
Dad of ‘American Idol’ Finalist Busted in Utah for Soliciting a, Um, Masseuse

Jun 18, 2009  •  Post A Comment

The father of arguably the most wholesome looking of recent “American Idol” finalists—David Archuleta—was charged with “soliciting a massage parlor prostitute,” according to Us magazine.

Jeff Archuleta pleaded no contest and paid a fine, the magazine said.

–Chuck Ross


  1. Chuck, this trade magazine is beginning to look more and more like a supermarket checkout aisle rag. Do we need stories like this….or the uglier side of “Jon and Kate”? You are a respected journalist. What gives?

  2. I’ve been thinking the same thing, not just about this Archuleta item (which one can hardly call a news story) but the past few days the lead items seem to be arranged in tabloid fashion – Jon & Kate, Carradine, etc.

  3. Hi Tony. Hi Totally Agree…For those who don’t know me, I’m the managing director of TVWeek.com.
    You ask a fair question. One of the hallmarks of TVWeek over the past decade or so is that we’ve always been a little more fun than our competitors. We’re known as a source you can rely on to get your news about TV in copious yet succinct doses. Yet we’ve also layered in more detailed feature stories as well as the lighter-fare that for a long time we called “Blink.”
    As we’ve become an online-only publication with our redesigned website, the idea is to mirror, in our own way, the wide-ranging wonderful world that is TV, however it is delivered.
    And on TV one finds programs covering the “Kennedy Center Honors” to shows such as last year’s “The Moment of Truth.” There’s “Lost” and there’s “The Jerry Springer Show.” The tony as well as the tawdry. And “Jon and Kate Plus” started out tony and has turned tawdry right before our eyes every week on their program.
    The vast majority of the stories on this website are serious, straight-ahead news or commentary. But because TV is all inclusive, we want to reflect that as well. Like any good publication we aim to have a healthy mix of stories. TV touches the world, and we want to echo that. Not everything is going to be for everybody. Are we going to get it right all the time? No.
    What I can tell you is that the overwhelming reaction from those who have contacted me has been positive. Our colleagues in the industry like the mix. Are you alone in not liking it? No.
    What I promise you is that we’ll continue to tweak the site, our story selection—including, Totally Agree—the order of the stories we post, as well as new features that we’ll try.
    New this week is our Twitterati on our home page. Will it become a permanent feature? Dunno yet.
    Our goal is to make TVWeek.com a destination that you want to keep coming back to again and again to satisfy your work needs, your intellectual curiosity and your sense of fun. The show and the business. There’s no other site where, at one place, you can find the huge diversity of stories about TV that you can find here.
    Tony, you’ve been a long-time user of our site, and I hope that continues. Your input, as always, is very helpful—as is yours Totally Agree. We encourage both of you and all of our readers to keep visiting us and keep letting us know how you feel.

    Chuck Ross
  4. Thanks for the thoughtful response Chuck.
    I, like everyone else, will continue to read what is meaningful to me and skip what I find outside my interest. Appreciate the work you guys do.

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