
Angered by NBC Show’s Depiction of Occupy Wall Street, Protesters Shut Down Production

Dec 9, 2011  •  Post A Comment

The set of an NBC series was shut down by Occupy Wall Street protesters, with some 100 activists upset at the show’s Occupy-themed production, reports the New York Daily News.

"Law & Order: SVU" had set up a replica of an Occupy encampment, complete with signs that read "War Profiteers" and "End War on Workers," in a park across from Manhattan State Supreme Courthouse, the story says.

"We made it so that they could not exploit us and that’s awesome," Tammy Shapiro, a real-life protester, said, according to the paper.

After the activists stormed the set, police alerted the crowd that the film permit for the TV show had been rescinded, the piece notes. That drew cheers from the protesters, the story adds.

Police threatened to arrest people if they didn’t leave the park, and the park was soon clear, leaving the production crew for "L&O: SVU" to dismantle the set, the piece notes.


  1. It’s puzzling and a little alarming how these protestor geniuses expect everyone to worship at the altar of their free speech rights, but that they cannot be bothered to allow the same free speech to be exercised by others who disagree with them and their message.
    Seems more than a little bit autocratic, not to mention betraying a lack of confidence in their values and beliefs.

  2. Typical ultra left wing hypocrisy. Free speech only for those who agree with them.

  3. “Typical ultra LEFT wing”?? GIve me a break. When’s the last time you watched FOX News? They may invite an opposing view but as soon as anything is said that contradicts the “right” view the moderators argue, talk over and completely shut down the conversation, always having to get the last word in that backs their right-sided view.

  4. “Typical ultra LEFT wing”?? Give me a break. When’s the last time you watched FOX News? They may invite an opposing view (being the left obviously)but as soon as anything is said that contradicts the “right” view the moderators argue, talk over and completely shut down the conversation, always having to get the last word in that backs their right-sided view.

  5. “Typical ultra LEFT wing”?? Give me a break. When’s the last time you watched FOX News? They may invite an opposing view but as soon as anything is said that contradicts the “right” view the moderators argue, talk over and completely shut down the conversation, always having to get the last word in that backs their right-wing view. No freedom of speech there.

  6. That’s funny. I saw Lanny Davis last night on “Hannity” and he did just about everything he could to avoid giving an opinion about MF Global CEO Jon Corzine (and former Democrat NJ Governor and US Senator) testifying that he completely lost track of $1 billion in customer funds and had no idea where the money was. He wasn’t interrupted, he just didn’t want to talk — at least not about his good friend and ideological buddy.
    OK, Sarah, I’m mocking you here a bit, but I will agree with you up to a point. O’Reilly does exactly what you say, but he is an equal opportunity interrupter, regardless of whether the person who’s talking is conservative or liberal. Bill is a clown who has not only made up his mind, but he has no time for letting other people present information that contradicts whatever it is that passes for his mind. I can’t bear him — he is Ted Baxter of the New Millennium.
    On the other hand, Sean Hannity’s major flaw in this area is that he can’t ask a question without injecting into the question what he thinks the answer should be before he’s even finished with the question. But once he’s done that, he generally stays out of the way, unless the guest is filbustering to avoid the question or if he/she is saying things that are contradicted by video or audio that has been played previously.
    All other FOX News hosts play it pretty fairly down the middle, particularly the roundtable sets where liberals and conservatives exchange views. The Special Report FOX All Stars, FOX Sunday All Stars, The Five, Red Eye and FOX News Watch are extremely respectful in terms of allowing everyone to have their say with minimal interruptions. And where there are interruptions, they tend happen from both sides — Juan Williams probably is the most likely person to interrupt when someone else is speaking.
    Fact is, this sort of interrupting is typical of these types of panel programs. It is one of the reason that I stopped watching them for a while (Crossfire when it aired was a massive offender, with the content/noise ratio running 5:1 or 6:1 most days). I really don’t believe that FOX panels are any worse than the others in this regard.

  7. “I really don’t believe that FOX panels are any worse than the others in this regard.” —–VideoSavant
    That’s because time after time you have proven yourself to be a complete and utter IDIOT!!!!!

  8. there a big difference between a journalist and a commentator. if commentator hannity injects his opinion into a question…well fair game. unfortunately, the main stream media is over flowing with left wing commentators disguised as journalists.

  9. I see what you mean. You managed to show your depth of your intelligence, and it only required a single post.
    I guess the path of least resistance is that I should just agree with you. The problem with that is then we’re both wrong.
    Focus now. Right. Left. Right. Left. C’mon, you can do it. Don’t let that short bus leave without you again.
    Oh, and one other thing. Despite what Michael Moore’s been telling you, that’s NOT how you start a sperm bank.

  10. Welcome to the new liberal America. I know it’s not going to be popular, but I have sen this thing creeping up since the early 90’s. It’s not just with the protesters. Everyone nowdays wants their “socialism.” Problem…. it has to be at the cost of everyone else. To make someone feel responsibility means they must feel bad, which is pain. To make someone feel any pain or hardship should be against the law, in their eyes. These same people who believe this thing, clearly make up “Wall street” protesters. I’m nowhere near shocked. I saw this coming ages ago. When I tried to speak up about it, I was squashed.

  11. Sara, that’s with any radio or TV show. If the points spoken do not match what the show’s about… or the networks beliefs, the person (s) get cut off. Al Sharpton show, Whoopi’s show… they ALL did it, on radio. Wake up Sara, it’s all over the place. Stop homogenizing, or being ethnocentric (meaning: seeing your own world; own back yard), with your view.

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