
A&E Halts Production on ‘Dog’

Nov 1, 2007  •  Post A Comment

A&E has suspended production of its hit show “Dog the Bounty Hunter” after tapes surfaced of star Duane “Dog” Chapman using racial epithets.
The National Enquirer published a story saying Mr. Chapman used racial insults in a phone conversation with his son about his son’s girlfriend, who is black. Recordings of the conversation were posted on the Enquirer’s Web site and spread through the Internet.
A&E reacted quickly, launching an investigation into the incident.
“A&E has just learned of the story released by the National Enquirer concerning Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman,” the network said in a statement. “We take this matter very seriously. Pending an investigation, we have suspended production on the series. When the inquiry is concluded, we will take appropriate action.”
Mr. Chapman also released a statement apologizing for using “inappropriate” language, including the n-word.
“I am deeply disappointed in myself for speaking out of anger and to my son and using such a hateful term in a private phone conversation,” he said. “I was disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should have never used that term.”
Mr. Chapman said he was meeting with his spiritual adviser and plans to get together with black leaders to find out how to make things right.
(Editor: Robbins)


  1. dogs an asshole, I use to have respaect for him, now I hate his ass, hes nothing but a stupid drug user, and a races bitch!!!!!!!! as a black person i’m greatly offended

  2. Dog’s actions were immensely offensive, and his verbal rant immeasurably intolerable. To have the audacity, and pronounce, ultimately that the black’s are generalized as predominantly inferior is an act of racism, and self- indulging bigotry. Sadly, I have no respect or charismatic views for this man.

  3. so he’s hates black people who cares

  4. 30 years of hiding it. oh well, end of the gravytrain.

  5. We need more people like DOG!

  6. I’m so sick of the double standards of this so-called offensive word!
    If your perception of Chapman has changed because he speaks his mind in a “PRIVATE” conversation, then don’t watch his show!
    Next to Britney Spears, this is the biggest non-issue news story of 2007

  7. What about the person who taped a private phone conversation and sold it to the tabloids? Is she any better than he is? She has not only ruined his reputation but cut off her own gravy train. She should have confronted him herself! He used the word in anger, and apologized. When are people going to accept apologies? Our society thrives on kicking someone when they’re down and it doesn’t stop until they are destroyed. It’s ridiculous. Get over it.

  8. The person who taped the conversation and then sold it to the tabloids is as guilty as Dog is.

  9. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I didn’t realize that being a white trash tv star made people stand up and take notice of you, but since it does, then Dog has to deal with the consequences. You;re a a racist fraud and in my book there is only one Dog- Snoop.

  10. To the extent he is a public figure type, yes, his gravy train on the air should stop. It seems from what he said this was his true concern, losing publicity. He’s already had his second chance and now he’s blown it. If we can strip a nobel prize winner, well Dog, the curtains are falling. He still can make a living and buy fancy SUV’s and employ and retire his family so so what if he loses a prime time slot. Hard to feel sorry for him. I think the major rift will be with his son. Nothing is going to stop prejudice, it’s there and all this diversity stuff isn’t going to change anything. I think the only lesson here is keep your thoughts to yourself.

  11. Why do you care if his reputation is ruined? It should be-he’s a racist (regardless of him saying that he’s not). He admits that he said the word. That’s enough reason for his network and sponsors to drop him. I used to have respect for him. After reading this news and his supposed defense for using the word, I don’t like him and hope that he loses his show for good.

  12. In regards to Mr.”Dog”s comment. Unfortunately, it was wrong. I am a minority and feel that these things should never be said. However, this is not first time or the last time negative comments will be said. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world. People will continue to use derogatory comments towards different minorities and especially to each other. I am by no means deffending the “Dog.” But the truth of the matter is this. First “DOG” is wrong he needs to take appropriate actions to make things right. Secondly, the person that taped this conversation is out of line because he did this for monetary gain. Last of all, everyone is guilty of saying negative comments about each other’s race or races, therefore, we should begin with cleaning up our own messes before attack others.

  13. first, i doubt that his son is a female. it was his son who taped the call, and i fail to follow the logic that taping your dad’s tirade makes you responsible for the words that he chose to use. usually folks don’t have devices ready to tape conversations- seems likely that his son was tired of listening to his father use ‘hateful language’ on the phone & set up to tape the next instance.
    many people may well take the course of action suggested, being offended they will no longer watch the show. the purpose of this sort of programming is to attract advertising dollars, not that this vigilante has an inherent right to be on television. if enough people take the advice of the person upset that its no longer fashionable to be overtly racist, A&E will have no incentive to continue production.

  14. Hey, nobody is perfect and people make mistakes and this was just a mistake that he made out of anger. How many mistakes have you made out of anger? Hitting your significant other or throwing something in the house…we all have done it. What about bad drivers that cut us off? What do you say then when you are by yourself in your car? I am not saying that it’s right, but we all have done it in our own personal way, but nobody knows about it because it’s never gotten out to the public since we are not celebrities. I love DOG because he truly does care about people out there who are in need and he was having a “personal” conversation with his son so it’s really none of our business just like ALL of the other personal information with other celebrities. DOG, keep doing what you’re doing because you are saving lives and inspiring many others out there in this world! We love you!!

  15. Jamal & other crybabies. Dog’s upbringing left some scars as you can tell by watching him for 30 seconds. Hero to millions getting the drug dealers off the street, yet he’s pretty colorful with the language. Don Imas was a broadcast conversation. This was private. He probably likes blacks as much as anybody, but was obviously upset with his son’s girlfriend. For those of you crying about Dog, it’s time to once again go lay your tender head on Jessie Jackson’s shoulder. Even he should tell you to go get a fuck’n life. Boo hoo. Come on cry it out. Dog should hire the cam crew,keep on taping new episodes and sell ’em to Spike.


  17. I’m with Hank, above. Why is it that black “rap stars” can have their entire act anti-white, anti-authority; and yet if any white person says ANYTHING, he is the low-down scum racist?

  18. you can’t imagine how many times I’ve been called a limey, that’s different, right?

  19. Hmmm Jamal…spell check is a wonderful thing! Might make you sound ALMOST intelligent!
    Dog is getting the short end of the stick. It was a private conversation that was taken out of context. In any case he has issued a public statement that he is meeting with Al Sharption, and is bending over to kiss that man’s a$$ in order to please that part of society.
    Get over it people…Black can be just as racist, and at times even more, than white.

  20. Hmmm Jamal…spell check is a wonderful thing! Might make you sound ALMOST intelligent!
    Dog is getting the short end of the stick. It was a private conversation that was taken out of context. In any case he has issued a public statement that he is meeting with Al Sharption, and is bending over to kiss that man’s a$$ in order to please that part of society.
    Get over it people…Black can be just as racist, and at times even more, than white.

  21. Don’t you just hate it when you make fun of someones’ intelligence and then do something as stupid as double posting…..LOL!!

  22. excuse me gas is almost 100 dollars a barrel troops are wearing out in that fore gotten war, I think isn’t it Iraq, we have sent are best troops over to fight and come back injured and dead by the thousands. Why the heck are we being fed this dribble about what some ignorant bounty hunter says in a private conversation. Is this a dog(no pun intended) and pony show so we do not notice the mess we are in.

  23. We are not perfect. We all say things we are sorry for.What dog did wasn’t right. But he’s human. And what about the one that tape it. There no better. I really don’t understand what going on in this world today. Dog has done a lot of good

  24. dose anyone of you idoits out there know what the word nigger means.If you look it up it a slang word for some one who is ignorant or someone who lacks knowledge.and the old saying is and I quote (a nigger is a nigger no matter what color they are) you can be white,brown,yellow black,green for all i care

  25. Arthur – Normally, I don’t pick on ignorant people that butcher their spelling and punctuation when posting.
    However, if you’re going to call the rest of us “idoits”, you could at least try to spell the word correctly.
    Also, you might want to use quotation marks when quoting, it “dose” a better job then parentheses.

  26. Hey Matt you need to have your eyes checked because I spelled “idoits” the same way you did and for the parentheses who gives a fuck it’s the point that is beening made.And besides not every one is a perfect speller.

  27. Arthur Buddy — I’ll give you one more free lesson, but after that if you still want my help, there may be a fee involved.
    I’m very aware that I spelled idiot the same way you did, but if you’ll notice, I put it in quotation marks to show the readers that I was quoting you.
    Regarding – “who gives a fuck it’s the point that is being made” – Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll never see the picture if you’re not capable of putting the pieces together.
    Now that’s sad……..

  28. Matt I think that you’re a stupid little man that has to say shit to poeple who don’t spell as well as you. Do you think you are so perfect that you never miss spell words in your little perfect world that dosen’t really exsits. You need to get a life and stop trying to make yourself fell better about your pathetic little life. That dude is right it’s not the spelling that is important it’s what he is trying to say so go get laid if you can. And shut up about other people’s grammer and how they spell words. Because no one cares about you and who is spelling their words right. so shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and one other thing who cares what you say back to me I don’t need to put other people down to make my self feel better so have a nice pathetic life.

  29. why do blacks get so pent up over the word nigger?
    i was born in 1982 and have black people shove the word down my throat my entire life.
    i’ve been refered to as a nigger, been told not to go to a party cos ”daya bare niggas”
    black people need something to get angry about because they have fucked equality in the ass themselves.
    although, good riddance to that idiot chapman.

  30. Lighten up 420, I responded to a guy who called me (and everyone else that had already posted) an idiot.
    Also, maybe if you had taken the time to actually comprehend what I wrote, you would realize I attacked his point of view using his own logic.
    It’s amazing that you can do to me, what you accuse me of doing to Arthur. It’s ok though, pointless rants are fun read.
    Ok, time to move on and save other lost souls…..

  31. I agree with Arthur when he said, “…And I quote (a nigger is a nigger no matter what color they are) you can be white,brown,yellow black,green for all i care.” That is so true, but it’s unfortunate that this word has only been known to be against black people. This is definitely a double standard word and I heard Dog’s phone conversation and it wasn’t even bad. He was just saying how it is and people just need to move on. I swear, it makes me upset that people act like they are innocent when they get all upset with DOG when, in reality, they are just as bad or just as guilty.

  32. Okay we all know that he should not have said what he said BUT…It was a private conversation between a father and his son and that is the way it should have been keeped. DOG YOU STILL have my support and if A&E DOESN’T PRODUCE YOUR SHOW I WILL BOCOT THE STATION. I have a question though Why is it that You(the dog) are not allowed to make a mistake? Did people forget that you are still human and you have made such a big difference that a mistake shouldn’t haunt you forever. LOVE TO ALL THE CHAPMEN FAMILY!

  33. There’s a lot of anger here, you are all forgetting that A&E is just simply afaid of Al Sharpton and how he can call a boycott of ALL of A&E’s advertisers for his own personal cause, which is the promotion of Al Sharpton. He uses all this emotional anger and stirs up peoples misguided notions about words alive so as that he can justify his existence. It’s people like that who you should direct your anger towards. They love it when a DOG makes this type of mistake and an A&E quakes in fear and immediatly over reacts. All your postings are correct, take a moment to look up the N* word on Wikipedia, get some real perspective, knowledge and education.
    This word is being exploited by the like of Al Sharpton, various Rap Stars, et al and you’re all buying right into it, that’s a shame.

  34. It’s not really about what Dog said but about how he portrays himself on the show. The prayer circle the “come on bra you can do it” It just seems as though he is a fake…

  35. Just another opportunity for another network to pick up a branded successful show, Perhaps MTV, I think you can say that word there, Rap stars can? or BET, you can say that word there for sure, at least rap stars can, or movie stars, so Dog will be back and thanking A&E for being so scaredy cat, bowing before the pressure even started.

  36. come join the boycott of a&e on myspace

  37. come join the boycott of a&e on myspace

  38. Don’t worry about Dog! Reech is taking over with a more diverse show, Bailin’ Out. It will be out next fall.
    Check it out on http://www.bailinout.com or on youtube under bailin out.
    The show was just signed to a major network.

  39. Listen, “some” of “white” America have really over emphazied this notion of “double standards”. In my opion this “notion” was strengthed by the O.J. Simpson trial. Let me, a middle class african American female finally set this “notion” sraight, O.J. is gulilty of murder (my condolences to the families). African Americans are not this group of lawless people that dont seek the truth and justice just becauce the accused is also African American. This “notion” of a double standard is offensive. Right is right and wrong is wrong and Duane Chapmen is wrong and should be put back in his place as a criminal,drug addict. He has had serious charges aganist him and he is an idol?. A&E has been one of my favorite channels but if they continue his show I will personally never watch it again and start a local campaign for others to do the same. This should be a wake up call to America and the world, Stop idolizing people Just becauce they are on t.v. these “Stars” or t.v. personalities are just human and have human faults and being a racist is just one grotesque fault. Do you really think he is the only entertainer that you spend your hard earned money on, to make them richer, that feels this way about African Americans and other “minority” groups? I”m not a hardened individual I however put things in perspective and chapmens behavior dosen’t surprise me.
    While we are on the subject I .Washington was rightly fired from his show (that I never watched) for his disgusting comments about homosexuals and African Americans wont just vote for Obama just because he is black. Wake up America this is our country to and also want our children to have the best.

  40. the dog is the best i really do think this is getting out of hand!! im a hispanic! every budy calls their race lots of different words or jesters and he says somthing wrong and you jugde him well your not god so watch what you say because you might curse yourself.because onece you become a child of god it will come back to you. like the saying goes what goes around comes around!!!! god bless you dod in the blood of jessus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  42. Ye people!!!I have personaly listen to Dog’s rascist comments,but i am ashamed some of you guys are supporting him.In this civilized society,i am still shocked a lot of you are very ignorant about the world in which we live in,i don’t blame you because most of you still have racist blood running through your veins and don’t care about other people’s emotional feelings.I don’t care if his son sold that conversation for a billion dollar.You think he’s not tired of his father’s hidden attitude for all these years?yes, he’s suppose to be a role model,a recovered drug addict but yet still very irresponsible with a loose tongue and a hidden attitude.The N word is what black leaders are fighting to get out of our society so why make it worse?i do care about hip hop and they way it’s being used but at least one figure, Master P is making a difference and i hope there’s gonna be a change.I don’t have respect for the man,he’s no hope.Did i hear somebody say even the rev.Jesse jackson will say go get a life? why did you not say what you do for a living and i will show you where you belong? you should go back to the uncivilized world of your ancestors and go Booo Hooo your racist family!!

  43. Just for a moment imagine Dog was speaking about you Son or Daughter (insert race here) would you still feel the same way and supporting him I doubt it. Try looking at it from the other side of the fence. If you still support him after your family was assaulted then you have a whole different issue.

  44. dog chapman is a dee dee dee he should never have said the n-word,now his show is cancled forever.YOU SHOULD THINK BEFOR YOU ACT YOU DUMBASS.

  45. We used to watch dog aka (racist asshole) faithfully…however after hearing the rumor of his alleged comment using the “n”-word my respect for his so-called Christain belief’s and appearing to want to help people is a farce! And oh yeah…we are Black…Peace Out!

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  48. Outstanding! Ahmadinejad did us a big favor! While we seriously delude our self into believing he (and people who applaud him) are fit to get viewed as decent persons, he spits in your face to point out to us that we are (all over again) fooling our own selves.

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