
Senator Infuriated About TV Ads That Look Like Newscasts, Asks FCC and FTC to Investigate

Jul 23, 2009  •  Post A Comment

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) is mad as hell and doesn’t want to take it anymore.

What’s gotten the Senator’s ire up are commercials that look like newscasts, B&C reports.

She wants to know why the Federal Trade Commission doesn’t tell the marketers who use this fake newscast technique "You can’t do that. You can’t pretend like you are broadcasting news when it is a paid advertisement," B&C reports.

Noting that the Federal Communications Commission has looked into this before, she will ask the FCC for an update.

Senator McCaskill articulated her complaint July 22 during a subcommittee hearing on advertising and consumer protection, B&C reported.

—Chuck Ross

One Comment

  1. This is the kind of thing that infuriates me about our elected officials. Sooner or later they let it slip out that they believe voters to be utterly stupid.
    One could only subscribe to this notion of hers if one thinks that TV viewers are mentally deficient and can’t tell the difference between a newscast and an infomercial.
    So let me clarify things.
    Real TV newscasts are interrupted by cuts to other unrelated news events being reported on, station breaks, and commercials for various products.
    The “fake newscast” infomercials are only interrupted by “commercials” pushing the very product being discussed in the “fake newscast”. No rational minded individuals are fooled by these “newscasts”.
    Except maybe our esteemed senators.

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