
…Meanwhile, CBS Contemplates Life After Sheen for ‘Two and a Half Men’

Feb 24, 2011  •  Post A Comment

All is far from quiet on the Charlie Sheen front, with the gossip mill working overtime and possibly even a little real news in the mix. Here’s a roundup of the latest available tidbits:

Warner Bros. has ordered the crew of "Two and a Half Men" back to work next week, even as the home-based rehab of star Sheen sputters along, reports the Los Angeles Times’ Show Tracker blog. Sheen is due back at work Tuesday for rehearsals, with a taping set for Friday.

Meanwhile, Popeater’s Naughty but Nice blog reports that CBS is having internal discussions about whether the show can continue without Sheen. CBS declined to comment, the report notes.

Since a 30-second spot on "Men" sells for $200,000, the network is missing out on revenue every time Sheen ends up in the hospital or in rehab, the story says.

USA Today reported that Sheen’s ex, Brooke Mueller, is moving back in with him, along with their twin boys. But the story quotes Mueller’s mom, Moira Fiore, saying the arrangement is temporary until Mueller and the twins can move into their new place close to Sheen’s. "Brooke and Charlie are friends and there is no romantic interest on Brooke’s part," Fiore said.

TMZ says Sheen has a new girlfriend–Natalie Kenly, a bikini model who has been appearing on the cover of the marijuana magazine Cali Chronic X. Meanwhile, a report on Radaronline.com says Sheen is taking a "tropical vacation" with his wife, his live-in porn star girlfriend–Bree Olson–and another woman.

Sheen’s publicist said that "Radaronline is not a creditable source," the Los Angeles Times notes.

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  1. I can’t even begin to describe the absurdity of this noise. The fact that this rant between Sheen and Lorre along with the useless comparative to a Gibson meltdown, in itself reflects the desperateness of the Studio. First off, whether or not you like/dislike Sheen on stage or off is irrelevant. His father’s blood and talent course through his veins with wanton abandon and obviousness. Sheen, being a highly intelligent actor (though his personal life is obviously in check), he is still devastatingly articulate and talented beyond most comparison and I doubt he is one to sit back and take anything on the chin, and obviously one who won’t hold their tongue. And just because he gave Lorre a verbal lashing beyond most conceivability, means nothing more than he doesn’t like the douchebag- or obviously thinks he is one… And? So why does this have to be about anti-Semitism any more than Sheen’s outburst due to a mental breakdown or alcoholism?
    And what’s more funny is the last and only thing these corporate jag-off suits can do is to pull the only card (aside the anti-Semitic card) by pulling the show? And if this isn’t classically cliché of “biting off your nose to spite your face” I don’t know what is. So it’s okay for CBS to promote a character on a sitcom who is a womanizing, egomaniac, alcoholic, yet when Sheen gets into a personal scuff with creator saying things that are disagreeable to many, CBS then pulls the show, along with having the AUDACITY to mention he’s not setting a good example? All I can say is, “interesting.”
    So Sheen addressed Lorre by calling him “Chaim Levine?” And? This is what some are now describing as an anti-Semitic thrust? Dear God, you look at someone Jewish wrong in Hollywood, and all hell breaks loose, as apparently many will spare no expense and bandwagon in desperation out of some feeble attempt in self victimization.
    Here, let me remind the Jewish community of a gross infraction that seems to be a little easier forgotten unlike words- which appear to break more than bones in LA-LA land.
    The Jewish community can ostracize Gibson and the likes of Sheen for what is said, yet in the other hand, hand a fricking Oscar to the likes of Roman Polanski- a self admitted child rapist who drugged and raped a child?! And regardless of Polanski being a great director, and let’s not forget, Jewish, it only paints a bigger picture (for me at least) that most refuse to look at- Hollywood is a predictable self-serving media circus in which the fight always (seems to) end with a Jew getting their feelings hurt, and thus the only way to one-up a formidable opponent like the likes of Sheen is to drag him down the all-too predictable, “he said this to me because I’m Jewish” routine? How pathetic and predictable.
    Hollywood and the likes of the corporate people pulling the strings have been in this perpetual fight with actor’s that has gone on for years- a predictable war of control which ends (now) on a mass media level. A war on words which weighs heavier than most actions of those in the Hollywood community. A war which let me remind you are with many artists that are not Jewish- which leaves the go-to anti-Semitic card for some, an easier pull.
    Someone makes fun of me, takes a shot on any level or calls me a “cracker” who cares… Put your hands on me or rape my child (God forbid) and that person would never have the privilege of seeing the inside of a court room, let alone live to see light of the next day. Hollywood’s moral value (if any), is apparently obscured and twisted beyond repair. It’s sad to me that much of the Hollywood society is more concerned with what someone says than with what someone does.
    Lawrence Buchér

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