

Viacom’s Redstone Wins Round in Court

Dec 22, 2015  •  Post A Comment

A judge ruled Monday that Viacom and CBS Corp. Chairman Sumner Redstone, who is the focus of a lawsuit filed by his former girlfriend, does not have to undergo a medical examination in connection with the case. The AP reports that the judge did rule that two of Redstone’s doctors must provide sworn testimony to attorneys for Manuela Herzer.

“Judge David J. Cowan also stated that Redstone’s longtime attorney, Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman, may need to be deposed about his recent interactions with Redstone, but if he gives testimony it should be restricted to details about medical issues,” the report notes.

Herzer is Redstone’s former longtime girlfriend, and until recently had control of his medical care. “She was kicked out of his home in October and contends that the 92-year-old can no longer carry on conversations or make informed decisions,” the AP reports.

The report quotes Cowan’s ruling, in which he wrote: “Nobody, including Redstone, who has achieved what he has in life, deserves, through no fault of his own, to have to then suffer the indignity at his great age of being cast in an unfavorable light, against his will, when he may be not at his finest hour in this final chapter. Let him live in his home in peace.”


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