
LA Times

To Those Not Familiar With Jorge Ramos, He Has Been Called the Spanish-Language Walter Cronkite, in the Sense That Cronkite Was Thought by Many to Be the Most Trusted Man in America. Could This Be the Downfall of a Seemingly Teflon-Protected Donald Trump?

Aug 26, 2015  •  Post A Comment

“[P]rodding Jorge Ramos, who has been called the Spanish-language Walter Cronkite, could prove dangerous for Donald Trump, who thus far has been something of a Teflon candidate,” writes Christine Mai-Duc in the Los Angeles Times.

She continues, “Here’s why: [Ramos] has anchored ‘Noticiero Univision,’ Spanish-language TV’s No.1-ranked newscast, for nearly three decades and is considered a trusted source of news. A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that among Latinos, Ramos was the second-most recognized Latino leader behind Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and other polls have shown he is one of the most trusted public figures among Latinos.

“Spanish-language news has almost the same pull as the priest in the pulpit,” Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles), told the Los Angeles Times in 2013. “And Jorge Ramos is the pope, he’s the big kahuna.”

The piece also notes, “According to recently published research, the GOP’s presidential nominee would need to win nearly half of the Latino vote to make it to the White House. (President Obama won re-election with 71% of the Latino vote).

Furthermore, “During the last presidential election cycle, Washington Monthly called Ramos the broadcaster who would most determine the outcome of the 2012 election.

Here’s a statement released Wednesday by Randy Falco, the former longtime NBC executive who is Univision’s president and CEO: “The recent treatment that Jorge Ramos received at Mr. Trump’s press conference in Iowa is beneath contempt. As a Presidential candidate, Mr. Trump is going to get tough questions from the press and has to answer them. Jorge Ramos is one of the most professional, dedicated and respected journalists I have seen or worked with in my 40 years in media. He always asks hard questions of candidates and elected officials, regardless of party or issue. Mr. Trump demonstrated complete disregard for him and for the countless Hispanics whom Jorge seeks to represent through press questions that are at the heart of the First Amendment. I remain grateful for the first-rate journalistic work that Jorge and all of his news colleagues at Univision and Fusion do to bring all points of view to the 57 million Hispanics in this country.”


  1. But Cronkite’s wife didn’t work for the Democrat frontrunner.

    • >But Cronkite’s wife didn’t work for the Democrat frontrunner.

      That’s irrelevant.

  2. “one of the most professional, dedicated and respected journalists…”???
    Why couldn’t he wait his turn instead of disrespecting the other journalists being called on? Guess he’s special… And what Doug said above.

  3. Ramos made himself look like a common disruptive protester.
    I’m no Trump fan but I thought Trump had a respectful discussion with Ramos, even though Ramos clearly stepped outside the traditional format of a press conference and attempted to make himself the center of attention. They didn’t teach him that at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism?

  4. My childhood classmate and now long time friend is an American born in NJ of Mexican parents that LEGALLY moved there just after WWII. He is the HR director for a well known electronics company. Many he works with are Hispanic. He tells me that they were embarrassed by Mr. Ramos and his rude behavior at the press conference. He also said that there is significant resentment among legal immigrants for the lawless disregard for US immigration laws by those that cross the border illegally. So if my friend is an accurate barometer (and I believe he is) Mr. Trump has nothing to worry about no matter how liberal media tries to spin this!

  5. Liberal media is giving Trump as much attention as they can, and as negative as they can. They want him as the Republican candidate because they believe he is the one person that Hilary could beat in a national election.

    • >he is the one person that Hilary could beat in a national election

      You need to look at some polls. Clinton is handily beating the GOP field.

      You also need to look at demographics. The deck is stacked against the GOP in the 2016 presidential election because they lose every ethnic group except white men. The Democrats will start with almost all the necessary 270 electoral votes because of the population heavy blue states. The Democratic candidate only needs to pick up two of the ten swing states. The GOP needs to run the table and pick up every swing state to win, which is close to impossible.

  6. Jorge Ramos did interupt and did speak out of turn. But, does anyone think Trump would have willingly chosen to answer his questions? That said, cudos to Trump for readmitting Ramos and taking his questions even if it was probably after realizing it was a mistake to have him escorted out.

    • No one could ever imagine Jim Mc Greevey being so inamhun, he will always be someone who will sell his soul for profit. I personally am appalled not at the fact he is gay but because of his lack of love and concern for his children. His daughter Jacqueline will one day understand while her mother was giving birth ( in a difficult pregnancy) her so called father was being unfaithful to her mother. McGreevy could have spared his wife and children those sordid details and not made them public. Once again this selfish little man needed to implement his power even if it is only in print.Based on these facts alone he is a low life, selfish, little degenerate man.

  7. Don’t think anyone should dishonor Mr. Cronkite’s memory. Cronkite always asked fair, tough questions. Never let his biases conflict with his journalistic integrity.

    Not sure Mr. Ramos knows what journalistic integrity looks like.

  8. Perhaps he is the same as Cronkite, as they’re both advocates of a particular point of view masquerading as objective journalists.

    Ramos is an unapologetic advocate of an open border with Mexico and Cronkite advocates for the end of the Vietnam War – neither points of view that should have ever been known about either had they truly been unbiased news people rather than hosts of commentaries.

    • the guy had ZERO chance from the get go, slcirtty due to where he was from.CARY, NC- the locals like to joke that CARY stands for Containment Area for Relocated Yankees I guess theres a kernel of truth in every insult.But its interesting to note the visceral reaction to relocated Northerners. Its like, you’ve screwed up your State, why are you down here? But there is a flip side to this and maybe we (the NJ voters) will start to figure it out.Maybe if our Congressional representatives would get off there collective duffs, and start pressing for more Federal dollars, OUR tax dollars wouldn’t be going South to subsidize their standard of living.Why the NJ contingent cannot get signifigant transportation dollars is beyond me. But boy those good ol’ hayseeds representing the South can sure bring the bacon home for road projects, and military base realignments. Meanwhile, our Senator is getting involved in Puerto Rican politics .where are his PRIORITIES?NJTXPR 4

  9. Peyser (above) asserts McDing-a-Ling’s exit from oifcfe was a cynical ploy.I submit that his grab for the governship was equally as cynical.I often recall candidate McLowlife’s slap in the face to voters -when he hid behind his pregnant wife, refusing to answer reporter’s questions.That alone was a huge red flag as to this individual’s duplicity and the dark secrets he was keeping from the citizenry.A decent candidate who had nothing to hide would not have evaded reporters.The evil he put New Jerseyans can never be forgotten starting with Kushner, Cipel, through the numerous appointees who looted and pillaged our tax assets, and ending with his deceitful exit from oifcfe.It’s an outrage that this visceral liar now presents himself as a victim, and is using his deceptive deeds as a way to profit himself.

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