
NY Post, Celebrity Net Worth, TMZ

How Much Was Anthony Bourdain Worth? Apparently a Lot More Than the $1.2 Million in His Will

Jul 6, 2018  •  Post A Comment

After the suicide of celebrity chef and global explorer Anthony Bourdain a month ago, a surprising revelation turned up in his will, which is valued at only $1.2 million — far less than the $16 million at which the CNN personality’s fortune had been estimated.

Media reports today cite court papers breaking down Bourdain’s will, which leaves the bulk of the money to his 11-year-old daughter, Ariane Busia-Bourdain. Her mother, Anthony Bourdain’s estranged wife Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, is named as trustee.

“His assets include $425,000 in ‘cash and savings,’ $35,000 in a brokerage account, $250,000 and ‘personal property,’ and $500,000 in ‘intangible property including royalties and residuals,’ according to court papers,” The New York Post’s Page Six reports.

But a piece on the Celebrity Net Worth website continues to value Bourdain’s fortune at $16 million. Meanwhile, a report by TMZ uncovers a likely explanation for the discrepancy.

“We obtained a copy of Bourdain’s will, and it appears he created a trust outside the will which contained an undisclosed amount of assets,” TMZ reports. “It’s very common for rich folk to create trusts outside of their will … partly for tax purposes and partly for privacy.”

The TMZ report adds that Bourdain’s will “surprised lots of people when it was revealed he died with around $1.2 mil in assets, because everyone thought he was way richer … turns out, he was.”


  1. Who really gives a s**t? Who was this guy anyway? Seriously. Way too much press in my opinion of course. LOL. I have seen way better shows on community access. It should have been: “Anthony Boring.”

    • Feggy, Typical comment from a complete nobody who has accomplished NOTHING in life. You’ll die a complete nobody, too.

    • @Feggy Duss, you are a funny troll. Your name is even fake. You just said those things about Anthony Bourdain to get a rise out of everyone.

      I liked the episode about the shark skin grey suit. I wear shark skin grey suits to this day because of him.

  2. Ass

  3. Anthony was a wonderful chef, author and travel host. He will be missed by his fans. Not everyone likes the same thing. I loved Anthony, because he revealed a lot of himself in his work. To bad he didn,t stay with us longer! He had everything!

  4. People like FEGGY is what’s wrong with the world! Most likely a Trump disciple!

    • @Retromoto: THAT’S HILARIOUS! I was thinking the same thing.

  5. People like Retromoto and Feggy are what’s wrong with the world!
    Conservatives don’t watch shows on community access and they don’t hate like the intolerant leftists.

  6. I am guessing Feggy gets inspiration from “super heroes” (comic book or “graphic novels” (whichever you prefer))…. not a real inspirational person.

  7. Hmm, TFH, think you may include yourself in that comment? The fact that you used the term “Intolerant leftists”, plural, says you are intolerant as well. Would you agree that there is a bias in categorizing an entire group of people to justify your idea of “what’s wrong with this world”? Was Retromoto intolerant? yes, but your reply was just as xenophobic. Both of you should stop the categorizing, which lends itself to the “conservative/liberal” labels which then promotes the anger. Understand that we are all Americans and want what’s best for this Country. Disagree without being disagreeable.

  8. “Both of you should stop the categorizing, which lends itself to the “conservative/liberal” labels which then promotes the anger.”
    It’s way too late for that now. Anyway, I have no beef with you. I’m just mocking these hateful, intolerant and low IQ leftists who can’t even refrain from insulting their owns.
    The face of Maxine Waters just pop into my head, lol. The brave face of the Democratic Party!!

  9. TFH, thank you, I understand where you’re coming from. However it’s never too late to come together. Hopefully it won’t take a catastrophic national tragedy.

  10. I understand your fear Joseph, but I think dissolution of the Union may be given at this point. We just have to hope that, if it is inevitable, then it is at least peaceful.

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