
Neil Patrick Harris Expecting Twins

Aug 16, 2010  •  Post A Comment

Neil Patrick Harris, a co-star of "How I Met Your Mother," announced on Twitter that he will become the father of twins, reports E! Online.

Harris said he and his partner of about six years, David Burtka, an actor and chef, are expecting the babies to arrive in October via a surrogate, the story says.

 Harris tweeted, ""So, get this: David and I are expecting twins this fall. We’re super excited/nervous/thrilled. Hoping the press can respect our privacy…"


  1. Thats just what we have been waiting for! A couple of fags getting innocent babies to ruin their lives.

  2. How does this work? No, not that — this:
    Asking for the press to respect your privacy when you make the announcement via social media?
    I assume that one of these guys was a donor for their offsite incubator, but I sure hope that it wasn’t Neil Patrick Harris. We already have more than enough dunces walking the earth.

  3. @Red – keep it classy. I will bet the farm that NPH’s kids will be raised in a more accepting and loving home than you clearly were. They’ll have to teach them to deal with small minded bigots like you all their life, and I’m sure they’ll do a wonderful job of it. Oh, and by the way…how does NPH and his partner raising kids impact your life in any way?

  4. Hey Red – I hope your kids turn out to be “fags”. What a HATEFUL person you are. Gay or straight, I feel sorry for your children, family, friends, and coworkers.

  5. Wow Red, you’re a real ray of sunshine, aren’t you. (Is there an online monitor here to remove hate email?)

  6. This is directed at RED – I second what AJ said – there is no place for hateful losers like yourself – it’s a shame there is no monitor or censorship for these types of comments on here….
    You obviously were not raised right……..I’m sure NPH and his partner will raise these kids real well as they’ve waited patiently for this great opportunity and there’s no doubt
    they’ll come out better in the end than you did……just like AJ said, I also feel sorry for anyone associated with you, that is of course assuming someone would admit to being your friend!

  7. Wow, Red, someone does not like you, seems you are the recieving end of some hate, how does it feel?
    I agree with the above comment, announcing your children’s birthday on social media ( publicity stunt) then asking for media restraint, really NPH, are you serious, this smacks of Lindsey Lohanism,
    However I am happy for the 2, i was raised by gay parents, both men, and I turned out great, gay parents make better role models, because everyone watched them waiting for them to screw up, so they try harder.
    My biological hetero parents were negelectful, had kids for welfare money and pretty much were aweful people, much less parents.

  8. WOW what a bunch of politically correct losers!! If ya’ll would have been around during WW2 we would all be speaking Japanese and German!! So what if red speaks his mind? Its his opinion! Let’s all be gay!!!

  9. To both Red & grandfathersaresad,
    Go to hell, get f*cked and take your homophobic bullsh*t somewhere where only you and other small minded a**holes can be exposed to it!!!
    Remember grandfathersaresad, it was Hitler that shared your opinion NOT the allies!!
    YOUR side LOST!!!!!!!! WE, the lovers of freedom WON!!!!

  10. What theme is this? It’s from wordpress.org extends, correct?

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