
MSNBC Unveils New ‘Rachel Maddow’ Web Site

Oct 29, 2008  •  Post A Comment

MSNBC and msnbc.com have launched a new Web site for “The Rachel Maddow Show” at www.rachel.msnbc.com.
Visitors to the site can watch “The Rachel Maddow Show” on any platform whenever they want, embed segments into their own Web sites and explore podcasts of full broadcasts. Viewers can interact with Ms. Maddow through msnbc.com’s social media news site Newsvine and on the show’s Twitter page.
The site will also include the special features “Talk Me Down,” in which Ms. Maddow invites a guest to talk her down about a troubling news development, and “It’s Pat,” featuring video and commentary from MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan.
“Our TV show is really just the one-hour tip of a 24-hour iceberg. Like our viewers, we’re always thinking and talking about the news. msnbc.com gives us a perfect platform by which we can engage the audience while we get ready for our turn on TV,” Bill Wolff, executive producer of “The Rachel Maddow Show” and vice president of prime-time programming for MSNBC, said in a statement.



  2. Rachel, as you know by her ratings, is awesome.
    Please, please quit dressing her off the rack…her suits Do Not Fit properly.
    She is a drop dead gorgeous woman worthy of better.
    No doubt it will increase her ratings to dress her in a manner that will set her apart from all the rest…it can be business chic or whatever suits her best, but again, do her and yourselves justice, spend a little, huh!
    a devoted fan,
    M. Diane


  4. Christine,
    I believe you have that backward. The morale of the country is based upon positive actions of our leaders, not free speech. The more McCain rants and runs a nasty campaign, the more morale will be affected.
    Thanks for watching Rachel!

  5. My husband turned me on to your show and I am enjoying it. I am in the Florida area. Where will your interview with Senator Obama take place. Looking for a photo opportunity.
    Gladys Andrews

  6. Talk ME down.
    Are the latest incursions into foreign countries by the Bush administration designed to precipitate an international incident prior to the election as a way of giving McCain the boost that he needs?
    Will there be more right up to election day?
    Am I just being paranoid or…

  7. Talk ME down.
    Are the latest incursions into foreign countries by the Bush administration designed to precipitate an international incident prior to the election as a way of giving McCain the boost that he needs?
    Will there be more right up to election day?
    Am I just being paranoid or…

  8. Love your show. What will I do after election is over? I will keep watching, there is always something happening. I have read that Todd Palin advises his wife on some issues, so if she and McCain win, will we get a first dude and a dudey in the White House?

  9. Rachel,
    Can you please ask Obama later why he doesn’t dispute the revisited and ugly allegations that he is anti-semitic, a member of the PLO and a hater of Israel? The elderly are scared out of their wits of him…Thanx.

  10. It sounds like McCain and company has plans to try to STEAL the election at the election centers,( with their people place in SPECIAL position to do what ever it takes to steal the election) Did that happen with in 2000 and 2004? If the GOP can lie the way they do on television, it seems that they will LIE, STEAL, BEG OR DO BODY HARM TO ANY ONE THAT GETS IN THEIR WAY. NOTHING is BELOW or ABOVE them. It appears that McCain and Palin will do anything just to get elected. It seems winning is everything to them. They appear to want to walk all over anyone and any thing just to get elected. They make up lie after lie. Palin only seems to care about her self and how popular she is. What experiences does McCain have in being Prsident of the United States? He talks like he has some presidential experiences. Please thank him for serving in the Military. We all thank him so very much. My brother was also a Vietnam Veteran and I am so very proud of him. Being a prison of war does not automatically make you qualified to be the Prsident of the United States. I will Palin go back to Ak and I hope we never hear from her and her drama family again.

  11. PALIN :
    # 1. Everytime I see Palin at a rally she has had her children with her. I really don’t thing the childred should be drug around like that just for her political gain. It has to be very tiring to them. Is that good judgement for that baby and the other children.
    Also She (PALIN) keeps saying she has a son in Iraq fighting for us. I want to know if he is indeed in Iraq or is he still in training in the U.S. preparing to go.
    Thank you


  13. Hi Rachel. I`m Harry the plumber, have been in the plumbers union in Stockton,Modesto Local 492. now 442 for 50 years. I Purchased our own plumbing business in 1986.I am very ofended by Joe the plumber. The man is not a plumber, he is a nonunion,unlicensed handyman. Why has nobody from our United Association and the Obama campaign picked up on this fact?
    Our business is in the worst condition it has ever been, no work and no calls.I can`t wait for Obama to take over for Bush and turn our country around.
    What plans does Obama have to assist our big businesses to return to America, and put our people back to work. My wife and I really enjoy your show. keep up the great work. Harry and Kay williams

  14. She dresses like Hiliary..suits only(masculine ) …This is a very limited thinking ,poorly dressed,obnoxious opinionated ,shortsighted person. When McCain wins i will laugh and laugh and laugh…what will she have to say then……… She and Keith will have egg on their face and nothing to lie about

  15. Rachel-Love your new show. By the way, why are Palin’s childred on the campain trail with her and NOT in school? Also, who is the blonde “boom shell” (no not Cindy) that stands behind McCain at his rallies?

  16. Rachel… I kept wanting to write you a note about the name of your station “The place for politics”! I love the name, love you and your show, watch Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews every day, too, but I wanted to give you knowledge that I learned while I served on the Democratic National Committee for 8 years from Kansas. “Politics is Peopletics”! That was my battle cry for everyone who ever wanted to say a bad word about politics. I’ve used it in many speeches for the campaigns I’ve managed (14 years for one of my best friends who ran for the legislature and last night we just elected the youngest legislator in Kansas to replace him…Sean Gatewood). My husband was getting out the vote until the last minute yesterday (I’m in a wheel chair making a comeback from two years of surgery). Anyway, I’ve made lots of contributions to my wonderful city of Topeka: managed the first woman elected for Mayor’s campaign who is now our Secretary of Revenue; managed the campaign for the first hispanic elected to our City Council; etc., etc. Good luck to you in your new show and I’ve been telling everyone to tune in and they agree with me…you’re the greatest!

  17. I have been listening to you for a very long time. When David Bender (sp or hearing maybe wrong here) called you the hardest working person in radio I was intrigued. I’d long given up on talk radio, because it had just gotten to be “talking points” roted and canned and served up too generously.
    Life in war time, Veterans issues, the underbelly are fond favorites, but can you please bring back kent Jones everyday huh huh huh…and more Dr Maddow please :)i have yet to win anything from your desk!!
    ok that’s the good stuff…now…i really need to comment on the commentators…
    President Elect Obama…what egg on who’s face? go ahead..laugh..but wipe that runny stuff off your face first
    If there was any doubt in Obama’s judgement and ability to pick good people to surround himself with, just look at his campaign. 22 months from nearly a no one to a big someone. Millions of people country and world wide staring in any camera with HOPE and JOY in their eyes.
    In almost 8 yrs we’ve watched a bunch of seasoned and experienced (insert any and all expletives) lead ((that experience thing you know))our nation to deficits in anything financial, medi(cough)care part bdc…etc, two wars, gas and energy crisis, and buy our supreme court. SOOOO if that is what experience gets you, you definitely need to come over to the side of change. you aint got much left anyway…look up …smile through that egg on your face, go ahead it wont hurt one bit..chang is coming to america

  18. we really enjoy your show!i recieved an e-mail from my mother in law from Florida,about the golden fleece plan.It goes into detail about congressmen and senators not paying into social security or recievening benefits!they continue to draw there salerys and there spouses do too!costing us millions a year!for people who are sypose to be civil servents,for the people,i find it hard to believe this could be true!i would be glad to forward the info!with social security at risk for so many maybe someone should bring this info to the people and our new hope in goverment,i think if this is true millions could be saved just by being fair to oneanother in our golden years!

  19. Dear Rachael,
    When my 4 children were young…they are now in their 40’s…I posted the following note by each
    phone..you know how kids love to “CHATTER” ….
    Small minds…talk about people!
    Average minds…talk about…events!
    Jack Youngman
    Ps..Give Keith a copy….

  20. without you I could never have made it thru the 2 terms of Bush. Excellent work for thinking people.Now things to do for the new president is simple. Try to get rid of at least two supreme court justices. (You know who they are)Restore at least two constitutional rights. (you know what they are)close the training camp for terrorists and get rid of that bay place that starts with a G. Just one more thing,thinking people pay taxes because it makes it possible to live in a civilized society where a 13 year old girl is not stoned to death when she is raped. Thinking people will be watching.

  21. Hi Rachel — Thanks for being there! We appreciate your work to bring us insight. The article in the Carolina Journal, Nov. 4, is quickly being spread via email. Is there any truth to it at all? The whole story didn’t fit.
    Thank you,
    Morgonn Bryant
    By Karen McMahan
    November 04, 2008
    RALEIGH — Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts — including 401(k)s and IRAs — and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration.

  22. great note from jack on small mionds…

  23. Love your show. Do you think if everyone stopped talking about Gov. Palin she would just go away? I heard her referred to as a “political celebrity.” Celebrity status does not a stateswoman make. To think that she might have any chance to govern on a national level frightens me to my very core.
    Again, keep up the good work.

  24. Note to Sherry: RE: Golden Fleece Plan
    My mom heard/read the same things so she’s my only source. Also, she heard that it costs 1 mil to fire up Air Force One. When mamma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.
    Still trying to find info – maybe Rachel can.

  25. Rachael, please demonstrate some wisdom and STOP referring to George Bush & Dick Cheney as “President George Bush” & “Vice-President Cheney” respectively as you did repeatedly this evening. NEITHER man has been elected to those positions. The only title they deserve in front of their birth names is “Usurper.”
    I expect more accuracy from someone as highly touted as you are and how ubiquitous you are in the media. You have power when you have media access. Why not use it for good, rather than misinforming people who did not know what planned misdeeds by Bush & Co. derailed both the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

  26. Rachel,
    Love your show. Very informative and straight forward. But I would love to see you dress in something other than the low cut blouses and black jackets. I know everyone has their own style, and I would like to see you upgrade yours just a little bit. I notice that when you have mascara on, your lashes are enourmous!!! You should wear it more often.
    Keep up the good work, I will keep watching, no matter what you wear. Please do not take offense to my comments, just my opinion.

  27. November 12
    Rachel: “victuals” is pronounced “vittles”.

  28. Rachel,
    Please get in the Obama camp and let him be an example to you! Stop the hate for Hillary already. If Obama can forgive Joe Liebermann, of course he is going to move forward and not let primary politics influence his very important cabinet positions. You are doing this country a disservice by bringing up all the old primary stuff. Let’s all get behind Obama and make this a better world. I was for Hillary and like Bill and Hillary I voted without reservations for Obama and now only wish him well. Let’s start the peace process right here in our country first. It’s bad enough prop. 8 pasted in my state of California, that’s the hate we really need to work on!
    Enjoy you show.
    Linda Reddy

  29. Rachel please call or email me, I need your help,
    This is not a crank message, I can be reached at
    919-772-6119, I’am sure this will be of intrest to you.

  30. Rachel please call or email me, I need your help,
    This is not a crank message, I can be reached at
    919-772-6119, I’am sure this will be of intrest to you.

  31. Hi Rachel,
    I just finished reading The Dark Side. What a scary book. It’s really hard to fall to sleep after reading it. Anyway, is Obama going to purge the White House of Addington and others who helped Cheney undo the Constitution?

  32. ms maddow you were talking about the uaw tonight and the repubs are telling a lot of lies about us. Someone made the statement that uaw workers get 120 days vacation, we actually get 120 hrs for 20 years service and that is all we get for the rest of your service.

  33. Rachel: I watch your show every night. Love it.
    So its two hours of first Keith then you.
    Blogojovich is getting just like the OJ affair used to be: very tiresome and boring: the same thing all the time, constantly. Whatever I turn on, 24/7, there Blogojovich is again. He’s done badly wrong but none of them can ever touch Bush with the immense harm he’s done. No comparison. As always, Democrats aren’t standing up to him.
    Isn’t this news?
    We absolutely should be bringing charges, investigations of Bush. He and Republicans are still the enemy, if we have to have one.
    Jim Stiles

  34. Rachel,
    I think you are changing your show from being balanced to just providing misleading information. I had watched you, but you are not meeting my expectations.
    (1) Americans own more stock in “foreign” auto companies than the Big3;
    (2) GM has about 2/3 of their sales and all of their profits outside of the U.S.;
    (3) If you look at the plans TURNED in by the auto companies, they involved massive job cuts;
    (4) When you talked about Tennessee, you showed only the Nissan plant, when SATURN is headquartered there which you failed to mention;
    (5) GM has about 500,000 “retirees” (some of whom are in their 40’s based on their 30 years and retire program) and what you failed to mention is the subsidy money is going to pay for these “retirees” when no one else in America working for bankrupt companies get the same treatment. Why should they get “special” treatment simply because someone unrelated to tax payers created this crazy agreement.
    You need to check your facts, or get better researchers.

  35. Keith used to be my favorite, but now you are…my mother adores you and not just because you remind her of my girlfriend. I was however, a little disappointed when you covered the new rules by Bush and Cheney making birth control,etc. more difficult by giving anyone in the health care business the right to deny assistance but you didn’t say anything about how they are doing the same thing internationally with USAIDs. You probably recall Tobias, he resigned when he was outed for being on the DC Madam’s list AND he was demanding the clinics around the globe sign a pledge to be against prostitution in order to receive funding. Mr ToBuyAss and Mr Madeoff are men who have lived up to their names and made the world a worse place to live…and I thank you for making their lives more difficult but I think we can do much more!

  36. As a confirmed progressive from yesteryear, I became enamored with your presentations and camera presence when you first began your MSNBC with Olberman. And it only grew once you had your own show.
    Obviously I’m not alone, looking at your rating, and I wish you continued success.
    Now here is the bad part. I about swallowed my teeth when I heard you say that Israel’s actions against Gaza was justified because of the ‘unprovoked’ by the Palestinians.
    Rachael, you couldn’t be more wrong. I would hazard a guess that outside of serious Zionists, over the top conservatives and the ignorant 90%+ of the world’s literate are astonished, appalled and incensed with Israeli’s barbaric and inhumane premeditated targeting of innocent civilians.
    I regret to say, that if you continue with the line of reasoning(?) you will be bombarded with similar irate fans and lose an untold amount of viewership and respect.
    eddie stinson

  37. Your show sets a benchmark for journalists. What a blessing !
    Though I have searched carefully, I have never seen any mention of who was at Blair House so that the first family was preempted. Can you tell us? Was that just another G.O.P. payback ?
    Why wasn’t there a hue and cry ? A petty gesture but so typical. When are they going to grow up?

  38. Your show sets a benchmark for journalists. What a blessing !
    Though I have searched carefully, I have never seen any mention of who was at Blair House so that the first family was preempted. Can you tell us? Was that just another G.O.P. payback ?
    Why wasn’t there a hue and cry ? A petty gesture but so typical. When are they going to grow up?

  39. i am 65 years old been round the world done every thing a man could do before i was 21 but never in my life time have i ever seen some one as full of the most useless information as you and keith oberman .there has got to be a spot resurved for you two tucked away way back into the corner of hell. along with all of your brain dead demos

  40. Dear Rachel
    Thought you might like to have this item under your hat for future news. I was delighted with the Rep selection of Michael Steele as the RNC head honcho. Being from the Cleveland area and old enough to have witnessed the life story of Donald King here in Ohio, it’s wonderful knowing that Donald King financially backed Mr Steele’s run for MD AJ….Donald King’s colorful background makes OJ Simpson look like a choir boy!
    Just Google him and get an education: all this juicy material opens one’s eyes to the VALUE ORIENTED REPUBLICAN PARTY. All these yrs that right wing media have been attaching Obama to W Ayles & Rev Wright and the Clintons to every seedy money grabbing issue & impeachment of Clinton D/T Monica. Hope you can use this.
    Joann Klonaris

  41. RACHEL,

  42. I adore you..such a wonderful contrast to past fear based blather…I would hope you might explore comments by Schlimbaugh that …”the wealthy republicans don’t…like being associated in any way with joe 6pak or the nascar crowd…” that being the major reason for dissention in the GOP…going down that path of exploration could only be tooooomuch fun.

  43. Hi Rachel, I watch your show all the time.I just wanted to give you something to think about. The Reoublicans were complaining about the hugh pile of papers that they were to read about Pres. Obama’s stimulus plan and said they couldn’t read it in such a short time. Now, if they were so educated, why didn’t they just split the pile between all of them and each one could read them in a short time and discuss their opionions, which could have all been done in less than a day. Please do not use my name but you can use California if you are eplying to this article. Thanks and keep up the good work. God Bless

  44. Do you have the guts to discuss President Obama’s Civilian Security Force? Does the stimulus program provide money for this purpose? If so, what type of force would this be, what powers would it have, who would grant the power, what laws would govern such a force, who would be in charge of this force, to whom would they answer? Is such a force legal under our Constitution? With all the serious situations that the President says demands our immediate attention the press seems to ignore the issue of a national police force. I hope this willnot be imposed under the radar. Can you or your news media shed some light on this?

  45. Love your show. You are “real” and tell it like it is. You also do it with humor. What more could we want? Keep up the good work.

  46. Hi Rachel,
    I admire and appreciate all the research you put into gathering the information for your porgram. The details you gather are outstanding.
    The one area evident to me is when you begin to speak about gay rights. The anger shows on your face and in your voice. I think you are coming from a personal perspective without considering the gigantic task Obama has on his hands.
    What makes you think that he should jump on the gay rights agenda when there are hungry children, aged people without health care, homeless people and unemployed waiting for relief.
    Why are you so impatient? With your intelligence why do you discredit him because he has not rushed to your aid when your problem has existed for centuries. Why can’t you give him time to fulfill his promise? No one else has come close to giving you rights in the past. You are in a position to help with the cause by encouraging words instead of streaming the worse photos you could find of Obama’s face across the screen. You didn’t do yourself any favors by doing that.
    I have watched you from the very first show on MSNBC and complimented most everything you have said and done but this “gay rights” thing is starting to get under my skin. Stop the pressure and criticism and give the President a chance.
    81 year old psychologist.

  47. Hi Rachel, I live in Reno NV and I was just wondering why nobody mentions the fact that John Ensign (like our governor) ran his campaign on family values, then he cheats (as did our governor). These are the people that want to regulate our options? Well I am getting pretty sick of these dirtbags calling out everyone else then doing the same thing.


  49. Congrats on MrPat one & two.

  50. iam writing you because of my great concer for the reform of health care. as a nation we in the mainstream are hurting badly for better health i have three stories i could share but we are too few to have our voices heard . these are people with very serious medical issures and cannot see a doctor because the gov. of calif has cut them off of medicaid iam one of them ialways get the impression that you have a heart for the less fortunate that is why i wrote if you care to here some horrow stories i will be glad to share them thank you

  51. Want to see again info about insurance profits from show couple days ago. what were the numbers?

  52. Rachael, You have a real talent for knowing what so many Americans really need and want. On meet the press on Sun. I just felt we need more of you to explain things to the people who are frightened about the Dick army’s out their. P.S I’m crazy obout you.

  53. Rachel, you missed a great teaching point with Dick Army. Let him out of Medicare and Social Security. Give him an annuity or lump sum but make him sign an iron clad contract where he can NEVER opt in again. He will soon discover that he has at leaast one strike against him:He is old and getting older. Medicare honors and respects seniors. Private insurance sees age as a risk to their bottom line. The same with Vets. We honor their service and give them insurance. Private insurance sees their injuries as pre-existing conditions. Dick Army is like the CEO of AIG. He doesn’t want the government until he can’t get insurance or has to pay high deductibles as he ages and gets sick and starts to go bankrupt. I bet he would use his last cent trying to find loopholes in the contract he signed with the government.

  54. Rachel, Thanks for a great show. In our fight for a public option, are there parallels to the fight for Medicare 40+ years ago? Same party in opposition as now? Same or similar legislators? (Was Teddy advocating Medicare?) Same scare tactic arguments? If so, pointing out parallels and specific arguments from then might defuse some of the scare tactics being used now. It would be hard to imagine senior health care today without Medicare. Did the legislators who opposed Medicare jump at the chance to use it for themselves and their families (or is their legislators’ health insurance even better and for life?) Keep up the good work! Veronica

  55. After listening to the Presidents speech last night I was somewhat encouraged that we may get health care reform passed. This was until the rude congressman Joe Wilson yelled out that he was a “liar”. Wow, what can we do to get back civility in this country. I am very disappointed and ashamed. The lack of respect is unbelievable and unforgiving. Many of the Senators showed disrespect with texting, faces that would stop a truck, and conduct that is not becoming even for the “compassionate conservatives”. What a crock! I enjoy your show and your wonderful mannerism’s you display on your show. It is wonderful and keep up the great work, we need you.

  56. You have been commenting on the republicans claims of voter fraud. Why don’t you point out the widespread voter fraud that occored in florida when Bush stole an election from Gore. That was the first time then the diebold problem were you vote for one person but the computor casts your vote for for the other person. This is fact not republican fiction. They even showed it on the news and told us to watch out for it. The second term was stolen in ohio. I find it hard to beleive that Demacrats don’t raise a lot more hell about this stuff. Fedral elections should be governed by fedral law.

  57. Please, Rachel, do a piece on the League of American Voters. They are running some misleading healthcare ads in ND.

  58. Dear Rachel Anne Maddow,
    I always spend my time to watch your show in MSNBC. You and Keith sincerely you are two(2) Journalists that locate between the people and the government. By watching your show Wednesday night, I realised how you know your history. you did great by talking about the little nation(Haiti).It is not the ideal moment to think about Rush, and PatThe 700 Club. They are two people who lost a few chromosomes. There is an adages french that says: “on ne jette pas les perles devant les pourceaux” Rush, Sara Palin, Pat they do not know that much. Actually Fox News become Worse by having an analyst contributor that do not even know if Africa is a continent.
    Harry Dieujuste
    A native Haitian, living in florida
    Tell Rush and Pat before talking about Haiti go to review the American History by reading about Chicago
    Thank you rachel
    My phone number is: (561)729-3920

  59. Dear Rachel Anne Maddow,
    I always spend my time to watch your show in MSNBC. You and Keith sincerely you are two(2) Journalists that locate between the people and the government. By watching your show Wednesday night, I realised how you know your history. you did great by talking about the little nation(Haiti).It is not the ideal moment to think about Rush, and PatThe 700 Club. They are two people who lost a few chromosomes. There is an adages french that says: “on ne jette pas les perles devant les pourceaux” Rush, Sara Palin, Pat they do not know that much. Actually Fox News become Worse by having an analyst contributor that do not even know if Africa is a continent.
    Harry Dieujuste
    A native Haitian, living in florida
    Tell Rush and Pat before talking about Haiti go to review the American History by reading about Chicago
    Thank you rachel
    My phone number is: (561)729-3920

  60. Rachel, If you agree with these idea’s please use your show to express them. First lets ship as many of the Katrina trailers and porta potties to Haiti as quickly as possible.. Yes, I know about the health issues but opening one windows will solve that. We all know that too many relief dollars end up in numbered bank accounts or in some despots palace. This time the U.S. should insist that the rebuilding be done by American companies who bid for the jobs. A audit done every few months say by the DOE who would conduct the bids should be a help. American workers and Haitians should work side by side in the rebuilding. I believe that’s a win win situation for both nations. I also suggest that American solar manufacturers bid to place solar collectors on every new roof built. This would be a huge boon to Haiti and a step for energy independance for the whole world to see. This could be Obama’s Marshall Plan and restore the goodwill we have lost during the last eight years. Thanks and keep up the great reporting.

  61. Rachel, If you agree with these idea’s please use your show to express them. First lets ship as many of the Katrina trailers and porta potties to Haiti as quickly as possible.. Yes, I know about the health issues but opening one windows will solve that. We all know that too many relief dollars end up in numbered bank accounts or in some despots palace. This time the U.S. should insist that the rebuilding be done by American companies who bid for the jobs. A audit done every few months say by the DOE who would conduct the bids should be a help. American workers and Haitians should work side by side in the rebuilding. I believe that’s a win win situation for both nations. I also suggest that American solar manufacturers bid to place solar collectors on every new roof built. This would be a huge boon to Haiti and a step for energy independance for the whole world to see. This could be Obama’s Marshall Plan and restore the goodwill we have lost during the last eight years. Thanks and keep up the great reporting.

  62. dear rachel i love your show i try to watch it every night
    I have heard that there is a census paper going around called rnc nail out with census what it is ia a a census document to help raise money for the gop party can you check into this for me thank you keep up the good work

  63. The insurance industry can sell in any state they want if given a license by the State to market their insurance. There is a hidden premium tax on every customer. That tax is split btween insurance co. and that state. It looks like the State can let who they want in.They are going to let in the largest companies because its more revenue. The selling over State lines is bogus

  64. folks,
    i have a 9 yr old cockatiel whom i thought was female, but now it has been determined that my mollie is a he..
    nevertheless,, from a 13 week old one until present,, he/ she still screams when ever he/she hears the “thump” music as you call it from “law & order”
    when the phone rings, he flies off pdq, but, with these few notes, he screams, even when he is sleeping,.
    thanks a bunch,
    i enjoy your show, please keep hammering way @ those liars/

  65. Beginning in automotive model year 2012, all cars sold in the United States must meet Flex Fuel capable (use Ethanol or gas).
    The Brazilian automotive ethanol model has proven itself. Brazil uses no oil. Brazil does not send money to their enemies. Brazil supports its farmers. Brazil has no oil spills.
    President Obama can mandate that all cars and trucks are flex fuel capable and thereby eliminate the oily mess that we have.
    Thank you for listening.

  66. Good post, thanks

  67. Good post, thanks

  68. Good post, thanks

  69. Good post, thanks

  70. Wonderful to read!

  71. Excellent job.

  72. Re:June 24th show:You go girl. I am a 68 y/o born again democrat. Wonderful show

  73. Great post!

  74. Great post!

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  78. Great post!

  79. Hi I justed wanted to say I have been a huge fan of Ms. Maddow ever sence I first seen her I think of her as the little sister I wish I had, keep up the excellent work Rachel you and Keith, that’s my boy two peace.

  80. Excellent job.

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  112. Ronald Reagan…One of my favorite quotes: Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.

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  130. Hi, I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your show.Everynight you say things on your show that I truly feel and wish I can say, you are so smart as far as politics go, you have made me understand alot of things I never did before, but tonight I am so upset with politics, and I really love my President and I hate the way those republicans put him down it is not right. Why don’t he stand up to them i don’t understand, I lost my job after 10 yrs working for a law fim in Nov, 2008. I am 62 and it is so hard to find work and to watch those stupid Republicans do what they are doing is terrible, why can’t they get layed off like all the millions of people, it really gets me sick. It just helps me to watch you, you talk your talk and its what alot of us are feeling so thanks thank you for being our voice maybe someone someday will help me understand politics, thanks again
    geri b

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