
Media Finally Embraces Edwards Affair

Aug 11, 2008  •  Post A Comment

The mainstream media, which had been ignoring reports from the tabloid National Enquirer that former Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards had an affair with a company worker, engaged in wall-to-wall coverage after Edwards admitted the relationship to ABC News, the Los Angeles Times reports. The story provoked a wave of criticism of the news media. “Probably the biggest question about this whole mess is why the mainstream media protected Edwards by ignoring the story for the past 8 months,” read one comment on ABC News’ Web site that was typical, according to the paper.


  1. At this point, is anybody shocked that he or anyone has an affair. Who are we to judge… It’s none of our business. Aren’t there better things we can occupy our time with?

  2. Why is anybody surprised that the Main Stram Media hept their pledge for so long:
    “Do no harm to the left?”

  3. here’s what america needs to know. 95% of them cheat…athletes, movie stars, tv stars, reality stars, politicians. the ones with the cleanest cut family valued image are traditionally the worst offenders. their narcissism is cultivated from the minute they obtain any nugget of success. the reason that they get into their field is normally for the fame, money & success. the media turns a blind eye a MAJORITY of the time.
    actions speak louder than words. vote for the politician who follows through with their policy that you most agree with not the one who says he is a christian family man. he’s probably gay anyway.

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