
McCain TV Ratings Beat Obama in Preliminary Numbers

Sep 5, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Presidential candidate John McCain’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention drew more television viewers than his rival Barack Obama attracted at the Democratic party’s event last week, according to preliminary ratings from Nielsen Media Research.
Across all broadcast networks Thursday, Sen. McCain’s speech ended the night with a 4.8 rating/7 share, compared to Sen. Obama’s 4.3/7 average, according to overnight numbers from metered households in 55 U.S. markets measured by Nielsen. These ratings are preliminary, however, and are subject to change.
NBC’s coverage of Sen. McCain’s speech started directly at the tail end of the opening game of NFL season, with the speech pulling in a 6.3 rating/10 share, topping Sen. Obama’s speech last week by 26%. That lead-in may have boosted audiences who last night turned out in droves to watch Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin introduce herself to the country.
ABC’s showing of the McCain speech averaged a 4.5/7, down 2% from the same night of the Democratic convention last week, while CBS’ coverage took in a 3.4/5, an increase of 3%.
For updated numbers, click here.
For more election news, visit TVWeek’s Election Navigator page.
(Editor: Baumann. Updated 7:31 a.m. to add Palin in third paragraph.)


  1. Wow! McCain beat The ObaMessiah’s viewer ratings?! And Gov Palin matched him?! Even as the VP pick?! And without the Baracropolis?! Hahahahah!!!
    Watch the Dems now beg for more money to beat those mean and evil Republicans, all while the media continues to talk about Palin’s hair and her preggo daughter but continues to ignore Obama’s shady corrupt past and circle of “friends”.

  2. To heck with Obamania. I’ve got a fever and the only cure is more ‘Cuda.

  3. I support McCain and even I find this really shocking.

  4. love the McCain ticket. Sarah is amazing.
    With her, Romney , Pawlenty, and jindal…folks, we have seen the future. But lets take care of the present first.
    McCain-Palin 08
    Get out there and work.

  5. Woot Woot – that just tickles me!
    Goooooooo McCain/Palin!

  6. Maybe Obama will take the “O” off the tail of his plane, put the flag back on, and realize that he hasn’t won the election. CBS has it as a dead heat right now, and even the electoral math has it so close that whoever carries OH/PA is the winner.
    It took America 19 months to realize Obama’s all sizzle and no steak, but better now than later.

  7. I am shocked, Shocked!, to see that Mav drew a larger share than O!And without the greek columns???
    Here’s to hoping that his message came across, and we can kiss the Obamateur goodbye…
    Maverick/Sarah’Cuda ’08

  8. I’m beginning to see through Obama’s act. His policies will bankrupt our country.

    Ha! O Dumbys hurtin. The colums are falling all around him. ROFLMAO
    the Opie girl is afraid of the Cuda.
    Can we say ” Thoes of a feather stick together”
    Racsim at its “MAX” and it’s all comming from the Blacks.
    They are the most racest clanish people in the U.S.

  10. I’m a Democrat, but I have to admit it: John McCain made a brillant choice in Sarah Palin. Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona. The press is too afraid of “Liberal Bias!” to really call out Palin about her various scandals, and the public won’t care about them unless it’s thrown in their faces. Now all the Republicians really need is a ‘Willie Horton’/Swiftboat/ Obama in a tank type attack ad and they’ve got this election wrapped up.

  11. Perhaps Obama should have talked positively about America and the American people and not go to foreign lands to apologize for it.
    Perhaps he should have looked to appeal to the real men and women in America and not entertainment industry elites.
    Perhaps he should speak positively about American industry and the free market and not extol European Socialism.
    Perhaps he should not speak about engineering surrendering in Iraq when victory is in sight.
    Perhaps he should talk about the glory of the individual and not the power of the state.

  12. VAL
    What a great explanation of Obama. Simple and complete.

  13. I think people are finding out Obama’s an empty suit finally. No new ideas. He even picked Joe freakin Biden as a running mate. The death blow!

  14. Jupiter said: “The press is too afraid of “Liberal Bias!” to really call out Palin about her various scandals, and the public won’t care about them unless it’s thrown in their faces.”
    Yes, perhaps we should be asking for more focus on the scandals of all the candidates, including those involving long-standing friendships with terrorist Weathermen, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright’s 20-year influence on one etc.
    Comparing scandals would be interesting, given the way the left has begun to attack Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy.
    One would hope those on the left would care as much about long-standing friendships with domestic terrorists as they do about Palin’s teenage daughter’s pregnancy.

  15. Maybe it’s not a great thing for McCain? I fell asleep during the speech.

  16. “Perhaps Obama should have talked positively about America and the American people and not go to foreign lands to apologize for it.
    Perhaps he should have looked to appeal to the real men and women in America and not entertainment industry elites.”
    Obama has done nothing but talk postively about both Mc Cain and the American people. It’s the Republicans who can’t say a positive word about anyone or anything.
    As far as the ‘industry elite’ are concerned, the so called elite is kissing the butts of both the Republicans and Democrats in order to get in the good graces of whoever wins.

  17. It’s been reported that Less Republicans supporting McCain watched Obama’s speech. It’s also been reported that more Democrats watched McCain(although, they had no intention of voting for McCain).

  18. I am voting for the McCain/Cuda ticket!!! I want my taxes lowered, a choice for kids to go to school, death tax eliminated, a simpler tax system, less gov’t and most of all a leader who our service men and women will be proud of!!!

  19. I am voting for the McCain/Cuda ticket!!! I want my taxes lowered, a choice for kids to go to school, death tax eliminated, a simpler tax system, less gov’t and most of all a leader who our service men and women will be proud of!!!

  20. Val:
    They need you in their speech making process.
    Right on.
    You need to get over your goverment schooling and learn to read the Liberal blogs and Press.
    You can tell you are Lib indoctrinated. You follow the Dem talking points to a tee. To dumb to see defete for your man as it stares you in the face.
    You better stay out of the CUDAS path.LOL

  21. Wonderful news that McCain beat Obama. This means that Democrats are definitely watching and learning that McCain is NOT McBush.
    The DNC’s Howard Dean put civil rights violators from Indian tribes on his platform committee and McCain talks about the NEW civil right of education.
    Not only is the Republican base energized and contributing, but those on the fence are feeling good about the McCain/Palin ticket.
    Let’s get a woman in the White House NOW. Oh, NOW doesn’t want a woman if they don’t have abortions, do they?
    This will be the most watched election in quite a long time. Let’s get ready to RUUMMMMMBLE!

  22. McCain was booooooooring

  23. I watched Senator McCains’ speech because it was history, not because I was going to vote for him(or even open to voting for him).
    The Republicans think they are the only ones that can fix the problems “THEY” got us into in this country……..GIVE ME A BREAK !!”
    By the Way…..I sure would have liked to see a tribute to our VP Dick Cheney(ooops! I guess he’s no longer a Republican).How about a tribute to the accomplishemnets of our President George W. Bush(oooops…..he had work to do).
    I’d rather vote for the city dogcatcher than vote for another Republican(Check out today’s unemployment numbers folks!)

  24. When Obama was a community activist in Chicago and a State Senator in Illinois, Obama flat out opposed increasing aggressive law enforcement actions. he was more worried about the “civil rights” of dangerous criminals.
    In Iraq, Obama wants to withdraw our troops and surrender.
    Recently, there have been MORE murders in Chicago than Iraq.
    That tells you all you need to know about Obama

  25. Yeah – as soon as women find out that ‘Cuda wants to ban abortion even in the case of rape and incest, and she wants creationism taught in schools? Yeah, they are going to flock to her.

  26. Anyone want to thank Rick007 for his obvious racist leanings? Way to take the gloves off and declare “blacks are most raceist [sic] clan..” You are money, dude. Get that sheet on and register some nice whiteys for McCain

  27. you know, i’m good with the next 8 years being boring, and me being able to choose how to spend my own damn money.

  28. The lunatic left never lets the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory. Look for them to make up a whole batch of new ones to explain their defeat and theories on why “Americans” are too stupid just because they don’t agree with the far left.
    1. Willie Horton. The first edition of the webpage had a section on falsification of the election ad regarding Willie Horton (the convict, not the baseball star). This was one of the earliest criticisms of Bowling–Ben Fritz caught it back in November, 2002.
    To illustrate politicians’ (and especially Republican politicians’) willingness to play the “race card,” Bowling shows what purports to be a television ad run by George Bush, Sr., in his race against Governor Dukakis. For those who weren’t around back then — Massachusetts had a “prison furlough” program where prisoners could be given short releases from the clink. Unfortunately, some of them never came back. Dukakis vetoed legislation which would have forbidden furlough to persons with “life without parole” sentences for murder, and authorities thereafter furloughed a number of murderers. Horton, in prison for a brutal stabbing murder, got a furlough, never returned, and then attacked a couple, assaulting both and raping the woman. His opponents in the presidential race took advantage of the veto.
    The ad as shown by Moore begins with a “revolving door” of justice, progresses to a picture of Willie Horton (who is black), and ends with dramatic subtitle: “Willie Horton released. Then kills again.”
    Fact: Bowling splices together two different election ads, one run by the Bush campaign (featuring a revolving door, and not even mentioning Horton) and another run by an independent expenditure campaign (naming Horton, and showing footage from which it can be seen that he is black). At the end, the ad ala’ Moore has the customary note that it was paid for by the Bush-Quayle campaign. Moore intones “whether you’re a psychotic killer or running for president of the United States, the one thing you can always count on is white America’s fear of the black man.” There is nothing to reveal that most of the ad just seen (and all of it that was relevant to Moore’s claim) was not the Bush-Quayle ad, which didn’t even name Horton.
    Fact: Apparently unsatisfied with splicing the ads, Bowling’s editors added a subtitle “Willie Horton released. Then kills again.”
    Fact: Ben Fritz also noted that Bowling’s editors didn’t bother to research the events before doctoring the ads. Horton’s second arrest was not for murder. (The second set of charges were aggravated assault and rape).
    I originally deleted this from the main webpage, because in the VHS version of Bowling Moore had the decency to remove the misleading footage. But as Brendan Nyhan recently wrote in Spinsanity, he put it back in in the DVD version! He did make one minor change, switching his edited-in caption to “Willie Horton released. Then rapes a woman.” Obviously Moore had been informed of the Spinsanity criticism. He responded by correcting his own typo, not by removing the edited in caption, nor by revealing that the ad being shown was not in fact a Bush-Quayle ad.
    Most of the debate between the former shipmates who swear by John Kerry and the group of other Swift boat veterans who are attacking his military record focuses on matters that few of us have the experience or the moral standing to judge. But one issue, having nothing to do with medals, wounds or bravery under fire, goes to the heart of Kerry’s qualifications for the presidency and is therefore something that each of us must consider. That is Kerry’s apparently fabricated claim that he fought in Cambodia.
    It is an assertion he made first, insofar as the written record reveals, in 1979 in a letter to the Boston Herald. Since then he has repeated it on at least eight occasions during Senate debate or in news interviews, most recently to The Post this year (an interview posted on Kerry’s Web site). The most dramatic iteration came on the floor of the Senate in 1986, when he made it the centerpiece of a carefully prepared 20-minute oration against aid to the Nicaraguan contras.
    Kerry argued that contra aid could put the United States on the path to deeper involvement despite denials by the Reagan administration of any such intent. Kerry began by reading out similar denials regarding Vietnam from presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Then he offered this devastating riposte:
    “I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.”
    However seared he was, Kerry’s spokesmen now say his memory was faulty. When the Swift boat veterans who oppose Kerry presented statements from his commanders and members of his unit denying that his boat entered Cambodia, none of Kerry’s shipmates came forward, as they had on other issues, to corroborate his account. Two weeks ago Kerry’s spokesmen began to backtrack. First, one campaign aide explained that Kerry had patrolled the Mekong Delta somewhere “between” Cambodia and Vietnam. But there is no between; there is a border. Then another spokesman told reporters that Kerry had been “near Cambodia.” But the point of Kerry’s 1986 speech was that he personally had taken part in a secret and illegal war in a neutral country. That was only true if he was “in Cambodia,” as he had often said he was. If he was merely “near,” then his deliberate misstatement falsified the entire speech.
    Next, the campaign leaked a new version through the medium of historian Douglas Brinkley, author of “Tour of Duty,” a laudatory book on Kerry’s military service. Last week Brinkley told the London Telegraph that while Kerry had been 50 miles from the border on Christmas, he “went into Cambodian waters three or four times in January and February 1969 on clandestine missions.” Oddly, though, while Brinkley devotes nearly 100 pages of his book to Kerry’s activities that January and February, pinpointing the locations of various battles and often placing Kerry near Cambodia, he nowhere mentions Kerry’s crossing into Cambodia, an inconceivable omission if it were true.
    Now a new official statement from the campaign undercuts Brinkley. It offers a minimal (thus harder to impeach) claim: that Kerry “on one occasion crossed into Cambodia,” on an unspecified date. But at least two of the shipmates who are supporting Kerry’s campaign (and one who is not) deny their boat ever crossed the border, and their testimony on this score is corroborated by Kerry’s own journal, kept while on duty. One passage reproduced in Brinkley’s book says: “The banks of the [Rach Giang Thanh River] whistled by as we churned out mile after mile at full speed. On my left were occasional open fields that allowed us a clear view into Cambodia. At some points, the border was only fifty yards away and it then would meander out to several hundred or even as much as a thousand yards away, always making one wonder what lay on the other side.” His curiosity was never satisfied, because this entry was from Kerry’s final mission.
    After his discharge, Kerry became the leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Once, he presented to Congress the accounts by his VVAW comrades of having “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires . . . to human genitals . . . razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan . . . poisoned foodstocks.” Later it was shown that many of the stories on which Kerry based this testimony were false, some told by impostors who had stolen the identities of real GIs, but Kerry himself was not implicated in the fraud. And his own over-the-top generalization that such “crimes [were] committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command” could be charged up to youthfulness and the fevers of the times.
    But Kerry has repeated his Cambodia tale throughout his adult life. He has claimed that the epiphany he had that Christmas of 1968 was about truthfulness. “One of the things that most struck me about Vietnam was how people were lied to,” he explained in a subsequent interview. If — as seems almost surely the case — Kerry himself has lied about what he did in Vietnam, and has done so not merely to spice his biography but to influence national policy, then he is surely not the kind of man we want as our president.

  29. After listening to McCain and Plain in the past two days, it seems to me that theirs is the birth of a new third party..
    >They both believe and will confront and have confronted corruption in government and even in their own party.
    >They both believe that they are elected to serve the citizen of American and not themselves.
    >The both believe and have both worked across the floor with the Democrats and McCain wants to appoint a Democrat to his cabinet.
    True Republicans are to far Right and True Democrats are to far to the Left, McCain and Palin are perfect they want to utilize both positive policies of both parties.
    McCain and Palin are both very appealing to the electorate, compared to Obama who is the unknown, untested and inexperienced Democratic Leader.

  30. just because people watch does not mean they buy the same old bull
    he talks about change i think that he means his adult diaper

  31. three independent economic analysts have concluded that obamas tax plan saves 3 times more for 95% of the population. Republicans can only lie on this point. Luckily McCain got big ratings for his bumbling disaster of a speech trying to pretend his party isn’t complicit in the current state of washington. Voting for the incumbent party isn’t “change”

  32. I am shocked. I thought that Obama with his Greek-godlike stadium show would kill McCain.
    I really liked the end of McCain’s speech when he talked about his POW experience and how that shaped him as a man (from a cocky flyboy to someone who truely loved his country!). The rest of the speech was pretty much what I expected except more positive – I thought McCain might follow Obama’s lead & trash his opponant. Instead he tried to show that he has experience, actually accomplished, working together with the dems to get stuff done for America.

  33. Frank, you checked the polls today? The Obamessiah’s bounce is GONE, they’re all tied up…and that’s not counting numbers from the last two nights’ speeches!
    It seems like if anyone needs a change of adult diapers, Genius, it’s you leftards. You’re crapping yourselves now! LOL!

  34. Posted by Maryn | September 5, 2008 8:50 AM
    Maryn – It might come as a shock but not all woman want to kill their babies. Also, the rape and incest thing is a red harring – the number of abortions for that reason are very small. There is also the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy to begin with. As for Intelligent Design vs. Evolution – Palin is on record for teaching both – not just one. She has stated that knowledge is nothing to be afraid of. I have no problem with that. I was taught both . I actually believe in them both. I believe that humans where created by God. I also believe that through evolution humans have changed throughout time. I do not believe that my ancestors where bugs.

  35. It’s amazing how Obama has REAL baggage to him. Sat in a ANTI AMERICA church for twenty years, but can’t distance himself from the man until campaign tells him he must. His wife hates this country. Affiliated with terrorists and corrupt business men, but the Moran media is fine. We finally have a decent human being on the table and they can’t find any baggage other then her daughter how terrible and that she’s punished with children, You morons!!!
    McCain/Palin 08

  36. Posted by Maryn | September 5, 2008 8:50 AM
    Maryn – It might come as a shock but not all woman want to kill their babies. Also, the rape and incest thing is a red harring – the number of abortions for that reason are very small. There is also the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy to begin with. As for Intelligent Design vs. Evolution – Palin is on record for teaching both – not just one. She has stated that knowledge is nothing to be afraid of. I have no problem with that. I was taught both . I actually believe in them both. I believe that humans where created by God. I also believe that through evolution humans have changed throughout time. I do not believe that my ancestors where bugs.

  37. Awesome. So not only did McCain beat Obama, but Palin also beat Obama by 2 million viewers despite that fact that 4 fewer networks showed Palin’s speech than Obamas. If that doesn’t prove media bias I don’t know what will. Four networks refused to broadcast Palin’s speech when they did show Obama’s.

  38. This is not very surprising. Barry’s speeches are disturbingly lacking in specifics. If you’ve listened to a couple of them you’ll soon decide to not waste your time on them. Unless you’re a worshiper life is better without Barry. And you can bypass the ugly thoughts of what might happen with an empty suit in the White House.
    It’s too bad that the dinosaur media can’t keep themselves from worshiping and can’t see what is becoming obvious to most of America.

  39. The liberals have held abortion over women’s heads for far too long, using it as a scare tactic to keep women from voting for a republican. Well, it’s no longer working. Women and men alike are seeing this scare tactic and finally challenging it. They realize that the Dems have preyed on lies and fear, sexism and racism. It’s about time America woke up!
    And I’d rather have a boring old guy than someone who relies on fraud, cheating and dirty Chicago politics to win an election.

  40. I am sick of the abortion issue shaping our country. Wake up American – Roe vs Wade is holding us prisoner.
    Folks we are in trouble here – economy and world terrorism, and the women are being stupid if they vote on abortion.
    Pretty soon, this country will be gone if we continue to think like that.
    OMG – abortion should not be the deciding factor here – REFORMING WASHINGTON IS THE ISSUE.
    I join McCain and Palin in the fight. I am charged – I saw a new vision for us, as I listened to McCain and you look at how Sarah has lived her life. A new vision is needed, and McCain and Palin are it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. I am sick of the abortion issue shaping our country. Wake up American – Roe vs Wade is holding us prisoner.
    Folks we are in trouble here – economy and world terrorism, and the women are being stupid if they vote on abortion.
    Pretty soon, this country will be gone if we continue to think like that.
    OMG – abortion should not be the deciding factor here – REFORMING WASHINGTON IS THE ISSUE.
    I join McCain and Palin in the fight. I am charged – I saw a new vision for us, as I listened to McCain and you look at how Sarah has lived her life. A new vision is needed, and McCain and Palin are it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Matt: Get your head out of the sand! Our current situation is a direct result of 30 years of a “do-nothing” Liberal Congress about oil drilling because of “environmental” issues, which is a bunch of hogwash…just as the McCain/Palin said, it’s time to stop partisan debating/gridlock, and actually DO something. Also, drastic cutbacks in military spending by the “do-nothing” Clinton administration ahs resulted in US needing to increase spending for defense as well as OFFENSE because nothing was done about the terrorist attacks in the 1990’s. Get your facts straight. McCain/Palin is the way to go!!!!

    What were the numbers for the Game? That will explain it.

  44. Of course Mr. Obama’s audience was smaller. His voters don’t want to be confused by getting any information or facts. Their minds are made up.

  45. This is not very surprising. Barry’s speeches are disturbingly lacking in specifics. If you’ve listened to a couple of them you’ll soon decide to not waste your time on them. Unless you’re a worshiper life is better without Barry. And you can bypass the ugly thoughts of what might happen with an empty suit in the White House.
    It’s too bad that the dinosaur media can’t keep themselves from worshiping and can’t see what is becoming obvious to most of America.

  46. Wow… the love abounds this room.
    Yeah, there would be more people watching McCain speech, because the uneducated masses want to see more Palin.
    The people cheered more Palin’s name than for McCain.
    More people wanted to watch Palin because she was new… oooh look at the pretty woman on TV… It’s sad that so many of you bought what they were selling.
    If the majority of you believe the lies about Obama, I’m not surprised you believe the lies from RNC.
    The speeches by McCain and Palin had no substance other than speak directly to the base that hates America.

    What were the numbers for the Game? That will explain it.

  48. Nancy, how many of the last 30 years has Congress had a Democratic majority? More pertinently, how many of the last 8 years?

  49. Go SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    McCain/Baracuda is the choice for security, pride in country, and the end to pork barell spending.

  50. Frankly, I’m a bit offended that he completely hung the president out to dry and completely took credit for all the progress in Iraq. It seems the President has been working over time lately to push for some positive changes there and bring peace, and all McCain wants to do is associate himself with this weeks victories, not those of the past 6 years.

  51. Frankly, I’m a bit offended that he completely hung the president out to dry and completely took credit for all the progress in Iraq. It seems the President has been working over time lately to push for some positive changes there and bring peace, and all McCain wants to do is associate himself with this weeks victories, not those of the past 6 years.

  52. The wheels are off the Obama bus and it is careening off the edge of a cliff

  53. This is not very surprising. Barry’s speeches are disturbingly lacking in specifics. If you’ve listened to a couple of them you’ll soon decide to not waste your time on them. Unless you’re a worshiper life is better without Barry. And you can bypass the ugly thoughts of what might happen with an empty suit in the White House.
    It’s too bad that the dinosaur media can’t keep themselves from worshiping and can’t see what is becoming obvious to most of America.

  54. An interesting sidebar to this is the donations that flooded into Obama’s coffers after Palin’s speech. It’s not much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that a large percentage of the 10m in donation was from people who watched the speech and were moved to donate to the other side.

  55. Oh McCain, how much do you have to lie to win? Relying on the 3 R’s to win as well.
    Religious Right, Rich, and Retards.

  56. McCain/Palin 08
    2 Pit Bulls only one wears Lipstick!

  57. To Timb?
    90% of blacks to vote for O Dumby even before anybody heard from McCain?
    OPIE will not let the Cuda on her show?
    Give me a break.

  58. To Timb?
    90% of blacks to vote for O Dumby even before anybody heard from McCain?
    OPIE will not let the Cuda on her show?
    Give me a break.

  59. What are the odds that Biden is “off the ticket” & Hillary “on” in 10 days if polls show McCain has a big bump from last night?

  60. I thought that was a Matlock episode I was watching.?!
    Just Kidding. Go Mac!

  61. The game changer is not so much that Sarah Palin will pull away that many Hillary supporters (she will pull some), but that she has absolutely electrified the GOP. For the next 60 days, you’re going to see that the enthusiasm gap that had previously existed is entirely gone. We are planting signs, pasting stickers, making calls, waving banners, and doing everything we can to rally the vote. Obama has held center stage by himself for too long. Now we have a real race. I’m jazzed!

  62. McCain-Palin 08
    Palin Jindal 16

  63. The harder the Media push Obama the more the American people wake up! It is great. Keep the liberal bias coming! I didn’t like McCain at first but the more the liberals beat the tar out of him the more I am defending him. For crying out loud I might actually donate to the campagin today if I see another stupid smear. Oprah’s bias and deception issue about made me buy a bumper sticker this AM!
    “Palin Power – Alaska the coldest state with the hottest governor”

  64. I watched McCain simply because he really “SCARES” me…. Some of the time he really seems that he dosen’t have a clue…. I am so sick of hearing about the surge and how Obama didn’t support it…. Last night the man said “””FIGHT”””” 43 times…. He can only talk about himself or the military…. what about the MIDDLE CLASS…. not part of the Repubs conversation.

  65. Am I missing something? All I heard from McCain/Palin is bashing and fear of what the Democrats might do. If we are to look at the candidates records, I find it amazing that the self-proclaimed reformer Sarah Palin, openly accepted $27 million in earmarks for a town under 9,000! Not to mention that when Palin become a mayor the town had ZERO debt. In 2003, when she left office, the town had over $18 million in debt.
    As Governor, she requested $197 million in Federal earmarks for the 2009 budget, and last year requested over $240 million! So much for gov’t decrease!
    Spend away McCain and Palin … spend away.

  66. I was very impressed with John McCain last night. Some people say they are “tired” of hearing about McCain’s experience as a POW… I wonder if they’re tired of hearing about Obama’s tireless years working as a community organizer? Some say McCain’s story is noun, verb, POW… if that’s true Obama’s story is noun, verb, Community Organizer. I’m certain I’d rather go with the Community Organizer. You know why Obama does so well with young people? They’re too young to remember Jimmy Carter!

  67. There’s a big methodological error here. Much of the audience comes from cable. McCain was up at NBC, which had the football lead-in. Those viewers may simply have watched Obama on cable last week.

  68. All this while the opening game of the NFL was on!!

  69. As a democrat and an Obama supporter, I am thrilled that McCane’s ratings were higher. It was the worst speech in the history of the presidential election process.

  70. brian said: “three independent economic analysts have concluded that obamas tax plan saves 3 times more for 95% of the population.”
    So, Obama taxes the rich and what do you think the rich will do? Do you think they will actually pay those taxes? No, they will pass that tax right down to you and me. These are business owners that will simply raise prices on the goods and/or services to offset any additional increase in their tax rates. It’s exactly the same as trickle down economics – we the people will pay for Obama’s tax plan. Sorry.

  71. This may indicate that the weighting factors for polls are WAY OFF, and need to weight Republicans higher.

  72. You repubs are too shallow to figure out what this really means.
    I’m a staunch Obama supporter yet I watched the speech last night for comic relief. I guarantee half of that audience is voting Dem. On the other hand, you guys can’t stand the sight of Barack so I’m sure the bulk of his audience, greek columns and all, were Democratic voters as well.
    By my count – if Obama drew 40 mil and McCain 40 mil or slightly more – that’s about 60 million Obama voters and 20 for the Maverick.
    Either way, the hypocrisy is rampant. Who’s the messiah now? Who’s the celebrity now!?

  73. Just becuase people watched doesn’t mean they liked it.
    Karl Rove said it best, “I was his best speech ever, but overall wasn’t that good”
    He may have lost some voters who were considering him based on the fact that he has a hard time speaking and his stage persona. It was really funny to see the same people who cheered bush on Tuesday, cheer for McCain as he blasted bush and the party.
    A sense of confusion?

  74. This speech was a winner because it was personally substantive and, unlike the Obama address, not built on spectacle. McCain laid out who he was, and how he got there in a clear and honest way.
    Agree or disagree with his politics, but it was an honest, and, for me anyway, a sometimes moving look into the man himself.

  75. McCain/Palin is the winning team for all the right reasons.
    Val wrote this earlier and it bears reposting:
    Perhaps Obama should have talked positively about America and the American people and not go to foreign lands to apologize for it.
    Perhaps he should have looked to appeal to the real men and women in America and not entertainment industry elites.
    Perhaps he should speak positively about American industry and the free market and not extol European Socialism.
    Perhaps he should not speak about engineering surrendering in Iraq when victory is in sight.
    Perhaps he should talk about the glory of the individual and not the power of the state.

  76. I heard a rumor that the Obama’s oldest daughter has already had an abortion. Any truth to that rumor? Does anyone know who may have impregnated her or where the alleged abortion was performed.

  77. McCain convinced me. He is tied as much to Bush as Obama is tied to Hillary. They share a party, but don’t otherwise get along.
    Someone pointed out that although McCain voted 90% with Bush, Obama voted 87% with McCain.
    I now know why Obama was so Hell-bent to run against George W Bush. He can’t compare to McCain – he’s not even in the same zip code.
    And Sarah Palin? Wow. She pushed me over the edge. Sharp, and unafraid to go after her own party. The fact that the press is going after her as much as they did Ronald Reagan convinces me.
    Barack, you’ve got a great future in Washington, but not in the White House – not yet. We need real change, not platitudes.

  78. The average age of television viewers is 50. I am a twenty-something and watched obama’s speech on the internet. (You know, Ted Steven’s series of tubes…)
    The Gallup poll has obama at 49% and McCain at 42%, and like tv viewership polling is out of date bc it only accesses land-lines and not cell phones.
    After McCain’s speech his campaign raised $1 mil while Obama’s raised $8 mil.
    Due to the under-reported young adult vote and the electoral map Obama has this election in the bag, thank God.

  79. I heard a rumor that the Obama’s oldest daughter has already had an abortion. Any truth to that rumor? Does anyone know who may have impregnated her or where the alleged abortion may have been performed?

  80. Perceptive article. My family and I attended a rally for Gov Palin in Pennsylvania on 8/30/08, the day after she was announced. Just to get to the packed stadium took us hours due to the clog of people attending, as well. We all then stood in the hot sun, packed in like sardines, for three hours until the program was scheduled to begin. During that time, I had a chance to speak in depth with the ladies around me.
    There was a mother who had brought her Down’s Syndrome child and couldn’t contain her enthusiasm, her hope, her joy at a candidate who understood everything this mother was also feeling and also working for her special needs child. (To our delight, Sarah Palin later held this sweet girl in her arms.) There was a PTA mom who was louder in her support than 20 teenage girls could ever be. Her homemade signs were hilarious. Then, there was young woman who works for an energy company in Ohio and was over the moon that a woman with real energy experience—not just talk and posturing—is on the ticket. There was a university worker who was so enthusiastic about Sarah that she had decided to “come out of the closet” at work and admit that was a Republican. (We collectively urged her not to do this for fear of losing her job. Liberals have a near stranglehold on education over here.) And the last woman? She was thrilled that Sarah wore skirts, makeup, long hair and serious heels. In other works, she is a woman who goes about her business actually looking like a woman.
    And me? Well, I am one of those Washington elite conservatives (mentioned elsewhere in posts) who has been in the political arena since birth. Literally. When Palin was announced as the VP pick, I cried and clapped and hopped around my kitchen and then cried some more. A United States Governor who worked her way up from the very first rung on the ladder and who is not a millionaire or member of a big name family. She’s pro-business within reasonable limits, in favor of less taxes, clearing out the entrenched government bureaucrats in Washington agencies and bureaus, has serious issues within her family just like the rest of us, and is pro-life. What a day for like-minded women everywhere. And, I might add, for the men who love and respect them.
    McCain / Palin ‘08

  81. When will Palin do an interview? All we’ve learned about her is that she can read. Americans are idiots.

  82. Go McCain. Take it to that racist, traitor Benedict Obama.

  83. This is even more amazing when you consider that BET, Telemundo, TV One, and Univision channels covered Obamas speach but did not cover Palin’s or McCain’s speaches. They counted the viewers from these networks in the Obama Neilson ratings. I also heard today that Mistress Oprah will not let McCain or Palin on het tv shoe. This is after letting the Blessed Obamas on her show for an hour long love fest. She has the right not to let people on that she dosen’t want on her show, but it makes her look petty and small. How can anyone still think that there is no media bias against conservatives when networks choose not to cover their speaches or let them on their programs?

  84. I wonder if Obama’s having second thoughts about Biden? Ironically, the “change” he constantly preaches about has arrived in the form of Sarah Palin.

  85. This is even more amazing when you consider that BET, Telemundo, TV One, and Univision channels covered Obamas speach but did not cover Palin’s or McCain’s speaches. They counted the viewers from these networks in the Obama Neilson ratings. I also heard today that Mistress Oprah will not let McCain or Palin on her tv show. This is after letting the Blessed Obamas on her show for an hour long love fest. She has the right not to let people on that she dosen’t want on her show, but it makes her look petty and small. How can anyone still think that there is no media bias against conservatives when networks choose not to cover their speaches or let them on their programs?

  86. I heard a rumor that the Obama’s oldest daughter has already had an abortion. Any truth to that rumor? Does anyone know who may have impregnated her or where the alleged abortion may have been performed?

  87. This is good news. The more people see how McPOW is itching for more chances to go to McWar the better. Short on specifics, unbelieving spin, just who are these Washington big spenders McSame is talking about? Who has been out spending each other for the last 7 years?
    Go McWar!

  88. Interesting…all the pro-McCain comments. Grasping at straws, really. Do you really believe that whoever got the highest ratings will win the White House? Lolol…what desperation (and fear of the incoming Black Panet!!)


  90. Go McCain!!! Man, after this week I am definately fired up to vote for McCain/Palin!

  91. Jupiter,
    Thanks for clarifying what planet you are from.
    “Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona.”
    Uhhh…we have a HUGE liberal bias in the media. If there is a gullible public, they are the one following Obama. He has a resume that you can pull out of the bottom of any printer or copy machine and connections to more ‘bad guys’ than John Gotti.
    “The press is too afraid of “Liberal Bias!” to really call out Palin about her various scandals, and the public won’t care about them unless it’s thrown in their faces.”
    First off, the press is NOT afraid of bias – ratings me damned. Look at MSNBC. Gutter ratings and they STILL keep up the propoganda. Also, have you checked out her ‘scandals?’ Even Olberman said that the trooper thing is a non-issue AND SHE DID THE RIGHT THING. From the time that McCain nominated her, her whole family and every non-issue was dragged through the mud. HER FAMILY! Has this ever been done to a liberal? NEVER. Disgusting. And your remarks are even more disgraceful and 180 degrees from the truth. How about find another episode of DEsperate Housewives of which to confuse fantasy and reality/
    “Now all the Republicians really need is a ‘Willie Horton’/Swiftboat/ Obama in a tank type attack ad and they’ve got this election wrapped up.”
    Wow. You are a bright one. Willie Horton was Al Gore’s ad against Dukakis. The swiftboat vets are led by a self-professed Democrat and was non-partisan anyway. They were military men who disapproved of his military claims. Simple.
    See what happens when you watch MSNBC too much? BRAINWASHED! Goebbels would be proud.

  92. Obama’s claim about having more “tax cuts for the middle class” is a nonstarter. WTF difference does it make if his corporate taxes have destroyed our economy? If you double the capital gains rates, (keeping in mind we already have one of the WORLDS highest corporate tax rates) HOW WILL THAT NOT HASTEN JOBS MOVING OVERSEAS?
    I’ve talked with a stockbroker who flat out told me he will get killed if the capital gains tax is doubled.
    How does giving away money to the middle class, along with government daycare, healthcare, and “free” college tuition stimulate an economy.
    Conservatives believe in market forces to grow our economy. Changing the fundamental way our society works will be a disaster. Over 96% of people have jobs right now, so why the rush off the cliff to “Change” things?

  93. Answer to the high gas and food prices.

  94. It shows that when American people have a choice to choose they choose wisely. Unlike the media forcing the empty suit down our throats. And Republicans did it without the styrophome Greek pillers.

  95. Most moderate americans were probably traumatized by that hate-fest. It sounded like a Nazi rally. I couldn’t stop watching, though.

  96. This is VERY HISTORIC and I am very proud and happy for the women in our country. I am glad I am able to witness the history being made. This is great for our country to hopefully finally have a woman in the White House. GET OUT AND VOTE!!

  97. It shows that when American people have a choice to choose they choose wisely. Unlike the media forcing the empty suit down our throats. And Republicans did it without the styrophome Greek pillers.

  98. How can one possibly take what Obama says seriously? A child can see through his facade. He is ALL TALK!!! Just like the silver-tounged Greek Sophists of old, Obama is banking on P.T. Barnum’s theory, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” attempting to flatter with his rhetoric for his own good.
    McCain and Palin seem sincere in their speech. McCain is a real man, reminiscent of the great heroes of America’s past. “Country First” – what a concept! Selflessness and altruism will bring this country back on course. McCain and Palin don’t seem to be ‘in it’ for personal gain. OBAMA IS A FRAUD!!!

  99. Jupiter,
    Thanks for clarifying what planet you are from.
    “Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona.”
    Uhhh…we have a HUGE liberal bias in the media. If there is a gullible public, they are the one following Obama. He has a resume that you can pull out of the bottom of any printer or copy machine and connections to more ‘bad guys’ than John Gotti.
    “The press is too afraid of “Liberal Bias!” to really call out Palin about her various scandals, and the public won’t care about them unless it’s thrown in their faces.”
    First off, the press is NOT afraid of bias – ratings me damned. Look at MSNBC. Gutter ratings and they STILL keep up the propoganda. Also, have you checked out her ‘scandals?’ Even Olberman said that the trooper thing is a non-issue AND SHE DID THE RIGHT THING. From the time that McCain nominated her, her whole family and every non-issue was dragged through the mud. HER FAMILY! Has this ever been done to a liberal? NEVER. Disgusting. And your remarks are even more disgraceful and 180 degrees from the truth. How about find another episode of DEsperate Housewives of which to confuse fantasy and reality/
    “Now all the Republicians really need is a ‘Willie Horton’/Swiftboat/ Obama in a tank type attack ad and they’ve got this election wrapped up.”
    Wow. You are a bright one. Willie Horton was Al Gore’s ad against Dukakis. The swiftboat vets are led by a self-professed Democrat and was non-partisan anyway. They were military men who disapproved of his military claims. Simple.
    See what happens when you watch MSNBC too much? BRAINWASHED! Goebbels would be proud.

  100. I know no one believes this.
    McCain and Friends did nothing but talk about Vietnam, its heroes and supposed heroes, leaving out the fact that they attack, on a whim, others that served in Vietnam and do not agree with them on policy or the war.
    There was no substance, there was no outline of a plan regarding healthcare, education, or the military. There was no mention of the legal system, voting issues, or how to keep jobs in America. There was no talk about how to make America Smarter, better, and cleaner.
    There was simply rhetoric describing how to attack others, how to wage war, how to prove to America that you aren’t a self-loathing hypocrit that supports pregnancy out of wed-lock, while being against it as long as someone is poor or not in your own church and of your very own beliefs.
    Pit Bull is right. Thats all Palin is: an attack dog from a state that survives because of Mineral Royalties. She can cut taxes because Alaska is supported by the Federal government and Oil Companies. Its shipping industry is subsidized by the state and Federal government.
    This woman has less experience than a High School Principle. She doesn’t run Alaska, the Federal Government does.
    Denegrating and Trashing volunteers who help the poor in large cities and small towns across this country by proclaiming they are a ZERO is as low as you get.
    Attack Dog indeed.

  101. It is hilarious reading how some feel McCain chose Palin because he wants woman to blindly vote for her. That is the same thing the democrats have done with an unqualified black man – and it worked. Over 90% of blacks say they will vote for him. Why? because he is black. And not only that, they tossed Hillary Clinton, love her or hate her, a woman who has been a loyal democrat for decades, right under the bus. And the dems are also counting on the “young cool” vote with Obama. So who are the voting robots here?
    McCain AND Palin’s speech attract more viewers than Obama’s. THE TRUTH HURTS.

  102. I was voting for Obama but McCain and Palin’s speeches have just changed my mind. It’s apparent that they will actually work for our country. It was bothering me that Obama never really said what he would do – and the over the top speech set up repulsed me.

  103. I wonder if Obama’s having second thoughts about Biden? Ironically, the “change” he constantly preaches about has arrived in the form of Sarah Palin.

  104. How can one possibly take what Obama says seriously? A child can see through his facade. He is ALL TALK!!! Just like the silver-tounged Greek Sophists of old, Obama is banking on P.T. Barnum’s theory, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” attempting to flatter with his rhetoric for his own good.
    McCain and Palin seem sincere in their speech. McCain is a real man, reminiscent of the great heroes of America’s past. “Country First” – what a concept! Selflessness and altruism will bring this country back on course. McCain and Palin don’t seem to be ‘in it’ for personal gain. OBAMA IS A FRAUD!!!

  105. Jupiter,
    Thanks for clarifying what planet you are from.
    “Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona.”
    Uhhh…we have a HUGE liberal bias in the media. If there is a gullible public, they are the one following Obama. He has a resume that you can pull out of the bottom of any printer or copy machine and connections to more ‘bad guys’ than John Gotti.
    “The press is too afraid of “Liberal Bias!” to really call out Palin about her various scandals, and the public won’t care about them unless it’s thrown in their faces.”
    First off, the press is NOT afraid of bias – ratings me damned. Look at MSNBC. Gutter ratings and they STILL keep up the propoganda. Also, have you checked out her ‘scandals?’ Even Olberman said that the trooper thing is a non-issue AND SHE DID THE RIGHT THING. From the time that McCain nominated her, her whole family and every non-issue was dragged through the mud. HER FAMILY! Has this ever been done to a liberal? NEVER. Disgusting. And your remarks are even more disgraceful and 180 degrees from the truth. How about find another episode of DEsperate Housewives of which to confuse fantasy and reality/
    “Now all the Republicians really need is a ‘Willie Horton’/Swiftboat/ Obama in a tank type attack ad and they’ve got this election wrapped up.”
    Wow. You are a bright one. Willie Horton was Al Gore’s ad against Dukakis. The swiftboat vets are led by a self-professed Democrat and was non-partisan anyway. They were military men who disapproved of his military claims. Simple.
    See what happens when you watch MSNBC too much? BRAINWASHED! Goebbels would be proud.

  106. I don’t know about Obama’s speech night because I only watched one news station. When I turned from Palin speech it was on all channels. You didn’t have a choice to watch it. The same with McCain. I was watching football and up popped McCain. This doesn’t mean I wanted to watch it. The speech was pushed into my face and boy was it boring.

  107. I think Obama is the greatest Jimmy Carter reincarnation ever. Same energy policy, same ideals. Heck even Jimmy Carter had a great plan for dealing with the Iranians. He negotiated as well as we were the laughingstock of the world. The Iranians released the hostages the day Reagan took over. Remember stagflation? Jimmy Carter has been meeting every sworn enemy of the US telling them how they are right. Obama=Carter.

  108. I don’t know about Obama’s speech night because I only watched one news station. When I turned from Palin speech it was on all channels. You didn’t have a choice to watch it. The same with McCain. I was watching football and up popped McCain. This doesn’t mean I wanted to watch it. The speech was pushed into my face and boy was it boring.

  109. Good! I’m glad more people tuned in to hear the Republicans blame Washington and the media for all of America’s problems.
    We all know that John McCain is a war hero and an honorable man. But after the big parade has faded into memory, who will clean up the mess of the last 8 years? Who will provide a new direction…not attempt to take us back to the era of Reagan?
    You need an intervention!

  110. Linda,
    If you need a non-boring speech, please attend your nearest network marketing recruitment rally. Unfortunately, politics done right is policy and that is boring to some.

  111. Fight for the Middle Class, fight for American values, fight for those who are hurting. Yep I just said “fight” three times not once was it about the military. But, as a Gold Star Family member I would hope that any President would “FIGHT” for this Country if needed.

  112. Obama tries to scare people by saying with McCain in it will be 4 more years of Bush. I would rather have 4 more years of Bush than 4 more minutes of Obama. But it’s time for Obama and his thugs to huddle with the Lame-Stream media and figure out a way to destroy Palin. That is the politics of the left, wait and see….

  113. We all watched just to see what the republicans were going to say. The usaul lies and BS. Sarah Palin is a good speech reader just as Obama is. Her speech had nothing to do with what she plans to do in office. It was all just to bash Obama. I think we are in trouble no matter who gets in office. They all talk and with very little action. I will just be glad when all this crap is over and done with.

  114. It’s amazing how the American voters changed overnight.
    Just 24 hours ago they were showing their wisdom by trusting Obama’s impressive collection of promises, but all of the sudden they became gullible and are now sold out on a woman who has nothing to offer except authenticity, energy, record of curtailing government waste and corruption, and irrational doctrine “country first”.
    And she is not even a lawyer nor a member of Washington ole boys network, just a governor of a “tiny, out of way state”.
    Can you imagine, the gullible people trusting Ms. Populist Governor more then two lawyers on the Democratic ticket?

  115. Here’s one for you who believe that McSame is anything but EMPTY PROMISES and a COMPLETE FAKE!!
    CBS News Investigates
    Patriotic Montage Shown At RNC Featured Actors Hired For One Day Shoot, Not Military

  116. one thing i notice is that people say that obama is going to give tax breaks to the middle class and lower imcome, thats great, BUT BUT BUT, WHEN HE RAISES THE RATES ON SO CALLED RICH PEOPLE AND BUSINESS THAT MAKE 250000 OR MORE ,THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD REALIZE THAT THOSE TAX INCREASES ARE GOING TO GET PAST ON TO THEM. WAKE UP PEOPLE USE YOUR HEADS. GO MAC AND PALIN NYS REP

  117. Did any of you Libs actually watch the next President/Vice President of the United States. The talked about everything they were going to do and you say they had no substance to their speeches. You must of been watching Obama/Bin Biden. These two are going to tear this country apart if they are elected. I am not a rich man but I believe in keeping what I work for and not giving it to some people who don’t want to work or who are not US citizens.
    McCain/Palin 08/12 and for the future of my kids.

  118. Who cares about policy. Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin trump Michelle Obama and Joe Biden’s wife in a beauty contest any day. I’m voting Republican.

  119. Obama must have lost viewers because they couldn’t see past all those fake Styrofoam columns.

  120. one thing i notice is that people say that obama is going to give tax breaks to the middle class and lower imcome, thats great, BUT BUT BUT, WHEN HE RAISES THE RATES ON SO CALLED RICH PEOPLE AND BUSINESS THAT MAKE 250000 OR MORE ,THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD REALIZE THAT THOSE TAX INCREASES ARE GOING TO GET PAST ON TO THEM. WAKE UP PEOPLE USE YOUR HEADS. GO MAC AND PALIN NYS REP

  121. As the Obama supporters chant ad nauseum “Obama!”, “Obama!”, “Obama!” with arms raise high like those mindless crowds in front of Hitler not so many years ago, their mindset is clear. They chant their allegiance to a single man and his personal warped ideals.
    Where as the Republican supports chant “USA!”, “USA!”, “USA!” which is a clear mindset that they hold their allegiance to the country.
    A clear demarcation of attitude towards this country. The Obama followers are of the ME! ME! ME! generation. Well I can say that your motto of “Yes We Can” will change to “What the hell were we thinking!?” very soon.

  122. Rasputin: How about Joe “Slitherin” Biden…old snake eyes Biden…

  123. Google Investor’s Business Daily + Public Allies and see the future with an OB Presidency. There are also articles about his belief in the black theology religion. Wow! Who vetted this guy???

  124. I guess they couldn’t see Obama through all those fake Styrofoam columns.

  125. Bring back the greek pillars……..

  126. You bet we’re jazzed! We’ve got the ticket! The
    whole base is jazzed! Did you see her numbers? The polls? Obama is toast! See you libs in November!

  127. a great ticket…
    … IN whitehouse
    Good for America and world!!!

  128. I wouldn’t consider this much of a victory. McCain had a great time slot. His speech was right after the opening game of the most watched sport in this country which, for those of you who know anything about how TV execs strategically place programming, was a prime spot and no doubt gave him a considerable boost which likely was not entirely organic. Remember when NBC put shows directly after Cheers in order to boost their viewership? This is the same effect.

  129. Ya Know its funny too me how bitter the democrats are. Lets see the last 8 years.4 Passenger Planes crashed into buildings and the ground. Republicans tried to defend there country while democrats went on the view,good morning america and regis and kelly. We rally the troops to go destroy the enemy and the dems well they try to stall things and say we already lost so lets put our tail between our legs and run like cowards. If it was up to the democratic party we would be socialists who have allies in Iran,Syria,North Korea, oh and if im not mistaken under a democratic administration we had ruby ridge,waco, oklahoma city, Columbine,the war with bosnia. Dont you dare tell me that your so much better for the country. Abraham Lincoln freed slaves but so called black militancy still calls him a rascist when they are more rascist but lets call militancy so noone will question us hahahah what a joke. All those tribes on stage for obama thats funny because if i remember correctly it was the founder of the modern democratic party andrew jackson hated the native americans so much that he sent them off on a trail of tears. A democratic administration will mean more problems at home combined with more problems abroad. Oh yeah and by the way the economy is the greedy banks fault maybe you dems should learn a little about the real estate market morons. Oh yeah i forgot your so transfixed on Mean old President Bush taking your civil liberties. Give me a break

  130. This is wonderful news to read.
    Also, all this junk that Palin doesn’t have background in foreign affairs? I just looked at her Gov. website and notice all the countries they have trade agreements with and sister cities.
    You can also see all the Proclamations, and Administrative Orders – just a wealth of information.
    I think back about the democrats laughing when the Governor mentioned Russia. Guess they didn’t check her website.

  131. You know I am a big supporter of the republican ticket but James that is completely unneeded. Even if Obama were the purest evil on the planet his girls should not be dragged into it. When you jump into the mud to fight you lose the high ground.
    James Smithson:
    I heard a rumor that the Obama’s oldest daughter has already had an abortion. Any truth to that rumor? Does anyone know who may have impregnated her or where the alleged abortion was performed.

  132. I’m a conservative who has always tried to keep an open mind. I was not all that intriged by either party until Mr. McCain chose to put someone who can do more for the country than fundraise. Turns out he picked someone who could do both, and in a bipartisan fashion at that.
    What truly angers me, is all this I am God, you are God, we are all God crap from people like Oprah who then in less than Godly behavior refuses to allow Palin on her show.
    Talk about hypocracy.
    You can keep your “it’s all good” philosophy sugar, you and your party are the hypocrites.
    And further more the most discriminated faction in America today is the mature citizens who actually built this great country. Fought for her and paid taxes to keep her in good shape.
    Liberals stop your discrimination. It’s called
    Ageism and McCain deserves better. He deserves Obama’s respect.

  133. Wow this is shocking.. McCain beating Obama’s ratings! Though I am a McCain/Palin supporter I never expected this. Maybe Democrats are smarter than I gave them credit for ! they are finally realizing what a fraud their candidate is. McCain/Palin have Integrity, Honesty, grit, determination and no fear to bring about actual change, while still reaching across the aisle! Now this is Leadership you can count on!
    Even Iranian TV is supporting Obama!! Hope Obama realises that he is not running for President in Iran or Europe but for the wonderul country of USA….

  134. Oh that was John McCain. I thought i was watching Cocoon or some bizzaro episode of the golden girls when bea arthur brought her new boyfriend into speak.

  135. It is so fun to watch the American right get excited. McCain has never had what it took to work the facile right into a frenzy, but he won them with the gimmick political pick of the century.
    This completes the McCain-Palin-Bush ticket: we’ve got Bush policies (big oil tax cuts, more military) married to Bush politics (firing law enforcement that don’t toe the line and continued destruction of the rule of law).
    My money is on McCain-Palin win and with that America’s decline will continue. But we’ll get what we deserve.
    McCain-Palin 08

  136. McCain makes me wanna puke and so do these comments.
    Gotta love the “diversity” in the McBush crowd. I love the US but all you evil and brain dead followers are the reason why the US is so divided and unequal. But now your time is up and you make me, and a whole lot of others, fight even harder to make sure you will lose control this fall.
    Chanting USA will not make you win this election. Can’t wait to hear y’all chant USA when Obama’s sworn in as President of the good ol’ USA. It will have such a nice ring to it!
    Chicago, IL

  137. Im not shocked. Its obvious Mccain can back up his speeches with details. Im shocked to see obama in the no spin zone with Bill!

  138. Hey “Liberal for Change” – just how ethical do you think it would be to show a private real funeral on national tv – do you think the families would want that??
    Of course it was fake – give me a break and think before you type.

  139. 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years ……….
    and it was written … The anti-christ will come from a very cold place … PALIN is a FRAUD.
    Can’t wait to see WHAT Saturday night live does to her…. She is ripe for jokes… She is a great JOKE.

  140. Yes, we should have more of the same from a guy who voted with bush 90% of the time. Cause the last 8 years have been such a win. And the “liberal Washington” that they kept referring to was in conservative control for 6 years. Senate, House, and President all Republican controlled and look where we are. 84,000 jobs lost THIS MONTH. Dollar worse than ever. Government has gotten BIGGER with no need for the executive branch to go through courts for wire taps. The President does not have nearly all the checks and balances that he should due to the “Patriot Act”. Where was his answer last night for helping the middle class? What was his stance on bringing outsourced jobs back? One thing I did agree on him with is to curb sending 700 Billion dollars in aid overseas to countries that don’t like us very much. He was better 8 years ago and this coming from a registered Republican.
    Don’t get me wrong, Obama is not a savior. Not all of this will be fixed in the next 4 years no matter who we elect, but I don’t see how anyone can listen to that speech, look at the last 8 years and honestly say we need to “stay the course”.

  141. obama’s young crowd not sitting in front of the television at 9pm probably explains that “shocking” data. i know obama’s message – i don’t need to know any more. republicans pander to fundamentalist christians. obama has had my vote from the beginning. i voted republican the last two times and its over for them. i got better shit to do then to watch either one of these parties teleprompter speeches

  142. Who are these Neilsen households again? Do they really reflect the voting public, especially in this election?? Hard to believe they do when 10,000’s more show up to see Obama speak in person, and he’s raised so much more money. Maybe Neilsen needs to “update” how they calculate ratings…

  143. Yeah but my guess is that a large percentage of those viewers were horrified DEMOCRATS !

  144. Bocephus:
    Had you stayed awake and listened, you might have learned something.
    Oh, and by the way – please do not denegrate the nickname of Hank Jr. by using it yourself.

  145. Sorry Obama, the October surprise came early. After you lose you could ask Sarah how to list “O-Force One” on ebay.

  146. I wouldn’t read too much into these numbers. Democrats who were probably made up a significant part of the TV audience were watching to see what McCain had to say, looking for more specific answers to the issues. A smart voter is going to compare the platforms of both candidates. On the other hand, I don’t see alot of Republicans doing the same. Based on the content of the Republican speeches, it is clear that Republicans did not tune in to the Democratic convention.
    Maybe why people watched the convention is the question.

  147. The power to fuel this economy for the next four years is.
    Palin Power

  148. Obama the “change” candidate passed on Hillary and picked an old washington insider/gas bag.
    McCain the “change” candidate picked a young, up and coming, female, Washington OUTSIDER.
    Which candidate is truely committed to “change”. Is there any doubt if these actions are any indication?

  149. Just one more BOGUS article put out there to try and lead us to believe that Miss Arrogant ’08 and Grampy McSame actually have a chance at winning this election. It’s nice data to boost your ego, but it actually means NOTHING!!!!!!
    Obama/Biden ’08!!!

  150. All this talk about change coming from the democrats and from Obama boils down to one thing: Changing Jimmy Carter’s skin color from white to black. Obama’s ideas are nothing more than the failed ideas of Jimmy Carter. Basically all you’re going to get is higher taxes, bigger government, lower quality of public education (not that it can go any lower), and Cuban-style health care system, British-style dentistry. It was funny hearing Obama today talk about creating more jobs. How are you going to create more jobs by taxing small business to death, moron? There is nothing new in what Obama has to offer to the country except for the most empy resume in the history of presidential elections.

  151. Question now is not WILL McCAIN WIN but instead HOW BIG A WIN WILL IT BE?

  152. I’m sorry, I’ll see myself out. I’ve obviously stumbled into a gravy-sucking pigsty.
    Obama ’08

  153. It’s O-Over.
    BHO was always all columns – no stones.
    Bye-Bye O.
    Hello McCain/Palin.

  154. Substance matters more than style. Experience, qualifications, and integrity mean more than a rock star persona. I’m a Dem., but McCain has my vote.

  155. I find this hard to believe, even though I support McCain. I’ll wait for the official numbers.

  156. We need “THE RIGHT GUARD” for a bad case of B.O.
    That would make a great t shirt.Love laughing at you democrooks and the corrupt media.MEGA DITTOS
    LOVE SARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  157. You can’t force a zealot to actually have a conversation about something they disagree with nor get them to think. This is a waste to try and start a discussion here

  158. Kedren, I think that George Soros and Hollywood friends donated several millions to Obama after Palin’s speech to make it look like it did… HA HA

  159. Why do liberal Democrats hate motherhood and babies so much? I have never understood the animus for the most innocent of our citizens?

  160. Yes, Frank, chanting USA never won anyone the election… how very astute of you. It is extremely telling, though, of where a party’s loyalties lie. During Hillary’s “endorsement” of Barry, she receieved the least applause when she said “I am an American.” And you guys have written off the “bitter clingers”… oops. Even Letterman was singing Palin’s praises last night. She definitely falls into that category. Take your foot out those Birkenstocks and place it securely in your mouth… to quote my favorite movie, “The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end, your highness.”

  161. All one needs to do to see the mind of the left in this country is read comment boards. What do we learn?
    1) They call names.
    2) They cry that its always someone elses fault
    3) They change the subject whenever they have no anwers.
    4) If #3 doesn’t work they point to someone else and say what they did was worse
    5) They take no responsibility for their actions
    6) Yet they attack even the smallest issue amongst their opponents
    This list could go on and on… I wish most normal Americans would get online and read the rubbish written here by the childish lefties.

  162. Pig sty is two words. But you got the hyphen correct on the sucking. hmm.

  163. dc…That’s what’s so scary about Caribou Barbie. She’s being presented to the American people as a Washington outsider. You poor thing. Sorry…but you’ve been PUNKED!
    Happy Obama/Biden day!!!

  164. What Palin scandals? Surely you don’t mean the ones already debunked thought up by the KOS Kids that caused US Weekly to tank with their readership.
    Obama’s relationships with Ayers, Wright, Phelps, Phlegar, and Rezko are REAL. Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy is real too – real life, something that happens in teens but certainly not a scandal having anything to do with Sarah Barracuda Palin.
    *I* am Sarah Palin. She represents my views as a woman and as an American. I’m so happy that I can now vote for a ticket I believe in.

  165. Hey folks – Have you ever noticed that Obama always says he is looking out for the “middle class and ordinary people” – I want to know what makes him more special than any of us – I wonder if he would want to do things that would possibly elevate other folks to to his tax bracket – I bet he wouldn’t – Seems to me that I remember an off the cuff comment by Hillary a while ago that went something like – The majority of people in the USA are not smart enough to take care of their own money, situations, etc… – I would have to disagree with these Ivy league educated SNOBS on both sides – I’ll personally take my chances with the folks over big brother anytime! WAKE UP AMERICA!

  166. Does everyone realize Obama had every speech written for him. Sarah will wipe the floor with him. Obama is a terrible public speakers unless the words are in front of him. During Sarah’s speech the tele-prompter malfunctioned and she did not even phase her.
    Obama has had the same problem on the campaign and he stuttered like moron every time.

    what a bunch of lemmings.
    first off, as can easly be proven by any real attempt at finding out, most of the trash talk about obama that has been spouted by your new wonder woman and friend’s IS COMPLETELY UNTRUE.
    also, i find it odd that so few actually find it critical that there was almost no detailed discussions regarding actual ISSUES and SOLUTIONS to anything.
    republican convention:
    * lets massacre any semblance of dignity and make mccain’s heroism so dressed in slop and ridiculous antics that the entire display was fit for a pepsi cola ad.
    * obama is SCARY “insert endless lies and fabrications regarding his intentions, qualifications and record here”
    * 9/11 !!! (woohoo, FEAR!!)
    * terrorist are scary (more FEAR!!)
    * did we mention he’s a HERO???
    the entire display was insulting, typical red-meat political antics based in NOTHING resembling credible ideas or solutions.
    the republicans proved dutifully that after 8 years of an almost legendary abuse and misuse of power, a complete destruction of our standing and endless strings of horrible decisions… that they now are for “change”… yeah right.
    spare me.

  168. Symbols of Politics: Democrats: The Jackass – Means the party that is Stupid, Stubborn and Single minded. Republicans: The Elephant – Means the party that is Strong, Never Forgets and will stomp your ass flat if you get in the way. Thank God (and not Obama) that I’m NOT in the party of the Jackasses!!! If you’re in the stock market, you’d better start buying stock in Kleenex cause the poor jackasses that faithfully follow the media manufactured Obama will be crying rivers of tears as the “The One” crawls back under the dung heap he slithered out from under.

  169. The one and only reason this election is even close. The only reason there need even be a vote is the traditionally small segment of the black population normally drawn by the rep. party is dedicated to a partially black man. Give us back that small percentage and no need for a vote.
    I don’t vote strict party line,I could vote for BHO if (and he doesn’t) he even had a clue or wasn’t a marxist, leftist, comunist leaning idiot bent on taking money out of my pocket and yours too Mr.& Mrs black America. I understand your want for a man or woman of color. What I don’t understand is running headlong into a tractor trailer regardless of consequence simply to obtain a dream. For me BHO is nothing more than the Great Black Hope in a suit.
    Pull your hands back in Black America, if this clod should be elected all those dollars he will add in burdensome taxation will not end up in your outstretched hands. Take that to the bank.

    Your vicious, unfair, ridiculous savaging of Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter is directly responsible for the GOP’s renewed political life. YOU WANTED TO AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION? You have! YOU’VE EMASCULATED YOUR OWN CANDIDATE, THE MESSIAH YOU’VE BEEN RAMMING DOWN OUR THROATS FOR 19 MONTHS!
    Now most of the American public has lost trust in you, your power is gone. The GOP should buy you all a bottle of wine!

  171. I have to admit that I’m a big fan of Hillar Clinton for her support of hispanics. After she eventually she lost to Obama madness where the media turned hin into a celebrity, I was hurt. I considered Obama but he opened my wounds even more after chossing Biden!?! over Hillary. I thought to myself, let me hear both conventions and then decide. Obama to me has an overly ambicious agenda but disn’t speak to me in terms of being real as McCain did. McCain promises a bi-pardisn cabinet and he’ll work for me the american, unlike Obama who to me speaks to liberals but not Americans.
    I voted Cinton twice, Gore, and then Bush over the horid John Kerry in 04 and now I am leaning towards McCain/Palin. the ticket seems more genuine and real to me and I think they will do more things for America than Obama/Biden who to me seem to be seeking to push forward a strictly liberal agenda with little room for comprimise.

  172. Oprah might have made the biggest gaffe of all by not having Palin on her show prior to the election. Oprah needs to be real careful because she is playing the race card which could backfire on Obama. The more this happens it just gives impetus to the Republicans. I have to tell you this is a major blunder on Oprah’s part.

  173. This is for Frank the “Diaper Man”.
    Hey Frank. You don’t appear to be very intelligent. I’ll bet you always vote Democrat.
    Is your IQ avove or below 50?

  174. dc…That’s what’s so scary about Caribou Barbie. She’s being presented to the American people as a Washington outsider. You poor thing. Sorry…but you’ve been PUNKED!
    Happy Obama/Biden day!!!

  175. To poster Jupiter and all Obama backers ,I ask you to please look past the persona and look at the facts.
    Obama Facts:
    He listen to Frank Marshall while in Hawaii,Frank Marshall was the leader of a sociallist organization sposored by Russia in the 70’s. Obama addmitted it in his book.
    Obama set on a college board and had a coming out party at William Aire’s house.William Aires leader of the Weather underground.Organization that bombed the pentagon among other places in the 70’s.
    Obama’s friend Tony Rezko,Obama help pass a bill that gave money to low income apartment owners for repairs and fixes. Tony Rezko ownes low income apartments and is in jail for money laundering. By the way some of his apartments were condemmed for poor maintence. Mean while he was living in a multimillion dollar home.
    Look up the WORLD POVERTY ACT ,its a bill that Barrack Obama tried to have passed, it would tax americans .075% and give that money to the united nations for distritbution to third world countries. By the way it would generate 864 billion dollars.
    Also keep in mind he voted 3 times against providing health care to babies that surrvive partial birth abortions.
    I could go on and on please my fellow americans this guy is going to send us all to the poor house and turn us in to the biggest socailist country in the world.Don’t listen to what he says and look up what he has done and how he has voted.
    Sarah Palin’s contreversy:
    Trying to fire her brother in law state troopper,did you know he tazed his 10 year old step son. You want hear that on MSNBC or CNN.
    Supposed book banning is a made up story released by her Mayor rival John Stien in Warsilla,don’t beleive me why hasn’t the librarian came out and said anything. Also someone that wants to ban books doesn’t have a 80% approval rating.
    Traveling on a airplane after water breaks with last son. She felt a little water and had a note from her doctor to fly,also Alaskan Airlines wouldn’t let her fly if it wasn’t safe.
    Like I said before please stop being SHEEPEOPLE and just do a little leg work check out sources and look stuff up.Thats what I did. (please excuse spelling and grammer I was limmited on time)

  176. I have to admit that I’m a big fan of Hillar Clinton for her support of hispanics. After she eventually she lost to Obama madness where the media turned hin into a celebrity, I was hurt. I considered Obama but he opened my wounds even more after chossing Biden!?! over Hillary. I thought to myself, let me hear both conventions and then decide. Obama to me has an overly ambicious agenda but disn’t speak to me in terms of being real as McCain did. McCain promises a bi-pardisn cabinet and he’ll work for me the american, unlike Obama who to me speaks to liberals but not Americans.
    I voted Cinton twice, Gore, and then Bush over the horid John Kerry in 04 and now I am leaning towards McCain/Palin. the ticket seems more genuine and real to me and I think they will do more things for America than Obama/Biden who to me seem to be seeking to push forward a strictly liberal agenda with little room for comprimise.

  177. Val, I am bumping your comments. They are concise and insightful.
    Perhaps Obama should have talked positively about America and the American people and not go to foreign lands to apologize for it.
    Perhaps he should have looked to appeal to the real men and women in America and not entertainment industry elites.
    Perhaps he should speak positively about American industry and the free market and not extol European Socialism.
    Perhaps he should not speak about engineering surrendering in Iraq when victory is in sight.
    Perhaps he should talk about the glory of the individual and not the power of the state.
    Posted by Val | September 5, 2008 8:23 AM

  178. Symbols of Politics: Democrats: The Jackass – Means the party that is Stupid, Stubborn and Single minded. Republicans: The Elephant – Means the party that is Strong, Never Forgets and will stomp your ass flat if you get in the way. Thank God (and not the messiah Obama) that I’m NOT in the party of the Jackasses!!! If you’re in the stock market, you’d better start buying stock in Kleenex cause the poor jackasses that faithfully follow the media manufactured Obama will be crying rivers of tears as the “The One” crawls back under the dung heap he slithered out from under.

  179. Obama lost this thing with his pick of Biden as VP. What a total loser.

  180. Hey conservatives – your idiots. You don’t focus on the issues, you focus on yourselves soley. You may not agree with Obama and his politics – but the experience question…as well as the attacks on his personality doesn’t further conversation in this country.
    Enjoy your little love fest.

  181. Wake up media. You know absolutely nothing
    about us. It is so painfully obvious when
    you did your interviews in the Midwest.
    When the election results show a McCain/Palin
    win you will be dumbstruck again.

  182. Has anyone actually noticed that John McCain was a POW longer than Obama has been in the Senate? Does anyone doubt that Obama would have taken the deal to leave the POW camp early?

  183. “She’s being presented to the American people as a Washington outsider. You poor thing. Sorry…but you’ve been PUNKED!”
    So Nita… she IS more experienced thatn everyone is saying? Sorry “sweetie,” you can’t have it both ways.
    (sweeite quote attriubted to Barry as he addressed a female reporter)

  184. I would be interested to know how many people watch Obama online vs. McCain. I feel that that would be more accurate, given that TV soon will be archaic. Like conservatives will soon be: archaic.
    Obama will guide us towards the future.

  185. Obama/Biden with all the liberal media behind them could not outdraw Mcain/Palin!!! WOW!! Could it be that many americans haven’t drank the coolaid like the Obamakins have??? This country needs alot more than smoke and mirrors in the world today. Mcain/Palin bring love for the USA, real ideas for the average people, and most of all the experience to make our country strong and admired in the world!!!!
    GO Mcain/Palin!!! Don’t let the socialists take our country from us.

  186. Wow! And my Republican household helped Obama’s rating. I always watch both conventions. I doubt that most of the Yellow Dog Dems watched the Republican convention. Geaux McCain/Palin

  187. McCain, the old codger, and the nobody hockey mom from Wausilla, beat the Messiah, the Anointed One?
    Keep on attacking Sarah, you mo-rawns in the liberal Obama media. You’re just going to keep up the interest on McCain and Plain and keep driving their poll numbers up.

  188. Obama is reeling right now, why the hell is he on FOX?

  189. Hey Zman.
    Why are you calling anyone an idiot when you can’t spell or construct a correct sentence?
    You are obviously a liberal and surely an idiot. I’ll bet you never made it out of grade school.

  190. The McCain/Palin ticket is the most exciting political team in decades.
    Sarah’s speech was powerfully moving and John McCain’s was unapologetically patriotic.
    Love of country and the optimism of this ticket is a winner!
    God bless America!

  191. Jupiter: “stupid, gullible public”
    and you wonder; why not gore…. why not kerry….
    but that’s ok, keep on calling us stupid and gullible, it’s helping us in this election too

  192. The news media are reporting that Obama beat Palint in the tv ratings war. Untrue. First, Palin had less networks covering her, and she had more online viewers than Obama. Plus the 37 million they are reporting did not include PBS, which now puts her over 40 million. I am also surprised on how well McCain did. I am glad that voters were open-minded and gave him a chance, too.

  193. “Enjoy your little love fest.”
    Hey Zman… Democratic Kool-Aid getting a little bitter these days?

  194. this is great b/c the dems crowed on and on about how McCain could never get 80k to fill a football stadium to listen to him accept the nomination. They were probably right- but Obama couldn’t get the same amount of people to tune and watch him. And for Biden- poor little guy was about 16million shy of what Palin brought in.

  195. Surpised! And I’m a McCain fan! I thought the football game would hurt by doesn’t look like it. I guess the Hockey Mom factor kicked in.

  196. I am a registered Democra,but I think Palin’s speech was the best.

  197. Why won’t Oprah have Sarah Palin, the FIRST FEMALE Republican VP candidtae on her show? I thought she celebrated self-made successful women? I don’t understand?

  198. Hey Libs – attached is a perfect example of what you get when the city, county, and state are run by DemocRATS. There is a GUN ban in Chicago. Makes you want to ask “Richie”, hows that gun ban working for ya. Obama was/is a part of this machine.
    Eight years in the state senate and over 130 “PRESENT” votes….you’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.
    CHICAGO (CBS) ― An estimated 123 people were shot and killed over the summer. That’s nearly double the number of soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.
    The Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 123 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.
    According to the Defense Department, 65 soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period.
    In the same time period, an estimated 245 people were shot and wounded in the city.
    OOOOH Baracudaaaaaa

  199. Undecided in Arizona –we all know allot about McCain, sorry to say he lacks support. John will not seal the border with Mexico, nor will he endorse ridding the anchor baby law. Increasing border security in John’s promise means adding one more patrol agent, that’s all. Any job increase will go to the illegals, because you’re all lazy unimpassioned Americans. If McCain continues to refuse addressing the immigration problem by election time, I’ll have no alternative, but to throw away my vote and write-in Vladimir Putin. Now there’s a guy who really knows how to secure a border! If the Obamatrons win, we’ll be polishing our guns and clinging to our religion in preparation of the next civil war…

  200. P.S.,
    It is so nice and refreshing reading these pro-McCain/Palin posts.
    Thanks for your encouraging posts.
    Shows that we are not alone!

  201. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Obama’s fund raising dried up and he ended up with less money then if he would have taken public financing?

  202. Glad to hear that many people listened to McCain and Palin. Car bumper sticker..VOTE FOR McCAIN AND NOT HUSSEIN. I would be afraid to put that on my car. It would get fire bombed.

  203. The Obamabots just dropped a hot steamy load in their knickers!

  204. Obama is blaming McCain that he agreed with Bush 90% of the time how about Obama agreeing with rev.Wright 95% of the time, it took him 20 years to understand that something is wrong with that
    it shows his judgement and what a quick learner he is

  205. As an issue, abortion needs to go away. It’s time to move into the 2st century. Abortion is like putting an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, rather than building a fence at the top of the cliff.
    Technology has advanced trmendously in the pst 35 years. Except in very rare cases, most women can prevent pregnancy a lot more safely, effectively, and inexpensively than they can terminate a pregnancy.
    Too much emphasis is placed on abortion, and not enough emphasis is placed on prevention.
    The reason abortion is still an issue is because of the Big Abortion lobby. Abortion doctors, clinics and organizations stand to lose millions of dollars if abortion goes away.
    Prevention is much safer than termination. Prevention is much more reliable than it was 35 years ago. Prevention should be the emphasis. Come on, catch up to the 21st Century.

  206. Lawyers are the main reason that US politics and administration is totally corrupt….Obama and Biden are lawyers…Need I say more…

  207. HOT DAMN! I was not a big McCain fan, but with Palin on the ticket and after all I have learned about him this week, I am a full-fledged recruit ready to go out and work for his ticket!

  208. McCain/Palin – “change” will help to restore the nonsensical activities of the Democrat do-nothing led congress.
    Obama/Biden – “change” will turn the country into a socialistic state (the first step towards the ultimate goal of an Orwellian described society).
    Let’s “hope” the former and not the latter.

  209. McCain has earned the presidency. His heroic and expansive military experience, his long tenure in the Congress and Congressional committes, his involvement in and grasp of foreign affairs all qualify him for the office.
    Obama may be ready in a few years but he has little or no qualifications at this time. His “management” of his own campaign and work as a “community organizer” are just not enough experience to assume the role of commander-in-chief of the United States.

  210. A Reader wrote:
    >And (Palin) is not even a lawyer nor a member of >Washington ole boys network…
    You say that like it was a bad thing…
    >Can you imagine, the gullible people trusting >Ms. Populist Governor more then two lawyers on >the Democratic ticket?
    You just used the word “trusting” and “two lawyers” in the same sentence, and you think the *electorate* is gullible?
    Maybe you’re being ironic and I’m missing it.

  211. Hey Tom the jobless rate is up because of liberal media layoffs.

  212. Obama went on FOX because he is in a state of panic. He knew Hillary did it and got a bounce in her ratings. He’ll do just about anything, no I’m sorry, he WILL do anything to get his numbers up.
    TO FRANK from Chicago, Heard your city had more murders than the number of deaths in Iraq for the same time period. Must make you real proud to be from the same area as the “anoited one” and be known for more killings than in Iraq. Way to go!!
    I guess Obama thinks that what’s good for Chicago is good for the nation. I wonder did the “Community Organizer” Organize all those murders? Must have taken real “experiance” to make all those decisions. Oh but wait! I’m sure he only voted “present” like some moronic grade school roll call. He might as well have yelled “Here!” It would have served the same perpose and person. Himself.

  213. I am a staunch Democrat here in Pennsylvania, but am now going to be voting for McCain-Palin. I don’t like how Obama treated Hillary and really think he is out of touch with those of us here in central PA.

  214. It is surely a winning ticket…
    … already blessed and “in” to serve America 🙂

  215. The Mav and the Cuda will be out front on Monday when the polls come out. Way to go America! You’ve finally woke up.

  216. Pop Quiz: (answers below)
    Name the Neocon who has ever seen spent one second in the military:
    A. Cheney
    B. Rove
    C. Wolfowitz
    D. Kristol
    E. Bush (National guard – no battle)
    F. Rumsfeld
    G. Limbaugh (hemorrhoids waiver)
    H. Hannity
    I. None of the Above
    Extra Credit:
    Who has made 1 Billion off the Iraq war and sent much of his wealth overseas due to a weak US economy:__________
    Who has spilled the blood and lost their fathers to a preventable war?
    answers: a.E b.Cheney c. Us

  217. Thank God for McCain and his foresight in picking Palin, for VP, she and her family is real and a family like most of the American family. Thank you McCain. The AMerican Dream is alive and well for the American people, especially if we work hard and believe there is nothing we cannot achieve. Thank God for us that are living in America. Thank God for our troops that are giving their lives so those nitwits and pink people, can slamm and trash the USA. They are arnachists and liberal socialists who carry a ton of garbgage on their backs, and cannot stand those who believe in the American Dream. Yes,many of us want to live and share with those less fortunate, but the buck has to stop somewhere, and we the people have to stand up for ourselves. I always taught my children, and they are all doing well, that there is nothing they cannot attain if they work hard. God Bless this USA. The dems want everything handed to them. Be careful of those who say “We want to even the playing field” which means to those elites, they want no competition, from the common people, they want to keep the money to themselves. I am sure the American Dream did not stop for Obama and Michlle,and their families. The American dream is for everyone. Yet the way they talk so negative about America, they seem to hate the Dream….

  218. I saw a great comment above…I don’t think most of the Americans to whom Obama is promising a tax break realize what that actually means…small business will cut jobs and raise prices to maintain their profitability. So that few cents extra they receive in their paycheck will be far outweighed but the increasing costs of goods that they need to purchase. Hope people start to educate themselves…this cloud (tax breaks for the middle class) does NOT have a silver lining.

  219. Last week you saw the style. This week you heard substance.

  220. Obama wants change.
    Their party criticizes the Republicans with “that’s not change, that’s more of the same.”
    Yet, when it come time to pick a running mate, Obama picks Joe Biden. A senator of 35 years.
    I’m 42. Biden’s been a senator since I was 7 years old. How is a good ol’ boy senator change? Seems like more of the same to me.

  221. I don’t think most of the dems who post here understand what change is to many folks. In my opinion, many Republicans want change that is more in line with what traditional conservatives advocated for in the 80’s. Reagan won big because you knew where he stood and what he wanted. He had a long record of fighting communism, big government, excessive regulation and high taxes. He worked his way through the ranks; Head of a union, and governor. He did not “spin” who he was and what he wanted. To borrow from a quote by Reagan, I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. With Governor Palin on the ticket and Senator McCain talking about reform I believe that the Republican Party is coming back to its roots.
    Obama is a socialist at heart who believes that America is inherently racist and cruel and owes him something. McCain believes that this country and its people are inherently good and that its people strive for equality and justice. Positive against negative.
    McCain/Palin 08 YES

  222. SBrainard: Did you not vote for Bush twice the past 8 years under the same assuptions? Did you get your wish?

  223. Yes, I support Barack Obama and I watched his acceptance speech and John McCain’s.
    I’m glad the Republicans had a good convention
    and have solidified their base; i.e., right-wingnuts, creationists, abstinence-only sex education advocates and a new constituency, The Stepford Wives.
    It’s the Stepford Wives that boosted John McCain’s acceptance speech rating. Prior to Sarah Palin they weren’t permitted to participate in politics.

  224. It amazes me how gullible americans are . Do you yanks really think that McCain and his ” Barbie Doll ” VP are going to solve all of our problems . What is going to happen in the VP debates when the question is asked to ” Barbie ” about sex ed in the schools ? Is she going to answer ,” Preach abstinence” ? Boy that would be a joke . I believe McCain knew that she had a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant , and picked Palin just to get the ” REDNECK ” vote . The republicans had eight years , the first six of those they had the majority in the senate and in the house , and the white house all at the same time plus the majority during the CLINTON years . What are they going to do borrow more money from Saudi Arabia and China . Maybe they should borrow money from Great Britain . It worked with China , did you see how fast Bush ran to China to be apart of the Beijing Olympics . I think he ran faster than the Jamaican track team . Once those get into office ,it will be business as usual . The Democrats had better stick to the Senate and House races , that would be one way to get rid of Lil’ Bush’s cronies and keep McCain in line

  225. The entire Palin circus is an embarrasement.

  226. Enough about dredging up the past about any of theses candidates. That’s wasted energy designed to side track on the real issues. On agenda, Obama is a dead man walking. The same old party line that leads to further erosion of our national sovereingty along with higher taxes. Does anybody know it takes the average taxpayer into July to pay Uncle Sammy our federal, state, and surcharge tax obligations? With the Obamatax decree it may well take us into the fall before we’re able to spend any of our hard earned $. In a day of job cutbacks and decreasing wages, it nausiates the snot out of me to see the beltway fatcats continue to justify their self-made automatic pay increases. I wish I had such a job. In session half the year, selling out to lobbyists over $100.00 meals, running the country bankrupt with pork barrel spending, flying around in private jets, thumbing their noses at eachother. Sick Sarah the lipsticked bulldog after them all. Rout them from the marbled halls of D.C. to a dog house with a plywood floor.

  227. Finally. For MILLIONS to see.
    The curtain has been pulled away on Obama. He really is the no experience, cotton candy, empty suit canidate.
    Community organizer…bah.
    McCain/Palin have the experience AND the record. Obama hasn’t run or govenered anything, hasn’t had to make decisions, hasn’t sponsored important legislation. His record is quite unremarkable.
    They can try and dress up his resume all they want but adding more sugar onto pablum doesn’t make it any more filling
    The democrats want to put a Bush mask on McCain but it just won’t fit. Most Americans know McCain is an orginal… only blind Obama cult members can’t see it.

  228. Someone posted above regarding Obamas Global Anti Poverty tax funded by the American taxpayer. I thought it wasn’t true until i found it on Obamas page. Please spread the word, this is outrageous. And shame on Hagel and the Repub in the House who helped advance it.

  229. Jupiter, are you from there? Must be if you believe what you’ve written. The Dems have been knocked on their collective butts and there’s nothing they can do about it. They didn’t get that “tingly” feeling up their legs as they did with their savior NObama, they felt a “tinkle” running down their legs the last two nights!!! Between Palin and McCain coming across as real people who care where our country is going and are willing to do something about it the Dems are terrified. They have no answer but to smear and defame, that’s shows how classless they really are. The next eight weeks are going to very interesting as the Dems will try everything they have to derail the McCain/Palin ticket, GOOD LUCK!!! By the way, where’s Pelosi & Hillary? Hmmmmm, makes me think they’ve been hit the hardest by Palin’s nomination for V.P. OUCH!!!

  230. Oh my you republicans are hilarious – ratings dont mean anything – I had it on TWO TV’s and nobody in my house is voting for him two people were split (my wife and my mother) but his joke of a speech clinched it for them – they are voting Obama.
    The GOP should be afraid – more people saw your old man in front of the green screen strike out – his numbers will now fall as we have seen what McCain offers and we arren’t buying it.
    Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt it.

  231. Thank you John McCain for making a gutsy VP pick. Americans want a real president, not a pretender. The closer we get to November, the bigger Obama’s fall.
    D-A-R-S-L – “Democrats Against Racist, Sexist Liberals”.

  232. Someone posted above regarding Obamas Global Anti Poverty tax funded by the American taxpayer. I thought it wasn’t true until i found it on Obamas page. Please spread the word, this is outrageous. And shame on Hagel and the Repub in the House who helped advance it.

  233. Who was running the teleprompter during Palin’s speech?
    Has he/she been investigated? I wonder if he/she was propmted by the DNC to mess up. This thero is worth investigating if someone can follow up.

  234. Thank you John McCain for making a gutsy VP pick. Americans want a real president, not a pretender. The closer we get to November, the bigger Obama’s fall.
    D-A-R-S-L – “Democrats Against Racist, Sexist Liberals”.

  235. Perhaps we can send the “Anointed One” down south or may be to Europe and be the “citizen of the world”… We just want a true American citizen to be our POTUS…
    Is that too much to ask???
    I am off the fence and will vote for McCain/Palin this time.

  236. I think it is important to note that not everyone is as uneducated as many commenters are stating. In fact, it is those of you who assume pure stupidity that is the reason our country is on the decline. NEWS FLASH… NOT EVERYONE NEEDS YOUR HELP!
    Also, is it at all possible that I didn’t have to “buy into the lies” for or against Obama to know that I am votin for McCain. Maybe we all should be education ourselves rather than spewing junk onto blogs.

  237. Excellent news for Obama! After that lead balloon of a speech, I’m betting that the McCain campaign is wishing that far fewer people tuned in.

  238. It is hilarious hearing from the cool-aid drunkards that the public will support Sarah Palin – I prefer the barracuda nomenclature personally 🙂 – because they are stupid. LOL
    This is only the beginnning 🙂
    McCain Palin in November 🙂
    Registered democrat for McCain / Palin 🙂

  239. More people wanted to watch Palin because she was new… oooh look at the pretty woman on TV…
    Thundermonkey….is it our fault that democratic women are not as attractive as republican women?
    Unfortunately for you long term studies show that there is a slightly higher IQ in more attractive women.
    I said slightly higher ok.

  240. The entire Palin circus is an embarrasement. Her as a potential commander-in-chief is so reckless it is hard to take the GOP seriously. If you have an issue with Obama’s policies, fine, but the GOP itself has become a joke.

  241. I fully support McCain/Palin, but I caution against too much cockyness at this stage. There is still a lot more work to be done in the weeks ahead. Anything could happen – Just a few days ago, everyone and his pet dog were questioning the wisdom of McCain’s VP pick. But the tide has turned after very strong performances by Palin and McCain. I don’t even know how this happened, but Obama/Biden seems boring compared to McCain/Palin.

  242. I don’t see one obvious question being asked here:
    What do the television ratings mean, and why should it matter to me?
    For example: couldn’t one accurately say now that it’s McCain that is the empty-headed celebrity, not Obama? You see how this works? These numbers should mean more to a TV executive than an everyday voter.

  243. Nita: I love it when people resort to name-calling when expressing themselves. It shows a genuine understanding of the issue at hand.
    I am one of the many who am not pleased with either candidate; however, I am also a realist. Living in a two-party system restricts my choice. Because of this, I have to choose McCain. I don’t agree with many of his ideas, but he is strong on defense and has a good track record for getting things accomplished. More important, I believe he truly has the interests of the nation at heart and is guided by this principle when making decisions. Right or wrong, I admire this trait in any President.
    I don’t see this with Obama. Obama comes across as young, overly ambitious and self-centered. His own actions and words repeatedly demonstrate that he will say or do anything it takes to get elected. I also am suspicious of him because of the way the media portrays him as opposed to McCain. If the media becomes fanatical over an individual candidate the way they have with Obama, he is probably too liberal for me.

  244. Kedren, I think that George Soros and Hollywood friends donated several millions to Obama after Palin’s speech to make it look like it did… HA HA

  245. Jupiter: I’m a Democrat, but I have to admit it: John McCain made a brillant choice in Sarah Palin. Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona
    Jupiter, get over it, she outdid the Obimanitor with one speech. He has been praticing for four years and she kicked his butt.
    Sarah Connor took on the Terminator and Sarah Palin takes on the Obimanitor!

  246. I watched the speech last night and I thought McCain did fairly well. Even with that large television audience, I am not sure he changed many minds. Obama supporters will not be swayed because many are caught up in the hype and excitement of “change” and “hope.” Since Obama will not openly discuss his economic plan in an intellectually honest manner, I did my own research. Obama’s policies reward laziness, punish success, crush small businesses and increase government dependency. Even worse, with Pelosi and Reid controlling congress, there will no be checks or balances to temper his policies. While I do not fully endorse McCain, Obama must not be elected.

  247. For Smartdude heres my message:
    Vote for Obama and the rest of the country can experience the over taxed climate of New Jersey that it has become under Corzine and his Democratic Cronies. No surprise Obama wants to tap into that great mind and get him in his cabinet.
    Look to New Jersey as a glimpse into the United State’s future under Obama
    No jobs, insane taxes and people leaving in thousands.
    Oh wait i just remembered didnt the DEMs win over the majority in the congress in 2006?
    Funny… its only gotten worse since then.
    But hey I think they have proof Bush actually is the cause of Cancer, Aids and Global Warming

  248. As a Democrat, I was ashamed to see how my beloved party hammered a candidate in instead of letting the people choose. Then I saw how they completely destroyed Hillary Clinton, making her look and President Clinton look like they were racists. And on the other side, I see the Republicans choosing a Maverick that has worked with my party to get things done, and that candidate choose a very smart and capable woman for his running mate.
    The response of my party seems to be that they are going to go after her and try to destroy her.
    I watched and was very impressed with both the Governor and the Senator, and blown away by Cindy McCain.
    I am done. For the first time ever, I am going to vote for the Republicans. Count this Democrat done and out. I hope that my party has someone like McCain that can come and rescue us.

  249. The choice is real simple:
    On one side you have a guy that has been tested on his beliefs, principles and ideology at a young age and passed with an A and on the other side you have a guy who is still taking the test.
    The choice is clear. proven over hope

  250. Momma Palin, you know what to do. Remember that ponytailed hippie that cried to Bush what are you going to do to take care of us(cradle to grave). We are in good hands in the loving arms of Momma Palin. Of course she likely won’t let us sleep late and continue to be a nation of what can you do for me types.

  251. If the Dems had chosen Hillary for the VP, non of this would have happened. McCain waited until the Obama Picked a old man, then he pounced on this and chose a energetic Woman Palin. If Hillary had been chosen, McCain would not have chosen a woman. The Democrats should be scarred, we could be seeing the beginning of eight years of McCain the another eight years of Palin.

  252. Can someone tell me where I can find all of the bread-lines and soup kitchens that the Democrats are talking about? I keep hearing about hopelessness, dispair, and poverty but I’m having a pretty hard time actually finding it.
    Every economic indicator is higher than it’s ever been. Wages are the highest ever. Poverty is the lowest. And unemployment is either at or below Clinton levels.
    Isn’t it a bit odd that the large majority of people in “poverty” now all have a color TV, DVD player, at least 1 gaming system, microwave, air conditioning, and at least 1 car?
    My thoughts are that most of Obama’s key points are actually based on envy/jealously rather than substance and facts.
    If you tax businesses and corporations who do they pass those costs on to? Us. When you increase the tax burden on businesses or impose “windfall profits” levies on businesses, they cut costs by cutting jobs. So – who really picks up the tabs for taxing the “rich”? We do.
    We’ve heard Democrats for years insisting banks make it easier for “poor people”, etc. to purchase a house. Well… they made it easier and tons of people bought houses they couldn’t afford. Who’s fault is that? I fail to see how George W. Bush forced people to take out loans they couldn’t afford or charge things on credit.
    Liberal have an “I want it all right now” mentality, similar to using a credit card. Obama promises they can have it all now. How long before he defaults on his “loans” to the American people?
    Please consider the book “The Average Joe’s Take on Life”. It’s common sense!

  253. Sen. McCain gave one of the most boring, eventless acceptance speeches in convention history!
    The fact that he didn’t even describe what he’d do for the country could be a good thing for people who don’t want to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket because of the controversies surrounding Sarah Palin.

  254. Sarah Palin is a welcome fresh face and just what the doctor ordered! Great pick senator McCain!
    If you were astounded by the speech of Sarah Palin you have to agree that there is a stark contrast between the uplifting and positive message of the GOP and the crybaby nanny-state moaning of the DNC. Like many conservatives I was not originally enthused with John McCain – he has been on the wrong side of many conservative issues with strange bedfellows in the Senate. But since the selection of a TRUE Reagan conservative for VP I have a new respect for Mr. McCain beyond his service to our country. He has shown with this selection that he understands, as Rush Limbaugh says, “Real conservatism wins every time it’s tried.” With the Palin pick John McCain has reestablished himself as a maverick – but this time in the mold of Reagan. Obama must be defeated – his brand of socialism will be a disaster for this country and its heritage and his inexperience could lead us down perilous roads.
    GO McCain-Palin!

  255. When you refer to the KKK… remember it was brought to
    life by democrats, to fight republicans.. It didn’t take long before it attacked blacks. Not being made up by me.. it’s
    real history. It was also the democrats that fought MLK’s
    crusade for equal rights.
    Regarding who wins the presidency. Remember.. we have a 2
    year preview of what democrat rule will mean. Do you really
    want 4 more years of Pelosi and Reid? They fully supported the
    war. They made lots of noise to the contrary. Only congress can
    provide the funding for something like the war. Bush has no way to do it on his own.
    By the way. I don’t like this war either.

  256. It always amuses me when fellow conservatives somehow forget that they have been power for the past 7 yrs. Also, the whiff of hypocrisy when Bristol gets knocked up and when Jamie Lynn Spears gets knocked up. Strange, but like you I believe in God and from him, I know that if you make your bed- you will lie in it. So good luck republicans, cause change is coming and it ain’t gonna be from Baracuda. By the way, her husband’s partner that she had an affair with just locked up his divorce papers-well,well, well-where is the ex wife you ask-oh,on her way to the national enquirer.

  257. Sarah Palin is, indeed, the real deal. She represents a return to the Ronald Reagan, anti-blue blood style of conservatism that is the REAL “little man’s” party…the party NOT of dependence of government entity and subsidies, but of independence of spirit, of REAL community interdependence and camaraderie, and rugged individualism.
    Reagan to Palin image:

  258. Hey Dems, check out every Democrat run state…
    crime, high unemployment, high taxes, pretty much a welfare state.
    Quit blaming the Republicans, take a look in the mirror.

  259. Both Sara Palin and John McCain gave good Republican speeches, all emotion, few facts, a lot of half- truths and some out and out lies. Only a fool would want to continue the failed Bush policies for this country.
    This country has a 9 trillion dollar national debt, and 400 billion dollar deficits have become the norm. When Bush came into office, there was a budget surplus, thanks to Bill Clinton. Now, when he leaves office, he will leave this country in a fiscal crisis of gigantic proportions.
    We are in a war that was justified by lies. There was no connection between Iraq and 9-11. Going into Iraq only caused a major diversion from our efforts in Afghanistan where the terrorists headquarters was and still is.
    Republicans have had eight years to really screw up this country and they did.
    Our economy is becomming a disaster, Bush’s disaster.
    Just look at the record of the last eight years and look at conditions now. Four more years of this mess is suicidal.
    McCain and Palin do not represent change. Barack Obama does.

  260. White americans are not afraid of black men,they hate them and the blacks hate whites.This election will clarify this proven fact finally for everyone,even the liberal nanny staters will not be able to deny it anymore.I welcome the truth and the coming revolution that will make our country stronger and rid it of the parasitic vermin that have taxed it’s resources so unfairly.I hope the state of Israel is paying attention to what is happening now,it’s illegal days are numbered as well.

  261. I just made up my mind in the last hour for who I’m voting for POTUS. As a middle class man from A small town, who just lost his job as welder, I’m sick of being told how to feel. I can barely fill up my God Damn gas tank! And I have to buy the bare minimum at the grocery market which barely gets us through the week. I don’t want government in my business but I cannot afford health insurance for my entire family of four, so i go without it for me!!!!
    This is rediculous! I was mad at Obama for the bitter comment (even tho he just told the truth), and said i would not for him. Truthfully, i really did not want some African American telling me what to do. Yah I said it!
    But after that horrible RNC where they said nothing for 4 days, i feel like a stupid idiot! They talked to me like i was in high school. Now I just heard McCain/Palin speak in Wisconsin. THEY SAID NOTHING! Just More jokes and then McCain said I will “Stand For You” and that was it…and walked off the stage!!!!!!! Then I just heard Obama at the same time in Scranton, NJ. He talked about jobs and cleab coal technilogy and Lowering Taxes FOR ME…For ME…For ME who makes under $250,000…That’s ME! Then he said he’d give tax breakes for corporations who employ people here in the USA!!!! And penalize companies who ship jobs overseas!!! YES!!!!
    It was the first time i really gave him a chance. The guy is smart. I don’t want another dumb president.
    I just made up my mind. I don’t want to hear anymore scare tactics and stupid highschool jokes…Obamabots and all that dumb crap! They made me hate Obama for nothing, now Obama made me respect him. Man to Man…I now respect this guy. My man Bill O’Rielly respects him now too for being tough!
    After watching both stump speeches. It is clear!
    I’m voting Obama/Biden to lower my taxes, support pro american corporations, penalize these BASTARDS who ship our jobs away, get and keep healthcare so i can be around to help my family when i get back on my feet! And i Will get back on my feet!
    Do what the hell you want, but i’m tired of the dumb, stupid crap!
    Now for Obama/Biden

  262. Bro ‘bama and his little itty biddy have a HUGE problem on their hands!
    How to bouy support for a largely unsubstantial platform that has been running on hope alone. They’re about to find out that when it comes to the US of A, we look for more than a carpetbagger to elect as President.

  263. I always find it interesting when posters label those of another political persuasion things like: stupid, gullible, ignorant, sheep, idiots, etc. No basis in fact, it just that anyone who disagrees can’t be all there.
    I liken it to the saying that there are two types of drivers – idiots (those who drive slower than you) and maniacs (those who drive faster than you.)

  264. Anyone wonder if people tuned in to both Sen. McCain and Sarah Palin to see if they’d botch their speeches? Sen. McCain had some trouble with his speech, and Sarah Palin came across to some as unqualified to make attacks on people she barely knows…

  265. After reading most of this, 2 thots:
    [1] Gawd, you libs took the bitter pills. Lighten up, folks. You’ll have your chance in 16 years.
    [2] No one commented on the debates. I’d like to see Obamateur without the script. Like Saddle Back he’ll look puny thin. And Sara’Cuda will have a Biden sandwich! No doubt there, since Mav took notes at the Rick VS Hillary debates.

  266. Way to go John and Sarahmerica !!!!!!

  267. Finally, Obama will be known as a fraud!!!!!!!!!

  268. Hope is not a plan.
    I hope to be a millionaire one day, I hope that I don’t get cancer again, I hope my kids grow up to be good citizens. All good things to hope for, but they mean nothing without a plan.
    Barracks plan = socialism
    Thanks but no thanks.

  269. Matt siad ” The average age of television viewers is 50. I am a twenty-something and watched obama’s speech on the internet… Due to the under-reported young adult vote and the electoral map Obama has this election in the bag, thank God.” and “After McCain’s speech his campaign raised $1 mil while Obama’s raised $8 mil.”
    Matt, the RNC collected $17 mil in the last 2 days of the convention. And thankfully, America’s young votes are not all as uninformed as you are. Keep reading those liberal blogs and ignoring the facts. This Democratic Congress has done the least and has the highest disapproval rating in history…looks like your support has been fruitless.

  270. Let’s face it, America has figured out that BO is an idiot. And worse than that, he is a Stalinist. The deal is, those that have been supporting him all this time don’t want to feel like “suckers” so they will still pretend to back him until they get into that booth all by themselves, then they will vote for McCain/Palin. It’s over…no matter how badly that hurts the media…it’s over.

  271. Last night McCain said Palin works with her hands and nose.

  272. Jupiter: I’m a Democrat, but I have to admit it: John McCain made a brillant choice in Sarah Palin. Not because she’s right for the job, but because the stupid, gullible public will fall for her well prepared speech and her “soccer mom takes on Washington” persona
    Jupiter, get over it, she outdid the Obimanitor with one speech. He has been praticing for four years and she kicked his butt.
    Sarah Connor took on the Terminator and Sarah Palin takes on the Obimanitor!

  273. Don’t confuse effort with performance

  274. JC, I have issue with democrat IDEOLOGIES, im sure if they ever got around to formulating POLICIES, or even PLANS, I would have issue with them as well. But the fact is they don’t.
    1. Their “economic strategy’ is simply a philosphy, and a bad one at that. It’s simply socialism redefined (government mandated redistribution of wealth disguised by ‘change’)
    2. Their defense policy is a cut and paste from the Army Transformational ‘Brigade Combat Team Concept’, but without the specific details, just the concept.
    3. Their social policies will bankrupt America.
    4. They haven’t said a thing about immigration, other than ‘it’s definately an issue’.
    5. The Republican VP candidate has more executive experience than the entire Democratic Ticket – NOT REFUTABLE, so don’t make me break down the difference between the legislative branch and the executive branch in American Government (State and Federal).

  275. If Mat is worried about the unemployment rate look to the do nothing congress for the answer to that one.

  276. Some of the people on here have to the stupidest people in the world…Palin is not good for america. She left her town that she was mayor of 27 million dollars in debt when she left to become gov. Learn your facts before you start praising someone….Mccaine and Palin love idiots like you.

  277. To play on your stupidity O Bumbo says he will give you a one time tax rebate of $1,000. This will com from raising taxes on big oil? Hmm some will have to back to them as they raise the price of gas to cover their new tax rate.
    AT$.50 less a gal I will save $1,300 dollars a year.
    In 10 years that is $13,000 in my pocket.
    While he gets to put Billions into the Fat Boys pockets of the Democratic party.
    Reid wants $40 Billion for his Mono Rail project.
    The bridge to nowhere. $230 million
    The Hildabeast wants you to pay her $15 million because she failed at getting a new job.

  278. McCain/Palin supporters are either a bunch of rich or poor as devils who dont matter any more. You are becoming extinct as we speak.

  279. Sarah Palin is, indeed, the real deal. She represents a return to the Ronald Reagan, anti-blue blood style of conservatism that is the REAL “little man’s” party…the party NOT of dependence of government entity and subsidies, but of independence of spirit, of REAL community interdependence and camaraderie, and rugged individualism.
    Reagan to Palin image:

  280. i just feel forced by duty to intelligence to comment again in this vapid thread…
    do conservatives ACTUALLY go to school and learn what words mean? …or are there only knee-jerk reactions to things that they feel compelled to describe with a complete and utter abuse of language?
    i keep reading that obama / clintons / the “left” are somehow moving us towards things like “socialism” and “communism”. this is COMPLETELY absurd. it seems that conservative have gotten so used to flaming people, that most just accept this abuse of language.
    socialism involves the government controlling the means of production in a state and involves actual state ownership of this means of production. who the hell on the left is even REMOTELY promoting the government ownership of industry. government programs are NOT socialism. the government offering a service is not a conversion to a SOCIALIST STATE.
    come on people, get with the program. try actually knowing what you are talking about for a change. you wonder why “leftists” are so condescending to you… well it is because of the wholesale acceptance of utterly STUPID things like the above that really brings into question whether you have anything to say that wasn’t previously spoken about or written about by Rush or Drudge.
    i don’t think that conservatives are simple minded, but they are clearly intellectually LAZY.

  281. Im a 46 yr.union man from the junk state of Illinois,and I can tell you this,Mac/Palin are getting my vote. One socalist state in this union of 50 is enough.
    Phil R

  282. Momma Palin, you know what to do. Remember that ponytailed hippie that cried to Bush what are you going to do to take care of us(cradle to grave). We are in good hands in the loving arms of Momma Palin. Of course she likely won’t let us sleep late and continue to be a nation of what can you do for me types.

  283. Both Obama and Biden are lawyers…
    I say, Stick it to the Sharks, Back the Barracuda!

  284. Hey Frank, Jupiter and other liberals. You can find help in a book sold at Barnes & Noble. Title:


  286. interesting stat, but pretty irrelevant. many democrats watched the rnc; sarah palin was a virtual unknown until last week. I know I watched it just to see the train wreck, also hoping for the possibility of a nipple slip.

  287. Gee I wish I was as smart as “prophei”. Then I would know a fake when I saw it. Duh

  288. **FINALLY** the American people who have blindly been supporting Obama are listening. The MAJOR scandals / issues with Obama have been out there for quite some time…it is just that they are now paying more attention to a new voice, Sarah Palin, who is simply speaking the truth. The truth is hurting Obama…Obama has been coddled like a mystery man by 99% of the press. They REFUSE to dig into his past. How can a candidate like “Obama” and his wife remain in the church of Rev Wright (clearly one of the most racist people on this planet) for OVER 20 years???
    Could it be possible it might be that Rev Wright’s message of racism attacks comforts the deep down feelings he (and ESPECIALLY Michelle) have been harboring for 20+ years? Is it possible? I’d strongly encourage you to read Michelle “Robinson” Obama’s thesis she wrote while attending Princeton. After you read it you can’t help see an pretty strong connection there. It is available online if you do a search for it. This might also explain why many people have stated they get a sense that Michelle is hiding something and “stewing” below that cool exterior. I certainly have noticed that.
    If Obama is who he really states he is, there is NO way he would have stayed in Rev. Wrights church for so long. No way! There is definitely something much deeper going on than what he EASILY convinced the mainstream media about.

  289. OOPS
    I didn’t finish
    The Big Dig $15 Billion
    Reid wants $40 Billion for his Mono Rail project.
    The bridge to nowhere. $230 million. How many of these could be built for the cost of the Big Dig or Reids Mono?

  290. As a Republican I breathed a sigh of relief when Obama picked Biden. Had he picked Hillary, I would have had less confidence that McCain could have won. Not only does Biden put his foot in his mouth on a daily basis, he’s also old school, somehting Obama was against.
    McCain’s choice for a VP may very well be strategic but it shows he’s thinking and he has a strategy. Obama tried to be all things to all people and it has failed. McCain has never tried to play both side of the fence and he’s honest about it. Obama is absolutely spectacular in form and function when using the teleprompter and no one will say McCain is good with a teleprompter (actually he sucks at it) but his message is clear. Obama is for the people, the people that are in his inner circle where as McCain is for the people, ALL the people and I think that makes a difference.

  291. Wow, this race just turned around. I’m backing the new “CHANGE” ticket! McCain/Palin 08

  292. Phil Rever: I am right there with you. Being from Chicago all I need to know about Obama is that he is an Illinois Democrat. That right there is enough for me to vote McCain/Palin, but the fact McCain is a straight-up guy and Palin is electrifying (not to mention a MILF) is even better.

  293. of course, the liberals wanna attack palins inexpirience and “scandals” my goodness if u look at all we have heard of obama in the last year, and how the media handled it, and look at all we know about palin, and how the media handled, its super bias! im sorry, but theres more unanswered questions about obama then about palin. the dems are just scared crapless not that the VP pick wasnt romney or huckabee or pawlenty, but instead, better, another outsider, like mccain, who has fought for reform, and will help shake up washington, theres good change, and bad change, and the americans are beginning to make that distinction…. and the dems are now, FINALLY, on the ropes, and the media is desperatly playing it down

  294. It apparently is just me that noticed this:
    The article specifically refers to “Broadcast Networks” — which traditionally means ABC, CBS and NBC.
    That’s all.
    No mention of CABLE ratings. There’s nothing here about how the two speeches fared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or C-SPAN.
    So, based on a four-paragraph blurb comparing a preliminary report on a small segment of the total viewing audience, we get 200 of the angriest anti-Obama comments this side of RedState.
    What the f***, people? Seriously, read what you’re about to say to the world before you hit that “Post” button.
    Final comment: For a bunch of people who profess to hate the “liberal media” so much, you do seem awfully obsessed with things like ratings. Odd.

  295. I hated to see Jupitar bring up willie horton because many people think the willie horton ad had to do with race.
    Sorry to disappoint all the libs but the willie horton ad was based strickly on Mike Dukakis’s soft on crime attitude. Willie could have been white or purple, but the fact is, that Dukakis had a weekend “pass” program for inmates at state prisons. Willie was given a weekend pass and went to Baltimore and killed two people. His race had nothing to do with Bush using it in an ad.
    I live in Mass and I followed the entire event.

  296. I am so thankful that we are going to have a tickets who puts country first to run this blessed country,plus woman ? wow ! I know I can entrust my children future . Plus less government , cut taxes ,bipartisan, I like that, So I say GO Mccain/Palin.I hope & pray that God bless them the white House.

  297. Actually, Palin beat Obama too if your looking at average. Obamas numbers include 4 channels that did not cover Palin.

  298. Sarah Palin: whore? or mother of one?

  299. It apparently is just me that noticed this:
    The article specifically refers to “Broadcast Networks” — which traditionally means ABC, CBS and NBC.
    That’s all.
    No mention of CABLE ratings. There’s nothing here about how the two speeches fared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or C-SPAN.
    So, based on a four-paragraph blurb comparing a preliminary report on a small segment of the total viewing audience, we get 200 of the angriest anti-Obama comments this side of RedState.
    What the f***, people? Seriously, read what you’re about to say to the world before you hit that “Post” button.
    Final comment: For a bunch of people who profess to hate the “liberal media” so much, you do seem awfully obsessed with things like ratings. Odd.

  300. To Matt:
    Problem is, Youth vote: don’t matter. half the kids aren’t going to vote anyway. They’re all stuck in the uneducated “let’s all hold hands while you’re holding a nuke aimed at my body” mindset.
    Well, even if they REALLY believe it, it REALLY doesn’t matter because they WONT vote! Simple as that.
    I wish it was like that, but it’s not. Obama hasn’t realized this yet.
    McCain is the best man out of the two right now

  301. Liberal for Change: Wow, you use CBS for true facts? The same folks who had the dirt of “W’s”
    true history in the Texas Air Nationa; Guard?
    You are a trusting soul, so listen, I have some Florida land for you! Hahahahahaah idiot

  302. Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! That is the sound of Sara Palin beating up on the Community Organizer.

  303. Dick get REAL. Where “few facts” were notice by you on the Republican speeches NO facts were present on Obama’s nor Biden’s speech.
    Also, the old adage about repeating a lie enough creates truth is only a figment of your VIVID imagination. Clinton HAD NO SURPLUS, unless of course you count a paper projection a “surplus”, and since it is obvious that you do then I have some land I would like to sell you.
    And again the war was not based on a direct link to 9-11 but on the premise that we must go on the offense and unless you were completely void of your short and long term memory, which AGAIN is obvious, Iraq was a threat. They harbored terrorist and that 500 TONS of enriched Uranium that we recently transferred to Canada from Iraq proves that they were only playing the waiting game for you linguini spine Libs to lift the sanctions via the UN.
    Hey when you get a chance give me a call about that land deal, and if you want some more detail I have multiple properties all located in the 52-57th states that Obama believes exist!

  304. Sarahcuda the Arctic Fox!

  305. If McCain’s veiwing numbers were higher than Obama’s in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida then it’s OVER for OBAMA. I just heard one of the best pollster/analysts in the country say considering the lead Obama supposedly has had over the past many weeks, for him to lose to McCain in viewer ratings gives us a peak into the cyrstal ball for November.
    As it was explained, there’s no way McCain should have gotten higher ratings than Obama, if Obama was truly leading in the polls. The higher viewership for McCain gives away the publics opinion they are not satisfied with Obama and looking to McCain. All McCain had to do (Thursday night) to win in November is get a satisfactory rating from the person watching. Various polls show McCain (and Palin) achieved that with their speeches.
    Good try Obama, but it’s over – viewer ratings tell the story.

  306. I don’t think is about white/ black hating each other so much. Problem is a Obama have a so much socialist ideas , that is completely insane. With him you are looking on second term of Jimmy Carter, high taxes and recommendation to wear sweater and inflate you tires to keep energy spending down. Just look on his proposal to rise tax to almost 70 % if you combine feds, state and payroll taxes on people with income over $250K and just think this will not trickle down on the less fortunate plus you over tax people who in 90% of situation create jobs for others.
    McCain should show Obama tax proposals in complete numbers including feds, state by state tax plus payroll taxes what people will be paying with Obama in WH. Because even after the Bush tax cut I think we pay one of the highest tax in industrial world, if I combine all taxes together which we should.

  307. Hopefully, people are truly looking to see who they can vote for. Palin has certainly added interest to the ticket and made McCain’s message as a maverick and a change agent register.
    I for one can’t wait to see how the two of them can mop up DC
    As an Independent, I have never even donated to a campaign before. I sent them money right after his speech!

  308. “White americans are not afraid of black men,they hate them and the blacks hate whites.”
    What 1960 democratic time-warp did you just jump out of? Seriously, who talks like that anymore? Good job enabling morons like Jackson and Sharpon to cling onto their race card.

  309. You silly conservatives are the reason the country in fiscally bankrupt.
    Your childish snide remarks, your refusal to acknowledge this country has huge problems and your refusal to admit most of you guys are yourselves one paycheck from being underwater if not already is what makes this country shit right now.

  310. Palin is virtually unknown a week ago, and now she is your new hero? And who is having a ‘cult of personality’ crisis? This country gets what it deserves, every time. So, we’ll see.

  311. Hey Everybody….
    Now that its over for Bamarama ’08, I want you all to get organized for my next campaign:
    Edwards/Kilpatrick 2012…..now THAT’S change we can believe in !!!!

  312. Bob…More pertinently – how many in the last 2 years! $1.75 gas to $4.00 – 5% unemployment to 6%…
    Keddren – how about $10 mil scared money!!
    Tom – Dems been in control for the last 2 years…see above!

  313. Liberal for Change: Wow, you use CBS for true facts? The same folks who had the dirt of “W’s”
    true history in the Texas Air National Guard?
    You are a trusting soul, so listen, I have some Florida land for you! Hahahahahaah What an idiot!

  314. “radar” you should get with “prophei”, with your combined brains you might make a five year old cry.

    The Republican Party has had the last 8 YEARS to fulfill their promises. Are you happy with what you’ve been left with? Now you want to believe them when they say they’re going to clean up Washington– ARE YOU CRAZY? WAKE UP!
    Quit being so @^%$# selfish and let the other party give it a try.
    I’m voting OBAMA.

  316. It sure sounds like the Libs are a bit worried. Or maybe a LOT worried. BRAWHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!!

  317. Go Sarahcuda.. Go McPalin

  318. Blame Bush………..how about a congress stacked with Dems that have the lowest approval rating ever! Remember congress makes laws not the president. You think things are bad now, wait until theres a Dem behind the desk. I don’t know if you could a rating lower than zero but I think it would be close. Change eh…Dems….so who is voting in “more of the same” I know its not the republicans. Vote for real change not only for president but in congress too.

  319. The Dems have again shown how strategically inept they are by attacking Sarah Palin’s experience. It forces Palin to run against Obama rather than Biden and illuminates Obama’s lack of experience. This is certainly an easier contest for her to win.

  320. B. Hussein Obama is nothing more than an empty suit who has done nothing to merit this nation’s highest office.
    Look at the body language now in candidates for both parties; Obama/Biden look tired and haggard while McCain/Palin have electrified the GOP.

  321. Obama has nothing to back up his claims, zero.
    He cannot even reach out Hillary, how could he change Washington and get anything done while he voted 100% along the party line. Haven’t we had enough partisans in Washington.
    Palin is impressive and remarkable lady and more real than Hillary.
    I voted Hillary in MI. I’ll vote for Palin in November.
    McCain’s speech is brilliant. It’s targeted at only a few (that’s why it’s boring for most) in the middle (Democrats would not listen, Repulicans already drawn in to the column by the brilliant lady). He succeeded and and he’ll have my vote. He is a man with gut and integrity.

  322. Wow,
    I do not like the name calling from either side!
    1. Do you not all think that someone wrote Obama’s speech as well?
    2. Do you not think the approval rating of any governor in any state above 80% is impressive?
    3. Do you not think being the governor of any state is impressive, after all that is 50 people a year.
    Express yourselves, but try to keep some semblance of dignity, truth and objectivity. If Palin was a democrat and pro choice the press and the left would be swooning over her. Even if she was just a democrat and pro life as many democrats are she would still be their darling. That is a fact…
    It will be fun to watch, as Biden is now handcuffed in the debates, and in my opinion even though Mccain is boring in delivery Obama can not think well on his feet if it is not scripted.
    The good news is, just 2 months left!

  323. McCain/Palin are just what we need to clean up the do smelly, do nothing, BO supporting, 60s San Francisco mind-set liberals running Congress. They are truely pathetic and 9% approval raiting is way too high for these groupies.

  324. The Dems have again shown how strategically inept they are by attacking Sarah Palin’s experience. It forces Palin to run against Obama rather than Biden and illuminates Obama’s lack of experience. This is certainly an easier contest for her to win.

  325. Wow!
    Keith Olbermann & Chris (tingle up my leg) Matthews must be crying in their Chardonnay!

  326. God it makes me happy to see all the frothing cry baby Demoholics whine. You can hear the air leaking out of the campaign and zerObama doing the left hand swirl as he goes down the toilet. And may Opie the racist soon follow.

  327. Jay J – SPOT ON BUD!

  328. After comparing the speeches and policies of McCain and Obama, it’s apparent that Obama is as far left as you can get and McCain is more middle of the road. If you want a more Socialist goverment where the government provides everything for everybody on the backs of the working taxpayers and the incentives to work are non-existant, vote Obama.

  329. Val et al
    I’m glad to find so many insightful, well-educated, informed points of view here. It seems your fifth grade reading level and thorough absence – or avoidance – of critical thinking have enabled each of you to see through the smoke screen of the Democratic ticket and the liberal press. I suppose when your children are looking for jobs and wondering how to pay for tuition, your exuberant support for the GOP will seem well placed and worth the price. Good luck with that, oh yes, and if your health is fading in your later years, I’m sure your employer – of Bobby Jindal – will go out of their way to help you out.
    PS – books are available at the library, and you start reading at the top left and move to the right…slowly if necessary.

  330. The Nobama supporters crack me up when they say that all Palin can do is a give a speech. All their guy has done is give speeches the past four years that were written by his campaign staff. McCain and Palin have actually been doing their duty as representatives of their constituents.
    Vote for Country First
    McCain/Palin 08

  331. Cult of personality? I think not.
    Republicans are excited by “Sarahcuda the Arctic Fox” because finally we have somebody who is solidly and unwaiveringly espousing conservative values which, like it or not, are the same values held by a majority of Americans. We love her ideas and values first, not just the fact that she is a “personality.”
    Cult of personality is when you go for the personality and don’t have a real clue where somebody stands on the issues, what their values are or what they plan to do in terms of implementing policy.

  332. All Biden and Obama could say about McCain’s and Palin’s speeches was that they didn’t talk about “the middle class”. I must have heard that talking point 10 times today. Well you morons, they didn’t talk about the middle class because they intend to represent ALL Americans, not play class warfare. Biden also said McCain didn’t address education or energy. Obviously Biden can’t shut his pie-hole long enough to listen, because McCain addressed both of those in his speech. Specifically education improved through school choice and weeding out dead-wood; while energy needs would be addressed through more drilling, more nuclear, alternative energy(wind, solar, etc.), and technologies to improve fuel efficiency. Note in contrast Obama’s energy plan is to raise taxes on energy and have people working for the government in green jobs. Yeah that’s the way to meet energy demand, more people on the government dole. Give me a f…ing break.

  333. One of the main reasons for the increase is that Democrats are more open minded to different opinions, so more Dems watched the GOP convention than Republicans watched the Dems convention.

  334. After comparing the speeches and policies of McCain and Obama, it’s apparent that Obama is as far left as you can get and McCain is more middle of the road. If you want a more Socialist goverment where the government provides everything for everybody on the backs of the working taxpayers and the incentives to work are non-existant, vote Obama.


  336. Funny thing to:
    Remember those Code Pink protesters at the beginning of McCain’s speech?
    Reports out now say that MSNBC gave them press passes.

  337. Paul:
    brian said: “three independent economic analysts have concluded that obamas tax plan saves 3 times more for 95% of the population.”
    This tax plan is a joke. I am by no means rich, but there is something to be said about the rich paying more taxes. Its BS. Is it really fair if someone worked their butt off to make a good living to pay more taxes than the rest of us? Granted some rich folks didn’t work hard and may have had money handed to them.. But some did.. Don’t penalize everyone..I can drive down the road here in NC and see people on their porch drinking a 40 doing absolutely nothing but either draw unemployment because they were too sorry to keep their job, or have too much pride to work wherever they can get one, or collecting welfare.. They have no care in the world. Keep in mind this is at 10am. What about the guy that gave all his life savings to get rich and built a business empire, he pays more in taxes, has more worry than the guy that sits around and does nothing… How is that fair? We need to reform our government, and look at what this country was founded on and get back to the basics. Not increase taxes for the hard at work, to benefit those who can’t spell it. You Obamaniacs, need to get over this “new age” rage of thinking and instead of going with the flow, actually sit down and think out something for yourself. God Bless America, and God bless you poor “f”tards that live off of media left wing hype. If Obama does win this election, although I will not be happy, I will not gripe or complain. Why? Because I am American and I support my leader regardless. More unity in this country is what we need. We will never agree on everything, but support and understanding should be the common wave of thinking. However, the majority of you that support Obama, should he not win, I would be willing to bet my life savings, it would be a conspiracy, or inaccurate vote counts or something. Man up and stand for your country as a whole and put your family, God, your fellow man before yourself. See the big picture people.

  338. brian: Voting for the incumbent party isn’t “change”
    WOW, COULDN’T AGREE MORE AND SINCE THE DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS HAVE CONTROLED CONGRESS AND THE SENATE FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS, thanks I’ll be voting McCain/Palin. HAHA, wake up folks, the Dems and Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t even allow the Congress to vote on more drilling for oil! And, they want to control more of our money and they want us to give them a Dem Pres to spend, spend, spend!? Good Lord, help us all. What kind of change do Obamabots want?…..pure socialism which will throw us into even deeper recession. I could care less how “boring” McCains speech was, and Obama who knows ZERO about the military wants us to have confidence in him handling Russia and a crazy Iran?! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER will I entrust my familys safety to a know nothing corrupt Chicago machine politician like Obama.

  339. Obama is in complete meltdown. He mentioned some nonsense about “tofu eating liberals” are not the only people who believe in global warming.
    Is that the way he appeals to the center? Calling members of his own party “tofu [or was it sprout] eating liberals”?
    Not only does he offend liberals with that statement, but he offends people who eat sprouts and or tofu

  340. For Democrats – the country is on the brink of destruction. The national debt is spiraling out of control, unemployment and new job creation are the worst we have seen in over 2 decades.
    The end of cheap energy is over, there is no more cheap oil left to drill in the US. Policies to reduce the US’s dependency on oil has been ignored under the current administration and the large oil companies have largely controlled US energy policy.
    The military is over-extended wasting resources; fighting the wrong wars in Iraq losing focus on the threat from al-queda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Middle East conflicts and issues have been simplified and confused to fit a simplified world view – the differences between Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Suni / Shite differences all have been largely ignored. Everything looks like a nail when the only tool you use is a hammer.
    Our kids are not receiving the education they need, we are not keeping up with the rest of the world in terms of science, math, and other key skills. Further, there is a war with science and on higher education in general if it does not fit within Right Wing Dogma.
    We have burned our bridges with most our global allies due to incompetence and billigerence and are now more isolated in a world that is smaller and more interconnected economically and physically than ever before in history.
    And the Democrats can solve all this in 8 years.
    For the Repulicans – the country is great. The economy looks good and is getting better. The current administration has done a great job with their strong dollar economic plan.
    Taxes are the real problem, America can solve all problems by cutting taxes and stimulating economic growth. The Dems or Libs think that every economic and social problem looks like a nail and the only tool at their disposal is a hammer (more Taxes).
    The problem with government is government. Getting rid of government is the real way to fix the government. Nominating Palin for VP is great because she is not part of BIG government; she has not been corrupted by lib professors by attending any Liberal Ivy League school or graduate education.
    Cheap oil will never run out, there are vast amounts of cheap oil in Alaska and offshore that are just waiting to be tapped if the environmentalists wackos would just get out of the way.
    Government should not regulate auto companies or any companies. The market will take care of itself if we do not interfere.
    The US consuming 25% of the worlds energy resources with only 3% of those resources coming from the US is not an issue. It is the US right to use these resources; we do not have to think about the rest of the world and any potential conflicts this is causing. There is no interconnection between middle east and other global policies and this resource use. The US invaded Iraq to eliminate a terror state, liberate Iraq’s people and support freedom, this had nothing to do with energy resources.
    Libs are pushing an extremist social policy on the country trying to end all social norms. Promoting homosexuality, abortion, pornography, atheism all are the agenda of the libs.
    Libs are weak – they pander to other countries too often looking to negotiate and mediate conflicts rather than using force. Libs want to dismantle the military and instead rely on the UN to protect the US.
    For me – I’m voting for Ron Paul.

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