
‘King of the Hill’ Canceled

Oct 30, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Fox has canceled long-running animated comedy “King of the Hill.”
The show’s most recent episode order of 13 half-hours will be its last, a Fox spokesman said Thursday. Given the lead time for animation, it’s likely the series will air its final episode sometime during the 2009-10 season.

News of “King’s” death isn’t a surprise. The show has cheated death several times over the past few years, with Fox coming close to pulling the plug more than once.
Gary Newman, co-chairman of 20th Century Fox TV, told TVWeek earlier this month that renewals for “American Dad” and “The Simpsons” were imminent, but he wasn’t so sure about “Hill.”

“It’s probably time [for Fox to make a decision],” Mr. Newman said. “I don’t know if the network will be ordering more seasons or not. That show has had its last rites read to it several times, and keeps rearing its head again.”


  1. This is a tragic day. As prime-time animated shows only get more random, insipid, and stupid, KotH stood out as a wonderfully clever, character-driven series with a highly memorable cast and its own terrific style.

  2. KING OF THE HILL is the best thing on television. Faaaact!

  3. thank god. i have hated this white trash show forever. it’s about time it’s finally yanked off the air.

  4. How sad…a character and story driven animated series cancelled yet the steaming pile of gag jokes, American Dad and it forefather, Family Guy still exist. I guess it is cheaper to have shows that don’t employ writers.

  5. is that the real rusty shackleford or dale? sha-sha!

  6. irony is lost on greg. that or he never actually watched the show.

  7. The best part about KotH was the respect and love it showed each of its characters. All of the major players have displayed courage, compassion, humility and love at one time or another, and you just don’t get much of that on TV anymore. Yes, they had their faults, as all real people do, but the laughs came as we recognized ourselves or our friends and family, not at the expense of the character. Great writing, a keen eye for actual human nature and year after year of wonderful acting by the cast.
    Thank you and I’ll be watching fir years to come in syndication.

  8. I am from Russia. I like KotH very much. KotH shows best part of american culture and tradition. Such movies can reduce hate to US in other parts of the world. If you want save best parts of american charaters and lifestyles you need to make more seasons KotH or you will just proove again greed for profits of american big bosses…

  9. I’m crying.

  10. I’m dancing. While it was charming for the first few seasons, it wore out its welcome quickly after that.

  11. It’s always sad when a show is cancelled, but much as I have loved King of the Hill, it has not been itself for several years now. In a lot of ways, it is as good as ever. But somewhere back in the 9th or 10th season or so, it stopped being funny. Unlike several other current animated series, King of the Hill is very much a traditional sitcom; the only way it takes advantage of being animated is in the heavily slowed-down passage of time.

  12. This makes me miserably sad. Like losing a family member.

  13. I think King of the Hill was one of the few shows on TV that played it straight and showed what real “middle Americans” look and act like, but in a loving, hilarious way. The show will be missed.

  14. The show has long jumped the shark. Viva la morte

  15. Bump To Andrew! We as Americans need to be aware of the way our art portrays us to the rest of the world.
    When it comes to entertainment, I watch animation almost exclusively. Mike Judge has matured right beside me. Even Beavis & Butthead had a certain satire of humanity to it but King Of The Hill was a little gentler from the start. Back then I’m sure it was simply network versus cable sensibilities but over the years these characters have developed a reality to them that is, dare I say, truer than live action sit-com characters can be. Cheers or Cosby or Seinfeld all had their own novelty appeals but a show like this is already a novelty simply because of the animation and so it’s free to tell its simple stories about simple people trying to live their own simple lives as a community that is fortunate enough to have, at the center of it, a good man. Fifty years from now when Family Guy and American Dad are looked at as children’s programming, King Of The Hill will be a real cultural artifact like The Flintstones is today. Long live The King!

  16. As a native Texan, I must say that there has never been a more true to life show set in Texas than King of the Hill, not even Dallas or Reba.

  17. “King Of The Hill” has been a hell of a lot better than “The Simpsons” has been in the last 10 – FOX should have canceled them instead!

  18. So no more appearances by Sarah Palin… Oh wait, that was actually Peggy.

  19. King of Hill is the best show on TV and it will be missed.
    Fox is not thinking straight about this move.

  20. If you think King of the Hill jumped the shark, then name the episode! (Maybe you don’t know what it means to jts?)
    This seems like a bad move. Next, NBC will be canceling Friday Light Nights.
    I’d still like to know why The West Wing was canceled…

  21. Wow… I cant believe they can cancel King of the Hill but allow stupid shows like family guy and american dad still run.

  22. Can’t believe King of the Hill was canceled. To be replaced by another Family Guy imitation. I used to love to watch King of the Hill on Sunday nights along with the Simpsons. But lately only KotH because the Simpsons started to become more like Family guy every season. KotH had characters who were solid in their beliefs and who’s personalities didn’t change every other episode. The crap they have on Sunday nights is not even worth watching. It’s just full of unclever crude humor.

  23. The show did not rate, for me, as highly as the Simpsons, but it was still an awesome way to spend an evening. Fox should not cancel this show as it gives folks an outlet for that inner redneck. In the words of Hank, them fokes just “ain’t right.”

  24. I’m not a King Of The Hill fan (I am a die-hard Simpsons fan), but to see it get cancelled and replaced by American Dad!? Give me a break!!! That is one of the worst shows on television!! Ranks right up there with South Park or Futurama!

  25. King of the Hill is the hands down most clever and well written show currently on Fox and probably third all time(behind Simpsons in their prime and Futurama). Fox executives are mouth breathing idiots. I understand it’s all about the money, but canceling shows like Family Guy/Arrested Development/Futurama and now KotH is a huge shame. I really hope they continue to make episodes on cartoon network or comedy central.
    good night sweet prince.

  26. It figures that a funny (to kids and adults alike) cartoon that you can watch with your kids gets canceled, while Family Guy and American Dad stays…shows you shouldn’t be watching with your kids. Bummer.

  27. Dang ole network, man…ratings – advertisers – just dang ole bottom line man.

  28. Booo! ๐Ÿ™
    It’s had a good run though. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m ready for the re-runs!

  29. I love King of the Hill! Last season was one of their best seasons yet. I am really saddened by this. I stopped watching Family Guy and American Dad two years ago when I realized they just recycled the same jokes ad nauseum.
    I’m glad that Mike Judge is directing another feature film so he won’t be out of my life completely. Rent Idiocracy if you haven’t already seen it. It’s hilarious and a little scary (it’s prophetical.)
    I will miss you William Fontaine DeLaTour “Bill” Dauterive.

  30. I truly am dissapointed that the show is being cancelled. I’ve heard people say it was a redneck showor white trash, but that opinion most likely did not watch the show. I hope there will be a change of heart and maybe try to keep both shows running

  31. I love this show

  32. I agree with Lambert

  33. While I do love family guy and american dad, I feel that the kind of show that KotH is will be missed. It was not a cartoon, it was an animated sitcom with strong charcters that we have shared our lives with for years, like a beloved member of the family. I plan to stock up on dvds and light a candle to the passing. RIP Arlen.

  34. This news is just terrible! I’ve been watching this show since it first started and to hear that its over is upsetting. King of The Hill shows a real message in every episode, that I truly learn from, while other shows like American Dad and Family Guy do not. Their shows are a CROCK OF SHIT! I will miss Hank,Peggy,Bobby and all of the residents of Arlen, Texas.

  35. This was one of the best shows out there. I am going to miss it. I would always watch this show after school. And now, its finally coming to an end. I’m gonna miss it. KING OF THE HILL FTW!

  36. Wow. Can’t say it was my favorite show, but I did occasionally watch it. I can’t believe it’s been 11+ years. It will be missed, especially when FOX replaces it with those stupid shows that mock religion and race til no end.

  37. King of the Hill was easily one of the best shows…flippin ever. It seriously has been dead on most of the time about human nature. Damn near ridiculous. Even the supporting characters somehow embodied each most recent fad of thought. Beavis and Butt-Head was totally just a warm up drill for Judge. And Kathy Najimy, Brittany Murphy, Steven Root et all were beyond recognition (to me) voicing their characters.
    Man, I love this show and it ran its course very well. I heard the writers were itching to move on seasons ago. If true, explains the all the shark jumping.

  38. I wonder if this might be FOX trying to cash in on the democratic wave.They supported Bush on the show and the show’s message is unapologizingly right wing. It is STILL better than the Simpsons, which is all about 1) Lisa is always right 2) Marge is not responsible for her own life 3) It’s all Homer’s fault and 4) Homer’s weight.It’s the polar opposite of KOTH but it speaks volumes over liberal feminazi Lisa’ shrill, hypocritical, sanctimonious left wing whining.

  39. I think king of the hill will be back!!
    tom petty should play a benefit concert with john redcorn…

  40. Bravo!
    The Dumb@$$es at FOX do it once more! They cancel King of the Hill and bone us all again. They get rid of KotH to replace it with what? “world’s funniest (blank)” or “when animals (blank)?” Hey, guys how about in leu of something really original like KotH why not just give us yet some more episodes of “cops” or another mindless morally bankrupt sitcom about oversexed youth living in NYC… This braintrust at FOX are no strangers to bad decisions (can anyone say “Firefly” or cancelling “Familyguy” the first time?) I have an idea, try cancelling the contracts of the idiots responsible for giving our favorite shows the axe, and use that cash to keep our shows on the air! I’ve had enough, I turn my back on you FOX …

  41. This just “feels so bad” (trumpet playing)
    Really, on what other show do you get lines like “Peggy! You know that’s not true! I just like to go to the bank!”
    NBC should pick up this show.

  42. I haven’t followed King Of The Hill as much as I used to. But it was always a very good show I enjoyed to watch, and it does sadden me that it’s getting cancelled. I also enjoy The Simpsons & Family Guy, but KOTH was always good because it was different than those shows. Time to pull out some KOTH dvds.

  43. Personally i feel the whole line up is great and you simpsons bashers ar obviously crazy. Even though Fox cancels another good show (futurama, maybe in some aspects The Winner, and Family guy[twice])for you Family Guy fans their is another show based on Cleveland coming out sometime in the future so you can look forward to that. King of the Hill was one of the shows you would watch not only to laugh, but to follow the plot because unlike the more comedy based shows it actually focused on one story. It was a great show with a great run. Just because Fox is going to be gay and cancel it doesnt necassarily mean that channels such as FX and Comedy Central wont pay for new episodes (look at Futurama). Hopefully the rumors that the writers just didnt want to make the show arent true, but if they are thanks for years of very entertaining television. To those who dont like South Park jus shut up and listen try not to last and its not like you couldve made a good enough show to keep people laughing for 10 years. Same with Family Guy. In my opinion American Dad isnt that funny, but it isnt horrible to watch. Fox if you jus cancelled them because of money go get a heart you a******* because King of the Hill is one of the best shows in Fox history, better than Seinfeld. For those looking for a good action show definately watch 24 it entertaining, explosive, and suspenful to the season’s end; edge of your seat tv (thank god Fxo does one thing right[extending 24].

  44. King Is the finest program on television. The reason the ratings are flat is because the programmers at fox flip the schedule so bad nobody knows when it is on. I am holding back a flood of profanity right now. How can garbage like family guy and american dad even be allowed to air on the same night. That should be a violation of the FCC. King is so witty, clever, and down to earth, I have a hard time remembering that is only a cartoon. That is one of the reasons I am so furious with the network. It is their own damned fault, that the ratings fell. Stupid jerks. I am 29 years old. I own a restaurant. I work 7 days a week , about 90 hours+ I have king running on dvd in my kitchen almost the entire day. It makes the time go so much more pleasantly. I have 3 kids, we love watching this show together. I have no fears they will see something that I wouldn’t like them to see. I will probably have little use for fox after this. They will probably cancel hells kitchen next. Although I have been a simpsons fan from day 1, There is no way it compares with King. King has lasting reprocutions of actions on the show. Simpsons just resets over as if nothing happened. If this by chance actually makes it to the executives at fox, you know what you can to to yourselves. And don’t F–k with the schedules, it has ruined your network.

  45. Oh yah, and F-k you for leaving us the way you did with Married with Children 10 years ago. Idiots. I hope you all die.

  46. It was the best animated show after the simpsons.
    I can’t belive it got canceled and America dad and Family guy are still running.Those shows are just full of crappy,crude,and sexual jokes.


  48. ok already-enough of the whining! HOW do we organize enough e signatures to show these idiots at fox that they’re making a hugh mistake by killing a major slice of Americana? Let’s organize! HOW?

  49. You have made the worst decision of your careers FOX ppl…….. As you can read above there might be a few humorless skeptical people that dont like kotH but there are 3 FREAKING TIMES MORE THAT LOVE IT AND WATCH IT EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am truly disappointed at you…..and thus,i shun you

  50. Why Fox Why? Cancel damn amarican dad

  51. King of the Hill has a heart and soul and adults get it.
    Fox, you suck for Lowest Common Denominator programing and you always have.
    I hate Family Guy and once again….You suck.
    Thats what us adults get, A kick in the nuts so you can pander to the 13-20 year old noobstains.

  52. Its all a matter of football and NASCAR. Fox went after the money and frankly I can’t realy blame them. I am very sad as a loyal fan. I can’t tell you how many times I would get home and check my DVR to see if KotH recoreded only to see NFL or Nascar in its place. Thats is what did it in……Fox needs to sit back and look to see what realy makes money for it…..and then the will see….its King of the Hill,the Simpsons(dispite its anouyinh I did everything 1st creator),Family Guy,and American Dad….not over paid, over weight, whinny fotball players(ps..I played football so I love it ..but NFL its football)or cars going around and around……but..oh well…they will NEVER see this….which show is next??

  53. Wow, I am supprised at this news. I thought this show was doing great. The last few episodes have been a little strange. But so has the Family Guy eps. I mean the season 7 dvd set has been sitting there waiting for it’s release so I guess I should have known. This is one of the only reason I watch fox. I allways email itunes and tell them to put this show on there for download. That, Dragonball and Home Movies. Those thows all have a big fan following. So maybe fox will change it’s mind. My grandfather likes this show a lot as well.
    Oh and for those who like Home Movies, There is a special limited edition box set coming out on the 4th I believe. It has a bag with mcgerk. a cd with music from the show, all the seasons and a cut sign. So if you like the show, go for it! I think it was out a couple years ago. I have never seen it at stores or online so perhaps they release it every now and then. GO KING OF THE HILL.
    Oh yea I know that Mike Judge is starting a new show. So maybe that will make us laugh like Hill did.

  54. King of the Hill is the best animated show ever! Get rid of Family Guy and American Dad, they are awful.One of my favorites is where Bobby kicks people in the crotch and yells, that’s my purse, I don’t know you!

  55. King of the Hill is one of the best if not The best animated show on Fox the fans deserve a farewell episode a Christmas special and more apparel to wear to show their support for the last 13 years B&B had a movie that would be also a cool thing who ya!

  56. I tell you what King of the Hill is the animated show for everyone whoever likes all the good ol boys of the world and the meaning of true friendship surely their has to be a place in the universe for more try another network where you will be appreciated and not shown “whenever” the previous show is over!

  57. save the king of the tv!!!!!!!!!!

  58. I suppose KoTh has run its time. But has anyone else noticed that family guy is becoming crappier with each episode? American Dad isn’t even tolerable. And quality shows imo like futurama and arrested development get cut down in there prime.

  59. best show ever-
    along with ours the simpsons-
    bye bye brother show!-
    -comic book guy

  60. I’m still in shock that KotH has been cancelled! This is one show that my husband and I could feel good about watching with our children. We record the reruns every day and the kids always watch them after school, after homework is over. It’s their REWARD! The problem is that FOX kept switching the time slot and no one knew when it was on! How can they cancel such a fantastic, family show and still keep that crap Family Guy and American Dad on the air? KotH teaches real life lessons with humor and love. PLEASE don’t cancel this incredible show! You’re getting rid of a part of our lives. With it gone, there will be nothing left for us to watch together, save for Smallville, which is also in its last season. What will we do without Hank, Dale, Bill and Boomhauer……?

  61. I’m glad they’re getting rid of this show. It was OK sometimes, but it had such a tendency to make predictable generalizations about people. The redneck hicks were goofy but likable, & the progressive educated types were always phony, two-faced incopetent idiots. This dumbass show even had a bias against cats. They always portrayed cat owners as a-holes while dog owners were cool.
    Good riddance.

  62. Sadly, this was pulled for some two-bit low budget trash of a show that saves money and continues to diminish the American intellect most likely.

  63. KOTH is being cancelled but yet The Simpsons WILL NOT DIE. Ye gods! PLEASE FOX, kill The Simpsons. This show should’ve died 5-8 yrs ago.
    Ever notice that the shows in this time slot period ALWAYS gets cancelled due to low ratings? Why? Sports programing interuptions. I can’t count the times I’ve seen Futurama & KOTH interrupted because of some “game” or post-game analysis show. This crap will kill ANY show.
    KOTH is an actual animated sitcom instead of a ‘cartoon’ like the Simpsons, Family Guy & American Dad. Fox needs to kill the Simpsons and bring back Futurama.

  64. It is sad that The King of the Hill won’t be returning. It was a good family show. My husband only gets to see the kids one day a week b/c of his work schedule, so that plus The Simpsons were something we could watch together. Also, The Family Guy and American Dad are filth, they make to many racist comments, and dirty talk for my family. BTW The Hills are not white trash. I would be proud to have a neighbor like Hank.

  65. i love king of the hill, and i can’t believe it got cancelled. simpson’s has been bad for a couple of years, and why do we really need an exact replica of family guy(american dad)? king of the hill is hilarious and clever and i really enjoy it. i can’t believe they haven’t cancelled the simpson’s yet, with the greedy people behind the voices demanding insane amounts of money. LAME!

  66. I love King of the Hill and am so disappointed to hear that it’s getting cancelled for something as ridiculous as American Dad, an exact replica of Family Guy, which is asanine. I hope another network picks up King of the Hill, because it’s a really good show. Cancel Family Guy & The Simpson’s! YOU BETCHA!

  67. FOX canceled Married with Children, my favorate show and now king of the hill. I think It was a bad idea to canceled king of the hill. It was a good clean family show. On the plus side I don’t have to watch fox network any more.

  68. What…. kotH to be yanked off air? Maybe it’s better to do this now, as they are running out of ideas. Though I really love KotH. They don’t breed men like Hank Hill anymore. He is a generous, big-hearted, old-fashioned hard working guy. Like everyone else, he displays ignorance and narrow-mindedness at times – but he is truly well-meaning and not afraid to admit his mistakes. All good things must come to an end these days… to be replaced by more mind-numbing shows that dumb you down, and encourage stupidity. Look at the mess of this country…..and how programmed viewers have become.

  69. Hank gone, yet “Family Guy” remains? A little help please understanding this logic. King of the Hill has been a favorite of mine forever, I LOVE it and hope another network may pick it up. With so much crap on TV, I continue to find good reasons to watch cable television and tune out the networks….and now another reason. What is that stupid show where people jump through a hole? Is that it? Is that what is supposed to be great entertainment? Whatever happened to changing time slots before canceling a show?I’ll follow Hank and the gang wherever they (hopefully) may go.

  70. I agree with Kate. How they canceled a clean TV show in favor of complete garbage like ‘Family Guy’ that I refuse to let children watch.
    I’m done watching Fox for good after the upcoming season ends…nothing left to make me ever check the channel again.

  71. They cancel King, but they still have 30 Rock and SNL? You folks don’t know from funny. What we need is more Bob and David!

  72. Time for FOX to launch direct-to-DVD King of the Hill episodes. As Peggy would say, “BOO-YEAH!”

  73. King of the Hill is me and my girlfriend’s favorite show. The writer’s for the show are genius. In a country were everybody seems to have absolutely no common sense or the ability to think beyond what people tell them to think this show stood out. I guess you have to be dumb, random, offensive, have a warped sense of liberalism, anti-Christian and anti-American to stay on the air these days. Farewell King of the Hill. It must be as they say “The End”;)

  74. Mike Judge is a genius. Office Space will always live on as a classic. His movie Idiocracy was a good idea poorly executed, and ended up a disaster. But KotH is going to live on as a true testament of the late 90s and 2000s in Texas, and what is best about America. The episode about GW Bush’s 2000 election was prescient. Hank discovered that W’s handshake is, (Oh my God!), his handshake, it’s LIMP. Now after 8 years we all know.

  75. That is so sad to think about. What’s even sadder is thinking that it got canceled to make room for Hello Cleveland, a spin-off of Family Guy. Everyone knows that is going to AWFUL. Thankfully ABC might pick it KOTH up. PLEASE ABC. PICK IT UP

  76. FOX: “we’re canceling king of the hill”
    Hank: “buaawaaaaah!”

  77. I didn’t read through all of the comments, but the one from teriqm really caught my eye and spelled out what fox was thinking (to me, anyways.)
    Every show that has every been on the air has had to fit the times. If the real life situations OR the sitcom situations change and all shows don’t follow suit they are soon given the axe.
    It really sucks that KotH will be ending soon, but consider this…The only way they would have considered not cancelling it would be if it compromised it’s original format and become dumbed down for us stupid Americans that only find fart jokes funny.
    It is sad but it was a hell of a run. (Actually I’m glad to see Peggy go. I love the show but she pisses me off! She should have been killed off after she became psychotic around the 3rd season. lol)

  78. I have to agree with most of the posts in that KotH’s characters were consistent, have shown admirable qualities (depending on the situation) and despite being “rednecks” as Khan would call them they exhibit the same quirks and flaws that we all have.
    Most of the characters were set in their ways and from a different era, but it was interesting to see the character development of children. Joseph – though not Dales biological child was clearly his son, having developed the same neuroses and relationship quirks. Khan Jr – the brainiac that just wants to fit in, and does with the other kids on her block. And of course Bobby Hill – finally becoming the young man his father would like him to be but much less afraid of what the world has to offer outside of Arlen.
    Keeping the show on the air could have focused more on the younger characters without resorting to the racism or fart jokes of American Dad. Why do we need A.D. when Family Guy does all of the same material 30minutes prior? Just because a show is animated doesn’t mean it has to be asinine.
    I enjoyed the KotH, maybe it will get picked up by another network.

  79. You have got to be kidding? Cancel KOH and leave the Simpsons? That is just wrong, leave it one for those of us who love it. Cancel something else, like you decision to cancel this show. I can’t believe it.

  80. I have been a fan of “The Simpsons” from the “Tracy Ulman” days. It has gone downhill. I will probably continue to watch the show, out of loyalty. I actually watched “Beavis & Butthead” — I got the joke. I love “King of the Hill” — I hate most of the adult characters, and think, even though he’s weird, that Bobby Hill is one of the few characters that shouldn’t be killed. “King of the Hill” is a show that almost every American can enjoy — whether they “get it” or not. I pray that another network picks it up.
    I also enjoy “Family Guy”, for whar it is. However, I can’t believe that “American Dad” is still being made. It’s just flat-out horrible.
    Yeah, I get the joke. I know that Steven Colbert is “punking”(?) ultra-cnservative Bill O’Reilly —
    it’s still difficult to watch.
    Wow — I ramble! Maintain “King of the Hill” — Please!

  81. People, you should know by now that fox has never been behind the opinion of the viewer. From their bias news coverage, to that GOD AWFUL show Family Guy and it’s horrible spawn which will replace King, The Cleveland Show (and American Dad), FOX has never respected, nor listened, to anybody.

  82. I have been a fan of “The Simpsons” from the “Tracy Ulman” days. It has gone downhill. I will probably continue to watch the show, out of loyalty. I actually watched “Beavis & Butthead” — I got the joke. I love “King of the Hill” — I hate most of the adult characters, and think, even though he’s weird, that Bobby Hill is one of the few characters that shouldn’t be killed. “King of the Hill” is a show that almost every American can enjoy — whether they “get it” or not. I pray that another network picks it up.
    I also enjoy “Family Guy”, for what it is. However, I can’t believe that “American Dad” is still being made. It’s just flat-out horrible.
    Yeah, I get the joke. I know that Steven Colbert is “punking”(?) ultra-cnservative Bill O’Reilly —
    it’s still difficult to watch.
    Wow — I ramble! Maintain “King of the Hill” — Please!

  83. This is just another move by FOX to take away all independent and creative thoughts. Soon you will not have to think at all to wtach TV, and we will all become fat morons like Peter Griffon and Homer Simpson. STOP WATCHING FOX. They only play propaganda and mind numbing stupidty. With the cancelation of KOTH it only becomes more obvious that Fox only cares about money and the degradation of human kind.

  84. I love the comments that praise KOTH as a sweet, nicey-nicey family-friendly show, as opposed to Fox’s “stupid” and “crass” animated sitcoms…and then proceed to call those shows a “crock of sh*t,” tell the FOX people to “go to hell,” and even wish for their deaths.
    Anyone notice the irony?

  85. Our family gathered around the TV nightly to watch King of the Hill. It was the only show that everyone agreed on to watch.
    We are very sad by this news ๐Ÿ™

  86. King of the Hill is a great show, why dont they give them a chance like they did The Simpsons. I like Family Guy but American Dad is a joke. Family Guy cant be duplicated and if Fox brought back Family Guy then they should rethink there decision and reup the show’s contract.

  87. King of the Hill is one of best shows ever. They could make a hundred more seasons and it wouldn’t get old.
    “I say good day Fox!!” (Bobby voice)

  88. Save the King! A one night boycott of Fox should get their attention. Bring back KOH or lose us forever.

  89. losing King of the Hill is unamerican! I love King of The Hill, the Simpsons are ok but King of the Hill is funny in the real world kind of way. Ever family across america has a louAnn in it and come on we all have those neighbors. We need King of the Hill it’s sad we know, but it’s true. Teresa

  90. King of the Hill used a format that a lot of Americans simply identify with. It provides a sort of escapism and a trip to fantasy lane to a small community where ordinary people lead ordinary, perhaps more laid back, simplistic lives. The Andy Griffith show comes to mind,where the focus was on the characters and their relationship with each other. Mike Judge pulled this off really well, and more impressively- with an animated series.
    The Andy Griffith show is still being aired every night across the country more than 30 years after it was canceled. I suspect KOTH will be around as long.
    Networks like Fox need to realize that there’s a need for such types of programs that have staying power and rely more on writing and characters than gags and current events. I can’t even watch Family Guy or American Dad. The characters have ping-pong ball eyes for god’s sake.
    Fox killed this series by putting it on an odd schedule. I hope ABC picks it up.

  91. Man, that sucks! Family Guy and American Dad barely pass as shows, and we can’t get rid of one of the best animations on TV! Next thing you know, they’ll cancel The Simpsons too! This is just a way for Seth to get money.

  92. Ugh…RIP King of the Hill if that ever happens. King of the Hill was original, it didn’t have the goofy and wonky characters Simpsons, Family Guy or it’s predecessor: Beavis and Butt-head had.
    People who say King of the Hill is “redneck” or “white trash” humor should really watch a few episodes to really get the higher sarcastic and dark humor of the show…but then again, knowing how many American youths are absorbed in the hip-hopping and urban-hipster culture…they’ll come to the Orwellian rationale that young, popular and hip = good and old, non-conforming = bad.
    As for other shows, why not cancel American Dad or the Simpsons?
    American Dad was a failure the first day it was launched, it was a carbon copy of another horrific show; Family Guy (yes, I dislike Family guy, but I were working for Fox, I wouldn’t kick it off air, many people actually like that rubbish, whereas American dad is not even popular) and as for the Simpsons, I used to really love that show, but now it’s getting stale and it’s becoming more and more of an afterthought. The Simpsons is way beyond it’s prime now.
    Mike Judge has always gotten the short end of the stick, the damned FCC cancelled Beavis and Butt-head, which nearly levled the Simpsons in popularity and that was in the mid-90s when the Simpsons were in their prime and their funniest…and now this BS going on between Fox and KotH.
    With King of the Hill out of the mix, the only cartoons worth watching will be South Park (and it’s starting to show signs of going stale) and Avatar: The Last Airbender (and that show has already reached it’s finale but will always be preferred to garbage like Naruto…but better Avatar end early in it’s prime than go through a slow painful process like the Simpsons or what South Park is about to endure or become corrupted by rabid and delusional Zutara fangirls and Tokkan dipshits)

  93. King of the Hill was getting more and more tired as the seasons went on. In our household, it was simply something to watch while waiting for other, newer shows to come on.
    For those of you who think of this as an animated sitcom, you’re absolutely right. It transcended its animated medium. However, for a sitcom to remain successful, its characters have to grow and change. Bobby never got older (although Joseph did). They even continued to use the same opening credits years after Buckley died.
    It’s time to let the King go.
    Incidentally, calling someone or something “gay” because you don’t agree with it is pretty damned ignorant. Welcome to the 21st century, kids.

  94. I cannot believe this shit its like my familys show i absolutely love it subtle humor it is sooo hilarious i hate that their doin this

  95. Know whats crazy? King of the Hill, an orginal, witty, creative show, with real chracters that people can get down to is being cancelled to allow:
    Family Guy
    American Dad!
    The Cleaveland Show
    Why on EARTH do we need two spin offs? I like Family Guy, but two spin offs is too much, espcially when all it is, is the same damn show.

  96. I guess in the end, some shows just aren’t crappy enough for Fox.

  97. now that the show is going to be canceled i hope they make an episode where dale gribble finally finds that joseph is john redcorn’s dad and not him that would be a great way to go out!!

  98. Here we go again, my favorite network in da whole wide world (fox) screws up again…King of the Hill has always been a hillarious, smart, and well written animated show proving itself to be categorized with the best. Since its begining it has delivered real good comedy using characters in which people have the ability to see a part of themselves dispite ones background,
    such as “Hank” and “Peggy’s” naiveness, “Dale’s” ignorance, “Bill’s” stupidities, and “Luanne’s” dumb blonde steryeotype. Something must be done to re-interest fox in our beloved residents of Arlen,TX. Why don’t they cancell American Idol?

  99. To save KING OF THE HILL go here and sign the petition.

  100. Isn’t it strange that suddenly, the once cancelled Family guy has come back and will now have itself and two other crappy spinoff programs polluting the airwaves?
    King of the Hill and Futurama were the only good animated sitcoms ever on fox, plus seasons 1-8 of the Simpsons.

  101. All I know is that who cancelled “King of the Hill,” ain’t right. That boy ain’t right!

  102. Honestly I think the later seasons of KOTH are the best ever and Iโ€™m surprised and saddened by the cancellation. The Cleveland Show!? Are they kidding us? Why cant FOX Just Combine Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland Show instead of giving them all separate time slots? (They could call it โ€˜The Family Dad Showโ€™). I donโ€™t want to sound like another Seth Green basher. I actually like some of his work. But for Bobโ€™s sake! Why not give some other person some money to make a cartoon show? Or better yetโ€ฆ
    Those network executives are a bunch of giblet heads I tell you what.

  103. Cry some more you faggot KotH fans. This is a good day. Family Guy runs FOX Sunda nights.

  104. its about dam time king of the hill sucks the simpsons and american dad or family guy are much better.

  105. no offense to king of the hill lovers. I think king of the hill should go off the air. the simpsons or family guy are much better. Im sorry if i have hurt anyones feelings but its about dam time.

  106. This sucks… i love king of the hill, it reminds me of my family, especially hank and my dad. Its hilarious and it uses smart comedy to make it that way. Simpsons are #1 but KoTH is a show that is great.

  107. i’m gonna really miss KOTH, you know, the stupidass shows always make it at the theathers, television, etc.
    I don’t understand how can fox cancel the show…i hope that the other seasons will be released on video. i owns seasons 1-6 and have been waiting for the rest (I guess its like waitn’ for my momma to return mr. dautrive’s truck and be put back in jail for stabbin’ my daddy with a fork!) Love ya Mike Judge and LOVE KOTH (i even love mr. kahn!)

  108. please dont cancle king of the hill. This is my favraite show on tv . King of the hill is the most populer annaimated show on tv thats a fact. you will regret this when another station picks it up and starts braodcasting I am one of the presidents of ABC world news and were going for it if you drop it. So please think about it befor you make a dissishion.

  109. Alright!!!! That show sucked!!!!!!!

  110. I always hated this Show, Besides I wasn’t waiting for the next episode titled: “Hank invests On a new propane tank” Now they make room for Seth mcfarlanes New sitcom comedy show “The Cleavland Show”.

  111. It’s really sad to see this show go. I don’t think the Cleveland show will do as well. I will give it a chance to, but I seriously doubt you will ever find a show that is similar to King Of The Hill. I think Seth is trying to monopolize The Animated series market. Now Granted I actually think American Dad & Family guy are funny, but I don’t feel he deserves to get a spin off on a minor character like Cleveland and get his own show. It’s not going to do as well as KOTH. Like the other comments posted before me KOTH got funnier after every season. Keep it on! ABC please pick it up, as Fox has made a terrible mistake

  112. I can’t believe this! King of the Hill is a staple in our household, one of the only shows we can watch together as a family…I have only one thing to say as I throw something at Fox from my pocket….”Pocket sand!! Sha-Sha-Sha-SHA!!!!”

  113. Too bad for them cancelling the show. I wonder how they get the rating to see who is watching what. I know alot of people who watch it. Well it must be the people who voted for Bush 2 times that got it cancelled sorry to say. Maybe they need some new ideas? Get a new writer….

  114. to Lambert, sir you are just like some other spineless wimpy so called americans, who for some unknown reason, care about what the world thinks about us. they hate us anyway, regardless of our t v shows, grow a pair man!

  115. I can very easily, and effectively, communicate only in sentences beginning in “as ______ (random King character) says…”

  116. A little known fact is that American Dad (as you know it is the Family Guy spin-off, or ripoff) is a lower rated animated series than King of the Hill. In fact, at one point in 2008, American Dad was the lowest rated series to air on FOX. But cancelling King of the Hill will be the dumbest thing FOX ever did.

  117. I love King of the Hill, but like all annaimated shows, including the Simpsons it has hit the wall. It’s not funny anymore. The Simpsons lost it’s humor a few years back and I don’t think they’ve ever found it. King of the Hill will run forever in reruns….Thanks Mike Judge!

  118. fox is making a huge boo-boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    long live the hills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  119. While it is true that the more recent seasons of King of the Hill had lost what made the show great, the show still kicked ass. It was always much better then the garbage that is American Dad(never funny), Family Guy(not funny since fox revived it), and the Simpsons(hasn’t been funny in years). The only good shows fox ever produced got axed before their time, long live King of the Hill and Futurama.

  120. What a horrible move! I love this show. How can they pick American Dad over KoTH? Im boycotting fox. IDIOTS!!!

  121. Just when u think the irony of the show has hit its pinnacle in America, another one of u brain dead, family guy viewers comes onto this site and epitomizes the characteristics that KotH so delicately makes a mockery of. Those of you who are so worthless u have to come here and call people โ€œfagsโ€ because they love the only REAL show on tvโ€ฆU, u most likely fit the criteria for the show. I can just picture u now, a master of your domainโ€ฆ i.e. your couch and TV remote, unwittingly stumbling upon a show like king of the hill that does not spoon feed you fart and dick jokes week after week. Mike judge gives u another 500 years in his film โ€˜Idiocracyโ€™ but from where Iโ€™m sitting, your about one shotgun wedding, and two pregnancies away from spoiling the chance for a sequel. If you donโ€™t like king of the hill please find a web site, militia or institution that actually cares.

  122. โ€ฆ.and I understand that those of u who call koth a โ€œredneckโ€ show are likely just having a slow day at the local Megalow Mart, maybe aisle 8a is no longer experiencing the usual influx of activity, or you just simply forgot how to get to work. But donโ€™t tell me that u have free time to talk shit here when your uncles babyโ€™s, distant cousin is thriving at the pawn shop. If Bill was able to sell meta life bars there must be something out there for u to doโ€ฆ.its all about the fundamentalsโ€ฆ

  123. King Of The Hill was on the decline so it should come as no suprise that it was cancelled. That being said it was a great show overall except for the past couple of seasons. To the people who for some insane reason think it is better than The Simpsons you guys are delusional. No show can even touch it.

  124. KotH is being replaced by Family Guy spin off “Cleveland.” As much as I love Seth MacFarlane’s work, I am not happy about this dominated block of his.. The Simpsons have long run its course. I am tired of new ways for Homer to screw up, have Marge leave, only for Homer to redeem himself. Get rid of the Simpsons.

  125. cant believe they are taking this off fox…bad move..king of the hill and the simpsons are by far the two best cartoons of alltime..if another channel picks up king of the hill i will watch every episode at least i know a ton of people that will do the same

  126. so in order to make room for the cleveland show koth had to be sacrificed. Our only hope is for fox’s new “bright idea” shows to fail and our email and hate mail to pile up in their board rooms. Then just like family guy before it koth shall rise again. Or another network will bring it back and enjoy the ratings while fox will sit back and wonder why they are losing viewers. buy the dvds watch the reruns, and write your fox affiliate. We can do this…I tell ya what.

  127. Dang ol yo man? King of the Hill is still hilarious. Family Guy, which I like for its tastlesness, is often stupid and unfunny. I think the Simpsons has become less and less funny over the years, but they would never drop them. King of the Hill has had real character development that other animated shows lack. It’s the idiosyncracies of all the characters that make it work, just like a classic sitcom. If King of the Hill dies, I hope they will give American Dad the axe too.

  128. Is that a fact, KotH is being bumped for the Cleaveland Show? It’s a known fact that people tune out in droves after Family Guy when American Dad comes on. Now that guy is putting on another work of self plagirism.

  129. well thier gnna be playing thier episodes on adult swim in jaunary from what i hear so yea, no biggie lol

  130. I am 45 yrs old and this is a show that I Love!!!!!!!! It is one of the only shows that has enough talent in the writing that can make all ages, religions, races.. love the show. My 11 year old son and I have our own dance with our feet to the tune at the beginning of the show. It gets us all excited for Whats to come. I watch all the reruns when they are on as it gets me in a good mood and doesnt offend me. My friend has rescently been turned on to the show from me and loves it too ( she is a hard one)..She hadent watched it in the past as she thought it might be as offfensive as all the rest of the crap out there, but she even has a thumbs up. I want to fight to keep this on the air. for the sake of the character on our TV and the King of the Hill dance that my son and I love so much.

  131. I understand that shows come and go, but what ticks me off the most is that Fox refused to release any more seasons of DVD’s of King of the Hill. I really liked the show so my husband would buy me the videos but they stopped after season 6. It Would have been nice to have the entire collection!

  132. My family and I are so upset that king of the hill is being canceled!! We have season 1- 6 on dvd that we watch every night b4 going 2 bed and we loved the shows that aired on sundays!! I HATE the simpsons, family guy and american dad… family guy isn’t suitable for my lil ones or me. It can be a bit 2 much and blasphemous at times! So why keep these shows!! get rid of those awful cartoons and bring back king of the hill!! The only time we watched Fox on sundays is when king of the hill would come on and when it went off so did that channel!!

  133. I just found out that KotH was going to be cancelled : ( for a Cleveland spinoff. What I find illogical is that a show like American Dad, the worst piece of garbage (at least on the Fox lineup) to be spewed off the airwaves has yet to be cancelled, and if I’m not mistaken, has a new contract. It got way less ratings than KotH. It’s a shame to see a realistic, clever, witty, and funny show get cancelled. It truly was something the whole family could enjoy. I guess on the plus side it will leave with honor and dignity and not end up like the Simpsons (which is at least 6 years from its prime and is extremely stale). Now I will only watch Fox to see the KotH reruns, seeing as their entire sunday lineup us now tasteless, crude, and incredibly low-brow. It’s too bad they are cancelling one show I could watch with my kids where I wasn’t afraid of them seeing something inappropriate. “Those Fox executives are giblet heads I tell you what. Those boys ain’t right” Long live the king.

  134. I’m not happy either and like soooo many other people, are wondering why American Dad is still going and to a lesser extent Family Guy (which has its moments).
    King of the Hill has been a funny feel good show and in my opinion should not be killed by the FOX, I tell you what!

  135. I love king of the hill, no doubt its a great show but someone made a horrible comment saying South park is a bad show….
    i can throw so much shit down on you but im not because i dont have the time Kari

  136. i’m with so many others when they ask why not the simpsons and family guy if fox wants to cancel something.I can’t even watch the simpsons anymore and family guy i just can’t stand.i wish they would release the rest of the series of koth on dvd.why is there only six seasons that have been released?King of the Hill is one of the best things on tv.it’s a great fun family oriented feel good show.it’s also the only thing that gets me to turn on the fox network.what a mistake there making.

  137. i love this show i can’t belive they are stopping

  138. are you kidding me? king of the hill is the only show thats farely apropriate. i cant believe its canceled.

  139. Ok, I really enjoy Family Guy (Even Though this past season pushed somethings a little too far) American Dad, and the Simpsons. But, I think Fox has lost it, I mean, canceling shows such as KotH and MadTV. To be honest, I would much rather see American Dad go, it’s not funny.

  140. I read on wikipedia that they cancelled it to make room in the sunday night lineup for The Cleveland Show… So Now Seth McFarlane has 3 shows, why American Dad was renewed is beyond me and doing another spin off of Cleveland please it will be cancelled after 1 season! We lose king of the hill for 1 show that should have ended a long time ago and another that will be cancelled in a year… nicely done Fox!

  141. It is the most sad info, since President “Shoehit” was elected/reelected. This show was the only one which presented REAL American mind, heart and soul to us worldwide, who had chance to share life with you, people. I hope someone sometime will continue with cartoon of this kind, since it is the best “Americana” ever.
    God bless Arlen, Tx

  142. This just sucks. I am a big fan of Family Guy and the Simpsons, but King of the Hill was just something else. It’s sad to lose a cartoon with such character. The jokes were not outlandish, some were just bizarre (I was thinking, if we tore down this wall here, and built a new wall over there, that’d be fun…) and not one episode really had any kind of far-fetched plot to it; they were all things that could happen to anyone in any town. I live in the city, and there is an alley behind my apartment building. Three friends and I are frequently found standing out there drinking beer, where we talk about old times and wear new “I Gave Blood” hats. It’s sad to see KotH go.

  143. Family Guy was ok for a whle.. but take it from a Brit.. King of the Hill was wonderful. I wish Hank was my neighbour. What a straight up guy!

  144. To see something truly hilarious go to the URL I can’t believe this me and my dad love this show I definitely prefer it over American Dad although I do love Seth Mcfarlen I can’t live without my Hank and Peggy, Dale, Nancy, Bill, Boomhauer, Bobby,Joseph, Luanne, John Redcorn, Kahn and Minh Souphanousinphone, Kahn Jr (Connie), Lady Bird, hell I’m gonna even miss Lucky and Mr. Strickland old top. I have to go cry now… I hope adult swim will be airing new seasons…and yes I know I left out a hell of a lot of charactures but these ones were some of my favorites I do remember Cotton (RIP) Joe Jack, Enrique, Didi, GH, Miz Liz Strickland…gosh I’m gonna miss that show
    my youtube page for anyone with show clips

  145. Seems as if Seth MacFarlane is Monopolizing Fox. Horrible.

  146. Let’s face it, the show has gone downhill since they killed of Cotton. They should have offed that annoying bitch Peggy, she’s the worse character ever in the history of tv and whenever one of the lame episodes focus on her in the storyline, I change the channel. Apparently, so do many other viewers seeing as the show got canned. It’s your own fault, Mike Judge!

  147. I LOVE the show; I think Fox is making a big mistake. I hope some other network picks it up. I was born and raised in the middle east, yet I still relate to all of the show’s characters. I am really sad it is over.

  148. I wonder why they’re cancelling it.

  149. Team Peggy Hill!!!!

  150. Im actually glad they’re canceling the show. I like it, but the new episodes are getting worse and worse. I think it had a great run and that they should cancel it so the same thing doesn’t happen to it what happened to the simpsons.

  151. I liked this show especially since they mention my city Fort Worth alot .. i’ll miss it

  152. Ahhhh $H*T!!!!! I loved King of the Hill. Although I do like Family Guy and the Simpsons, American Dad epically sucks. I can’t believe it’s being replaced with that peice of worthless junk.

  153. its being replaced with the Cleveland show
    & shut up sit down.
    king of the hill is #1 !

  154. here is a url to the king of the hill site.

  155. Wow you people seem like the world is ending. Relax people, King of the Hill is on Adult Swim. They pulled Futurama for the show. Really I’m kind of happy, I mean the only thing I liked about show is the theme song. But, really, I think they should have cancelled American Dad, it IS an exact replica of Family Guy. Both shows are losing viewers, but it would have made more sense to cancel American Dad. The Simpsons are reaching their end, but it’s my favorite show, and I couldn’t bare to let it go.

  156. Just another case of FOX cashing in on the dumbing down of America. Dry humour and genuine wit doesn’t sell anymore. I guess it’s better to keep it really simple so that the viewers know when they’re supposed to laugh.

  157. I just caught this news (I’m in the UK) while searching for KotH downloads. Here in the UK Fox have just aired series 12 which I enjoyed very much. How can they even think of cancelling this show? The Simpson have had their day really haven’t they, the story lines are getting weaker all the time and I can’t recall when I last laughed out loud while watching a Simpsons episode, same with American Dad – perhaps its because I’m British, but I don’t really get it. Family Guy is good but we are still seeing repeats of series 1 – 5 and I am bored with the same episodes time and time again. But KotH – I love its understated and intelligent observations of human nature – not just Texans. It translates very well to a WW audience.
    Do you think Mike Judd has stopped making them or perhaps another network will pick then up?

  158. My son and I are big KOTH fans. How dare Fox cancel this show and kepp American Dad, The Simpsons, and Family Guy. They are all crap compared to KOTH.

  159. I can’t belive you guys would cancel king of the hill and not family guy, i mean are you serious you guys are retards

  160. As a British viewer and someone who has loved this show since it began, I am saddened by this news. Over here in the UK we don’t get to see the new shows as quick as in the US of course, but always looked forward to the new episodes.
    There is no other animation series as good or funny as this one. Yes of course we get The Simpsons and Family Guy but they’re just not in the same league.
    A very sad day.

  161. I lived in the US for 6 years and KOTH was along Curb Your Enthusiasm my favorite show. Now I teach english back home, in the Czech Republic, and always tell my students to watch KOTH if they want to know what America is really about. In my opinion the show always had high standards, maybe doing down a bit with season 7 but then picking up again later. If the characters were growing old, the show would be near perfect. Itล› really hard sometimes to keep in mind it’s just a cartoon. The sad thing is there were still so many options to explore, like Dale realizing Joseph isn’t his son. It would be nice if KOTH’s creators made one episode using all those stupid Simpsons jokes and situations, just as a contrast to King’s well crafted storylines. Maybe more people would see what treasure we’re losing here.

  162. I’m sad to hear that KOTH is being cancelled. I have truly enjoyed this show over the years. These folks are REAL characters….not stupid aliens or talking dogs with 7th grade bathroom (and worse) humor. Fox is “dumbing down” America replacing this excellent animation with another inferior show.

  163. Damn I’m sorry so excuse the first word.I think the head of FX can’t remember that when some of us growing up did’nt need the ban words that were not allow in public use to make us laugh. I guess his children or his off spring has know problem with anything with in the alpha bet to be used in the since of humor or for laughter .I can say mike J you had a good thing with KOTH because kids could watch it along with adults.I know this will mean nothing but I put this in front of any animation includeing the Simpson.Listen to the people that like KOTH or love it thanks for your support.I really did’nt think a few hrs a day would take away the peoples time to watch more adult programs

  164. I sure wish some network would save King of the Hill. I thought it much more original, and I absolutely loved it. I would rather you’d cancel Family Guy, as I never liked that show one bit.

  165. Hey if you have a problem with your kids watching a show DON’T LET THEM WATCH IT. Its not the writers fault that you let them watch it and when they imitate something. This is bull crap just like with Bevis and Butthead.

  166. Yo family guy is the best show out their now on fox and cartoon network.That show is way better then American dad i agree 100% on keeping king of the hill instead of American dad.

  167. Im glad that show is finally ending anything is better than that redneck show.

  168. I tell you what johnny, I could not agree more with your profound and insightful post. Like you, I am sure enough looking forward to more dancing with the stars knock off shows as opposed to this inane redneck crap.
    One question though. Are you some idiot that works for Fox or just some regular idiot?

  169. To be sure Fox will be truly sick when someone else picks up one of the best cartoons for all ages since the Flintstones, come on now Fox can you truly be so completely in the dark? Here’s an obvious hit show! Are you (Fox) reading the amount of sadness here!!!!!! Then on the other hand all other availible networks…why don’t you be the one to take on the best cartoon of the 21st century??????Hey there’s ano brainer, Hmmmmm…..lets see KOFTH 11year hit most of the time….. legions of loyal fans…….. once happy fans….now extremely sad loyal fans!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the time for a smart network to take over. Read these e=mails…. SO HERE IT IS….WHICH NETWORK WILL IT BE? WHO WILL SAVE ARLEN AND THE KING OF THE HILL?

  170. King of the Hill Runs on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim now. ๐Ÿ™‚ M-F 2:30am or so…

  171. I’m glad Fox has decided to cancel tihis dimbwitted program.Hank Hill is the biggest the imbecilic moron out there he’s perhaps the most biggoted,bullying,overbearing and probably racist individual since Archie Bunker.His wife Peggy is his equal in terms of stupidity,she gone from one failed effort to another.As a teacher she failed utterly.I would’nt put it past any student to bring a gun in her class she’s the only teacher who needed to be shot aside from Mr.Garrison on “South Park”. As for his son the rotten fruit of his looms Booby,the only thing good about him ended up as a brown stain on his parents bedsheets he’s not at all funny,if anyone’s laughing it’s not with him it’s at him and if he by some fluke passes out of junior high it’ll be not by good grades but the teachers being fed up.As for Lu Ann the only the number 115.It’s not her I.Q. it’s the amount of her brain that destroyed.

  172. My favorite tv show. Will miss it tremendously.

  173. King of the Hill is a great show with great characters and stories. It’s been in the decline the last couple of years — not as good as it was maybe 4 or 5 years ago, when the stories were just better. Still, it’s sad to hear it’s been canceled. It has definitely been one of the best shows on TV, just as good as South Park or Family Guy or Futurama.

  174. this is terrible…
    i just start watching the show, find out how funny and awesome it is, then it gets cancelled

  175. I love King of the Hill, I agree with most everyone else in that I cannot believe that shows like family guy and such are still going strong. And the Simpsons ugh…I used to watch the Simpsons years ago and I’ve had my fill. It’s not even tollerable anymore. Ditch the Simpsons and Family Guy and bring back King of the Hill!! As someone else stated, this is a decent animated show that you can watch with your family unlike the others. Another poor decision by FOX, so sad.

  176. Thank goodness this show is finally ending! It was never funny, nor was it clever, unlike the Oprah and Jerry Springer fans would have you believe. It was possibly the worst show in history. In fact, even FOX says that “it cheated death more than once”.

  177. Pity !! and BOOOOO! on everyone here who wrote oterwise ……
    But anyway – I think in couple of years they’ll comeback as Futurama did and will ground those who canceled them into “executive powder”.

  178. My husband works 6 nights a week. With 2 of our kids being in school their only quality time together is on Sunday. They love to watch The Simpsons and King of the Hill. We don’t allow them to watch Family Guy or American Dad, b/c of all their racist and sexist remarks, and other things that are offensive to everyone. It’s sad that Fox supports that type of thing.

  179. Fox should have cancelled American Dad b4 King of the Hill. King of the Hill is a great show!

  180. All about political correctness.What is our country coming to?Do we really want to live in a world without KOTH?

  181. This is such a fun, easy to watch show, I wish they’d keep it on. Besides old Seinfeld episodes, this is about the only TV show I watch regularly.

  182. what the hell!? why is this being canceled? i loved this show! i watched it when i was growing up and now its dead!? i guess i have to watch the dumb founded simpsons again………..

  183. Fox is finally getting rid of this piece of shit show.Hank Hill has to be the most biggotted dimbwitted imbecile in the world.He’s the reason people have a low opinion of Republicans not Bush,Cheney,or Karl Rove. Anyone that would want to save this show is as big a moron as Hank himself.The Simpsons,Family Guy are far superior in many respects.Burn in Hell Hank

  184. What in the devil’s name makes Fox think that American Dad should stay on the air while KOTH gets the boot?! I mean, I’m more of a Discovery Channel person anyway, but I’ve seen American Dad, Family Guy, The Simpsons and King of the Hill more than once and I honestly can’t understand the reasoning behind a decision like that.

  185. Here is what I have to say! King of the Hill is dry humor, yet I love it. I do believe American Dad is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. King of the Hill is funny and nobody can ever take that away. I love the show and will miss it especially considering “American Dad”, is complete garbage. O.K the fish is the dog “Brian from Family Guy”.? At least Hank didn’t make Bill an X-Soccer athlete from high school. The “Bill-Dozer” will live and King of the Hill will prosper. Hey Family Guy didn’t you beg Comedy Central to help you out before? King of the Hill was begged and agreed, on their own terms.

  186. Correction: The feeble mindedness of Family Guy made me refer the wrong network. Cartoon Network actually took up King of the Hill. I imagine Family Guy did beg Comedy Central to play their retarded show. King of the Hill has always been an underdog and maybe college frats can revive them like they did for Family Gay.

  187. By the way I meant to write Gay instead of guy.
    hehehehehhehe quote “Peter Cock Sucker”.

  188. Besides canceling the only show on the network that I’ll watch…the real kick in the teeth is that I own all 6 seasons that have been released…I would own all 13…but that’s right they haven’t been released…if rumors I heard are true…I pray that ABC has the brains to pick-up the show! For faithful watchers it’s kind of like loosing family.

  189. KoTH is to be replaced by The Cleveland show. Know, I read something about The Simpsons becoming more like family guy… no not really, in my eyes The Simpsons have changed from serious to funny know if you people don’t have a sence of humour GTFO the internet KNOW!! and don’t watch t.v either unless you’re watching some opera crap… or you’re watching something like wrestling… which is serious if you guys want serious, AND KoTH is not being cancelled until fall… and its winter like guys! 10 months away or so…

  190. I have been looking for my new episodes of KOTH and just found out that those idiots cancelled it. I guess it was not raunchy enough for Fox. I guess they only want teenie boppers who have an apetite for raunch AKA hip AKA kewl. I guess another 8 to ten years and I will have nothing to watch on TV anymore. How about free up some air space and take crap like american idol off and this so called survivor(soap) By the way what does ABC have to watch anymore???? LOST is the only thing I can think of. and NBC well they want instant grat or they can a show with promise. Whats next Fox gonna cancel Terminator TSCC why not its number one to me so can it.

  191. KOTH is one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen; what many people fail to see is that it is not a white trash T.V. show. It show traditional American culture, unlike other shows like Family Guy and American dad was the fact that it had…INTELLIGENCE.

  192. Another piece of classic entertainment bites the dust while foul-languaged, insipid adult animation such as South Park and Family Guy. I have come to be truly fond the the “Hill” family and their odd neighbors and friends. Each character demonstrates some facet of those real folks in the world around us whom we learn to love despite all their maladjustments. While recovering from extensive open heart surgery, I nailed channel, day and time for all runs/reruns of King of the Hill…a major contribution to my healing! I am soooooo sorry to see them go.

  193. American Dad and The Simpson’s SUCKED. I enjoyed the warped sense of humor that King of the Hill supplied. I don’t get why they keep shows that have NO plot, No story line, just mindless dribble. JMO!

  194. I think King of the Hill has simply been running too long. It _is_ a better show than most of the other popular cartoon-sitcoms but the episodes are getting stale. I do _not_ wish to see it canceled and I think the problem is that like all TV shows the writers are expected to continue writing episodes at the same pace as when a series was fresh. The solution is simple, but not necessarily monetarily advantageous: King of the Hill needs to be released at a slower rate. Actually, I feel this would be better than canceling the many great shows out there. Would it not be better if shows like King of the Hill and the Simpsons took turns being released rather than either being canceled entirely or continued at a lower quality? Why not, in a sense, make them part of the same project and release the episodes on the same schedule? Aging actors and musicians often don’t retire altogether but are seen less often and release material at a slower rate; why not do the same with good cartoons? I guess I’m just not a big fan of youthanasia in _any_ form–King of the Hill is still far from a comatose state.

  195. This is tragic. KoTH is one of the best animated series ever in my book. American Dad is way too much like Family Guy and way dumber. I mean the main character has the EXACT same chin as Quagmire, really you couldn’t make it slightly different? In my opinion cancel ADad, Simpsons, FGuy, then KoTH last. And isn’t the Cleveland show supposed to be airing someday soon too? That will be way to monotonous for me. If ABC has any brains at all they would KoTH up quicklike….. SHASHASHHHAAAA!

  196. I am sooo glad that stupid show is over bcuz it was sooo boring that I would cry myself to sleep inside the bathroom bcuz my eyes were burning by watching and the guy who posted that comment above me obviously does’t have no interest in shows bcuz thats y King of the Hill”KOTH” got cancelled and the cool shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons and American Dad are still running while his stupid “KOTH” is CANCELLED!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA “KOTH” Sucks!!!!

  197. KOTH was by far one of the most original and clever shows ever made, all while the vile,vulgar Family Guy prospers. I just don’t understand a culture that can embrace crap like Howard Stern, Jerry Springer, and whatever other garbage passes as entertainment.Fox won’t even release the last 6 seasons on DV… WHY????!!!!
    Becasue they buckled under PC pressure, thats why!! Because KOTH didn’t fit the mold. Only bumbling, bufoonish, biggoted, slovenly white guys are allowed in the spotlight in a PC world. God-fearing, American-loving, respectable white guys like Hank Hill have no place in a PC world.
    Fox entertainment is NOT Fox news. It’s just another media outlet filled with liberals.


  199. I tell that Goofus is a dumbass!

  200. Hey Screw you Dan Krumm and I hope u go to the public bathroom and u see a homeless guy eating a ham sandwich by the name of Big “Blue” Jablowski, and he slaps u until u admit that King of the hill sucks my balless Cat Testicles and u like Family Guym, American Dad and The Simpsons….. You all King of the hill fans can all suck Your grandpa’s old Sack!!!!! HaHAHA

  201. “They supported Bush on the show…”
    Ummm…would that be the episode wherein Hank shook Bush’s limp ass hand and compared it to ‘gripping a fish’?
    Riiiight…they ‘supported’ ol’ moron Bush…;)
    This show leaned to the right regarding family values…but Judge was never THAT stupid.

  202. I am so saddened by this new that I just might cry. This show has been on for over half of my life and I have watched it every step of the way. FOX keeps complaining about the low ratings but the reason it gets such low ratings is because they shove it aside for shit like Family Guy and American Dad.
    They are doing the same thing they did with Family Guy the first time and canceling it so that they can make a ton of money off of the DVD sales. I am sorry but FOX is run by a bunch of moronic, money grubbing jews!!! They have proven this time and time again….and to find out it is being replaced by The Cleveland Show is a slap to the face…I mean, who really wants to hear Cleveland talk for 30 minutes!
    I will miss you Hank, Dale, Peggy, Bobby and Boomhauser!

  203. i hope they still keep the show but hank of the hill is in on adult swim now.

  204. Judge and Daniels conceived the series after a successful run with Judge’s earlier Beavis and Butt-head on MTV, and the series debuted on the Fox Network on January 12, 1997, becoming an early hit. The series’ popularity has also led to syndication by many local affiliates, the FX network, Adult Swim, as well as a number of international networks. The show has risen to become one of FOX’s longest-running series, and the second longest-running American animated series, behind The Simpsons. In 2007, it was named by Time Magazine as one of the greatest television shows of all time.[1] The title theme was written and performed by The Refreshments. King of the Hill has won two Emmy Awards and has been nominated for seven since its inception. just give the creators time to come up with good episodes Keep it real fox, King of the hill is a good classic show

  205. can someone pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer this question: first the reason why fox is canceling the show is b/c they cant think of any more episodes(which i think is completely obserd with a show like koth theres somemuch potiential) anyway why dont they just air the show from season 1 -13 every year they dont need new episodes thee old ones are great

  206. KotH is the #1 animated show that is on television. It is so disappointing to hear that it is being cancelled. We have TVo and watch KotH instead of alot of the rediculous reality shows.

  207. Finally! King of the Hill is so stupid and so white trash. The topics they discuss are OK but their conclusions are usually idiotic. The whole show is so narrow minded and stupid.

  208. It sucks that King OfThe hill is being canceled. Eventhough myself and 3 of my best friends live side by side (yes we do drink in the alley) I don’t think I will miss it that much. Don’t get me wrong I love king of the hill,but its better to stop episodes before they get retarted and make no since at all (like other certain shows family guy) Anyways its on cartoon network everynight @ 10:00 to 11:00. Eventhough we will miss the show I’m sure they will replace it with something better. NO GAY ASS REALITY SHOW. R.I.P King of the Hill. To everyone who don’t like the show SUCK ONE!

  209. Mixed emotions at watching this show pass. As one of those who the guys in the alley would have looked at suspiciously, liberal, well educated, and not from texas, I have alwasy been envious of them. This was a throw back show to a more dignified America. While I love being over educated, well traveled, and an observer of the grey areas of life, I want so much to be able to tell a funny story about the screws in those hinges.

  210. This sucks.

  211. I’m glad to see it made it this long but ill miss it alot. not once did they make a cheap shot about swearing, gays, or any other easy pointless jokes found in family guy. best yet the show was actually funnier if you paid attention to the plot. I hope mike judge works on another series. never again will I hear hardware terms without laughing.
    lol propane…

  212. Well adult swim picked it up maybe they can save it. KotH is a great show

  213. A shame really, quite a funny show although those not from Texas may just not get it. If you are you get every little joke from “Lully’s” to “Luanne Platter”. Sorry to see it go, lets hope Mike Judge can come up with something just as good or better. BTW: I can’t believe American Dad is still on..that show is unwatchable and just plain sucks. As for the Simpsons, its just not funny anymore and its demise is long overdue. Would love to see either of the other two go before “King of the Hill”. What’s next “Family Guy” cancelled again. When are they going to stop cancelling the only funny shows on TV.

  214. also quite a shame that seth McFarlan made “Family Guy” and it’s so good, intellegent and funny and also made “American Dad” which sucks monkey balls.

  215. First of all I’m no fan of Obama (and not because of he’s black but for his policies or lack thereof).Second,I’m proud to be an American my views of KOTH are that Hank Hill is A MORON due to the fact that he’s been around propane so long it’s messed up his brain worse than Bobby,Bill’s or Luann’s combined(If they ever had a brain for starters.)Hank is also a BIGGOT (more than Archie bunker or Eric Cartman combined)he has no tolerance for legal immigrants, he views the internet as an obscenity it’s not it’s a part of our lives. He views the word vagina as fowl language it’s not it’s a part of the human anatomy and diet soda or drinks for that matter aren’t femmine products they’re beverages as much as beer is. As for his views on womens sports not being real sports they are real sport. So christian I’m sorry if my views upset you but people like you and Hank are why the Republicans are viewed so unfavorably now and it’ll take alot from men like Rommeny,Jindal,Gulliani to get the GOP back on top and perhaps it’ you who should like Hank get there heads out of their asses and put a gun to their heads.Also I’m A REPUBLICAN you asshole.

  216. King of the Hill has never been funny. I grew up In NM and had to deal with red neck morons just like the characters on this show. It’s amazing how this country is mostly dumb hicks. Go anywhere in the middle of the country and you meet slack-jawed fat asses who only have a 10th grade education. It’s sad. I’m not surprised the show’s now cancelled but I hope Judge (a homeboy) finds new work. Enjoy your Sunday nights, you stupid hicks!

  217. Why would you cancel King of The Hill i freakin loved that show freakin cancel American Dad that show is freakin BS.

  218. Oh I forgot to mention i am not watching Fox anymore cuz you guys screw us with crap like American Dad!!!!! Once again cancel that show its freakin a BS version of Family Guy.
    KING OF HILL 4 LIFE!!!!!

  219. King of the Hill jumped the shark toward the end of it’s run when the plots kept featuring “Lucky”, the redneck stereotype that the show had avoided all those years. This avoidance gave it credibility, but the show finally sold out and gave in to plots centered around a mediocre character with a celebrity voice in the wake of the whole “the negative aspects of being a ‘redneck’ are relateable and cool phenomenon”.

  220. I love KOTH. Futurama and KOTH are my 2 all time favorite shows. I do agree with Norger though, I would have to say it started goin down after the 8th season. Best seasons of KOTH in my opinion were the 4th 5th and 6th. Sha-sha!

  221. It’s appalling, but not at all surprising, considering the fact that FOX wouldn’t know quality if it slapped them in the face. All they understand are dollar signs and “edginess” which seems to pass for quality over there. The only reason they actually end up with quality shows every once in a while is that they indiscriminately SHOW ANYTHING that comes there way. The ever-frustrating thing for viewers is that when they actually do strike gold with shows like KotH, Arrested Development, Futurama, etc. I mean, they canceled THE X-FILES after its first season!!!!! The only reason it was brought back was because the viewers flipped out and wrote letters! They know NOTHING about good TV which is why they’ll continue be a bit of a joke instead of a serious hit-machine. Well, that and Murdock’s antics.

  222. how are they going to cancel king of the hill
    its obserd king of the hill is the best animated series on fox faaaact

  223. I’m coming to the end of my rope with assholes who view the impending and much longed for demise of King of the Hill.This show was more white trash than Roseanne was.Peggy Hill and Roseanne Connor only have thing in common diarehha of the mouth.

  224. Fuck Fox. Fuck Fox executives, staffers, and each and every person involved in process that yanks a show like KOTH but gives the green light to some bullshit fart joke based spin-off like “The Cleveland Show”. Oh and my fucking God, this new Osbourne show, what a way to spend an hour degenerating yourself. To say nothing of a similar hour of American Idol.
    Fuck Fox. Fuck these idiot asshole retards calling the shots. A view cant hardly even turn into watching the shows because some sporting event might run 2 hours long fucking the schedule all to hell. Would these stupid mother fucking faggot Fox executives think to cut a few minutes off a Football post-game or a NASCAR post-race show that nobody watches anyways? Of course fucking not. Would these cock blowing pieces of shit dare slim down commercial breaks in order to catch up a little? Haha, you gotta be shitting me.
    In short, fuck Fox. Fuck this shit network. Do your part and pirate anything and everything you can. If Fox makes it, don’t buy it, don’t tune in, go download that shit.

  225. I was a fan of King of the Hill for the first 6 or so seasons but then i thought the show got boring and really started to lose steam. im surprised it lasted this long, it says alot about how sad the state of television is now…back in the 80′ or 90’s a hit show would go anywhere from 3 to 9 seasons and that was about right but now shows go on and on forever (especially reality shows) and im sick of it. What i liked about King of the Hill they werent afraid to kill off characters like buckley, grandpa (even tho that pissed me off he was one of my faves) and advance the age of the characters like making joseph mature and voice get deeper, unlike the Simpsons, i mean comon Bart has been in the 4th grade like what 20 years now? i mean comon, advance the damn show for gods sake…anyway thats my rant for the day, i feel better


  227. It is subtle. It is original. It is intelligent. It is topical.
    Why did it last so long in the brainless world of network TV with all these characteristics? This is one of those unsolved mysteries.

  228. I love this show and hope they will put out new DVD’s or something! Hopefully Rupert Murdock being as conservative as he is , will realize this show has been removed, and fire the executive that made that call. The show taking it’s place looks lowsy and seems like it belongs on Adult Swim @ 2:00 in the morning. This is the only real wholesome program on television. It doesn’t need all the animated violence and negativity to get it’s ratings, like the shows in the same category. It has a certain appeal, and I hope another Network like CMT or something to that nature will pick it up, because it does have a niche fan base. It may not be as popular as Family Guy or the Simpsons, but alot of people with kids do tune into this show. I hope Sean Hannity or a Glenn Beck will make an issue out of this to get KOTH it’s proper recognition, and a place on either a different time slot or somewhere else. Revolt!

  229. THE GREATEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!
    how sad it would be to see such a good show go

  230. Okay all you people who think that King of the Hill glorifies republicans and conservatives, obviously don’t get it if you listen to some of the things Hank and Peggy and the others say it kinda sounds like they are mocking the American way of life, really though KOTH made fun of a lot of views liberal, conservative, vegan, environmentalist, you get the idea. It is a great show and for those that don’t like it probably watch Family Guy and American Dad because they don’t like to think they just want to be entertained. FOX has made a mistake, The cleveladn Show looks and sounds like a flop.

  231. I wish they’d pull the plug on KOTH soon, the episodes are getting even worse if that’s possible. Tonights episode was another attempt at Mike Judge’s christian fundy humor and again it was unwatchable. I turned the channel until The Simpsons came on. King Of The Hill jumped the shark many seasons ago and it’s sad that great shows like Futurama and the PJ’s got axed far too soon, while this dog turd continues to stink up the air.

  232. sign the petition if you want to continue seeing king of the hill’s clever and hillarious storyline.This show was put in such a horrible timeslot, it’s no wonder why it’s ratings weren’t as high as it’s potential(switch it to the Family guy timeslot and I guarantee there would be a huge spike in the amount of viewers). On top of that all the constant time switches didn’t help either.Fox and all networks care about ratings, which equal money. the only way Fox will pay them for more episodes is if they see how large the king fanbase is. What they need to do is get rid of american dad, and use those funds to support this great american sitcom!http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/KingoftheHill

  233. Pretty soon,5 days to be exact this piece of shit show will consigned to oblivion and the reign of Hank Hill will come crashing down on top of him.As to this past sunday’s episode the only good thing to come of it was Reiney was nearly destroyed.Now if you want it done right don’t leave it to someone like Bill who is what some in the Army would term as “Dumb as Dogshit” just get some F/A 18 Hornets(it dosen’t matter Super Hornets or Legacy Hornets) arm them to the teeth and then hit Rieney St and Arlen harder than the Israelis hit the Osiraq reactor back in 1981.

  234. Perisher, you are an idiot.
    Its was a great show that apparently you have something nasty against.
    Of course I’m sure you enjoy the brilliant humor of shows such as Family Guy, The Mighty Boosh, and a run of other retardation that comes from Adult Swim early mornings.
    In the words of Kahn…Go To HELL!

  235. King of the Hill was a very good show,,,it was funny and it show real people acting just like we are…i love king of the hill, shame on you idiots who are taking this show off!!! that family guy that nasty show and Simpsons very bad show should be the ones canceled!!!!

  236. To SgtA USMC,Yes I’m A fan of Fmily Guy as well Star Wars the Clone Wars. Where as koth is crap

  237. To SgtA USMC,Yes I’m A fan of Fmily Guy as well Star Wars the Clone Wars. Where as koth is crap

  238. WHY!? Well I guess Fox will be watched until the last episode… hopefully someone else picks it up!!

  239. KOTH was one of the best written TV shows of the past 15 years. Not just animated series either but all TV shows combined.
    It captured Mid-West family lifestyle to a tee. I really hopes that it gets picked up my another network asap. And WHEN are they EVER going to release Season 7 plus the rest of the seasons on DVD????

  240. fox really messed up this time I can’t believe it because I love king of the hill and now south park is my only other animated series to watch (besides death note)

  241. Man, seeing that they are canceling king of the hill is sad. I used to watch family guy and simpsons as I was young but as i get older, both those shows make us americans look like dumb as hell. King of the hill shows how life really is instead of random scenes where it has nothing to do with the story. Family guy especially is what makes our kids and teens brains go to mush. it will be a sad day when KotH cancels.

  242. damn it fox you really fucked up this time I mean for crying out loud what the fuck are you thinking! king of the hill is the best show ever and it’s actully being replaced by the clevland show we really don’t need any more seth macFARTline shows

  243. damn it fox you really fucked up this time I mean for crying out loud what the fuck are you thinking! king of the hill is the best show ever and it’s actully being replaced by the clevland show we really don’t need any more seth macFARTline shows

  244. damn it fox you really fucked up this time I mean for crying out loud what the fuck are you thinking! king of the hill is the best show ever and it’s actully being replaced by the clevland show we really don’t need any more seth macFARTline shows

  245. As things now stand it’ll at least a year ebfore this hellacrap show gets the boot.When it happends “It’ll be a day long remembered”.Now as to hella dumbs who’s probably very dumb as Bobby Hill question about how do you go about killing this piece of shit show off,as I said before you just get a F-22,F/A-18(A,C,D,E,F it dosen’t matter)or an F-35 load some JDAMS or some snakes and nape and do to Arlen what the Israeli air force did to the Osiraq reactor in 1981 and thats blow it of the moyherfucking map

  246. King of the Hill is terribly unfunny and boring. I use it to help cure my insomnia on a regular basis. How it lasted this long is beyond me…

  247. King of the Hill is terribly unfunny and boring. I use it to help cure my insomnia on a regular basis. How it lasted this long is beyond me…

  248. “Fifty years from now when Family Guy and American Dad are looked at as children’s programming, King Of The Hill will be a real cultural artifact like The Flintstones is today. Long live The King!”
    BWAHAHAHAHHAHAH.. Oh oh my… oh my goodness…
    That was great! thanks.. I needed that.
    KOTH will be forgotten 2 weeks after it goes off the air. Without he Simpsons lead-in all these years they would never have lasted this long.
    What happens is, people tune into watch the Simpsons then when the KOTH music starts they fall asleep, leaving the channel on. I’ve done this many many times.

  249. (I also don’t like Family Guy or American Dad. Terrible writing. Like they were done by 4th graders. Yet KOTH, though well written, was terribly unfunny most of the time. The most it could get out of me was a little snicker. I guess I’m not a backwards set-in-my-ways redneck dad like Hank though. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t relate…)

  250. King of The Hill is one the best shows on Fox.

  251. King is such a good show. Unlike simps or family
    you never expected to have a super huge laugh then episodes go on with out so much as a chuckle. King always leaves you felling like you had a good time just chilling with some friends kicking back a beer and shooting the breeze. AND when it was a huge laugh it was all the more funner for it.
    I am tried of this crude shit on tv sure family and simps is funny but for the longest time every one was saying it was not funny anymore just one crude joke after another for a disperite laugh that would not come. 20 years of simps not funny for last 5 family not as funny as it used to be.
    This show was good and you know what i would rather be a small town hick like hank then a jackass who can only laugh at fart noises.
    King like a good frined could cheer you up with out making someone else look the fool. RIP KING OF THE HILL the good folks will miss you.

  252. This show sucks and I can’t wait for in the words of Stewie Griffin “FOR IT’S UPPANCE TO COME”

  253. perisher you are a dumb ass. stewie has not been that funny in ages.

  254. koth is by far the most engoyable show out there i mean im 13 and insted of watching dumb shows like american dad south park futrama and gay stuff i sit down every sunday night and wacth it i watch it on cartoon network as well so please dont cancel king of the hill

  255. First: family is actual genious. If you don’t get it, it’s because you’re a moron.
    Second: yes the simpsons blow now and American dad isn’t as funny as king of the hill but it’s still good.
    Third: a Cleveland spin off will be awesome.
    Fourth: king of the hill is great and I want more and more episodes.
    Last: for you total idiots who think your kids shouldn’t watch family guy…then be a goddamn parent and don’t let them. If you think king of the hill is right wing then you are very, very stupid. They are making fun of you but you’re too dumb to get it. Do you really think the creator of beavis and butthead like George w. Bush. Kill yourself.

  256. I just wanted to also say making fun of a topic brings it to a new plain where it becomes ok. As bad of a show as will and grace was it helped bring being gay to the mainstream and made some biggots change their little minds. So family guy making race jokes helps in the long run. Also GOD is NOT real so who cares if they make of it. A lot of you have a lot of growing up to do. O and once again for you people who can’t handle language and don’t know how to switch the channel. KILL YOURSELF.

  257. What a disgrace.
    1) I think Family Guy peaked at season 3, and has been on the wane ever since.
    2) American Dad, in my view, is still finding its feet but is funny and inventive enough to warrant survival.
    3) Cleveland? Who gives a shit what Cleveland is up to? Honestly. He is funny, sure, but I can’t envision him performing well as a lead character. Remember ‘Joey’? Exactly.
    Fox have cancelled a great show to make way for another Seth MacFarlane cash cow, and I’m bloody furious. I love KoTH, and feel sorry for anyone whose tastes are so limited – by the short-sighted comedy fluff of flashback sequences, forced spontaneity and ridiculous self-awareness that is now Family Guy – as not to enjoy the latent honesty, wit and realism that underpins KoTH at every heartwarming turn.
    I have never loyally watched a more dedicated, consistent and – above all – hilarious animated show in my life, and I will miss it.
    Thank you and best wishes to Mike Judge.
    Fuck you, Fox.

  258. To Hank with reguard to your May 4 2009 view of King of the Hill being funny has to be the biggest load of bullshit aside from Luanne Platters’s “efforts” to develope an educational line of dvd’s which would be viewed as a bigger failure than Peggy’s “mussings” the only use I would have for the Arlen Bystander is to line the bottom of a rabbit pen to catch rabbit poop.As to Booby Hill being an “all-star” athelete don’t count on it he’ll just be an “all-star” piece of shit.and to s. stewie kicks ass big time and to people like jeff, trainor and andrew when this show goes down in flames “victory will be ours”

  259. yes it was (sorry i meant always will be) a great show and while i do enjoy family guy and a few episodes of American dad because of their insane stunts and hillarious situations, i liked KOTH for the exact opposite reason, in that it was always believable.
    As a proud Texan i like that most situations, although somtimes overly “texan” in the stereotypical sense, were always made funny by the characters and not just random crap.

  260. To bevis with reguard to your May,4 2009 comment about King of the Hill being a cultural artifact is thr biggest crock of shit I’ve heard from any idiot wanting to save this show.Family and American Dad are PURE GENIUS and KOTH is pure garbage.The cleveland show must be very good for Fox to delay it’s launch until the fall.and to logan with reguard to your comments of May,10 THE KING IS DEAD we’re jus t waiting for the final episodes to air(if we’re very lucky they’ll air this summer instead of next season)as jedi master Yoda would say”At an end King of the Hill’s reign is and not short enough a reign it was.”

  261. For me KotH was a show my whole family could sit down amd watch because although it was not for very young children, it was tasteful and usually was funny with still having a storyline, which i think is rare these days.
    KotH also had a variety of characters which everyone could relate to. In my opinion the simpsons should have been cancelled. the simpsons still being a landmark series has lost all of its luster, and KotH still has a couple miles left in her.

  262. I don’t think I’ll miss it. The show never developed any new characters the entire time it was on the air and they ran out of interesting plots involving the original characters five years ago.
    Plus the corny flag waving and sentimental wishing to return to the ’50’s wore thin awhile back. Last night’s show with the horse’s ass canadian guy was pretty typical. I didn’t hate it, I watched it but it was just so feckin BLAH. Like watching paint dry.
    BTW American Dad sucks. Simpsons is hit or miss these days and Family Guy has lost a step or two over the past couple of years. But all of them or more watchable than King of the Hill.

  263. To all the assholes that are petitioning FOX to save this piece of shit need to take your petitions and shove them up your asses.When this show finally goes down in flames “It’ll be a day long remembered it show the end of King of the Hill and one day the end of My name is Earl.”And to bjgjohn I applaud your comments of 18 May 2009 this crappy show was the most boring idiotic show ever created I tip my hat to you sir.

  264. GOD NO.
    King Of The Hill is a great show.
    How can one justify saying that the last few seasons haven’t been the same, when the “Simpsons” has been God Awgful for years. why do we need three shows by the same guy, family guy, american dad, and now the cleveland show? when there was at least something original and refreshing with King Of The Hill.
    Maybe a few years away will be good for it. Like family guy had.
    I know it has a deep cult following and us true K.O.T.H. won’t let this happen.
    if you were there when “Hank was accused of child abuse”, to the “glorious alley couch episode”, even when “Lucky” made his appearence in the episode “Redneck on Rainey st.” you will help keep this show on.
    e-mail fox. do what must be done!!

  265. King of the hill will always reign supreme over moronic turd-burglar wastes of time like family guy or american dad.

  266. Perisher sounds like the kind of guy who likes to measure other men’s penises with his tongue hahahahahaaaaaaaa

  267. Hahahahaaaa ragoo! Yes, Perisher is the type of guy who says “I’m not gay, I just like to warm up hot dogs by shoving them up my anus because I’m too poor to buy a microwave.” Oh brother… gayer than a rooom full of richard simmons clones watching american idol.


  269. King of the Hill provides a respectable show that has quality humor, strong main and satellite characters which deliver entertainment with morality and respect. And it represents TEXAS very well!!
    FOX is bound and determined to drive away any viewer with a brain. Family Guy and American Dad, while having brushes with humor, are episodes of interchangable humor with flashback cutaways in which the hilarity relies on the random association with the setup joke. Formulaic to a fault.
    FOX runs their network like Steinbrenner ran the Yankees!! Killing shows like Arrested Development, The Loop, etc… tells me monkeys are flying the ship.
    If the world IS done in 2012, we are well on our way.

  270. Damn shame …one of the best shows on T.V.
    Fox made a big mistake

  271. To Ragoo and squirrels i’m not gay also i’m no fan of American Idol wicth like KOTH has outlived it’s usefulness as far as the the two of you idiots being gay thats a subject for later debate you two are probably the biggest morons in the world aside from Bill,Dale,Lucky,and of course Hank and his little turd son Bobby or Boobie as some call him.To sickoffox this show was and will always be like Bobby Hill a piece of shit this was NEVER at all funny or entertaining unlike Family guy or the simpsons the one thing that would be funny is Stewie using someone like LuAnn or Peggy for target practice before going after Lois.If show like the Loop or Aressted Development have anything in common with KOTH it’s that they’re full of shit like Hank.To gregg if there was a “mistake” on the part of Fox it was not getting rid of this piece of shit at the end of season 10 as they’d originly planned.

  272. why? it is the best doggone show! i love Hank Hill and his straight laced hard nosed redneckish way of looking at things. the characters are so funny! not to mention the cool guitar intro!! how dare they take this off and leave that stupid Family Guy stinky American Dad and other stupid shows!! Dumb Hillbilly Rednecks anyway!! why, we’ll just kick their -ss, in the words of good ole Hank Hill! they better still have reruns available! maybe we can buy all the seasons of it on dvd!

  273. Well it sucks they ended the show. Nothing can go forever. I think American dad is ok. I’d give it a 2.5 out of 5. King of the Hill would get from a 4.5 to a 5. Fox had the sit down, shut up show on. Wow, that really went for a long time. They ended it after like 5 episodes. I think the rest of the show will air on fox. It will probably be hard to find a show that can find an audiance like Hill did. I remember weatching that for such a long time. I’m 24 now but when I think back to summer nights when I was like 16, I remember King of the Hill.
    It’s one thing the end the show, but release the DVDs already. It’s not like every show is going to sell millions of copies. It sucks that in the end, everything really comes down to money.

  274. FOX just doesn’t care about quality.
    It’s sad, but maybe it’s better that King doesn’t belong to them anymore.
    Don’t despair, though. King of the Hill will be back someday. I believe it! =D

  275. To sbeaty in response to your question why is Koth getting the boot because KOTH SUCKS IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS.To Dan in response to your 21,May 2009 comment Koth NEVER had a cult following it’s time for you and Barzy and the 500 or so morons to accept these facts KOTH IS DEAD SO DEAD IT HAS TO BE BURIED TWICE and as Stewie Griffin would say “KOTH’S UPPPANCE SHALL COME” as well as Jedi Master Yoda would say “AT AN END KOTH REIGN IS AND NOT SHORT ENOUGH IT’S REIGN WAS.”

  276. To sbeaty in response to your question why is Koth getting the boot because KOTH SUCKS IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS.To Dan in response to your 21,May 2009 comment Koth NEVER had a cult following it’s time for you and Barzy and the 500 or so morons to accept these facts KOTH IS DEAD SO DEAD IT HAS TO BE BURIED TWICE and as Stewie Griffin would say “KOTH’S UPPPANCE SHALL COME” as well as Jedi Master Yoda would say “AT AN END KOTH REIGN IS AND NOT SHORT ENOUGH IT’S REIGN WAS.”

  277. eh, don’t care, it was always the block between watching the Simpsons and then waiting 30 minutes to watch FG and AD. Hope they get something funny in the lineup after they replace it. The show almost never made me laugh, was wrong to ever put it with funny shows on Sunday just cause it was a cartoon.

  278. Fox has gone too far, and it’s time people realized it. Through and through, over the last 2 years I know my family and I have been subjected to the utter trash of Family Guy and American Dad pander to our children because it’s cool and memorable. I’m 23 years old, and I started watching the ORIGINAL Family Guy in 2000 when I was fifteen years old. Not only did my friends and I understand the witty, cutting edge jokes, but we laughed at them, but now they talk about gay babies drinking horse sperm like it’s just cool. The average American Family should be SUBJECTED to this so blatantly. Not witty satirical humor that adults can understand, no instead Seth McFarlan sold out and now derives his inspiration from taking dumps, fucking whores and beating sick children. He’s a rich snob who lost his talent after Rupert Murdock sucked his cock.
    But no, that wasn’t enough for them, they had to cancle King of the Hill. One of the ONLY shows that over 13 years actually stayed true to it’s own fucking message and never took itself too seriously. I loved King of the Hill. Every friend that I know who has two fucking brain cells to rub together loves this show. But nope, Fox sold out to Nascar this season and Pulled two of it’s most clever, thought provoking shows: King of the Hill, and Sarah Connor Chronicles. Instead, Fox now relies on about 300 episodes of House per season because unlike any other show on any network or website House doesn’t need writers. I guess we can give it a pass on pitty. None the less! I stand by what I say right here and right now; Fox either must start to listen to the people who still watch that low budget POS station want, or they will end up exactly where UPN now stands – in the past.

  279. KOTH was a great show, and will always be a great show.
    Clear your DVR’s, and load up a much KOTH as possible.

  280. I cant really stand these newer episodes. I have bought seasons 1-5 and enjoying them from time to time, but I cannot stand these newer episodes. I find the same with all shows like, Family Guy, Simpsons, Spongebob (yeah), just get really dull.

  281. That’s the most asinine thing I ever heard. How is it a white trash show. Any decent person can relate. I can relate and Im a black guy. There needs to be more shows like this on tv that teaches values while being entertaining.

  282. To Greg this show was never funny it was stupid, imbecilic just like Hank Hill.

  283. a sad day myself and other people
    King of the Hill was a good show and it was a good 1,2 punch with The Simpsons. Family Guy and American Dad are bad with racism and garbage.
    King of Queens was a good show that got cancelled for no reason to me but i guess the suits in Fox just seek trash shows.
    The only reason I watch fox is MLB Baseball and College Football.
    Well at least i’m ready for the reruns if the show fails to come back.

  284. Yes, meda it was wrong to put this crappy show on t.v. 13 yrs ago this show was the worst form of dead-air aside from Barrck Obama running his mouth.Hank was a moron,Peggy was a dimbwitt,the ony thing Bobby or Boobie Hill was good at was stuffing food in his face,wiping his butt,or playing with himself(and don’t mean his game boy).But don’t worry somethin funny is on the way it’s the Cleveland Brown Show when this show aires 7:30-8:00 will be funny again.

  285. Yes, meda it was wrong to put this crappy show on t.v. 13 yrs ago this show was the worst form of dead-air aside from Barrck Obama running his mouth.Hank was a moron,Peggy was a dimbwitt,the ony thing Bobby or Boobie Hill was good at was stuffing food in his face,wiping his butt,or playing with himself(and don’t mean his game boy).But don’t worry somethin funny is on the way it’s the Cleveland Brown Show when this show aires 7:30-8:00 will be funny again.

  286. why couldnt they just kill off peggy and leave the show alone

  287. well in my opinion king of the hill was just a dull show with little humor at all,while it may have shown good values it still just showed boredom in just about every episode i have seen so far,still i cant believe that fox pulls the plug on a show like this and dosent do the same to shows like family guy or american dad, wich are inmoral and just plain toilet humour and just shows little to no humour at all.

  288. OMG this is a stupid move come on its a great comdey cartoon not everything has to be insulting to be funny !

  289. fuck you american dad sucks king of the hill is a way more popular show replace american dad for the cleveland show

  290. if fox cancels the king, will any other station pick it up? i hope so, because fox has made another big mistake by droping the king, soooooo many people loved the hills, im done with any fox station, good ridens

  291. if fox cancels the king, will any other station pick it up? i hope so, because fox has made another big mistake by droping the king, soooooo many people loved the hills, im done with any fox station, good ridens

  292. if fox cancels the king, will any other station pick it up? i hope so, because fox has made another big mistake by droping the king, soooooo many people loved the hills, im done with any fox station, good ridens




  296. I just dont understand! What is FOX thinking?!! I LOVE KotH!!

  297. I agree with most people here I love King of the hill its the only good animated show that actually portrays any morals or intelligence. In all due honesty its one of the very few shows I can stomach to watch for the simple fact that its not blatently insulting, I don’t like to watch sex and violence on tv all day I mean c’mon, you use to be able to watch cartoons with the entire family now you have fat morons and perverted neighbors of said morons, making completely inappropriate “jokes”/comments. KotH will forever be remembered as an american great.

  298. How Fox could possibly cancel something as amazing and timeless as King of the Hill only to replace it with something as disgusting as “the cleavland show” is simply beyond me. They did it to Arrested Development and now their doing it to another truly wonderful program. Honestly, if it wasn’t for House, American Dad and American Idol i would have the reason or enthusiasm to remain a patron of Fox.

  299. King of The Hill will be missed! I enjoyed this show since the first time it aired and I still watch the re-runs. Via con Dios!

  300. Lord, how I agree with you. Now they’re adding “The Cleveland Show” to Seth MacFarlane’s list of horrible shows. I haven’t had a decent father figure, and what’s funny is all of the guys were like my stand in father figure; they all had some lesson to offer about the proper way to carry yourself as a man, to be a father, a husband, and a friend. I’m sad to see it go, and I have begun to boycott Seth MacFarlane. I’m thinking of writing FOX also…

  301. Lord, how I agree with you. Now they’re adding “The Cleveland Show” to Seth MacFarlane’s list of horrible shows. I haven’t had a decent father figure, and what’s funny is all of the guys were like my stand in father figure; they all had some lesson to offer about the proper way to carry yourself as a man, to be a father, a husband, and a friend. I’m sad to see it go, and I have begun to boycott Seth MacFarlane. I’m thinking of writing FOX also…

  302. Good one, Boomhauer! ๐Ÿ™‚

  303. Holy crap dude, is this all you do you fatty? Just sit at the computer in your mom’s basement replying to everyones comments just to shoot them down? I mean come on man everyone has their own opinion so just shutup and stop leaving 1,000,000 more comments on this. P.S. KotH was a great show and just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean you have to say it a billion times. Loser.

  304. Holy crap dude, is this all you do you fatty? Just sit at the computer in your mom’s basement replying to everyones comments just to shoot them down? I mean come on man everyone has their own opinion so just shutup and stop leaving 1,000,000 more comments on this. P.S. KotH was a great show and just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean you have to say it a billion times. Loser.

  305. I kind of felt this coming, it’s almost as if the writers for the first few years had left the show, it’s cutting edge of comedy seemed to wander, where the characters are almost real and have exhausted all of their past secrets, where there is simply nothing left to tell. Bravo for the entertainment that it is leaving behind, as it was surely a pleasure to tune in each sunday night to watch the ol gang of Arlen. Thank you All.

  306. King of the hill was never intelligent it was boring,dimbwitted,imbecilic piece of shit show.”It’ll be a day long remembered”when Hank Peggy and Boobie as well everone else’s “Uppance will come” and if KOTH is to be remembered it should be remembered as the biggest load of crap along with America’s crappiest videoes.

  307. This makes me really mad. It was one of
    the only shows on tv that had good values.
    I will miss the Hills!

  308. bobby i have propane in my urethra propane
    i inhale propane..
    i licky sucky peggys feet while bobby watches with his hard on tucked in under his fat
    and dale likes to stroke my legs while i cuddle with dale and joseph

  309. come on man shut up already
    i know the type of piska that you are..
    you shoot people down feelin happy tucked away in your basement looking at animal porn…
    find the strength to waddle up from your chair and grab the nearest plane to riverside california so i can finish this comment with my baseball bat…

  310. about time this shit show fucking
    leaves the air.
    it was always so stupid and boring and
    the actors even sound bored when they’re
    doing their shitty character voices.
    ahh so relaxing to know this garbage
    is no more.
    man cant tell you how much I love
    the grim reaper of tv right now!
    thank you death!
    no more hank hill fuck it’s like a dream
    come true..he’s the most inbred fucking
    piece of shit ever to come across tv
    and this show is the reason I hate
    fucking texas!
    fucking hicks!
    think I’ll go celebrate with some
    nice expensive wine and watch family
    guy american dad and the simpsons.
    so long pain in the ass hill!
    fuck off!

  311. King of the Hill is great, was great, and will always be great. Its applicable to most people lives. In todays society it is a refreshing bit of humor and break from some of the tragic things that go on in the world. I watch it whenever i can.

  312. This show was never great dai.It was a piece of shit so stop crying and get over the fact that the “King” Hank Hill is DEAD DEADER than Michael Jackson.

  313. I loved this show because it was original, I also that it was hilarious although sometimes it could be very dry, but still just entertaining. But I figured it would be time to end, nothing lasts forever.

  314. This was one of the best shows and it was also good for kids too watch and is Pg 13 not like bad stuff like family guy puts on it is Muerda. King of the Hill i’m going to miss you

  315. You SHUTUP King of the Hill wasn’t that bad and neither was michael Jackson so keep your freacin mouth shut- sorry for insults!!!!!

  316. They take off the good shows and add crap everytime. this sucks, and its not like there making anything else worth watching, its all been one long crappy season of new shows, whats next family guy, is fox run by retards or something?

  317. They take off the good shows and add crap everytime. this sucks, and its not like there making anything else worth watching, its all been one long crappy season of new shows, whats next family guy, is fox run by retards or something?

  318. Hank Hill here I sell propane and propane accesories, now let me tell you something GREG if you dont like king of the hill you are not american and need a reality check I tell you what!!!!

  319. This is really sad. This is one of only about 4 or 5 shows that my family likes,
    including My name is Earl, The office,
    and Chuck .This is one show that basically celebrated normal American
    values and was not full of sex or stupid
    slap stick that would name the 3 stooges look like Shakespear (junk like Mad TV,
    the new Sat. Nite Live, Konan) Does the
    newest generation have any intellect ?
    or are we down to Konan and reality TV.
    Can’t the next gereration understand a
    Night Court, Barney Miller, Taxi , Bob Newhart or is there nothing left but guys dressing up like women with big butts and talking dirty.
    What kind of garbage is next after
    Rap Music and Konan.
    I think we must be at the bottom.

  320. This is really sad.
    This is one of only about 4 or 5 shows that my family
    likes, including My name is Earl, The office, and Chuck .
    This is one show that basically celebrated normal American
    values and was not full of sex or stupid slap stick that would
    name the 3 stooges look like Shakespear (junk like Mad TV,
    the new Sat. Nite Live, Konan)
    Does the newest generation have any intellect ?
    or are we down to Konan and reality TV.
    Can’t the next gereration understand a Night Court, Taxi,
    Barney Miller, Bob Newhart or is there nothing left but black
    guys dressing up like women with big butts and talking dirty.
    What kind of garbage is next after Rap Music and Konan.
    I think we must be at the bottom.

  321. I wasn’t insulting this crappy show if anything this show was for 13yrs an insult(and needed no help from me to prove it.)And as far as i’m concerned i’ve just gotten warmed up asshole so don’t expect to hear the end of me.

  322. Oh brother, Perisher is the type of guy who tells himself “I’m not really gay, I just relate to boy scouts in ways that society has yet to fully understand.” Hahahahaha gayer than Clay Aiken on a nude beach in Greece…

  323. Listen Tom i’m no “fatty”as far as you being one that a matter for later discussion and I will continue to say what needs to be said about this show being a piece of crap like Hank Hill.On another note it seems interesting that Hank was tapped to do a psa about toilet care given that is full of more shit than a regular toilet(and when this show is gone the persons full of shit well be Barrack Obama,Joe”Mega-bitch”Biden and Hillary Clinton.)and if can’t accept that than burn in Hell with Hank asshole.

  324. Listen Tom i’m no “fatty”as far as you being one that a matter for later discussion and I will continue to say what needs to be said about this show being a piece of crap like Hank Hill.On another note it seems interesting that Hank was tapped to do a psa about toilet care given that is full of more shit than a regular toilet(and when this show is gone the persons full of shit well be Barrack Obama,Joe”Mega-bitch”Biden and Hillary Clinton.)and if can’t accept that than burn in Hell with Hank asshole.

  325. Listen Tom Castlebury if you’re worried about your kids brains turning to mush than don’t have them watch crappy shows like King of the Hill,the Office or My Name is Earl because they diminish intelligence not enhance it.Night Court and Newhart were great at the start but at some point I realized they were garbage and moved on to something better and that what the Simpsons and Family Guy are.

  326. Listen Tom Castlebury if you’re worried about your kids brains turning to mush than don’t have them watch crappy shows like King of the Hill,the Office or My Name is Earl because they diminish intelligence not enhance it.Night Court and Newhart were great at the start but at some point I realized they were garbage and moved on to something better and that what the Simpsons and Family Guy are.

  327. I am a die hard KOTH fan & always will be. The writing is witty & tasteful, which is hard to find these days. PERISH, you seem to watch a bit too much T.V.- GET A LIFE!! For someone who doesn’t like this show, you seem to know every episode & character very well.

  328. truly a sad day when this show goes off the air especially with stupid shows like family guy is still going.

  329. Peggy was always reading A dinner of onions. Is this a real book or one they made up for the show.

  330. KotH was/is a great show because the title character was a slight return to an old American genre, Father knows best. He’s not a rocket scientist, great spokesman, or even insane. Part of what makes Hank so endearing is that he has such white bread hopes and dreams. In a new culture where people aspire to be rich and famous and to be a celebrity, it is uplifting to see someone who is happy with what little life has given him. There is a deep moral message in the series; that big dreams do not always equate happiness. Bobby, Peggy, and the rest of Arlen are regularly burned when they try to take too much too quick.
    Hank’s hopes and dreams:
    to make enough to retire, keep the house, travel the country collecting spoons.
    He would like to see his son Bobby grow up to be a hard industrious person like himself and to be content with what he has like Hank is himself.
    To ride off into the golden sunset with his wife by his side.
    If you wanted to kill the series, or even fictional Arlen, have Hank win the lottery and completely change the dynamic of a great winning formula.

  331. KING OF THE HILL LIVES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    American Dad Stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  332. KING OF THE HILL LIVES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    American Dad Stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  333. Reading this was the highlight of my day. Put the damn thing outta its misery in stead of making it limp along any longer. Bluntly stated, twelve seasons is more than enough for such a boring show, especially given its completely hackneyed sense of humor, to be hosted on any television network. Good riddance.

  334. Reading this was the highlight of my day. Put the damn thing outta its misery in stead of making it limp along any longer. Bluntly stated, twelve seasons is more than enough for such a boring show, especially given its completely hackneyed sense of humor, to be hosted on any television network. Good riddance.

  335. come on now…..I’m in my 60’s and this show is just great !! Give us a break and continue with a good humorous family oreniated show !!

  336. Hank and his band of “MERRY”ASSCLOWNS won’t be living for ever but Family Guy and American dad,the simpsons as well as the cleveland brown show will be livin large and in charge.

  337. I’m so happy that KOTH is being cancelled I’m going to have marathon gay sex at the bar this weekend!

  338. Just so everyone knows I’m gonna blow my boyfriend twice tonight to celebrate teh end of KOTH. Being gay rules!

  339. Just so everyone knows I’m gonna blow my boyfriend twice tonight to celebrate the end of KOTH. Being gay rules!

  340. who are you kidding? king of the hill is just as boring and empty and predictable as the cookie cutter sheep that are the main family cast in the stories. common boring storylines for common boring people.

  341. Thats what they want you to think, seth macfarlane is setting everyone who watches his senseless shows into the beast, once he has his claws into you thats it, the down fall of civilization has began, time to head back to catch the marfalites.

  342. Well Rusty (if thats truly your real name) THIS SHOW WAS CRAP and you’re full of shit like Dale Gribble.The end of civilization isn’t at hand only the end of a crappy show.

  343. The First rule in warfare as written by Sun ztu is “know your enemy”and for me to effectivly destroy my enemy i must have a good working knowledge of this crappy show.

  344. Listen I’m no fan of this piece of shit.I also hope to meet you in person so i can put you to a very slow death you piece of garbage.

  345. As Perisher’s ex boyfriend, I am getting a little jealous of reading all the comments from his new boyfriend but still remember the first time we laid our sexual, homoerotic eyes on each other. We met at a King of the Hill’s pilot showing we were together the first three seasons of the show then he cheated on me with one of the gay stars on “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.”
    We are still great friends as he now has a new boytoy as you can see.
    Love you Per… (meow) kisses

  346. The only you’re going to get will be a 5.56 bullet in the brain if you’re not careful so i wou8ld suggest shutting up now.

  347. You’ll all have to forgive Perisher’s attitude, he carries a lot of pent-up frustration from the many years I spent sexually molesting him. Alas, it was my introducing him to our man/boy love that turned him toward the homosexual lifestyle he now exhibits. This has caused him considerable angst, but I have always encouraged him to accept his man on man desires, perhaps even to move to Massachusettes to find a nice man to marry. As it is, Perisher still cruises the local gay bars in search of various top bears to degrade his orifices on a regular basis. Hopefully he will one day be a posterchild for a loving gay marriage.

  348. I saw Perisher in his backyard the other day having sex with a cat. He was bangin’ it up the bunghole like there’s no tomorrow so I yelled “You sick bastard! Why the hell are you having sex with your cat??!!” to which he replied “Because the dog has a headache!”
    True story.

  349. Dear Mr. Perisher’s Boy Scout Master,
    As I was reading your wonderful blog about my ex boyfriend, Punisher, I recall the many nights I would hold him after making hot, passionate, gay love during KOTH on Sunday nights. He would weep softly and reminisce about his favorite times during all the man/boy love “moments” you had together. I tried to fulfill him in those similar ways, but he would just get upset and frustrated at me and say it wasn’t the same.
    I know he thinks of you often and still has his boy scout uniform in his closet. He used to keep it there and sometimes during his sleepless nights would just hold it like a security blanket.
    You were the best person that ever came in his life and was his first true love.
    Kisses and hugs
    Punisher’s ex

  350. Dear Mr. Perisher’s Boy Scout Master,
    As I was reading your wonderful blog about my ex boyfriend, Punisher, I recall the many nights I would hold him after making hot, passionate, gay love during KOTH on Sunday nights. He would weep softly and reminisce about his favorite times during all the man/boy love “moments” you had together. I tried to fulfill him in those similar ways, but he would just get upset and frustrated at me and say it wasn’t the same.
    I know he thinks of you often and still has his boy scout uniform in his closet. He used to keep it there and sometimes during his sleepless nights would just hold it like a security blanket.
    You were the best person that ever came in his life and was his first true love.
    Kisses and hugs
    Punisher’s ex

  351. Haha, Perisher’s Neighbor,
    Is this Miss Steincock next door? I remember when you caught my ex boyfriend, Perisher having hot animal sex with our pet labradoodle, “Liberace” in the back yard. I know Perisher has also had a problem with beastilatly. Our gay couple therapist, Julio, said it probably started when he was 8 years old and began the inserting of his pet hamsters in his cute little ass. (He wanted to be like his favorite actor, Richard Gere, who was also known to be a “hamster lover”.)
    I know Perisher always enjoyed when Hank would talk about his dog,Ladybird on KOTH. He would get so erect and talk about how he wanted to fornicate with a bloodhound someday.
    oh how I miss those glory days.

  352. I feel a need to hop into this fray about Perisher and set the record straight. Perisher has been my most beloved altar boy for years now. It doesn’t matter that his is too old to still be an altar boy, he does his job with such a fervor! I love when he asks me to bless him as I have him in the “Ned Beatty” position. I go absolutely crazy when he stuffs the Rosary beads up his tight little tushy and pulls them slowly and seductively, one by one. I wish you people would leave poor little Persiher alone and stop making fun of him. He doesn’t swallow when he is upset and this is a major bummer for me when he doesn’t swallow. So leave my little “Rump Ranger” alone and I will lead him to the path of salvation.

  353. king of the hill was a great show it would beat american dad

  354. Fox was thinking that it was time to dump this crappy show and replace with a far superior show the Cleveland Show and to bomb Arlen the shithole of Texas into the stoneage.

  355. what a mistake canceling the show! I have about had it with FOX canceling good shows, there are so many other suck shows that they need to do away with!! Hank Hill rules!!!

  356. The REAL mistake was letting this piece of shit go on as long as it did and on 13 Sept 2009 “It’s uppance shall come”and as far as FOX and good show being cancelled goes well there’s House it’s good and it hasn’t been camcelled. So why complain?

  357. Perisher go clean your room right now. And I told you to throw away some of your gay porno magazines too, all the pages are stuck together. You disgustink twink boy, sometimes I wish your father would have just shot you on my back.

  358. Who cares about the show being cancelled, I am more worried about Perisher. He is not devoting enough time to ATM training and spending way too much time here ranting and raving about KOTH. This is my top student, he can clean the chocolate off my disco stick quicker and better than my previous student, Perisher’s dad. He can also put both of my swollen nuts in his mouth and give them a good spin cycle, cleaning off any “drippings” that may end up down there.
    Now leave the guy alone so he can return to his ATM training and become the best in the world at cleaning mud hammers.

  359. Wow, in the history of the internet I’ve never seen anyone get as completely owned and destroyed as this “perisher” ding dong. This thread is hilarious, I hope it lasts forever hahahahahaaa

  360. I’m still her and i’m destroyed yet you assholes and i’m not stopping to state my views that king of the hill is crapand when this show goes up flames i hope to see you get torched with it and if you don’t you’ll get a .45 calibur bullet in the head.

  361. I’m still here and I’m not destroyed you imbecile despite what you’ve heard.As far as the idiots defending this piece of shit you can all go to hell along with Hank.

  362. That sounds like a great idea; Perisher would be a great person to help me get broken into the gay lifestyle as I know he has an unusually small weiner. We wouldn’t even need vaseline, so I’m ready if he is.

  363. As a Londoner, KOTH gave a real insight to American life. You can really appreciate how they studied Texas and the mannerisms of Texans. Also Hank Hill is the family man we all aspire to be isnt it. Watching this show has put Texas on the 10 places I have to visit, I dont think FOX realise this is one of the rare shows with dignity still on the air. The simpsons, as much as I love them, sold out years ago and now their shows make no sense. Im sure KOTH has some life left in it.
    I cant stand all the fart jokes and chicken fights on other shows, and I’m a college student! If they don’t appeal to me who the fuck does it appeal to?

  364. thats lame that american dad is still going to be on. i would rather watch king of the hill, american dad isnt even funny. thats sad….. forget fox ill stop watching their station after the next season on house and fringe.

  365. A shame, being in UK we get the shows a little after you guys, so I’m not 100% re: decline in standards of show. On whole I like it. Dale is a clasic. I agree with comment re: simmpsons. Of last few series it has dropped big time in “funnyness”. It’s also a shame as it’s nice to see intelligent comedy coming out of USAS. That’s not a dig, as there is crap in UK too. Both USA and UK make classic stuff from UK “the office” (not US version) to US – curb your enthusiasm, reno 911 and 10 items or less. American Dad, Fa,mily GUiy and Simpsons always worth watching but I think anyone with half a brain will miss KOH

  366. People, I am BEGGING you to leave Perisher alone, he has stopped paying attention to me since all of this hoopla began.
    We used to be able to spend hour after hour and let little Perisher give all of us Scout Masters long satisfying blow jobs after pumping his ass full of man juice. Now the little bastard is so worked up over not being able to see KOTH that he neglects his duty to provide “oral” support after having his ass reamed and stretched by us Scout Masters.
    I implore each and everyone of you to leave little Perisher alone, so that way we can go back to filling up the little guy with gallons of jizz. He howls with delight as we pop it out of his ass and stuff the chocostick deep down his throat and pump our “liquid gold” down his tight little throat.
    Perisher, please stop with the violent posts, it doesn’t turn us on at all. You know that dressing up like a nun, stuffing the double dong ALL the way in your flappy ass and then reading poetry is what gets us all stiff for you my little cum catcher.
    Hugs and Kisses Perisher….see you at the next “Scout” meeting!!!

  367. Amen! I don’t know how shows like Family Guy and American Dad still get to have life when all they are is stupidity.
    King of the Hill was the one show on television that made any sense at all. The people in it weren’t perfect, but neither are people in real life. Shows today are packed with people that are living a “glamourous” life either solving crime, working in a hospital or making an unhonest living.
    Hank is middle America. Someone that udnerstands you have to work hard for your dollar, and you have to take responsibility for your actions. I don’t see that anywhere on television anymore. Just because you don’t “get it” is not reason to call it white trash.
    If it were four guys standing in a ally dressed in designer lables guzzeling martini’s instead of Alamo beer, would you still feel the same way? Probably not.

  368. Well that just nice .Leave all the stupid brain dead shows Family Guy and Simpsons on the air and take the only good Sunday night show off the air. This should work Ill just watch Sunday night Football.

  369. King of the Hill is MUCH better then American dad! Please reconsider canceling the show! That and family guy are a night time ritual at my house!!

  370. Cant believe King of the HIll is being canceled but that stupid show The Simpsons is still on! KotH and Family guy are a night time staple at my house!!! please dont cancel the show!

  371. I’m afraid there’s nothing anyone can do now but sit back relax and watch KOTH go down in flames.



  374. I hate to say this Ileen but King of the Hill is dead it aint comming back so get over it and if you can’t than you’re a bigger twit than Peggy Hill.

  375. I can remember watching KOTH with Perisher and him guzzling down cup after cup of LIQUID GOLD from out Gokkun Group that we both attend. Myself as a donator and Perisher as a consumer. Perisher still holds the record for most cups consumed in a night and still has the all time gallons consumed record. It is a shame that his record of 36 twelve ounce cups in one hour was broken recently (by Persiher’s dad). But I can remember Perisher with his “Crazy Straw” sucking down cup after cup as I pounded my disco stick deep into him and busting his hemorrhoids (they really are nothing but bloody speedbumps). Don’t let this little Richard Simmons wannabe fool you folks. He dresses like Hank Hill each and every time we have a Gokkun Group meeting. Perisher is by far the nastiest little skeez you have ever seen. He is often seen here in town going down on homeless men, eating from public toilets and letting domesticated animals have their way with him over and over again.

  376. Gokken,
    You know I remember the first time I caught Perisher with 2 homeless men, 2 cats and the neighbor’s family of cute hamsters. They were all in our bed with KOTH playing in the background on our new flatscreen when I came home. We had a tiff the night before and I guess his way of getting back at me was this “circus of sperm delights” and not even inviting me.
    Well, needless to say, I had to run to the kitchen and down several champagne “coolies” just to calm myself but I soon forgave him because seriously, who can say no to that, tight, “dingleberry delightful”, hemorrhoided “speedbumped” ass of his(smiley face!)
    Oh the memories(sigh)

  377. In 3 days King of the Hill the most crappy,boring,dimbwitted show ever created will go down in flames never to be seen or heard from again.When this happens we’ll see the death of the biggest sanctamonious asshole in the world Hank Hill his incompotent wife Peggy who has failed utterly at teaching(the only other teacner to match her would be Herbert Garrison of South Park CO.)

  378. Perisher you filthy little skank. I’ve told you a million times to quit watching this show every week; now get on all fours you filthy dog. You’re gonna ride the sybian tonight until your flappy worn out butt lips resemble a set of bedroom curtains. Your master has spoken, now assume the position and continue saying “Give it to me Peggy!” until I tell you to stop.

  379. k im a fan of the king of the hill and also the simpsons i dont think they should cancel koth well because its about everyday life and all the other shows have nothing to do with anything all koth fans lets all spread the word and say do not cancel koth lets stop this madness


  381. Kng of the Hill Merchandise was the only ingredient they neglected.I don’t see anything of KIng of the Hill in stores.Breaks my heart.

  382. All of you guys can knock it off with the damn gay stuff. Yes I was molested when I was younger but for the most part I never enjoyed it so I’m pretty sure that doesnn’t count you sick bastards.

  383. Let’s not be angry dear. I’ll put on some KOTH from your DVD collection and we can make mad passionate love. In fact, I’m thinking of inviting your brother over to join us…

  384. The only reason people are happy KOTH is gone is because they like the filthy disrespecting your parents crap shows. I wonder if they like their children making fun of them like the shows they watch.

  385. I think fox is crazy!!!!!! King of the Hill is so much better than American Dad. If fox needs the spot for a new series, how about getting rid of American Dad. What about letting the people decide on what they would like to watch. Use a poll system and let the best show win. I bet another station will pick it up.

  386. you are a basterd you can eat shit AND DIE

  387. That is great news! KOTH absolutely sucked!!!

  388. King of the Hill is the best and funniest show on telivision! How could fox not know this? It’s the end of an era without it on Sunday nights! I’d rather see the Simpsons go. That show has clearly run its course. There’s still so much plot line to keep the show going. I can’t say enough good things about it. I can also say that Fox is making a huge mistake!!! I can only hope that some other station is smart enough to pick up the show.

  389. fox is dumb! King of the Hill is the sh!t.
    they should keep it running!!!

  390. fox.. you suck monkey tits. did you forget to learn your lesson with futurama? i can’t wait to buy more ground executive powder. really love king of the hill, i have bought every season on dvd – even though its all saved on my dvr as well. you nitwits are going to be fired for your obvious retardation.

  391. A tiny bit sad its been cancelled but in truth its way behind the times. shows like south park,simpsons,family guy,american dad and futurama are true animated comedies.
    Animation is about making the impossible possible, KOTH could have been made without the use of animation – slow, unoriginal and dull storylines are best put to sleep.An example of this being this seasons finale, the ‘idea’for the episode is based on Bobby’s passion for judging meat!!! point proven!
    its never been as good as the recent seasons of simpsons which have been poor at best. im sure it will find a way back on one of the weaker networks for all you deeply upset fans.
    Okay so it should still be around somewhere but its no big loss to television.Good decision FOX, lets hope its made way for a much more inventive show in the cleveland show.

  392. Sad to see it go, of what others have posted, it just goes to show how comatose the american public is, the show that needs killin’ is the Simpson’s, should’ve been whacked in it’s first season. The reason most people dislike shows like king, is because it reminds them of their own lives, hits a bit close to home for them. They’d rather live in some kind of fantasy land, and now you know why the country is in such sad shape, if you think shows like simpons, futuram, etc are good programming, then I got a bridge in Californa for sale, nice bright orange one, I’ll sell it to ya dirt cheap mush mind!

  393. simpsons killed in its first season? sorry but thats just idiotic! without simpsons most of the animated shows today would not have been given a chance.recent seasons have been weak but early seasons were brilliant and enjoyed around the world.
    Of course people like to live in a fantasy world thats what TV and film are all about. escaping daily life for 30mins at a time and enjoying something imaginative and entertaining.who wants to be watching something thats going on just outside?
    King of the hill should not be cancelled in comparison to ‘sit down and shut up’. thats got to be the worst animated show ever created. P.S check out the animated show ‘The Life and Times of Tim’ if your looking for something new and fresh.if you can look beyond its animation quality that is.

  394. This shit sucks I remember coming home from school waiting until KotH was to come on than leading up to the Simpsons. It was a Routine of mine I will miss it dearly, (more than MJ)

  395. Ya i agree very sad to see king of the hill go it was my favorite show and was very halarious. I hope that abc possibly picking it up isn’t just talk.

  396. I’m going to miss the assistant manager of Strickland Propane threatening to “kick someones ass” occasionally. I’ll miss you, Hank and thanks for the memories.

  397. This blows, I just watched the last episode. Others may have their opinions, but I really enjoyed this show for a very long time, laughed several times at the expense of rednecks. Shame, but all good things must end, they say.

  398. At last after 13yrs this crappy show has finally kicked the bucket.Never again will we hear that sanctamonious asshole Hank Hill going on and on about propaneand so forth.If there was a great way to end this piece of shit it would be when Hank and Bobby are grilling together to have their grills exploding in front of their faces would certainly be great.As for an epitath in the words of Jedi Master Yoda “At an end your reign is Hank Hill and not short enough a regin it was.”Good Bye and may you burn in Hell Hank Hill you sanctamonious piece of shit.

  399. We had a wonderful time during the final episode, did we not my love? You dressed up like Lou Ann and were soooo hot. Fortunately you and I will be able to watch KOTH in syndication for many years to come so keep you costumes handy, you can be Dale next week, I’ll be Bill, and we’ll hold hands as always. Yes, many more years of KOTH my dear Pershy Highway ๐Ÿ™‚

  400. This was my favorite show…how sad….this is A vary sad thing. But they had soo much more to show like how lucky and looanne do with the baby.


  402. excuse you, i don’t agree with cancelling “king of the hill” it’s practically my favorite show, and you will lose ratings espically from me, on your network.

  403. It’s DEAD Daniel get over it it was a crappy show that has outlived it’s usefulness and was put down deservedly.

  404. I agree with Persiher, all of you can go to hell, as long as it means my little Hershey Pershy comes back to me. Persisher and I enjoy a little game of scat. It usually involves me eating eggs, cheese and fish for a couple of days. And then off to the shower where Perisher lays on his back, opens his mouth and begs me to “drop the bomb”. I proceed to shoot a hot, wet brown love sauce into his sexy mouth and then he is given 5 minutes to lick the shower and tub clean or else I gag him, make him puke it all back up and eat it again. The catch this time, is that if he isn’t done in five minutes, I get to play Barry Bonds on roids and ram the Loiusville Slugger up his flappy ass until he finishes. Go get ’em Perisher, see you tonight baby! I just got done munching a whole box of Exlax!

  405. You guys are sick. Yes I’m gay and have had many gay partners for years but I’ve NEVER been into scat. Very funny hahahhaahaha.

  406. fox once agein foxs up. so many times have they made brutal mistakes because of their greed. their complete disregaurd of their viewers has made them nothing but greedy series pimps. all they do is put what they want on their network without consulting the viewers first. like in the old days with this show called the adventures of brisco county jr. got high ratings but they replaced it with another show witch was canceled cause of low ratings. this is fox raping shows and movies for a quick buck. like dragon ball evolution. complete suck fest hollywood cop out. raping another timeless classic. thanx fox you a$$h0les

  407. the Best show better than American dad

  408. I love King of the Hill. You get to grow with the characters. Its like watching a sitcom of real people. Besides the Simpsons its the only real show that is family orientated on Fox Sunday night line up. Don’t get me wrong I love family Guy but I think King of the Hill should keep going. I mean Bobby and Joseph actually grow up and Dale keeps getting closer to finding out about Nancy and John Redcorn. How can you just take that away from the viewers. And what happened to Chuck Mangione’? Any way Fox is wrong for dropping King of the Hill from the line up. The only reason I watch Fox during the week days is 2 and half men and King of the Hill.

  409. KOTH is a great show… I hope comedy or another network will pick it up. I personally feel it is much better than Simpsons…which is getting seriously OLD. KOTH has great story lines. I wish they would age the kids and could pull in a ton more story lines.

  410. King of the Hill has been a great series. Fox stopped putting quality time into the episodes a few years back, but there are so many fabulous ones. I particularly like the one with the Laotian Monks. I have always identified with Bobby. Of course, the one show that I really identify is not that popular either – lol. Bye Peggy, Bobby, Hank, LuAnne, Dale, Boomhauer, Kahn, Mihn, Kahn Junior, Dale, Nancy, John Redcorn, Cotton, etc.. I guess we will all have to live without SpaPeggy and Meatballs! ๐Ÿ™

  411. I was never enough!!!!You killed my cat and kittens!!!

  412. This show was the most cleverly written show on tv next to Arrested Development. Almost every episode is a stand alone classic up to 2003. The writers changed and they seemed to introduce 1 shot characters each episode, diluting the core of the show which was the guys, Peggy, and Bobby. Killing off Cotton was a huge mistake and whitewashing “good Hank” and Dede right off the show was even worse. This show was underrated and I learned on the brink of cancellation at least 3 times. Fox is making a mistake and I hope ABC picks it up as Ive heard is possible.

  413. For you people dissing KotH… have you ever actually watched it?

  414. American Dad sucks, they need to bring back king of the hill..BOO on Fox!!!

  415. What a sad sign of the times this is, I’m sick of these churned out, no thought required, garbage programs that gain huge ratings from watered down viewers who would have the same fun watching a dog chase it’s tail.
    Seth Crapfarlane, Seth Green are terrible, just plain awful. Guess how much I am looking forward to the Cleavland Show… Hope nobody broke a blood vessel thinking that show/title up.
    Good God.

  416. What a sad sign of the times this is, I’m sick of these churned out, no thought required, garbage programs that gain huge ratings from watered down viewers who would have the same fun watching a dog chase it’s tail.
    Seth Crapfarlane, Seth Green are terrible, just plain awful. Guess how much I am looking forward to the Cleavland Show… Hope nobody broke a blood vessel thinking that show/title up.
    Good God.

  417. I was really bummed out when I heard of fox’s decision to cancel “King of the Hill”..I enjoyed it while it lasted..I suppose I can continue to watch reruns on “Adult Swim”..Dont’ get me wrong,The Simpsons & Family Guy are great!And I cant’ wait to see the new “Cleavland Brown” show..But “King Of The Hill”is in a category all it’s own..Its a GREAT show and thats all there is to it.Fam-Guy & Simpsons are great for mindless fun but King has a little more realistic feel to it but with a hilarious serious side..Its not like Fam-Guy or Simpsons in the sense where you cant’ watch it with your family,Its good clean fun entertainment,and I dont have to worry about my kids picking up bad words or rude behaviors like the other shows..I thought the possibilities were endless for the show!I thought for sure Hanks Japanease half brother would come to the States to live or visit! I cant’ believe they are going to cancel the show without tyeing up all the loose ends..I just hope the Fox network come to their senses and reconsider their decision..There are going to be ALOT of sad fans out there,including me….

  418. Chuck Mangione’s bandmates died in a plane crash (in real life) in February 2009. I think his lack of an appearance on the show in recent episodes may have something to do with that.

  419. My husband and I still enjoy King of the Hill. So please leave it be.It is much better than American Dad.If the show is dragging don’t blame it on the show get better writers who stil care about the show.There is hardly nothing on television that I like so please rework King of the Hill and don’t take it off on me!I thank so very much.

  420. There was nothing good about King of the Hill is was a crappy show that in the words of Stewie Griffin “Who’s uppance has come” and if you accept it than go to hell or to Arlen TX.

  421. If thinking was weak point for anyone it isn’t Seth Green’s or Seth McFarlane’s who’ve continued to prove their genius over Mike Judge’s stupidity.As far as garbage King of the Hill was garbage from the first day it aired and thankfully we have the Cleveland Show which is a far superior product.

  422. 8 out 10 people love this show as I. What is wrong with Fox? There is very little decent shows on anymore and I refuse to watch sick and stupid reality shows. So I guess it is King of the Hill reruns on other channels. If it isn’t broke, why pull it? Just look at the responses! Since you are pulling it, see ya Fox! Maybe a smarter channel will pick it up. Love down home stuff and I’m from Jersey. Stop catering to juveniles and think for a change that there are middle aged and seniors out there that like decent stuff. And there is more of us then juveniles. Start thinking more of our generation.
    So Fox, STUFF IT.

  423. Fox blows by pulling the plug on “King of the Hill” They keep bring up these new phoney shows that don’t last but cancell the old shows that I’m sure would get them more ratings. Pretty soon it’ll be the Simpsons and Cops, and so on then after that it’ll just the whole station. Because Dr. Oz, American Dad, family guy and the cleaveland show all of those new shows SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  424. Pershy you needn’t try to fool everyone. Truth is you have been sporting your sexy little Lou Ann outfit like a champ while we enjoy all the episodes in syndication. Last night was particularly great, I enjoyed dressing up like Dale and plowing you furiously in your backdoor just the way you like… no lube or anything. More on the way tonight my little twink!

  425. I was hooked from the very first episode previews. I never missed a single show & enjoy it today with my daughter. King of the Hill will always be my favorite animated real life show. Im glad there are 13+ seasons of re-runs to watch.

  426. I dont understand. cancell a winner, but keep a vulgar show like “family guy”. Or introduce a show thats as dumb and under animated like sit down. Stupid, very very stupid. Now I know why all those corporations have had so much trouble over the past few years. If they have executives like fox that make those kind of bone head decissions.

  427. what a shame , you had a really good show that the whole family could enjoy and you cancelled it.and you keep filth like american dad with its slapstick cheap laughs and sexual overtones on the air if you ask me family guy ,american dad ,and the cleveland show are really the same show anyway..thumbs down fox.

  428. Yes I still like to dress up as LouAnn and watch the show but it just isn’t the same in syndication. I’m thinking I’ll start watching “the office” every week instead and dress up as Pam. That way my boyfriend can dress up as Jim and have his way with me, oh the fun times we’ll have together! I’ll miss KOTH but a surely gay boy like me can find fulfillment dressing up as females from other shows too.

  429. I agree “Hank is middle America. Someone that udnerstands you have to work hard for your dollar, and you have to take responsibility for your actions.” That is refreshing on TV these days. Now Fox just wants Seth McFarlane toilet humor joke shows like Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland Show. At least KOTH didn’t drop so low to just pun pee, barf and masturbation jokes for a half hour at a time. Seth McFarlane has a sick mind.

  430. No robert King of the Hill was a LOSER,a FAILURE and a PIECE OF CRAP.The reason why shows like Family Guy and The Simpsons are still going is thy’re great and don’t preach to the choir as Hnak Hill has done for 13yrs and if you have a problem with it I really don’t give a damn because you’re as big a sanctamonious asshole as Hank himself.

  431. Actually I couldn’t care less that the show is gone but if they’re going to cancel a show, at least replace it with something worth watching. That Cleveland show sucks more balls than Richard Simmons at a San Francisco bath house.

  432. I thing its completely bull that fox is cancelling KoTH, why not american dad, there is no way its as popular as KoTH, and it doesnt even have half the wit that king did

  433. keep king of the hill! its a great show so many questions are un answered!!!

  434. It’s not bull that Fox has cancelled King of the Hill.What was bull was allowing this crappy show to stay on the air as long asa it did.The only other Fox show that were as dimbwitted as King The Hill were Married with children and Arrested Developement and let’s not forget Malcom in the Middle.Today we have the Cleveland show a far superior program than KOTH which Just got picked up for a 2nd season.

  435. I can’t believe this show has been canceled. It is horrific. This show was just as good as the simpsons if not better. What is America coming to when a drunk slob of a dad is better than Hank Hill. I am embarassed to be an American at this time.

  436. Also, I performed fellatio on a large dog the other day. I just pretended the dog’s name was “Bobby Hill” and it was a beautiful experience.

  437. Belive it Trish the”King is DEAD” so get used to it.Hank Hill was a sanctamonious asshole who kept going on about propane like it was something special and worked for an asshole named Buck Strickland who is probaly the biggest crook in in Texas since Ken Lay.This was never going to be as good as The Simpson or Family Guy or the new Cleveland Show what was horrific was that Fox allowed thius crappy show to run as long as it did.

  438. No the retards as far as King of the Hill is concerned are Bobby(or Boobie because that’s what Bobby Hill is in fact)Hill,Bill”LARDASS”Deatrive,Dale gribble,LuAnn Platter and her husband Lucky,and let’s not forget Peggy Hill.The people that canelled this crappy show aren’t retards the carried a decision that Murdock should’ve carried out back in 2006 when KOTH was slatted to be cancelled.

  439. I agree with Persiher, all of you can go to hell, as long as it means my little Hershey Pershy comes back to me. Persisher and I enjoy a little game of scat. It usually involves me eating eggs, cheese and fish for a couple of days. And then off to the shower where Perisher lays on his back, opens his mouth and begs me to “drop the bomb”. I proceed to shoot a hot, wet brown love sauce into his sexy mouth and then he is given 5 minutes to lick the shower and tub clean or else I gag him, make him puke it all back up and eat it again. The catch this time, is that if he isn’t done in five minutes, I get to play Barry Bonds on roids and ram the Loiusville Slugger up his flappy ass until he finishes. Go get ’em Perisher, see you tonight baby! I just got done munching a whole box of Exlax!

  440. they should cancel the newest and worst show i have ever watched. the cleveland show. it has got to be the worst show i have ever seen. animated or not. just a horrible horrible show. family guy is a great show. shouldnt try to make the same show twice. especially that bad

  441. they should cancel the newest and worst show i have ever watched. the cleveland show. it has got to be the worst show i have ever seen. animated or not. just a horrible horrible show. family guy is a great show. shouldnt try to make the same show twice. especially that bad

  442. 2 weeks ago the world celebrated the one year anniversary of Fox signing the death warrant of King of the Hill and things have only gotten better (except we’ve got an assclown for a president)

  443. i love foxs sunday line but canceling king of the was a big mistake.it was a holesome braek on sunday night.we still have cartoon network.thanks alot douschbags


  445. I must confess that Perisher and I miss KOTH. Pershy can’t get it up to the cleveland show as well as he could to hank hill. Every time perisher would see hank he would get aroused, put on his lou ann outfit and we would be passionate for hours. Our love life has certainly gone downhill since the show was cancelled.

  446. Its a sad day for T.v, They cancel king of the hill and keep crap, on prime time. King od the hill was family show and will be missed.. Bring it back

  447. Unfortunately, many popular tv shows focus their attention on a low-level mentality. I felt that King of the Hill was a great tongue-in-cheek representation of middle America. It was also good to see a guy with stand-up morals like Hank deal with his buddies and his boss, etc. Hilarious in so many ways was the depiction of his wife and his niece and his redneck father. I’ll miss the show.

  448. This was and will be my favorite show ever with the reruns I mean I grew up with it

  449. Dude the majority of the episode are enjoyable humor of stange and rediculous story lines…yes they take average situations and they turn them into something funny something interesting, that’s why it lasted as long as it did. And I do hope it gets renewed. The fact tht you can’t see the humor in sustle things tells me just how far the American public has fallen. It trully sickens me to know people without a since of humor exsist.

  450. damn i love this show i watch four times a day on adultswim haha but yah i dont know anyone who doesnt watch the show i like it bettter than family guy and i love family guy simpsons suxs american dads watever

  451. I’m a Texan and I love this show. I like it better than Family Guy, Futurama, and American Dad. There are so many funny moments in King of the Hill that are very subtle, and only a few will notice. Those who do, know that this is an entertaining show.


  453. This blows, Fox is acting like NBC I guess they think family guy is good. FOX I thought, had some people working there that had some good tastes. However, cancelling a show as classic and good and part of our culture as King of the Hill reminds me that they are giant crporation retards. I miss King of the Hill; what a loss. I refuse to whatch FOX or play it in my business where it was the only channel played. Good job fuckers.

  454. This blows, Fox is acting like NBC I guess they think family guy is good. FOX I thought, had some people working there that had some good tastes. However, cancelling a show as classic and good and part of our culture as King of the Hill reminds me that they are giant crporation retards. I miss King of the Hill; what a loss. I refuse to whatch FOX or play it in my business where it was the only channel played. Good job fuckers. How many people have to tell you how stupid you are before you bring King back and realize once agan you have made a stupid decision to make room for a future failure….good one

  455. The best animated show ever.
    Clean & funny
    I will miss this show very much.

  456. King of the Hill is a awesome show been watching it since day one in the late 90’s.

  457. It’s about friggin time. I mean, everyone knows that texas is full of beer drinking, underachieving, retards there doesn’t need to be a show about them wasting valuable air time. Hank Hill you and your fucked trailer trash, lawn mower obsessed batch of social rejects can burn in the lowest pit of hell!

  458. I already bought seasons 1-6 of King of the Hill and am anxious to buy 7-13 as soon as Fox puts it out…..Richard

  459. Don’t mind Jonathan up there, he’s just angry that I went out with his brother recently and found him to be a more fulfilling partner. Don’t worry Jon boy, there’s another twink who used to post here as “Perisher” who would be a nasty little bottom boy for you.

  460. Pleas don’t cancel it. It’s so many people’s favorite show of all times !!I watch the re-runs 4 times a day.

  461. Good post, thanks

  462. I love king of the hill when I get home from work late at night my dvr has recorded the episodes and I just relax and watch even the re runs are good please don’t cancel

  463. So, just because YOU don’t like the show, NOBODY should?
    That sounds like a damn selfish thing to say. Theres quite a few shows I dont like and music I don’t listen to, but I don’t wish they’d go away…I just CHOOSE not to watch/listen. Just like you can CHOOSE not to watch this.

  464. The Simpsons should come on TV More

  465. Racist

  466. Thank you for a great post

  467. Great post!

  468. Good post, thanks

  469. Good post, thanks

  470. family guy is pointless junk aimed at little kids and brain-dead morons. king of the hill actually has STORY with every episode, unlike family guy. King of the hill will always be my favorate show and it needs to be brought back

  471. Thank you for a great post

  472. Excellent job.

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  474. Great post!

  475. Great post!

  476. I completely agree…KOTH was boring for me in the beginning when I was younger. As I grew into my age, and intelligence, now I think it’s the best show out there. Just like Frasier, this show isn’t appreciated by the idiot pple that is America today. Stupid pple just don’t want to think anymore when watching tv. Pretty sad.

  477. Good post, I like your website, thanks

  478. Thank you for a great post

  479. Good post, thanks

  480. Great post!

  481. Good post, thanks

  482. Excellent job.

  483. I just watched all the episodes on netflix with my son, he really has grown fond. the moral lessons on each has been great watching with my boy. there is nothing else on tv even close to what this was.

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  499. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  500. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.

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  503. iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

  504. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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  556. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  627. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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  642. This show is fucking garbage retarted is the word for this country nasty beer drinking red necks… Heres something… Screw king of the hill. I hate hank and his ugly wife and his stupid kid bobby that show needs to get canceled…. Please i strongly beg you. Whoever is the creator i feel sorry for you man your show is stupid as hell.

    • Seriously? Anyways, the show was already canceled several years before your comment.

  643. Here it is March 2019 and I’m STILL missing King of the Hill!!! I am also a fan of American Dad and Bob’s Burgers but neither are as real to life as King of the Hill. I now continuously binge watch KotH on Hulu! Thank you Hulu fire keeping Hank and the gang a part of my almost daily TV viewing!!!

  644. Here it is March 2019 and I’m STILL missing King of the Hill!!! I am also a fan of American Dad and Bob’s Burgers but neither are as real to life as King of the Hill. I now continuously binge watch KotH on Hulu! Thank you Hulu for keeping Hank and the gang a part of my almost daily TV viewing!!!


  646. my only us serial i am often rewatching

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