
MSNBC Suspends Shuster Over Chelsea Clinton Remark

Feb 8, 2008  •  Post A Comment

MSNBC’s David Shuster has been suspended in the wake of his suggestion on air Thursday that Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign might have “pimped out” daughter Chelsea Clinton by having her call celebrities and super-delegates on her mother’s behalf.
Mr. Shuster was guest-hosting “Tucker” when he made the remark.
Mr. Shuster apologized on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and was scheduled to apologize again during the 6 p.m. hour Friday on the cable chanel.
A spokesman for MSNBC and NBC News issued a statement that the comment about Chelsea Clinton “was irresponsible and inappropriate.”
It said Mr. Shuster “has been suspended from appearing on all NBC News broadcasts, other than to make his apology. He has also extended an apology to the Clinton family. NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks.”
Howard Wolfson, the communications director for Sen. Clinton’s campaign, said the remark “is beneath contempt. It is the kind of thing that should never be said on a national news network.”
Mr. Wolfson noted that MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews recently was forced to apologize for saying Sen. Clinton is where she is right now because of her husband’s infidelity when he was in the White House. “At some point, you have to question whether there is a pattern here at this particular network,” he said. “Is there something folks are encouraged to do or not do?”
The contretemps jeopardized the commitment Sen. Clinton had made Friday to debate Sen. Barack Obama on MSNBC Feb. 26.
“We have done a number of debates on that network,” Mr. Wolfson said. “I, at this point, can’t envision a scenario where we would continue to engage in debates on that network given the comments that were made and have been made.”
The NBC News spokesman said discussions were continuing Friday and “we are hopeful that the event will take place as planned.
There was no word Friday about how long Mr. Shuster, a well-liked and prolific correspondent, would be suspended.


  1. Mr. Schuster should be permanently suspended as well as Chris Matthews. These men obviously have women issues to say such ignorant remarks. If Hillary were a man these comments would not have been made.

  2. Rita: I agree with you 100% and I’m a ‘guy”. Over the past several months, MSNBC has been shameless in their anti-Hillary venom. I expect more of cable news networks, particularly when they don’t hold any of the male candidates to the same standards as they do to Hillary (and now her daughter). We have a LONG WAY to go…don’t we?

  3. Funny…comment but true, go Shuster.
    They shouldn’t have suspended him, what such sore losers.

  4. Funny how he gets supended for pointing out that the clintons were pimping out their pretty young daughter, making her call the “super-delegates”. But they didn’t suspend Morning Joe for suggesting Jeri Thompson was a pole dancer. I guess I shouldn’t be suprised that Hillary would lower daughter Chelsea in that way – she proved along time ago that she would do anything to what she wants.

  5. Funny Comment, Great Idea for a show, Who’s pimping my campaign. or Pimp up my Campaign!

  6. Repulsive! These men should not be allowed to host or report on any network. Dislike for the Clintons is just a spill-over from the Republication insecurity that ran rampant during the Clinton administration. People need to think for themselves and not just repeat what they hear from morans like Schuster and Mathews ! Did any of these guys graduate from Oxford!? Chelsea did!
    Chelsea you’re a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Hillary you’re a strong, intelligent woman – go for it !
    M. Marino

  7. I was appauled at what David Shuster said about Chelsey Clinton…how dare him to make such a comment to a daughter who is only sticking by her mother. I am a “HUGE CNN fan and I am a huge supporter of Senator Clinton and I feel that she will be the next Commander and Chief. I have seen over the last several months that MSNBC is getting more like Fox News by being bias. MSNBC ex: “Joe” constantly says negative comments about the Clintons. I hear so much negative comments from MSNBC even by “Matthews” who I used to enjoy watching. David Shuster needed to be suspended and I am happy for that.
    Dissatisfied with MSNBC
    Tammie Taylor
    West Virgina

  8. I completly agree with Rita! How are we to live up to the american way when the people we rely on to give us a good unprejudice picture of the world use the most powerful communication resource to express their personal chuvinist opinion.

  9. Chris Matthews,Morning Joe and now David Shuster,how many more MSNBC commentators have to be heard from before the bias is admitted to.They are obviously against the Clintons,even to their daughter.Chris Matthews should have been taken off the air long ago.He is the most self serving man on the news networks.Please keep the verbal abuse comments to yourself and off the public,s airways.

  10. I Quit watching ABC because they only represents the REPUBLICAN party.
    Now I only having CBS to watch because NBC has a bunch of idiots working for them.

  11. Its funny how some people are so petty.
    How do you think the Bush’s family felt over
    stupid remarks about their girls? Did any one ever get called down for it? NO
    Talk about insecurity — if is was said about a republican, it would have been ok?

  12. if david shuster has been suspended, why not the two crazies, morning joe and tucker…they make what david said sound like a sunday school lesson…then of course theres chris who seems to stick his foot in his mouth every other day and even some seemely normal persons on msnbc can sound like fools…david is not alone in blowing it, but he at least has the grace to own his own words….vickie

  13. It’s the time delay between the insult and apology that will hurt Shuster and MSNBC most, as it has damaged other media reputations. The delay (and initial refusal to even acknowledge the mistake) implies that Shuster didn’t get it until MSNBC brass explained it to him. If media personalities want to avoid escalating mistakes like this they should take an immersion program on PR crisis management, particularly if they’re on the air. Here’s a good start:

  14. No comments should ever be made about any public official’s children. I didn’t appreciate comments about the Bush girls either…it was hard to defend them when they going to bars with fake ID’s though. Martha…community college is very inexpensive to attend maybe you should looke into an English class!

  15. My GOD why can’t we just consider other people and thier feelings at some point in this carzy world. Everything, I mean evrything, is a joke in this country. No one cares about anything or anybody but themselves. Mr. Ledger, Ms. Spears and others are being the but of jokes as their lives slowly pass away. Put yourself or a relative in the shoes of those you laugh at and see how much you chuckle then. If anything we need to pray for them not trash them. The gentleman was wrong as 2 left shoes.

  16. My GOD why can’t we just consider other people and their feelings at some point in this crazy world. Everything, I mean everything, is a joke in this country. No one cares about anything or anybody but themselves. Mr. Ledger, Ms. Spears and others are being the butt of jokes as their lives slowly pass away. Put yourself or a relative in the shoes of those you laugh at and see how much you chuckle then. If anything we need to pray for them not trash them. The gentleman was wrong as 2 left shoes those of you who have daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts still alive what if this was said about them? We as a nation have gotten too comfortable accepting this type of action and attitude towards other. Get a grip.

  17. Shuster, Scarborough, and Mika long ago stopped reporting and started campaigning. They go too far and have lost me as a viewer. I was a loyal MSNBC watcher but now surfing is the order of the day. Get back to reporting the campaigns. You are not the news.

  18. Schuster needed to be suspended, along with everyone else who says stupid, sexist and racist things on TV.
    M. Marino, you are wrong. Dislike for Hillary Clinton isn’t just spillover from the Republican attack machine. Consider this Hillary quote, made at a progressive convention, “If the most important thing to any of you is choosing someone who thinks that the vote [authorizing the Iraq War] was a mistake, then there are OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM.” Hillary is disliked on the left because she is not a progressive (neither was Bill), and she rubs our noses in it to curry favor with moderate Republicans. Her foreign policy votes mirror McCain’s, and her tactics vis-a-vis progressives mirror Lieberman. She doesn’t deserve the respect or votes of progressives.

  19. I am not a highly informed or involved political person. But when I read about David Shuster being suspended from MSNBC for making a personal comment about the Clinton’s my blood starts to boil with anger. The question to consider is did Chelsea Clinton step over the line by calling celebrities and super-delegates to solicit their vote for her mother and showing up at a polling place to deliver coffee is simply not a lack of good judgement. The Clinton’s are really good at putting on a ‘look you in the eye’ impression. But most important is the Clinton’s power to control the media. When the networks stoop to the demand of the Clinton’s free speach is at risk. A news commentator on a talk show should have the freedom to express their own opinion without censorship from the Clinton’s.

  20. Hillary and others on the Armed Forces Committee voted based upon the information they were provided from people who were sent out to Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction. With all due respect to Colin Powell, he had us all convinced with those “rolling weapons of mass destruction” vehicle pictures. It’s a new era..Hillary will bring change…strong women learn and move on…we dont’stay stuck in the past! Everyone should learn to do the same and stop bashing innocent people. Don’t tell me that Oprah is not calling her celebrity super-delegates. Is she “pimping” too? Who else is Chelsea suppose to be makeing calls for?


  22. Lately I do not enjoy watching Chris Matthews and Hardball. It seems as if he (Chris) never wants his guest commentators to fully complete the rapid fire questions he asks them. If people want more decency in the world they should start by cleaning up those “over the top” news talk shows. Maybe the FCC should fine them as well.

  23. Good lord. I have affection for Hillary Clinton, but it’s beyond pathetic how whiny her supporters are, including many who have commented on this very page. I understand and am willing to accept the Shuster suspension because he’s an excellent newsman and should have known better, but it’s absolutely pathetic how Chris Matthews was forced to apologize by Media Matters for offering a legitimate explanation for her political rise. Feminism has become a caricatural movement because some people are so militant and ludicrous about it. How about you focus on the gap in pay and not on crap like Chris Matthews’ completely defensable remarks?

  24. Wrong again, M. Marino. Hundreds of leaders & millions of Americans knew better than to trust Bush, but Hillary didn’t? Let’s not revise history. Not one weapons inspector supported the Administration’s view. The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) didn’t support Bush’s view. And Hillary admits to NOT EVEN READING THE NIE. It’s a question of judgment. And to top it all off, she’s too arrogant to admit what everyone knows: IT WAS A MISTAKE. Her excuses sound eerily like the President’s, namely “We were all fooled by bad intelligence” & “Oh well, Sadaam was a bad guy anyway”. He was a bad guy BEFORE we sold him massive amounts of chemical weapons to use against Iran. He gassed the Kurds BEFORE we sent him even more arms, and Rumsfeld went to shake his hand. Clinton knows this. And now we’re supposed to pretend we don’t.
    Having a leader who is a Democrat or a woman is supposed to spare us from such hawkish, ill-advised policies. Instead, it doesn’t seem to have mattered that Hillary was both. Our country can no longer afford this kind of “leadership.”

  25. I feel that the broadcasters are setting a very bad example for our childern. We send them to school to teach them how to speak properly
    and not talk when someless is speaking,and what do we see and hear when we turn on our tv more of the same. The news casters should keep there
    personal opinions to them selves,and if they cannot replace the with those who can.

  26. MSNBC has been our favorite source for news for years. I hardly watch it anymore because of the apparent animosity towards the Clintons, especially that of Chris Matthews and David Shuster. They are becoming more like FOX every day.

  27. I wonder what it would be like with Hilary Clinton in the White House BUT would it be Hilary running the country or her impeached husband?
    Is it even legal for an ex president (for lack of a better word) much less an impeached one to go back to the White House? Who would actually be president and who would be covering up as she did during the scandal all because she had her own agenda, and are we going to have to get all of the female interns out of the goverment? Din’t this country go through enough while Bill was president and do we want all that repeated I DO NOT THINK SO!!!!
    MSNBC should not have suspended David for saying the truth. They were even talking about it at the View on how they got called by Chelsea and how surprised they were. They will do anything to get what they want and it is a disgrase to the lenght they are always rady to go. I hope that the people of this country have learned from past experience and are much wiser

  28. I am boycotting msnbc because of their biased remarks. They are trying to destroy the clintons
    so Obama will win the democratic nomination. They know that if they put Obama in. The republicans will destroy him because of his inexperience. The republicans will use this and have a field day destroying him. I am an indepenent and I read all of the candidates histories since they were young. Even their upbriging. I think how they were raised has a lot of influence of how they think as grownups. For now it seems I like the democratic side. People has to remember that the media is out there to sell stories. They will sensationalize a story as long as it sells. Like a Jerry Springer Show. The voters need to realize that when they vote, this person is not a rock star and just look at their charisma. A lot of salesmen are charismatic and they’e usually full of it. My suggestion to the voters are to make your own informed consent. Do your own homework and read about the candidates from your public library which is a more reliable source. For instance the encyclopedia. Do not make your judgement from who is siding with who. The ones on tv are usually paid advertising. Be an informed voter and vote with intellengence. Go to your local library!

  29. Such comments made by an experienced NBC on air personality are inexcusable and his superiors should ask for his resignation unless they share the same views… Such comments are inappropriate and are a reflection upon the integrity of NBC. The same goes for Chris Matthews and his on air comments… If he worked for me, he would be unemployed… The comments by these two personalities speak volumes about NBC if these employees continue in their positions after expressing such bias… These kinds of comments are inappropriate… doesn’t matter if they were directed at Republicans or Democrats… inappropriate is inappropriate… No reputable news organization should condone such behavior…

  30. Unethical , immoral , rude all the worst adjectives to describe David Shuster and Chris Matthews – however they gave an apology –
    Clintons should accept their apology and move forward and Hillary should continue with the debate.

  31. I believe CONCERNED AMERICAN CITIZEN missed the point! No matter how Mr. David Shuster feels about the Clinton’s, he should have known that accusing Sen. Hillary Clinton of “PIMPING OUT ” her daughter Chelsea was hitting way below the belt. To a MOTHER, that was a PIERCE DIRECT TO THE HEART! MR. DAVID SHUSTER’S REMARK WAS BEYOND DISGUSTING!!! GUTTER COMMENTS such as this one is something I never imagined Mr. Shuster is capable of broadcasting! He seemed to be a kind and fair person! HE should APOLOGIZE and MEAN IT, TOO! MSNBC is supposed to be a respected company.
    I watch the show almost every night, but I notice as I am sure others do, too, that Mr. Chris Matthews can be very unfair to his guests sometimes. He does have that annoying habit of asking questions and then abruptly interrupting his guests and NOT allowing them to answer his questions, especially, it seems, when he figures out that they DO NOT AGREE with HIS VIEWS!
    I still like the show. GRIEF!!!!


  33. You know, my problem isn’t with phrase “pimped out.” True, it’s damned distasteful, but it’s just a phrase. What I find ridiculous and offensive is the press taking perfectly normal activity – in this case, a family member helping with a campaign – and implying that it’s something corrupt, questionable – “unseemly.” Why does the media CONSTANTLY do this with the Clintons? And NOBODY else?
    Hillary Clinton’s daughter is helping out with her mother’s campaign. So? Why does this jackass Shuster seem to think that there’s something wrong and “unseemly” about that?

  34. Wow, Tom you must be in the media because you nailed it. NBC is responsible for what these guys say and do. The suspension of Shuster is simply eye wash because of the backlash. He and Chris Matthews definitely should be fired for their inappropriate comments. I am the editor of a small conservative newspaper that openly supports Republicans in every election and I am a very conservative Republican, but I take strong issue with any news organization that would allow such bias on the air. NBC is a giant and their stock will surely decline if they keep these two bozos after such foolishness on the air.

  35. NBC should fire both Shuster and Matthews. They are not on some talk radio station, they are in the mainstream media with millions of viewers. Their comments are so insensitive and biased it is unbelievable. How would they feel if a major news organization made such comments about their daughter?? They are nothing but trash. I have watched their programs for the past 2 years but they lost me on this one. They both need to join FOX. The others who have made comments are right. NBC is responsible for their behavior and if they keep them, then that means they agree with them. If I were Senator Clinton or Senator Obama, I would not agree to participate in any debate sponsored by NBC. They do not deserve the honor.

  36. Connie is concerned about who will really be president if Hillary is elected, Hillary or Bill..Gee, when Bill was president people like Connie were saying Hillary was running the country !! Connie asks if we remember what it was like during the Clinton years. I do remember what it was like during the Clintion years; peace, respect and support from our allies, great prosperity, 23 million new jobs created, many of our citizens moving up from poverty wages into the middle class, and millions of our tax dollars spent by republicans to investigate everything they could think of to come up with nothing more than Bill’s escapdes with Monica. What a bargain !!

  37. I agree – MSNBC reporters, except for Dan Abrams, have made subtle and overt sexist remarks ad infinitim in regard to Hillary. I too channel surf now – looking for unbiased news. I actually found a channel after we got our hi-def tv and cable subscription. It was SO refreshing. I am writing to Hillary to urge her to boycott MSNBC for future debates. Enough is enough.

  38. I am so disgusted with chris matthews and hannity(of hannity and colmes) that I want to throw-up!
    I can’t believe the cruel things that are said about the clintons and their daughter! How do they get away with this?
    I thought news was supposed to be unbiased…especilally when it comesto politics!
    I overheard Chris Matthews this morning on the Ed Schultz show that he was “SO MOVED BT OBAMA”S SPEECHE”S THAT HE WAS BROUGHT TO TEARS”!
    He sounded like a high school kid awaiting the arrival of the new Messiah “Jesus”!!!
    It is freaks like him that scare me
    He(Chris Matthews) is so pro-obama, that he should not be discussing political issues on the news.
    He constantly demeans hillary and her family…has guests on that agree with him, anhe is anti-woman. He has no respect for the female race.
    He must be thrown off tv, before he goes beyond what anyone is going to take from him anymore.
    It will be a Beautiful Day, when HIllary Clinton wins the White House, and everyone of us will finally say to him…”SHUT YOUR MOUTHI am so disgusted with chris matthews and hannity(of hannity and colmes) that I want to throw-up!
    I can’t believe the cruel things that are said about the clintons and their daughter! How do they get away with this?
    I thought news was supposed to be unbiased…especilally when it comesto politics!
    I overheard Chris Matthews this morning on the Ed Schultz show that he was “SO MOVED BT OBAMA”S SPEECHE”S THAT HE WAS BROUGHT TO TEARS”!
    He sounded like a high school kid awaiting the arrival of the new Messiah “Jesus”!!!
    It is freaks like him that scare me
    He(Chris Matthews) is so pro-obama, that he should not be discussing political issues on the news.
    He constantly demeans hillary and her family…has guests on that agree with him, anhe is anti-woman. He has no respect for the female race.
    He must be thrown off tv, before he goes beyond what anyone is going to take from him anymore.
    It will be a Beautiful Day, when HIllary Clinton wins the White House, and everyone of us will finally say to him…”SHUT YOUR MOUTH

  39. Hillary and Obama! I urge both of you to please boycott any further debates on msnbc.
    Thank you. A Democrate

  40. Hillary and Obama! I urge both of you to please boycott any further debates on msnbc.
    Thank you. A Democrate

  41. Steve, money is king. Anything goes as long as there is an audience and the $$ are coming in. This is not to say I don’t share your sentiments, I do. But unfortunately, as long as people watch and listen, then it will only continue to get worse. And this is only the beginning. Wait until the campaign really gets in full swing this fall, you will throw up !!

  42. Regarding MSNBC apologies (Matthews and Shuster) Chris Matthews has a long overdue apology to Al Gore and the American public. On Jan 31, 2008 Matthews asked his guests whether the press was overdoing the look back on candidate’s past positions in order to make politcal fodder. Bloggers on the internet have researched on Lexis how Matthews, long after the record of lies on Gore’s comments on the Internet, Love Canal and Love story had been debunked, nevertheless continued to goad his guests into ridicule of Al Gore- doing precisely what he seemed to lament in his January 31st comments. Elections are won on the impact of marginal events and perceptions. The press (and Matthews in particular) perpetuated such a marginal and fraudulent event/perception and therby elected George Bush as President. For example just a few votes in Florida marginally elected Bush. I grieve for my country when I think of how better it’s fate likely would be had Al Gore been President these last seven years.

  43. Why are we so excited by a comment that means nothing?

  44. I truly cannot believe that opinions and or facts about the Clintons, tactics, facts and or truths should or ever should be an overriding concern as to what takes place in the reporting of a race for the most powerful position on earth. To suspend anyone for their opinions or comments about this “said” race is and always should be a concern for any and all who have read and truly believe in the articles of free speach.

  45. The media should be reporting what this young woman is doing for her mother as a positive constructive story, not a distastful one. She is a intelligent daughter of a former President and now is helping in what she believes in by campaining for her mother.
    The media should be reporting what Chelsea is doing as a role model for our next generation of children and young adults. During the time while Chelsea’s father was President and to the present date, you didn’t hear of any inappropriate behavior in the media about Chelsea, unlike other Presidents children and relatives.
    Here’s a intelligent young lady that should be reported positively as compared to all the celebrities in the news that are minors and young adults, that are having babies out of wedlock, custody battles for money, drugs, underage drinking, premarital sex, and don’t have real jobs and live in night clubs every night ect..

  46. Hooray for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. I can’t remember how many times I have written to MSNBC concerning slanderous remarks Tucker Carlson and Chris Matthews have made regarding the Clintons. They gushed over the Kennedys, Oprah, Kerry and Maria Shriver, but now, enough is enough. Like others here, I have always enjoyed MSNBC because of its regular reporters/anchors such as Dan Abrams, Andrea Mitchell, Chris (the female), Alex, Nora O’Donnell, Lester Holt, and Keith Olbermann. However, MSNBC is being sabotaged by Matthews and Carlson. Chris Matthews has, in the past, said such unfair, untruthful, and downright gender-biased lies that would put Fox News and Rush Limbaugh to shame. The same goes for Tucker Carlson, the arrogant one. I am so sick of both his and Matthew’s self-aggrandizement segments. To MSNBC, an otherwise great channel, I say send them back to DANCING WITH THE STARS and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE where they belong. Any resemblance between these two and journalistic integrity does not exist. You did the right thing in firing Shuster; now complete your mission with these two.
    Vic Novosad
    Sugar Land, Texas

  47. Our media does not want Hillary to win just because they would have nothing to talk about then. They will do everything they can to hurt her. Nothing will stop them. I am neither democrat or republican. But I am a father of a 26 year old woman. MSNBC has just made me to vote for Clinton.

  48. Thank God Elvis died or the teenagers would be listening that frightful “boogie woogie” and thank God, Vic, and Texas.

  49. The comments that Shuster made were inappropriate and sexist and deliberate. I used to watch MSNBC alot but since this primary season has heated up, the number of overtly sexist and and down right nasty comments made by their commentators has grown. First Chris Matthews, David Shuster and even Keith Olberman and Tim Russert all seem to to use their shows to actively compaign against Clinton. Those comments made by Shuster aren’t new, it reflects the type of very negative coverage that MSNBC has allowed against the Clinton campaign. I dont have a problem if these guys just report the news, thats what I used to tune in for. I do not tune in for Clinton bashing.
    The only two reporters who are impartial in their coverage of both candidates on that network are Dan Abrams and Tom Brokaw.

  50. I am ashamed by the nastiness of the remarks in here that think it was ok for Shuster to make such a remark about someone’s child. You and Shuster are truly Ugly Americans. Shame on you!
    I wonder if someone said that about your candidates children if it still would be ok and deserving of the remarks made by some of you. You’re disgusting!

  51. Just to correct an error I wrote earlier. I meant the CLINTONS….NOT the Clinton’s!
    I hope this whole issue will be resolved amicably, and that Mr. David Shuster has learned his lesson WELL!!!

  52. All YOU PEOPLE…who want others suspended or fired when they make a mistake on the air ought to take a second look….anyone in this business knows how hard it is to do a live, show…especially in this case a live, fast paced show like Mr. Shuster was doing….
    Shuster just made a gaffe on the air…it was not with malice…it seemed to me he was probably searching for the right word in this head and the wrong one came out…
    Shuster was wrong…but lets stop this crap of wanting to fire someone everytime a mistake is made or a non politically correct statement is made.
    doesn’t anyone in this business remember, know or even sympathize with how hard live TV is?
    Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. This reminds me of a line from Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

  54. David Schuster is a mean spirited reporter who generally has little positive to say about any politician,. However, has the media become so afraid to allow correspondents to say anything controversial, that they suspend anyone who says something politically incorrect. When I mentioned to my 17 yo son what was said, he hought the words were completely unoffensive and part of todays vocabulary. What happenned to the first ammendment?

  55. Funny. I don’t see Hillary complaining when other candidates are being unfairly treated.
    The way the media has been censoring a Republican candidate, has been outragious and what Shuster said is pale in comparison.
    No candidate should ever be censored because it takes away the voice for of those who support him. And I’m sure everyone would agree that, that is not America.

  56. She IS being pimped out … and Shuster used the term rather colorfully … look at Chelsea’s character … for her to bark for her mom and dad does not fit the Chelsea we know … it is known that the term was not meant literally … the fireworks created by the Clinton machine are a great way to bolster Democratic bloggers with cotton candy fodder instead of them really dealing with issues … when a reporter uses sugar-coated boxing gloves – no one listens … … when they use brass knuckles to draw attention from a public that hears much worse in their everyday world – every one listens – and whines … get over it …

  57. Is everyone blind? The clintons are ALWAYS treated in this cavalier fashion. I happen to respect Mr. Shuster’s previous reporting, but this is a rubbishy misogynist comment on a network who has emphasized Senator Clinton’s shrill voice, her cleavage, her laugh, her clapping, her total lack of merit in all her hard work, etc, etc, etc. Once again, the media attacks her as they never would any other candidate who has a penis. Don’t you get it? These are personal female- only attacks not based on substance. ONLY Chelsea is trashed. Not a Bush, a Cheney, a Romney, an Edward, a McCain, or god forbid! an Obama child. Pimp is always a nasty derogative word when used in relation to a young female. The pentultimate straw and unfortunately a relative “innocent” has drawn the ire. Only Senator Clinton has been called explicitly lewd names and apparently it’s ok to be sexist but not a racist.

  58. Start with Rita, I agree and anyone that used to watch the NBC’s can see how slanted they were,but that is why I don’t like to watch any more… More people need to stop watching Where are the Walter Cronkites and others of that era…. I say cancel the Debate on MSNBC , I won’t watch it..

  59. well if it was just a little verbal assault by shuster then shouldn’t Chelsea be allowed to publicaly stand back and give shuster a swift kick in the testicles. i’d watch that. If not fire the piece of sht.

  60. Hillary needs to toughen up. If she’s already going to be freaking out over comments that are said about her and her family……which really isn’t anything new…………than how is she seriously going to handle four years in the White House. Her breakdown a few weeks ago during her campaigning, and comments that she was just under a lot of stress, only proved that she really can’t handle the real stresses that are going to happen as President. Do we really need a President that is going to cry every time things get stressful? What is she going to do when more of her private life becomes public? Shuster wasn’t accussing the Clinton’s of actually being pimps and Chelsea being a prostitute…get over it and move on!

  61. Chelsea is not a pretty girl, by no stretch of the imagination.


  63. Twelve years ago two upstart cable TV networks manifested in the cosmic etherland. Fox News and MSNBC joining “serious news” CNN. What has happened since is nothing short of a journalistic breakdown.
    The decline and fall of American television news standards was chronicled by Paddy Chayefsky in his prescient script for the 1976 movie “Network” directed by Sidney Lumet. The greedy, corrupt, amoral TV network sacrificed news anchor Howard “I’m Mad As Hell” Beale to the Gods Of Ratings by letting the “Mad Prophet Of The Airwaves” say and do anything on the air.
    It took two years for the new cable TV networks to start slip slidin’ away. The seminal (no pun intended) event was the 1998 Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal. The wall-to-wall news coverage of the 1994 O.J. Simpson slow speed freeway police pursuit and the subsequent murder trial provided a glimmer of what was to come.
    With the suspension of MSNBC’s David Shuster for his on-air Chelsea Clinton comments, it behooves the TV news industry to conduct an inventory of standards and practices.
    To invoke a Clintonesque phrase: It’s time to end “the politics of personal destruction.” Journalism has been jettisoned in pursuit of ratings.
    It is time to reign in the likes of Fox News Bill O’Reilly, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews and rewrite the attendant philosphy, practices, and standards banning no-holds-barred slander.
    It is time to call a truce between warring cable TV networks, and show hosts. New ground rules must be enacted to set clear boundaries governing appropriate and inappropriate on-air behavior, opinion and analysis.
    The David Shuster incident is opening the door for network news management to collectively agree that enough is enough and declare a truce to restore television news to the level of credibility the networks – and viewers – deserve. To invoke a diplomatic term: peaceful coexistence.
    Let us embrace the “civil” in civilization.
    Marty’s Media Manifesto
    Marty Davis

  64. New to these comments. I am a Hillary Clinton supporter. I am a life time liberal democrat. I am a former MSNBC viewer. I quit six week’s ago, but I read their news page. I posted a few comment on this Shuster outrage. Todate, I have not been able to have one posted. I am a really old liberal democrat( 81 years of age and world war two veteran)and father of several girls and grandfather on many, I am almost more offended by the Obama supporters, defending thes obnoxious remarks.Have they no shame or morals. To attack the children of the candidates is exceptable. I don’t think so, the vast majority of Americans, will not support such conduct.

  65. All’s fair in love and war [Pretty much] Freedom of the press (It’s a good thing) Calling the former ‘First Daughter’ [or anyone’s daughter] a whore [Mmm… not so much]

  66. I used to watch MSNBC all the time, but I left it two months ago because of the terribly biased reporting, especially by Matthews, Olbermann and the gang. They are beginning to sound like Fox News Channel. I’ve switched to CNN.

  67. I can only imagine what would of happen had this remark been made about Oprah, she is doing the same type of service for Obama.

  68. I think the suspension of the reporter is in order. However, the tone of several shows on MSNBC has been very bias against the Hillary Clinton campaign. Chris Matthews in particular has been pushing hard for the Obama campaign and dumping on the Clinton campaign. The Morning Joe show is equally hostile to Mrs. Clinton.
    Early in the campaign, MSNBC declared this a two person race ignoring all of the other Democratic party candidates. Mr Edwards was never covered despite being a former vice presidential candidate in 2004.
    MSNBC is all about the horse race and lacks any reporting on the plans of each candidate for the American people. Reporting on the plans of the candidates takes work but just talking endlessly about who is slightly behind or ahead in some meaningless poll is the lazy way out. MSNBC needs to find actual reporters and get rid of the talking heads who mistakenly think they are the star.

  69. I just wrote the following letter to MSNBC:
    As a citizen, it worries me when I see a multi-media company of MSNBC’s stature, personally attacking Senator Hillary Clinton and her family in such a slanderous, inappropriate manner. This has happened on not just one occasion. As a stockholder, I can only come to the conclusion that this is a pattern that has been developed from attitudes of the top management in the company and passed to those who blurt out the slanderous statements. Chris Matthews and David Shuster have apologized to Senator Clinton, but the irreparable harm has been done.
    MSNBC responds by asking their employees to apologize, and in the case of Mr Shuster, they suspend him. This is not good enough. Chris Matthews and David Shuster should have been fired.
    Any news organization should hold the public’s trust that it will always report fair and unbiased news. This is not unbiased news. I might as well be watching the Fox Network. I continue to be discouraged in this company and it’s management’s attitudes, and find it necessary to review whether I want to continue my investment.

  70. Shuster should certainly have been suspended, if not fired. MSNBC has a serious problem with sexist males in key on-air roles. Sexualized reporting on women newsmakers whose presence in the news has no connection with sexual activity (whether it be a presidential candidate’s daughter, a champion women’s basketball team, or anyone else) not only demeans the women involved but damages society as a whole.
    This is an altogether separate matter from anti-Clintonism. Bill and Hillary Clinton are reprehensible people whose racialist campaigining up to the South Carolina primary deserves all the RELEVANT excoriation the pundits can throw at them. Frankly, they have gotten off easy. They belong in the same time-out corner as Shuster for their own damaging remarks — which were made more calculatedly and more repeatedly than Shuster’s.
    But gratuitously sexualized reporting and commentary on women in politics, or anything else, has no business anywhere, much less on a news network that is licensed by the government and presumably held to standards of good practice.

  71. OK, first of all Hillary’s vote was a sell out. Polls done by the corrupt news media, sentiment of the country and her personal knowledge of what Saddam’s holdings were in 1999 basically forced Mr’s Clinton to vote for the resolution. Voting against it could have been political death. When the papers talking about “yellow cake” from Niger were leaked by the White House, I new they were a lie and she did too. Did you? Did you vote for Bush, All of you can’t say you new the truth cause Bush had approval ratings over 80% at that time. So if you add up the Right wing Nazi’s at 35% the moderate right wingers at 12% that leaves at least 35% of all Dems siding with Bush. Hey maybe we can get Kelly Tilghman from the Golf Channel to Lynch Chris, Joe, Tucker, Bilbo at Fox, Beck from Cnn, Dobbs “HELL” let them all swing from a tree.
    Give Hillary a break, I know what she did and I’m still voting for her. We must win this time and Obama is just too much of a risk for this Election. Don’t you people remember how you felt the morning you found out that Bush beat Kerry? “I DO”

  72. 02/10/08 Mitt Romney had 5 sons out on the campaign trail,& I didn’t hear any news people stating he was “pimping out” his sons!
    Hillary Clinton is now the under dog in this race. It is well known the under dog always want more debates. Her camp wanted 5 debates. Obama’s camp agreed to 2. Hillary was willing to give up 1 of her 2 remaining debates because she stood up for her principals! I have her MSNBC state that the Clintons know that would have cost MSNBC a lot of money. But what would it cost Hillary Clinton? It could have been far more. But she still stood up for what was right!

  73. I think that the real issue here is whether journalists adhere to the “supposed” rules of objectivity anymore. It seems like most of tv news is one big opinion page and I never know what is the truth and what is pure spin. Don’t we get enough of this from the politicians?! I do not agree with Shuster’s comment… why is it that whenever a powerful woman is being discussed phrases concerning sex and/or looks start to creep into our vocabulary? I think the guy should have been suspended, not because of the opinion he gave, but because he gave one at all. Stop telling us what YOU think and just give us the facts!!!

  74. Connie – Please remember that Bill Clinton was impeached by the United States House of Representatives. Although the impeachment process succeeded at the level of the House of Representatives, without the Senate’s confirming action in this matter, no further action was taken.
    He went on to continue his term of office in the White House.

  75. spare me please, talk about over reacting and treating shuster like he’s Don Imus or something.

  76. I though this is a TV Business Web Site I don’t see any Comments On other Articles on this site Have we become so Poltically Divided that we are Spouting our views on non-sites like these MAY GOD HELP US!!

  77. Well let me just say that this country is not ready for a female president. This country is not ready for someone like Hillary Clinton. There are many reasons spoken, but the ones that count are the ones that are still silenced. First of all, I am a female and a Republican. This world we live in is just a shell of its former state. All we have managed to do as a society is allow MONEY to rule our government. You tell me how many people in any form of government dont make money off the BS of voting and campaigning??? None that I know of. The only thing that matters now is who spends more of the money that helps get them elected. Take for example, Say in 1800… How many of the governors or even the president got paid for doing what was best? Thats right… NONE!!

  78. sarah palin is dumb.


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