
Video: Sony Pictures TV’s ‘Judge Karen’

Sep 4, 2008  •  Post A Comment

On Sept. 8, Sony Pictures Television will launch its latest entry in the court show genre, introducing “Judge Karen,” with features designed to make the program stand out from the crowd.
Executive producer Rich Goldman, who also counts “Judge David Young,” “Judge Maria Lopez” and “Judge Hatchett” to his credits, notes that “Judge Karen” will roll out some firsts. In keeping with the judge’s insistence on maintaining the integrity of her show’s legal process, witnesses will be sequestered so they can’t play off each other’s testimony. Also, the show will feature telestrators, the devices that let sports announcers draw on the TV screen to illustrate a play, to help litigants make their points.

It was Judge Young who led Sony Pictures Television to Judge Karen Mills-Francis, Mr. Goldman said. Both judges served in the same jurisdiction. When Judge Young introduced the company’s executives to his colleague, they immediately took an interest.
“The first thing you have to do is find a judge that pops, and we got that with Judge Karen,” Mr. Goldman said.
Other innovations “Judge Karen” will bring to court TV include letting litigants cross-examine each other and having the judge answer audience legal questions after each show.
The show has been purchased in about 95% of U.S. television markets, according to Sony Pictures Television. Mr. Goldman said he just wrapped the production run for “Judge Karen” and recently finished a tour with Ms. Mills-Francis.
Stations are “promoting the heck” out of the show, he said.
Click here to learn more about the full slate of syndicated shows for this fall.


  1. I think that judge karen is a very cocky person.I know that she is new but what a way to respresent herself.She talks real demanding and i’m incharge attitude.I know she a judge but get real be a little understanding and don’t jump down people’s throat’s.She remind’s me of judge judy who is a real bitch of a woman.I wouldn’t want to live with either one of these women.Somtime you give a woman a little power and this is what happens.I won’t watch her show until she changes her attitude.Just my thought’s.thank you

  2. Hi,
    I’ve been watching Judge Karen for two nights now once I get home from work. Was very excited to know that her show had begun on my local network. I’m very excited by her show, I like her format and I look forward to seeing her show develop.
    Some folks also think Judge Judy is harsh, nothing wrong with a confident, self-assured woman…they have earned the right!
    Go Ladies!

  3. This is my first time seeing Judge Karen. She is a riot….just like my girl, Judge Judy. Judges really act like this in court!

  4. This show give all young Black Female’s a false positive by reinforcing the ghetto mentality.

  5. I watched Judge Karen for the first time today and I can’t even explain how much I can’t stand her. She is harsh, which, I agree is good. However, half the time she talks to people about things that have nothing to do with their case. As a matter of fact I’m watching it right now and she’s accusing a man of cheating. It has NOTHING to do with this case and it is not illegal when you’re not bound in marriage. I think she may be a great judge, but when someone is put on television like this, they take it and run.
    Let’s be real and stop putting so many obnoxious judges that just want to entertain the people watching them on television.

  6. I watched judge karen on friday. it was a show involving a lesbian whose mom ruined her credit. I thought the judge was very thoughtful and considerate. I like her personality

  7. i been watching the judge karen show since it debuted last monday i havnt missed an epesode yet. i thing judge karen is very entertaining and fair and the show is pretty funny now and then. i think its a very relaxed court room unlike judge judy that is all business. I also think the baliff chritopher gallo is perfect for the show he brings profesionlism to the show and adds some laughter to the show with his facial expresions and occasional comments. i think this show will be on for some time to come..

  8. very different from Judge Judy. I agree! She is strict and doesn’t let you interrupt or act up at all but I like it because there’s also a sense of fun and life in the courtroom. Judge JUdy is all business like the guy above said. I like Judge Judy’s style but I need a second style to watch too. All in all I think Judge Karen and Judge Judy are the best televised judges. I haven’t liked any of the other new judges I’ve seen and the former ones like Judge Joe Brown are boring and not my cup of tea either. I definitely recommend Judge Karen

  9. WOW!!! Go Judge Karen! I just ran acroos your show and I Love It! I think it’s wonderful to have a Woman that knows all law isn’t black & white, and you even know the games people play. It would be perfect if you were on right after Judge Mathis, then I can back to back Tivo you two.

  10. Please Please take her show off. She is loud, she talks to much, and talk over people.. She reminds me of Judge Mablean. And what is up with the blond hair no, no, no.
    That’s all I have to say oh! But one more thing please whoever is control of this show please cancel..

  11. I like watching Judge Karen. I think she brings a freshness to court TV. There’s nothing wrong with being a confident, strong, black woman. Besides, she has a beautiful smile.

  12. I think Judge Karen is off the hook. I love to watch her show she is rally good.

  13. I went to a taping of the show in August that was to be aired in September. They told us to call in to find out when our taping would air. I have called a dozen times—leaving 9 messages and actually talking to a live person 3 times. NO ONE has called me back with the info on when that taping date would air. Seems that after they have used you to fill a seat for their show so they can show an audience behind the litigants, they couldn’t care less about you. I won’t be going back.

  14. I think Judge Karen is a disgrace to her profession. Please tone down your hair black women do not have blond hair,your robe is a joke and too much jewelry makes you look like a clown not a professional judge I can not take you seriously do not think I will be watching your show my friend C Jones echos this Judge Karen please act and look professional.

  15. Hello people. There are many sisters that color their hair the same as Judge Karen, especially in the south. Judge Karen represents many although not all of us. Amen that a sister has made it in spite of the odds and negativity. Judge Karen, keep judging and educating immature and irresponsible minds and showing that ignorance is color blind.

  16. Anybody that says anything negative about Judge Karen needs to shut up. I think she is a very good judge. Sometimes you need to get harsh with people because they take serious cases for a joke.She has a sensitive side and a funny side that really adds to her character. She allows each side to ask direct questions. I think thats very fair. Also, she has people to ask her questions about outside experiences and she advises them according to the law on what to do.
    You go Judge Karen!!!!!

  17. Smart, funny, beautiful and got me hooked! Although there is humor, this show is no joke.
    “You ain’t no puppy, you’re a full grown dawgg”….Priceless. Love the hair!

  18. in viewing the show the third week of september in dis may a wittness was asked to step down due to a coment he made ..that judges and lawyers lie too…If court really is about the truth..that means for all..and as we all know there was some truth in that statment ..cover up does not make the facts go away…I feel his coment should have been dealt with differently..leading me to see Judge Karen works for the cover ups ..I liked her at first..but true colors come threw in ways..wrong is wrong for all..and right is right for all ..it is what it is…every thing needs to be worked on ..at all level of employment..all levels of peoples.the code is the same …and sadly broken by all..for different reasons..still same math..wrong is wrong..Thank you..

  19. it is a pleasure seeing this show the maintains
    from the bench,as well as the floor.alot of shows
    in my opinion downgrade the very people they
    have in front of them and at times don’t really listen to both sides.i have yet to get that feeling from you!it’s more of a caring feeling
    no matter what bthe outcome.keep up the good work
    and your bright personna!

  20. Hi, as a matter of fact, I had real dealings with Judge karen. Her producers are liars, they called me up to ask me about coming to her show. First of all they made it sound real good about how they will pay you but guess, what they don’t tell you that they are going to air the show on various stations. Also the producers lied to me about the show airing in my hometown to get me on there. They are liars so don’t fall for what they tell you.

  21. First I like to comment on the idiot who is “judging” Judge Karen because of what she wears and because of the color of her hair and robe. Black robes suck to begin with and many of us are fed up with black robes; they are outdated. This is a free country or a free country in the making. She can wear any kind of jewelry and color her hair. Pay attention to her reasoning skills and her abilities chick! I have watched Judge Karen 3 times. I see a very humane strategy to bring out the truth out of people. She is sharp in her reasoning and does not really trash on people. She is objective when she has to be. She is very clear about her final decision. Above all she has a very sincere closeness with people. Beyond professional, she tends to be very sweet in her approach. This does not mean that the her ultimate decision will feel sweet to the sore loser. Get it? She is professional. Why would you want a pale face,cold and rigid judge with a black robe who can’t even employ human thinking skills (and looks professional)? I recommend golden yellow robes or sky-blue or like the Dalai Lama. Black robes suck! Black robes look very nice on a dead cadaver, however.

  22. First I would like to say that Judge Karen is a Joke. She doesn’t deserve the Title Judge. From here on out she will be known as Idiot. In the 2 and only episodes i saw “Idiot” awarded punitive damages that are ridiculous. And when the State from where they are from doesn’t allow punitive damages she awards Pain and Suffering? What the Hell. $2000 dollars because her daughter didn’t go to the Prom. Ridiculous. So this is John Smith Saying that as long as “Idiot” is on T.V. John Smith will not be watching any network she is on!

  23. Oh and by the way she is an “Idiot” because all plaintiffs have to do is put on a show of crying and they get awarded their case. Stupid.


  25. I love Judge Karen. Knew her in Miami. She had the blond hair and red robethen. Her reputation was faire and down to earth and I see the reality of that in her show. With so many people having bad things to say, why do you keep watching? And coming back to this site to comment?

  26. Reply to: Stephanie McKissick-Bailey
    FYI black women can and do have “naturally” occuring BLONDE hair. ( which you misspelled) I have a cousin with NATURAL BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES. So, before you care to state your opinion so boldy attempt to educate yourself if at all possible. Black people are one of the most diverse ethnic groups on earth as far as appearance goes anyhow.

  27. As a new viewer, I am appaled at the results of 10/26/08 show. No matter what the single mother with the boy toy did or did not do with HER money. The man admitted he STOLE the money from the ATM during and after the relationship. Her bank statement and his admission was more than enough for her to recieve it back. I do not belive you dismissed this case and will not watch it EVER again. HE DID NOT HAVE PERMISSION OR AUTHORITY TO TAKE THE MONEY, SO HE STOLE IT.

  28. I like to watch the court shows that are on such as Judge Marilyn Milian, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Judy, Judge Hatchett, Judge Alex and Judge Karen. I was raised in a time when you showed respect for officials like Judges, Police, your elders, etc…and when there are litigants on these shows that disrespect the Judges, I don’t like it. BUT, on Oct. 28, 2008 as I watched Judge Karen I noticed that she showed disrespect to the Clampetts and Hillbillies. The court case was about tenants that left a LOT of garbage in the house they were sub-letting. On MULTIPLE occasions Judge Karen mentioned how the pictures reminded her of the Clampetts or Hillbillies. I take offense to that comment and feel like the Judge should apologize to those that live in areas where people are considered Hillbillies. As for the Clampetts, they lived in a MANSION and it was always clean. I think Judge Karen must have left what class she was born with at home on that day. It certainly looked like she didn’t have ANY class at all. Come on Judge, where is the apology? Is this how you think you should show leadership to those watching you? Is this the right way to teach those watching you show? What’s the next thing you will be talking about, “trailer park trash”? I don’t like that one either. Judge Karen, be a woman and stand up and apologize.

  29. I liked Judge Karen at first~until I saw the show where the black guy with the kiss tattoo on his neck stole money from the white girl who already gave him all kinds of stuff anyhow. When the woman told Judge Karen that she never gave the guy her P.I.N. and he must have gotten it peering over her shoulder at the liquor store or something, all Judge Karen cared about was what she was doing at the liquor store and blamed the woman because she drank too much. When the woman lost the case, I couldn’t believe it!! I cannot stand to watch this kind of injustice!!!!

  30. i’m with La-t & Tabitha. i loved Judge Karen the 1st couple of times i watched. i think she is a very attractive woman and seemed nice, but i can’t tolerate watching blatant unfairness like the show on 10-26-08!! the generous woman did not deserve the treatment she got from the man and then the judge slapped her in the face by ruling in favor of the horrible man who legally robbed her blind!!

  31. I am a big Judge Judy fan, and I think Judge Karen is just great!! I did not think I would think that, but Judy and Karen are the only two judges that should be on T.V

  32. artis vs. florist,bad call,unfair,call i was shocked,next time her show come on my tv go’s off

  33. i get surprised at some of her judgements, she is not anything like judge judy. karen mills, is not a fair judge, she allowed some one to win, because they lied, and she accepted the lie, therefore encouages soceity to accept liars. and she rules judgement on lies, no more judge mills, judge judy would have ruled differently, she would not encouage liars and support the lies.

  34. I just watched an episode where Judge Karen awarded $500 for rent paid to a plaintiff. The problem is that she did not ask for evidence of the payment, nor did he provide it. He lied to her. The defendant was wronged. She knows better.

  35. Hi first of all, I like that judge Karen stands out on her own and she belives in her self. What is wrong with being confident. Go on judge Karen!

  36. Judge Karen, you said that was not a think as love at first sigh, may I say you are wrong, my husband and I met on a Sunday and a week later were married and we were married for 47 years+1day he died on Oct.of 2007 and we were just as much in love as we were the first day we meet, so you see there can be love at first sigh for some but maybe not for others, he might be gone but I still love that man with all my heart and I talk to him every night. I do enjoy your show, you have a new kind of show compared to the other judges show, every one is different.



  39. Judge Karen is an awesome adjudicator. I enjoy viewing her show, and find that she is quit astute. I can appreciate her jewelry and would like to know who her supplier is.
    In addition, I agree with one of the previous comments, black people come from a diverse culture, and we do sometimes come with blond hair.
    Rock on Judge Karen

  40. I enjoy watching the judge karen show. she is knowledgeable, she is considerate, she is concern,she is no fool.You go sister with your blond hair. HOWEVER,WHAT HAPPEN TO THE PROGRAM?WAS THE PROGRAM CANCEL IN ILLINOIS? IF SO PLEASE RETURN JUDGE KAREN.

  41. Your Honor,Me personnally I think you are the bomb.That is with much respect for you.I have a question.Why don’t a Man,have the rite to said,if a child could come into this world.But a woman has the rite too abort the child or to allow it to come into this world.That’s a lot of power is’nt it ?.Sense, in order for a child to be here,it take 50% of his sperm cell and 50% of her cell,too produce a child.Should this question be answered ,before The Justice System came up with Child Support Law ? Tony Issac

  42. One word – *hideous*

  43. She’s prejudiced against men and white people…dump her azz!

  44. I love this lady. She is sooo funny, caring, and very just and fair. She loves people and she loves her job. I want JUDGE KAREN to be on forever. She is not afraid to be herself, and we need her type in this day and time. If she would ever run for President she would definitely get my vote….

  45. I’ve been watching Judge Karen for a few months now. It’s seems she doesn’t know the law nor does she have common sense. I’ve seen cases very similar to those on other judge shows and she goes the opposite way. I just had to goggle and write about the show I just watched. A couple was suing on behalf of a reupholster gone bad. She even had an “expert” witness come on. Even though the expert stated that the upholster should have had a paper with instructions (he didn’t have and didn’t call the customer before starting the job), and that the upholster did use the wrong (underside)of the fabric, Judge Karen found for the defendant. I sew, I can tell the right side from the wrong side. This man should have been able to tell, and even if some people will choose to use the wrong side it’s assumed that people will want the right side used. He used the wrong side without directions to do so and she found in his favor. He also stated that the right side of fabric should be on the inside of the bolt and that he used the outside of the bolt for the “right” side. She really needs to listen more carefully and needs to get some common sense.

  46. I can’t stand Judge Karen Mills. She is a very unfair judge, and I completely agree with ViVi who commented on 12/4/08. She does let someone win based on lies,and she’s very insulting. I know, because I was a guest on the show. She did nothing but insult me as well as my son who was my witness. Right from the start I was immediately attacked by lies from the plaintive, and then the insults from that Judge Karen. She accused me of being a bad mother, not even knowing me. She very clearly would not give me a fair chance to tell my side of the story. She just believed every lie the plaintive told. Then accused me of being liar, and even insinuated that I’ve raised a liar. Talking about “I can see the apple don’t fall too far from the tree”. BITCH! who the hell do you think you are. You don’t even know me, nor did you give the fair chance to get to know me. I didn’t go on the show just to tell a bunch of lies, which is obviously what the plaintive had in mind. There are three sides to every story. Her side, my side, and the truth. Judge Karen only believed her lies, and would not give me a fair chance to tell the truth. So there for she ruled in the plaintive’s favor in the unfair amount of $2,500. For her @*#@! she left in my garage for 2 years. Never came and got it, no matter how many times I told her to. But after telling her that I was going to throw the stuff away, if she didn’t come get it, that’s just what I did. And because it was some of her incarcerated boyfriend’s things too, then she got pissed and decided to sue me. So I said it before and I’ll say it again Judge Karen is not a fair judge and I feel that she truly owes me an apology, for the straight unnecessary, and unruly disrespect that she had shown towards me and my son. And for what? Publicity? When advertising her TV show, I don’t know why she was advertised up there with Judge Hatchet, On BET called Divas out for justice. Yeah Judge Hatchet is the one who’s really out for justice, and Judge Black Blond was just out for fame or publicity. I was told that she was taking Hatchet’s place. No, she is the wrong one for that because Judge Karen has no compassion, like Hatchet and she’s not a fair Jude period. Plus Judge Hatchet stands, and rules for what’s right, not what’s wrong. That’s why I’m very glad that her show is not going to be continuing another season. And further more as far as I’m concern a black robe worn by a Judge is an historical tradition in the honor of the Judge which symbolizes the higher power in our court system. “NOT A RED ONE”. “So who the hell is her Bitch ass to change it”. Looking like a black back of fire, with the red robe and her blond hair. PLEASE!

  47. I just got done watching Judge Karen. It is going to be the last time I watch her. She is what I believe a racist. As I watch her every day I can perdict who is going to win. I just finished watching a episode where a black woman bought a bedroom set from a white defendent. The bed broke,she spent five thousand dollars on the whole bedroom set. So Judge Karen gives her three thousand dollars to replace the bed. What a shock LOL. Of course she leaves and smiles at the plantiff. So predictible, the moment I turned it on I said he is going to lose this one. I also want to add that I think he was responsible to some extent, not three thousand dollars. So my advice to anyone who wants to settle a case in her court. If your white don’t do it,your going to lose… I don’t think there is another judge on the air that is as imcompentent as she is. My next letter will be to my local station who airs the show…..TAKE HER OFF!!!!!

    JUDGE KAREN attacked one of her guest shamelessly with juvenility. It was nothing like we see on TV. JUDGE JUDY DOES HAVE A BAD MOUTH…and people have written in to tell her she’s an idiot when she does call people “losers” just because God blessed her with a law show that the people want so badly. BUT, THE PEOPLE WANT THE LAW, the people watching want good cases that might affect their lives and they want the judge to give them the legalese (legal thinking on the matter) and the viewers like lively cases and lively litigants…BUT, the viewers want a judge that is fair (Judge Judy was definitely prejudice, and that’s for sure, and so was Judge Mathis but the public wrote in and the judges got a grip)–otherwise, viewers want the judge to be maybe funny, but kind and definitely considerate of young people, (which Judge Joe Brown has a habit of going off on, “You done had two babies and you’re only seventeen years old.”–he got my letter, I’ll tell you.) Just like Oprah, we have to “train” these people and set them in right. Most of the judges act so arrogantly it is a shame and they are earning decent salaries for their performances on TV save Judge Judy who has actually gotten rich; she earns millions a year, saying, “Do I look like I have stupid written on my forehead.” Even so, there is something far more professional about JJ than Judge Karen.
    I was highly critical of Karen’s “costume” for her show and all her bling and lipstick. She didn’t look professional but I declared I would give her a fair chance. Today, she brought out her “hoochy-momma” stick and beat a litigant over the head with it so badly I had to vent my anger so here I am. I hate to say it but it is true: black judges on TV berate black litigants like they have a license to do it especially. It is a shame.
    Within 5mins. (in court, mind you, where people go to tell tall stories and hope to get away with it) a young woman claimed her mother makes a difference between her and her sister. Judge Karen went on the charge and berated the mother in favor of the daughter before her until her tongue got tired. Karen brought up her good parents and how they were always there for all her recitals…blah, blah, blah…as the whole TV audience, 200,000 viewers, looked on and couldn’t help but notice Karen in that get-up she wears on the bench and likely said what I said, “Well, it didn’t help you much Karen, you still looking for attention…big time!”
    IT IS PROBABLY AGAINST THE LAW…to invite people to your TV show and then berate them publicly. It is likely sue-able but I can’t cite a case or a judgment right now. So, I will just say it is morally, morally wrong. And so is that get-up Karen wears; it’s unprofessional and likely suggested by the producers to get ratings. Black people say, “Here come the judge!” and laugh at the clown suit.
    (It’s just a job judges…really, it is just a job, a form of livelihood. The uppity-ness and arrogance is not necessary. It is just a job.)
    –Margaret Opine

  49. Something is definitely wrong with you Margaret!

  50. I absolutely love Judge Karen. I think she is firm but fair, unlike Judge Judy who is mainly firm. She gives sound advice and brings a freshness to court tv. She does things that other judges haven’t done. For instance, I just watched her replay the tape to catch a plaintiff in a lie. I like her look and she does not have to conform to what others believe a judge should look like.
    I am dissapppointed that they are canceling her show, I think she deserves another season.

  51. I absolutely love Judge Karen. I think she is firm but fair, unlike Judge Judy who is mainly firm. She gives sound advice and brings a freshness to court tv. She does things that other judges haven’t done. For instance, I just watched her replay the tape to catch a plaintiff in a lie. I like her look and she does not have to conform to what others believe a judge should look like.
    I am dissapppointed that they are canceling her show, I think she deserves another season.

  52. Judge Karen show is ok……I was viewing one of her episodes on May 15th,she was so angry at the defendant(a black man)she said,” all men are dogs”meanwhile her baliff is a white male.
    How would she have felt if someone said all women are bitches or whores.
    I do agree that some men give us a bad name but do not label all men the same and being a black person I am sure you are familiar with being labeled.

  53. As a person, I really really like Judge Karen. I love her personality…she keeps the courtroom as a calming atmosphere and tries to throw in comic relief where appropriate to make litigants and witnesses feel comfortable. Her statements are catchy, and they can conform to the black stereotype, but nonetheless they have meaning behind them. Something I love to see on her show is that she really really cares, just like Judge Hatchett does. She even asks, “You’re suing your daughter??” — Judge Judy does not do this..Judy gets right to the point and handles cases directly on a legal standpoint. Karen cares and tries to go beyond just the money being sued for, especially in family or relationship type cases.
    Although I do find her really lively, entertaining, and a good-natured person, sometimes her judgments can be iffy. THere are plenty that I flat out agree with and ones that probably ANYONE would agree with, but it’s not always the case. I may be wrong, but sometimes I find that she can be a bit sexist and have a rather negative attitude towards men sometimes, about how men are dogs and “it all depends on the breed” – and i find that most of the cases on TV that involve a woman suing a man, she sides with the woman the whole time and awards her the full judgment. I admire Judge Judy as a judge for this because I find her very neutral and goes where the evidence leads her. JUDGE JUDY KNOWS WHEN YOU ARE LYING…she’s very talented at that… I find Judge Karen weak at this, and sometimes falls for lies.
    ANd one last thing….. I really dont see the big deal about her apparel. It’s what she wants to wear and she feels proud and professional wearing it, then so be it. If you lose a case from her, blaming her appearance doesn’t really justify your opinion of her ruling and her as a judge.
    but nonetheless, really good-natured person =)

  54. I think Judge Karen made the worst decision I have ever heard.
    The show was about a “Flea Market” artist the had a $60.00 painting that sold for $700.00 and Judge Karen gave her $3,000.00 for the painting because they stroe that sold it took to long to pay her and did not give her a receipt.
    All of this for bad record keeping. That was way ould of line.

  55. I just learned today that Judge Karen Mills-Francis show will not be renewed, a decision made January of this year.
    Personally I found Judge Karen to be one of the finest Judges on television. She is straightforward, honest and unlike Judge Milian, she listens before she speaks. Neither does she scream all over folks as they are speaking and making their points. Judge Milian does this all of the time and it seems to bother no one, instead she is described as ‘firey’. While I like Judge Milian’s decisions most of the times, I despise her antics.
    I know that Judge Karen may offend people who are not looking behind the ‘stereotypical black female look’ she has, to put it short, ghettoness. She is far, far from ghetto both in her demeanor and in her personal life. She’s simply real and strong-willed. People who speak on her as harsh, high-handed, brash or ghetto are the very folks that are afraid to confront themselves in the mirror and are willing to put quanity before quality every, single time.
    I find her compassionate and has excellent ability to see through to the truth. I will miss that lady and probably will reduce my Judge show viewing down to Mathis, another overrated Judge.
    I will miss Judge Karen’s subtle sense of humor, her sharpness, her chastizing and her decisions which I have found to be quite fair. I hope to see her again.

  56. I just learned today that Judge Karen Mills-Francis show will not be renewed, a decision made January of this year.
    Personally I found Judge Karen to be one of the finest Judges on television. She is straightforward, honest and unlike Judge Milian, she listens before she speaks. Neither does she scream all over folks as they are speaking and making their points. Judge Milian does this all of the time and it seems to bother no one, instead she is described as ‘firey’. While I like Judge Milian’s decisions most of the times, I despise her antics.
    I know that Judge Karen may offend people who are not looking behind the ‘stereotypical black female look’ she has, to put it short, ghettoness. She is far, far from ghetto both in her demeanor and in her personal life. She’s simply real and strong-willed. People who speak on her as harsh, high-handed, brash or ghetto are the very folks that are afraid to confront themselves in the mirror and are willing to put quanity before quality every, single time.
    I find her compassionate and has excellent ability to see through to the truth. I will miss that lady and probably will reduce my Judge show viewing down to Mathis, another overrated Judge.
    I will miss Judge Karen’s subtle sense of humor, her sharpness, her chastizing and her decisions which I have found to be quite fair. I hope to see her again.

  57. It’s a little late to reply but you nailed it. I wrote a comment today because I’m newly aware of the show’s cancellation. I found Judge Karen to be refreshing and down to earth. To be honest, the folks that are trashing her on her looks are the very same people who are afraid to express themselves to mainstream. Folks have been coloring their hair since the Biblical days and
    for people to take offense to her jewelry and make-up and robe color is absolutely outrageous. Are peoople that afraid of change? Besides all of that, Judge Karen is very perceptive and intelligent. I don’t like many of the Judge shows but I always admired her approach to people. She insists that folk look her in her eye (the same way my father felt about potential liars) and she does, in my opinion, a balanced judgement which may not always be sugar and spice. She has a quick but dry wit too. Folks big mouths and dislike for her helped her get cancelled but it’s okay. She can hold her own. Bless her.

  58. On August 26 2009 the case involving the guy that said the women was her sugardaddy, she showed evidence that money was beening withdrawn from her account, why would she just turn the atm over to him? You know in your heart he took advantage her and yet you let him get by scott free. Do you think she owed him a living? Come on you were wrong and you know it. Shame on you for abusing your privledge to sit on the bench and it is a privledge not an intitlement. Public servants have an obligation to do whats right! You have just made others think they could get by with it too. I guess thats good for your business, right? Truly Disappointed Roy.

  59. “Everything must change,but some things remain the same”.A judge is someone who should be respected and fair. Judge Karen did not show me that ,and her wardrobe and hair choices did not help. I am NOT judging her.At times she did not act like a fair judge to me. I stopped watching.I had a friend who lost her job and was overweight,went to job reentry program and was told she already had one strike against her her weight and was advised to “tone” her hair down she did said it was the best advice she got and she got a job with the state and is retiring next month. Different strokes for different folks. As for me I do tend to be a little OF and I personally would respect a judge with a more toned downed attitude and wardrobe including choice of hair color.

  60. I am not an idiot and i am not judging her It is MY OPINION that she looks like a clown and judges unfairly sometimes really talks off the wall ,not like a JUDGE.

  61. I just found out Judge Karen was cancelled. I was flicking the remote looking for her. What happen? I thought she was good. She surely was different and a breath of fresh air to look at. She was calling it like she seen it and you know she was for real. Must have it home with you.

  62. I think there were plenty of other court shows that should have been cancelled before Judge Karen’s court show. Judge Karen’s show was not as entertaining as Judge Greg Mathis court show, or Judge Judy’s court show…but was better than some of the other boring court shows.

  63. I miss watching judge karen x2 everyday! I’ve now learned that her show has been purchased by a network; that’s not available with the dish network stations
    that i subscribe too! I’m so sad and disappointed that i can no longer see her program! It seems i need to pay additional money to tune in! she is definately worth it, but i just cannot afford it right now. I wish her the best in her continued court programming ; but i sure do miss her making lier’s and bad people realize their mistakes, just how obvious they really are!

  64. I miss watching judge karen x2 everyday! I’ve now learned that her show has been purchased by a network; that’s not available with the dish network stations
    that i subscribe too! I’m so sad and disappointed that i can no longer see her program! It seems i need to pay additional money to tune in! she is definately worth it, but i just cannot afford it right now. I wish her the best in her continued court programming ; but i sure do miss her making lier’s and bad people realize their mistakes,and just how obvious they really are!

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  66. Wonderful to read!

  67. Great post!

  68. Great post!

  69. Good post, thanks

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  74. Wonderful to read!

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  76. I’m not really resentful, jealous, bitter, or distressed enough on that topic to detail lots regrettably i’ve got a problem with hollywood super stars.

  77. Just read the story about this pig calling the Delaware Senate candidate a “whore”. Wow. What a pig this Karen bitch is. Never watched her show and never will. You producers must be very proud of her this morning.


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  85. Love the blog here. Nice colors. I am definitely staying tuned to this one. Hope to see more.

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  87. Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy.

  88. I agree with your thoughts here and I really love your blog! I’ve bookmarked it so that I can come back & read more in the future.

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  94. I agree with your thoughts here and I really love your blog! I’ve bookmarked it so that I can come back & read more in the future.

  95. Keep focusing on your blog. I love how we can all express our feelings. This is an extremely nice blog here 🙂

  96. I really loved Judge Karen,s show until they started the mindless texting….sometimes it even blocks the people’s faces..PLEASE…stop the texting!!!!Thank you..Barb

  97. Interesting layout on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and also I will be back to read more in the future.

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