
Obama Finally Stops ‘Fox News Sunday’ Clock

Apr 24, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will make his first appearance on “Fox News Sunday” this weekend and take questions from moderator Chris Wallace.
That means the “Obama Watch” clock will stop Sunday morning. The clock, posted for the first time on camera on March 16, was counting the days since Fox News first invited Sen. Obama to appear on “Sunday.”
Last Sunday, the clock was at 765 days plus and counting.
Marty Ryan, executive producer of political programming for Fox News, said the show has been trying to book Sen. Obama, who burst onto the national scene with the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, ever since Illinois elected him to the Senate.
With primaries coming May 6 in Indiana and North Carolina and the Democratic campaign more unresolved than ever since Hillary Clinton’s 10-point win in Pennsylvania Tuesday, “He is the man this weekend,” Mr. Ryan said Thursday. “It is a really good ‘get’ for us.”
Sen. Clinton has appeared on the Fox show twice since announcing her candidacy for the White House.


  1. dynamite idea – he needs a grand slam there.

  2. obama is member of rev Wright church teaching hatreat to America and white American,. i think rev W and all of his church members should not be long in USA,, rev Wright and obama should go back to where they came from and run for president where they belong….thank you

  3. I hope Mr. Wallace will ask some good questions, and not be too impressed with the idea of Obama coming on that he forgets what he’s there for. Ask the right questions!

  4. Tom, those were some very stupid statements and as a Black man I am offended by them!! have some sensitivity.

  5. Tom Wynn, it is very apparent that you are an uneducated boob. Obama and Wright are both from the USA so they are already where they came from. Wright is no different than a lot of the fox news personalities. I really see no strong influence that Wright has had on Obama. Just be honest and admit you hate him because he’s part black and not a redneck idoit man child like the current resident of the oval office. As a WHITE man I’m offended by your remarks.

    If you think like Barack Obama, that WORKING CLASS PEOPLE are just a bunch of “BITTER”!, STUPID, PEASANTS, Cash COWS!, and CANNON FODDER. 🙁
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think Barack Obama with little or no experience would be better than Hillary Clinton with 35 years experience.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with no experience can fix an economy on the verge of collapse better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) led the greatest economic expansion, and prosperity in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with no experience fighting for universal health care can get it for you better than Hillary Clinton. Who anticipated this current health care crisis back in 1993, and fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds to get universal health care for all the American people.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with no experience can manage, and get us out of two wars better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) went to war only when he was convinced that he absolutely had to. Then completed the mission in record time against a nuclear power. AND DID NOT LOSE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER. NOT ONE!
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with no experience saving the environment is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) left office with the greatest amount of environmental cleanup, and protections in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with little or no education experience is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) made higher education affordable for every American. And created higher job demand and starting salary’s than they had ever been before or since.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that Obama with no experience will be better than Hillary Clinton who spent 8 years at the right hand of President Bill Clinton. Who is already on record as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think that you can change the way Washington works with pretty speeches from Obama, rather than with the experience, and political expertise of two master politicians ON YOUR SIDE like Hillary and Bill Clinton..
    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you think all those Republicans voting for Obama in the Democratic primaries, and caucuses are doing so because they think he is a stronger Democratic candidate than Hillary Clinton. 🙂
    Best regards
    jacksmith… Working Class 🙂
    p.s. You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂
    If you don’t know that the huge amounts of money funding the Obama campaign to try and defeat Hillary Clinton is coming in from the insurance, and medical industry, that has been ripping you off, and killing you and your children. And denying you, and your loved ones the life saving medical care you needed. All just so they can make more huge immoral profits for them-selves off of your suffering…
    You see, back in 1993 Hillary Clinton had the audacity, and nerve to try and get quality, affordable universal health care for everyone to prevent the suffering and needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of you each year. 🙂
    Approx. 100,000 of you die each year from medical accidents from a rush to profit by the insurance, and medical industry. Another 120,000 of you die each year from treatable illness that people in other developed countries don’t die from. And I could go on, and on…

  7. ask the real questions this time

    It’s time for everyone to face the truth. Barack Obama has no real chance of winning the national election in November at this time. His crushing defeat in Pennsylvania makes that fact crystal clear. His best, and only real chance of winning in November is on a ticket with Hillary Clinton as her VP.
    Hillary Clinton seemed almost somber at her victory speech. As if part of her was hoping Obama could have defeated her. And proved he had some chance of winning against the republican attack machine, and their unlimited money, and resources. In all honesty. I felt some of that too.
    But it is absolutely essential that the democrats take back the Whitehouse in November. America, and the American people are in a very desperate condition now. And the whole World has been doing all that they can to help keep us propped up.
    Hillary Clinton say’s that the heat, and decisions in the Whitehouse are much tougher than the ones on the campaign trail. But I think Mr. Obama faces a test of whether he has what it takes to be a commander and chief by facing the difficult facts, and the truth before him. And by doing what is best for the American people by dropping out of the race, and offering his whole hearted assistance to Hillary Clinton to help her take back the Whitehouse for the American people, and the World.
    Mr. Obama is a great speaker. And I am confident he can explain to the American people the need, and wisdom of such a personal sacrifice for them. It should be clear to everyone by now that Hillary Clinton is fighting her heart out for the American people. She has known for a long time that Mr. Obama can not win this November. You have to remember that the Clinton’s have won the Whitehouse twice before. They know what it takes.
    If Mr. Obama fails his test of commander and chief we can only hope that Hillary Clinton can continue her heroic fight for the American people. And that she prevails. She will need all the continual support and help we can give her. She may fight like a superhuman. But she is only human.
    Sen. Hillary Clinton: “You know, more people have now voted for me than have voted for my opponent. In fact, I now have more votes than anybody has ever had in a primary contest for a nomination. And it’s also clear that we’ve got nine more important contests to go.”
    Jacksmith… Working Class 🙂

  9. First of all she has already admitted on tv that Obama can win the november election. I don’t think her time in the white house as first lady give her any experience since she was not making policy decision and the only job she was given, which was to be over health care, failued because she was too selfish to include other people on the project and wanted to take all the credit herself. Well she had to stand alone in the end because her healthcare plan failed. What make anyone think she was push it through now. I think people need to sit back and let all of the voting take place and whoever have the most vote get the
    nomination. Democrates need to unite after all the votes have been counted unless we want another 4 years like the last 8 years.

  10. tom wynne, you sound like a fascist. they have every right to live here. i can’t wait to see this interview


  12. You may call me a raciest if you want to. I do NOT care. But, I have never been until now. I would vote for Colin Powell for president anytime, but not this guy. And, I find the fact that the blacks have turned on the Clinton’s like a mad dog “offensive”.
    Change can be bad change. And, Obama has not made clear what he is talking about. And, face it, he is green. Black I can take, but I draw the line at “that” green.
    I will vote for Hillary first, but McCain if the democrats run Obama. I would like to be a good democrat, but I love my country more than the democratic party.

  13. I just can NOT beleive that some people cant see who the CLINTON’s are, telling many-many STORIES what never even happenned, Bosnia???Vince Foster etc,etc.
    OBAMA is , and should be our President, we deserve a CHANGE.

  14. “Cultural thought patterns” need to be changed. Or we will remain prejudice which leads to being hostile toward those who don’t agree with us?
    Science gives us a great deal of information regarding our broad genetic blend. Is this too much of a stretch for the American people? Can we not make the same comparison with period of time when the “world was flat”?
    Do we want to come together with the common bond of “virtue” which balances the human in moral behavior, or do us want to continue to bicker on the court while the others watch?

  15. who cares about rev wright, john mccain’s pasteur said the same shit that we deserved 911 and everything, no one’s making a big deal out of that,,,,,,,not at fox anyway.

  16. I am constantly amazed at how often individuals allow themselves be distracted and misled by irrelevant information. I am troubled at how often people will take one single issue and let that become the all-encompassing deciding factor for them–without even considering the big picture. As always, the campaigns have thrown out alot of information at the American people in an attempt to get votes by trying to find that single item that will cause someone to vote for their candidate or vote against the other. I would like to encourage everyone to avoid this kind of ‘knee-jerk’ thinking because it allows us to be easily manipulated.
    I am an Obama supporter because I believe he is a ‘big picture’ kind of leader and genuinely wants to help America and is a capable leader. We have got to move beyond the status quo (which 70% of Americans currently agree is not working:
    http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/02/poll.americans/index.html ).
    Some food for thought:
    Q: What are the most important qualities our President should possess?
    Should the president be experienced? Should he/she be ‘tough’ on terrorism? Should be president represent the ‘common man’, etc.
    I want a president that is here to serve the people of America and not just corporate or personal agendas. I want a president that exercises good judgment in decision-making and is aware of the full scope, complexities, and real issues of this country and the global arena. I want a president that speaks not just for me, but for ALL of America. I want a president who is smarter than most, but who still understands the issues of the working class.
    As most everyone knows, the people who decide to go to war are not the same people who actually fight in the wars–those days have been gone for hundreds of years. What does being ‘tough on terror’ really mean, then? Does it mean that we should embrace a leader who will always revert to force as a solution? I hope not. Does it mean we should have a leader that will actually go out and physically fight the terrorists? of course not–our military performs this function. Does it mean the we should embrace a leader who will do everything in her/her power to protect America from the ever-growing threats to our security? I would hope that any president would consider this to be one of their core duties. The concept of being ‘tough on terror’, then, doesn’t really mean anything. The real question is who do you believe is capable of envisioning and implementing the most effective strategy against terrorism. We need to be ‘smart on terror’ as much as we need to ‘tough’. This comes down to judgment–we need a president who knows when to use diplomacy and when to utilize the military. We need a leader whose life experience and background goes beyond the conventional American perspective in order to understand the global arena and whose intellect is up to the challenge. We need a leader who will be able to rally allies instead of alienating the US. We need to raise our standards and expectations–we need a real leader.
    The bottom line for me is that I think good judgment, intellect, and a genuine understanding & concern for the welfare of ALL the people in Amercia should be our criteria for choosing our next leader. I also think that we have a very rare opportunity with Obama that we should embrace.
    One might think that experience is important. It would seem to be, but let me ask you this–can anyone truly be prepared for this job? Knowing alot of facts is not enough. Interestingly, it appears that experience is not very important based on historical data that shows there is *no correlation* between presidential ranking and previous (related) experience:
    Q: Should Obama be held accountable for Rev Wright’s views?
    This issue is a distraction and a tactic for political stereotyping. The guilt-by-association game is a very dangerous game to play. I personally would not want to be judged by everything my friends, relatives, or acquaintances have done or said over the years. Obama has repeatedly said that he does not agree with the extreme views of Rev wright and so it comes down to whether you believe him or not. I personally believe he is being truthful and that Rev Wright has become increasingly cynical over the years leading to the disconnect that has recently transpired.
    As for the economy, the elimination of the AMT tax by McCain would only help the upper middle class. Obama and Clinton’s plans would do more for the typical middle class families. I also like Obama’s tax filing simplifications. Here’s a novel concept: go and read about all the candidates and challenge you own beliefs…
    Regardless of whether or not you agree with these opinions, please consider the set of ALL issues that our country is facing when choosing a candidate.

  17. OBAMA clearly is lieing if he states he has never heard or does not support the radical stamentments from Rev W.
    Everyone has enough common sense to know that birds of a feather flock together. OBAMA does not share the pants in his family. He is a anti- American. His web sight logo represents that. What American that loves there country is ashamed to wear the US Flag on there lapel???
    HUMMMMM well, I nor my family trust OBAMA. Never have never will. He has never given me any reason to earn his trust. He waited entirely to late to retract his Rev W. from his side. OBAMA expecting us to believe he does not support the Rev W views is just as stupid as if Hillary were to say I attend KKK meetings but no not support thier views. They baptized my children and I attend the service and they married me but I do not support there views ????? Give me a break …You are known by the company you keep!!!!! Now send that to the NAACP!! You are an idiot if you think he does not support Rev W.’s views!!!!!!!! And your a bigger IDIOT if you think he is not a racist!! OBAMA AND HIS WIFE!! No sitting on the fence here:):):) Go Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. YOU DAWG ON RIGHT I HOLD OBAMA ACCOUNTABLE WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SOMEONE HE WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL WITH WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A MINISTER HE SUPPORTED FOR YEARS AND IT GOES DEEPER THAT THAT. OBAMA KNOWS GOOD AND WELL WHAT REV W VIEWS WERE !!!!! HE JUST THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER SURFACE AND I BELIEVE HE WITH DREW HIS SUPPORT ONLY TO GAIN TRUST BACK HOPEFULLY BUT MOST PEOPLE ARE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER :)Get the COB WEBS OUT OF YOUR VISION. I was taught you are known by the company you keep. It is very important to only associate with and support people that you would bring your true character to light. So you do not think who you support factors in the character of who you are????????????? Give me another break!

  19. Having a love for your country and believing that your country is perfect are two different things. For those who believe this country is perfect, I would suggest that you are infatuated with your country and not in love with it. When someone is infatuated with someone they see that person as having no flaws–they can do no wrong. Once you move beyond that stage toward love, you start to see the flaws the other person has, but you love them anyway. America is not perfect, our leaders have done many things that are not consistent with the ideals and principles America was founded on, but it is exactly our ideals and principles of freedom, equality, and democracy that makes our country great.
    When our government is not living up to these ideals, it is our patriotic duty to put the people in office that will. Patriotism is not about waving a flag, or wearing a flag pin on your lapel, or putting a bumper sticker on your car. Real Patriotism is about ACTION, not words–it means that you are willing to serve your country in some way–protect her by putting your life on the line (military service), working in the government, or some other kind of service and by performing your civic duty to make sure that the people in office are actually doing the actions that uphold America’s core principles, because that’s what America is.
    Can anyone honestly believe that someone who is running as a Presidential candidate, the highest position in our government, does not have a love for this country? This is not a very coherent position, in my opinion. In fact, it is one of the highest forms of Patriotism, it is a deep commitment of service and I cannot imagine questioning the Patriotism of any Presidential candidate, even those I do not agree with politically.
    What exactly are ‘the views’ that Rev. Wright has that are so ‘anti-American’, whatever that means? Some of his most controversial statements have come from a frustration that America is not upholding these ideals that make her great, there are times that the government has done some very bad things–drove the American Indians from their lands, civil inequalities that eventually led up to the civil rights movement, and many others that continue today. This is the core of where he is coming from–he is saying that God cannot bless this country when it acts in a way inconsistent with our own moral principles–in fact God condemns (‘damns’) these immoral actions. This concept, of course, doesn’t come across when a small snippet is taken out of the entire sermon, out of its context. I personally do not agree with the way he has expressed these ideas because I think he was divisive and many of his ideas I believe are overly cynical and are wrong. He clearly has flaws. On the other hand, Rev. Wright served in the Marines and in the Navy– he was also a part of a medical team that cared for President Lyndon B Johnson, and has devoted his life to serving the people of his local community, the black community, and the larger American community(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Wright), He has served this country by putting his life on the line for it, so I cannot judge him too harshly–but by all means feel free to judge him if you want…
    So to clarify, the part that Obama supports is the idea that America needs to stand true to the founding ideals and principles of equality and freedom. He also supports the service that his church has done over the years in helping the community, which this church has done in a big way. The part that Obama does not support are some of the other far-out ideas like the government being responisble for HIV, etc. This is why the issue is not trivially simple–there is a core of good with Rev Wright, but there are also flaws. The only thing Obama is guilty of is seeing the good in someone and trying to hold on to that.
    As for Obama being a racist–this is the most ludricrous thing I have ever heard! Obama’s father was black but his mother was white–he had grandparents that are both black and white. He and his wife have had ancestors that were both slaves and slave owners. If he is racist, then please tell me which race he is for and which he is against?

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