
House Proposes Ban on Fairness Doctrine Funding

Jun 28, 2007  •  Post A Comment

The House of Representatives moved today to ban the Federal Communications Commission from reviving the Fairness Doctrine, which required broadcasters to offer competing viewpoints in a balanced manner when presenting controversial issues.
The House inserted a ban on government spending in behalf of the doctrine into an appropriations bill, acting at the urging of GOP conservatives. Democrats charged the move was “a political stunt” aimed at quieting unwarranted conservative talk-show hosts’ fears that the doctrine could return. The legislation was awaiting a final vote at press time.
Democrats admitted some concern about the lack of balance on talk radio, but said there was no immediate prospect for the Fairness Doctrine’s revival.
“It’s long since gone by the board because of court decisions and various FCC decisions,” said House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey, D-Wis., who readily accepted the GOP amendment, then saw conservatives spend half an hour rising to praise it. He called the move “another political exercise” intended to fix fears coming from “talk radio and yap-yap TV.”
“I want to see the real Rush [Limbaugh]. I want folks like him to be exposed to American audiences in all his bloviated glory. Let right-wing radio go on just as they do now. … Rush and Sean [Hannity] are just as important as … Paris Hilton. I would hate to see government moderate it to give them an ounce of credibility,” Rep. Obey said.
The amendment was proposed by U.S. Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind.; Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; and Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. They acted after Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., endorsed the doctrine’s revival and Matt Drudge’s Drudge Report Web site featured a clip of what turned out to be a months-old interview in which Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry also endorsed it.
Aides to Sen. Kerry and Sen. Durbin said neither senator is sponsoring legislation. An aide to Sen. Feinstein said she has directed staff to look at the possible changes to the communications law “to ensure there is a degree of fairness,” but that she has no active proposal.
House Energy & Commerce Committee chairman John Dingell, D-Mich., and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, chairman of one of its panels, also have talked of holding hearings.
Conservatives today called the Fairness Doctrine outmoded.
“As kids say, this doctrine is so 20th-century,” said Rep. Mark Kirk, R-Ill.
“If the Fairness Doctrine is put back in place, you will silence the public,” said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., who owns a radio station.
Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., called any plan to reintroduce it “a bald-faced attack on free speech. Proponents don’t like what they hear on the radio. The content of radio and television shows should be directed by station managers, not the government.”
Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Fla., said Republican conservatives on the air acknowledge what they stand for.
“The difference is that Rush Limbaugh knows and admits he is a conservative. Dan Rather and Katie Couric don’t admit they are liberals,” he said.
Rep. Pence said today’s amendment will send “a deafening message” that Congress doesn’t want the doctrine reinstated.
(Editor: Horowitz)


  1. Poor liberals. They can’t cut it in the marketplace which is the foundation of this great Republic, so they want to go whinning to mommy to get their way. Hey peckerwoods, the playing field is wide open. If you can come up with team that can compete more power to you!

  2. I think the liberals want to control media not unlike that little despot in a little country in South America. Viva El Stupido Democratos.

  3. The dems will not rest to the have found a way to censor free speech, at least as far as letting conservatives voice the truth. The Demwits, will be looking for a new way, to attack.

  4. By the way, poor editing on this entry. David Obey is a Democrat, not a Republican:
    “It’s long since gone by the board because of court decisions and various FCC decisions,” said House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey, R-Wis., who readily accepted the GOP amendment, then saw conservatives spend half an hour rising to praise it. He called the move “another political exercise” intended to fix fears coming from “talk radio and yap-yap TV.”

  5. Why don’t you idiots get your facts straight?
    “David Obey, R-Wis” ???
    David Obey is a democrat.

  6. Pelosi might as well be called a communist – since she would be forcing a business to do something it does not want to do. The “unfairness” doctrine would be an affront on capitalism, free speech, and control of one’s business – definitely not the “American Way”. She might as well pass a law to force the Catholic church to teach Islam, Buddahism, Judaism, etc. while she is at it.

  7. David Obey is a D not a R
    do they read what they are writing

  8. If your going to have a fairness doctrine have it for ALL the media not just talk radio. TV is mostly liberal newspapers are mostly liberal magazines well you get the idea. By the way who would be the judge of what is fair? Censorship is wrong all the time. Hillary can’t stand for the truth to get out about her so it is CENSOR TALK RADIO and do it quick.

  9. Fixed Obey, thanks!

  10. It’s the only chance the liberals have. They no longer have a media monopoly and they can’t stand it.

  11. If liberal ideas are good they will be embraced and their radio talk shows will excel. Conservative ideas must survive 3 major TV networks, ALL major newspapers,and CNN and MSNBC.
    Still seems like the Left/Liberals have the upper hand in getting information out.
    The left owns unions, ethnics, and activist sponsored causes.
    Maybe the Fairness Doctrine should be looked at to help conservatives or maybe not.
    Let’s all hear the discussions where ever you get the news from. Fair and unafraid. So far I see little fairness on anyside of issues in all media. Even the ACLU doesn’t want fair discussion/debate coming from their organization. Go Firgure!

  12. Thank you for fixing that. We R’s want nothing to do with David Obey.

  13. If liberal ideas are good they will be embraced and their radio talk shows will excel. Conservative ideas must survive 3 major TV networks, ALL major newspapers,and CNN and MSNBC.
    Still seems like the Left/Liberals have the upper hand in getting information out.
    The left owns unions, ethnics, and activist sponsored causes.
    Maybe the Fairness Doctrine should be looked at to help conservatives or maybe not.
    Let’s all hear the discussions where ever you get the news from. Fair and unafraid. So far I see little fairness on anyside of issues in all media. Even the ACLU doesn’t want fair discussion/debate coming from their organization. Go Firgure!


  15. Another thought, wonder what our Mexican and Wall street controlled Presidente will do with the bill. GOD BLESS

  16. It aint enough for you libs to control all the major print rags (LAT, NYT, Time, USNWR, Newsweek) all of the major broadcast stations aside from Fox News(ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC), plus government funded radio (NPR). Greedy greedy, Mr. Obey…

  17. I don’t get it… I thought Liberals stood for freedom of speech? Didn’t they say back in the 60’s ” I don’t agree with what you say, but will defend your right to say it”? This amnesty snake oil gets shot down in no small part due to those dastardly right wing ‘blowhards’ inciting people to contact their representatives to speak their mind an lo and behold they want to shut down talk radio. Hmmm So we are forced by government to get our info from the pablum dispenser alphabet networks!! WAKE UP KIDDIES! Where’s Franken now?

  18. Recent reports, some of them on Drudge, show that 90% of the media vote Democrat, and of those who make political contributions, 90% contribute to Democrats. We don’t need a “Fairness” Doctrine, but we sure could use open disclosure of media biases. The same editors who write predominantly liberal editorials also select and determine placement of the news items they deem “fit to print.”

  19. the fairness doctrine started when the facts got out via am radio talk shows espousing the fact that the immigration bill was created behind closed doors with no details friendly to and for the people, or by the people , unless you were an illegal alien. The re introduction of the fairness doctrine is a way to thwart free speech and have more government controls on what can be said on the radio. Political correctness with Imus and now this. The hidden immigration bill is not needed as the president suggests, if only he enforced current laws to begin with, there would be plenty of work to do.

  20. I guess the brain donors in congress need another losing cause-speaking of Fairness. At $175,000 salary, 104 day work years, free vacations, pay-offs, free hair cuts, free offices, free corporate sponsored events and airplane rides, et al, you would think they would spend more time working for their employers or at least a few called conservatives.

  21. When liberals/progressives/democrats cannot outdo, they want to outlaw! Democrats should be in charge of NOTHING more important than a Christmas card list.

  22. The Democrats already have a view strictly for their views. It is call Public Radio. It is taxpayer paid along with very liberal foundation donations and with other tax deductable contributions from the public.
    They don’t have to compete in the marketplace.
    Their real intent is to stop any view not to their interest.

  23. Liberals can not compete in the marketplace of ideas because no one accepts them. They need the government to protect and enhance their position. Obey is a fn idiot. He is whistling in the graveyard. What a loser.

  24. Liberal Democrats are trying to TURN BACK THE CLOCK on free speech in America and undo all of the progress that has been achieved. They want to return us to the bad old days where liberals controlled all of the media so that the public would only hear what the liberals wanted them to hear.

  25. If we are going to make everything fair, how about every state just be required to have one Democrat and one Republican senator to represent?
    Let’s start in mexifornia there Fienstien!!!!
    Who should go…you or Boxer???

  26. You know who the liberals are in this blog, because they focus on a editing error and not the facts, The “Fairness Doctrine” is the greatest legislative threat to our Republic in the history of this country.

  27. Bring it. I can’t wait for PBS to be COMPELLED to air Coulter, et al, and the CBS News having to give time to Michael Savage.
    Liberals never seem to remember that what goes around, comes around.

  28. “You know, conservatism, if you work hard, stick to your principles and tell it like it is, you can do pretty good. If you don’t, you end up on Air America”.
    John F. Kerry

  29. Does it mean that M Moore will have to produce good things about Pres Bush? love that…heh heh heh

  30. Some very good remarks said here…..If even in America…We agree that most people still are misled thru all the Media accurately stated above and more, then would Not this Media viewpoint driven society over the last few decades be very comparable to the great misleading of past societies now defunct?
    The point being Not mass killings but misleading the country?
    Goog people are being misled over time by the the media!

  31. BTW, does Fairness also mean we get CBS, NBC, CNN, NY Times, even Starbucks, will be forced to also present 50/50 views on this BS about Global Warming from opposing scientific views?

  32. We certainly wouldn’t want somebody questioning D. Feinstein’s war profiteering, steering millions of dollars worth of contracts to her husband’s companies now, would we? How dare we have talk radio to disclose the truth about the hypocrite left?

  33. Well the powerless think they can act. At least they realize how powerless they are. Perhaps they want to prevent talk radio from affecting the 08′ election, and if I was Hillary…I would too.

  34. In the article where they refer to obey as Rep they are referring to the fact that he is a Representative as opposed to Sen which is short for Senator. In the body of the article they put a D behind his name.
    I agree that the fairness doctrine is one of the worst ideas ever to come along. Censoring Conservatives seems to be the only way the Libs think they have a chance of winning.

  35. Funny how you cowards, cheats, liars all bitch about a passing to make it fair because you want to be on cnn and nbc yet you delete any post on a site like this that doesn’t agree with you. You agree with a party that does nothing to help you in return. Glad to see only 26% of americans are brain dead in this country…

  36. I feel sorry for the liberals some times. They lost millions with Al Franken and the other jokers on Air America and they still have not learned. People do not want to hear the hate they spew whenever they are on the air, people want to hear the truth! If you are a liberal an honest one (LOL) you know that old news is not news. If you brought something NEW to the table you would not have to try an strong arm the media to give you FREE air time to respond. You would have radio stations making a profit from your shows and people might listen.
    Grow up and quit being a spoiled child.

  37. How do we measure “fairness”? let’s see…a recent MSNBC survey suggests journalists are liberal and/or Democratic by a ratio of 9 to 1. If we want to be measurably “fair,” shouldn’t we either hire a lot more conservative and/or Republican journalists? or fire a lot of liberals and/or democrats? (The aforementioned survey can be easily searched for online.)
    Revive the fairness doctrine? Another infantile liberal idea that (like so many others) wouldn’t even help the liberals that want it.
    Perhaps this is another reason why there seem to be so many more ex-liberals and Democrats that there are ex-conservatives and Republicans. As for me, I am a committed “I” (for independent) since age 18 and I have NEVER regretted it.

  38. Why does everyone seemed shocked at all the fuss about the fairness doctrine. When the left screams and complains, it’s called free speech. When the right does the same, it’s called hate speech. Just look around the world today. If the left doesn’t want you to speak out, they kill you. That’s why they are on the side of the radical muslims. This is why they deny there is a war on terror. This is why Americans need to remain armed because it will be the American people that squash the radical muslims. Not our Government.

  39. R Hater.
    1. How many networks are recognized as liberal biased?
    2. What is the only network a presidential candidate refused to be interviewed on?
    3. How many MSM Network hosts sandbag a liberal?
    4. Who has received air time on MSM to say they wish Cheney was killed, the president is a liar and no one in MSM criticizes these folks?
    But, let the left get shown for their hypocricy and they cry foul. Anybody who has ruled the MSM roost all these years is certainly smarting when their contrived logic, omissions and lies are explained in a small segment of the meda.

  40. When it comes to killing their babies, Democrats are all for choice. If radio audiences wanted to hear left wing programs the airwaves would be full of them. I would think the congress has better things to do than control “my” radio dial.

  41. Silencing speech you don’t like how very ‘PROGRESSIVE’ Nanc and harry. Don’t these people seem very confused? Nancy and her crew have gone from being Democrats, to liberals, to progressives, populists, humanists, forgot one more, COMMUNISTS. If these folks gave a da-m about equality at all then they should be concerned about the absolute marxist takeover of every, yes every major college campus and major newspaper in this country, but have you noticed they don’t bring that up? It’s not enough to own Hollywood, everything in media except Fox news, higher education, and every BS workplace law designed to sc-ew white m/f christians. If you want to see how “regressive” these progressives are check out the level of corruption in George “Schwartz” Soros’ past. Remember people Adolf Hitler was a socialist before he was a fascist. Who do you think founded the German Democratic Workers Party? The fairness doctrine should scare the h–l out of everyone!!!!

  42. “Hey Liberals…Be careful what you wish for”!
    You silence “Talk Radio”, you may be “Silenced” out of office. By the Silent Majority.

  43. I felt a shiver down my spine yesterday with many of the comments by the Democrat leader of the senate during his speech about HIS Immigration Bill..we cannot allow so many ammendments..I wrote the 737 pages, then rewrote them..it is not ready for READING..Trust ME..sounded like Chavez..and then comments by Dems on the News programs this weekend made sense..A WARNING TO THEM..WE ARE NOT AS STUPID AS YOU THINK..WE LIKE TO READ THE BILLS AND TO HEAR ALL SIDES..WE ALREADY HAVE TO FUND NPR..AND I HAVE YET TO HEAR ANY CONSERVATIVE COMMENTARY..AT LEAST NOT HERE IN BOSTON, MA. (little Venezuela in the winter)..my advice to Democrats…stop panering for votes and write bills that we can read long before they are to be voted upon, americans are as fed up with Democrats who are so petty..they are spending more of our hard earned tax dollars on fruitless investigations..anyone can win a case if you only have ONE SIDE TALKING..DO SOME REAL WORK FOR A CHANGE…DO NOT CALL US NAZI’S, GESTAPOS, STUPID, SIMPLE, NATIVISTS, BIGOTS…WHEN YOU ARE OUT IN THE REAL WORLD LIKE WORKING AMERICANS..YOU HAVE SOMETHING ALL POLITICANS SEEM TO FORGET..COMMON SENSE AND A THOUGHT FOR MORE THAN THE NEXT ELECTION! WE CARE ABOUT THE FUTURE AND WHAT OUR CHILDREN WILL BE FACING..SMARTEN UP AND STOP BEING SO SELF IMPORTANT..YOU ARE LOOKING VERY SILLY …

  44. To Ron:
    Not only that, there is a great distinction comparing the so-called media reporting: they never officially proclaim that they are reporting on a bias basis they claim: “we are fairly balanced”
    On the other hand, those talk show hosts “officially” admit n proudly carry their label & point of view,
    So when someone tunes in n listens he certainly knows what he’s up against, this is definitely not the case @ the media. So who do you think rather classifies the β€œfairness” act

  45. Those lackeys of the left wing socialism paradox that spoke against Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity are speaking against me and the millions of others who hold to what we consider to be normal, patriotic, conservative Constitutional and Bill of Rights agendas! We see their positions as Marxist leaning, Socialistic leaning and kin to men like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Chavez, Castro and the like! They are not favorites of our historical fathers I can assure you. They fit more in with places like Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Venenzuela and North Korea!
    I resent their arrogance and misleading of the American people. They have an objective and that is to make all Americans abject slaves to a welfare system and they being the dictatorial tyrants of the order! They can’t take free speech and the proliferation of free ideas at all. They wish to stifle challenges and open market of the ideas which make the Nation strong and great! They would have us return to the Inquisition days of the Roman Empire and the Roman Church! No, we don’t buy it liberals, our Nation has always been strong when it stays the course with Conservative values!

  46. The proposal by the Democrats to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine goes to provide evidence of what they do NOT believe in – Free Speech for all and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

  47. If you used the word Liberal or Conservative in your response, you ARE the problem. Stop falling for the politicians’ attempts to make you believe they are doing something. Liberal or conservative, no one understands capitalism better than politicians, that’s why they sell their political capital to the highest bidder.
    I really don’t care how many talking idiots you put on TV or the radio, they are still idiots, and yet, you are listening to them, and having an argument about them. F(orget) them. Worry about who’s paying them…ClearChannel. Worry about the limited bandwidth in this country (OUR bandwidth) which is being rapidly monopolized into ClearChannel’s bandwidth.
    Oh, I know, it’s communistic to suggest diversity of ownership. But by that logic, the capitalistic thing to do, would be for me to shoot you and take your radio, since you don’t like government regulations anyhow.

  48. To Republican’t Hater: Nancy’s congress is receiving a lower grade than Bush what say you? If you need a diaper change just ask Nancy’s slave errr maid Consuela to do it for you.

  49. Rush Limbaugh has more credability than David Obey. The most recent polls show Congress’ approval at 19%. That’s below Bush’s numbers. That’s the lowest Congress has EVER been rated. Who the hell is David Obey to decide who has credability? Unlike Limbaugh who expresses his opinion every day and then defends it to his callers, Obey can pontificate at tax payers’ expense and can rely upon the liberal media to defend him.

  50. Rush Limbaugh has more credability than David Obey. The most recent polls show Congress’ approval at 19%. That’s below Bush’s numbers. That’s the lowest Congress has EVER been rated. Who the hell is David Obey to decide who has credability? Unlike Limbaugh who expresses his opinion every day and then defends it to his callers, Obey can pontificate at tax payers’ expense and can rely upon the liberal media to defend him.

  51. Rush Limbaugh has more credability than David Obey. The most recent polls show Congress’ approval at 19%. That’s below Bush’s numbers. That’s the lowest Congress has EVER been rated. Who the hell is David Obey to decide who has credability? Unlike Limbaugh who expresses his opinion every day and then defends it to his callers, Obey can pontificate at tax payers’ expense and can rely upon the liberal media to defend him.

  52. Our illustrious democrats are taking their cues from Hugo Chavez. How desperately they would love to control the airwaves. Early in the Clinton years Hillary spoke out about “hate radio”, referring to Rush. Anything or anyone who exposes the truth about them are labeled as hateful. So childish. They’ll be trying to control the Internet next. The dems are all about control, conservatives about personal responsibility. Dems: get your filthy hands off my radio dial!

  53. If you want a fairness doctrine then make it a true one and cover all media to include TV, movies, schools etc.. To push this on the one media outlet that is not Liberal is a violation of my rights to free and unfettered speech. I think there should be some “Fairness” in the Congress also and force equal time for all viewpoints if you want to press the issue.

  54. Once again I do not understand why everyone is jumping to use the word – censorship – stop a moment and think it thru – No one said the conservatives can’t speak up – they should and on many issues they need to speak up more – the idea here is that when a Rush or Ann Coulter start spewing statistics and numbers, and ideals, that an alternative view is allowed to respond. The same goes for the so called – liberal commentators – they get to make their point and a conservative gets to make theirs..do you people like being uninformed? both sides are trying to win the public “vote” if you will and if you think that Ann Coulter is any more or less likely to stretch a truth or bald faced lie to get the win than say Al Franken… you really need to wise up..either one is likely to do what it takes to win the public opinion..so it becomes our job to educate ourselves on both sides of an issue and gee – how many people do you know that are really left or right that will take the time to go check out an alternate opinion?. I like the idea of hearing what both sides have to say and then educating myself instead of going around aping what Rush said on his show today….you people scare me…this whole thing isn’t censorship – that would be silencing someone – this merely makes them come closer to the truth when spouting off at the mouth (and i mean all of them!) – why are the conservatives so fired up about it? perhaps they do protest too much…………?

  55. If the fairness doctrine had already been in place, this amnesty bill would have already become law, there would be millions more, illegal Democrat voters, and the liberal, drive by, media would be talking about how great Ted Kennedy’s immigration bill is for the country. Now they have to talk about this being a huge defeat for president Bush. No wonder they are so upset.

  56. It’s time to stop referring to these “people” as “liberals” and “progressives” and “democrats”. They have proven time and time again they are National Socialists.
    By threatening to silence free speech they are threatening the security of a free state, and this is exactly why the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution exists.
    Let them keep pushing, they’ll soon push far enough and we’ll all have the excuse we have been waiting for to do what needs to be done.

  57. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”
    Key Words Here: “..or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;..”
    Any attempt towards a fairness doctrine is an assault on our 1st Amendment. How does crap like this even make beyond a first pass?
    Demerals – wake up and quit trying to turn us into a socialist nation, we are not going to put up with it, take a hike to Canada, eh?

  58. The fairness doctrine. Everyone should be supicious of something Feinstein and Pelosi want. Sounds like a pre-cursor to a book burning and only one kind of book allowed. Kind of like Mine Konf. Think about it America.

  59. Hollow head Pelosi & that Bed wetter Reid. Could not pass a tax hike with out screwing it up so I am not too concern they can get any bill moved in a 100 years. They are the 2 worst so called leaders in Congress. They Make Pres. Bush look good!

  60. Joe, the liberals already own 90% of the media. Talk radio is the only place we can go to find out the truth—the so called—other side of the news. Now the liberals want to take that away also. If you truly want both sides of the news you should be against the fairness doctrine.

  61. Actually, those who see a silver lining in that CBS, NPR, CNN etc. would be forced to give air time to conservatives are foolish. Since the media elites get to define when they are “being fair,” they would shoulder their way on to conservative talk radio but insist that “both sides” are already being heard on NPR and CBS etc. That’s NPR’s main claim–“we give both sides.” They don’t, of course, but no conservative will ever convince them of that and the bureaucracy will side with the libs, not with conservatives. That’s the problem in this country–unelected, powerful bureaucrats. If anyone thinks that giving them the power to decide which media programming is “fair” and which needs to be “faired up” will give equal time in the MSM to conservatives, well, I have some beachfront property in the Gobi Desert for sale.

  62. its simple, liberals cannot compete in the radio market place just like conservatives cannot compete in the network television arena. but i say let the market decide not congress, i am never for censorship. i was against it when the religous right censured the movie about reagan from being shown on network T V and i was against it when the liberal left tried to stop the clinton movie from being shown. let freedom ring

  63. The Fairness Doctrine has nothing fair about it. It attempts to force only talk radio to be “balanced” while ignoring the most biased media, CNN, CNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.

  64. Joe, if you don’t believe that the FD will morph into censorship under Nancy Gotti & the Democratic Gambinos then I’m worried for you. I notice by your post that you’re quite bright but come on, this thing has Bolshevik written all over it. As I said before, if it’s applied to radio then TV, print news, and higher education must follow. Do you honestly believe that the NEA would stand for that? They would be the first ones screaming “The Gestapo is coming to shut us down!!!!!!”

  65. this is ridiculous u liberals want a “fairnes doctrine”. i dont know if any of you forgot but we have freedom of the press here. maybe the conservatives can yell and complain about liberal media but shutting up talk radio because its conservative is WAY OUT OF LINE

  66. this is ridiculous u liberals want a “fairnes doctrine”. i dont know if any of you forgot but we have freedom of the press here. maybe the conservatives can yell and complain about liberal media but shutting up talk radio because its conservative is WAY OUT OF LINE

  67. When I see right wing kool aid drinkers react like this to anything, it’s obvious that it is the right thing to do.
    Besides, the only people that listen to talk radio are retirees and unemployed losers.

  68. You’re all wrong. David Obey is not a Dem or Rep…he’s vermin.

  69. Enrico
    Hope you find a job soon.

  70. Funny, I don’t ever remember reading anything about a “Fairness” principle or concept in any of the following:
    1. the Bible
    2. the Gospel according to Darwin
    3. the U.S. Constitution / Bill of Rights
    …Life isn’t fair; unless your a Godless monkey-brained Commie!

  71. Liberal talk radio will never be a success. The reason? No pictures. If you are dumb enough to be a liberal, you need pictures to understand. Their only hope is liberal TV.

  72. I think communism started out shutting down free speech.

  73. I think communism started out shutting down free speech.

  74. Democrats on Fairness: “Allright, all you Network News sheep bleat this together: Some animals are more equal than others … some animals are more equal than others… some animals are more equal than others. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    WAKE UP, people, the National Socialists Democrats are here!!!
    Fred in 08 (It’s about time we put an Alabama boy in there to “set things aright”.)

  75. Communism did start with shutting down free or oppositional speech. If they speak up, do shoot them,lock them up somehow, or they just “disappear”. Tyrants always use these methods because they work. I wondered how “reforned” Russia was when I heard about their thre dead only because of miscommunication revolution. Their philosophy is now and always has been…two steps forward, one step back.” They envied other dirty rotten scoundrels getting loans and free money so much they decided to “reform”. Giving back East Germany after they had pilfered and poluted it as much as they could was the token deed to fool the west…hook, line, and sinker.

  76. I support the fairness doctrine 100%. Now, let’s start with the schools of journalism across the country, all the major newspapers across the country, the three major networks and the two minor cable TV channels. Then let’s get to the radio talk shows.

  77. Having started listening to talk radio in the late 60s when the Fairness Doctrine was in effect, I find the bleating on the part of the beneficiaries (talk show hosts) and owners of the quasi-monopolies that have risen in the radio industry since the Reagan-era deregulation not only disingenuous but also cynical and dishonest.
    This isn’t about free speech; this is about those monopolies desperately trying to trick the public into believing that there is a “free market” influence maintaining conservative and radical right-wing talk radio’s dominance rather than the deliberate exclusion of “liberal”, left-wing or libertarian views from being aired fairly on radio in the US by those monopolies.
    Incredibly, they argue that since there is (allegedly) leftist domination of all other forms of media, the right and far-right should be guaranteed total control of the publicly-owned AM radio frequencies.
    What nonsense.
    The Fairness Doctrine existed in various forms since the 1920’s and was intended to prevent such domination by one side of political discussion.
    We need to reinstate it and also reinstate limits on station ownership – we need to break these monopolies up and return ownership to local control.
    I can tell you that under the Fairness Doctrine, you could hear a current issue being discussed from varying points of view – not just from the right-wing or the left.
    It was great – stimulating and informative.
    I hope radio returns to something like those good old days.

  78. Wow, the ignorance from the rwingnuts is astounding.
    What they all fail to understand is that public airwaves are licensed to broadcasters under various conditions. To allow the rwingnuts and their bloviating, spinning, vile-spewing hosts of AM Hate Radio to continue unabated does the citizens of the United States of America a horrible disservice.
    That is quite evident in the atrociously high % of people who think Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks.
    It’s time to confront the juggernaut of the conservative-controlled media and restore it back to the public at large.

  79. This bill was approved but only is good for a year. I encourage everyone to contact their congressman to support the free american broadcasting act or called the Pence bill which would kill any attempt to resurrect the unfairness doctrine forever.

  80. Our leaders are a reflection of what we are!! They have lazy minds and are incapable of critical thinking or reflection about the bills they propose. An ignorant electorate produces ignorant leaders. I agree, the libs can’t compete in a free market so they take their toys and run home to mommy – aka – left-wing lawyers who will attempt to force legislation on an unwilling public. Fight on. Immigration is gone. School race quotas gone….more to come! Fight on.

  81. The attack on free speech, is just the begining of thngs to come. these devients in congress live in a dream world. they are as decadent as the French and Brittish royalty of the 1700s, and we are their playthings, the surfs. They push and push to destroy the Rebublic. You’ll see that their are treating this country and its people as though they know that its a sinking ship and the lower classes have no access to the life boats. The Congress, The Senate, The President, The Courts on down are destroying the country by design, The Consitution stands in there way, President G.W.Bush was qoated as saying its just a God damn piece of paper. the best thing to ever happen for these evil politition’s is that this country was attacked on 9/11/01. It gave them unlimited power to pillage the country, then merge it in to the North American Union, Look how sick with power they are and how stupid the American people are. They lie and lie and call it spin. call it what it is. they need to squash dessent, especily on the internet and the alternative media. As the Neo (Nazi)Cons, and The Demo (Commy) crats, are the issue they both stink of rotton death, they have unclean hands,
    bought and paid for, compermised, by corperations
    and foreighn goverments. Belonging to secreat sects. The bill of rights have been all but compleatly destroyed, when will all this come to a head is when we americans are homeless and standing in soup lines,and the illegal alians are surving up the soup, in the very near future. when they collapse our economy, then the Americans will wake up, but alas it will be to late. way to late.

  82. The fairness doctrine came at a time when radio was new, TV wasn’t around, and newspapers were considerably less biased (not all of them, but leftward or rigthward leanings were the exception). With the Internet, TV, Cable/Sat, XM/Sirius, blogging, podcasting, and yes – desktop published newsletters, the fairness doctrine has no purpose. Balance is acheived through all these media, not just the ‘public airwaves.’
    I resent Rush for saying that he’s equal time, but at this point, I sadly must concede he is correct. The ‘mainstream’ media isn’t mainstream anymore. Objectivity is dead.

  83. This issue may seem like a drop in the bucket right now but if enough people raise enough heat about this, then American’s will see what they are going to vote for in 08′. ALthough, this should not be an issue that centers on partisan politics, but it almost has to be. The folks who are insisting that the Fairness Doctrine be brought back are those on the far left fringes of the Democratic party. Conservative Republicans are giving voice to the people who understand that the basic first amendment rights do not restrict speech that you disagree with. If Democrats want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, then the American people will give them their voice: by voting them out of power. There is a clear choice in 2008 and that choice is freedom.

  84. Can someone please tell me who defines what is fair? And what happens to the Christian Radio programs? Will they beforced to put on Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, and Satanists on their radio stations to be fair?
    And what about broadcast languages? If this implimented I demand, that every English Radio station must offer up Spanish, French, Russian, and Japanese programing as well. So must the Spanish stations. They have to have English content as well.
    Its only being fair after all.

  85. Buck, good point, thumbs up!!
    another reason: they have NOTHING to discuss, it’s the same old bitter talk! (ever listen to …!?)
    2. they have the entire media, the true success of talk radio is the fact that ppl don’t trust the liberal media so they turn to the analysis of the talk show host like Rush etc.
    now you get a liberal in there, he/she will never get away with their lies n bias.

  86. Since when do corporations have the right to impose THEIR opinions on the public? The airwaves are the publics and so it is THE CORPORATIONS that must provide a BALANCED approach to ANYTHING they put up. The FAIRNESS doctrine kept the media for MANY years a NEUTRAL source of the news. What we have now is a system that is full of PROPAGANDA on both sides. Seems that EVERYONE is afraid this doctrine will destroy CAPITALISM at it’s core. If capitalism is afraid of Fair and ACCURATE representation of the news then IT is CAPITALISM and the corporations that are the problem. BOTH sides of the argument must be heard so that EVERYONE can have the opportunity to make a comprehensive decision. This so called free market is a myth, the government HAS always had the right to regulate ALL industries to maintain fairness.
    The air WAVES belong to the PEOPLE of this great nation and MUST represent that in a FAIR and accurate way for BOTH sides!

  87. This shows that Democrats really are just old-school socialists. We must remove these traitors from our midst.
    It is time to start rounding them up as subversives and putting them in camps, just as their hero Stalin did to his people, and just as Peolsi, Clinton, et al will do to us if they get a chance.
    I’m serious. Enough is enough.

  88. The first amendment often gets mentioned but seldome quoted. Here it is just in case people forgot.
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceabley to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    According to the first ammendment, Congress (that includes Pelosi, Finstine, Ried, Clinton, Schumer, Kinnedy, Kerry and Kusinich, Lott and all the rest of them are not allowed to bring back the fairness doctrin because it is a direct abridgement of the freedom of speech of MILLIONS of Americans. Case closed.
    Write your Senator and Congressmen, quote the first amendment and tell them to abolish the fairness doctrin forever because it is un-constitutional.

  89. The first amendment often gets mentioned but seldome quoted. Here it is just in case people forgot.
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceabley to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    According to the first ammendment, Congress (that includes Pelosi, Finstine, Ried, Clinton, Schumer, Kinnedy, Kerry and Kusinich, Lott and all the rest of them are not allowed to bring back the fairness doctrin because it is a direct abridgement of the freedom of speech of MILLIONS of Americans. Case closed.
    Write your Senator and Congressmen, quote the first amendment and tell them to abolish the fairness doctrin forever because it is un-constitutional.

  90. Enrico,
    So, how many hempfests HAVE you been to this year?

  91. The Fairness Doctrine is nothing but a blatant and pathetic attempt to silence right-wing conservative radio or TV hosts by those stupid-a$$ leftists with no spines. The left cannot stand up to criticism or fighting but wanted to spread love, peace and flowers around while ignoring fanatics ready to die for Allah by killing or converting others to Islam by force.
    The leftists cannot hack it well. They can move to Venezuela where Chavez can give them a TV station for free to mouth off stupid leftist nonsenses and having no opposing viewpoint to counter their stupid garbages.

  92. Reinstating the fairness doctrine is straight out of the play book of Chavez. Look what he did with the only TV station that was in opposition to what he was doing in Venezuela. Chavez uses Castro as a role model.

  93. The dems are looking really foolish on this one.
    check out the blog:FAIRNESS TO WHO?

  94. Former Republican. Your comment would be fine IF the fairness doctrin actually applied to all comunications (actually, it would not be fine … it still would be an abridgement of the freedome of speech). But in reality it is only going to apply to radio because radio is who the democrats who are in charge in congress want to control. That is just plan and simple. They have said as much.
    To think that this is anything else is not realistic. It is a political trick. An unconstitutional political trick.

  95. Mario Goveia:
    I support the fairness doctrine 100%. Now, let’s start with the schools of journalism across the country, all the major newspapers across the country, the three major networks and the two minor cable TV channels. Then let’s get to the radio talk shows.

    Mario, if you wanted to support the Fairness Doctrine 100%, you should start with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, then work your way down like you said. Say, planning to throw a lot of snowballs to hell for the Fairness Doctrine’s sake? Good luck!

  96. I don’t understand why libs are getting so uppety. No one is forcing them to listen to talk radio.
    For Pete’s sake, they have ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, “Snare” America Radio, BET, MTV, TIME, NewsWeek, ALL of commie-Hollyweird, NYTimes, LATimes, (and every other frickin newsrag), AP, UPI, the NEA, the AFL-CIO, LaRaza, the AARP, ACT, MoveOn, Rainbow Push, CAIR, “Sicko” Moore, Sundance, IFC, the list is ridiculously endless…
    With this many choices on your side, what the hell are you complaining about?

  97. Call me crazy but it doesn’t matter to me whether the people that are giving me the news are liberal/left wing/ dems or conservative/right wing reps, as long as that news is delivered the way it is supposed to be: unbiased. I learned that in my 9th grade mass media class. And, quite frankly, none of the so-called news stations deliver the news in such a way. If I learned it in a half semester 7 years ago, why can’t a college graduate who’s done the work day in and day out not grasp it?
    Now, when it comes to opinion forums about the news, whether it be on T.V., the radio, or the internet, those should be no holds barred. If you don’t like what someone’s saying, turn the channel. All these people, especially government officials, worrying about whether the hosts of these forums are being politically correct or “fair” to other view points infuriates me. We seem to forget these are just words being spewed. Just words. And if the show or column has been successful, then a whole lot of other people must agree with them. If you don’t like what someone has to say (Fox News, CBS, MSNBC,Imus, Coulter, Limbaugh, Couric, Al Gore, Sheryl Crow, anyone) don’t draw attention to their opinions by making such a big deal out of them.
    I would definitely consider enacting a law because you don’t agree with someone’s opinions to be repression of the First Amendment. That is definitely a big deal.

  98. What’s next, a stamp act? Nancy looks a lot like King George in 1774. Maybe Nancy needs to read that document we wrote back when we founded the country. Wake up 21st century metrosexual american man!

  99. Actually, we need the Unfairness Doctrine. I would buy or sell seats to see anyone of the Talk Radio conservs like Rush, Sean, Hugh, Dennis, Bill debate any, any Dem Senator or House Rep on any issue and still give points to the Dem. My bet is , the Talk Radio guys would wipe up the floor with Her Highness, BO, Edwards, Kennedy or anyone of the lefties posing as our fair-haired reps who know more about legislation or agendas than the voting public. Yeah, like they did on illegal immigration, Dubai, tax cuts, and two great SCOTUS picks! These arrogant elites are supposed to working for us and they treat us as serfs. I suggest many primary challenges to the Dems and the Pubs who have been in DC for eons. What a refreshing thing to see some of those old lefty warhorses lose and some of the RINO’s go down to defeat!

  100. In Soviet America, the radio will tune you!
    In actuality, this type of nonsense is reminiscent of the Sedition act. Only its more ridiculous in the modern era when the first amendment is if anything more potent. Congress doesn’t like what talk radio is saying, so it’s going to mandate a sycophant on the radio for every dissenter?
    To any supporters, stop and think. Would you care, if you are a Democrat, to have some future Republican, Bush-like, President deciding what you hear? And vice versa? Nothing is forever. Not the Bush Administration, not the Democrat Senate. When it is finished, any such authority would have to be wrested from the opposite party. A dangerous, if it should fail, and an intellectually dishonest proposition regardless.
    Only a lunatic would, in distrusting the government and its officials, attempt to invest yet more power and influence into the same. How many people have such absolute faith in all branches of Government the elected or appointed members thereof? Only a very few are so inclined (or misguided, or naive). This is something that any polling of the people has shown and can show. Both the administration and the houses of congress are distrusted.

  101. This is Communism at its worse and destruction of the freedom of speech. However, it will never get past a Bush veto and maybe conservatives won’t stay at home in 2008. I look at what has happened in the last few weeks with the Supreme Court decisions and wonder why in the world have conservatives abanadon President Bush. It is the Supreme Court People!

  102. When all is said and done with “Fairness”, in the final analysis, we know it will be ruled “Unconstitutional”. I think we still live in a free country, that is, unless we elect more Democrats. Rudolph J. Girandola, Author: The Jade Chalice.

  103. Eight worst Democratic Senators: Kennedy; Schumer; Leahy; Boxer; Clinton; Harkin; Durbin; Dingy Harry
    Dishonorable runnerup: Feinstein
    Eight worst Republican Senators: Schmegel; McCain; Specter; Graham; Snowe; Warner; Voinovich; Collins
    Dishonorable runnerup: Lugar
    Worst Independent: Sanders

  104. Hillary will be the Minister Of Speechequeal and won’t that be just doubleplusgood!

  105. Hillary will be the Minister Of Speechequeal and won’t that be just doubleplusgood!

  106. In FAIRNESS to all, please sprinkle some unintelligent gibberish when writing insightful and thought provoking comments on this post.
    One may never know, the brilliant minds in Washington may come after the blog posters and demand fairness on the New too!

  107. It’s funny how some refer to the word “Liberals”, reminds me of what I read in Germanys history. I don’t agree on every idea the Democrats have, which is unheard of if your a Republican. If I told my veiws Nazi’s, sorry I ment Republican’s would call me a Jew, sorry I ment Liberal. I am neither, I think for myself an hate when I’m called a name when someone finds out what my veiws are. The worst thing about the good ole U.S of A is that no matter what you think about something, you are put in one of two groups. The Fairness Doctrine is stupid, but so is a “Liberal” trying to voice his point of veiw on a show like Limbaugh’s. The King, I mean the President, doesn’t think that the “Piece of Paper” that our forfathers created has anything to do with him. But disagree with him, and your with the terrorists. Kinda reminds me of Star Wars III. If we all agreed, we wouldn’t get anything done. If your Mom disagreed with your Dad, would you call her such names as Ann Coulter likes to use? We are a nation of many people, why is there only two parties that count. It would be fun to see Bill Clinton square off against Ann Coulter though.

  108. And of course the entire time I spelt “view” wrong. That’s what you get if you type in a hurry.

  109. This doctrine proves democrats are socialists, in fact they are borderline communists..
    In fairness…
    The democrat response..Nuh uh you biggot!!!

  110. Little late to the party but,4th paragraph says Obey D-Wisc,5th paragraph says rep.which stands for representative

  111. I’m really concerned with the future of sports radio if the Fairness Doctrine were to be reinstituted. Would fans in New York have to listen equally to the latest Red Sox or Braves news. Would the people of New Orleans need to know what minicamp is like for the Falcons half of the time? I think its easy to understand that the whole notion is not what this country (or this sports fan) is about.

  112. You’d think the fairness doctrine might help the GOP. The “Liberal Controlled Media” would have to start talking about all the good things Bush is doing for this country, and how he is a competent president after all. Hey, it might pull his 24% approval rating out of the crapper.
    Oh, wait a minute, since there IS nothing but incompetence to report, it might be a tad embarassing after all.

  113. People, including liberals, cannot stomach listening too long to liberal talk shows on the radio promoting hate Bush, envy, pro death, USA at fault, whine, shreek, pro perversion, global warming fear mongering, pro tax increase, pro environmental extremism, illogical thinking, closed minded insanity, etc. Even if they agree while driving down the road, they have to turn the dial, because you can only take so much depressing, hopeless, delusional yakking. And that is why liberal radio does not succeed.

  114. The Congressional Approval rating all-time Gallup Poll low is now 14%. The prior low had been 19% this time last year. Voltaire’s letter to M. le Riche: “Monsieur l’abbΓ©, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.” is from 1770. Must broadcast Media have Holocaust deniers be heard whenever Holocaust survivors speak, because they think the issue is controversial? Will the government look to the polls to determine what is controversial? Maybe we should only invoke the Fairness Doctrine when the polls show more than 50% of the general public support it? Or maybe only in cases when Murdock supports it and it doesn’t offend the Chinese (government).

  115. Ha ha haaaaaaa! Time is running out for the liars. We’re throwing you out of political office (and that includes the White House, next election), and soon the AM propaganda will be forced to stop too. All I can say is “what took you so long?” to the fence sitters. Surely you can see now what Bush, Cheney and the like REALLY stand for.

  116. Liberals cannot compete on AM Radio because all of their would be listeners are in front of the TV watching Judge Judy , Jerry Springer , Oprah and Dr. Phil . : ) Glad I could clear that up .

  117. It is very simple LIBERALISM/COMMUNISM CAN NOT SURVIVE IN TRUTH! The only way people like Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the liberals can further their agenda of power and control of the β€˜peasants’ is to silence the truth.
    Talk radio is a free market. Every time LIBERAL talk radio is attempted it fails. No one is stopping LIBERAL talk radio; you want LIBERAL talk radio come up with a program that people want to listen to.

  118. don in Boston
    Do those nice men in the white coats know that you are loose again ?

  119. You won’t have to worry about seeing the “Hannitys and O’Reillys” sitting on any sets with real news journalists, due to the fact that they have no credentials. None of them have any journalism degrees, or know anything of real news gathering. They just spew forth the venom to the choir. I mean come on, hosting “A Current Affair” really doesn’t give a phone sex voyeur any journalistic creds. The AM hate radio hosts just pander to the maladjusted misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic fringe element out there, driving their oversized penis extensions, and running their mouths about a world which they understand nothing, and fear everything.

  120. β€œBrent: You’d think the fairness doctrine might help the GOP. The “Liberal Controlled Media” would have to start talking about all the good things Bush is doing for this country, and how he is a competent president after all. Hey, it might pull his 24% approval rating out of the crapper.”
    Hey Brent have you might want to check out the approval rating of DEMOCRAT controlled congress which is currently at 14% !!!

  121. You all sound insane

  122. Come on you libs – think about the long term and you will see that we should all oppose this (wait till they come for you).
    And us conservatarians, do we really want the Patriot Act in the hands of a Hillary “the irs just happens to audit my political enemies” Rodham? Trust no one in the business of power.
    Let us be free at home and strong abroad.

  123. obey is an ass! They are terrified of the people & information reaching the citizens! They want a bunch of illegals that can’t read & write English to control! May sexual penetration be upon them all!

  124. Leave it to the Conservatives to oppose something having to do with “fairness”.
    LIBERAL:open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values : they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.
    β€’ favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms : liberal citizenship laws.
    β€’ (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform : a liberal democratic state.
    β€’ ( Liberal) of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    β€’ ( Liberal) (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party : the Liberal leader.
    β€’ Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
    2 [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    3 (esp. of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact : they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.
    CONSERVATIVE: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    β€’ (of dress or taste) sober and conventional : a conservative suit.
    β€’ (of an estimate) purposely low for the sake of caution : the film was not cheapβ€”$30,000 is a conservative estimate.
    β€’ (of surgery or medical treatment) intended to control rather than eliminate a condition, with existing tissue preserved as far as possible.
    β€’ ( Conservative) of or relating to the Conservative Party of Great Britain or a similar party in another country.
    a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
    Which traits sound better?
    I’ve been around long enough to remember some other Republican “greats”, and what they stood for.
    Nixon, Agnew, Goldwater, etc., or should I say ecch!

  125. Who emptied the nuthouse and allowed them on the net,
    learn how to spell

  126. Jerry T;
    What you fail to understand is that the high % of Americans who think Saddam was behind the 9-11 attacks are the ones who need to listen to talk radio maybe a little more, instead of burying themselves in an MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, pot smoke induced haze of “enlightenment”.
    I like to get some viewpoints from some talk radio hosts. Then some print media. Then I surf the web to do my own research on subjects. Talk radio has done nothing but motivate me to stay better informed and aware of what my government is up to, and who is trying to pull a fast one on me and my fellow Americans. Air America tried to break into this market, they are now bankrupt and failed for one simple reason; They tried to mimic what they thought talk radio was all about, but they didn’t get it and still don’t. They sat on the air for hours on end name calling, doing dry humorless radio “skits”, more name calling… Have you listened to Janeane Garofalo, Al Franken, et al?
    The most unintelligent, uninformed, self important, elitist, arrogant garbage I have ever heard… and some of you say conservative talk radio hosts are hateful vile spewing ideologues? Catch a grip please.
    I read quite a bit on the internet and find that on a good majority of stories where talk back is allowed like on this post, people who lean left use the same tactics and methods as those on Air America tried…frankly you all seem to be a hateful, bitter, control bent group and I am sick to death of hearing your negative, anti-capitalist, anti-free market, anti-choice drivel.

  127. ??????

  128. My friends, Rush is actually interesting to listen to again. He’s FREAKING OUT over all this talk about the Fairness Doctrine reinstatement, and the best part of it all is that it’s coming from the very people he helped put and keep in power! What can he do folks, what can he do.

  129. Funny, I notice just the opposite. Most people I know who have a more “Liberal” bent seem to be happy, jovial intelligent types, while the “Conservatives” in my circle always seem to be the “type A” personalities, frustrated, angry, unable to enjoy life as it comes to you ones, that don’t talk ideas, just people and events.

  130. William Jambrt:
    “…the maladjusted misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic fringe element out there, driving their oversized penis extensions, and running their mouths about a world which they understand nothing, and fear everything.”
    That’s the attitude right there. Anyone who dares challenge your view of the world must surely be defective in some way. That’s all you got?
    Well, oh enlightened one… please tell us all about the world of which we understand nothing. The only thing I fear is some dark hearted individual like yourself being in a position to tell the rest of us what is “fair” and “unfair”.

  131. Thank God (can I say that?) “a former REPUBLICAN” is no more…I will defend his right to the death to say those things that show his intelligence and that of his cause…no matter how drug induced. In the government’s (FCC) current five year Strategic Plan, the words “fair” and “fairness” do not appear. The word “content” appears twice in definitions, but not as something to regulate. It is the mission of the Federal Communications Commission to ensure that the American people have available – at reasonable costs and without discrimination – rapid, efficient, nationwide and worldwide
    communication services whether by radio, television, wire, wireless, satellite, or cable. (MISSION STATEMENT). The government only has such rights as we grant it. We, the people, are still the government and will continue to be so, until we allow our representatives to infringe on our right to bear arms. The “Founding Fathers” agreed that the governed have a right to change by force, if necessary, a government which oppresses the people, and did so. Samuel Adams, Washington, Jefferson, John Adams, and their ilk in their time would have been known as radical leftists and most likely today would be considered right wing extremists. CAPITALISM is where you can have your own money (property) and use it to pursue your own happiness. You can make your own agreements with your neighbors and are responsible for your own health, education and welfare. With Socialism and Communism, you allow those things to be defined and dictated by others. Sometimes I wonder if they tore down The Wall because they believe they already won the Cold War…or that winning is inevitable. Heil Hillary!!

  132. Nicely said JP

  133. All of you republicans are the same. Poor, Uneducated fools. Maybe one day you will grow up, but i doubt it. Lets see you want to polute our planet, destroy our o-zone, and cause global warming with your quest for oil. You send young men off to another country to die. You take away the right for young ladies to chose. You guys are cluster F***s. 740-221-3757

  134. Hillary is now trying to build the http://www.hillarywall.com to support stuff like this.
    Let’s post some anti hillary bricks to build the wall to block off hillary!!! LOL

  135. It is often true that a group of people will attack a detail because they are afraid to look at the issue. R vs D, it is a typo jerks. Get over it.

  136. A word of warning to those who support the “fairness” doctrine and stereotype anyone who opposes it as “right-wing Koolaid drinkers”. While it may skew in your favor today as the political tidepool eventually ebbs and flows back into a Republican-controlled Congress it will end up coming around to bite you back. “Fairness” is defined by those who are in control and will be redefined once your favorite politicans are no longer around. Quite frankly, I don’t understand why you would want any bureaucrat defining “fairness”.
    FYI: the FCC does not exist to control the content of the airwaves. As a governing body they can only determine the criteria to be permitted to use the spectrum, how powerful a signal can put out and for what purpose (commercial, private, government, emergency, etc.). Other than some minor limitations (no profanity, deliberate misinformation – opinions aren’t misinformation, etc.), anyone who is licensed to can pretty much broadcast whatever content they want. You are free to purchase your own license for your own private radio frequency and broadcast to your heart’s content. This is exactly what “talk radio” station owners have done, quite successfully as there is a wide audience who is interested in their product.
    Despite his off-the-wall, often offensive content, I never heard a U.S. Senator threaten to restrict Howard Stern’s freedom of speech while he was on “public” radio. He maintains as large an audience as any “talk radio” host and vehemently expresses his opinions unapologetically. Would you really want this bastion of liberal thought and action to be forced to give equal time to the likes of Pat Buchannan or Pat Robertson under the “fairness doctrine”? Doubtful.

  137. David R. Obey, D-Ill

  138. Hugo is typical liberal … full of hate, negativity, and lies.
    He says republicans are uneducated, then manages to misspell three words (four if you count the missing apostrophe) in the same sentence.
    Then he blames global warming on a “quest for oil”, and tops up his response that is supposed to be about the fairness doctrine with some profanity.

  139. The Fairness Doctrine will have a “chilling effect” on the free speech. I find it unsurprising that we did away with this rule when the libs acted as the gateway for our news. Now when they have lost control, we need to bring back “balance” and “fairness” so people will know the “truth.”
    China, the USSR (an now Russia) and many other progressive (i.e. Liberal) regimes out there all practice censorship as a means of staying in power. Censorship is exactly what the Fairness Doctrine is.
    If people did not listen to conservative talk radio, there would be no market. That is exactly why Air America failed..no one wanted to listen.

  140. Well said, Sam. Oh Hugo, I am so hot for your next post! Your eloquence and adroitness belie your education and make me swoon. You expose my desire to never grow up, else I would then have plateau-ed, and achieved your nirvana of a stagnate state. Yes, I do pollute the planet, only not some much as apparently your Mother did. I love global warming as it inhibits the desire for Canadians to move south. Oil is my lifeblood, else I would truly be Poor. However, I oppose your misinterpretation of our motives. We send our young men off to another country to kill. Is it true that less of them die there than would likely here on our freeways? I would grant any woman no matter her age the right to chose, if carrying your child. The question for many is: When does life begin? I support your mother’s right, til you reach age 91. I hate paying for irresponsible young women’s choices or forcing government doctors to kill. We must be clusters or we would still control Congress. Though it appears we never did and may, more so now, than before. Oh Hugo, my second grade grammar teacher awaits…to bust out laughing again.

  141. I’ll buy into the Fairness Doctrine if it is equally applied to both radio and T.V. Both mediums are public airwaves so why is radio a target of the Fairness Doctrine and T.V. not?

  142. Yo Tom Feeney; Right on the mark! They won’t admit they’re liberals. I am proud to say that I am an honest person and fiscal conservative. Who in their right mind would be proud to say that they are a liar and a spendthrift?
    Now if only we conservatives can get together and take back the GOP from the RINOS …

  143. Foil Fighter – The problem is that it gives politicians the POWER to define ‘balanced’. So .. NO! You do NOT want that on the radio, TV, Internet or anywhere else because liberals will not stop until you are muzzled and our First Amendment has becomes a dim memory. Liberals are thugs.

  144. If the unfairness dictat is reinstated there can only be one response: armed revolution and overthrowing whatever government does this.
    Liberals beware: we have guns, we will use them. In the end liberals must understand that when you remove our means to peacefully assemble and dissent or express our views you leave us with no choice but to forcefully protect ourselves and our rights.
    The liberal juggernaut is dragging this nation towards civil war.

  145. Hey Repukecan’t Hater:,
    You know, in a debate, you can always tell who is the liar. It is the one who first resorts to violence in his speech. I dare say, your post is the most violent here. Hmmm….

  146. the bottom line is NO-ONE LISTENS TO LIBERAL RADIO. there have been many programs, but they have gone off the air or gone bankrupt.. any program needs advertises to pay the bills. why would any company pay money to advertise if no-one listens? WOULD YOU? america votes with their dial and their remotes. tv is the same-look what fox new channel has accomplished. does anyone watch cnn anymore?

  147. It’s impossible to permantly kill conservative talk radio with any kind of legislation. The minute the Fairness Doctrine is implemented, those conservative shows on the AM dial will flock to Satellite radio like Sirius and XM Radio like fleas to a dog and you can bet they’ll quickly have a huge audience. Maybe we ought to think about buying some Sirius or XM Radio stock and get rich at the same time.

  148. Drop the labeling of either con or lib altogether . Start from scratch. Party ideas cross the lines of definition. Bush, who claims to be a conservative is pro amnesty and yet he continues to espouse that he is not. He continues to feed America like an infant a continuous monotonous dribble on taking the fight to the terrorists, over in Iraq.He is pro democracy but such a system in iraq could vote in hostile government , so is democracy and our forcing it to happen really freedom? Same with dems..Is forcing radio to show both views any different?? Why not give libertarians and Greens equal time then, in the 2 party dominated system?

  149. biilc
    you are threatening with guns now? Civil war?
    Noone says you cannot peacefully assemble, did they? An ignorant conservative is is as bad or worse than a Jesse jackson in the opposite direction. Common sense and moderation, please.

  150. You who salivate at the prospect Michael Savage and Ann Coulter will be allowed to comment on the MSM outlets (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and practically every big-city newspaper) better not have your hopes up too high. Remember, Libs already claim these are ‘fair’ news organs. They will NOT allow these purveyors of fairness to be infected by truth tellers.
    Fairness only applies to the “Conservative, right wing” news organs (Fox, Fox and Fox).
    The left has already made its doctrine un-opposable on the university campus, where speakers of disagreeable message are simply not invited to speak, or if by accident, make it to the college podium, are shouted down.
    The left already insists the MSM are fair. Don’t expect the ‘Fairness’ Doctrine to apply to these!

  151. There is nothing fair about the Democrat’s version of the β€œFairness Doctrine” and that is why they want it. The Democrat version of the β€œFairness Doctrine” is entirely political. Does anyone believe for a second that the Democrats would push for ANY bill or law based on politics that does not favor THEM?
    We have allowed them to define the debate and the simple fix is to just take the debate and definition right back. We conservatives are way behind the ball on learning how to frame the debate, steal the agenda, turn the tables on the America Haters and deny the communists the opportunity to define the debate. They do it to our side all the time not only in how they name these bills that favor the Left while appearing benign, but also in the way they have started naming their activist groups lately using cover names.
    We should be the ones who push something called “The Fairness Doctrine”. Name it exactly that – don’t change the name at all, only it’s content.
    OUR β€œFairness Doctrine” would place its entire premise and philosophy on pointing out the gross inequalities in the entire media that slant Leftwards and have done so for decades. Film/Hollywood, β€œpopular music”, β€œpop-culture”, print media, TV have all had a massive Liberal/Left message and tone.
    We should expand OUR β€œFairness Doctrine” past that. The schools, colleges, universities – run and dominated by anti-America SOCIALISTS and their β€œunions” for decades. That unbalanced and unfair FACT must be exposed and recognized in a bill – OUR bill called β€œThe Fairness Doctrine”.
    OUR β€œFairness Doctrine” bill would recognize and state that the entire concept of unions in America is slanted only to one political party and that the entire union system of forcing members to contribute to only that one party is WRONG.
    OUR β€œFairness Doctrine” bill would state that it is unfair to the unborn to have their lives terminated because the fact that they are alive is inconvenient to the unborn child’s parents.
    OUR β€œFairness Doctrine” bill would state that it is UNFAIR to those who work hard for a living to support the Welfare Lazy who would rather sit around and smoke crack all day then get a job.
    This list is not complete, only a start. Start working on our side to take back America and learn how to turn the tables on the America haters.
    Just imagine how fast it would shoot down this whole Democrat notion of THEIR version of the β€œFairness Doctrine” if starting next week all so called β€œconservative talk show hosts” simply started calling themselves β€œProgressive”. And incorporating the word β€œProgressive” into the description of themselves. And there is nothing the Liberal Left could do to stop it. Just imagine β€œ Yep, this is Rush Limbaugh the world’s most listened to Progressive radio talk show host in THE WORLD! β€œThat right folks, tune in here to hear REAL β€œProgressive” ideas, not old communist wanna-be throw back ideas of the Soviet era” β€œFolks if you want to get old re-hashed Soviet Doctrine – just pick up a copy of the NYT or tune in to MSNBC.”
    Just plain take it from them. They do it to us all the time.
    We can call ourselves whatever we want. It would not only go to prove that you cannot define what a message is simply by slapping a label on it. It would be one of the greatest and funniest political stunts in the history of the world.
    With the Democrat’s version of the β€œFairness Doctrine” what the Democrats are trying to do is become the β€œdeciders” on who says what and they will define and decide what β€œthe message” is. We are doomed if we don’t turn the tables on them hard.

  152. I really doesn’t matter if the clip of John Kerry is a few months old or not it says how he feels about free speech.

  153. I agree with the poster above. I will no longer refer to Democrats as Democrat or so-called “Progressive”.
    I will hence forth refer to them in their true name; National Socialists.

  154. Are you all nuts? How is it possibly an attack on free speech to insist that competing viewpoints be heard? It is rather a guarantee of and insistence on free speech. It’s not “so twentieth century.” In fact, the fairness doctrine hardly was necessary BEFORE talk radio. As long as the guarantors of “fairness” are chosen fairly, I don’t see how this wouldn’t be mind-blowingly obvious policy.

  155. Everyone, step back, take a deep breath, and look at the bigger picture. I always consider issues in terms of more individual freedom or less, period. Giving ANY government more power (which is yours to begin with, given by God) will result in less freedom for each of us, regardless what injustices or infringements of rights you’re trying to correct. Government should be a Chihuahua on a short leash, not a rabid Cujo rampaging through the countryside.

  156. The left-wing liberals have tried over and over again to have talk shows. As a matter of fact they have had sevseral talk show. Unfortunately thye have failed. Maybe Rosie can have her own talk show , she can call it “The ignorant & stupid” talkshow w/host Rosie O’Donnell special guest host Whoopie Goldberg and George Clooney. Noone is stopping them from saying what they want and having their own talk show. It just happens to flop all the time

  157. Poor libs. They continue to be exposed. They are exposing themselves.

  158. This bill and the attitude behind it is a complete violation of the first ammendment at best and a beginning form of dictatorship at worst. The Liberal Democrats along with Hollywood are always the first to scream about thier rights to free speach when they are busy bashing Bush or any other “right wing christian nut”, but when the voices speak out against them they want to silence them. Hollywood and all the major networks and newspapers have thier fare share of time
    Where is the precious ACLU now? All of them seem to forget what the first ammendment is really about. That we the people should not fear oppression or retaliation for speaking out against our leaders. THe very thing that the Democrats are trying to do.

  159. Castro, Hitler, they employed the fairness doctrine too.
    No surprise that Pelosi is ready to put the heel of the jack boot on the throat of free speech.

  160. Umm note to any liberal that thinks bringing this back is good idea for what?
    To silence Rush Limbaugh?
    Ummm if give the gov’t this FACIST power to limit free speech the next stop will be whatever drivel you listen to on AIR-head-America, then it will be controlling Hollywood.
    You know Micheal Moore puts out a phony documentary and then is thrown in jail for life, then it will be time to go after the newspaper editorial pages…
    Of course the final step will be controlling speech on the internet… You people better wake THE BLEEP UP, and put you pathetic, whiny ideals about trying to shut-up Limbaugh away….
    Feel free to move to Syria or IRAN where there is so much free speech, if you critized the gov’t your family is executed…
    Grow up and create a radio show people want to listen to, that is how you would shut-up Limbaugh or Hannity….

  161. The liberals pushing this agenda better be wary of what they wish for. With the “Fairness Doctrine” they may be able to attack Fox News and Conservative Radio, but conservatives will then be able to attack:
    1) NPR
    2) CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and their respective websites also
    3) All Hollywood movies that do not show both sides (aka Michael Moore’s movies) (It is considered media also)
    I just do not understand why they are afraid to let the market yield what it will. Why did Air America fail? Not because of legislation, but because they could not get people to listen to it. Why then are they going to force Air America on us, because that is what this all comes down to.
    Liberal Radio failed and they need to prop it up governmentally.
    We are in scary times right now. Liberals are using words like “Fairness” for censorship.
    Ignorance is Strength
    Freedom is Slavery
    War is Peace
    Remember, Hitler believed told everyone that he did things for the people also. So did Stalin. So did Mao. So does the Inteligencia of America today.
    I fear Civil War in our future. All the signs are there. It is only a matter of time. I just hope it is not in my children’s lifetime.

  162. All the so-called “Conservative Radio” talk show hosts should just start referring to themselves as “Progressive” with a nod and a wink. And just keep doing it and not stop. It would be hilarious to watch the heads explode on the Left. And it would point out that labels are meaningless.
    So that would mean these decisions on who says what would then come down to who then? The National Socialists (formerly known as β€œDemocrats)”? THEY are to decide who says what?
    Why don’t the National Socialists just come out and say it – they are for β€œfree speech” only as long as it is what the National Socialists want to hear.

  163. Talk radio had zero impact on the last mid term elections where the dems took Congress back. So much for needing a fairness doctrine or the far reaching, alleged, strength of talk radio!
    By the way, as a side note to the writer who said let them inact the doctrine and it will also impact the liberal media, what world are you living in? It doesn’t work thay way, it’s only a fairness doctrine as it applies to silencing conservative opinion.

  164. If the Liberal Dems really want a Fairness Doctrine they should start with Television the Liberal stronghold for the last 30 years. Imagine equal views on such one sided shows a Larry King, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC. Then they should go straight to NPR (National Public Radio) that we the tax payers pay for, but has a leftest LIberal slant.
    Well Dems what about this plan? Doesn’t this sound fair?

  165. Beware of what you wish for, you may get it. The libs are unbelievable. Because ‘liberal talk radio’ has not succeeded, they whine and complain, wanting to take free speech away from the rest of us. Ask yourselves, doesn’t the truth hurt when you know you are wrong but wan’t to change things out of pride. Support free speech. No conservative ever proposed taking away the tripe of cnn, nyt, nbc, cbs, et all of the liberal bias content. “Give me liberty or give me death.”

  166. Funny how all you neo cons take an issue that is actually the corner stone of your doctrine – ala your daddy’s (Bush and Cheney) and try to morph it into a liability for democrats.
    As a former military officer you should be ashamed of yourselves for such immature and self serving misbehavior. You want to prove your worth the U.S. citizenship you currently hold; then enlist in the service or enlist your children and go fight the war that you’ve sent the impoverished ot fight, who don’t have as fortune a future, or sufficient means to survive comofortably in this world. Then maybe if you suffer enough, you’ll be worthy of the citizenship that I and my fellow military brothers and sisters have betstowed upon you through our service. Beacuse we are the only citizens left in this nation along with the impoverished that truly understand the meaning of sacrfice. The rest of you sinply live in the Nintendo Gucci and Bubbles.

  167. When the radio act was first passed, it stated the radio waves belong to the public, not radio station managers, not the political parties, not the pundits. I am personally tired of the ranting of reactionaries, even if the station owners can get richer from high ratings. Political discussions on the public airwaves should reflect all opinions, not just those of conservative billionaires who own these media conglomerates. Slavery was popular in the south a couple hundred years ago, but it wasn’t right. I say EQUAL TIME for all opinions.

  168. “…and Matt Drudge’s Drudge Report Web site featured a clip of what turned out to be a months-old interview in which Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry also endorsed it.”
    Yes. How irresponsible can the Drudge Report be? Doesn’t Matt know that Kerry’s had time to reverse himself on this issue at least a dozen times by now? (hey, I didn’t use the F-F word)

  169. Funny how all you neo cons take an issue that is actually the cornerstone of your doctrine – ala your daddy’s (Bush and Cheney) and try to morph it into a liability for democrats. No other group in the history of this nation (even the Nixonians) have restricted citizens rights more and allowed the unrestricted misconduct of big business that all of you and your supporters. But that should come as any surprise, since CHeney is just getting even for not being able to anything about his hero (Nixon) unlawful misconduct perpetrated against the American people. But you don’t take your knocks fairly anyways, because what’s good for the Dems is certainly not good for the Rep’s.
    As a former military officer you all should be ashamed of yourselves for such immature and self serving misbehavior. You ought to be held to account under the UCMJ and shown what it is to serve and be held accountable. You want to prove that you’re worthy of the U.S. citizenship you currently hold; then enlist in the service or enlist your children and go fight the war that you’ve sent the impoverished to fight, who ma not have as fortunate a future, or sufficient means to survive as comofortably in this world. Then maybe if you suffer enough, you’ll be worthy of the citizenship that I and my fellow military brothers and sisters have betstowed upon you through our service. Because we are the only citizens left in this nation along with the impoverished that truly understand the meaning of sacrfice. The rest of you simply live in yourNintendo Gucci and Bubbles and don’t desreve a thing!

  170. Imagine if the tables were turned here.
    If Republicans were introducing this amendment the media would be calling them communists, the ACLU would threaten to sue and George Bush would be characterized as Hitler.(not that he already isn’t)
    But since its liberals that are proposing this bill its okay to censor free speech.
    The hypocrisy of this countries media outlets baffle me.

  171. We need a fair speech amendment to check the free speech amendment.
    We have so much unbridled free speech, we need to put the reins in on it.

  172. The Fairness doctrine is an oxymoron. No one in a position to determine what does or doesn’t get said on the airwaves can be called fair. No one is without prejudice. The problem with talk radio is that people like Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage are not subject to the peer level pressure that real journalists are.
    Just today I heard Rush trying to persuade his listeners that flatulence is not methane gas because methane is odorless and we all know flatulence has an odor. He was trying to make the point that liberals are too stupid to get even that right. The fact is that every time he opens his mouth on the subject of man induced global warming he does the country a great disservice simply because he has no education in the sciences at all.
    Any real scientist would find most of his comments on scientific matters laughable, but the public eats it up because it makes it easy for them to justify their often-destructive life styles. Rush appeals to the average working stiffs that forgot most of what they learned in school, don’t have the time to do honest research on political or science issues and perhaps most important want to think that excessive waste is morally all right in an age when dwindling resources is beginning to take a negative toll on the planet and the economy. Certainly, if a fairness doctrine could be properly regulated, at least every time dummies like Rush made up more nonsense to fit his agenda, the public could be warned, but I would never want to see it mandatory. I learned long ago to just tune the Neo-con rap artists out when they get on the wrong tangent or just plain make a fool of themselves. I must admit, that is happening more and more these days on conservative talk radio, so it’s not just Rush. They all mimic each other in their quest for ratings. Their only real argument against fairness in the media is the average idiot is still swayed by a good snake oil salesman, and that makes for fat profits.

  173. Hey Vernon, here is a thought, listen to FM. When conservatives wanted to make their point of view known, did they get to go on TV? No. Did they get cable? Partially. Did they get the good FM stations? No. They got old, staticy, AM radio. Am radio was all but dead until conservative talk came a long. Now you libs want that too. Like a typical lib, you can’t say what you really want, you hide behind what you call fairness. There is not equal time for all opions, the majority of the airwaves are liberal. Conservative talk radio IS EQUAL TIME.

  174. Sorry Enrico, I listen to talk radio and am a full-time employed union worker who realizes that the mainstream media is highly biased toward the left-wing in this county. If you can’t see that, go back to watching the comedy channel for your news, where many of the denizens of “digg” claim to get their insight.
    The liberals once again have proven how hypocritical they can be, sponsoring this “fairness doctrine” in an attempt to block the 1st amendment rights of their “enemies.” Sponsoring gun laws to keep citizens from the legal ownership of weapons, while hypocrit liberals like Rosie O’Donnell sees nothing wrong with her staff carrying them. Liberals like Barbra Streisand expousing you to conserve energy while she air conditions a warehouse just to keep her memorabilia cool and a fleet of busses sit outside the hall just to provide her with her own private restroom. (She flew in, by the way – not riding in the busses.) Her without air conditioning? Perish the thought! The list is endless – they talk tax breaks for the poor and ending them for the rich – then stash every bit of income in offshore accounts and tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. The Kennedys have interest in oil – but where is that ever mentioned in the media? The only oil man talked about there is our President.
    It’s no wonder that bin laden applauds their candidates, they are the best people that our enemy has on our side.

  175. I sometimes listen to talk radio just to get a different perspective on issues. I never take them (or anyone else) at face value, but if I hear a topic of interest to me, I reseach the subject from different sources and try to form my own opinion on the subect. You would never hear about some important things going on in the world if you just listed to the three major networks. Honestly folks, have you ever noticed how often ABC, NBC and CBS air EXACTLY the same stories every morning and night? Sometime they reverse the order, but the stories are almost always the same. The lead story almost never varies. No one can possibly believe that all three networks INDEPENDENTLY decide to cover exactly the same stories in the 30 minutes alloted. Someone, somewhere has to be discussing what you’re going to hear on the evening news. That’s the reason talk radio is important! Not so you can blindly believe everything they say but just for the possibility you might actually hear something of importance that you won’t hear elsewhere. Most newspapers, tv stations, etc. ARE in fact liberal leaning. We NEED to hear news with a second perspective. FYI, I NEVER listen to Rush but am truly disgusted with the condemnation of those who do. A college education does not endow you with superior intellect, especially if obtained in a government insitution. I know many bricklayers with more common sense than most politicians (or educators for that matter)

  176. As a member of the liberal eastern quiche-eating establishment, I do love reading all of the comments from the Kansas contingent of science-luddites. It used to anger me that they would flaunt their faith-based educations, but since I became one of the top 5% wage-earners in the country, I realy do love how much you guys are willing to saved me by taking on more than your fair share.
    I say, Yeah Rah! Let’s keep those who benfit me in power. I can suffer the talk-radio crowd.

  177. Jeremy Randolf at Townhall (“JeremyR” here) has it right: “So whether it’s talk radio or cable news editorial shows. When the host clearly defines that it is a opinionated program, conservative programs are hugely successful and liberal shows are not. It’s not even close.”
    A 50/50 division of airtime for opinions is strictly “fair” only when the opposing views are EQUALLY HELD. A view held by only 1% or even 10% of the people should never be automatically entitled to half of all airtime, enforceable BY LAW. That would be true even if the minority view happened to be “correct.” (I noticed that word “correct” in Sen. Feinstein’s (D-CA) interview statement, “I remember when there was a fairness doctrine, and I think there was much more serious correct reporting to people.”)
    I seriously doubt that we the people would ever agree on what is “correct,” much less put balancing that determination into the hands of the government!
    In this age, with the thousands of media options and opinions available to us, restoring a fairness doctrine is madness.

  178. The liberal communists could not make a go of their own liberal radio talk show and now demand that they have time on the conservative talk shows to report their lies.
    We already hear both sides by reading the communists new papers, teachers in our schools, TV news and listening to talk radio. Did they ever over the last 20 years mention that the newspapers needed to be fair and share both sides? The answer is ‘No’.
    If we did not have talk radio and the God Given Right to think for ourselves the immigration reform (amnesty) bill would have passed. The liberals are pissed off that they cannot pull the wool over our eyes and do what they want. They want the ‘will of the Senate’ to prevail not the ‘will of the People’.
    If this passes they will take over and we will never hear both sides and be able to decide for ourselves. This will be a communist country just like Cuba. No free thoughts, ideas, discussions and all open debates about our government will be squashed. They will continue to cheapen the US citizenship and sell it to the highest bidder or to someone who will vote their way.
    I cannot believe these loses get paid. Have they done anything while in office other than piss us off?

  179. I thought the Democrat party had their own talk radio…oh wait…someone let all the air out. I thought the Democrat party had its own broadcast network?…PBS? Why do they have to unlawfully steal inventory from real broadcasters who operate small businesses? I though radio was dead…I listen to downloaded Rush, etc., and didn’t know radio stations were still operating…

  180. I see the conservative bloggers are saying we should stop calling them Nazis, bigots and the like and they then go on to say that the Democrats are trying to take away free speech in order to create a State based on Stalin’s ideas.
    One writer even said that conservatives should put all the liberals into detention camps before Clinton and Pelosi do it to us.
    By rantig and raving like that, you prove the very point your opponents are trying to make.
    It is the Bush adminstration that is trying to suppress scientific truth about global warming and creation. It is this Administration that has been outsourcing torture.
    I disagree with a lot of his poloicies, and I am liberal-but I do NOT hate Bush, even find him likeable at times, and I agree with him on the embryonic stem cell issue and on abortion.
    I certainly don’t want anyone put into detention camps. In fact, I think the Fiarness Doctrine is nonsense, but supportiung it does NOT mean it’s the first step toward a dictatorship. Let’s stop all the hysteric rhetoric.

  181. Enrico, do all Americans a favor and return to the shadows. I’m a registered Democrat and even I can see that the democratic assembly does nothing but point fingers and start witch hunts to avoid having to come up with real life answers to the problems we have in America today. Rather than trying to censor talk radio a novel idea might be to come up with some educated answers to the questions being posed on talk radio. Until then good luck with the job hunt. Bye the way I here Pelosi is looking for a gardener.

  182. What a bunch of panty waisted inbred knuckle-dragging circle-jerkers here. Please stop doing each other in public! It’s just rude!
    You all need to spend less time listening to talk radio and more time reading the historical texts that framed the Constitution of this nation. It is clear that most of you guys are hardly up to the task, but those of you who can complete a sentence with correct grammar and spelling should really give reading a try.
    I don’t mean reading Coulter or Hannity or Limbaugh. You already swallow their fluids.
    I mean reading the meat of it: Hamilton’s Papers, the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, the writings of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Guys who knew how to think!
    Unlike you purveyors of bile and scat. Circle-jerkers.
    Loving to hate. Disgraceful.

  183. To the National Socialist Tony:
    Go pound sand jackass. I served in the Army’s most elite and toughest units for 21 years and I’m as Right Wing as they come. The military is a conservative culture. Those with Left Wing views are a minority and they don’t fit in and no one likes them because Left Wingers have this whole general persona of hating America and everyone knows it. What units did you serve in? MOS was a Clerk Typist? All you National Socialists A.K.A “Democrats” just can’t hack it in a free market capitalist system which is why you hate America and hate our way of life and everyone knows it.

  184. I agree with yoiu Dirk. I am a retired Navy IDC. I served on Submarines, Small boats and with the USMC. Most true warriors I served with were conservatives. I knew very few liberals in my 23 years of service. The ones I did know did not stay because most of them did not trust America enough to put their lives on the line for 20 + years.
    I was ashamed of my Commander in Chief during the 8 years of President Clinton and his wife. I will do everything in my power to see that she does not sit in that house again. She hated us then … She hates us now … she is just hiding it better now that whe is trying to get elected.
    To Nick-O-Time, I have studied extensivly the 55 ment who came together to write the U.S. Constitution. I know exactly how close it came to never being written many times during the continental congress. I know what the first amendment actually says word for word and have posted such. In this time, 2007 with talk radion haveing the audiance that it has, the fairness doctring will never stand up to contitutional scrutinay.
    I cant spell but I am not stupid. Attack me for my ideas, not my spelling.

  185. ALLEN
    The reasion the democrats in congress want to bring back the fairness doctrin is to silence conservative talk radio. Here is how it will do it. The fairness doctrin will require a radio station to have 3 hours of liberal/progressive/whatever your favorite lable is for the 3 hours of Rush (just using that as an example. Since Liberal/progressive talk already failed in the market place, the radio station will just go to some other format (music) and not cary Rush or Sean rather than commit financial suicide and give away time to a loosing product. People don’t listen to Progressive talk radio so advertisers will not buy time during that part of the broadcast.
    The stations will just change their format to something else to keep from loosing money on the forced liberal/progressive talk.
    That would be how the fainess doctrin would abridge the freedome of speech by shutting down conservative AM talk radion. The FCC is not trying to bring it back, Congress is trying to bring it back… Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.
    Doc Wright

  186. Test And,content morning highly pocket remain research further special tone merely literature thin element step jump deep replace convention how attempt undertake return like particular labour tiny sound aspect cry play up addition play sight approach critical prisoner either make near artist wall distance withdraw turn career long management foot dangerous conclude hair gate adopt necessarily tea analysis love strategy river call paper afternoon set interpretation several i leader standard professional avoid afraid general history again within already serious right independent much species hall season size page worry able competition nothing

  187. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  188. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  189. You idiot. When ninty percent of radio stations are owned by right wing corporations, your only gonna hear there shit.

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  204. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  245. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.

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  250. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  252. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

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  254. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  255. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  256. Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers,

  257. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

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  273. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  275. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

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