
McCain Speech Breaks Obama’s Week-Old Viewership Record

Sep 5, 2008  •  Post A Comment

Nearly 39 million people watched Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s acceptance speech on the closing night of the GOP convention Thursday in St. Paul, Minn. That broke the week-old convention record of upwards of 38 million viewers set by Sen. Barack Obama only the week before.
Sen. McCain amassed an audience of 38.9 million viewers for his speech on two fewer channels than were carrying Sen. Obama’s speech Aug. 28 to 38.38 million viewers, according to data from Nielsen Media Research.
In addition to the three broadcast networks and three cable news networks carrying both closing speeches, Sen. Obama’s speech was carried live by BET and TV One, which target African American audiences, as well as Spanish-language Telemundo and Univision. Sen. McCain’s speech was carried by Telemundo and Univision.
Sen. McCain’s audience dwarfed the 25.57 million who tuned in for President Bush’s acceptance speech on closing night, Sept. 4, in 2004.
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  1. I can only hope those that watched the Republican speeches can read between the character attacks and outright lies to understand the truth. Take the time to find out the truth people! Just look at the last 8 years, even died in the wool Republicans recognize the destruction of the American economy by the Bush years. McCain voted for Bush’s agenda 90% of the time.
    Look at McCain’s actual voting record and not just listen to his false and misleading statements. If you truly want; the rich to get richer, books banned in libraries, loss of even more of your privacy rights, more wars for big oil and the defense industry corporations, the government controlling your bodies and more hypocricy, vote Republican.
    My goodness, Mrs McCains’ outfit for the night cost over $200,000 ( See Vanity Fair Article) how is this appropriate to the millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet, going bankrupt and losing their homes to foreclosure?

  2. McCain’s speech also followed the NFL opening night. I am sure that added some viewership as well as people wanting to see just what would say. If he could possibly be more entertaining than his sidekick Palin.

  3. Thank God not all America is on the groupie train of Obama. Ragina looks desperate.

  4. Rob, Regina:
    Typical liberal SOUR GRAPES! Go McCain/Palin!!!!

  5. Why did not BET and TV One carry the McCain speech? Some one might think that they were prejudice.

  6. What has Obama done? What has he accomplished? He’s a great orator, being fed speeches by someone else…I don’t trust him. I don’t get a sense of convictions from him. Both of them promise change – nothing ever really changes.
    If Cindy wants to pay $200K for an outfit, its her money, let her do what she wants.
    Speaking of voting records… what does ‘Present’ mean? Is that Obama just being political and lacking guts to take a stand? As a president, he would have to make decisions. He ain’t the guy. Be careful of a guy, with no experience, walking in during difficult times claiming he will bring positive ‘change’.
    Go McCain/Palin

  7. Will you “voted with Bush 90% of the time” morons let it go. Most of the votes in the Senate are unanimous. That means everyone votes yes and mostly to honor someone or some event instead of doing real business. Can’t you liberals be honest for once in your life or can you only read democratic talking points? McCain is not Bush. Part of that is good, part is bad.

  8. Thank God we live in a free country where the Media is not controlled by the Liberal fascists who are pushing their socialist dogma on our people.
    McCain taught me a lot about himself. I was very touched by his personal transformation and dedication to duty to his country.
    Obama’s Slobbering Liberoid Democrat Media Whores must be floundering in an orgy of hate and frustration that the people were allowed to hear McCain and Palin.

  9. Rob,
    Please move to Europe where you belong. This is not an attack, its just where you will feel comfortable living in a socialist State.
    The facts will be borne out on November 4, Obama is an empty suit with a dislike for America, much like you.
    Bye bye

  10. I liked McCain’s speech. It gave me hope and it gave me respect for a leader. Obama reminds me of a used car salesman – I don’t trust him, nor does he have anything to say that is going to make America better. It’s all the same old bull.
    I am also tired of the lame attacks on Bush. So he is not the greatest speaker to ever be president. Beyond that, he has done a lot. He stopped the Islamic terrorists in their tracks with minimal loss of American lives (more Americans were killed in Chicago this summer than in Iraq). He grew the economy at a tremendous rate, despite a temporary set back due to loans made to people who now can’t repay them. During his tenure, the stock market recovered from huge losses, workers became much more productive, and average income rose. The US continues to have the lowest unemployment, highest income, best services, and most freedom of any sizable country in the world. And, by the way we also have the lowest cost energy, and we enjoy the most energy. That doesn’t just happen.
    People all over the world want to come here, but I see very few leaving. If we want change, we better consider that we are already on top. Change may cause us to go the wrong way.

  11. After watching McCain & Paulin speak you have to ask how would anyone even consider a vote for NoBama.
    The choice could not be any clearer.
    McCain, a moderate conservative patriot and war hero. Defender of low taxes and pork barrel spending.Defender of the constitution.
    OBama, a Liberal Socialist Democrat.Raise taxes everywhere.He is the recasting of the worst of Jimmy Carter & Ted kennedy. Remember his relations with the racist Reverend Wright, Key Saudi advisors who mentored the founders of the black panthers,crooked real estate deal with criminal Rezko,Ayers a founder of the weathermen.He has strong relations with many domestic terrorists.They all want to take it all down man. Is this what we want in a president?
    The choice could not be clearer.
    Vote McCain

  12. Its not about me, so don’t get personal and no sour grapes. Is it possible for so-called GOPers to actually stick to the subject matter?
    I actually voted Republican for many years beginning with Reagan. Current administration failures turned my stomach and changed my vote card. GOP of old is not the GOP now. McCain of old is not the McCain of now.

  13. The foolishness of the American people is staggering, we’ve been abused by this administration for 8 years and there are actually idiots out there who are begging for more.

  14. It doesn’t surprise me at all – noone can turn away from a trainwreck! I had no interest in this political race until McCain picked Palin. I was so shocked by that ridiculous choice that I’m now obsessed with this political race. The Palin choice inspired me to get out and vote for Obama. It scares me to think that someone as unqualified as Palin is a heartbeat away from the presidency. It’s stunning!

  15. And he did not even need to build a greek temple to himself in order to get people to watch him.
    McCain/Palin in 08

  16. I am a VietNam vet. How do who think I will vote?
    I can assure you it will NOT be for a socialist.

  17. Barack was viewed by 38 million tv’s , had 84,000 people in Mile High stadium,not to mention the fact that there were far more watch parties so people need to stop acting as if McCain even holds a candle to Barack.

  18. To Regina and others that share her views.
    Two less networks and still had more viewers. Even if the NFL gave way to more viewers that would equal out the other two channels who refused to be democratic (not really). Why is that?
    Our Ticket: 76 Million
    Your Ticket: 63 Million
    Lets make a hypothesis: 120 Millions votes during the last election.
    139 Million watched the Candidates.
    Now, we can assume 1/3 of the voters who watched were curious voters of the other party. That would still give Our Ticket the edge.
    Hypothesis will be proved valid or invalid on November 4, 2008.
    Stay Tuned….

  19. This whole thing about “90% of the time” — such a joke and gives the wrong impression and is spread only by those who don’t know how Congress works. Beyond the few major bills, votes are for small things that usually win unanimous passage, such as something like making some date known as “grapefruit growers’ day” or something like that. If you actually check voting records, you’ll find that there are VERY FEW voting variances amonth even the most liberal and most conservative Congresspeople and this is due to such votes.
    Now, why would ANYONE support Obama? What do you thnk you deserve to receive from your government? Why do you think you’re entitled to someone else’s money or property? Why do you think you have a “right” to college or health care or whatever else you’d like to have? Why do you want to demonize successful, productive, wealthy people and companies who employe me and everyone else in America who does not work for the government? Guess what! My cousin who owns a business and employees some 25 lower-wage workers is already planning his lay-off strategy if Obama wins and raises the taxes he and his business will pay. But this is supposed to help low-income people? All Obama does is offer us targets and tell us who we should hate: oil companies, pahrmaceutical companies, anyone earning more than $125,000 per year — all evil — they have to go. Yep, we’ll stregnthn the weak simply by weakening the strong. This reasoning is simpply pathological. And I write not as a rich man, but rather as the son of a public schoolteacher who grew up poor and who has personally gone broke several times before achieving some degree of success — but I never had my hand out, nor did i ever think that someone who had more than me somehow owed me some of what he had.

  20. McCain/Palin – “change” will help to restore the nonsensical activities of the Democrat do-nothing led congress.
    Obama/Biden – “change” will turn the country into a socialistic state (the first step towards the ultimate goal of an Orwellian described society).
    Let’s “hope” the former and not the latter.
    ps – hearing Obama always using the word “change” tends to remind me of a South Park episode where all the homeless showed up and harassed the residents, with their hands out and continuously asking for “change”.

  21. Everyone needs to remember that the economy has been under a republican admin, BUT a democratic majority…don’t place the entire burden of the economy on Bush. It’s as ridiculous as those who blamed Bush for destrucitve hurricanes!
    McCain will be the best for this next four years, not only for the economy, but more importantly to keep us safe. I trust his experience, judgement and value system over Obama and his sidekick.

  22. Hi everyone. I’ve never really been attached to any one particular party. I’ve voted independed the last couple of elections.
    I must say that I am totally freaked out by Obama. The mere thought of putting someone with such liberal leanings in the White House gives me cold chills.
    John McCain is a hero, like him or not. He has served our country well, and will continue to do so when he becomes president.
    It seems like everywhere I look, the liberals are screaming that “the ratings for john mccain are fake” and “there is no way more people watched mccain than obama”. Well, folks, it was only a matter of time before folks started realizing what Mr. Obama really is… a fantastic speaker, with tons of charisma… unfortunately, he has no experience, and no business in the White House.

  23. What? BET and TV One would not cover McCain’s speech but they did cover Obama’s. And now Oprah, who had Obama on her show, refuses to have either McCain or Palin on? Look, I am thrilled a minority is on the ticket, but how can this be perceived as not racist?

  24. Even with these numbers, the Democratic/Socialist Party will be shocked when the McCain/Palin ticket wins in November.
    They will be wringing their hands, gnashing their teeth and wailing that their MESSIAH didn’t win!
    They will start accusing the Repubs of cheating even before the election just so they can have it in everyones mind. Remember, when Dems/Socialists can’t win, they will cheat with dead people, multiple ballots and illegal aliens.

  25. Let us examine the record carefully:
    Democrats took over both houses of congress on November 06/Jan 07 and promised many changes…….what did the American public get from the “Pelosi change agents”??
    Record foreclosures, credit market meltdowns and a surge in Iraq that has turned one war around (despite constant liberal media criticism that hammered the war when it was going bad, but now scarcely covers its remarkable success) with no support from the change agents including scathing criticism from the Obamassiah…….oh yes we did get stimulus checks of $800?? Who the heck is going to pay for that…………..the chinese? More liberal financial voodoo!!
    Democrats have proven over the decades to be ultra weak on national security (first world Trade Center bombing was a police issue not a national security concern?), terrible managers of the budget (Bush was no better although he did have to fight several wars and inherited a tech market melt down) abdicate personal irresponsibility at most turns and now nominate a candidate that is “achievement free” but does have great oratory skills………the most inexperienced and resume-vacant candidate of the last century….
    Socialistic policies have failed the world over for centuries, yet that is exactly what the democrat party espouses more and more in recent years.
    I agree, wake up and smell the coffee, the problems are real and not for the feint hearted. The republicans have their flaws as well, but at least they lead, not use platitudes and psycho-babble to deal with the issues.

  26. Why don’t they count PBS? They had wall to wall prime time coverage of both conventions — the best coverage of all channels. By not counting PBS they are missing the political junkies like me.

  27. I like McCain’s speech more than Messiah Obama. Am glad that McCain’s viewership broke Obama because Obama had the audacity to schedule his interview with O’Reily on the same night. I am appalled that the democrats had tried to ruin the convention. I do not recall any demostrations or disruptions by republican during the DNC convention. Also, McCain did not have any interviewed scheduled Obama’s speech. McCain actually congratulated Obama on this nomination, did anyone hear Obama congratulating McCain? All I’ve heard coming out of Obama’s mounth is bitterness. What a contrast between Obama and McCain. As for Obama raising $10 mil on the night Palin gave her speech, it just go to show that Obama’s people are running scare(I bet most of the money probably came from Mike Moore and Obama’s hollywood worshippers).

  28. VF doesn’t know what Cindy McCain paid for her clothes … maybe she got it all on sale!!!
    BO’s tax cut … find out how many actually pay taxes in the bracket he’s going to give the cuts to!!!
    Sarah Palin doesn’t need to go on Oprah! I like Oprah but she is not a political analyst. If Sarah wants to go on TV there are plenty of programs that would WELCOME her!
    JM vs. BO on speaking … what you can actually do is a lot more important than how you can list all the talking points!
    BO is impressive and will be interesting to watch his development in the future but with all at stake now is not the time. He needs to build his resume!!!!

  29. Have you ever seen the Media, Hollywood or any Party, so AFRAID of a candidate as they are of Sarah Palin. There is a good reason for it, they like their corruption the way it is….
    Here is an idea, why doesn’t someone ask Ophra how many homes she owns, along with all the others FUNDING Obama’s campaign. Do you REALLY want Hollywood and the Media running this country?????

  30. Liberals will be blubering this weekend at their cocktail parties!
    Change to Zero 0bama means is what will be left in your pocket when he raises our taxes.

  31. Regina and Rob,
    Get back to MoveOn.org where you belong!!!
    Osama…oops, I mean Obama is just another socialist and is not fit to polish McCain’s shoes. As a veteran of 2 wars myself, I can assure you that a “community organizer/law professor” who has never taken a real risk in his life be given the reigns of the most powerful military in the world would be a disaster. Stop drinking the Koolade!
    Oh, the horrors of the last 8 years…no follow-up attack on U.S. shores, terrorists fleeing (or dead) in Iraq as your read this, a country that still offers the greatest opportunity from the perspective of liberty and economic freedom. It is obvious that both of you (like your boy, Obama)have never put anything on-the-line for your country other that your lips. GO McCAIN!!! GO PALIN!!! P.S. It is also notable that Iranian TV pundits have strongly supported Obama in programming this week…

  32. America’s promise is that all have an inaliable right to pursue happiness.
    We DO NOT have a right to happiness, but only a right to PURSUE happiness.
    Struggling to make ends meet has been done for generations. Are we now to require that our government ensure that no one struggles? that no one loses? That no one suffers?
    And, of course, every time you hear someone say “the givernment”, please remember that they mean YOU AND ME. When you hear about what the “government” will do for us and give us and provide us and prepare for us and fix for us and save for us and pay for us, remember that the “government” is YOU AND ME and it is YOU AND I who will pay.
    I’ve come within pennies of homelessness. I’ve gone without health insurance. I struggle now, one one income, to support my family of five and make my mortgage payments — and I have a very expensive family situation because I pay a lot of money for special therpaies for my two autistic children. I also take in special-needs foster children who need care — because most don’t want them; I’m weeks from adopting a “crack baby” that I received fresh out of detox, 10 days old — he turned two last week.
    Obama folks: don’t get led down the path of hate — of having to have targets to blame for your own lack of what you want or even what you need. Stop feeling that you somehow derserve part of what others have or have earned. Don’t hate. If you see someone who has more than you, who has what you want or need, then discover what that person did to obtain those things and then set about doing it yourself. But don’t think you’re entitled to what they have simply because they have it and you don’t.
    Do you really think raising taxes on oil companies will lower the price of gasoline? Do you really think that punishing pharmaceutical companies will encourage further innovations in medicine?
    Should the government gurantee that anyone who ever buys a home never loses it? What about cars? Investments? Should we then simply make it a law that no one is allowed to lose ANYTHNG?
    The day we outlaw losing, no one will ever again win. Imagine a sports game where losing was not allowed — that also necessitates that winning isn’t possible either. And thwn there can be no loser and no winner, there can only be a TIE. and what is a tie? It’s every the same; it’s a lot of effort into the game with no reward for playing any better than anyone else. And that is called communism.

  33. Amen to you Blork. That is what conservatism is
    all about. Go Palin/McCain

  34. Republicans have better decorators. That whole Greek temple thing . . . so over the top unless you’re Greek. And Obama had his suck-fest in a stadium. It was like he was going to drag Christians in for the lions to devour.
    But Obama waited to unleash the lions so he could devour a decent woman’s family. Don’t tell me his surrogates don’t have anything to do with the white-trashing of Sarah–with the Messiah’s blessing.
    May be queer. Just not stupid.

  35. There is huge contrast between McCain and Obama:
    1. McCain congratulated Obama on his nomination after the DNC. Obama scheduled an interview on the day McCain gave his acceptance speech.
    2. McCain picked an outsider for his VP, a woman at that. Obama want change but picked some one from Washington. Who actually went for change?
    3. Cindy McCain is a humanitarian, learned a lot about her last night. Michelle Obama’s job is to push poor people out of the hospital because they don’t have insurance.
    4. Palin’s son joins the Army. Biden’s son is on trail in NY for fraud (you don’t hear the media reporting on this either)
    Need I go on? If you can see it now, then move to Europe.

  36. Obama is now saying that the surge was an “overwhelming success” (caught a bit of Part 1 of the O’Reilly interview last night). As recently as his World Tour, he was calling it a failure.
    When he spoke with O’Reilly last night, he was trying to explain this away by saying that the surge “worked in ways that no one expected, not even George Bush”. Remember that Obama said, before the surge deployment, that it didn’t matter how many troops we sent over, the surge would not work, period.
    He also said that he has been consistent about declaring Iran to be a serious threat to us. That is, of course, except when he ridiculed the concept of Iran being a threat, because “you know, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, those are small countries. We handled the Soviet Union, we don’t need to be afraid of small countries like this”.
    His ability to change his mind (which is OK when facts change), but then to pretend as if he had ALWAYS felt that way, is amazing.
    Used-car salesman, indeed.
    And as far as “Sara-cuda” goes, her attacks on Obama are simply responses to him and his people making fun of her job as “small-town mayor”, making fun of her joining the PTA, Obama himself referring to her town as “Wasilly” instead of “Wasilla” (you can believe it was an accident if you wish, I don’t). So go, Sarah, Kick Butt.
    Of course, I don’t know what all this has to do with McCain drawing a larger audience than Obama, but it was interesting at least.

  37. Last I checked free speech is still free in America (even though Bush has been working to change that fact) and as far as I know this website is not solely a republican sounding board. For those of you criticizing someone that has posted on this website and their view happens to be critid=cal of McCain/Palin – quite frankly go to hell.
    Another thing that makes my skin crawl is the fact that some of you cannot form an argument without character bashing someone that has posted a comment. This only weakens your argument and proves that you are a stereotypical idiot.
    Anyone who cares to venture from the flock and not be a follower but a free thinker then I challenge you to do a little research on what Palin claims, i.e. that of reformer and that is she is an opponent of pork barrel spending. I would offer links however I’m sure the response would be oh this person is one sided or that the media is left wing biased or that I’m an Obamabot or whatever catch phrase you sheep are using these days. Does anyone know what Palin really stands for or are you just going to take the word of someone that was essentially introduced to the nation 3 days ago?

  38. The repubs know how to fix one thing and that is elections
    You can’t deny the truth

  39. My husband and I are going to vote for McCain and Palin. Do what is best for our country and vote for them too! McCain will keep our country safe and we can trust him STAND UP AND DO THE RIGHT THING AND VOTE FOR JOHN and SARA

  40. My husband and I are going to vote for McCain and Palin. Do what is best for our country and vote for them too! McCain will keep our country safe and we can trust him STAND UP AND DO THE RIGHT THING AND VOTE FOR JOHN and SARA

  41. The Hero not the Zero.

  42. I wish people would see beyond just the fact that Senator McCain was a decorated war POW but look to what he has shown he stands for: Integrity, love of God, Country, and fellow man. He has seen and does see the dangers we will face in the future and has the good judgment and wisdom to respond in a manner that is good for our country! If you think that the rights you have to go to the grocery store when you please and buy the foods you want when you please and have the freedom of speech you have and the list goes on, comes free, you are very misled. If you believe obama is going to write you a blank check to take care of all your financial woes, pay your medical bills, and it all is going to come out of the pockets of the rich or raising taxes on business’s is going to help you, think again. That is a fantasy. If you shop at a business, and you don’t think the cost of those added taxations do not affect you, I would suggest you look again. The list goes on and on but I am very disapointed in the people of this country that it is all about them and what the government can do for them. We have men and women who VOLUNTEERED to fight this and other wars so we can continue to have these freedoms. If you do not think that we are hated for what we have and because we believe in the true God that created this earth and that the alkaida and other such people do not want us dead and will do anything they can to accomplish it, I feel very sorry for your ignorance. This should not be a mud slinging contest. We are fighting for what is best for the United States of America not because you are a democrat or republican. Other countries especially those that hate us must just look and laugh at how we do not appreciate what we have and so many that are fighting one another with words of accusation and disdane becuase of a party in such underhanded ways! Heck, if they wait long enough, we will detroy ourselves 🙁

  43. Apparently character bashing is free speech as well. Isn’t there an expression that goes something like “nothing makes a person madder than when they are proven wrong” I don’t know the exact, but it is true.
    Has anyone googled Saul Alinsky?

  44. Did I just read someone criticize Palins experience? And they left out Obama? No way! Must have been a mistake…let me recheck…
    “It doesn’t surprise me at all – noone can turn away from a trainwreck! I had no interest in this political race until McCain picked Palin. I was so shocked by that ridiculous choice that I’m now obsessed with this political race. The Palin choice inspired me to get out and vote for Obama. It scares me to think that someone as unqualified as Palin is a heartbeat away from the presidency. It’s stunning!
    Posted by James | September 5, 2008 1:23 PM ”
    Yep…stunning…simply stunning. You think you could at least be non-biased. I guess when you watch MSM all day, you think you are non-biased.
    I still haven’t decided if Palin in there will do it for me voting Republican. I dislike McCain enough, but I will wait and see.

  45. One thing the liberals won’t be able to escape is the viewers per channel. Ill whip some out for you liberals on here.
    “FOX News had 9.2 million viewers for McCain’s speech, followed by NBC — which aired the football game — at 8.7 million.”
    Palin’s speech had an even larger deficit.
    “Meanwhile, FOX News’ coverage of Tuesday’s speeches surpassed all others, broadcast or cable, according to Nielsen, with 6.2 million viewers in the 10 p.m. ET hour. That was more than NBC, which averaged 4.5 million viewers; CNN, which averaged 3.2 million viewers; ABC with 3.1 million viewers; CBS with 2.9 million and MSNBC with 1.6 million viewers for its 10 p.m. coverage on Tuesday.”

  46. btw…message to all you conservatives on here…check out townhall.com
    The site can be slow sometimes, but I think it one of the best places for conservatives to blog.

  47. McCain\Palin = American People
    Obama = Marxist
    Wake Up America!

  48. CKHustler – Censorship not working?

  49. Mike at 3:16pm posted – “Another thing that makes my skin crawl is the fact that some of you cannot form an argument without character bashing someone that has posted a comment. This only weakens your argument and proves that you are a stereotypical idiot.”
    So Mike – “….stereotypical idiot.”, somehow that isn’t character bashing? ha ha LMAO
    Morph at 5:09pm posted “The repubs know how to fix one thing and that is elections.”
    Hey Morph, where do you think the phrase “vote early and vote often came from?” (The phrase is sort of the wink, wink, nod understanding of the MOTHER of political corruptness.) Well, it came out of the most corrupt political system in the country. Chicago – Now where was it that Obama was a community organizer??

  50. McCain/Palin – “change” will help to restore the nonsensical activities of the Democrat do-nothing led congress.
    Obama/Biden – “change” will turn the country into a socialistic state (the first step towards the ultimate goal of an Orwellian described society).
    Let’s “hope” the former and not the latter.
    ps – hearing Obama always using the word “change” tends to remind me of a South Park episode where all the homeless showed up and harassed the residents, with their hands out and continuously asking for “change”.

  51. ROB typifies some, but hopefully not most, dumb Americans. You say McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, and blame things on Bush.
    But Obama voted with the Democrat controlled Congress 97% of the time!
    A Congress with a 19% approval rating, far lower than Bush’s, that has overseen things such as 55% hike in gas price in 2007, and near 50% hike in 2008, while going on vacation.

  52. I don’t want a preacher for president. Give me a straight talker any time.

  53. I just Pray that a man named OBAMMA never ever holds the President’s office. The man wants change, we all do. Sarah is a breath of fresh air. Unlike Obamma’s running mate….Vote McCain!

  54. The tidal wave from McCain/Palin and the Republican convention has capsized the Poseidon and Obama’s cruise to the Presidency. The Democrats’ ship is upside down and they are in a panic trying to save themselves. The Poseidon’s helmsman and Obama king maker, David Axelrod, has reacted quickly. Until the tidal wave hit, he had masterfully created and packaged Obama based on image and charisma, avoiding issues. Now, Axelrod tries to change course 180 degrees claiming the campaign is about issues and not image. Too bad (for the Dems) the Poseidon is still upside down with The Chosen One gasping for air, looking for a way out.

  55. Geez…Repubs grasp at anything. Palin reads a speech written for her ONCE and all of a sudden, she’s a viable candidate as VP. McSame gives the most boring speech since Stephen Hawking and this 72-year old gives “hope” (Obama buzz word) for “change” (Obama buzz word) to his base who choose to ignore their support for the current sitting President (of whom I’m sure most of you voted for).
    Point blank: Americans are stupid and McSame and his Beauty Queen know it. Repubs will fall for anything twice and once more for good measure. If McCain gets in, then I hope you’re ready to move to India…’cause that’s where your jobs will be. Ha! Oh yeah…My next door neighbor is a mother of 3. She’s now qualified to run as a Republican President!

  56. I heard that Telemundo and Univision did not carry the Palin speech and there is a report that they did not carry the McCain speech. Yet, they covered the Democratic convention. NBC owns Telemundo, which may explain the bias. There also is a report that MSNBC gave credentials to the protesters at the Republican convention. Wow, does NBC have a dog in this hunt or not?
    Overall, there were four less networks that carried the Republican convention, showing an obvious bias among the elites. Of course, common folks see what the elites are doing, although they think we are all dumb.
    Also, Bill Maher savaged McCain, but he is coming out with a movie next month that savages the Catholic Church and Protestants, so it is not surprising.

  57. Wow, I just read the poster who called Palin a beauty queen and that his neighbor has 3 kids so she is now qualified for President. This is just the kind of sexist, vicious attacks that have mobilized the Republicans beyond measure. The election was over and Obama had won until people like this poster decided a Governor, Mayor, head of the Energy Commission was just a “stewardness” (Bill Maher’s words, after he mocked her Down Syndrome child) and that someone with a pregnant teenager should stay home and take care of her daughter (Obama’s fundraiser). Don’t they see that double standard and vicious attacks have totally reinvigorated this party? This is what happened in 2004 — the savage attacks against Bush was a flame in people’s hearts that did not come out until it was time to vote.

  58. “Palin reads a speech written for her ONCE”
    The teleprompter broke, and thus she did not read the speech, she gave the speech. People could not figure out why she deviated from the speech until they realized the problem. And, Obama’s speeches are written for him by one of the best speechwriters. So this is a real bogus and strange argument.
    The hatred for Palin has completely invigorated the Republican Party. Even the hatred for a true hero like McCain is just riling up those who didn’t even want to vote for him, because he is so liberal. Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter despised him, and Coulter said she would vote for Hillary before McCain. Now, with these attacks, even the conservative, McCain-despising base is fired up. Now we have a key Obama fundraiser saying that Palin is putting “career before family.” WHAT?

  59. I can if most people were like me they turned it on…heard nothing got board and turned it off…

  60. If you think Sarah Palin will reduce the size of government and cut spending, perhaps you should read Anne Kilkenny’s letter.
    She sounds as if she will continue the current administration’s deficit spending and regressive taxation with tax breaks for the people like her and the McCains–the wealthy. The rest of us can hang on to our bootstraps and try to weather worse times to come while sending our children into war after war after war.

  61. Poor Barack… He may have to “dumb” his campaign down a bit because some people are just ignorant and stupid. Republicans seem to shy away from details and logic. They prefer simple answers, yes or no, black or white, you’re with us or against type of responses. That’s why McCain and Palin are still giving the same old tired speeches from the RNC!

  62. Desperation is a stinky cologne.

  63. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

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  65. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  66. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  67. Thanks for posting this. Would be intrested to read more or possibly please contact me by email thank you!

  68. if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

  69. Excellent job.

  70. Wonderful to read!

  71. Informative writing! Any predictions that you maybe willing to share in order to illustrate your second point a bit further? nice one

  72. Great post!

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  75. Rooney, 24, apparently slept with 21-year-old Jennifer Thompson, who bills £1,200 a night, seven times in four months. They had sex in one of Manchester’s most unique hotels, and frequented discos and gambling establishments together. That is a lot to spend no? lolalana

  76. In related news, Tiger Woods stars in a movie called “My Favorite 18 Holes.” It turns out it’s actually about golf.

  77. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  78. This was a great article, I cant wait to tell my friends about it.

  79. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  80. Very informative, thanks for clearing up some issues for me! 🙂

  81. Both Barack obama and Ahmadinejad are inundated with uppity peasants. The president with this Tea Party. Ahmadinejad with the Green Revolution that’s absurd.

  82. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  83. To be honest partly agree on what’s been said, it does seem to be correct. I guess it all depends on ones perception and point of view. I enjoy reading this blog very much.

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  90. Ronald Reagan…One of my favorite quotes: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

  91. Ronald Reagan…One of my favorite quotes: Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.

  92. Ronald Reagan…One of my favorite quotes: All great change in America begins at the dinner table.

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