
Tight Rein on News in Beijing

Jul 21, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Questions remain over how much room NBC and other networks will have to cover whatever news emerges in Beijing during the Olympics, the New York Times reports. Despite early assurances of free access, Chinese officials have put strict rules in place making it tough for foreigners to get into the country and broadcast from locations including Tiananmen Square. The situation means NBC must walk a narrow line, between having NBC News seen as kowtowing to Chinese rulers, and taking actions that could damage parent company General Electric’s business interests in the country, the paper says.

One Comment

  1. Now, let’s be honest. Though having many money driven people, China IS a Totalitarian State.
    GE has many corporate investments in time and dollars to create more dollars for them in Chairman Mao’s former home.
    Will journalism and truth be forth coming?
    I don’t have the answer, but my gut tells me that all mighty profit will dictate all actions.
    Hopefully nothing “newsworthy” beyond the Olympics will occur next month in the land of billions, (people & dollars). However, if, God forbid, something unfortunate does happen, then, I fear, the world will get a lightening quick experience of Chinese rule and control as only their people have known it.
    NBC has great journalists, but I feel their hands are already tied…there just hasn’t been a reason for them to test the tethers…YET.
    Peter Bright

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