
O’Reilly’s Obama Interview Outdraws Olbermann’s

Sep 9, 2008  •  Post A Comment

During competing interviews with presidential hopeful Barack Obama, Bill O’Reilly’s “The O’Reilly Factor” bested Keith Olbermann’s “Countdown” by more than double the amount of viewers, while MSNBC’s premiere of “The Rachel Maddow Show” beat CNN cornerstone “Larry King Live.”
Both Mr. Olbermann and Mr. O’Reilly aired interviews with Sen. Obama (“Factor” aired its second part, while “Countdown” aired its first) Monday night at 8 p.m.
“Factor” brought in 4.6 million viewers, compared to “Countdown’s” 1.9 million.
The first part of Mr. O’Reilly’s interview with Sen. Obama on Friday, with 6.6 million viewers, marks “Factor’s” second-highest viewership level ever.
Fox News rode a massive wave of viewership during last week’s Republican National Convention, trumping the combined audience for CNN and MSNBC during prime-time hours each night of the GOP convention.
MSNBC did have something to boast about Monday, as the premiere of “The Rachel Maddow Show” at 9 p.m. Monday beat “Larry King Live” in total viewers. “Maddow” pulled in 1.5 million viewers, while “King” drove in 1.4 million.
Ms. Maddow, a radio personality on Air America, replaced “Verdict With Dan Abrams” in the 9 p.m. time slot.


  1. rachel thanks for being on msnbc with keith and chris. my tv is stuck on keith at 8pm now u, how refreshing.

  2. Do you know what would be really impressive? If MSNBC would put on a show with a conservative. You know, at least FOX has Hannity & Colmes, they TRY to argue different viewpoints. People who watch Olbermann and MSNBC have no idea how many not so nice to Obama stories they are missing, at least turn it to CNN. This is assuming not all of us have time at 6am to watch Morning Joe. How that poor man must feel at that failing network.

  3. Rachel I will watch your show every night, I love to hear you tear apart the bull crap politicians put out about their record. For the last person who posted the comment about bringing on a consertvative, my suggestion to you is, ” tune in and watch that crazy guy, Bill O’reilly. He is the command post for conservatives. We like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow shows!

  4. Keith Olbermann is so unprofessional and so biased in his political views. He made me absolutely sick at both dem. and rep. conventions. I’m thrilled that MSNBC fired him and Matthews from anchoring the rest of the elections. They’ll be able to make a comment about the elections when MSNBC pulls their chain. I also believe that Olbermann is a Bill O’Reilly wannabe!! He is so jealous and obsessed with O’Reilly, but O’Reilly gets the last laugh.

  5. When will MSNBC (NBC..) realize that the American people are tired of one-sided views and the constant attempts of trying to de-rail the Republican ticket. It gets old after awhile. FOX provides superior coverage. They at least attempt to be impartial.

  6. keith swallows.mark spitz

  7. Sounds like MSNBC and Olbermann have a lock on the retard demographic. Well done!

  8. I’m sure Hannity & Colmes must have trounced Maddow as well, since it wasn’t mentioned.

  9. But Keith will be crowing that he beat O’Reilly in the critical 181/2 to 19 year old crowd.
    Keith, go back to sports. You are OUT of your league. 1.9 million and half show up to watch you TANK.
    You USED TO BE a good sportscaster out here on KTLA. Stan Chambers is probably ashamed of you. Hal disappointed.

  10. T.L.
    Looks like you got your education at one of those school systems where the omnipresent NEA prevented terrible teachers from being terminated. The correct spelling is conservative, not consertvative, and it’s O’Reilly, not O’reilly.
    But don’t worry, when Obama’s President, he’ll get everybody a high-paying job, no matter how ignorant and uneducated they are.

  11. More Democrats watch Fox than watch MSNBC. About the same number of Dems watch Fox and CNN.

  12. Thank God for Keith and Rachel, a fresh look at reality – something the Far Right Loon/Goon Smearmeisters cannot fathom or handle.
    Read Amy’s comment just to aquaint yourself with their typical nasty MO, or Bonnie Reid.
    Just plain UnGodly eviliness.

  13. Ray Madcow’s show will pale the ratings of …..

  14. Or Ray, or Tom.
    Nasty, insulting, can’t converse without hocking that Conservative hairball.

  15. MSLSD, MSDNC, We only turn it on once and a while because we want to see what the Kool-aid drinkers will say. If you watch MSLDS every evening, then it seems like a rerun because Keith is so predictably biased and you can get the Dem side 100% of the time. If you watch Fox you have to sit through GOP, Libertarians and Independents, and authentic Dems before you get to the kool-aid drinkers and where’s the fun in that?

  16. Thea,
    If you’ll read T.L.’s commentary, I think you’ll see that conservatives don’t have a monopoly on being “nasty” and “insulting.”
    Best to you.

  17. MSNBC is a farce, with a clown and a lezzie transvestite leading the race to the ratings bottom.
    Happily, their fans, the crazy and the retarded, have come out from under their rocks to spew slime at Sarah Palin and expose themselves – whips, chains, and hair gel – to the quiet majority.
    That majority will send their effeminate candidate back to Illinois, where he can hobnob with his fellow crook Democrats in Crook County. I’m sure the inbred sons of dead Dem politicians who have left their legacy offices will be happy to see him.

  18. I can’t believe anyone would give O’Reilly any viewing time except for the racist in America. He wish he could be the man of Mr Olbermann. Mr Olbermann is fair for all races and tell the truth which, most people do not want to hear. People like O’Reilly is a disgrace to the human race. Fox News is the most racist and bais TV show on television today.

  19. O’reilly… on hy gosh… let Obama off so easy. It was quite apparent that Oreilly should have stuck to his questio and perhaps gotten the real honest to goodness answer for Mr. Obama.
    I’m not sure I can understand what Mr. Obama said.

  20. Maddow beat King, huh? I’m guessing that’s the first time she’s ever licked a man.

  21. FOX News should is known world wide as Fake News. We all know that FAKE News is not “far and balanced” and have even omitted to receiving talking points from the White House. There is not one person working there that can even be considered middle of the road let alone liberal. Why? Because they are scared of having a real conversation between the two sides. While MSNBC have liberals like Olbermann and Meadows but also conservatives like Matthews, Scarbough, and Buchanan, and even middle of the road like Abrams. Not to mention MSNBC don’t need to get their ratings by employing a stalkerazzi like O’Reilly. Not to mention that O’Reilly lies such as his lie about there being no homeless army veterans. He even turned them away when they came to the FAKE News Studios. Please, why don’t all you Neocons just stop lying so we can actually have real intelligent conversations about real issues.

  22. Liberals do two things that make absolutely no sense: 1) They reward failure and punish success. And 2) They praise bad behavior and criticize good behavior. Here are some examples:
    A) Jimmy Carter loses in a landslide after running our country and our image into the ground. Liberal answer? Package him as a heroic figure of iconic greatness.
    B) Britney Spears breaks all the rules of decent behavior while the Jonas Brothers demonstrate them. Liberal answer? Shower Britney with awards and publicly humiliate the Jonas Brothers for believing in the benefits of chastity.
    C) Al Gore runs crying to the Supreme Court after losing an election that he foolishly tried to fix by rewriting election laws after the fact. Liberal response? Make him a Nobel Laureate/Oscar winning savior of the world.
    Then of course there are all the Liberal policies that are predicated on the idea that poverty is a virtue and wealth is a sin. If a woman marries the father of her children, the Libs punish her by robbing her of money. But if she chooses to stay single, the Libs reward her by giving her other people’s money. The more fatherless children she has, the bigger the rewards! Now this:
    D) Rachel Maddow crashes and burns on failed Air America. Liberal Response? Give her a bigger microphone and more money. I say, “What the…?

  23. Liberals do two things that make absolutely no sense: 1) They reward failure and punish success. And 2) They praise bad behavior and criticize good behavior. Here are some examples:
    A) Jimmy Carter loses in a landslide after running our country and our image into the ground. Liberal answer? Package him as a heroic figure of iconic greatness.
    B) Britney Spears breaks all the rules of decent behavior while the Jonas Brothers demonstrate them. Liberal answer? Shower Britney with awards and publicly humiliate the Jonas Brothers for believing in the benefits of chastity.
    C) Al Gore runs crying to the Supreme Court after losing an election that he foolishly tried to fix by rewriting election laws after the fact. Liberal response? Make him a Nobel Laureate/Oscar winning savior of the world.
    Then of course there are all the Liberal policies that are predicated on the idea that poverty is a virtue and wealth is a sin. If a woman marries the father of her children, the Libs punish her by robbing her of money. But if she chooses to stay single, the Libs reward her by giving her other people’s money. The more fatherless children she has, the bigger the rewards! Now this:
    D) Rachel Maddow crashes and burns on failed Air America. Liberal Response? Give her a bigger microphone and more money. I say, “What the…?

  24. I’m sure that, with Keith’s coaching, Rachel will be beating off Hannity AND Colmes.

  25. Serenity–
    Chris Matthews a conservative?? He was a speachwriter for Carter for pete’s sake there is nothing conservative about Chris Matthews.
    I take it you are not an English Teacher but fear not, if obamanation gets elected you will be able to do anything you want with the least path of resistance.

  26. I do not understand why MSNBC’s only sponsors are not Taco Bell, Cheetos, and Coke.

  27. GJCHAN….I’m glad to see you are a proud fan of MSNBC!!! Are you from Nigeria by chance, you sound very similar to the friendly chap who emailed me the other day about a rich politician who had millions of squandered away cash that he wished to transfer to my bank account? Glad to see Obama has the Nigerian vote!!!

  28. “While MSNBC have liberals like Olbermann and Meadows but also conservatives like Matthews”
    You think Matthews is conservative?????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!

  29. Great to see Keith Odormouth get trounced. I cannot understand how his lies and leftist propaganda can be mistaken for journalism.

  30. MSNBC is not as stupid as the idiots that defend
    it in posts such as these. This network is shrewdly exploiting a segment of our society.
    It keeps these misfits entertained and off
    the streets. They do no harm staring at an Ol-
    berman rant. I’ll wager that the local crime
    rates drop in most cities during MSNBC “prime”

  31. I’m just curious — but if liberals “hold the majority of opinion in America” as they constantly say they do — then why do their libtarded talk shows only garner HALF the audience of the “radical, extremist, right-wing” Fox News???

  32. On a Maddow thread yesterday, happy believers
    were lauding her maiden show…but many com-
    mented,among other things, about the fullness of her neck. Any deer hunter knows this is a season-
    al thing with bucks…it’s called the “rut”.

  33. Silly fox people. So easy to trick with bold statements and fairy tales, the world would be a much better place without you!!!!

  34. Vinchenzo . . . We foxes so easy to outfox! Es too bad fo you we not goin anyplace. Werent you tol’ that we is, all of us, part of God’s plan. It’s not yo place to be sayen who comes and who goes. Learn to live wid us. You grow some.

  35. >>FOX provides superior coverage.
    >>They at least attempt to be impartial.
    Ha Ha Ha He He, Fox impartial, that’s a good one…Keep being good little neocon sheep…I got some waterfront property in Iraq I’d like to sell..you can use your tax rebate for the down…Ya…Maybe get a sub prime loan…true believers one and all..Ha.Ha.Ha..Ya, you “foxes not goin noplace” just sinkin’ on the Ship of Fools…But they just can’t fool all the people all the time…you’ll learn that lesson soon……

  36. Does anyone else think that Keith O reminds them of Ted Baxter? The way he speaks to the camera with that sanctimonious air of self-importance, while no one is really watching, is true first-rate comedy.

  37. It saddens my heart when i hear the bible tumpers and hate mongers complain about other media personalities………WHAT SHOULD PEOPLE LIKE ME ALSO SAY ABOUT FI(O)X NEWS?



  40. I for one am enjoying Rachel Maddow’s restrained, calm voice at 9pm – it’s a nice change from the over-caffeinated Keith Olbermann. Still watch both.
    Keep it up, MSNBC!

  41. “Air America” says it all.
    Good luck on your next job.

  42. Stupid all around. NBC and their lefty bias, O’Reily and Olbermann are NOT journalists!!! The only redeeming factor about O’Reiley is he attempts to have dissenting viewpoints on his show… if only he had the mental horsepower to debate them (like Dennis prager)instead of shouting them down. Olby is just a jerk, and you will NEVER see a dissenting opinion on his show… just sycophants and partisan hacks and, mostly, just KO and his big stupid mouth. Wow, now we have another partisan hatchetman (or woman) from the failed experiment called Air America… wonderful, get out your airsickness bags or take another swig of the cool-aid…
    I want to see obama asked tough questions from “real” news guys like Chris Wallace… guys who, like Russert Used to, don’t throw softballs because they agree with you politically.

  43. Rachael Maddow is an untalented controversial person that won’t last as long as Dan Abrams did or any of the other 3 predecessors of that time slot on MSNBC. Few other than hateful Daily Kos & Moveon.org type people watch MSNBC.

  44. MSNBC and most major media organizations are completely in the tank for lefty dems. Hell 90% of them vote democrat. You can’t fool the American people on that kind of bias. Fox news, Like it or not, at least tries to keep it fair an balanced with multiple viewpoints. We the people, like to think for ourselves.
    So…. MSNBC, CNN,ABC,NBC and CBS( if their still around) Keep shooting yourselves in the foot with Leftist sycophants and one sided stories and public derision of good people and conservative views. Your ratings,market share and over-all viewership will continue to plummet until your no longer viable.
    Since Fox News has completely owned you guys in all facets of coverage, whining and complaining about it wont help you. See a successful business? Imitate it. Become fair and balanced and the people will love you for it. Of course this means that they will most likely not like your liberal views when people with solid facts present an alternate viewpoint… such is life though.

  45. Wow! Is Keith O’ (aka Keith Obamann) feeling some rectal soreness. For his golden boy Obama to tell Bill O’ Reilly that he has the power to correct the supposed mis-truths about Obama’s associations with nut cases like Flagerty, Wright, etc., only proves that Keith O’ is the commentator wannabe. In watching the interview, it did give me a new respect for Obama in courage for appearing on Fox (despite lib loons telling him not to)and O’Reilly in the way he professionally did the interview.
    As far as the ‘Nothing But Compost’ (NBC) network, their ratings will stay, let’s just say ‘under the heap’ compared to Fox.

  46. Kawawa: Typing in all caps again? Didn’t your teacher warn you several times that is a sign of immaturity?

  47. I used to watch both Olbermann and O’Reilly, but than I noticed that O’Reilly was actually more fair than Olbermann. I am a moderate Democrat. I noticed that MSNBC never had any women who had shows. Fox had Greta and on the Weekends Kimberly, plus other women led shows.
    MSNBC only had women on the side or guests. So it was good they put Maddow on. But I notice that the main shows on MSNBC don’t have Conservatives on their shows, especially Oblermann. Olbermann doesn’t even have moderates on. Hannity has Colmes, and O’Reilly has a Conservative and Liberal on his show to debate.
    I stopped watching Olbermann because he really started acting like a buffoon on air. He has no class and acts like an idiot on TV. Matthews is more interesting to watch, but Olbermann is sickening. I am shocked that Olbermann gets paid so much. He should be fired in my opinion and they should give Matthews more TV time compared to the rantings of Olbermann.

  48. There is plenty of bias to go around. If one were to go strictly on personalities, I would have to choose MSNBC. They appear to be less “uptight”. I tune into Fox strictly for the laughs. Have you noticed the eerie pointed fingertips of Bill O and Hannity? They are always wagging them about. My guess is the reason Fox wins the rating wars is because they don’t have direct competition. MSNBC competes with CNN. I am sure if Fox had a rival, their audience would be split as well.

  49. Rachel has two daddies. What a loser. Remember, she beat Larry King who had on Joyce Behar — uh, the liberal lunatic fringe lost to WipeOut on ABC and all Fox News broadcasts.

  50. Bragging about beating larry king? Rather pitiful isn’t it? Olbermouth ought to drown himself in sewerage, losing so badly to that other a-hole…

  51. Fox Could transmit an hour of static, and still smash “Countdown to No Ratings” in viewership.
    No REAL Americans watch a man who obviously hates his country, and Demands everyone within the sound of his voice agree with him or be shut down.
    The 12 people who do watch are Moveon/Daily Kos people who are cheering on Al Qaeda and wallow in the the sewer of thoughts from Karl marx.

  52. It would be refreshing if there were an opposing point of view on MSNBC, on ANY of their programs. There isn’t. It’s just the same old bashing of President Bush, the Republicans, John McCain and now Sarah Palin. Pretty soon they’ll have every viewer leaving MSNBC as they insult every possible segment of the population. The management of MSNBC is in the tank for Obama and that’s all they care about, hence, the place to be for democrats, and that’s it. If Obama loses, they may as well close up shop and start a whole new network. Maybe they can become another weather channel, or sports channel….Olbermann used to be a sports announcer. I understand he wasn’t very good at that either.

  53. I was at a friends house the other night and Olberman was interviewing that clown Bill Maher. Bill (the melodramatic atheist) took a swipe at Mormonism. Olberman laughed and Mathews made a feeble attempt to apologize. I thought well, what the heck with these ratings even god probably isn’t watching.
    Olberman needs to wake up everyday and pray that Bill O’Reily doesn’t die so he has someone to talk about. His embarrassing jealousy of the man and his ratings shows every time he makes him the “MOST WHATEVER PERSON HE IS OF THE DAY”.
    The firing of Olberman and Mathews was brillant by MSNBC. For the first time in a year I flipped to that channel for a few seconds to see how they were acting. It was incredible. Olberman was invigorated. “Senator Obama your reading of the surge was 100% correct yet…..” What??????? Everyone knows that he is in the tank, but does he shine his shoes while he is down there?
    All of this makes Keith Olberman “THE STUPIDEST MAN OF THE YEAR”.

  54. The people who are most derisive of Fox News and Bill O’Reilly don’t watch the shows and have no personal knowledge. If they did they would know that Bill really does try to be fair to both sides even though it is an opinion show and doesn’t pretend to be the news. The liberals I know are always quick to jump on “bandwagons” when they have no actual personal knowledge of the subject.
    It is difficult and frustrating to have a battle with an unarmed person so get “armed”! Gather your own facts and quit stealing the perceptions of others.

  55. I hate the word retard used in one of the comments. It is so uneducated! After years of Rush, Hannity, Savage, & Bill, I’m extemely happy to have Keith’s opposite point of view. It is so refreshing! The only reason more people viewed Bill was hoping he’d break Obama, which, of course, did not happen! Oh, Fox does have Colmes, but what a joke!!! He is their whipping boy!!!!!

  56. How could someone possibly say that O’Reilly tries to show both sides of the coin? Name five sources he ever cites during interviews! It is commentary (one sided) disguised as news that claims to be “fair and balanced.” He treated Obama with no respect. Pull up past interviews with McCain or Bush or any other crony from the Republican side and count how many times he interrupts their thoughts (none)! This is a testament to showing both sides of the story? Interrupt those I disagree with and ask leading questions with no sources? The no spin zone spun this interview to the umpteenth degree. I don’t even like Keith or Matthews as a side note, I just really disagree with individuals claiming O’Reilly, or Fox makes any effort to display the entire story; that is absurd.

  57. Say what you want about Bill, but he gives a good interviews. He continues to dominate the ratings because of this. You know he will have FACTS to back up his positions. The one thing the far left and far right hate is FACTS, because FACTs usually show how wrong they always seem to be.

  58. Other than low-blow politics, Obama’s remark is stupid.
    He has branded himself stupid. He has attack dogs to do this kind of stupid stuff. Where is Biden?
    What are the doubts about him? That inexperience will rule the day! Wouldn’t you think Obama would know better than to create a firestorm that takes the focus off message rather than gives him an opportunity to stay on point?
    HERE IS THE EXAMPLE! IN bright red the lipstick the he, Obama-man, smears on himself.
    What would be the fallout if he insulted a foreign leader, dignitary or president in such a manner?
    Mr. Obama has shown early on that he IS NOT ready and this lipstick sticks to him as a brand of inexperience.
    If the shade fits – wear it ~ baby!

  59. AS for me I stopped looking at fox news….
    I did not watch o’reilly interview with OBAMA….
    I did watch OLBERMANN with OBAMA and I do watch count down everly night.
    msnbcnews: who ever fired OLBERMANN AND MATTEWS

  60. You’re all a bunch of idiots. Wasting your time arguing over bullcrap. All news organizations are biased, esp. FOX and MSNBC. How can anyone criticize Olbermann without criticizing O’Reilly and vice versa? Neither one is a true journalist. They’re there for entertainment. If you want the facts, seek out the facts for yourself, don’t rely on cable ‘news’! This is what’s wrong with this country today. People are lazy and complacent and spoon-fed and IGNORANT!

  61. Remember a few years ago when they discovered that the education level was far higher for viewers of the Daily Show with John Stewart then the O’Reilly factor? Has anyone compared Keith’s education level with the factor? I have a phD and I watch Olbermann and the Daily show. I consider myself a conservative and sometimes I see how Keith is twisting things a tad, but O’Reilly is just an idiot. He also holds the biggest double standard in the world. At least when Obama voted for the FISA bill Keith criticized him.

  62. Julia,
    Can I have a drink of whatever it is your drinking? Yust kidding but I bet your blond right?

  63. But don’t worry, when Obama’s President, he’ll get everybody a high-paying job, no matter how ignorant and uneducated they are.
    The above was posted yesterday. I have one question…HOW?? And Olbermann got demoted and a pay raise at the same time??? Very confused.

  64. HAHAHA… How does it feel to have your tail kicked by Fox yet again? I know, I know you will twist and turn it so it isn’t as bad as everyone says it is. Like maybe people ages 70-80 tuned into MSNBC than did FOX. Congrats. You will never get it. Here is a news flash, how about you guys and that half witted/bottom feeding show “Countdown” report something positive? Not in the script? Ooh well you snooze you lose!!!

  65. Tom,
    Maybe Obama will be able to hook everyone up like Mccain/Palin with a job when he’s in office??

  66. A we know Fox and MSNBC are both slanted in their opinions, and CNN is in the middle providing the most subjective news. However, there is a huge difference between O’Reilly and Olbermann. O’Reilly freely admits he is slanted to the right and has the ability to agree to disagree while maintaining some amount of mutual respect for each the opposition. Olbermann, however, is just ugly towards the opposition. I’m not sure if he was the fat kid who got picked when he was growing up or if he was the bully, but either way he is the most jaded individual on TV to point of ill reproach. His comments actually do more harm to the Left because the bind the Right making very difficult to be on the left.

  67. No way Jose
    I just wanted to point out that fox noise is not “fair and balanced”. To say they are fair and balanced is wrong because the only democrat on the entire network is Colmes. Colmes is a former comedian. He is very weak and loses all arguments to Hannity on purpose. In the screening process to get hired on fox you have to be a republican. O’Reilly claims to be an independent but he has never been registered as such.He lies constantly. Rupert Murdoch owns fox noise and hundreds of newspapers across the country so he can push his own right wing agenda. Don’t be fooled people. In the Iraq war we bombed aljezeera on the second day and insisted that fox news be broadcast all over Iraq. Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Why did Bush declare the mission accomplished in 2004? When are we going to get Osama Bin Laden? Obama will get us out of Iraq and into Afganistan to fight the real enemy. No one from Iraq had anything to do with 911.

  68. Brian! Is it that cold in Alaska that your brain is frozen solid. Lesbians and idiots from Move oN .Org will never attract more than the two million fanatics in the world. When Obama addressed the Germans, all I could hear was “God Damn America”. Sound familiar?

  69. Ben
    you can have some of what I drink Alpine spring water……
    I have dark brown hair and golden brown skin I am
    a very proud AFRICAN AMERICAN AND I LOVE THE U.S.A. AND WANT BARACK OBAMA (DEMOCRATIC) THE NEXT PRESIDENT, iF foxs news & o’reilly could have their way this will not come true…..
    Ben whats up with the BLOND THING…

  70. Listening to all these talking heads is entertainingly funny. Who needs these people. I often wonder what these squawkers would do if they really had to make a living. WOW ain’t America a great country.

  71. Fox unbiased! O’Reilly hosting fact-based, respectful interviews! What color is the sky on Zanzibar-9? Funny stuff.
    Olbermann is just about as much of a jerk as O’Reilly is, maybe slightly less of a hypocrite.

  72. O’Reilly got the eyeballs because simple folks like blood.
    Olberman makes no claims to impartiality, so his audience knows what to expect. That O’Reilly has higher numbers just goes to show there aren’t as many smart folks as simple ones glued to the set at 8pm.
    “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT (R) (1918)

  73. Keith O’s comments on tonight’s show (09/10/08) re 9/11 were eloquent and deserve to be preserved. He deserves an award. American TV’s moments of brilliance are rare. Thank you.

  74. Good to have you on Rachel. At least I have another reason to stay glue to MSNBC after Keith’s show. You guys are wonderful and thank you for keeping us alert and ‘safe’ from the GOP corrupt political flaws.

  75. I must respond to the idiots who r repub who actually believe they r the smart ones. One post stated that msnbc does not have a conservative show, please notice joe Scarborough & tucker had a show until his ratings were in the toilet. Another poster denegrates “liberals”, who has been in charge for 8 years? Your guy. You had control of congress for 6 years. Now you idiots want “change” in warshington (for u conservatives I spelled that like mccain says it)! Here r your qualifications to be a republican:
    1. Racist
    2. Greedy
    3. Ignorant
    4. Earn more than $250k/year
    One or any combination gets u in.

  76. I found it interesting how the Red’s had trouble with protesters at the RNC, didn’t see anything like that at the DNC.
    You folks that think you’re in touch by watching Faux News would be better off sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “la la la la la la” instead of paying for cable. Unfortunately most news outlets have an agenda these days, and that agenda is what’s best for the $350 billion dollar companies that own the media.
    The fact that the rating are higher for shows like O’Reilly is a sad state of affairs for this country, and the same reason where up to our eyeballs in crap like a useless war of choice that will cost our grandkids 2 trillion plus. That’s not my idea of smaller government. Image if we had spent that money on education, alternative energy research, oh – and maybe going after Bin laden.
    I’ll give the necon’s some credit – they but into the whole bucket of crap: there’s no global warming, democrat’s will spend too much money and raise taxes (how much has that war cost again?), tourcher is good and productive, my tax rate is more important than life itself, the ultra rich & corporations will take care of all of us- out of the goodness of their bible thumping hearts, and Faux News is fair and balanced.
    If you want to get a fair crack at getting some honest news – try listening to what they’re saying in the UK or Australia. They get more facts and balance than most red state folks will be able to handle. Hooray for Oberman on Maddow. There wouldn’t be one else left to uncover the selfrightoughs, homophobic, hyprocritical lies that the “liberal (multi-billion dollar) media” doesn’t seem to question. The few shows the lib’s have to watch wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t money in it, not that it slows down the well versed Repub’s lies.
    If you think there’s no global warming, and pumping million of pounds of toxins into an organic planet has no effect, then be careful you don’t fall off the edge of the world the next time you’re sailing. By the time you realize you’re wrong, it’s going to be too late. Thankfully, most of the lib’s live in costal states where there’s some level of education, and they’ll be under water. So you won’t have to hear ” I told you so…” How ironic.

  77. I’m no fan of O’Reilly’s – but Dr. Tantillo (‘the marketing doctor’ – href=”http://blog.marketingdoctor.tv” ) just did a post naming O’Reilly this week’s brand ‘winner,’ thanks to his interview of Obama.
    Tantillo argues that, through this interview, “[O’Reilly] has broadened Fox’s audience by showing that this network (often characterized by Democrats as biased) might actually be more fair and balanced than they think —still aggressive but fair.”
    I didn’t catch either O’Reilly’s interview or Olbermann’s, but if I were choosing between the two, I would watch O’Reilly’s–simply because I think it’d be more interesting to see an interview in which the interviewer is less sympathetic to the interviewee’s viewpoints.
    Here’s a link to Tantillo’s full post: href=”http://blog.marketingdoctor.tv/2008/09/12/brand-winners-and-losers.aspx”

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