

How Much Video Do Netflix Customers Watch on the Streaming Service Each Day?

Sep 26, 2014  •  Post A Comment

A new estimate puts a number on how much video Netflix customers are watching on the streaming service each day. Citing the estimate from The Diffusion Group, GigaOM reports that users watch more than 90 minutes of video from the site each day on average.

Overall, the amount of streaming through Netflix has surged more than 350% during the past 10 quarters, the story adds. The estimates are based on streaming volume data issued by Netflix.

“Of course, in reality, each consumer’s data consumption may vary widely,” GigaOM notes. “Netflix performs a lot better for customers of some ISPs, and worse for others. The individual service plan as well as the type of programming viewed can also impact a user’s data consumption.”

More of the streaming is coming from Netflix’s international sites. In the third quarter of 2011, 94% of the service’s streaming hours was accounted for by U.S. customers, but that had declined to 72% by the second quarter of 2014, the piece reports.


One Comment

  1. Is it really fair to say that U.S. streaming hours have declined? Isn’t it really that International streaming hours have increased, and that is what is impacting the percentages? Netflix is still growing everywhere around the world.

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