
Entertainers Loom Large on Time Magazine’s List of the 100 Most Influential People

Apr 18, 2013  •  Post A Comment

Time magazine’s list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World is just out, and among the seven people deemed worthy of getting their own cover for the magazine are hip-hop mogul Jay Z and Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Also the subject of cover stories are Aamir Khan, Sen. Rand Paul, Malala Yousafzai, Li Na and Elon Musk.

Other entertainers on the list — though not getting the cover treatment — include Lena Dunham, Shonda Rhimes, Beyonce and Justin Timberlake, the New York Daily News reports. Here are a few more: Steven Spielberg, Frank Ocean, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon, along with Justin Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun.

President Obama made the list, as did Vice President Joe Biden. A few others include Pope Francis, Marissa Mayer, Susana Martinez, Gov. Chris Christie, Jenna Lyons, Alex Atala and Kim Jong-un. Kate Middleton and Gabrielle Giffords are on the list, along with Valerie Jarrett, Sheryl Sandberg, George Saunders and Michael Kors, among others.

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