
Study: Online Video Ads Most Effective on Media Sites

Jun 19, 2007  •  Post A Comment

Online video ads are most effective when they run on magazine, newspaper or online news sites, rather than on portals or user-generated content sites. A study released today by the Online Publisher’s Association found that more than one-third of consumers visiting media sites have searched for more information after seeing a video ad, while only one-quarter of viewers did so after seeing an ad on a portal or user-generated video site.
On local broadcast, national broadcast and cable TV sites, about 20 percent of consumers requested more information from a video ad.
The study suggests that the environment for an ad is critical to its success, OPA said. News appears to be the most desirable environment for video ads.
The study also revealed that if consumers like the video content in an ad, their perception of the brand often becomes more positive.

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