on the CBS News instaed of just informing us to let us the peopel to decide.
    He is gone and so is Katie, as well as the CBS News Executive that chose Katie, she is now doing damage control for her carrer, while FOX NEWS s killing all three Networks.
    Katie was a horrible choice and everyone knows it, nothing can hide it, and Katie could not analyze anything, she is becoming a little pig, and none of her huffing, puffing, or fluffing can protect her from her own failures caused only her.
    CBS News wasted millions on her when they could have hired many highly rated and fair earning News Journalistsfor them that could do real stories and segments.
    Perhaps Katie Couric can ask Sarah Palin what she can do now to save her carrer?

  209. Yeah, the blame game is pathetic. Did she never think she’d be found out? Did she really delude herself into thinking she had the chops?

  210. How about, shut up and show us your tits. How many would watch that? I would.

  211. Perhaps Katie’s “freind” Sarah Pailin is chuckling to herself. What goes around comes around. For Katie tohave been able to masquarade as any kind of serious journalist, shows what an intellectual wasteland network TV has devolved into over the years.

  212. Typical response to their own failings…blame on someone or something else, it could never be themselves.
    Couric has always been a condescending loser, it just taken a while to catch up to her.

  213. She’s a journalist as Lady Gaga is an artist. The level of quality has fallen so low that anyone can be a star and get a cookie. Ponies and ice cream for all the mediocre.
    —– http://911essentials.com

  214. How about, shut up and show us your tits. How many would watch that? I would.

  215. Typical response to their own failings…blame it on someone or something else, it could never be themselves.
    Couric has always been a condescending loser, it just taken a while to catch up to her.

  216. Oh yeah? Well, I happen to like Katie, and don’t forget that she’s not nearly as inexperienced and incompetent in her job as my husband, and he’s the friggin’ president! Idiots. It just makes me mad that these local stations wouldn’t provide Katie with animated cartoons, shop-til-you-drop, how to recognize Alzheimer’s, etc., etc. as lead-ins to her always-excellent broadcast. Cheesh! And most of you sexists probably weren’t even born in Hawaii! You go, girl! Well, I guess that’s what you’re doing.

  217. Oh yeah? Well, I happen to like Katie, and don’t forget that she’s not nearly as inexperienced and incompetent in her job as my husband, and he’s the friggin’ president! Idiots. It just makes me mad that these local stations wouldn’t provide Katie with animated cartoons, shop-til-you-drop, how to recognize Alzheimer’s, etc., etc. as lead-ins to her always-excellent broadcast. Cheesh! And most of you sexists probably weren’t even born in Hawaii! You go, girl! Well, I guess that’s what you’re doing.

  218. Yeah, the blame game is pathetic. Did she never think she’d be found out? Did she really delude herself into thinking she had the chops?

  219. Typical liberal, blame everyone but yourself. It works for the community organizer, so why not Katie.

  220. Katie should reprise her interview of Barack Obama on her new show and ask him tough questions like, ” How do you keep up your energy/” A new question might be “how did you do in the last NCAA Basketball Brackets?” Or “You were so desrving of the Noel Peace Prize, could you share with us some of what you did to deserve the award?”

  221. You actually understand what he said to the point you agree with it ???
    I thought cable viewership was climbing and network viewership was declining…

  222. I don’t want to *say* anything, but “people are saying” local news stations have something to do with it…..
    I’m not going to say that the CBS local news affiliates are bad…..but you know, people are saying…. so of course my ratings are going to be just terrible….People are saying…

  223. Two things:
    when Katie was on with Matt Lauer, the sexual tension between them made people want to watch. Not the strength of either.
    The way she treated Sarah Palin cemented her pettiness.

  224. It will be interesting to what as the self-licking ice-cream cone mainstream media anoints and replaces anchors on their downward spiral. It is a little like watching a train wreck in slow motions.

  225. They are all failing. The big ones in the industry will have to size down massively to survive as the internet free information has taken over… Nobody is buying the state run media and its useless babel any longer. We want real information. Real people…the politicians are all fake with the exception of a few, but now the media is fake X10 more than ever. Nobody is buying them either now. This is why things will come to be that the major “News” networks fail.

  226. Perkie estblishes her lib cred! Ever notice that whatever the failure, it’s never their fault?

  227. CBS still has a news show? Surely you jest.

  228. everyone watches a morning show which is how she emerged; it had nothing to do with her talent.
    couric is too rehearsed and this causes her to get stuck in a corner.
    i submit that millions not watching vs her opinion that it is not her fault a result that IS her fault.

  229. Wait you think Fox News is not biased? Seriously? You were making a joke right?

  230. Like all extremely well versed Liberals, she’ll be welcomed with open arms in at high learning schools of Journalism where, like Anita Hill, will receive a Heroine’s welcome. And the other Girl’s club magazines will help make her richer for exposing her liberal views. So don’t feel sorry for vivavious Katie..she has places to go.

  231. Here’s why conservatives make me laugh. The long term of the conservative agenda has clearly failed. Right now things are good for you, but look at the mambership of your party. Your numbers are dying off from old age. You continue to alienate minorities, the young, and the educated with every election cycle. In another generation you’ll all be gone, and your “ideals” will be exposed in the history books for the broken failures that they are. Your “leadership” led our nation into the ground. Mission accomplished indeed!

  232. How much effort does it take to ‘change channels’. Have you no controller? Different channels are a click away.
    That is, if you have a fairly new TV set. But then again, since you ‘switched’ to NBC, I guess you’re to dumb to realize that thing on your coffee table changes channels/volume etc.
    Try it. You may like it.
    Then click on over to FoxNews. Bret is excellent, but Shep has been told to be ‘cutsy’ – and wont last long.

  233. great to hear from the dittoheads and drudge report readers. not surprisingly, 95% have the same opinion!

  234. Katie Couric failure is simply her failure to report the news.
    Gulf Oil Spill.
    She reports on a feather with some oil on it and a little girl who’s mommy drove her down there to have her picture taken for TV going Boo Hoo Hoo. “It’s not fair” Waaaah!!!
    Diane Sawyer will be next to go for the same reason.

  235. A sure sign she’s aging because most men aren’t listening to what she’s saying anyway. That being said, her ratings probably would improve if she’d just shut up and stand there with a smile.

  236. Number 3? She should consider herself very very fortunate. I have never thought she merited the position she holds nor the Today Show. Sorry, but she comes across as extremely naive and childish. I do not look for her to deliver or introduce news for me. I’ve always wondered to whom she was related which is the only reason I can surmise as to why she’s on television at all.

  237. Another example of the Rick Sanchez syndrome and the Charlie Sheen book of denial.

  238. Republican numbers are dying off because the only voters with brains and a conscience are abandoning BOTH parties (of course, this means more will be Rs than Ds). Libs just don’t get it – Americans are being stolen from by both parties and those who prefer laziness and free stuff.
    I don’t expect you to get this, but have to say it for those who can process information without getting overly emotional.

  239. The journalists at FOX News should not be confused with the commentators. Veterans like Brit Hume and Steve Centani,as well as Carl Cameron, Bret Baier and Steve Harrigan, are old-school, ‘right down the middle’ reporters whose own political biases are NEVER on display. If those who bashed FOX actually watched them in action rather than rely on second-hand reports, they would already know this.

  240. Speaking of apathy — why do we care at all about this?

  241. Funny……she thinks …how she thinks…Liberals.They took a girl from a daytime TV show and thought she could report the New’s….she is not a serious news reporter…she comes off like a college kid from Berkley, and she has too many personal liberal opinions that have nothing to do with the News.

  242. You are so right!!!!!…CBS/NBC/ABC are leaning so far left, I am surprised they have any following…..i’ve not watched anything from them in YEARS!….in fact, they could shut TV off all together and no one would miss it after withdrawl!

  243. Eventually people get tired of cheesecake.

  244. Katarine, you are correct! I can’t imagine anyone considering Ms Couric (15 mil a year) a journalist. CBS lost any credibility they had as a news source the minute they placed her there.

  245. Major Garrett comes to mind.

  246. You are so right!!!!!…CBS/NBC/ABC are leaning so far left, I am surprised they have any following…..i’ve not watched anything from them in YEARS!….in fact, they could shut TV off all together and no one would miss it after withdrawl!

  247. No Katie, the local news lead-in is just fine. It’s just that our local news is actually news, not the leftist political spin disguised as news that you put out. That’s why we turn it at 6:30 or 6:35 when the local new goes off.

  248. When one leans to far one way, one falls over and crashes.

  249. You know what would win the ratings? Katie hosting the guillotine runs of the stupid stinking traitor pig democrats…pelosi reid feinstein wyden franken- a last word from each and then katie laugh as she pulls the lever (because, the moment she hesitates at the lever, she gets to give her last word)…then when the last evil pig democrat is chunked into a head and carcass, the country can laugh again.

  250. I blame her Live-televised colo-rectal exam years ago, on The Today Show.

  251. Katie Couric has always been over rated. She’s is known as nurse Ratchet behind the closed doors at teh studios and is so self centered.Only in America can a person make $13 million for reporting news that nobody watches!

  252. Blaming the affiliates? For what? Anyone can read the news and execute a show put together by producers. Just a matter of how good they look and sound in doing it. Not much talent required for the gig.

  253. Couric is a loser, and will remain as such until she sheds her liberal bias. Americans want fair and balanced news.

  254. I love it when articles are linked to Drudge! The comments are so funny. You RWNJs are a riot. If you would get your heads out of your butts you would see how the GOP is taking the middle class for a ride! You are all idiots! Compare GWBs presidency with Obama and you will agree that Obama is such a better president. GWB was an idiot who will go down as a worse president than James Buchanan!

  255. Is anyone else getting a little tired of pretty little ‘newswomen’ with blond hair, who giggle and smile while reporting horrific stories and have squeaky voices that hurt the ears?

  256. No its….well…its just you bitch!

  257. Just think, Couric did it all for money and Couric thought Palin was dumb.

  258. Katie just doesn’t get it. Rather than blaming someone else all the time, she needs to take a look at herself – she is very biased, boring and just not appealing. No depth at all.

  259. In this fast-paced world where news is old within a couple of hours . . . many prefer getting their hard news instantly from the Internet.
    Many of us, who still enjoy watching the evening news, prefer NBC’s Brian Williams and his easy going style of delivery (plus one of those touching, heartwarming stories before he signs off).
    I think the reality is that CBS will always be in last place (of the 3 major networks) . . . with or without Katie Couric.

  260. A couple of days before Couric took the anchor job there was a fluff piece in which she informed us at she would tell us what the news is and then tell us what it means to us. She did that with a straight face.
    Arrogance seems to go hand in hand with biased reporting with liberal “journalists”.
    It surprises me not a bit that she has failed at her most recent position. It does surprise me a bit that they are dumping her for it. Accountability does not seem to come up very often with liberal organizations unless someone like Juan Williams gets crosswise with the party line as happened with the NPR crowd.

  261. It was definitely Bush’s fault. Poor little Katie. We’ll never see her whacking a fish with a bat! She would never stoop so low as to board that dirty boat!

  262. Is it possible that CBS’s problems began way before Couric when Dan Blather was shown to be a biased liar when he tried to pin an “AWOL” label on GWB during the campaign of 2000 using falsified documents? Or was it the female staffer who was also shown to be a biased liar for a similar tactic? There are probably other examples but God forbid the responsibility for Couric’s failure would fall on her!

  263. Funny, we bust Couric’s theory every night. In our small market, the local CBS affiliate offers what is by far the best news coverage. So that is what we watch at 6:00. When the opening music signals the beginning of the CBS evening news at 6:30, we switch to another network. Why? Simply because their news cast is the weakest of the major networks, and Couric doesn’t help. Their nightly program is typical, agenda based coverage, and Ms. Couric gives poor interviews. What is the point of staging an interview when the structure of the questions asked relegate the guest to yes and no answers?

  264. Ever since her “balanced” interviews with Obama and then Sarah Palin I haven’t been able to stomach even seeing her. She’s the reason her ratings are so terrible.

  265. Bint. I guess she has to blame it on something other than herself.

  266. Everybody else’s fault except her own. Wake up Katie, it was your show and you should take the responsibility.

  267. Thomas, Fox News is unbiased in their news programming. They do have nightly shows that are based on the host’s point of view. What’s wrong with that?

  268. i put the blame on CBS evening news watchers. Its their fault for the lousy ratings. There, there, Katie. Do you feel less at blame now? I suppose I ought to give you credit for not blaming it on the weather.

  269. What a sore loser! Her problem was first and foremost that she is a pro-Democrat liberal – and only 20% of the public belongs to that group – and less than 5% of the over 60 audience that she serves – or tried to serve – are liberal.
    As long as the traditional networks fail to understand that the audience is conservative, they will continue to slide in the ratings. It’s actually incredible when you think about it – all any one network would have to do to rocket to the top in ratings is to tilt the programming conservative instead of liberal. But, somehow these people can’t do that -they put ideology ahead of money and ratings – and shareholder value. Given Fox’s overwhelming success the failure to imitate it by conservative programming is mystifying – and utterly insane.
    Imitation is the meat of the television business – success breeds imitators – look at American Idol. Yet none of the traditional networks have sought conservative viewers, even though they constitute 60% of the population. It is inexplicable – ideology before money.
    So, ratings aren’t everything – even if it means shareholder value.
    The networks are insane!

  270. It would be nice if CBS could find an objective Walter Cronkite-type anchor for the aging population who still receive their news via nightly tv broadcasts.

  271. You can learn a lot about a woman by answering one question. The question can be asked 3 different ways, as follows:
    1) Is she dumber than Katie Couric?
    2) Is she dumber than Valerie Jarrett?
    3) Is she dumber than Nancy Pelosi?

  272. Every time something get linked to Drudge, someone from Media Matters like this nut claims to be a regular at the site linked and complains about conservative commentators. Don’t be fooled!

  273. she’s a tool for sure, but i’d still fuck her ass and cum in her big mouth.

  274. Bill O’Reilly does a consistantly great job of trying to present both sides of every story. That is the reason why his show is the #1 news program on the planet.

  275. Woo hoo! Herman Munster….classic!

  276. I totaly agree!

  277. America has seen Katy as a whole -inside and out and it was groundbreaking to see Katie’s essence from the inside of the gate too– now that is what …TMI no, a ground breaking obseration I suppose?

  278. Bint. I guess she has to blame something/someone other than herself.

  279. Bint. I guess she has to blame something/someone other than herself.

  280. The raccoon eyed one is in denial, she wears her bias like a badge of honor (clicking her commie red slippers together rythmically and chanting, “there’s no propaganda like DNC propaganda”). As long as she only ever tries to please the leftwing circle of friends she dances for, she will only be liked by those of such ilk… and emperical data tells us it is a small audience compared to mainstream America (but they do know how to fool minorities and college kids into voting for half baked ideas).

  281. Perhaps if they had called it the CBS Nite Nite News and had Couric co-anchored with Elmo she could have picked up the elusive 4 to 8 year old demographic.

  282. Katie Couric hosting a show called “Smart Conversation”…that’s my new definition of oxymoron.

  283. I don’t care what her bias is necessarily, but to point fingers at all the local affiliates for poor lead-in, that’s just class-less, non-team play. You’re the ‘big girl on campus’. You should be the proverbial “Seinfeld” tent-pole to hold up the poor downtrodden local affiliates for early evening programming with your big salary. Shameful.

  284. ‘ A bad carpenter always blames it on his tools ‘ as my grandfather would say.

  285. Local market has nothing to do with her low ratings. I watch the local first then switch when she comes on.

  286. Maybe she needs to bring back “Couric’s Colon” or other gyneocological films to boost her ratings!

  287. “Smart Conversation” in Katie Couric’s world is “her own opinion”—her liberal bias — the reason why most independent thinkers are just plain tired of her.

  288. Cronkite? He was most responsible for helping the North Vietnamese spin our battle victories into Political defeat with his left leaning BS coverage of the Vietnam war.

  289. She is a widow. She’s old. She’s got crow’s feet around her eyes. Perky in older people is often a sign of Alzheimers. TV audiences want young women not those over-the-hill.

  290. She has it nailed, nothing more needs to be said. You have a lousy product, ( Couric in this case) you lose viewers.

  291. I love it when articles are linked to Drudge! The comments are so funny. You lefties are a riot. If you would get your heads out of your butts you would see how the DNC is taking the middle class for a ride! You are all idiots! Compare jimmie carters presidency with Obama and you will agree that Obama is such a better president. carter was an idiot who will go down as a worse president than barack hussien obama!!

  292. CBS should apologize to its shareholders for her ridiculous contract. Her rumored new venture with Matt Lauer will be a bomb too. No one likes her. She’s a pretentious humorless limo liberal.

  293. Yeah, but she sure is perky.

  294. Mrs. Obama,
    I don’t believe this is really you. It is far more eloquent than the usually tripe that dribbles from your mouth. Plus, I really doubt you have the time to post on a website what with your hectic schedule. Aren’t you a little busy jumping on a jet to another exotic location? Or is it just another tame night at the White House? Just another couple hundred people over for another party with Kobe beef and Caviar? I sure would like just a nibble off the yummy food you shove in your face at my expense. Instead, I will head to the cupboard and crack open a can of Beefaroni. Thanks, though, for coming on to this site to check on how us little people are doing! I love how you are so in touch with the people!

  295. Who made American local affiliates the policemen of the world news?

  296. The Palin interview turned me off Katie. Her question, “What magazines do you read?” was utterly stupid and demeaning. Why – why – why should and/or could the Democrats own the journalistic media? We need a STRONG Independent Party and someone to be President who knows what he’s doing instead of one who’s trying to destroy our Republic and our Constitution. Trump may be our man. Obama’s black grandmother said she was at the hospital in Kenya when he was born. Duh!! Haven’t you seen the YouTube of her in Kenya?

  297. The Palin interview turned me off Katie. Her question, “What magazines do you read?” was utterly stupid and demeaning. Why – why – why should and/or could the Democrats own the journalistic media? We need a STRONG Independent Party and someone to be President who knows what he’s doing instead of one who’s trying to destroy our Republic and our Constitution. Trump may be our man. Obama’s black grandmother said she was at the hospital in Kenya when he was born. Duh!! Haven’t you seen the YouTube of her in Kenya?

  298. Mrs. Obama,
    I don’t believe this is really you. It is far more eloquent than the usually tripe that dribbles from your mouth. Plus, I really doubt you have the time to post on a website what with your hectic schedule. Aren’t you a little busy jumping on a jet to another exotic location? Or is it just another tame night at the White House? Just another couple hundred people over for another party with Kobe beef and Caviar? I sure would like just a nibble off the yummy food you shove in your face at my expense. Instead, I will head to the cupboard and crack open a can of Beefaroni. Thanks, though, for coming on to this site to check on how us little people are doing! I love how you are so in touch with the people!

  299. Ms Couric, if you want “smart conversation”, I suggest you stay off your own show.

  300. It’s Bush’s fault that her ratings are

  301. It is a typical liberal extrimist as always no matter what they did, whom they told you about, who they talked to…Their failures are always by someone else not theirs. It is very sick and sad. With an amount of moneys she has received and the work she is supposed to perform is so ironic. If I were someone who took charge to hire anchoress like this then she would not had this job ever. She, Dian Sayer, Williams are the same things – Propaganda loud speaker, unprofessional, liberal extrimists, democrat activists or obama’s mess machine cleaner…

  302. Are you insane. No. Just another high school football minded idiot. Bill O’Reily is a sexual assaulting propaganda shill. But you dont even know the difference because he is your team. Pathetic duped fool.

  303. Huh? Broadcast TV is carried by cable companies.
    I have never seen here show, and I only have “broadcast tv”. Here in Raleigh I have 42 OTA channels to choose from, but I really do not want to spend that time period watching TV.
    I am normally home by 6:00pm and I spend that time making, and having dinner with my family. The teenagers no longer enjoy helping make the dinner as much, but they do not complain about it. And dinner taste much better when everyone helps make it and enjoys it together.

  304. Her ratings would be better if I could shove my c*ck up her a$$hole and fill it with cum.

  305. I don’t think so… ratings do not lie!

  306. I don’t think so… ratings do not lie!

  307. For $15 million a year, one would expect a little for than what she had to offer.

  308. I blame the producers and writers of the evening news. They recycle the same exact news that other networks report on, they have no creativity.

  309. Perky lib, big wup

  310. If they would just get around to reporting the news instead of their views people may start to watch again.Investigative reporting requires the collection of facts not opinions,and sometimes if not always those facts make somebody look good or bad that’s the nature of investigative reporting…let the chips fall where they may.Otherwise what you have is a variety show all that’s missing is the dancing bears…oh wait they have those already.

  311. You’re correct, Katarine. Good thoughts.

  312. Where to begin? the sooner the NEWS Biz goes the way of buggy whip Biz and clay tablets the sooner CIVILIZATION will advance in PEACE, FREEDOM, and PROSPERITY

  313. Where to begin? the sooner the NEWS Biz goes the way of buggy whip Biz and clay tablets the sooner CIVILIZATION will advance in PEACE, FREEDOM, and PROSPERITY

  314. It’s all Bush’s fault

  315. I’m a registered Republican. The last Republican I voted for was Ronald Reagan, and now I view that as a wasted vote.
    I vote for Libertarian candidates and stay registered as a Republican as a way to screw up the primaries.
    You, sir, and indubitably a fool. The Republicans and Democrats are one in the same. Both are tools of trans-national corporations, and supra-national organizations.
    I hope you enjoy being a brain dead tool of a totalitarian state. May God have mercy upon your soul.

  316. Katie is insipid, though pretty. Her sluggish performance had nothing to do with CBS local affiliates, more to do with CBS sleaze at national levels.

  317. All of the network news readers drink from the same bottle of chardonnay. There is not an original thought among them. If I had a business and every day I insulted my customers, I would expect to be soon out of business.
    I still remember the look of disbelief on Couric’s face when she saw the footage of people lined up at railroad tracks across the country to catch a glimpse of Reagan’s funeral train heading to Cal. They just don’t get it at all.

  318. Typical liberal POS. Always blame others.

  319. riiight…you tell em katie

  320. Maybe her ratings went down because she is liberal, deceitful, and not that cute anymore.

  321. Katie has done nothing but abuse the privilege that she has been given to be at the anchor desk. I am old enough to remember when it was just a useless ambition for women. But Katie drives me crazy with her cutesy-cutesy impression of a prom queen. Edward R Murrow as prom queen? I don’t think so. Walter Cronkite? Peter Jennings? Any seriuos journalist would find her laughable.

  322. People are missing the point. about 45% of the population is conservative, about 30% is moderate and 25% is liberal. The 25% of liberals and the left leaning moderates re split between MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. The 45% of conservatives and the right leaning and middle moderates all go to FOX. No surprise that let leftist channels are dying economically and their people are being laid off in droves. The fact that Couric is boring hurts CBS compared to the other networks but even if she was as good as O’Reilly or the Fox announcers she still is in a six way fight for market share. Meanwhile the further left she is, the worst CBS does, the more they shrink and the weaker they get. Eventually somebody will wake up and move to the middle. NBC is different – bound to Obama by the crony capitalism of Jeff Immelt, a character very reminiscent of Orren Boyle in Atlas Shrugged. Let all these leftist channels claw one another to death. They deserve it.

  323. Couric’s ratings are down because she injects left wing politics into everything she reports. And her treatment of Sarah Palin, whom millions of Americans like, was her final straw. I can’t believe CBS thought she was some superstar after letting her flippant personality run wild. When will the left wing narcissists finally realize they are 19% of the population & no one watches or listens to them anymore?

  324. She needs to show her titties

  325. Earth to katie, psssst…your not cute anymore, and youre too liberal, petty, and shallow.

  326. Couric’s ratings are down because she injects left wing politics into everything she reports. And her treatment of Sarah Palin, whom millions of Americans like, was her final straw. I can’t believe CBS thought she was some superstar after letting her flippant personality run wild. When will the left wing narcissists finally realize they are 19% of the population & no one watches or listens to them anymore?

  327. You Helen are a dope and a nitwit! To think that Trump is serious just shows that you are a stupid bimbo. He is doing that to raise his ratings on Apprentice. He is not even that good of a businessman. That you believe his claims that Obama was not born in the US just shows that you are a kool-aid drinker that can’t think for themselves. So let’s assume he was born in Kenya, did his parents put a birth anouncement in the Hawaii papers because they knew he would one day run for president?? If you listen to he whole interview you would hear the grandmother clarify her answer that Obama wa sborn in Hawaii. Get off your fat, stupid ass and do some research.Don’t just sit there stuffing your fat, ugly face with cheetos and believe everything Glen Beck says. Use that gray matter between your ears!

  328. The very liberal Katie Couric learned the hard way ,even if you report the news as dictated ,in the end its about the ratings.
    Katie can now join the ranks of Glenn Beck.
    Ratings do matter.Its all about the money.

  329. This is the same woman that is critical of Sarah Pallin for not thinking before speaking? Sometimes when you do that the truth is what we hear. It couldn’t possibly be poor Katie’ fault! Sarah can see Katie’s ego from her front porch too.

  330. The very liberal Katie Couric learned the hard way ,even if you report the news as dictated ,in the end its about the ratings.
    Katie can now join the ranks of Glenn Beck.
    Ratings do matter.Its all about the money.

  331. high ratings for FOX is because it is the ONLY station for tea minions.
    so don’t brag about the ratings.
    when you add the total number who watch other stations than FOX (the ones that you don’t watch for news), the numbers are 10X the viewership of FOX.

  332. Couric is best when she can be perky and cute. Those attributes do not carry over to the evening news; in fact, she is not attractive when being serious. Lack of lead-in is a VERY small part of her lack of ratings, but Katie is responsible for much of it herself.

  333. Exactly right. Couric is yesterday’s news. Older men can make the news a lasting job, but women just fade like a Polaroid picture. Katie, is this an adult name, has been long in the tooth for way too long. Why doesn’t she just take her money and spend time raising her kids. It is sad just seeing her tired face on TV; she just looks beat-up and sounds tired.

  334. Oh who cares. That dumb gummy bitch just needs to go away!!!

  335. It really has little to do with Couric. The era of the national network news is dying as is print media. Why would anyone wait until 6:30 pm est to see a couple of news stories at best with commercials when you can go to the internet and get MUCH better coverage quicker and ANYTIME? Couric is just a teleprompt reader anyways. She does not pick the stories.

  336. Yeah… I watched her twice. Her ratings suck because she sucks.

  337. Couric destroyed herself with the Sarah Palin interview. She was unable to hide her hatred for the ground that Palin walked on. In contrast she slobbered over Obama and Biden like a lovesick schoolgirl.

  338. I cannot belief Ms. Couric actually made that statement. She knows full well she is as unpopular with the right in this country as Palin is with the left. We got her thrown off the Today Show and CBS.osersto for

  339. I cannot belief Ms. Couric actually made that statement. She knows full well she is as unpopular with the right in this country as Palin is with the left. We got her thrown off the Today Show and CBS.

  340. I cannot belief Ms. Couric actually made that statement. She knows full well she is as unpopular with the right in this country as Palin is with the left. We got her thrown off the Today Show and CBS.

  341. I cannot belief Ms. Couric actually made that statement. She knows full well she is as unpopular with the right in this country as Palin is with the left. We got her thrown off the Today Show and CBS.

  342. Her answer to the straightforward question is a jumble of gibberish and inability to address a simple reality: her newscast was a transparent attempt to impose a liberal narrative and spin on every aspect of the day’s news. It was unappealing to anyone who wanted a straight answer and an unbiased reporting of events.

  343. Well George – you just admitted what millions of liberals have contorted and squirmed away from actually admitting directly, that the entire media is left wing biased and that Fox News is the only center/right source for TV news out there.
    Whenever I hear left wing liberals talk about “the media”, they lump in CNN and MSNBC with Fox News criticizing that they are not “liberal” enough – and calling the entire cabal a “right wing media conspiracy”. Those of us in the thinking majority know that to be absolutely false.
    But liberals NEVER admit that all non-Fox stations are left wing…because they know that would blow up their case and neuter their attack on Fox News. Now we have George, who obviously will NEVER get a job working for his heroes Axelrod and Carville, stupidly revealing the playbook and explicitly stating what the left has twisted to deny.
    Thanks George – copied and pasted, and you did all of us on the right a huge favor.

  344. … and her hairy taco too!

  345. I still want to bone her in the poop shoot and fill it with jizz.

  346. Couric, your a legend in your own mind. Now go away lib loser.

  347. Most importantly, she’s not good looking.

  348. This interview is a perfect example why people aren’t tuning you in, Katie — you make stuff up to fit your perceptions! The job of a “reporter” is to “report,” not interpret, analyze, or conclude.

  349. I couldn’t agree more.
    Couric had her Big Shot friend at CBS land the position for her, so her failure was inevitable because nobody wants to hear the Lib lies and distortions.
    Notice how a big ego blames a failure on everyone else.

  350. It’s hard to imagine that a woman at the level making the money she makes has no idea where her show has been for the past 13 years, and at the same time blames the local news station, WCBS-TV, for her dismal ratings. First and foremost, she’s not a journalist, she has no GRAVITAS for news and never will. It was a mistake. Move out of the way and move on. Watch the ratings climb when Scott takes over.

  351. It’s hard to imagine that a woman at the level making the money she makes has no idea where her show has been for the past 13 years, and at the same time blames the local news station, WCBS-TV, for her dismal ratings. First and foremost, she’s not a journalist, she has no GRAVITAS for news and never will. It was a mistake. Move out of the way and move on. Watch the ratings climb when Scott takes over.

  352. Just like obama she blames everyone else…………………….

  353. Katie + ‘smart’ = division by zero.

  354. Sounds like someone got beat up a little too often by the jocks in High School? Next time do their homework like they tell you!

  355. I agree. I suspect anyone commenting here could raise the CBS ratings by simply hiring an unbiased news person to fill the seat. Katie is SO biased in her reporting that people turned her off, and we all know Liberals have no clue what news means. They are simply bots that follow orders.

  356. I would hit that things as long as she keeps is shaved or waxed

  357. Katie was always considered to be both “intellectual” and attractive by CBS executives. In reality she is perky, cute, NY liberal to the core and dumber than a bag of hammers. Her suggestion that the networks devise a TV sitcom to show the human and funny side of an Islamic family, on the order of the Bill Cosby Show – was stunning. She has repeatedly mis-interpreted events she has reported about and rarely demonstrates a grasp of the gravity or significance of the news report she is reading. She does not convey a sense of quiet competence that was captured by Brokaw, Cronkite, Huntley or Brinkley, or even a CDN socialist like Peter Jennings. She was never ready for prime time, much less anything beyond Berkeley, California.

  358. the network felt sorry for her when her husband died young.

  359. Asked why she thinks her broadcast remains in third place, Couric responded, “I believe we were in third place for 13 years before I got here…”
    SO, she is blaming her failure on the failure that she inherited from the last guy??? Me thinks I’ve heard this one before! LOL

  360. Well, it IS the fault of the viewers that nobody views the perky news. If everyone watched, the ratings would be sky high.
    The question nobody asks at CBS is WHY do the viewers leave CBS when it is time to see NEWS.
    First, think of what news is. It is facts of the day’s events. By that definition, there is NO SUCH THING as CBS NEWS Division. It is CBS propaganda branch. It is Confusion Central Command. Or Confusionist Bull Sh*t Division.
    Then there came Katie. The wee witchlet is arrogant about her ill-informed opinions, and she tries to put down other folks who disagree with her wack-job opinions based on lies of our enemies. If you want to be a popular person, present the views of your audience and their friends, not their enemies. I would however, watch the show a hundred time, rerun style, if one day she is there spewing her garbage and twenty grenades went off around the studio.

  361. Well, it IS the fault of the viewers that nobody views the perky news. If everyone watched, the ratings would be sky high.
    The question nobody asks at CBS is WHY do the viewers leave CBS when it is time to see NEWS.
    First, think of what news is. It is facts of the day’s events. By that definition, there is NO SUCH THING as CBS NEWS Division. It is CBS propaganda branch. It is Confusion Central Command. Or Confusionist Bull Sh*t Division.
    Then there came Katie. The wee witchlet is arrogant about her ill-informed opinions, and she tries to put down other folks who disagree with her wack-job opinions based on lies of our enemies. If you want to be a popular person, present the views of your audience and their friends, not their enemies. I would however, watch the show a hundred time, rerun style, if one day she is there spewing her garbage and twenty grenades went off around the studio.

  362. I fucked Katie, and her pussy has slime in it. Not just cottage cheese from a yeast infection, but actual, green slime. Perhaps it’s pus from all of the STDs she’s contracted slutting around. She’s a horny, but infested, MILF. One good thing- she sucks cock better than a Hoover. She really sucks the marrow out of your balls. And she swallows. Her asshole is also tight tight.

  363. All network newscasts are sinking (Katie faster than others) because of liberal bias. If you don’t believe me experiment with balanced news (I am NOT proposing right wing bias) and see those ratings skyrocket. However, if network execs are happy with the ratings they are getting, so be it!

  364. I get it….Obama blames Bush, Biden blames the Tea Party, Reid blames Congress, Kerry blames the Tea Party, Pelosi blames Bush and the Tea Party, Howard Dean blames Bush, the GOP and the Tea Party, and Couric blames the affiliates. (I wonder if she knows about the Tea Party…she could add them on too).

  365. Couric is such a liberal bimbo who slants the news and slants interviews that I cannot stand to watch her. This failure is on YOU Couric!

  366. Couric on a show with Smart conversation ? She must not think she has to try out for it! Three liberals. Leaves out smart right there? Maybe Couric will be the laid. OOPS, meant maid !

  367. How could all 250+ CBS affiliates ruin Ms. Couric’s ratings night after night, and somehow all 250+ NBC affiliates improve Brian Williams’s ratings?
    Did every CBS affiliate fall apart the day after Bob Schieffer (A True Honest Journalist) stopped doing the exact same broadcast?
    Not very likely!!!

  368. Calling BS on you Katie. Actually think ppl watch a national news show because of the lead-in??? What, we are too stupid and lazy to change the channel TO CBS?
    I think its the opposite, we avoid CBS and the other old networks because we know the same old claptrap will be on.

  369. Gee, maybe it’s because CBS News sucks, as does all the mainstream media. Katie just makes it worse. It’s hard to listen to lies, day after day, but it’s even harder to listen to them when delivered with that cloying phony sweetness. It’s nauseating.

  370. Old adage: She who cannot dance blames the floor.

  371. Typical freaking leftist blaming someone else for their failures, shortcomings, bad judgment, overall ignorance, poor decisionmaking, poor character assessments, the list goes on.
    That’s why they always Blame Bush, Palin, Cheney, this person, that person,whitey in general, always everyone but the man or woman in the mirror.

  372. katarine nailed it!!

  373. Give the man a cigar 😉 Don’t we know it from that tribe. A poor tradesman, artist, carpenter, musician, plumber, worker etc blames their tools.

  374. Couric will blame anything other than herself. NOBODY wanted to watch you anymore katie….. you actually stunk, and a phony to boot.


  376. Correction – give her more of OUR money; it’s the liberal way!

  377. I can’t stand to look at her long enough to listen to what she has to read. She has zero creditability as a news source

  378. Dumb bitch…off with her head.

  379. Katie Couric is never boring or biased .Compare her coverage and facts to Christian Science Monitor or Discover mag or National Geographic or the BBC . I’m surprised your comment wasn’t tagged as spam

  380. Taken individually: viewer wise, liberal stations just don’t measure up to viewership of the FOX channel. The whole, as we all know,is greater than anyone of its parts. That’s simple mathematics, George.

  381. LOL! Katie is like so many others in public life-instead of finding the blame for her failure within herself, she tries to sashay around and declare that local affiliates are not strong enough to lead into her 1/2 hr. Here in San Antonio, the local CBS affiliate (KENS) has had the top rated local news cast for more than 3 decades. If that’s not a good lead-in for her, then perhaps she should look in another direction for someone else to blame.
    Could it be that her obvious progressive slant and lack of “serious” journalistic credentials might have a bit to do with her dwindling audience along with the growth of more and better news sources than ever before (internet, Fox)?
    Poor Katie, she just doesn’t get it.

  382. Brit Hume? Hate monger? You ARE kidding, right??

  383. I distinctly remember when CBS introduced Couric and told all of us that she was going to be the “knock out” for the evening news.
    CBS promoted the hell out of her, day after day,and then when she began as anchor, the rest is history.
    She “fizzled” from day one.
    I spent 25 years in TV broadcasting and I, like others, don’t like to be told what we should watch.

  384. I distinctly remember when CBS introduced Couric and told all of us that she was going to be the “knock out” for the evening news.
    CBS promoted the hell out of her, day after day,and then when she began as anchor, the rest is history.
    She “fizzled” from day one.
    I spent 25 years in TV broadcasting and I, like others, don’t like to be told what we should watch.

  385. Bravo. My thoughts exactly. I get my news as it breaks throughout the day because I have non-stop internet access. I enjoy the commentary shows on Fox but living on the West Coast don’t get to see them as much as I would like. Network news is dead – they just haven’t figured that out yet.

  386. I am part of the raeson Katie is failing. I wouldn’t watch Katie Couric read the news if she were the last talking head in the world. Don’t go away mad, Katie…just GO AWAY!!!!!

  387. You are right on the money! Couric wouldn’t know how to have an unbiased story. She is a typical democrate – blames everyone else but herself.

  388. I am part of the reason Katie is failing. I wouldn’t watch Katie Couric read the news if she were the last talking head in the world. Don’t go away mad, Katie…just GO AWAY!!!!!

  389. Katie, if you don’t have it, you can’t flaunt it, like the pretty young babes on Fox. You are past your prime, you are a Lib, and you probably don’t shave as close as you should.

  390. you are so right, Katie. the low ratings probably had nothing to do with the fact that you suck.

  391. Stupid anchors! Network news is down in viewership along with print media because people are getting information and news from alternate sources these days and discovering that the networks are not reporting the news.
    Predictable that Katie’s ratings would be in the toilet. We the people are tired of the libs and their slanted reporting.

  392. She looks good enough to b*ttf*ck and shoot a load in her mouth. I’d love to lick her hairy snatch too.

  393. Yea, but did you bone her in the ass and pack her turds? Mmmmmm.

  394. This clown needs to retire and do some gardening. We’ve already heard enough left wing idiocy from this broad and the public has had enough.

  395. Katie, you sucked as an evening news anchor…face it…stop blaming others. Take responsibility for your failure.

  396. Simply put, Couric’s journalism was terrible. She was way over the top in her biased reporting and was incapable of accepting the possibility that a conservative point of view might be valid

  397. Perky Katie is still THE WORLD’S OLDEST LIVING TEENAGER!
    She’s such a cutie! I wonder who she’ll go to the prom with this year?
    Let’s face it, Katie is just a piece of tripe!

  398. I agree. Katie Couric was destined to fail at CBS News because she has no audience with Republicans and never will. All it takes is a review of her past actions on the Today show when she never passed on an opportunity to torpedo Republicans, especially when she could bring John McCain on the program to stab his own party in the back. CBS doesn’t have a program today, tomorrow, or any other day which will have Katie Couric in it that I will tune in.

  399. Think about it this way.
    At least she didn’t blame in on Bush!
    Thats GOTTA be a first for a liberal.

  400. I recently gave up my hefty cable bill and found myself unable to receive PBS via antennae. I watched all of the major network newscasts and, although I favored CBS initially (Rather-drag?), I found that NBC provided the best overall coverage in that time-slot. I also still watch ABC Network news because it is a half hour later and also MUCH better overall coverage than either of the other two. I would prefer Brett Baier to all 3 of these, but I guess that is not in the cards right now.

  401. I recently gave up my hefty cable bill and found myself unable to receive PBS via antennae. I watched all of the major network newscasts and, although I favored CBS initially (Rather-drag?), I found that NBC provided the best overall coverage in that time-slot. I also still watch ABC Network news because it is a half hour later and also MUCH better overall coverage than either of the other two. I would prefer Brett Baier to all 3 of these, but I guess that is not in the cards right now.

  402. Katie postures herself and has voiced her contempt for us. We share her opinion. Wonder if one of the staffers will ever write about her antics on the set? Good night from CBS – Forever

  403. Absolutely right! Ditto!

  404. Couric has ALWAYS been a liberal biased person and it shows when she does her news and especially special reports. She
    climaxed when she gave the “gotcha” to Palin. Not a Palin fan, but Couric was just thrilled, and touted by the
    The Libs just CANNOT do anything without
    acting smug, when they ‘stick it to anyone they deem conservative’. Couric is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer,
    and her condescending tones to people is
    stupid on her part. Rather ‘showed HIS bias and he was o-u-t, as people don’t want their biased opinions. She is a little midget with a big mouth, who can’t
    be unbiased, so people got fed up, and did go to other places for their news.

  405. Well I guess little Katie is no longer the little flip on fraternity row in Charlottesville, Va. She became a boring bias little bubbleheaded liberal fool. She isn’t any journalist just a jackass pawn of Obama and Soros and any other socialist scum

  406. Denial. It’s what’s for dinner.

  407. The “perky” gal has had a great run, made millions and millions of wonderful dollars and is now not in any way relevant, bright or fresh. She is just a reflection of what she once was. She will enjoy a very comfortable old age.

  408. Hey, I have a great idea! Give Cutie
    Katies half hour to Glen Beck and what the ratings!!

  409. Might have something to do with the fact that YOU SUCK, Katie.
    But be of good cheer, you have a lot of company when it comes to your contemporaries who are also pushing the mainstream-media version of “news.”

  410. Katie, you stink as an anchor!

  411. I want to see her hairy pussy and tight butthole too.

  412. I’d rather do some muff diving in her nice hairy cooze and then shoot a monster cum load in her throbbing butthole.

  413. She needs to suck my cock and take a huge load of jizz.

  414. She sucks really good. I love cuming in her mouth.

  415. Yes, and America want hairy pussy! Shed those clothes Katie and spread your hairy cunt for us.

  416. Mmmmmm, yes. I’d love to plug her colon with my schlong and pump her full of joy juice.

  417. Mmmmmm, yes. I’d love to plug her colon with my schlong and pump her full of joy juice.

  418. She needs to show her hairy pussy and tight asshole.

  419. Yes, she sucks really good. I’ve had the pleasure of depositing a large helping of sperm in her mouth.

  420. She is right , I still watch her but I don’t watch my local news on channel four anymore.

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