
Colbert Responds to Backlash on CBS’s ‘Late Show’

May 4, 2017  •  Post A Comment

Stephen Colbert opened Wednesday night’s monologue on CBS’s “Late Show with Stephen Colbert” with comments referencing the controversy he triggered on Monday’s show. As we reported previously, Colbert came under fire for a string of insults he hurled at Donald Trump, with one of the jokes being called homophobic.

You can watch Monday’s monologue by clicking here. The monologue sparked a #FireColbert movement on social media.

Colbert explained during Wednesday night’s monologue, “I was a little upset with Donald Trump for insulting a friend of mine,” a reference to John Dickerson of CBS News. Colbert added: “At the end of that monologue I had a few choice insults for the president in return. I don’t regret that.”

He added: “While I would do it again, I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be.”

Here’s Wednesday night’s monologue, posted by CBS …


  1. I think this story should have also included the comments of Colbert’s first guest, Jim Parsons. Parsons noted that as a gay man he didn’t see the comment at the end as homophobic at all. I guess I now live in a society where when I make a mistake and say I “screwed the pooch” I’m going to have PETA launching social media campaigns calling for my head.

    • Probably should clarify that the last sentence is my statement, not Jim Parsons although in retrospect it is funnier than I thought since Colbert and Parsons did a funny bit for adopting puppies after the interview.

  2. Colbert doesn’t need to apologize to Trump. He needs to apologize to his audience for being so crude and lacking common sense to not address his audience in such a manner.

  3. I liked Colbert when he played the idiot right wing pundit on Comedy Central. Now he’s just an idiot. Sure, Trump’s a punching bag but the late night TV hosts and their writers are showing their low level of talent by NOT writing and telling jokes about other things. I mean, even Letterman pulled the reigns back bashing Bush. There’s more to comedy than political rants. Unwatchable.

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